コード例 #1
 def reduce_mul(x):
     bid_len = tf.cast(x[self.MAX_SEQ_LEN], dtype=tf.int32)
     market_len = tf.cast(x[self.MAX_SEQ_LEN + 1], dtype=tf.int32)
     survival_rate_last_one = tf.reduce_prod(x[0:bid_len])
     anlp_rate_last_one = tf.reduce_prod(x[0:market_len + 1])
     anlp_rate_last_two = tf.reduce_prod(x[0:market_len])
     ret = tf.stack([
         survival_rate_last_one, anlp_rate_last_one, anlp_rate_last_two
     return ret
コード例 #2
def compute_cv(vc, iteration):
    cv_list = []
    prod_list = []
    min_list = []

        vc = tf.clip_by_value(vc, -10, 10)
        tanh_vc = tf.tanh(vc / 2.0)
    edge_order = []
    for i in range(0, m):  # for each check node c
        for j in range(0, chk_degrees[i]):
            # edge = u[i][j]
            extrinsic_edges = []
            for jj in range(0, chk_degrees[i]):
                if jj != j:
            if SUM_PRODUCT:
                temp = tf.gather(tanh_vc, extrinsic_edges)
                temp = tf.reduce_prod(temp, 0)
                temp = tf.log((1 + temp) / (1 - temp))
            if MIN_SUM:
                temp = tf.gather(vc, extrinsic_edges)
                temp1 = tf.reduce_prod(tf.sign(temp), 0)
                temp2 = tf.reduce_min(tf.abs(temp), 0)

        cv = tf.stack(cv_list)
    if MIN_SUM:
        prods = tf.stack(prod_list)
        mins = tf.stack(min_list)
        if decoder.decoder_type == "RNOMS":
            # offsets = tf.nn.softplus(decoder.B_cv)
            # mins = tf.nn.relu(mins - tf.tile(tf.reshape(offsets,[-1,1]),[1,batch_size]))
            mins = tf.nn.relu(mins - decoder.B_cv)
        elif decoder.decoder_type == "FNOMS":
            offsets = tf.nn.softplus(decoder.B_cv[iteration])
            mins = tf.nn.relu(mins - tf.tile(tf.reshape(offsets, [-1, 1]), [1, batch_size]))
        cv = prods * mins

    new_order = np.zeros(num_edges).astype(np.int)
    new_order[edge_order] = np.array(range(0, num_edges)).astype(np.int)
    cv = tf.gather(cv, new_order)

    if decoder.decoder_type == "RNSPA" or decoder.decoder_type == "RNNMS":
        cv = cv * tf.tile(tf.reshape(decoder.W_cv, [-1, 1]), [1, batch_size])
    elif decoder.decoder_type == "FNSPA" or decoder.decoder_type == "FNNMS":
        cv = cv * tf.tile(tf.reshape(decoder.W_cv[iteration], [-1, 1]), [1, batch_size])
    return cv
コード例 #3
def _create_var(name: str, value_expr: TfExpression) -> TfExpression:
    """Internal helper for creating autosummary accumulators."""
    assert not _finalized
    name_id = name.replace("/", "_")
    v = tf.cast(value_expr, _dtype)

    if v.shape.is_fully_defined():
        size = np.prod(v.shape.as_list())
        size_expr = tf.constant(size, dtype=_dtype)
        size = None
        size_expr = tf.reduce_prod(tf.cast(tf.shape(v), _dtype))

    if size == 1:
        if v.shape.ndims != 0:
            v = tf.reshape(v, [])
        v = [size_expr, v, tf.square(v)]
        v = [size_expr, tf.reduce_sum(v), tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(v))]
    v = tf.cond(tf.is_finite(v[1]), lambda: tf.stack(v),
                lambda: tf.zeros(3, dtype=_dtype))

    with tfutil.absolute_name_scope("Autosummary/" +
                                    name_id), tf.control_dependencies(None):
        var = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(3, dtype=_dtype),
                          trainable=False)  # [sum(1), sum(x), sum(x**2)]
    update_op = tf.cond(tf.is_variable_initialized(var),
                        lambda: tf.assign_add(var, v),
                        lambda: tf.assign(var, v))

    if name in _vars:
        _vars[name] = [var]
    return update_op
コード例 #4
def expand_first_dimension(inputs, dims):
    """Expands `K-d` tensor along first dimension to be a `(K+n-1)-d` tensor.

  Converts `inputs` with shape [D0, D1, ..., D(K-1)] into a tensor of shape
  [dims[0], dims[1], ..., dims[-1], D1, ..., D(k-1)].

  `inputs` is a tensor with shape [50, 20, 20, 3].
  new_tensor = expand_first_dimension(inputs, [10, 5]).
  new_tensor.shape -> [10, 5, 20, 20, 3].

    inputs: a tensor with shape [D0, D1, ..., D(K-1)].
    dims: List with new dimensions to expand first axis into. The length of
      `dims` is typically 2 or larger.

    a tensor with shape [dims[0], dims[1], ..., dims[-1], D1, ..., D(k-1)].
    inputs_shape = combined_static_and_dynamic_shape(inputs)
    expanded_shape = tf.stack(dims + inputs_shape[1:])

    # Verify that it is possible to expand the first axis of inputs.
    assert_op = tf.assert_equal(
            'First dimension of `inputs` cannot be expanded into provided '

    with tf.control_dependencies([assert_op]):
        inputs_reshaped = tf.reshape(inputs, expanded_shape)

    return inputs_reshaped
コード例 #5
def flatten(index, name='segmented_flatten'):
    """Flattens a batched index map to a 1d index map.

  This operation relabels the segments to keep batch elements distinct. The k-th
  batch element will have indices shifted by `num_segments` * (k - 1). The
  result is a tensor with `num_segments` multiplied by the number of elements
  in the batch.

    index: IndexMap to flatten.
    name: Name for the TensorFlow operation.

    The flattened IndexMap.
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        batch_size = tf.reduce_prod(index.batch_shape())
        offset = tf.range(batch_size) * index.num_segments
        offset = tf.reshape(offset, index.batch_shape())
        for _ in range(index.batch_dims, index.indices.shape.rank):
            offset = tf.expand_dims(offset, -1)

        indices = offset + index.indices
        return IndexMap(indices=tf.reshape(indices, [-1]),
                        num_segments=index.num_segments * batch_size,
    def __init__(self, regularizers_to_group):
        """Creates an instance.

      regularizers_to_group: A list of generic_regularizers.OpRegularizer
        objects. Their regularization_vector (alive_vector) are expected to be
        of the same length. These are expected to be probabilistic regularizers.
        Currently, the only supported OpRegularizer is ProbGatingRegularizer.

      ValueError: regularizers_to_group is not of length at least 2.
        if len(regularizers_to_group) < 2:
            raise ValueError('Groups must be of at least size 2.')

        regularization_vectors = []
        alive_vectors = []
        for reg in regularizers_to_group:
            if not hasattr(reg,
                           'is_probabilistic') or not reg.is_probabilistic:
                raise ValueError('Regularizer is not probabilistic.')
                tf.reshape(reg.regularization_vector, [1, -1]))
            alive_vectors.append(tf.reshape(reg.alive_vector, [1, -1]))

        regularization_vectors = tf.concat(regularization_vectors, axis=0)
        alive_vectors = tf.concat(alive_vectors, axis=0)

        # The probability that at least one of the channels is alive:
        # 1 - \prod_i{1 - p_i}.
        self._regularization_vector = 1.0 - tf.reduce_prod(
            1.0 - regularization_vectors, axis=0)
        self._alive_vector = tf.reduce_any(alive_vectors, axis=0)
コード例 #7
def bilinear_wrapper(imgs, coords):
    """Wrapper around bilinear sampling function, handles arbitrary input sizes.

    imgs: are [B,H,W,C]
    coords: [B,H,W,2] indicating the source pixels to copy from
    [B,H,W,C] images after bilinear sampling from input.
    # the bilinear sampling code only handles 4D input, so we'll need to reshape
    init_dims = tf.shape(imgs)[:-3]
    end_dims_img = tf.shape(imgs)[-3:]
    end_dims_coords = tf.shape(coords)[-3:]

    prod_init_dims = tf.reduce_prod(init_dims)

    imgs = tf.reshape(
        imgs, tf.concat([prod_init_dims[tf.newaxis], end_dims_img], axis=0))
    coords = tf.reshape(
        coords, tf.concat([prod_init_dims[tf.newaxis], end_dims_coords],
    imgs_sampled = contrib_resampler.resampler(imgs, coords)
    imgs_sampled = tf.reshape(
        tf.concat([init_dims, tf.shape(imgs_sampled)[-3:]], axis=0))
    return imgs_sampled
コード例 #8
    def train(self, opt):
        opt.num_source = opt.seq_length - 1
        # TODO: currently fixed to 4
        opt.num_scales = 4
        self.opt = opt
        with tf.name_scope("parameter_count"):
            parameter_count = tf.reduce_sum([tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(v)) \
                                            for v in tf.trainable_variables()])
        self.saver = tf.train.Saver([var for var in tf.model_variables()] + \
        sv = tf.train.Supervisor(logdir=opt.checkpoint_dir, 
        config = tf.ConfigProto()
        config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
        with sv.managed_session(config=config) as sess:
            print('Trainable variables: ')
            for var in tf.trainable_variables():
            print("parameter_count =", sess.run(parameter_count))
            if opt.continue_train:
                if opt.init_checkpoint_file is None:
                    checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(opt.checkpoint_dir)
                    checkpoint = opt.init_checkpoint_file
                print("Resume training from previous checkpoint: %s" % checkpoint)
                self.saver.restore(sess, checkpoint)
            start_time = time.time()
            for step in range(1, opt.max_steps):
                fetches = {
                    "train": self.train_op,
                    "global_step": self.global_step,
                    "incr_global_step": self.incr_global_step

                if step % opt.summary_freq == 0:
                    fetches["loss"] = self.total_loss
                    fetches["summary"] = sv.summary_op

                results = sess.run(fetches)
                gs = results["global_step"]

                if step % opt.summary_freq == 0:
                    sv.summary_writer.add_summary(results["summary"], gs)
                    train_epoch = math.ceil(gs / self.steps_per_epoch)
                    train_step = gs - (train_epoch - 1) * self.steps_per_epoch
                    print("Epoch: [%2d] [%5d/%5d] time: %4.4f/it loss: %.3f" \
                            % (train_epoch, train_step, self.steps_per_epoch, \
                                (time.time() - start_time)/opt.summary_freq, 
                    start_time = time.time()

                if step % opt.save_latest_freq == 0:
                    self.save(sess, opt.checkpoint_dir, 'latest')

                if step % self.steps_per_epoch == 0:
                    self.save(sess, opt.checkpoint_dir, gs)
コード例 #9
def estimate_entropy(entropy_model, inputs, spatial_shape=None) -> EntropyInfo:
    """Compresses `inputs` with the given entropy model and estimates entropy.

    entropy_model: An `EntropyModel` instance.
    inputs: The input tensor to be fed to the entropy model.
    spatial_shape: Shape of the input image (HxW). Must be provided for
      `valid == False`.

    The 'noisy' and quantized inputs, as well as differential and discrete
    entropy estimates, as an `EntropyInfo` named tuple.
    # We are summing over the log likelihood tensor, so we need to explicitly
    # divide by the batch size.
    batch = tf.cast(tf.shape(inputs)[0], tf.float32)

    # Divide by this to flip sign and convert from nats to bits.
    quotient = tf.constant(-np.log(2), dtype=tf.float32)

    num_pixels = tf.cast(tf.reduce_prod(spatial_shape), tf.float32)

    # Compute noisy outputs and estimate differential entropy.
    noisy, likelihood = entropy_model(inputs, training=True)
    log_likelihood = tf.log(likelihood)
    nbits = tf.reduce_sum(log_likelihood) / (quotient * batch)
    nbpp = nbits / num_pixels

    # Compute quantized outputs and estimate discrete entropy.
    quantized, likelihood = entropy_model(inputs, training=False)
    log_likelihood = tf.log(likelihood)
    qbits = tf.reduce_sum(log_likelihood) / (quotient * batch)
    qbpp = qbits / num_pixels

    return EntropyInfo(noisy, quantized, nbits, nbpp, qbits, qbpp)
コード例 #10
def expand_bit(tensor, axis, activate=True):
    """Given axis k, expand a tensor x of shape [d0, d1, ..., dk, ..., dn] to
     y of shape [d0, d1, ..., 2^dk, ..., dn] which satisfies
     all(reduce_sum(y, axis=k) == 1) is True
    # Sanity check
    assert isinstance(tensor, (tf.Tensor, tf.Variable))
    assert isinstance(axis, int) and axis < len(tensor.shape)
    shape = get_tensor_shape(tensor)
    n = shape[axis]

    # Activate tensor if necessary
    # TODO: temporally borrow hub.multiple as the multiplier
    if activate: tensor = tf.sigmoid(tensor * hub.sigmoid_coef)
    # Expand tensor to shape [d0, ..., dk-1,   1, n, ..., dn]
    a = tf.expand_dims(tensor, axis=axis)

    # Get waves of shape (2^n, n)
    waves = _get_waves(n)
    # Reshape waves to       [ 1, ...,    1, 2^n, n, ...,  1]
    new_shape = [1] * (len(shape) + 1)
    new_shape[axis:axis + 2] = (2**n, n)
    waves = tf.reshape(waves, new_shape)

    # Calculate bit max
    coef = tf.subtract(1., tf.multiply(2., a))
    y = tf.add(tf.multiply(coef, waves), a)
    y = tf.reduce_prod(y, axis=axis + 1)
    return y
コード例 #11
def fpn_feature_levels(num_levels, unit_scale_index, image_ratio, boxes):
  """Returns fpn feature level for each box based on its area.

  See section 4.2 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1612.03144.pdf for details.

    num_levels: An integer indicating the number of feature levels to crop boxes
    unit_scale_index: An 0-based integer indicating the index of feature map
      which most closely matches the resolution of the pretrained model.
    image_ratio: A float indicating the ratio of input image area to pretraining
      image area.
    boxes: A float tensor of shape [batch, num_boxes, 4] containing boxes of the
      form [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] in normalized coordinates.

    An int32 tensor of shape [batch_size, num_boxes] containing feature indices.
  assert num_levels > 0, (
      '`num_levels` must be > 0. Found {}'.format(num_levels))
  assert unit_scale_index < num_levels and unit_scale_index >= 0, (
      '`unit_scale_index` must be in [0, {}). Found {}.'.format(
          num_levels, unit_scale_index))
  box_height_width = boxes[:, :, 2:4] - boxes[:, :, 0:2]
  areas_sqrt = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_prod(box_height_width, axis=2))
  log_2 = tf.cast(tf.log(2.0), dtype=boxes.dtype)
  levels = tf.cast(
      tf.floordiv(tf.log(areas_sqrt * image_ratio), log_2)
  levels = tf.maximum(0, tf.minimum(num_levels - 1, levels))
  return levels
コード例 #12
def flatten_dimensions(inputs, first, last):
    """Flattens `K-d` tensor along [first, last) dimensions.

  Converts `inputs` with shape [D0, D1, ..., D(K-1)] into a tensor of shape
  [D0, D1, ..., D(first) * D(first+1) * ... * D(last-1), D(last), ..., D(K-1)].

  `inputs` is a tensor with initial shape [10, 5, 20, 20, 3].
  new_tensor = flatten_dimensions(inputs, first=1, last=3)
  new_tensor.shape -> [10, 100, 20, 3].

    inputs: a tensor with shape [D0, D1, ..., D(K-1)].
    first: first value for the range of dimensions to flatten.
    last: last value for the range of dimensions to flatten. Note that the last
      dimension itself is excluded.

    a tensor with shape
    [D0, D1, ..., D(first) * D(first + 1) * ... * D(last - 1), D(last), ...,

    ValueError: if first and last arguments are incorrect.
    if first >= inputs.shape.ndims or last > inputs.shape.ndims:
        raise ValueError(
            '`first` and `last` must be less than inputs.shape.ndims. '
            'found {} and {} respectively while ndims is {}'.format(
                first, last, inputs.shape.ndims))
    shape = combined_static_and_dynamic_shape(inputs)
    flattened_dim_prod = tf.reduce_prod(shape[first:last], keepdims=True)
    new_shape = tf.concat([shape[:first], flattened_dim_prod, shape[last:]],
    return tf.reshape(inputs, new_shape)
コード例 #13
def merge_leading_dims(array_or_tensor):
    Merge the first dimensions of a tensor.
        Either the input value converted to a Tensor, with the requested dimensions
        merged, or the unmodified input value if the input has less than `2` dimensions.
        ValueError: If the rank of `array_or_tensor` is not well-defined.
    tensor = array_or_tensor  #tf.convert_to_tensor(array_or_tensor)
    tensor_shape_static = tensor.get_shape()
    # Check if the rank of the input tensor is well-defined.
    if tensor_shape_static.dims is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Can't merge leading dimensions of tensor of unknown rank.")
    tensor_shape_list = tensor_shape_static.as_list()
    if tensor_shape_static.is_fully_defined():
        new_shape = ([np.prod(tensor_shape_list[:2])] + tensor_shape_list[2:])
        return tf.reshape(tensor, new_shape)
    # Shape can't be inferred statically.
    tensor_shape = tf.shape(tensor)
    new_first_dim = tf.reduce_prod(tensor_shape[:2], keepdims=True)
    other_dims = tensor_shape[2:]
    new_size = tf.concat([new_first_dim, other_dims], 0)
    result = tf.reshape(tensor, new_size)
    if all(value is not None for value in tensor_shape_list[:2]):
        merged_leading_size = np.prod(tensor_shape_list[:2])
        merged_leading_size = None
    result.set_shape([merged_leading_size] + tensor_shape_list[2:])
    return result
コード例 #14
ファイル: vars.py プロジェクト: Mesitis/luminoth
def variable_summaries(var, name, collection_key):
    """Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor (for TensorBoard visualization).

        - var: Tensor for variable from which we want to log.
        - name: Variable name.
        - collection_key: Collection to save the summary to, can be any key of
    if collection_key not in VAR_LOG_LEVELS.keys():
        raise ValueError('"{}" not in `VAR_LOG_LEVELS`'.format(collection_key))
    collections = VAR_LOG_LEVELS[collection_key]

    with tf.name_scope(name):
        mean = tf.reduce_mean(var)
        tf.summary.scalar("mean", mean, collections)
        num_params = tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(var))
        tf.summary.scalar("num_params", num_params, collections)
        with tf.name_scope("stddev"):
            stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean)))
        tf.summary.scalar("stddev", stddev, collections)
        tf.summary.scalar("max", tf.reduce_max(var), collections)
        tf.summary.scalar("min", tf.reduce_min(var), collections)
        tf.summary.histogram("histogram", var, collections)
        tf.summary.scalar("sparsity", tf.nn.zero_fraction(var), collections)
コード例 #15
def MS_SSIM2(img1,
             sigma=[0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8],
    if data_format is None:
        data_format = DATA_FORMAT
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'MS_SSIM2'):
        levels = len(sigma)
        mssim = []
        mcs = []
        for _ in range(levels):
            ssim, cs = SS_SSIM(img1,
            mssim.append(tf.nn.relu(ssim))  # avoiding negative value
            mcs.append(tf.nn.relu(cs))  # avoiding negative value
        # list to tensor of dim D+1
        mcs = tf.stack(mcs, axis=0)
        value = tf.reduce_prod(mcs[0:levels - 1], axis=0) * mssim[levels - 1]
        value = tf.reduce_mean(value)
        if norm: value **= 1.0 / levels
    return value
コード例 #16
    def __init__(self, M, L, N, name, load_weights, trainable, type, number):
        # Initial buffer
        self.buffer = list()
        self.name = name
        self.learning_rate = 10e-3
        self.number = str(number)
        self.type = type
        # Build up models
        self.sesson = tf.Session()

        # Initial input shape
        self.M = M
        self.L = L
        self.N = N
        self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)

        self.state, self.w_previous, self.out = self.build_net()
        self.future_price = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None] + [self.M])
        self.pv_vector = tf.reduce_sum(self.out * self.future_price,
                                       reduction_indices=[1]) * self.pc()
        self.profit = tf.reduce_prod(self.pv_vector)
        self.loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(self.pv_vector))
        self.optimize = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate).minimize(
            self.loss, global_step=self.global_step)

        # Initial saver
        self.saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=10)

        if load_weights == 'True':
            print("Loading Model")

                checkpoint = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state('./result/PG/' +
                                                           self.number + '/' +
                                                           'saved_network/' +
                                                           type + '/')
                print('./saved_network/PG/' + type + '/')
                if checkpoint and checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path:
                    print("Successfully loaded:",
                    print("Could not find old network weights")

                print("Could not find old network weights")

        if trainable == 'True':
            # Initial summary
            self.summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(
                './result/PG/' + self.number + '/' + 'summary/' + type + '/',
            self.summary_ops, self.summary_vars = self.build_summaries()
コード例 #17
def clip_eta(eta, ord, eps):
  Helper function to clip the perturbation to epsilon norm ball.
  :param eta: A tensor with the current perturbation.
  :param ord: Order of the norm (mimics Numpy).
              Possible values: np.inf, 1 or 2.
  :param eps: Epsilon, bound of the perturbation.

    # Clipping perturbation eta to self.ord norm ball
    if ord not in [np.inf, 1, 2]:
        raise ValueError('ord must be np.inf, 1, or 2.')
    reduc_ind = list(xrange(1, len(eta.get_shape())))
    avoid_zero_div = 1e-12
    if ord == np.inf:
        eta = clip_by_value(eta, -eps, eps)
    elif ord == 1:
        # Implements a projection algorithm onto the l1-ball from
        # (Duchi et al. 2008) that runs in time O(d*log(d)) where d is the
        # input dimension.
        # Paper link (Duchi et al. 2008): https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1390191

        eps = tf.cast(eps, eta.dtype)

        dim = tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(eta)[1:])
        eta_flat = tf.reshape(eta, (-1, dim))
        abs_eta = tf.abs(eta_flat)

        if 'sort' in dir(tf):
            mu = -tf.sort(-abs_eta, axis=-1)
            # `tf.sort` is only available in TF 1.13 onwards
            mu = tf.nn.top_k(abs_eta, k=dim, sorted=True)[0]
        cumsums = tf.cumsum(mu, axis=-1)
        js = tf.cast(tf.divide(1, tf.range(1, dim + 1)), eta.dtype)
        t = tf.cast(tf.greater(mu - js * (cumsums - eps), 0), eta.dtype)

        rho = tf.argmax(t * cumsums, axis=-1)
        rho_val = tf.reduce_max(t * cumsums, axis=-1)
        theta = tf.divide(rho_val - eps, tf.cast(1 + rho, eta.dtype))

        eta_sgn = tf.sign(eta_flat)
        eta_proj = eta_sgn * tf.maximum(abs_eta - theta[:, tf.newaxis], 0)
        eta_proj = tf.reshape(eta_proj, tf.shape(eta))

        norm = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(eta), reduc_ind)
        eta = tf.where(tf.greater(norm, eps), eta_proj, eta)

    elif ord == 2:
        # avoid_zero_div must go inside sqrt to avoid a divide by zero
        # in the gradient through this operation
        norm = tf.sqrt(
                       reduce_sum(tf.square(eta), reduc_ind, keepdims=True)))
        # We must *clip* to within the norm ball, not *normalize* onto the
        # surface of the ball
        factor = tf.minimum(1., div(eps, norm))
        eta = eta * factor
    return eta
コード例 #18
def reduce_logavgexp(input_tensor, axis=None, keepdims=None, name=None):
  dims = tf.shape(input_tensor)
  if axis is not None:
    dims = tf.gather(dims, axis)
  denominator = tf.reduce_prod(dims)
  return (tf.reduce_logsumexp(
      input_tensor, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, name=name) -
コード例 #19
def build_model(x,
  """Builds the compression model."""  
  is_training = (mode == 'training')
  num_pixels = tf.to_float(tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(x)[:-1]))

  if layers is None:
    num_filters = 192
    analysis_transform = AnalysisTransform(num_filters)
    synthesis_transform = SynthesisTransform(num_filters)
    hyper_analysis_transform = HyperAnalysisTransform(num_filters)
    hyper_synthesis_transform = HyperSynthesisTransform(num_filters)
    entropy_bottleneck = tfc.EntropyBottleneck()
    layers = (analysis_transform, hyper_analysis_transform,
              entropy_bottleneck, hyper_synthesis_transform,
    analysis_transform, hyper_analysis_transform, entropy_bottleneck, \
    hyper_synthesis_transform, synthesis_transform = layers
  y = analysis_transform(x)
  z = hyper_analysis_transform(y)
  z_tilde_hat, z_likelihoods = entropy_bottleneck(z, training=is_training)
  mean, sigma = hyper_synthesis_transform(z_tilde_hat)
  scale_table = np.exp(np.linspace(
      np.log(SCALES_MIN), np.log(SCALES_MAX), SCALES_LEVELS))
  conditional_bottleneck = tfc.GaussianConditional(sigma, scale_table, 
  y_tilde_hat, y_likelihoods = conditional_bottleneck(y, training=is_training)
  x_tilde_hat = synthesis_transform(y_tilde_hat)

  if mode == "testing":
    side_string = entropy_bottleneck.compress(z_tilde_hat)
    string = conditional_bottleneck.compress(y_tilde_hat)  
    string = None
    side_string = None

  bpp = (tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(y_likelihoods)) +
          tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(z_likelihoods))) / (-np.log(2) * num_pixels)

  mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(x, x_tilde_hat))
  mse *= 255 ** 2

  msssim = tf.reduce_mean(1 - tf.image.ssim_multiscale(x_tilde_hat, x, 1))
  distortion = msssim if msssim_loss else mse 

  loss = lmbda * distortion + bpp
  return loss, bpp, mse, msssim, x_tilde_hat, y_tilde_hat, z_tilde_hat, \
         y, z, string, side_string, layers
def generate_heatmap_target_sigmas_rotation(heatmap_size, landmarks, sigmas, rotation, scale=1.0, normalize=False, data_format='channels_first'):
    Generates heatmap images for the given parameters.
    :param heatmap_size: The image size of a single heatmap.
    :param landmarks: The list of landmarks. For each landmark, a heatmap on the given coordinate will be generated. If landmark.is_valid is False, then the heatmap will be empty.
    :param sigmas: The sigmas for the individual heatmaps. May be either fixed, or trainable.
    :param rotation: The rotation of the heatmap. May be either fixed, or trainable.
    :param scale: The scale factor for each heatmap. Each pixel value will be multiplied by this value.
    :param normalize: If true, each heatmap value will be multiplied by the normalization factor of the gaussian.
    :param data_format: The data format of the resulting tensor of heatmap images.
    :return: The tensor of heatmap images.
    landmarks_shape = landmarks.get_shape().as_list()
    sigmas_shape = sigmas.get_shape().as_list()
    batch_size = landmarks_shape[0]
    num_landmarks = landmarks_shape[1]
    dim = landmarks_shape[2] - 1
    assert dim == 2, 'Currently only dim == 2 is supported.'
    assert len(heatmap_size) == dim, 'Dimensions do not match.'
    assert sigmas_shape[0] == num_landmarks, 'Number of sigmas does not match.'

    rotation_matrix = tf.stack([tf.stack([tf.cos(rotation), -tf.sin(rotation)], axis=-1), tf.stack([tf.sin(rotation), tf.cos(rotation)], axis=-1)], axis=-1)
    rotation_matrix_t = tf.stack([tf.stack([tf.cos(rotation), tf.sin(rotation)], axis=-1), tf.stack([-tf.sin(rotation), tf.cos(rotation)], axis=-1)], axis=-1)
    det_covariances = tf.reduce_prod(sigmas, axis=-1)
    sigmas_inv_eye = tf.eye(dim, dim, batch_shape=[num_landmarks]) * tf.expand_dims(1.0 / sigmas, -1)
    inv_covariances = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(rotation_matrix, sigmas_inv_eye), rotation_matrix_t)

    if data_format == 'channels_first':
        heatmap_axis = 1
        landmarks_reshaped = tf.reshape(landmarks[..., 1:], [batch_size, num_landmarks] + [1] * dim + [dim])
        is_valid_reshaped = tf.reshape(landmarks[..., 0], [batch_size, num_landmarks] + [1] * dim)
        det_covariances_reshaped = tf.reshape(det_covariances, [1, num_landmarks] + [1] * dim)
        inv_covariances_reshaped = tf.reshape(inv_covariances, [1, num_landmarks] + [1] * dim + [dim, dim])
        heatmap_axis = dim + 1
        landmarks_reshaped = tf.reshape(landmarks[..., 1:], [batch_size] + [1] * dim + [num_landmarks, dim])
        is_valid_reshaped = tf.reshape(landmarks[..., 0], [batch_size] + [1] * dim + [num_landmarks])
        det_covariances_reshaped = tf.reshape(det_covariances, [1] + [1] * dim + [num_landmarks])
        inv_covariances_reshaped = tf.reshape(inv_covariances, [1] + [1] * dim + [num_landmarks, dim, dim])

    aranges = [np.arange(s) for s in heatmap_size]
    grid = tf.meshgrid(*aranges, indexing='ij')

    grid_stacked = tf.stack(grid, axis=dim)
    grid_stacked = tf.cast(grid_stacked, tf.float32)
    grid_stacked = tf.stack([grid_stacked] * batch_size, axis=0)
    grid_stacked = tf.stack([grid_stacked] * num_landmarks, axis=heatmap_axis)

    if normalize:
        scale /= tf.sqrt(tf.pow(2 * np.pi, dim) * det_covariances_reshaped)

    x_minus_mu = grid_stacked - landmarks_reshaped
    exp_factor = tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_sum(tf.expand_dims(x_minus_mu, -1) * inv_covariances_reshaped * tf.expand_dims(x_minus_mu, -2), axis=-1), axis=-1)
    heatmap = scale * tf.exp(-0.5 * exp_factor)
    heatmap_or_zeros = tf.where((is_valid_reshaped + tf.zeros_like(heatmap)) > 0, heatmap, tf.zeros_like(heatmap))

    return heatmap_or_zeros
コード例 #21
 def _conv2d_expression(expr, w, padding, strides):
   """Scale a linear expression by w (through a convolutional layer)."""
   b = tf.nn.convolution(expr.b, w, padding=padding, strides=strides)
   shape = tf.concat([[tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(expr.w)[:2])],
                      tf.shape(expr.w)[2:]], axis=0)
   w = tf.nn.convolution(tf.reshape(expr.w, shape), w, padding=padding,
   shape = tf.concat([tf.shape(expr.w)[:2], tf.shape(w)[1:]], axis=0)
   w = tf.reshape(w, shape)
   return LinearExpression(w=w, b=b, lower=expr.lower, upper=expr.upper)
コード例 #22
def load_test_model_graph(checkpoint_dir):
    model used in test mode. (entropy_bootleneck(training=False)
    # inputs
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, None, None, 3])
    orig_x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, None, None, 3])

    # Instantiate model.
    analysis_transform = AnalysisTransform(192)
    synthesis_transform = SynthesisTransform(192)
    hyper_analysis_transform = HyperAnalysisTransform(192)
    hyper_synthesis_transform = HyperSynthesisTransform(192)
    entropy_bottleneck = tfc.EntropyBottleneck()

    # Transform and compress the image.
    y = analysis_transform(x)
    y_shape = tf.shape(y)
    z = hyper_analysis_transform(abs(y))
    z_hat, z_likelihoods = entropy_bottleneck(z, training=False)
    sigma = hyper_synthesis_transform(z_hat)
    sigma = sigma[:, :y_shape[1], :y_shape[2], :]
    scale_table = np.exp(
        np.linspace(np.log(SCALES_MIN), np.log(SCALES_MAX), SCALES_LEVELS))
    conditional_bottleneck = tfc.GaussianConditional(sigma, scale_table)
    side_string = entropy_bottleneck.compress(z)
    string = conditional_bottleneck.compress(y)

    # Transform the quantized image back (if requested).
    y_hat, y_likelihoods = conditional_bottleneck(y, training=False)
    x_hat = synthesis_transform(y_hat)

    # eval bpp
    num_pixels = tf.cast(tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(x)[:-1]), dtype=tf.float32)
    eval_bpp = (tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(y_likelihoods)) + tf.reduce_sum(
        tf.log(z_likelihoods))) / (-np.log(2) * num_pixels)

    # reconstruction metric
    # Bring both images back to 0..255 range.
    orig_x_255 = orig_x * 255
    x_hat = tf.clip_by_value(x_hat, 0, 1)
    x_hat = tf.round(x_hat * 255)
    mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(orig_x_255, x_hat))
    psnr = tf.squeeze(tf.image.psnr(x_hat, orig_x_255, 255))
    msssim = tf.squeeze(tf.image.ssim_multiscale(x_hat, orig_x_255, 255))

    # session
    sess = tf.Session()
    # load graph
    latest = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir)
    tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, save_path=latest)

    return sess, x, orig_x, [
        string, side_string
    ], eval_bpp, x_hat, mse, psnr, msssim, num_pixels, y, z
コード例 #23
    def get_probability_of_having_no_connections(self, task_id):
        """Gets the probability that a given task will have zero active connections.

      task_id: (int scalar) id of the task.

      A float scalar in the [0.0, 1.0] range equal to the requested probability.
        probs = self.get_connection_probs()
        return tf.reduce_prod(1.0 - probs[task_id])
コード例 #24
def bit_max(x, num_classes, heads=1, sum_heads=False, **kwargs):
    """Bit max
  :param x: a tensor of shape (batch_size, dim)
  :param num_classes: output dimension
  :param heads: heads #
  :param sum_heads: whether to sum up along head dimension before outputting
  :return: a tensor y with the same shape as x, sum(y[k, :]) == 1 for all k
    # Sanity check
    assert isinstance(num_classes, int) and num_classes > 1
    assert isinstance(heads, int) and heads > 0
    # Get bits
    num_bits = int(np.ceil(np.log2(num_classes)))

    # Calculate activations for bits
    # a.shape = (bs, num_bits*heads)
    a = neurons(num_bits * heads,
    if heads > 1:
        # a.shape => (heads, bs, num_bits)
        a = tf.reshape(a, [-1, num_bits, heads])
        a = tf.transpose(a, [2, 0, 1])
    # a.shape => ([heads, ]bs, 2**num_bits, num_bits)
    a = tf.stack([a] * (2**num_bits), axis=-2)

    # Calculate bit_max
    # waves.shape = (1, 2**num_bits, num_bits)
    waves = _get_waves(num_bits)
    coef = tf.subtract(1., tf.multiply(2., a))
    wave_stack = tf.add(tf.multiply(waves, coef), a)
    # bit_max.shape = ([heads, ]bs, 2**num_bits)
    bit_max = tf.reduce_prod(wave_stack, axis=-1)

    # Trim if necessary
    scale = 2**num_bits
    if scale > num_classes:
        delta = (scale - num_classes) // 2
        # Trim
        if heads == 1: bit_max = bit_max[:, delta:num_classes + delta]
        else: bit_max = bit_max[:, :, delta:num_classes + delta]
        # Normalize
        sums = tf.reduce_sum(bit_max, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-6
        bit_max = tf.divide(bit_max, sums)

    # Add up if necessary
    if heads > 1 and sum_heads:
        bit_max = tf.reduce_sum(bit_max, axis=0)

    # output shape is ([heads, ]bs, num_classes)
    return bit_max
コード例 #25
ファイル: archs.py プロジェクト: ilazoja/compression
 def _get_moments(self, inputs):
   # Like tf.nn.moments but unbiased sample std. deviation.
   # Reduce over channels only.
   mean = tf.reduce_mean(inputs, [self.axis], keepdims=True, name="mean")
   variance = tf.reduce_sum(
       tf.squared_difference(inputs, tf.stop_gradient(mean)),
       [self.axis], keepdims=True, name="variance_sum")
   # Divide by N-1
   inputs_shape = tf.shape(inputs)
   counts = tf.reduce_prod([inputs_shape[ax] for ax in [self.axis]])
   variance /= (tf.cast(counts, tf.float32) - 1)
   return mean, variance
コード例 #26
def pixel_control_rewards(observations, cell_size):
  """Calculates pixel control task rewards from observation sequence.

  The observations are first split in a grid of KxK cells. For each cell a
  distinct pseudo reward is computed as the average absolute change in pixel
  intensity for all pixels in the cell. The change in intensity is averaged
  across both pixels and channels (e.g. RGB).

  The `observations` provided to this function should be cropped suitably, to
  ensure that the observations' height and width are a multiple of `cell_size`.
  The values of the `observations` tensor should be rescaled to [0, 1]. In the
  UNREAL agent observations are cropped to 80x80, and each cell is 4x4 in size.

  See "Reinforcement Learning with Unsupervised Auxiliary Tasks" by Jaderberg,
  Mnih, Czarnecki et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.05397).

    observations: A tensor of shape `[T+1,B,H,W,C...]`, where
      * `T` is the sequence length, `B` is the batch size.
      * `H` is height, `W` is width.
      * `C...` is at least one channel dimension (e.g., colour, stack).
      * `T` and `B` can be statically unknown.
    cell_size: The size of each cell.

    A tensor of pixel control rewards calculated from the observation. The
    shape is `[T,B,H',W']`, where `H'` and `W'` are determined by the
    `cell_size`. If evenly-divisible, `H' = H/cell_size`, and similar for `W`.
  # Calculate the absolute differences across the sequence.
  abs_diff = tf.abs(observations[1:] - observations[:-1])
  # Average over cells. `abs_diff` has shape [T,B,H,W,C...], e.g.,
  # [T,B,H,W,C] if we have a colour channel. We want to use the TF avg_pool3d
  # op, but it expects 5D inputs so we collapse all channel dimensions.
  # Merge remaining dimensions after W: [T,B,H,W,C'].
  full_shape = tf.shape(abs_diff)
  preserved_shape = full_shape[:4]
  trailing_shape = (tf.reduce_prod(full_shape[4:]),)
  shape = tf.concat([preserved_shape, trailing_shape], 0)
  abs_diff = tf.reshape(abs_diff, shape)
  # Apply the averaging using average pooling and reducing over channel.
  avg_abs_diff = tf.nn.avg_pool3d(
      ksize=[1, 1, cell_size, cell_size, 1],
      strides=[1, 1, cell_size, cell_size, 1],
      padding="VALID")  # [T,B,H',W',C'].
  pseudo_rewards = tf.reduce_mean(
      avg_abs_diff, axis=[4], name="pseudo_rewards")  # [T,B,H',W'].
  sequence_batch = abs_diff.get_shape()[:2]
  new_height_width = avg_abs_diff.get_shape()[2:4]
  return pseudo_rewards
コード例 #27
    def kernel_num_elements(tensor):
        """Returns the number of elements of a kernel.

      tensor: The weight tensor.

      Number of elements of the kernel (either float or tf.float).
        num_elements = np.prod(tensor.shape.dims[1:-1]).value
        if num_elements:
            return num_elements
        return tf.to_float(tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(tensor)[1:-1]))
def EBKL(p, q, hypers=None, global_step=1.0E99):
    if isinstance(p, DiagonalGaussianVar):
        if isinstance(q, InverseGammaVar):
            m = tf.to_float(tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(p.mean)))
            S = tf.reduce_sum(p.var + p.mean*p.mean)
            m_plus_2alpha_plus_2 = m + 2.0*q.alpha + 2.0
            S_plus_2beta = S + 2.0*q.beta
            tmp = m * tf.log(S_plus_2beta / m_plus_2alpha_plus_2)
            tmp += S * (m_plus_2alpha_plus_2 / S_plus_2beta)
            tmp += -(m + tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(p.var)))
            return 0.5 * tmp
    print('unsupported KL')
コード例 #29
 def condition(self, tensor_list):
     """Computes the p parameter of the Bernoulli distribution."""
     # Remove None's from tensor_list
     tensor_list = [t for t in tensor_list if t is not None]
     concatted_inputs = tf.concat(tensor_list, axis=-1)
     input_dim = concatted_inputs.get_shape().as_list()[-1]
     raw_input_shape = tf.shape(concatted_inputs)[:-1]
     fcnet_input_shape = [tf.reduce_prod(raw_input_shape), input_dim]
     fcnet_inputs = tf.reshape(concatted_inputs, fcnet_input_shape)
     outs = self.fcnet(fcnet_inputs) + self.bias_init
     # Reshape outputs to the original shape.
     output_size = tf.concat([raw_input_shape, [self.size]], axis=0)
     return tf.reshape(outs, output_size)
コード例 #30
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: dieterichlawson/aem
 def __call__(self, x):
     shape = tf.shape(x)
     last_shape = shape[-1]
     #assert self.input_dim == last_shape
     prefix_shape = shape[:-1]
     prefix_prod = tf.reduce_prod(prefix_shape)
     x = tf.reshape(x, [prefix_prod, last_shape])
     x = self.first_layer(x)
     for layer in self.inner_layers:
         x = layer(x)
     x = self.activation(x)
     out = self.final_layer(x)
     out_shape = tf.concat([prefix_shape, [self.output_dim]], axis=0)
     return tf.reshape(out, out_shape)