コード例 #1
def GMM2Dslow(log_pis, mus, log_sigmas, corrs, clip_lo=-10, clip_hi=10):
    # shapes
    # pis: [..., GMM_c]
    # mus: [..., GMM_c*state_dim]
    # sigmas: [..., GMM_c*state_dim]
    # corrs: [..., GMM_c]
    GMM_c = log_pis.shape[-1]

    mus_split = tf.split(mus, GMM_c, axis=-1)
    sigmas = tf.exp(tf.clip_by_value(log_sigmas, clip_lo, clip_hi))

    # Sigma = [s1^2    p*s1*s2      L = [s1   0
    #          p*s1*s2 s2^2 ]            p*s2 sqrt(1-p^2)*s2]
    sigmas_reshaped = tf.reshape(
        [-1 if s.value is None else s.value
         for s in sigmas.shape[:-1]] + [GMM_c.value, 2])
    Ls = tf.stack(
            (sigmas_reshaped *
             tf.stack([tf.ones_like(corrs), corrs], -1)),  # [s1, p*s2]
            (sigmas_reshaped *
                       tf.sqrt(1 - corrs**2)], -1))
        ],  # [0, sqrt(1-p^2)*s2]
    Ls_split = tf.unstack(Ls, axis=-3)

    cat = distributions.Categorical(logits=log_pis)
    dists = [
        distributions.MultivariateNormalTriL(mu, L)
        for mu, L in zip(mus_split, Ls_split)
    return distributions.Mixture(cat, dists)
def _to_normal2d(output_batch) -> ds.MultivariateNormalTriL:

    # 求x 和 y的平均值
    x_mean = Lambda(lambda o: o[:, 0])(output_batch)
    y_mean = Lambda(lambda o: o[:, 1])(output_batch)

    # 求x 和 y的标准差,非负值

    x_std = Lambda(lambda o: K.exp(o[:, 2]))(output_batch)
    y_std = Lambda(lambda o: K.exp(o[:, 3]))(output_batch)

    # 相关系数,范围为[-1,1]
    cor = Lambda(lambda o: K.tanh(o[:, 4]))(output_batch)

    loc = Concatenate()([
        Lambda(lambda x_mean: K.expand_dims(x_mean, 1))(x_mean),
        Lambda(lambda y_mean: K.expand_dims(y_mean, 1))(y_mean)

    x_var = Lambda(lambda x_std: K.square(x_std))(x_std)
    y_var = Lambda(lambda y_std: K.square(y_std))(y_std)
    xy_cor = Multiply()([x_std, y_std, cor])

    cov = Lambda(lambda inputs: K.stack(inputs, axis=0))(
        [x_var, xy_cor, xy_cor, y_var])
    cov = Lambda(lambda cov: K.permute_dimensions(cov, (1, 0)))(cov)
    cov = Reshape((2, 2))(cov)

    scale_tril = Lambda(lambda cov: tf.cholesky(cov))(cov)
    mvn = ds.MultivariateNormalTriL(loc, scale_tril)

    return mvn
コード例 #3
def test_blobs():
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    import numpy as np
    import tensorflow.contrib.distributions as tfd

    _means = [-0.5, 0, 0.5]
    means = tf.ones((3, 1, 2), dtype=tf.float32) * np.array(_means).reshape(
        (3, 1, 1))
    means = tf.concat([means, means, means[::-1, ...]], axis=1)
    means = tf.reshape(means, (-1, 2))

    var_ = 0.1
    rho = 0.5
    cov = [[var_, rho * var_], [rho * var_, var_]]
    scale = tf.cholesky(cov)
    scale = tf.stack([scale] * 3, axis=0)
    scale = tf.stack([scale] * 3, axis=0)
    scale = tf.reshape(scale, (-1, 2, 2))

    mvn = tfd.MultivariateNormalTriL(loc=means, scale_tril=scale)

    h = 100
    w = 100
    y_t = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, h), [h, 1]), [1, w])
    x_t = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, w), [1, w]), [h, 1])
    y_t = tf.expand_dims(y_t, axis=-1)
    x_t = tf.expand_dims(x_t, axis=-1)
    meshgrid = tf.concat([y_t, x_t], axis=-1)
    meshgrid = tf.expand_dims(meshgrid, 0)
    meshgrid = tf.expand_dims(meshgrid, 3)  # 1, h, w, 1, 2

    blob = mvn.prob(meshgrid)
    blob = tf.reshape(blob, (100, 100, 3, 3))
    blob = tf.transpose(blob, perm=[2, 0, 1, 3])

    norm_const = np.sum(blob, axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)
    mu, L = nn.probs_to_mu_L(blob / norm_const, 1, inv=False)

    bn, h, w, nk = blob.get_shape().as_list()
    estimated_blob = nn.tf_hm(h, w, mu, L)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(9, 6))
    for b in range(len(_means)):
        ax[0, b].imshow(np.squeeze(blob[b, ...]))
        ax[0, b].set_title("target_blobs")
        ax[0, b].set_axis_off()

    for b in range(len(_means)):
        ax[1, b].imshow(np.squeeze(estimated_blob[b, ...]))
        ax[1, b].set_title("estimated_blobs")
        ax[1, b].set_axis_off()
コード例 #4
def MultivariateGaussianTril(mu, scale):
    Create multivariate Gaussian distribution from mu and lower trianglar
    covariance matrix.

    mu : list
        mean parameters
    scale : list
        scale of multivariate gaussian. covariance = scale @ scale.T

    Multivariate Gaussian distribution
    scale_tril = tfd.fill_triangular(scale, upper=False)
    mvn = tfd.MultivariateNormalTriL(loc=mu, scale_tril=scale_tril)
    return mvn
コード例 #5
    def get_mixture_model(self):
        ds.Mixture in TensorFlow requires a Categorical dist. to determine which individual dist. is 
        used for generating a sample, 'components' is a list of different classes defined from 
        prob = 1. / self.num_gaussians
        probs = [prob for i in range(self.num_gaussians)]

        mus = self.get_mus()
        scales = self.get_scale_matrices()
        gaussians = [
            ds.MultivariateNormalTriL(loc=mus[i], scale_tril=scales[i])
            for i in range(self.num_gaussians)

        mixture = ds.Mixture(cat=ds.Categorical(probs=probs),

        return mixture
コード例 #6
def _to_normal2d(output_batch) -> ds.MultivariateNormalTriL:
    :param output_batch: (n_samples, 5)

    # mean of x and y
    x_mean = Lambda(lambda o: o[:, 0])(output_batch)
    y_mean = Lambda(lambda o: o[:, 1])(output_batch)

    # std of x and y
    # std is must be 0 or positive
    x_std = Lambda(lambda o: K.exp(o[:, 2]))(output_batch)
    y_std = Lambda(lambda o: K.exp(o[:, 3]))(output_batch)

    # correlation coefficient
    # correlation coefficient range is [-1, 1]
    cor = Lambda(lambda o: K.tanh(o[:, 4]))(output_batch)

    loc = Concatenate()([
        Lambda(lambda x_mean: K.expand_dims(x_mean, 1))(x_mean),
        Lambda(lambda y_mean: K.expand_dims(y_mean, 1))(y_mean)

    x_var = Lambda(lambda x_std: K.square(x_std))(x_std)
    y_var = Lambda(lambda y_std: K.square(y_std))(y_std)
    xy_cor = Multiply()([x_std, y_std, cor])

    cov = Lambda(lambda inputs: K.stack(inputs, axis=0))(
        [x_var, xy_cor, xy_cor, y_var])
    cov = Lambda(lambda cov: K.permute_dimensions(cov, (1, 0)))(cov)
    cov = Reshape((2, 2))(cov)

    scale_tril = Lambda(lambda cov: tf.cholesky(cov))(cov)
    mvn = ds.MultivariateNormalTriL(loc, scale_tril)

    return mvn
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(AffineDiagNormal, self).__init__()
     self._factory = lambda loc, scale_tril: tfd.MultivariateNormalTriL(
         loc, scale_tril, *args, **kwargs)
コード例 #8
ファイル: policies.py プロジェクト: ShikhaSurana/bp_tr-ppo-rb
    def __init__(self, sess, ob_space, ac_space, nbatch, nsteps, reuse=False,
                 name='policy', args=None): #pylint: disable=W0613
        policy_variance_state_dependent = args.policy_variance_state_dependent
        ac_fn = args.ac_fn
        hidden_sizes = args.hidden_sizes
        num_sharing_layers = args.num_sharing_layers
        num_layers = args.num_layers
        assert ac_fn in ['tanh', 'sigmoid', 'relu']

        if isinstance(hidden_sizes, int):
            assert num_layers is not None
            hidden_sizes = [hidden_sizes] * num_layers
        if num_layers is None:
            num_layers = len(hidden_sizes)
        assert num_layers == len(hidden_sizes)

        # print(f'Policy hidden_sizes:{hidden_sizes}')

        self.pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space)

        with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=reuse):
            X, processed_x = observation_input(ob_space, nbatch)

            activ = getattr( tf.nn, ac_fn )
            processed_x = tf.layers.flatten(processed_x)

            # --- share layers
            for ind_layer in range(num_sharing_layers):
                processed_x = activ( fc(processed_x, f'share_fc{ind_layer}', nh=hidden_sizes[ind_layer], init_scale=np.sqrt(2)) )

            # --- policy
            pi_h = processed_x
            for ind_layer in range( num_sharing_layers, num_layers ):
                pi_h = activ(fc(pi_h, f'pi_fc{ind_layer}', nh=hidden_sizes[ind_layer], init_scale=np.sqrt(2)))

            from gym import spaces
            params_addtional = {}
            if policy_variance_state_dependent and isinstance( ac_space, spaces.Box ):
                latent_logstd = processed_x
                for ind_layer in range(num_sharing_layers, num_layers):
                    latent_logstd = activ(fc(latent_logstd, f'logstd_fc{ind_layer}', nh=hidden_sizes[ind_layer], init_scale=np.sqrt(2)))
                params_addtional['latent_logstd'] = latent_logstd

            self.pd, self.pi = self.pdtype.pdfromlatent(pi_h, init_scale=0.01, logstd_initial=args.logstd, **params_addtional)

            # --- value function
            vf_h = processed_x
            for ind_layer in range( num_sharing_layers, num_layers ):
                vf_h = activ(fc(vf_h, f'vf_fc{ind_layer}', nh=hidden_sizes[ind_layer], init_scale=np.sqrt(2)))
            vf = fc(vf_h, 'vf', 1)[:,0]

            a_sample = self.pd.sample()
            neglogp_sample = self.pd.neglogp(a_sample)
            self.initial_state = None

            # --- predict function
            # use placeholder
            # use stochastic action
            # use deterministic action
            if args.coef_predict_task > 0:
                import tensorflow.contrib.distributions as dists
                assert isinstance( ac_space, Box ), 'Only Implement for Box action space'
                A_type = tf.placeholder_with_default('pl', dtype=tf.string)
                A_pl = self.pdtype.sample_placeholder([None])
                self.A = A_pl
                self.A_type = A_type

                A_input_1 = U.switch( tf.equal( A_type, 'det' ), self.pd.mode(), a_sample )
                A_input = U.switch( tf.equal( A_type, 'pl' ), A_pl,A_input_1)
                predict_h = tf.concat( (processed_x, A_input))
                for ind_layer in range(num_sharing_layers, num_layers):
                    predict_h = activ(fc(predict_h, f'predict_fc{ind_layer}', nh=hidden_sizes[ind_layer], init_scale=np.sqrt(2)))
                predict_mean = fc(predict_h, f'predict_fc{ind_layer}', nh=ob_space.shape[0], init_scale=np.sqrt(2))

                predict_cov_init_value = np.identity( shape=ob_space.shape )
                predict_cov = tf.get_variable( name='predict_cov', shape=predict_cov_init_value, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(predict_cov_init_value) )
                predict_dist = dists.MultivariateNormalTriL( predict_mean, predict_cov )
                self.predict_dist = predict_dist

            scope_model = tf.get_variable_scope().name
            self.variables_all = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope_model)
            self.variables_trainable = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope_model)

        #--- set logstd
        # if isinstance( ac_space, Box ):
        # if not policy_variance_state_dependent:
        #     logstd_pl, _ = observation_input( ac_space, batch_size=1, name='ac' )
        #     assign_logstd = tf.assign( self.pdtype.logstd, logstd_pl )
        #     set_logstd_entity = U.function([logstd_pl], assign_logstd)
        #     def set_logstd(logstd_new):
        #         # if isinstance( logstd_new, float  ):
        #         #     logstd_new = [[logstd_new] * ac_space.shape[0]]
        #         set_logstd_entity(logstd_new)
        #     self.set_logstd = set_logstd
        # self.get_logstd = U.function([], self.pdtype.logstd)

        def step(ob, *_args, **_kwargs):
            a, v, neglogp = sess.run([a_sample, vf, neglogp_sample], {X:ob})
            return a, v, self.initial_state, neglogp

        def value(ob, *_args, **_kwargs):
            return sess.run(vf, {X:ob})

        def step_policyflat(ob, *_args, **_kwargs):
            a, v, neglogp, polciyflat = sess.run([a_sample, vf, neglogp_sample, self.pd.flatparam()], {X:ob}) #TODO: TEST flat for discrete action space
            return a, v, self.initial_state, neglogp, polciyflat

        def step_test(ob, *_args, **_kwargs):
            a = sess.run([self.pd.mode()], {X:ob})
            return a

        self.X = X
        self.vf = vf
        self.step = step
        self.step_policyflat = step_policyflat
        self.value = value
        self.step_test = step_test
コード例 #9
def tf_hm(h, w, mu, L, order="exp"):
        Returns Gaussian densitiy function based on μ and L for each batch index and part
        L is the cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix : Σ = L L^T
    h : int
        heigh ot output map
    w : int
        width of output map
    mu : tensor
        mean of gaussian part and batch item. Shape [b, p, 2]. Mean in range [-1, 1] with respect to height and width
    L : tensor
        cholesky decomposition of covariance matrix for each batch item and part. Shape [b, p, 2, 2]

    density : tensor
        gaussian blob for each part and batch idx. Shape [b, h, w, p]


    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import tensorflow as tf
    import tensorflow.contrib.distributions as tfd

    # create Target Blobs
    _means = [-0.5, 0, 0.5]
    means = tf.ones((3, 1, 2), dtype=tf.float32) * np.array(_means).reshape((3, 1, 1))
    means = tf.concat([means, means, means[::-1, ...]], axis=1)
    means = tf.reshape(means, (-1, 2))

    var_ = 0.1
    rho = 0.5
    cov = [[var_, rho * var_],
           [rho * var_, var_]]
    scale = tf.cholesky(cov)
    scale = tf.stack([scale] * 3, axis=0)
    scale = tf.stack([scale] * 3, axis=0)
    scale = tf.reshape(scale, (-1, 2, 2))

    mvn = tfd.MultivariateNormalTriL(

    h = 100
    w = 100
    y_t = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.linspace(-1., 1., h), [h, 1]), [1, w])
    x_t = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.linspace(-1., 1., w), [1, w]), [h, 1])
    y_t = tf.expand_dims(y_t, axis=-1)
    x_t = tf.expand_dims(x_t, axis=-1)
    meshgrid = tf.concat([y_t, x_t], axis=-1)
    meshgrid = tf.expand_dims(meshgrid, 0)
    meshgrid = tf.expand_dims(meshgrid, 3)  # 1, h, w, 1, 2

    blob = mvn.prob(meshgrid)
    blob = tf.reshape(blob, (100, 100, 3, 3))
    blob = tf.transpose(blob, perm=[2, 0, 1, 3])

    # Estimate mean and L
    norm_const = np.sum(blob, axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)
    mu, L = nn.probs_to_mu_L(blob / norm_const, 1, inv=False)

    bn, h, w, nk = blob.get_shape().as_list()

    # Estimate blob based on mu and L
    estimated_blob = nn.tf_hm(h, w, mu, L)

    # plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(9, 6))
    for b in range(len(_means)):
        ax[0, b].imshow(np.squeeze(blob[b, ...]))
        ax[0, b].set_title("target_blobs")
        ax[0, b].set_axis_off()

    for b in range(len(_means)):
        ax[1, b].imshow(np.squeeze(estimated_blob[b, ...]))
        ax[1, b].set_title("estimated_blobs")
        ax[1, b].set_axis_off()


    assert len(mu.get_shape().as_list()) == 3
    assert len(L.get_shape().as_list()) == 4
    assert mu.get_shape().as_list()[-1] == 2
    assert L.get_shape().as_list()[-1] == 2
    assert L.get_shape().as_list()[-2] == 2

    b, p, _ = mu.get_shape().as_list()
    mu = tf.reshape(mu, (b * p, 2))
    L = tf.reshape(L, (b * p, 2, 2))

    mvn = tfd.MultivariateNormalTriL(loc=mu, scale_tril=L)
    y_t = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, h), [h, 1]), [1, w])
    x_t = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, w), [1, w]), [h, 1])
    y_t = tf.expand_dims(y_t, axis=-1)
    x_t = tf.expand_dims(x_t, axis=-1)
    meshgrid = tf.concat([y_t, x_t], axis=-1)
    meshgrid = tf.expand_dims(meshgrid, 0)
    meshgrid = tf.expand_dims(meshgrid, 3)  # 1, h, w, 1, 2

    probs = mvn.prob(meshgrid)
    probs = tf.reshape(probs, (h, w, b, p))
    probs = tf.transpose(probs, perm=[2, 0, 1,
                                      3])  # move part axis to the back
    return probs
コード例 #10
def test_probs_to_mu_sigma():
    # TODO: right now, the test is only visual debugging
    # We would need a numeric criterion to test if the calculation is correct
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    import numpy as np
    import tensorflow.contrib.distributions as tfd

    _means = [-0.5, 0, 0.5]
    means = tf.ones((3, 1, 2), dtype=tf.float32) * np.array(_means).reshape(
        (3, 1, 1))
    means = tf.concat([means, means, means[::-1, ...]], axis=1)
    means = tf.reshape(means, (-1, 2))

    var_ = 0.1
    rho = 0.0
    cov = [[var_, rho * var_], [rho * var_, var_]]
    scale = tf.cholesky(cov)
    scale = tf.stack([scale] * 3, axis=0)
    scale = tf.stack([scale] * 3, axis=0)
    scale = tf.reshape(scale, (-1, 2, 2))

    mvn = tfd.MultivariateNormalTriL(loc=means, scale_tril=scale)

    h = 100
    w = 100
    y_t = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, h), [h, 1]), [1, w])
    x_t = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, w), [1, w]), [h, 1])
    y_t = tf.expand_dims(y_t, axis=-1)
    x_t = tf.expand_dims(x_t, axis=-1)
    meshgrid = tf.concat([y_t, x_t], axis=-1)
    meshgrid = tf.expand_dims(meshgrid, 0)
    meshgrid = tf.expand_dims(meshgrid, 3)  # 1, h, w, 1, 2

    blob = mvn.prob(meshgrid)
    blob = tf.reshape(blob, (100, 100, 3, 3))
    blob = tf.transpose(blob, perm=[2, 0, 1, 3])

    norm_const = np.sum(blob, axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)
    mu, sigma = nn.probs_to_mu_sigma(blob / norm_const)
    # norm_const2 = np.sum(blob, axis=(1, 2), keepdims=False)
    # mu2, sigma2 = nn.probs_to_mu_sigma(blob, 1 / norm_const2)
    # assert np.allclose(mu, mu2, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
    # assert np.allclose(sigma, sigma2, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)

    L = tf.cholesky(sigma)
    bn, h, w, nk = blob.get_shape().as_list()
    estimated_blob = nn.tf_hm(h, w, mu, L)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(9, 6))
    for b in range(len(_means)):
        ax[0, b].imshow(np.squeeze(blob[b, ...]))
        ax[0, b].set_title("target_blobs")
        ax[0, b].set_axis_off()

    for b in range(len(_means)):
        ax[1, b].imshow(np.squeeze(estimated_blob[b, ...]))
        ax[1, b].set_title("estimated_blobs")
        ax[1, b].set_axis_off()
コード例 #11
    def do_filter(self, estimated_state, estimated_state_covariance,
                  predicted_observation, predicted_observation_covariance,
                  observation, observation_model, observation_noise):
        """Convenience function for scoring predictions.

    Scores a prediction against an observation, and computes the updated
    posterior over states.

    Shapes given below for arguments are for single-model Kalman filtering
    (e.g. KalmanFilter). For ensembles, prior_state and prior_state_var are
    same-length tuples of values corresponding to each model.

      estimated_state: A prior mean over states [batch size x state dimension]
      estimated_state_covariance: Covariance of state prior [batch size x D x
          D], with D depending on the Kalman filter implementation (typically
          the state dimension).
      predicted_observation: A prediction for the observed value, such as that
          returned by observed_from_state. A [batch size x num features] Tensor.
      predicted_observation_covariance: A covariance matrix corresponding to
          `predicted_observation`, a [batch size x num features x num features]
      observation: The observed value corresponding to the predictions
          given [batch size x observation dimension]
      observation_model: The [batch size x observation dimension x model state
          dimension] Tensor indicating how a particular state is mapped to
          (pre-noise) observations for each part of the batch.
      observation_noise: A [batch size x observation dimension x observation
          dimension] Tensor or [observation dimension x observation dimension]
          Tensor with covariance matrices to use for each part of the batch (a
          two-dimensional input will be broadcast).
      posterior_state, posterior_state_var: Posterior mean and
          covariance, updated versions of prior_state and
      log_prediction_prob: Log probability of the observations under
          the priors, suitable for optimization (should be maximized).

        symmetrized_observation_covariance = 0.5 * (
            predicted_observation_covariance +
        instability_message = (
            "This may occur due to numerically unstable filtering when there is "
            "a large difference in posterior variances, or when inferences are "
            "near-deterministic. Considering tuning the "
            "'filtering_maximum_posterior_variance_ratio' or "
            "'filtering_minimum_posterior_variance' parameters in your "
            "StateSpaceModelConfiguration, or tuning the transition matrix.")
        symmetrized_observation_covariance = numerics.verify_tensor_all_finite(
            "Predicted observation covariance was not finite. {}".format(
        diag = array_ops.matrix_diag_part(symmetrized_observation_covariance)
        min_diag = math_ops.reduce_min(diag)
        non_negative_assert = control_flow_ops.Assert(
            min_diag >= 0.,
            [("The predicted observation covariance "
              "has a negative diagonal entry. {}").format(instability_message),
        with ops.control_dependencies([non_negative_assert]):
            observation_covariance_cholesky = linalg_ops.cholesky(
        log_prediction_prob = distributions.MultivariateNormalTriL(
         posterior_state_var) = self.posterior_from_prior_state(
        return (posterior_state, posterior_state_var, log_prediction_prob)
コード例 #12
    if args.SINGLEVAR == 0:
        scale_px = activations[args.SFPX](bias_variable(
            [args.NX], value=[float(args.init_sigma)] * args.NZ, name='scale'))
        loc = bias_variable([args.NX], value=0., name='loc')
        if args.ZEROMEANPX == 1:
            loc = tf.zeros_like(loc)
        pdfError = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=loc, scale_diag=scale_px)

    if args.SINGLEVAR == 2:
        scale_px = activations[args.SFPX](bias_variable(
            [args.NX * (args.NX + 1) // 2], value=-1., name='scale'))
        loc = bias_variable([args.NX], value=0., name='loc')
        if args.ZEROMEANPX == 1:
            loc = tf.zeros_like(loc)
        pdfError = tfd.MultivariateNormalTriL(
            loc=loc, scale_tril=tfd.fill_triangular(scale_px))
with tf.variable_scope('prior', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
    prior = create_gmm_1(args.NZ,
                         zero_mean=args.ZM > 0)
    # prior = tfd.Independent( tfd.Laplace( loc = [ [0.]*args.NZ , ], scale=[ [1.]*args.NZ ,] ))

config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': args.GPU})
config.log_device_placement = False
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
sess = tf.Session(config=config)
# sess = tf.Session()
コード例 #13
ファイル: cde.py プロジェクト: ushareng/CMUCosmoML
def _mdn_model_fn(features, labels, hidden_units, n_mixture, diag,
                  feature_columns, label_columns, optimizer, activation_fn,
                  normalizer_fn, dropout, mode):

    # Check for training mode
    is_training = mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN
    label_dimension = len(label_columns)

    # Extracts the features
    input_layer = tf.feature_column.input_layer(
        features=features, feature_columns=feature_columns)

    # Builds the neural network
    #net = deep_mlp(input_layer, hidden_units, activation_fn, normalizer_fn,
    #               dropout, is_training)
    net = slim.fully_connected(input_layer, 512, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
    net = slim.fully_connected(net, 512, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)

    # Size of the covariance matrix
    if diag == True:
        size_sigma = label_dimension
        size_sigma = (label_dimension * (label_dimension + 1) // 2)

    # Create mixture components from network output
    out_mu = slim.fully_connected(net,
                                  label_dimension * n_mixture,
    out_mu = tf.reshape(out_mu, (-1, n_mixture, label_dimension))

    out_sigma = slim.fully_connected(net,
                                     size_sigma * n_mixture,
    out_sigma = tf.reshape(out_sigma, (-1, n_mixture, size_sigma))

    out_p = slim.fully_connected(net, n_mixture, activation_fn=None)
    out_p = tf.nn.softmax(tf.reshape(out_p, (-1, n_mixture)))

    if diag == True:
        sigma_mat = tf.nn.softplus(out_sigma) + 1e-4
        gmm = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(
                loc=out_mu, scale_diag=sigma_mat))
        sigma_mat = tfd.matrix_diag_transform(tfd.fill_triangular(out_sigma),
        gmm = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(
                loc=out_mu, scale_tril=sigma_mat))

    predictions = {'mu': out_mu, 'sigma': sigma_mat, 'p': out_p}

    if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
        # Add functionality to sample directly from the model
        y = gmm.sample()

        samples = {}
        for i, k in enumerate(label_columns):
            samples[k.name] = y[:, -i - 1]

        return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(

    label_layer = tf.feature_column.input_layer(features=features,

    # Compute and register loss function
    loss = -tf.reduce_mean(gmm.log_prob(label_layer), axis=0)
    total_loss = tf.losses.get_total_loss()

    train_op = None
    eval_metric_ops = None

    # Define optimizer
    if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
        update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
        with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
            train_op = optimizer(learning_rate=0.00001).minimize(
                loss=total_loss, global_step=tf.train.get_global_step())
        tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)
    elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL:
        eval_metric_ops = {"log_p": loss}

    return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode,