def define_loss(netD, real, fake, vggface_feat=None, mixup_alpha=None, use_lsgan=True): loss_fn = get_loss_fun(use_lsgan) if mixup_alpha: dist = Beta(mixup_alpha, mixup_alpha) lam = dist.sample() mixup = lam * real + (1 - lam) * fake output_mixup = netD(mixup) loss_D = loss_fn(output_mixup, lam * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) output_fake = netD(fake) # dummy loss_G = .5 * loss_fn(output_mixup, (1 - lam) * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) else: output_real = netD(real) # positive sample output_fake = netD(fake) # negative sample loss_D_real = loss_fn(output_real, K.ones_like(output_real)) loss_D_fake = loss_fn(output_fake, K.zeros_like(output_fake)) loss_D = loss_D_real + loss_D_fake loss_G = .5 * loss_fn(output_fake, K.ones_like(output_fake)) loss_G += K.mean(K.abs(fake - real)) if not vggface_feat is None: loss_G = add_perceptual_loss(loss_G, real=real, fake=fake, vggface_feat=vggface_feat) return loss_D, loss_G
def perceptual_loss(real, fake_abgr, distorted, vggface_feats, weights): alpha = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, :1])(fake_abgr) fake_bgr = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:])(fake_abgr) fake = alpha * fake_bgr + (1 - alpha) * distorted def preprocess_vggface(x): x = (x + 1) / 2 * 255 # channel order: BGR x -= [91.4953, 103.8827, 131.0912] return x real_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(real, [224, 224]) real_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(real_sz224) dist = Beta(0.2, 0.2) lam = dist.sample() # use mixup trick here to reduce foward pass from 2 times to 1. mixup = lam * fake_bgr + (1 - lam) * fake fake_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(mixup, [224, 224]) fake_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(fake_sz224) real_feat112, real_feat55, real_feat28, real_feat7 = vggface_feats(real_sz224) fake_feat112, fake_feat55, fake_feat28, fake_feat7 = vggface_feats(fake_sz224) # Apply instance norm on VGG(ResNet) features # From MUNIT loss_G = 0 def instnorm(): return InstanceNormalization() loss_G += weights['w_pl'][0] * calc_loss(instnorm()(fake_feat7), instnorm()(real_feat7), "l2") loss_G += weights['w_pl'][1] * calc_loss(instnorm()(fake_feat28), instnorm()(real_feat28), "l2") loss_G += weights['w_pl'][2] * calc_loss(instnorm()(fake_feat55), instnorm()(real_feat55), "l2") loss_G += weights['w_pl'][3] * calc_loss(instnorm()(fake_feat112), instnorm()(real_feat112), "l2") return loss_G
def adversarial_loss(netD, real, fake_abgr, distorted, gan_training="mixup_LSGAN", **weights): alpha = Lambda(lambda x: x[:,:,:, :1])(fake_abgr) fake_bgr = Lambda(lambda x: x[:,:,:, 1:])(fake_abgr) fake = alpha * fake_bgr + (1-alpha) * distorted if gan_training == "mixup_LSGAN": dist = Beta(0.2, 0.2) lam = dist.sample() mixup = lam * concatenate([real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate([fake, distorted]) output_mixup = netD(mixup) loss_D = calc_loss(output_mixup, lam * K.ones_like(output_mixup), "l2") loss_G = weights['w_D'] * calc_loss(output_mixup, (1 - lam) * K.ones_like(output_mixup), "l2") mixup2 = lam * concatenate([real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate([fake_bgr, distorted]) output_mixup2 = netD(mixup2) loss_D += calc_loss(output_mixup2, lam * K.ones_like(output_mixup2), "l2") loss_G += weights['w_D'] * calc_loss(output_mixup2, (1 - lam) * K.ones_like(output_mixup2), "l2") elif gan_training == "relativistic_avg_LSGAN": real_pred = netD(concatenate([real, distorted])) fake_pred = netD(concatenate([fake, distorted])) loss_D = K.mean(K.square(real_pred - K.mean(fake_pred,axis=0) - K.ones_like(fake_pred))) loss_D += K.mean(K.square(K.mean(fake_pred,axis=0) - real_pred + K.ones_like(fake_pred))) loss_G = weights['w_D'] * K.mean(K.square(real_pred - K.mean(fake_pred,axis=0) + K.ones_like(fake_pred))) loss_G += weights['w_D'] * K.mean(K.square(K.mean(fake_pred,axis=0) - real_pred - K.ones_like(fake_pred))) fake_pred2 = netD(concatenate([fake_bgr, distorted])) loss_D += K.mean(K.square(real_pred - K.mean(fake_pred2,axis=0) - K.ones_like(fake_pred2))) loss_D += K.mean(K.square(K.mean(fake_pred2,axis=0) - real_pred + K.ones_like(fake_pred2))) loss_G += weights['w_D'] * K.mean(K.square(real_pred - K.mean(fake_pred2,axis=0) + K.ones_like(fake_pred2))) loss_G += weights['w_D'] * K.mean(K.square(K.mean(fake_pred2,axis=0) - real_pred - K.ones_like(fake_pred2))) else: raise ValueError("Receive an unknown GAN training method: {gan_training}") return loss_D, loss_G
def D_loss(netD, real, fake, rec, alpha=None, idt=None, is_cyclic=False): #x_i, y_i, y_j = tf.split(real, [3, 3, 3], 3) x_i = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 0:3])(real) y_i = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 3:6])(real) y_j = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 6:])(real) x_i_j = fake dist = Beta(mixup_alpha, mixup_alpha) lam = dist.sample() if use_mixup: mixup_x = lam * x_i + (1 - lam) * x_i_j mixup_y = lam * y_i + (1 - lam) * y_j output_real = netD(concatenate( [mixup_x, mixup_y])) # positive sample + negative sample output_fake = netD(concatenate([x_i_j, y_j])) # negative sample (dummy) output_fake2 = netD(concatenate([x_i, y_j])) # negative sample 2 else: output_real = netD(concatenate([x_i, y_i])) # positive sample output_fake = netD(concatenate([x_i_j, y_j])) # negative sample output_fake2 = netD(concatenate([x_i, y_j])) # negative sample 2 if not alpha is None: alpha_resized = tf.image.resize_images( alpha, [int(output_real.shape[1]), int(output_real.shape[2])]) else: alpha_resized = 1 #Get Loss Function if use_lsgan: loss_fn = lambda output, target: K.mean( K.abs(K.square(output - target))) else: loss_fn = lambda output, target: -K.mean( K.log(output + 1e-12) * target + K.log(1 - output + 1e-12) * (1 - target)) loss_D_real = loss_fn(output_real, lam * K.ones_like(output_real)) loss_D_fake = loss_fn(output_fake, K.zeros_like(output_fake)) #loss_D_fake = loss_fn(output_fake, K.zeros_like(output_fake) + (1-alpha_resized)*K.ones_like(output_fake)) loss_D_fake2 = loss_fn(output_fake2, K.zeros_like(output_fake2)) loss_G = loss_fn(output_fake, K.ones_like(output_fake)) if use_mixup: loss_D = loss_D_real + loss_D_fake2 else: loss_D = loss_D_real + (loss_D_fake + loss_D_fake2) # cyclic consistency loss if is_cyclic: loss_cyc = K.mean(K.abs(rec - x_i)) else: loss_cyc = 0 # identity loss if not idt is None: loss_cyc += K.mean(K.abs(idt - x_i)) return loss_D, loss_G, loss_cyc
def define_loss(netD, real, fake_argb, fake_sz64, distorted, vggface_feat=None): alpha = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, :1])(fake_argb) fake_rgb = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:])(fake_argb) fake = alpha * fake_rgb + (1 - alpha) * distorted if use_mixup: dist = Beta(mixup_alpha, mixup_alpha) lam = dist.sample() # ========== mixup = lam * concatenate([real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate( [fake, distorted]) # ========== output_mixup = netD(mixup) loss_D = loss_fn(output_mixup, lam * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) # output_fake = netD(concatenate([fake, distorted])) # dummy loss_G = 1 * loss_fn(output_mixup, (1 - lam) * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) else: output_real = netD(concatenate([real, distorted])) # positive sample output_fake = netD(concatenate([fake, distorted])) # negative sample loss_D_real = loss_fn(output_real, K.ones_like(output_real)) loss_D_fake = loss_fn(output_fake, K.zeros_like(output_fake)) loss_D = loss_D_real + loss_D_fake loss_G = 1 * loss_fn(output_fake, K.ones_like(output_fake)) # ========== loss_G += K.mean(K.abs(fake_rgb - real)) loss_G += K.mean(K.abs(fake_sz64 - tf.image.resize_images(real, [64, 64]))) # ========== # Perceptual Loss if not vggface_feat is None: def preprocess_vggface(x): x = (x + 1) / 2 * 255 # channel order: BGR x -= [93.5940, 104.7624, 129.] return x pl_params = (0.02, 0.3, 0.5) real_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(real, [224, 224]) real_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(real_sz224) # ========== fake_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(fake_rgb, [224, 224]) fake_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(fake_sz224) # ========== real_feat55, real_feat28, real_feat7 = vggface_feat(real_sz224) fake_feat55, fake_feat28, fake_feat7 = vggface_feat(fake_sz224) loss_G += pl_params[0] * K.mean(K.abs(fake_feat7 - real_feat7)) loss_G += pl_params[1] * K.mean(K.abs(fake_feat28 - real_feat28)) loss_G += pl_params[2] * K.mean(K.abs(fake_feat55 - real_feat55)) return loss_D, loss_G
def define_loss_masked(netD, real, fake_argb, distorted, vggface_feat=None, mixup_alpha=None, use_lsgan=True): # loss weights w_D = 0.5 # Discriminator contribution to generator loss w_recon = 1. # L1 reconstruction loss w_edge = 1. # edge loss loss_fn = get_loss_fun(use_lsgan) alpha = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, :1])(fake_argb) fake_rgb = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:])(fake_argb) fake = alpha * fake_rgb + (1 - alpha) * distorted if mixup_alpha: dist = Beta(mixup_alpha, mixup_alpha) lam = dist.sample() mixup = lam * concatenate([real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate( [fake, distorted]) output_mixup = netD(mixup) loss_D = loss_fn(output_mixup, lam * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) output_fake = netD(concatenate([fake, distorted])) # dummy loss_G = w_D * loss_fn(output_mixup, (1 - lam) * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) else: output_real = netD(concatenate([real, distorted])) # positive sample output_fake = netD(concatenate([fake, distorted])) # negative sample loss_D_real = loss_fn(output_real, K.ones_like(output_real)) loss_D_fake = loss_fn(output_fake, K.zeros_like(output_fake)) loss_D = loss_D_real + loss_D_fake loss_G = w_D * loss_fn(output_fake, K.ones_like(output_fake)) # Reconstruction loss loss_G += w_recon * K.mean(K.abs(fake_rgb - real)) # Edge loss (similar with total variation loss) loss_G += w_edge * K.mean( K.abs(first_order(fake_rgb, axis=1) - first_order(real, axis=1))) loss_G += w_edge * K.mean( K.abs(first_order(fake_rgb, axis=2) - first_order(real, axis=2))) # Perceptual Loss if not vggface_feat is None: loss_G = add_perceptual_loss_masked(loss_G, real=real, fake=fake, vggface_feat=vggface_feat, fake_rgb=fake_rgb) return loss_D, loss_G
def adversarial_loss(net_d, real, fake_abgr, distorted, gan_training="mixup_LSGAN", **weights): """ Adversarial Loss Function from Shoanlu GAN """ alpha = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, :1])(fake_abgr) fake_bgr = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:])(fake_abgr) fake = alpha * fake_bgr + (1 - alpha) * distorted if gan_training == "mixup_LSGAN": dist = Beta(0.2, 0.2) lam = dist.sample() mixup = lam * concatenate([real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate( [fake, distorted]) pred_fake = net_d(concatenate([fake, distorted])) pred_mixup = net_d(mixup) loss_d = calc_loss(pred_mixup, lam * K.ones_like(pred_mixup), "l2") loss_g = weights['w_D'] * calc_loss(pred_fake, K.ones_like(pred_fake), "l2") mixup2 = lam * concatenate( [real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate([fake_bgr, distorted]) pred_fake_bgr = net_d(concatenate([fake_bgr, distorted])) pred_mixup2 = net_d(mixup2) loss_d += calc_loss(pred_mixup2, lam * K.ones_like(pred_mixup2), "l2") loss_g += weights['w_D'] * calc_loss(pred_fake_bgr, K.ones_like(pred_fake_bgr), "l2") elif gan_training == "relativistic_avg_LSGAN": real_pred = net_d(concatenate([real, distorted])) fake_pred = net_d(concatenate([fake, distorted])) loss_d = K.mean(K.square(real_pred - K.ones_like(fake_pred))) / 2 loss_d += K.mean(K.square(fake_pred - K.zeros_like(fake_pred))) / 2 loss_g = weights['w_D'] * K.mean( K.square(fake_pred - K.ones_like(fake_pred))) fake_pred2 = net_d(concatenate([fake_bgr, distorted])) loss_d += K.mean( K.square(real_pred - K.mean(fake_pred2, axis=0) - K.ones_like(fake_pred2))) / 2 loss_d += K.mean( K.square(fake_pred2 - K.mean(real_pred, axis=0) - K.zeros_like(fake_pred2))) / 2 loss_g += weights['w_D'] * K.mean( K.square(real_pred - K.mean(fake_pred2, axis=0) - K.zeros_like(fake_pred2))) / 2 loss_g += weights['w_D'] * K.mean( K.square(fake_pred2 - K.mean(real_pred, axis=0) - K.ones_like(fake_pred2))) / 2 else: raise ValueError( "Receive an unknown GAN training method: {gan_training}") return loss_d, loss_g
def define_loss(self, netD, real, fake_argb, fake_sz64, distorted, vggface_feat=None): alpha = Lambda(lambda x: x[:,:,:, :1])(fake_argb) fake_rgb = Lambda(lambda x: x[:,:,:, 1:])(fake_argb) fake = alpha * fake_rgb + (1-alpha) * distorted if self.use_mixup: dist = Beta(self.mixup_alpha, self.mixup_alpha) lam = dist.sample() # ========== mixup = lam * concatenate([real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate([fake, distorted]) # ========== output_mixup = netD(mixup) loss_D = self.loss_fn(output_mixup, lam * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) #output_fake = netD(concatenate([fake, distorted])) # dummy loss_G = 1 * self.loss_fn(output_mixup, (1 - lam) * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) else: output_real = netD(concatenate([real, distorted])) # positive sample output_fake = netD(concatenate([fake, distorted])) # negative sample loss_D_real = self.loss_fn(output_real, K.ones_like(output_real)) loss_D_fake = self.loss_fn(output_fake, K.zeros_like(output_fake)) loss_D = loss_D_real + loss_D_fake loss_G = 1 * self.loss_fn(output_fake, K.ones_like(output_fake)) # ========== if self.use_mask_refinement: loss_G += K.mean(K.abs(fake - real)) else: loss_G += K.mean(K.abs(fake_rgb - real)) loss_G += K.mean(K.abs(fake_sz64 - tf.image.resize_images(real, [64, 64]))) # ========== # Perceptual Loss if not vggface_feat is None: def preprocess_vggface(x): x = (x + 1)/2 * 255 # channel order: BGR x -= [93.5940, 104.7624, 129.] return x pl_params = (0.02, 0.3, 0.5) real_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(real, [224, 224]) real_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(real_sz224) # ========== if self.use_mask_refinement: fake_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(fake, [224, 224]) else: fake_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(fake_rgb, [224, 224]) fake_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(fake_sz224) # ========== real_feat55, real_feat28, real_feat7 = vggface_feat(real_sz224) fake_feat55, fake_feat28, fake_feat7 = vggface_feat(fake_sz224) loss_G += pl_params[0] * K.mean(K.abs(fake_feat7 - real_feat7)) loss_G += pl_params[1] * K.mean(K.abs(fake_feat28 - real_feat28)) loss_G += pl_params[2] * K.mean(K.abs(fake_feat55 - real_feat55)) return loss_D, loss_G
def kumaraswamy_kl(prior_alpha, prior_beta,a,b, x): """ Implementation of the KL distribution between a Beta and a Kumaraswamy distribution. Code refactored from the paper "Stick breaking DGMs". Therein they used 10 terms to approximate the infinite taylor series. Parameters: prior_alpha: float/1d, 2d The parameter \alpha of a prior distribution Beta(\alpha,\beta). prior_beta: float/1d, 2d The parameter \beta of a prior distribution Beta(\alpha, \beta). a: float/1d,2d The parameter a of a posterior distribution Kumaraswamy(a,b). b: float/1d, 2d The parameter b of a posterior distribution Kumaraswamy(a,b). Returns: kl: float The KL divergence between Beta and Kumaraswamy with given parameters. """ q_log_prob = kumaraswamy_log_pdf(a, b, x) p_log_prob = Beta(prior_alpha, prior_beta).log_prob(x) return -(p_log_prob-q_log_prob)
def adversarial_loss(netD, real, fake_abgr, distorted, **weights): alpha = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, :1])(fake_abgr) fake_bgr = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:])(fake_abgr) fake = alpha * fake_bgr + (1 - alpha) * distorted dist = Beta(0.2, 0.2) lam = dist.sample() mixup = lam * concatenate([real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate( [fake, distorted]) output_mixup = netD(mixup) loss_D = calc_loss(output_mixup, lam * K.ones_like(output_mixup), "l2") loss_G = weights['w_D'] * calc_loss( output_mixup, (1 - lam) * K.ones_like(output_mixup), "l2") mixup2 = lam * concatenate([real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate( [fake_bgr, distorted]) output_mixup2 = netD(mixup2) loss_D += calc_loss(output_mixup2, lam * K.ones_like(output_mixup2), "l2") loss_G += weights['w_D'] * calc_loss( output_mixup2, (1 - lam) * K.ones_like(output_mixup2), "l2") return loss_D, loss_G
def adversarial_loss(net_d, real, fake_abgr, distorted, gan_training="mixup_LSGAN", **weights): """ Adversarial Loss Function from Shoanlu GAN """ alpha = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, :1])(fake_abgr) fake_bgr = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:])(fake_abgr) fake = alpha * fake_bgr + (1-alpha) * distorted if gan_training == "mixup_LSGAN": dist = Beta(0.2, 0.2) lam = dist.sample() mixup = lam * concatenate([real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate([fake, distorted]) pred_fake = net_d(concatenate([fake, distorted])) pred_mixup = net_d(mixup) loss_d = calc_loss(pred_mixup, lam * K.ones_like(pred_mixup), "l2") loss_g = weights['w_D'] * calc_loss(pred_fake, K.ones_like(pred_fake), "l2") mixup2 = lam * concatenate([real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate([fake_bgr, distorted]) pred_fake_bgr = net_d(concatenate([fake_bgr, distorted])) pred_mixup2 = net_d(mixup2) loss_d += calc_loss(pred_mixup2, lam * K.ones_like(pred_mixup2), "l2") loss_g += weights['w_D'] * calc_loss(pred_fake_bgr, K.ones_like(pred_fake_bgr), "l2") elif gan_training == "relativistic_avg_LSGAN": real_pred = net_d(concatenate([real, distorted])) fake_pred = net_d(concatenate([fake, distorted])) loss_d = K.mean(K.square(real_pred - K.ones_like(fake_pred)))/2 loss_d += K.mean(K.square(fake_pred - K.zeros_like(fake_pred)))/2 loss_g = weights['w_D'] * K.mean(K.square(fake_pred - K.ones_like(fake_pred))) fake_pred2 = net_d(concatenate([fake_bgr, distorted])) loss_d += K.mean(K.square(real_pred - K.mean(fake_pred2, axis=0) - K.ones_like(fake_pred2)))/2 loss_d += K.mean(K.square(fake_pred2 - K.mean(real_pred, axis=0) - K.zeros_like(fake_pred2)))/2 loss_g += weights['w_D'] * K.mean(K.square(real_pred - K.mean(fake_pred2, axis=0) - K.zeros_like(fake_pred2)))/2 loss_g += weights['w_D'] * K.mean(K.square(fake_pred2 - K.mean(real_pred, axis=0) - K.ones_like(fake_pred2)))/2 else: raise ValueError("Receive an unknown GAN training method: {gan_training}") return loss_d, loss_g
def perceptual_loss(real, fake_abgr, distorted, mask_eyes, vggface_feats, **weights): """ Perceptual Loss Function from Shoanlu GAN """ alpha = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, :1])(fake_abgr) fake_bgr = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:])(fake_abgr) fake = alpha * fake_bgr + (1-alpha) * distorted def preprocess_vggface(var_x): var_x = (var_x + 1) / 2 * 255 # channel order: BGR var_x -= [91.4953, 103.8827, 131.0912] return var_x real_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(real, [224, 224]) real_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(real_sz224) dist = Beta(0.2, 0.2) lam = dist.sample() # use mixup trick here to reduce foward pass from 2 times to 1. mixup = lam*fake_bgr + (1-lam)*fake fake_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(mixup, [224, 224]) fake_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(fake_sz224) real_feat112, real_feat55, real_feat28, real_feat7 = vggface_feats(real_sz224) fake_feat112, fake_feat55, fake_feat28, fake_feat7 = vggface_feats(fake_sz224) # Apply instance norm on VGG(ResNet) features # From MUNIT loss_g = 0 def instnorm(): return InstanceNormalization() loss_g += weights['w_pl'][0] * calc_loss(instnorm()(fake_feat7), instnorm()(real_feat7), "l2") loss_g += weights['w_pl'][1] * calc_loss(instnorm()(fake_feat28), instnorm()(real_feat28), "l2") loss_g += weights['w_pl'][2] * calc_loss(instnorm()(fake_feat55), instnorm()(real_feat55), "l2") loss_g += weights['w_pl'][3] * calc_loss(instnorm()(fake_feat112), instnorm()(real_feat112), "l2") return loss_g
def define_loss(self, netD, real, fake_argb, distorted, vggface_feat=None): alpha = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, :1])(fake_argb) fake_rgb = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:])(fake_argb) fake = alpha * fake_rgb + (1 - alpha) * distorted if self.use_mixup: dist = Beta(self.mixup_alpha, self.mixup_alpha) lam = dist.sample() # ========== mixup = lam * concatenate( [real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate([fake, distorted]) # ========== output_mixup = netD(mixup) loss_D = self.loss_fn(output_mixup, lam * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) output_fake = netD(concatenate([fake, distorted])) # dummy loss_G = .5 * self.loss_fn(output_mixup, (1 - lam) * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) else: output_real = netD(concatenate([real, distorted])) # positive sample output_fake = netD(concatenate([fake, distorted])) # negative sample loss_D_real = self.loss_fn(output_real, K.ones_like(output_real)) loss_D_fake = self.loss_fn(output_fake, K.zeros_like(output_fake)) loss_D = loss_D_real + loss_D_fake loss_G = .5 * self.loss_fn(output_fake, K.ones_like(output_fake)) # ========== loss_G += K.mean(K.abs(fake_rgb - real)) # ========== # Edge loss (similar with total variation loss) loss_G += 1 * K.mean( K.abs( self.first_order(fake_rgb, axis=1) - self.first_order(real, axis=1))) loss_G += 1 * K.mean( K.abs( self.first_order(fake_rgb, axis=2) - self.first_order(real, axis=2))) # Perceptual Loss if not vggface_feat is None: def preprocess_vggface(x): x = (x + 1) / 2 * 255 # channel order: BGR #x[..., 0] -= 93.5940 #x[..., 1] -= 104.7624 #x[..., 2] -= 129. x -= [91.4953, 103.8827, 131.0912] return x pl_params = (0.011, 0.11, 0.1919) real_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(real, [224, 224]) real_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(real_sz224) # ========== fake_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(fake_rgb, [224, 224]) fake_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(fake_sz224) # ========== real_feat55, real_feat28, real_feat7 = vggface_feat(real_sz224) fake_feat55, fake_feat28, fake_feat7 = vggface_feat(fake_sz224) loss_G += pl_params[0] * K.mean(K.abs(fake_feat7 - real_feat7)) loss_G += pl_params[1] * K.mean(K.abs(fake_feat28 - real_feat28)) loss_G += pl_params[2] * K.mean(K.abs(fake_feat55 - real_feat55)) return loss_D, loss_G
def beta_loss(target, output): action1_prob = Beta(output[:, 0], output[:, 1]) a = action1_prob.log_prob(target[:, 0]) result = tf.reduce_sum(a * target[:, 1], axis=-1) return -result
# reconstruction loss loss_x_a_recon = w_recon * K.mean(K.abs(x_a_recon - real_A)) loss_x_b_recon = w_recon * K.mean(K.abs(x_b_recon - real_B)) loss_s_a_recon = w_recon_latent * K.mean(K.abs(s_a_recon - s_a)) loss_s_b_recon = w_recon_latent * K.mean(K.abs(s_b_recon - s_b)) loss_c_a_recon = w_recon_latent * K.mean(K.abs(c_a_recon - c_a)) loss_c_b_recon = w_recon_latent * K.mean(K.abs(c_b_recon - c_b)) loss_cycrecon_x_a = w_cycrecon * K.mean(K.abs(x_aba - real_A)) loss_cycrecon_x_b = w_cycrecon * K.mean(K.abs(x_bab - real_B)) loss_GA += (loss_x_a_recon + loss_s_a_recon + loss_c_a_recon) loss_GB += (loss_x_b_recon + loss_s_b_recon + loss_c_b_recon) # GAN loss if use_mixup: dist_beta = Beta(mixup_alpha, mixup_alpha) lam_A = dist_beta.sample() mixup_A = lam_A * real_A + (1 - lam_A) * x_ba outputs_xba_DA = netDA(x_ba) outputs_mixup_DA = netDA(mixup_A) for output in outputs_mixup_DA: loss_DA += loss_fn(output, lam_A * K.ones_like(output)) for output in outputs_xba_DA: loss_adv_GA += w_D * loss_fn(output, K.ones_like(output)) lam_B = dist_beta.sample() mixup_B = lam_B * real_B + (1 - lam_B) * x_ab outputs_xab_DB = netDB(x_ab) outputs_mixup_DB = netDB(mixup_B) for output in outputs_mixup_DB: loss_DB += loss_fn(output, lam_B * K.ones_like(output))
def define_loss(self, netD, netD2, netD_feat, netD_code, netG, real, fake_argb, fake_sz64, distorted, domain, vggface_feat=None): alpha = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, :1])(fake_argb) fake_rgb = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:])(fake_argb) fake = alpha * fake_rgb + (1 - alpha) * distorted # Use mixup - Loss of masked output dist = Beta(self.mixup_alpha, self.mixup_alpha) lam = dist.sample() # ========== mixup = lam * concatenate([real, distorted]) + (1 - lam) * concatenate( [fake, distorted]) # ========== output_mixup = netD(mixup) loss_D = self.loss_fn(output_mixup, lam * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) loss_G = .5 * self.loss_fn(output_mixup, (1 - lam) * K.ones_like(output_mixup)) # Loss of raw output #real_shuffled = Lambda(lambda x: tf.random_shuffle(x))(real) lam2 = dist.sample() mixup2 = lam2 * real + (1 - lam2) * fake_rgb output2_mixup = netD2(mixup2) loss_D2 = self.loss_fn(output2_mixup, lam2 * K.ones_like(output2_mixup)) loss_G += .5 * self.loss_fn(output2_mixup, (1 - lam) * K.ones_like(output2_mixup)) # Domain adversarial loss real_code = netG([real])[1] rec_code = netG([fake_rgb])[1] output_real_code = netD_code([real_code]) # Target of domain A = 1, domain B = 0 if domain == "A": loss_D_code = self.loss_fn_bce(output_real_code, K.ones_like(output_real_code)) loss_G += .03 * self.loss_fn(output_real_code, K.zeros_like(output_real_code)) elif domain == "B": loss_D_code = self.loss_fn_bce(output_real_code, K.zeros_like(output_real_code)) loss_G += .03 * self.loss_fn(output_real_code, K.ones_like(output_real_code)) # semantic consistency loss loss_G += 1. * self.cos_distance(rec_code, real_code) # ========== # L1 loss loss_G += 3 * K.mean(K.abs(fake_rgb - real)) loss_G += 3 * K.mean( K.abs(fake_sz64 - tf.image.resize_images(real, [64, 64]))) # ========== loss_D_feat = 0 # Perceptual Loss if not vggface_feat is None: def preprocess_vggface(x): x = (x + 1) / 2 * 255 # channel order: BGR x -= [93.5940, 104.7624, 129.] return x pl_params = (0.02, 0.3, 0.5) real_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(real, [224, 224]) real_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(real_sz224) # ========== fake_sz224 = tf.image.resize_images(fake_rgb, [224, 224]) fake_sz224 = Lambda(preprocess_vggface)(fake_sz224) # ========== real_feat55, real_feat28, real_feat7 = vggface_feat(real_sz224) fake_feat55, fake_feat28, fake_feat7 = vggface_feat(fake_sz224) loss_G += pl_params[0] * K.mean(K.square(fake_feat7 - real_feat7)) loss_G += pl_params[1] * K.mean(K.abs(fake_feat28 - real_feat28)) loss_G += pl_params[2] * K.mean(K.abs(fake_feat55 - real_feat55)) return loss_D, loss_D2, loss_G, loss_D_feat, loss_D_code