def downsample_zerofill(x, down_ratio=None, sparsity=None, min_shape=(128, 128), method='bicubic'): x = (x / np.iinfo(x.dtype).max).astype(np.float32) if x.shape[0] < min_shape[0]: x = resize(x, [min_shape[0], x.shape[1]], method, antialias=True) if x.shape[1] < min_shape[1]: x = resize(x, [x.shape[1], min_shape[1]], method, antialias=True) if down_ratio is not None and sparsity is None: mask = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=np.float32) mask[::down_ratio[0], ::down_ratio[1], :] = 1 down = x * mask #mask[mask == 0] = 0.5 x = np.dstack((x, down, mask)) elif down_ratio is None and sparsity is not None: mask = np.random.random(x.shape).astype(np.float32) mask[mask > sparsity] = 1 mask[mask <= sparsity] = 0 down = x * mask #mask[mask == 0] = 0.5 x = np.dstack((x, down, mask)) else: print('ERROR: Please, input either a downsampling ratio or sparsity.') return x
def downsample(x, down_ratio=(2, 1), min_shape=(128, 128), method='bicubic'): x = (x / np.iinfo(x.dtype).max).astype(np.float32) if x.shape[0] < min_shape[0]: x = resize(x, [min_shape[0], x.shape[1]], method, antialias=True) if x.shape[1] < min_shape[1]: x = resize(x, [x.shape[1], min_shape[1]], method, antialias=True) down = x[::down_ratio[0], ::down_ratio[1], :] x = (x, down) return x
def decode_img_enhanced(leye_img, reye_img, region, label): precision_type = tf.float16 region = tf.cast(region, tf.int32) leye_im = reye_im = '''Convert to float16/32 in the [0,1] range''' leye_im = convert_image_dtype(leye_im, precision_type) reye_im = convert_image_dtype(reye_im, precision_type) '''Resize''' leye_im = resize(leye_im, [config.eyeIm_size, config.eyeIm_size]) reye_im = resize(reye_im, [config.eyeIm_size, config.eyeIm_size]) '''Normalize''' # leye_im = tf.image.per_image_standardization(leye_im) # reye_im = tf.image.per_image_standardization(reye_im) orientation = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(region[24], depth=3), precision_type) eyelandmark = tf.cast(tf.concat([region[8:11], region[13:16]], 0), tf.float32) / 640.0 '''Create heatmap label''' if (config.heatmap): hmFocus_size = 17 if ( else 9 # tablet focus_size=9 HM_FOCUS_IM = np.zeros((5, hmFocus_size, hmFocus_size, 1)) stdv_list = [0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4] for level in range(5): # 5 levels of std to constuct heatmap stdv = stdv_list[level] # 3/(12-level) for i in range(hmFocus_size): for j in range(hmFocus_size): distanceFromCenter = 2 * \ np.linalg.norm(np.array([i-int(hmFocus_size/2), j-int(hmFocus_size/2)]))/((hmFocus_size)/2) gauss_prob = gauss(distanceFromCenter, stdv) HM_FOCUS_IM[level, i, j, 0] = gauss_prob HM_FOCUS_IM[level, :, :, 0] /= np.sum(HM_FOCUS_IM[level, :, :, 0]) heatmap_im = convert_image_dtype(HM_FOCUS_IM[0, :, :, :], tf.float32) heatmap_im = pad_to_bounding_box( heatmap_im, int(label[0] * config.scale + config.hm_size / 2 - hmFocus_size / 2), int(label[1] * config.scale + config.hm_size / 2 - hmFocus_size / 2), config.hm_size, config.hm_size) label = heatmap_im return (orientation, eyelandmark, leye_im, reye_im, label)
def test_video_predict(): model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet') x = VideoDataset(video_path).batch(1).map( lambda x: preprocess_input(image.resize(x, (224, 224)))) y = model.predict(x) p = decode_predictions(y, top=1) assert len(p) == 166
def path_to_image(path, image_size, num_channels, interpolation): img = io_ops.read_file(path) img = image_ops.decode_image(img, channels=num_channels, expand_animations=False) #img = image_ops.resize_images_v2(img, image_size, method=interpolation) #---------------------- This is the custom resizing size = image_size lo_dim = min(size) # Take width/height initial_width = shape(img)[0] initial_height = shape(img)[1] # Take the greater value, and use it for the ratio min_ = minimum(initial_width, initial_height) ratio = cast(min_, "float") / constant(lo_dim, dtype=float32) new_width = cast(cast(initial_width, "float") / ratio, "int32") new_height = cast(cast(initial_height, "float") / ratio, "int32") img = image.resize(img, [new_width, new_height]) img = image.resize_with_crop_or_pad(img, size[0], size[1]) #---------------------- img.set_shape((image_size[0], image_size[1], num_channels)) return img
def size(cls, uri, new_size=None, keep_aspect=False): """ Return the current image dimensions or resize it. Parameters ---------- uri: str Description of where the image are located new_size (optional): tuple The new intended dimension of the image keep_aspect (optional) (default=False): bool If the image proportions should be preserved or not. Returns ------- tuple: Current image dimensions If new_size is True: numpy.ndarray: A resized image, if new_size parameter was passed through """ if new_size: return image_ops.resize( cls.get_image(uri, as_tensor=True), new_size, method=image_ops.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, preserve_aspect_ratio=keep_aspect) return cls.get_image(uri, as_tensor=True).shape[:2]
def predict(img_bytes): # Decode x = image.decode_jpeg(img_bytes, channels=3) print('decoded') # Normalize x = image.convert_image_dtype(x, float32) print('normalized') # Resize np_x = image.resize(x, [224, 224]).numpy() x = np_x.tolist() print('resized') # Predict pred = model.predict(reshape(x, [-1, 224, 224, 3])) # Map top_k_values, top_k_indices = math.top_k(pred, k=3, sorted=True, name=None) top_k_values = top_k_values.numpy().tolist()[0] top_k_labels = [d[idx] for idx in top_k_indices.numpy()[0]] results = {'prob': top_k_values, 'prob_labels': top_k_labels} print(results) # Return return json.dumps(results)
def run(input_data): data = json.loads(input_data)['data'] base64_decoded = base64.b64decode(data.strip()) image = image_np = np.array(image) / 255 print("input shape") print(image_np.shape) image_np = resize(image_np, img_size) print("input shape") print(image_np.shape) image_np = reshape( image_np, (-1, image_np.shape[0], image_np.shape[1], image_np.shape[2])) print("input shape") print(image_np.shape) prediction = model.predict(image_np) return json.dumps(prediction.tolist())
def predict(self, image_array): if image_array.shape != (28, 28, 1): image_array = resize(image_array, (28, 28)) image_array = image_array.reshape(1, 28, 28, 1) result = self.artifacts.classifier.predict_classes(image_array)[0] return class_names[result]
def get_img(img_path): img = read_file(img_path) img = decode_jpeg(img, channels=3) img = resize(img, [image_size, image_size]) img = 1 - img/255. # We would rather have the whole white void area be full of zeros than ones img = tf.convert_to_tensor([img]) return img
def get_discriminator(im_h, im_w, n_class, lrelu_alpha=0.2): disc_inp = Input((im_h, im_w, n_class)) x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1,1))(disc_inp) x = Conv2D(64, kernel_size=(4,4), strides=2, padding='valid', activation=None)(x) x = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(x) x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1,1))(x) x = Conv2D(128, kernel_size=(4,4), strides=2, padding='valid', activation=None)(x) x = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(x) x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1,1))(x) x = Conv2D(256, kernel_size=(4,4), strides=2, padding='valid', activation=None)(x) x = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(x) x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1,1))(x) x = Conv2D(512, kernel_size=(4,4), strides=2, padding='valid', activation=None)(x) x = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(x) preds = Conv2D(1, kernel_size=(4,4), strides=2, padding='valid', activation=None)(x) upsample_layer = Lambda(lambda x: resize(x, size=(im_h, im_w), method='bilinear')) preds_upsample = upsample_layer(preds) preds_upsample = Activation('sigmoid')(preds_upsample) return Model(disc_inp, preds_upsample, name='discriminator')
def process_path(file_path): print(file_path) file = read_file(file_path) file = image.decode_jpeg(file, channels=3) file = cast(file, float32) file = preprocess_input(file) file = image.resize(file, [ROW, COL]) return file
def resize_images_generator(X, y, batch_size, shape): size = len(X) epochs = len(X) // batch_size + 1 while True: for e in range(epochs): images = X[e * batch_size:(e + 1) * batch_size] labels = y[e * batch_size:(e + 1) * batch_size] yield resize(images, shape), labels
def predict(): img = st.image(img) img = np.asarray(img) / 255 img = resize(img, (256, 256)) img = expand_dims(img, axis=0) prediction = int(round(model.predict(x=img)).numpy()[0][0]) prediction = class_indices[prediction] return prediction
def resize_images_from(input_path, image_size): for class_dir in tqdm(os.listdir(input_path)): path = os.path.join(input_path, class_dir) files = os.listdir(path) for file in files: img = load_img(pathlib.Path(path, file)) img = np.array(img) img = resize(img, image_size).numpy() save_img(pathlib.Path(path, file), img)
def fid_function(real_image_batch, generated_image_batch): """ Given a batch of real images and a batch of generated images, this function pulls down a pre-trained inception v3 network and then uses it to extract the activations for both the real and generated images. The distance of these activations is then computed. The distance is a measure of how "realistic" the generated images are. :param real_image_batch: a batch of real images from the dataset, shape=[batch_size, height, width, channels] :param generated_image_batch: a batch of images generated by the generator network, shape=[batch_size, height, width, channels] :return: the inception distance between the real and generated images, scalar """ INCEPTION_IMAGE_SIZE = (299, 299) real_resized = image.resize(real_image_batch, INCEPTION_IMAGE_SIZE) fake_resized = image.resize(generated_image_batch, INCEPTION_IMAGE_SIZE)[None, 299, 299, 3]) real_features = module(real_resized) fake_features = module(fake_resized) return tfgan.eval.frechet_classifier_distance_from_activations( real_features, fake_features)
def resize_by_axis(self, img, dim_1, dim_2, ax): resized_list = [] # print(img.shape, ax, dim_1, dim_2) unstack_img_depth_list = tf.unstack(img, axis=ax) for j in unstack_img_depth_list: resized_list.append( image.resize(j, [dim_1, dim_2], method='bicubic')) stack_img = tf.stack(resized_list, axis=ax) # print(stack_img.shape) return stack_img
def preprocess_input(data, labels): for i in tqdm(range(len(data))): try: data[i] = data[i].astype(np.float32) data[i] = resize(data[i], IMAGE_SIZE).numpy() #data[i] = rgb2gray(data[i]) data[i] = 1. / 255. * data[i] except: del data[i] del labels[i] return data, labels
def load_image(image_path): """ Convert all image into array of shape (1, width, height, 3) """ image = io.read_file(image_path) image = img.decode_image(image, channels=3) image = img.convert_image_dtype(image, float32) image = img.resize(image, (width, height)) image = image[newaxis, :] return image
def __build_localizator_model(self): """ original_shape = cuboid.shape[1:] split_cub_shape = (cuboid.shape[1], cuboid.shape[2]//self.__subwind_size[0], self.__subwind_size[0], cuboid.shape[3]//self.__subwind_size[1], self.__subwind_size[1], cuboid.shape[4]) split_cub = cuboid.reshape(split_cub_shape) # Shift the cumuled axis to the first axises split_cub = np.rollaxis(split_cub, 1, 0) split_cub = np.rollaxis(split_cub, 3, 1) split_cub = split_cub.reshape((-1,) + split_cub.shape[2:]) """ cub_length, width, height, channels = self._rec_model.input.shape[1:] split_cub_shape = (cub_length, width // self.__subwind_size[0], self.__subwind_size[0], height // self.__subwind_size[1], self.__subwind_size[1], channels) # Make base model base_input_layer = Input(shape=(cub_length, self.__subwind_size[0], self.__subwind_size[1], channels)) base_resize_layer = TimeDistributed( Lambda(lambda x: tf_image.resize(x, (width, height))))( base_input_layer) base_rec_model = self._rec_model(base_resize_layer) base_model = Model(inputs=base_input_layer, outputs=base_rec_model) # Add resizing layers at first of to the rec model to resize the tensors # to the input accepted by the model input_layer = Input(shape=(cub_length, width, height, channels)) # Split cuboid in subcuboids split_layer = Reshape(split_cub_shape)(input_layer) permut_dim_layer = Lambda( lambda x: tf_transpose(x, [0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 6]))(split_layer) acum_dim_layer = Reshape( (split_cub_shape[2] * split_cub_shape[4], cub_length, self.__subwind_size[0], self.__subwind_size[1], channels))(permut_dim_layer) # Resize each subcuboid at full cuboid size rec_model = TimeDistributed(base_model)(acum_dim_layer) # Predict each subcuboid #rec_model = self._rec_model(rec_model) model = Model(inputs=input_layer, outputs=rec_model) return model, base_model """
def upsample(dst: KerasTensor, pre_name: str = '', idx: int = 0) -> layers.Layer: """ A customized up-sampling layer using bi-linear Interpolation :param dst: the target tensor, need it's size for up-sample :param pre_name: the layer's prefix name :param idx: the index of layer :return: the up-sample layer """ from tensorflow import image import numpy as np np.random.rand(30) return layers.Lambda(lambda x, w, h: image.resize(x, (w, h)), arguments={'w': dst.shape[1], 'h': dst.shape[2]}, name=f"{pre_name}_upsample{idx}")
def resize_display(x_train,y_train, x_test,y_test,pixels): x_train=np.array(timage.resize(x_train,[pixels,pixels])) x_test=np.array(timage.resize(x_test,[pixels,pixels])) N=len(y_train); shuffle_ids=np.arange(N) np.random.RandomState(12).shuffle(shuffle_ids) x_train,y_train=x_train[shuffle_ids],y_train[shuffle_ids] N=len(y_test); shuffle_ids=np.arange(N) np.random.RandomState(23).shuffle(shuffle_ids) x_test,y_test=x_test[shuffle_ids],y_test[shuffle_ids] n=int(len(x_test)/2) x_valid,y_valid=x_test[:n],y_test[:n] x_test,y_test=x_test[n:],y_test[n:] df=pd.DataFrame([[x_train.shape,x_valid.shape,x_test.shape], [x_train.dtype,x_valid.dtype,x_test.dtype], [y_train.shape,y_valid.shape,y_test.shape], [y_train.dtype,y_valid.dtype,y_test.dtype]], columns=['train','valid','test'], index=['image shape','image type', 'label shape','label type']) display(df) return [[x_train,x_valid,x_test], [y_train,y_valid,y_test]]
def upload_frame(): image = plt.imread(uploaded_file) image = cv2.resize(image, dsize=(1280, 720), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) image_origin = image.copy() face_locations = detector.detect_faces(image) X1, X2, Y1, Y2 = [], [], [], [] pred_values = {} for i in range(len(face_locations)): x1, y1, width, height = face_locations[i]["box"] x2, y2 = x1 + width, y1 + height cropped = image[y1:y2, x1:x2] pred = model.predict( np.expand_dims(resize( (cropped), [224, 224]), axis=0) / 255.0)[0] top_values = pred.argsort()[-3:] prediction1 = classes[top_values[2]] pred1 = pred[top_values[2]] prediction2 = classes[top_values[1]] pred2 = pred[top_values[1]] prediction3 = classes[top_values[0]] pred3 = pred[top_values[0]] cv2.rectangle(image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (105, 60, 114), 5) cv2.putText(image, f"1: {prediction1}:{round(pred1*100)}%", (x1, y2 + 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (244, 139, 41), 2) cv2.putText(image, f"2: {prediction2}:{round(pred2*100)}%", (x1, y2 + 60), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (105, 60, 114), 2) cv2.putText(image, f"3: {prediction3}:{round(pred3*100)}%", (x1, y2 + 90), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (244, 139, 41), 2) pred_values[i] = [[prediction1, round(pred1 * 100)], [prediction2, round(pred2 * 100)], [prediction3, round(pred3 * 100)]] X1.append(x1) X2.append(x2) Y1.append(y1) Y2.append(y2) return image, image_origin, X1, X2, Y1, Y2, pred_values, face_locations
def preprocess(self, image): image = resize(image, (self.inp_shape[1], self.inp_shape[2])) # rescale to match the input size # change to grayscale if the model is in grayscale if self.inp_shape[3] == 1 and image.shape[2] != 1: if image.shape[2] == 3: image = rgb_to_grayscale(image) elif image.shape[2] == 4: image = rgb_to_grayscale(image[:, :, :3]) image = img_to_array(image) image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) return image
def image_import(all_paths, img_size, ch=3): """Function to convert two images into tensors for putting it into the network Arguments: all_path - list of paths to images, img_size - image size ch - kind of image color channels Return: list of tensors""" images = [ image.resize(image.decode_image(io.read_file(path)), [img_size, img_size, ch]) for path in all_paths ] images /= 255.0 print('Images are ready') return images
def preprocess(x, data_format=None): """Preprocesses images for ResNet models. Order of preprocessing: - Resize to 256 by 256 - Central crop to 224 by 224 - Normalize values by scaling into the range [0, 1] - Normalize values by mean subtraction - Normalize values by dividing by the standard deviation """ x = utils.resize(x, (256, 256)) x = utils.central_crop(x, (224 / 256)) return imagenet_utils.preprocess_input(x, data_format=data_format, mode='torch')
def get_embedding(model, img): """ Get embedding of input image Arguments: model: Embedding model img: Input image Return: Embedding of input image """ img = resize(img, (160, 160)) # Resize img /= 255 # Normalize img = expand_dims(img, axis=0) # Expand dimension embedding = model.predict(img)[0] # Get embedding return embedding
def load_img_by_classes(input_path, no_images=None, image_size=None): data = [] labels = [] for class_dir in tqdm(os.listdir(input_path)): path = os.path.join(input_path, class_dir) if no_images is None: files = os.listdir(path) else: files = os.listdir(path)[:no_images] for file in files: img = load_img(pathlib.Path(path, file)) img = img_to_array(img) if image_size is not None: img = resize(img, image_size) data.append(img) labels.append(class_dir) return data, labels
def ResizeConvReluMaxPool(X, weights, bias): resize = image.resize(X, [N + 2, N + 2]) conv = nn.conv2d(resize, weights, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding="VALID", data_format="NHWC") conv_bias = nn.bias_add(conv, bias, data_format="NHWC") relu = nn.relu(conv_bias) maxpool = nn.max_pool2d(relu, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding="VALID", data_format="NHWC") return maxpool
def augmentation(self, image, label, th=.90): """ Basic Data augmentation used in this pipeline in this step only use a basic transformation :param image: tensor sample :param label: one hot label :param th: random value which triggered a augmentation :return: 0-1 tensor and one-hot label """ if random() > th: size = uniform(th, 1.0) image = central_crop(image, central_fraction=size) image = resize(image, self.shape, antialias=True) return image, label