コード例 #1
ファイル: tfrecord_reader.py プロジェクト: fagan2888/ml4ir
    def _parse_example_fn(example_proto):
        Parse the input `tf.Example` proto using the features_spec

            example_proto: tfrecord Example protobuf data

            features: parsed features extracted from the protobuf
            labels: parsed label extracted from the protobuf
        features = io.parse_single_example(serialized=example_proto, features=features_spec)

        features_dict = dict()

        # Process all features
        for feature_info in feature_config.get_all_features():
            feature_node_name = feature_info.get("node_name", feature_info["name"])

            default_tensor = tf.constant(
                value=feature_config.get_default_value(feature_info), dtype=feature_info["dtype"],
            feature_tensor = features.get(feature_info["name"], default_tensor)

            feature_tensor = tf.expand_dims(feature_tensor, axis=0)

            feature_tensor = preprocess_feature(feature_tensor, feature_info, preprocessing_map)

            features_dict[feature_node_name] = feature_tensor

        labels = features_dict.pop(feature_config.get_label(key="name"))

        return features_dict, labels
コード例 #2
    def decode(self, serialized_example):
        """ Load final output to neural network training procedure

        :param serialized_example: compressed example recorded
        on TFRecordWriter

        :return: image, label as one hot encoder

        features = io.parse_single_example(serialized_example,
        image = io.decode_raw(features['image'], 'uint8')
        image = reshape(image, self.shape + (3, ))
        image = cast(image, dtype='float32') / 255
        return image, one_hot(features['label'], self.labels)
コード例 #3
ファイル: tfrecord_reader.py プロジェクト: salesforce/ml4ir
    def extract_features_from_proto(self, serialized):
        Parse the serialized proto string to extract features

        proto: tf.Tensor
            A scalar string tensor that is the serialized form of a TFRecord object

        dict of Tensors
            Dictionary of features extracted from the proto as per the features_spec
        return io.parse_single_example(serialized=serialized, features=self.features_spec)
コード例 #4
    def _parse_example_fn(example_proto):
        Parse the input `tf.Example` proto using the features_spec

        example_proto : string
            serialized tfrecord Example protobuf message

        features : dict
            parsed features as `tf.Tensor` objects extracted from the protobuf
        labels : `tf.Tensor`
            parsed label as a `tf.Tensor` object extracted from the protobuf
        features = io.parse_single_example(serialized=example_proto, features=features_spec)

        features_dict = dict()

        # Process all features, including label.
        for feature_info in feature_config.get_all_features():
            feature_node_name = feature_info.get("node_name", feature_info["name"])

            default_tensor = tf.constant(
                value=feature_config.get_default_value(feature_info), dtype=feature_info["dtype"],
            feature_tensor = features.get(feature_info["name"], default_tensor)

            feature_tensor = tf.expand_dims(feature_tensor, axis=0)

            feature_tensor = preprocess_feature(feature_tensor, feature_info, preprocessing_map)

            features_dict[feature_node_name] = feature_tensor

        labels = features_dict.pop(feature_config.get_label(key="name"))

        return features_dict, labels