コード例 #1
    def transform_ast(self, node, ctx):
        # TODO(mdan): Insert list_comprehensions somewhere.

        # Run initial analysis.
        graphs = cfg.build(node)
        node = qual_names.resolve(node)
        node = activity.resolve(node, ctx, None)
        node = reaching_definitions.resolve(node, ctx, graphs)
                anno.Static.DEFINITIONS: anno.Static.ORIG_DEFINITIONS,

        node = functions.transform(node, ctx)
        node = directives.transform(node, ctx)
        node = break_statements.transform(node, ctx)
        if ctx.user.options.uses(converter.Feature.ASSERT_STATEMENTS):
            node = asserts.transform(node, ctx)
        # Note: sequencing continue canonicalization before for loop one avoids
        # dealing with the extra loop increment operation that the for
        # canonicalization creates.
        node = continue_statements.transform(node, ctx)
        node = return_statements.transform(node, ctx)
        if ctx.user.options.uses(converter.Feature.LISTS):
            node = lists.transform(node, ctx)
            node = slices.transform(node, ctx)
        node = call_trees.transform(node, ctx)
        node = control_flow.transform(node, ctx)
        node = conditional_expressions.transform(node, ctx)
        node = logical_expressions.transform(node, ctx)
        return node
コード例 #2
ファイル: frontend.py プロジェクト: ywangV/probability
def _parse_and_analyze(f):
    """Performs preliminary analyses and transformations.

  The goal is to massage the source program into a form on which
  the `_AutoBatchingTransformer` below will be successful.

    f: Function to analyze

    node: A Python AST node representing the function, suitable for
      passing to `_AutoBatchingTransformer.visit`
    entity_info: An AutoGraph `EntityInfo` object, with some information
      about `f`.  Required for initializing `_AutoBatchingTransformer`.
    namespace = {}

    # Get the AST of the function
    future_features = inspect_utils.getfutureimports(f)
    node, _ = parser.parse_entity(f, future_features=future_features)

    # Boilerplate for AutoGraph transforms
    entity_info = transformer.EntityInfo(source_code='',
    program_ctx = converter.ProgramContext(
    ctx = converter.EntityContext(namer=naming.Namer(namespace),

    # Canonicalize away break statements
    node = converter.standard_analysis(node, ctx, is_initial=True)
    node = break_statements.transform(node, ctx)

    # Canonicalize away continue statements
    node = converter.standard_analysis(node, ctx, is_initial=False)
    node = continue_statements.transform(node, ctx)

    # Force single returns
    node = converter.standard_analysis(node, ctx, is_initial=False)
    node = return_statements.transform(node, ctx, default_to_null_return=False)

    # Transform into ANF
    node = anf.transform(node, ctx)
    node = converter.standard_analysis(node, ctx, is_initial=False)

    return node, ctx
コード例 #3
    def transform_ast(self, node, ctx):
        node = self.initial_analysis(node, ctx)

        node = functions.transform(node, ctx)
        node = directives.transform(node, ctx)
        node = break_statements.transform(node, ctx)
        if ctx.user.options.uses(converter.Feature.ASSERT_STATEMENTS):
            node = asserts.transform(node, ctx)
        # Note: sequencing continue canonicalization before for loop one avoids
        # dealing with the extra loop increment operation that the for
        # canonicalization creates.
        node = continue_statements.transform(node, ctx)
        node = return_statements.transform(node, ctx)
        if ctx.user.options.uses(converter.Feature.LISTS):
            node = lists.transform(node, ctx)
            node = slices.transform(node, ctx)
        node = call_trees.transform(node, ctx)
        node = control_flow.transform(node, ctx)
        node = conditional_expressions.transform(node, ctx)
        node = logical_expressions.transform(node, ctx)
        node = variables.transform(node, ctx)
        return node
コード例 #4
ファイル: frontend.py プロジェクト: manda-creator/probability
def _parse_and_analyze(f, autobatch_functions):
    """Performs preliminary analyses and transformations.

  The goal is to massage the source program into a form on which
  the `_AutoBatchingTransformer` below will be successful.

    f: Function to analyze
    autobatch_functions: List of Python `str` names of autobatched functions.
      Arguments to these functions will be canonicalized to variable references,
      but others will not.

    node: A Python AST node representing the function, suitable for
      passing to `_AutoBatchingTransformer.visit`
    entity_info: An AutoGraph `EntityInfo` object, with some information
      about `f`.  Required for initializing `_AutoBatchingTransformer`.
    namespace = {}

    # Get the AST of the function
    future_features = inspect_utils.getfutureimports(f)
    node, _ = parser.parse_entity(f, future_features=future_features)

    # Boilerplate for AutoGraph transforms
    entity_info = transformer.EntityInfo(source_code='',
    program_ctx = converter.ProgramContext(
    ctx = converter.EntityContext(namer=naming.Namer(namespace),

    # Canonicalize away break statements
    node = converter.standard_analysis(node, ctx, is_initial=True)
    node = break_statements.transform(node, ctx)

    # Canonicalize away continue statements
    node = converter.standard_analysis(node, ctx, is_initial=False)
    node = continue_statements.transform(node, ctx)

    # Force single returns
    node = converter.standard_analysis(node, ctx, is_initial=False)
    node = return_statements.transform(node, ctx, default_to_null_return=False)

    # Transform into ANF
    # Replacing if tests and autobatched function call arguments because
    # that's where divergence can happen.
    # Replacing all function calls because the downstream transformation
    # expects calls to lead directly to assignments.
    def maybe_replace_function_argument(parent, field_name, child):
        del field_name, child
        if not anno.hasanno(parent.func, anno.Basic.QN):
            return False
        func_name = anno.getanno(parent.func, anno.Basic.QN)
        if str(func_name) in autobatch_functions:
            return True
        return False

    anf_config = [
        (anf.ASTEdgePattern(gast.If, 'test', anf.ANY), anf.REPLACE),
        (anf.ASTEdgePattern(anf.ANY, anf.ANY, gast.Call), anf.REPLACE),
        (anf.ASTEdgePattern(gast.Call, 'args',
                            anf.ANY), maybe_replace_function_argument),
    node = anf.transform(node, ctx, config=anf_config)
    node = converter.standard_analysis(node, ctx, is_initial=False)

    return node, ctx