class NN: """ The NN class wraps a keras Sequential model to reduce the interface methods Notice: Difference to dqn is just the setter and getter methods for the weights """ def __init__(self, env, atoms, alpha: float = 0.001, decay: float = 0.0001): """ We initialize our functional model, therefore we need Input Shape and Output Shape :param env: :param alpha: :param decay: """ self.alpha = alpha self.decay = decay self.model = None self.atoms = atoms # new to D-DDQN self.init_model(env.observation_space.shape[0], env.action_space.n) def init_model(self, input_shape: int, n_actions: int): """ Initializing our keras sequential model :return: initialized model """ input = Input(shape=(input_shape,)) h1 = Dense(64, activation='relu')(input) h2 = Dense(64, activation='relu')(h1) outputs = [] for _ in range(n_actions): outputs.append(Dense(self.atoms, activation='softmax')(h2)) self.model = Model(input, outputs) def predict(self, *args, **kwargs): """ By wrapping the keras predict method we can handle our net as a standalone object :param args: interface to keras.model.predict :return: prediction """ return self.model.predict(*args, **kwargs) def fit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ By wrapping the keras fit method we can handle our net as a standalone object :param args: interface to :return: history object """ return*args, **kwargs) def get_weights(self): """ Passing the arguments to keras get_weights """ return self.model.get_weights() def set_weights(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Passing the arguments to keras set_weights """ self.model.set_weights(*args, *kwargs)
class PolicyModel: def __init__(self, config: Config): self.config = config self.model: Model = None def load_model(self): try: self.model = load_model(str(self.model_file_path))"loading policy model success") return True except Exception: return False def save_model(self):"saving policy model") self.model_file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True), include_optimizer=False) def build(self):"setup state model") in_state = Input((self.config.model.vae.latent_dim, ), name="in_state") in_keys = Input((1, ), name="in_keys") in_time = Input((1, ), name="in_time") in_actions = Input((self.config.policy_model.n_actions, ), name="in_actions") in_rarity = Input((1, ), name="in_rarity") in_all = Concatenate(name="in_all")( [in_state, in_keys, in_time, in_actions, in_rarity]) x = Dense(self.config.policy_model.hidden_size, activation="tanh", name="hidden", kernel_regularizer=l2(0.0001))(in_all) out_actions = Dense(self.config.policy_model.n_actions, activation="softmax", name="parameters", kernel_regularizer=l2(0.0001))(x) out_keep_rate = Dense(1, activation="sigmoid", name="keep_rate")(in_all) self.model = Model([in_state, in_keys, in_time, in_actions, in_rarity], [out_actions, out_keep_rate], name="policy_model") def predict(self, state, keys, time_remain, in_actions, in_rarity): actions, kr = self.model.predict([ np.expand_dims(state, axis=0), np.array([[keys]]), np.array([[time_remain]]), np.expand_dims(in_actions, axis=0), np.array([[in_rarity]]), ]) return actions[0], kr[0] def get_parameters(self): return self.model.get_weights() def set_parameters(self, parameters): self.model.set_weights(parameters) def compile(self): self.model.compile( optimizer=Adam(lr=0.00001), loss=[kullback_leibler_divergence, mean_squared_error], loss_weights=[1., 0.]) @property def model_file_path(self): return self.config.resource.model_dir / "policy_weights.h5"
class NN: """ The biggest change for the duelling DQN is, that we must define a more complex DQN architecture The architecture must define our Value and Advantage Layers The way we define our model: <<<>>> The Keras functional API is a way to create models that are more flexible than the tf.keras.Sequential API. The functional API can handle models with NON-LINEAR topology, SHARED layers, and even MULTIPLE inputs or outputs. Read more here: <<<>>> """ def __init__(self, env, alpha: float = 0.001, decay: float = 0.0001): """ We initialize our functional model, therefore we need Input Shape and Output Shape :param env: :param alpha: :param decay: """ self.alpha = alpha self.decay = decay self.model = None # new to D-DDQN self.init_model(env.observation_space.shape[0], env.action_space.n) def init_model(self, input_shape: int, n_actions: int): inp = Input(shape=(input_shape, )) layer_shared1 = Dense(64, activation='relu')(inp) layer_shared1 = BatchNormalization()(layer_shared1) layer_shared2 = Dense(64, activation='relu')(layer_shared1) layer_shared2 = BatchNormalization()(layer_shared2) layer_v1 = Dense(64, activation='relu')(layer_shared2) layer_v1 = BatchNormalization()(layer_v1) layer_a1 = Dense(64, activation='relu')(layer_shared2) layer_a1 = BatchNormalization()(layer_a1) # the value layer ouput is a scalar value layer_v2 = Dense(1, activation='linear')(layer_v1) # The advantage function subtracts the value of the state from the Q # function to obtain a relative measure of the importance of each action. layer_a2 = Dense(n_actions, activation='linear')(layer_a1) # the q layer combines the two streams of value and advantage function # the lambda functional layer can perform lambda expressions on keras layers # read more here : # the lambda equation is defined in on equation (9) layer_q = Lambda(lambda x: x[0][:] + x[1][:] - K.mean(x[1][:]), output_shape=(n_actions, ))([layer_v2, layer_a2]) self.model = Model(inp, layer_q) self.model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=self.alpha), loss='mse') def predict(self, *args, **kwargs): """ By wrapping the keras predict method we can handle our net as a standalone object :param args: interface to keras.model.predict :return: prediction """ return self.model.predict(*args, **kwargs) def fit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ By wrapping the keras fit method we can handle our net as a standalone object :param args: interface to :return: history object """ return*args, **kwargs) def get_weights(self): """ Passing the arguments to keras get_weights """ return self.model.get_weights() def set_weights(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Passing the arguments to keras set_weights """ self.model.set_weights(*args, *kwargs)
# name= 'biInteraction')([atom_embedding, protSeq_embedding, atom_split, protSeq_len]) affinity = ConcatMlp(hidden_list=args.biInteraction_hidden, dropout=args.dropout, activation='tanh', weight_decay=args.weight_decay)( [atom_embedding, protSeq_embedding, atom_split]) # DrugPropertyModel = Model(inputs= mol_input, outputs= mol_property, name= 'drugPropertyModel') DTAModel = Model(inputs=[mol_input, protSeq_input], outputs=affinity, name="DTAmodel") init_weight_subdir = chkpt_dir + '/initial/' if not os.path.exists(init_weight_subdir): os.makedirs(init_weight_subdir) # DTAModel.save_weights(init_weight_subdir) init_weight = DTAModel.get_weights() if args.pretrain: print("pretrain...") DrugPropertyModel.summary() pretrain( DrugPropertyModel, dataset="kiba_origin", dir_prefix=prefix, epoches=args.pretrain_epoches, batchsize=64, lr=1E-4, patience=8, ) print("pretrain conclude.")