コード例 #1
 def __init__(self):
   self._resource = ged_ops.stats_aggregator_handle_v2()
   # There could be a conflict with multiple file writer in the same logdir,
   # (b/37351340). Possible workarounds till this bug is resolved are a) having
   # multiple dataset stats specific file inside log_dir and b) get default
   # summary writer, getting default summary writer quite doesn't solve the
   # problem as there might be summary writers in log dir not set as default
   # e.g. in Keras calback.
   # Creating a summary_writer here could potentially be replaced with getting
   # the default summary_writer if any, creating it otherwise or a public
   # method to associate summary writer.
   self._logdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
   self._summary_writer = summary_ops_v2.create_file_writer_v2(
       self._logdir, max_queue=_DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUE)
                                               self._summary_writer._resource)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
コード例 #2
ファイル: stats_aggregator.py プロジェクト: flavz27/master_PA
 def __init__(self):
     self._resource = ged_ops.stats_aggregator_handle_v2()
     # There could be a conflict with multiple file writer in the same logdir,
     # (b/37351340). Possible workarounds till this bug is resolved are a) having
     # multiple dataset stats specific file inside log_dir and b) get default
     # summary writer, getting default summary writer quite doesn't solve the
     # problem as there might be summary writers in log dir not set as default
     # e.g. in Keras calback.
     # Creating a summary_writer here could potentially be replaced with getting
     # the default summary_writer if any, creating it otherwise or a public
     # method to associate summary writer.
     self._logdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     self._summary_writer = summary_ops_v2.create_file_writer_v2(
         self._logdir, max_queue=_DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUE)
         self._resource, self._summary_writer._resource)  # pylint: disable=protected-access