コード例 #1
ファイル: nest.py プロジェクト: xutianming/tensorflow
def _yield_value(iterable):
  """Yield elements of `iterable` in a deterministic order.

    iterable: an iterable.

    The iterable elements in a deterministic order.
  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  if isinstance(iterable, _collections_abc.Mapping):
    # Iterate through dictionaries in a deterministic order by sorting the
    # keys. Notice this means that we ignore the original order of `OrderedDict`
    # instances. This is intentional, to avoid potential bugs caused by mixing
    # ordered and plain dicts (e.g., flattening a dict but using a
    # corresponding `OrderedDict` to pack it back).
    for key in _sorted(iterable):
      yield iterable[key]
  elif isinstance(iterable, _sparse_tensor.SparseTensorValue):
    yield iterable
  elif nest._is_attrs(iterable):
    for _, attr in nest._get_attrs_items(iterable):
      yield attr
    for value in iterable:
      yield value
コード例 #2
        def arg_retriving_path(arg, path=()):
      Get retriving path of an argument.

        arg: The input signature of an argument.


      See https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/util/nest.py::_yield_sorted_items
            if not nest.is_sequence(arg):
                yield path
            elif isinstance(arg, nest._collections_abc.Mapping):
                for key in nest._sorted(arg):
                    for res in arg_retriving_path(arg[key],
                                                  path + (('[]', key), )):
                        yield res
            elif nest._is_attrs(arg):
                for item in nest._get_attrs_items(arg):
                    for res in arg_retriving_path(item[1],
                                                  path + (('.', item[0]), )):
                        yield res
            elif nest._is_namedtuple(arg):
                for field in arg._fields:
                    for res in arg_retriving_path(getattr(arg, field),
                                                  path + (('.', field), )):
                        yield res
            # Doesn't support composite_tensor comprared with _yield_sorted_items.
            elif nest._is_type_spec(arg):
                # Note: to allow CompositeTensors and their TypeSpecs to have matching
                # structures, we need to use the same key string here.
                for res in arg_retriving_path(
                        path + (('.', arg.value_type.__name__), )):
                    yield res
                for item in enumerate(arg):
                    for res in arg_retriving_path(item[1],
                                                  path + (('[]', item[0]), )):
                        yield res
コード例 #3
 def __len__(self) -> int:
     warnings.warn("Temporary hotfix")
     assert nest._is_attrs(self)
     return len(nest._get_attrs_items(self))