def layer_norm(x: tf.Tensor, epsilon: float = 1e-6) -> tf.Tensor: """Layer normalize the tensor x, averaging over the last dimension. Implementation based on tensor2tensor. Arguments: x: The ``Tensor`` to normalize. epsilon: The smoothing parameter of the normalization. Returns: The normalized tensor. """ with tf.variable_scope("LayerNorm"): gamma = get_variable( name="gamma", shape=[x.get_shape()[-1]], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.ones_initializer()) beta = get_variable( name="beta", shape=[x.get_shape()[-1]], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) mean = tf.reduce_mean(x, axis=[-1], keepdims=True) variance = tf.reduce_mean( tf.square(x - mean), axis=[-1], keepdims=True) norm_x = (x - mean) * tf.rsqrt(variance + epsilon) return norm_x * gamma + beta
def get_shape_list(x: tf.Tensor) -> List[Union[int, tf.Tensor]]: """Return list of dims, statically where possible. Compute the static shape of a tensor. Where the dimension is not static (e.g. batch or time dimension), symbolic Tensor is returned. Based on tensor2tensor. Arguments: x: The ``Tensor`` to process. Returns: A list of integers and Tensors. """ x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x) # If unknown rank, return dynamic shape if x.get_shape().dims is None: return tf.shape(x) static = x.get_shape().as_list() shape = tf.shape(x) ret = [] for i, dim in enumerate(static): if dim is None: dim = shape[i] ret.append(dim) return ret
def assert_shape(tensor: tf.Tensor, expected_shape: List[Optional[int]]) -> None: """Check shape of a tensor. Args: tensor: Tensor to be chcecked. expected_shape: Expected shape where `None` means the same as in TF and `-1` means not checking the dimension. """ shape_list = tensor.get_shape().as_list() if len(shape_list) != len(expected_shape): raise CheckingException( "Tensor '{}' with shape {} should have {} dimensions.".format(, shape_list, len(expected_shape))) mismatching_dims = [] for i, (real, expected) in enumerate(zip(shape_list, expected_shape)): if expected not in (real, -1): mismatching_dims.append(i) if mismatching_dims: expected_str = ", ".join( "?" if x == -1 else str(x) for x in expected_shape) raise CheckingException( ("Shape mismatch of {} in dimensions: {}. " "Shape was {}, but should be [{}]").format(, ", ".join(str(d) for d in mismatching_dims), shape_list, expected_str))
def multilinear_grad(emb: tf.Tensor, tuples: tf.Tensor, score=False) -> tf.Tensor: tuple_shape = [d.value for d in tuples.get_shape()] # if len(tuple_shape) > 2: # n =[:-1]) # tuples = tf.reshape(tuples, (n, -1)) # n = tuples.get_shape()[0].value order = tuples.get_shape()[2].value rank = emb.get_shape()[-1].value if order == 2: if score: emb_sel = tf.gather(emb, tuples) grad_score = tf.reshape(tf.reverse(emb_sel, [False, False, True, False]), tuple_shape[:-1] + [2, rank]) prod = tf.reduce_prod(emb_sel, 2) preds = tf.reshape(tf.reduce_sum(prod, 2), tuple_shape[:-1]) return grad_score, preds raise NotImplementedError('Todo')
def split_by_factor( tensor_3d: tf.Tensor, batch_size: tf.Tensor, factor: int) -> tf.Tensor: max_time = tf.shape(tensor_3d)[1] state_dim = tensor_3d.get_shape()[2].value if state_dim % factor != 0: raise ValueError(( "Dimension of the tensor ({}) must be dividable by the given " "factor ({}).").format(state_dim, factor)) return tf.reshape( tensor_3d, [batch_size, max_time * factor, state_dim // factor])
def build_cnn(input: tf.Tensor, n_grams, n_features) -> tf.Tensor: max_seq_len = int(input.get_shape()[1]) word_d = int(input.get_shape()[2]) tran_input = tf.reshape(input, [-1, 1, max_seq_len, word_d]) results = list() for n_gram, n_feature in zip(n_grams, n_features): with tf.name_scope("conv-maxpool-%s" % n_gram): filter = tf.to_float( tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([1, n_gram, word_d, n_feature], 0.05, 0.05, dtype=tf.float32))) f_result = tf.nn.conv2d(tran_input, filter, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') # batch_size * (valid_height)(1) * valid_length * n_feature b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[n_feature]), name="b") f_result = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.bias_add(f_result, b)) p_result = tf.reshape( tf.nn.max_pool(f_result, ksize=[1, 1, max_seq_len - n_gram + 1, 1], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID'), [-1, n_feature]) results.append(p_result) return tf.concat(concat_dim=1, values=results)
def __input(self, node_input, tensor: tf.Tensor): if type(node_input) == list: concatenated_input = np.concatenate( [self.nodes[node_input_].output for node_input_ in node_input]) expanded_input = np.lib.pad( concatenated_input, (0, tensor.get_shape()[-1].value - concatenated_input.shape[0]), 'constant') return expanded_input else: return self.nodes[node_input].output
def assert_same_shape(tensor_a: tf.Tensor, tensor_b: tf.Tensor) -> None: """Check if two tensors have the same shape.""" shape_a = tensor_a.get_shape().as_list() shape_b = tensor_b.get_shape().as_list() if len(shape_a) != len(shape_b): raise CheckingException( ("Tensor '{}' has {} dimensions and tensor '{}' has {} " "dimension, but should have the same shape.").format(, len(shape_a),, len(shape_b))) mismatching_dims = [] for i, (size_a, size_b) in enumerate(zip(shape_a, shape_b)): if size_a != size_b: mismatching_dims.append(i) if mismatching_dims: raise CheckingException( ("Shape mismatch of '{}' and '{}' in dimensions: {}. " "Shapes were {} and {}").format(,, ", ".join(str(d) for d in mismatching_dims), shape_a, shape_b))
def get_energies(self, y: tf.Tensor, weights_in_time: tf.Tensor): weight_sum = tf.cond( tf.greater(weights_in_time.size(), 0), lambda: tf.reduce_sum(weights_in_time, axis=0), lambda: 0.0) coverage = weight_sum / self.fertility * self.attention_mask coverage_exp = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(coverage, -1), -1) logits = tf.reduce_sum( self.similarity_bias_vector * tf.tanh( self.hidden_features + y + self.coverage_weights * coverage_exp), [2, 3]) return logits
def multi_conv2d_modified(inputs, filters: tf.Tensor, bias=None, stride=list([1, 1, 1, 1]), padding='SAME', basis_rate=list([1, 3, 5]), to_batch_norm=False, batch_norm_decay=0.997, is_training=True, activation_fn=None): _number_of_basis = len(basis_rate) # _filter_shape = tf.shape(filters) # _filter_center = tf.slice(filters, [1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, _filter_shape[2], _filter_shape[3]]) if _number_of_basis < 2: raise ValueError('Number of basis_rate must be larger or equal than 2') input_shape = inputs.get_shape() output_channel = filters.get_shape()[-1] global_average_pooling = global_avg_pooling_layer(inputs, upsample=False) depth = 256 selection_weights1 = kernels([input_shape[-1], depth], regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(0.0001), name='rate_selection_weights1') selection_weights2 = kernels([depth, _number_of_basis], regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(0.0001), name='rate_selection_weights2') global_avg_pooling_squeezed = tf.squeeze(global_average_pooling, axis=[1, 2]) selection = tf.matmul(global_avg_pooling_squeezed, selection_weights1) selection = batch_norm(selection, is_training, batch_norm_decay) selection = tf.nn.relu(selection) selection = tf.matmul(selection, selection_weights2) selection = batch_norm(selection, is_training, batch_norm_decay) selection = tf.nn.relu(selection) selection = tf.transpose(selection, [1, 0]) output = None for idx, r in enumerate(basis_rate): if idx == 0: output = tf.einsum('nhwc,n->nhwc', atrous_conv2d(inputs, filters, r, bias, padding, stride), selection[idx]) output += tf.einsum('nhwc,n->nhwc', atrous_conv2d(inputs, filters, r, bias, padding, stride), selection[idx]) if to_batch_norm: output = batch_norm(output, is_training, batch_norm_decay) if activation_fn is not None: output = activation_fn(output) return output
def optimize_linear(grad: tf.Tensor, eps: float, norm=np.inf) -> tf.Tensor: """ Solves for the optimal input to a linear function under a norm constraint. Optimal_perturbation = argmax_{eta, ||eta||_{norm} < eps} dot(eta, grad) :param grad: tf tensor containing a batch of gradients :param eps: float scalar specifying size of constraint region :param norm: int specifying order of norm :returns: tf tensor containing optimal perturbation """ # Convert the iterator returned by `range` into a list. axis = list(range(1, len(grad.get_shape()))) avoid_zero_div = 1e-12 if norm == np.inf: # Take sign of gradient optimal_perturbation = tf.sign(grad) # The following line should not change the numerical results. It # applies only because # `optimal_perturbation` is the output of a `sign` op, which has zero # derivative anyway. # It should not be applied for the other norms, where the perturbation # has a non-zero derivative. optimal_perturbation = tf.stop_gradient(optimal_perturbation) elif norm == 1: abs_grad = tf.abs(grad) sign = tf.sign(grad) max_abs_grad = tf.reduce_max(abs_grad, axis, keepdims=True) tied_for_max = tf.dtypes.cast(tf.equal(abs_grad, max_abs_grad), dtype=tf.float32) num_ties = tf.reduce_sum(tied_for_max, axis, keepdims=True) optimal_perturbation = sign*tied_for_max/num_ties elif norm == 2: square = tf.maximum( avoid_zero_div, tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(grad), axis, keepdims=True)) optimal_perturbation = grad/tf.sqrt(square) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only L-inf, L1 and L2 norms are currently implemented.") # Scale perturbation to be the solution for the norm=eps rather than # norm=1 problem scaled_perturbation = tf.multiply(eps, optimal_perturbation) return scaled_perturbation
def SpatialAttention(x: tf.Tensor, name: str, k: int=1024): """ 空间注意力转移 与原始论文有区别 :param x: [batch_size, height, width, channel] :param name: :param k: :return: """ with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope: _, H, W, C = x.get_shape() w = tf.get_variable(name="attention_w", shape=[C, 1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()) b = tf.get_variable(initializer=tf.constant(0.0, dtype=tf.float32, shape=[1]), trainable=True, name='attention_b') spatial_attention = tf.matmul(tf.reshape(x, [-1, C]), w) + b # 每一个空间点位置的attention 多个通道的同一个位置 生成一个概率 spatial_attention = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.reshape(spatial_attention, [-1, W * H])) # batch_size, w*h spatial_attention = tf.tile(input=spatial_attention, multiples=[1, C]) # batch_size, w*h*c attention = tf.reshape(spatial_attention, [-1, H, W, C]) # batch_size, height, w, channel attention_x = tf.multiply(x=x, y=attention) return attention_x
def call(self, y_true: tf.Tensor, y_pred: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: if isinstance(y_pred, tf.RaggedTensor): y_pred = y_pred.to_tensor(y_pred.dtype.min) y_true = tf.cast(y_true, y_pred.dtype) y_pred = pad2shape(y_pred, tf.shape(y_true)) sample_size = tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(y_true)[:self.flatten_axis]) y_true = tf.reshape(y_true, (sample_size, -1)) y_pred = tf.reshape(y_pred, (sample_size, -1)) y_pred = (1 - 2 * y_true) * y_pred y_pred_neg: tf.Tensor = y_pred - y_true * y_pred.dtype.max y_pred_pos: tf.Tensor = y_pred - (1 - y_true) * y_pred.dtype.max zeros = tf.zeros_like(y_pred[..., :1]) # 用于生成logsum中的1 y_pred_neg = tf.concat([y_pred_neg, zeros], axis=-1) y_pred_pos = tf.concat([y_pred_pos, zeros], axis=-1) neg_loss = tf.math.reduce_logsumexp(y_pred_neg, axis=-1) pos_loss = tf.math.reduce_logsumexp(y_pred_pos, axis=-1) return neg_loss + pos_loss
def se_module(inputs: tf.Tensor, inner_features: int) -> tf.Tensor: input_features = inputs.get_shape().as_list()[-1] x = tf.reduce_mean(inputs, axis=[1, 2]) x = tf.layers.dense(x, inner_features, kernel_initializer=tf.keras.initializers.he_normal(), kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2( common.L2_REGULARIZATION)) x = tf.nn.relu(x) x = tf.layers.dense(x, input_features, kernel_initializer=tf.keras.initializers.he_normal(), kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2( common.L2_REGULARIZATION)) x = tf.nn.sigmoid(x) x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, 1, 1, input_features)) return x * inputs
def predict(self, position_indices_t: tf.Tensor): ndiffs = position_indices_t.get_shape().as_list()[0] if ndiffs == 0: return tf.zeros(shape=[], dtype='float32') batch_obj_views_t = tf.gather(self._obj_views_all_t, position_indices_t) batch_obj_views_t = fftshift_t(batch_obj_views_t) exit_waves_t = batch_obj_views_t * self.probe_cmplx_t out_wavefronts_t = propTF_t(exit_waves_t, reuse_transfer_function=True, transfer_function=self._transfer_function) amplitudes_t = tf.abs(out_wavefronts_t) if self.upsampling_factor > 1: amplitudes_t = self._downsample(amplitudes_t) return amplitudes_t
def predict(self, position_indices_t: tf.Tensor, scope_name: str = "") -> tf.Tensor: scope_name = scope_name + "_predict" if scope_name else "predict" ndiffs = position_indices_t.get_shape().as_list()[0] with tf.name_scope(scope_name) as scope: if ndiffs == 0: return tf.zeros(shape=[], dtype='complex64', name=scope) batch_obj_views_t = tf.gather(self._obj_views_all_t, position_indices_t) batch_obj_views_t = fftshift_t(batch_obj_views_t) exit_waves_t = batch_obj_views_t * self.probe_cmplx_t farfield_waves_t = propFF_t(exit_waves_t) return farfield_waves_t #tf.reshape(tf.stack([tf.real(farfield_waves_t), tf.imag(farfield_waves_t)]), [-1])
def map_func(filepath: tf.Tensor, label: tf.Tensor, processing=False): # - read file and assign label - fname = filepath.numpy().decode('utf-8') f = np.loadtxt(fname).astype('float32') lb = label lb.set_shape(lb.shape) # - processing if needed - if processing: f = f / f.max() # f_std = (f - f.min(axis=0)) / (f.max(axis=0) - f.min(axis=0)) # f = f_std * (1 - 0) + 0 # print(f.shape[:]) f = np.reshape(f, (f.shape[0], f.shape[1], 1)) f = tf.convert_to_tensor(f, dtype=tf.float32) f.set_shape(f.shape) return f, lb
def _attention_images_summary(alignments: tf.Tensor, prefix: str = "") -> tf.Operation: # """ Create attention image and attention summary. """ # Reshape to (batch, tgt_seq_len, src_seq_len, 1) print("alignments", alignments.get_shape()) attention_images = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(alignments, axis=-1), axis=-1) attention_images = tf.transpose(attention_images, perm=(0, 2, 1, 3)) # make img horizontal # Scale to range [0, 255] attention_images *= 255 attention_summary = tf.contrib.summary.image( f"{prefix}/attention_images", attention_images) return attention_summary
def displace(specimen: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Creates mutated offspring by selecting random gene(index in an array) and inserting it into random place in the same array :param specimen: solution to mutate :return: mutated offspring """ specimen = specimen.numpy() gene_id, placement = np.random.randint(0, len(specimen), 2) gene = specimen[gene_id] specimen = np.delete(specimen, gene_id) specimen = np.insert(specimen, placement, gene) return tf.convert_to_tensor(specimen)
def lowrankMask(self, X: Tensor): nFolds = np.array(self.nFolds) foldNumber = self.foldNumber M = np.array(X.get_shape().as_list()) F = len(M) nValues = M//nFolds folds = np.zeros(np.product(M)).flatten() folds[foldNumber] = 1. folds = folds.reshape(M) foldNumbers = np.array(np.where(folds == 1.)).flatten() U = [] for f in range(F): Uf = self.testMask(M[f], foldNumbers[f], nFolds[f], nValues[f]) U.append(tf.constant(Uf)) return(U)
def _get_kernel_regularizer(kernel_tensor: tf.Tensor) -> Union[None, tf.Tensor]: """ Get a kernel regularizer of the same kind as attached to kernel_tensor :param kernel_tensor: Kernel tensor to check for regularization :return: A new kernel regularizer if kernel_tensor has regularization, None otherwise """ kernel_regularizer = None for consumer in kernel_tensor.consumers(): if consumer.type == 'L2Loss': # Try to see if there is a scale value associated with it try: l2_regularizer_mul = consumer.outputs[0].consumers()[0] scale_op = l2_regularizer_mul.inputs[0].op scale_val = scale_op.get_attr('value').float_val[0] kernel_regularizer = tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(scale_val) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except kernel_regularizer = tf.nn.l2_loss # pylint: disable=no-member return kernel_regularizer
def _convolution(last_layer: tf.Tensor, last_n_channels: int, filter_size: int, n_filters: int) -> tf.Tensor: """Applies convolution on a filter bank.""" conv_w = tf.get_variable( "wieghts", shape=[filter_size, filter_size, last_n_channels, n_filters], initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=.1)) conv_b = tf.get_variable("biases", shape=[n_filters], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(.1)) conv_activation = tf.nn.conv2d(last_layer, conv_w, [1, 1, 1, 1], "SAME") + conv_b assert_shape(conv_activation, [ None, last_layer.get_shape()[1].value, last_layer.get_shape()[2].value, filter_size ]) return tf.nn.relu(conv_activation)
def shuffle_block(inputs: tf.Tensor, features: int, is_training: bool, stride: int, groups: int = 8) -> tf.Tensor: if stride > 1: first_branch, second_branch = inputs, inputs else: first_branch, second_branch = tf.split(inputs, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=-1) input_features = inputs.get_shape().as_list()[-1] if stride > 1: first_branch = depthwise_convo_bn(first_branch, features, is_training, stride) first_branch = convo_bn_relu(first_branch, features, 1, is_training, 1) second_branch = convo_bn_relu(second_branch, features, 1, is_training, 1) second_branch = depthwise_convo_bn(second_branch, features, is_training, stride) if stride == 1: second_branch = convo_bn(second_branch, features, 1, is_training, 1) else: second_branch = convo_bn_relu(second_branch, features, 1, is_training, 1) second_branch = se_module(second_branch, features // 2) if stride == 1: if input_features != features: inputs = projection_convo(inputs, features, 1) second_branch = inputs + second_branch second_branch = tf.nn.relu(second_branch) res = tf.concat([first_branch, second_branch], axis=-1) feats = res.get_shape().as_list()[-1] input_shape = tf.shape(res) res = tf.reshape(res, (input_shape[0], input_shape[1], input_shape[2], groups, feats // groups)) res = tf.transpose(res, perm=[0, 1, 2, 4, 3]) res = tf.reshape(res, (input_shape[0], input_shape[1], input_shape[2], feats)) return res
def _fetch( self, tensor: tf.Tensor, data_dict: typing.Optional[utils.DataDict] = None, batch_size: int = 4096, noisy: bool = False, progress_bar: bool = False, random_seed: int = config._USE_GLOBAL ) -> np.ndarray: if data_dict is None: return if noisy: random_seed = config.RANDOM_SEED \ if random_seed == config._USE_GLOBAL else random_seed random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=random_seed) result_shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list() if result_shape[0] is None: result_shape[0] = data_dict.shape[0] result = np.empty(result_shape) @utils.minibatch(batch_size, desc="fetch", use_last=True, progress_bar=progress_bar) def _fetch_minibatch(data_dict, result): feed_dict = {self.training_flag: False} if "exprs" in data_dict and "library_size" in data_dict: x = data_dict["exprs"] normalized_x = self.prob_module._normalize(x, data_dict["library_size"]) feed_dict.update({ self.x: utils.densify(x), self.noisy_x: self.prob_module._add_noise( utils.densify(normalized_x), random_state ) if noisy else utils.densify(normalized_x), self.library_size: data_dict["library_size"] }) # Tensorflow random samplers are fixed after creation, # making it impossible to re-seed and generate reproducible # results, so we use numpy samplers instead. # Also, local RandomState object is used to ensure thread-safety. for module in [self.latent_module, self.prob_module, *self.rmbatch_modules]: try: feed_dict.update(module._build_feed_dict(data_dict)) except Exception: pass result[:] =, feed_dict=feed_dict) _fetch_minibatch(data_dict, result) return result
def write_tensor_as_bin(tensor: tf.Tensor, output_path: str): """Write tensor as a binary file. Uses big endian for compatibility with whizzscooters/raven-android tests. """ if tensor.dtype == tf.float32: tensor.numpy().flatten().astype(">f4").tofile(output_path) elif tensor.dtype == tf.int32: tensor.numpy().flatten().astype(">i4").tofile(output_path) elif tensor.dtype == tf.uint8: tensor.numpy().flatten().astype(">i1").tofile(output_path) else: raise NotImplementedError('Saving for %s is not implemented.' % (tensor.dtype))
def Basic2dConv(x: tf.Tensor, d_out: int, name: str, ksize: tuple = (3, 3), stride: tuple = (1, 1), active=None, trainable: bool = True, use_bias: bool = True, dtype=tf.float32, padding: str = 'SAME'): """ 卷积层 :param x tensor :param d_out int 卷积核数目 :param ksize list 卷积核尺寸 :param active 激活函数 :param trainable :param padding SAME或者VALID """ d_in = x.get_shape()[-1].value with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope: kernel = tf.get_variable( name="w", shape=[ksize[0], ksize[1], d_in, d_out], dtype=dtype, initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer_conv2d(), trainable=trainable) conv = tf.nn.conv2d(x, kernel, [1, stride[0], stride[1], 1], padding=padding) if use_bias: bias = tf.get_variable(initializer=tf.constant(0.0, dtype=dtype, shape=[d_out]), trainable=trainable, name='b') conv_plus_bias = tf.nn.bias_add(conv, bias) else: conv_plus_bias = conv if active is not None: return active(conv_plus_bias, name="active") else: return conv_plus_bias
def __call__(self,X:tf.Tensor): """ (batch,h,w,channels) """ input_shape=X.get_shape().as_list() W=kernel_var(shape=(self.kernel_size,self.kernel_size,input_shape[3],self.filters),type=self.kernel_initializer,dtype=X.dtype,name="W_" self.res = tf.nn.conv2d(X, W, strides=[1, self.strides[0], self.strides[1], 1], padding=self.padding) if self.use_bias: self.res+=bias_var(shape=(self.filters,),type=self.bias_initializer,dtype=X.dtype,name="B_" if self.activation is not None: self.res=activation(self.res,self.activation, return self.res
def basic_block(input_layer: tf.Tensor, name): """ Creates the basic block for HRNet (Conv, BN, ReLu, Conv, BN, Add(residual), ReLU) :param name: name of the layers in the block :param input_layer: input layer of the basic block :return: output layer of basic block """ _, _, _, n_filters = input_layer.get_shape() x = conv_2d(inputs=input_layer, filters=n_filters, kernel_size=3, activation=leaky_relu, name=name + '_0') x = conv_2d(inputs=x, filters=n_filters, kernel_size=3, name=name + '_1') x = tf.keras.layers.Add(name=name + '_add')([input_layer, x]) x = leaky_relu(x, name=name + 'leaky_ReLU') return x
def process_image_train(self, img_path: tf.Tensor, purpose): """ * Callback function for to process each image file path. * For each image file path, it returns a corresponding (image, label) pair. * This is the parent function that wraps all other processing helpers. * This is the processing for the training data specifically. Params: img_path - tf.Tensor, representing the path to an image file purpose - "train" for training; "val" for validation; "test" for testing Returns: img, label - tuple of (tf.float32, tf.uint8) arrays representing the image and label arrays """ label_path = self.get_label_path(img_path, purpose) input_image = self.read_npy(img_path.numpy(), img_channels=4) input_label = self.read_npy(label_path.numpy(), label=True) #input_image = self.read_nifti(img_path.numpy(), img_channels=4) #input_label = self.read_nifti(label_path.numpy(), label=True) # Make label binary for tumor region in question if self.tumor_region: input_label = tf.where( input_label >= tf.constant(TUMOR_REGIONS[self.tumor_region], dtype=tf.int32), tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32), tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)) # Fetch random image patch image_patch, label_patch = self.get_random_patch( input_image, input_label) weight_map = self.get_weight_map(image_patch, label_patch) # Normalize image patch AFTER creating the patch image_patch = self.normalize(image_patch) if purpose == "train": # Augment Data image_patch, label_patch = self.augment_patch( image_patch, label_patch) return image_patch, label_patch
def l2_project( # pylint: disable=invalid-name Zp: tf.Tensor, P: tf.Tensor, Zq: tf.Tensor, ) -> tf.Tensor: """Project distribution (Zp, P) onto support Zq under the L2-metric over CDFs. This projection works for any support Zq. Let Kq be len(Zq) and Kp be len(Zp). Args: Zp: (batch_size, Kp) Support of distribution P P: (batch_size, Kp) Probability values for P(Zp[i]) Zq: (Kp,) Support to project onto Returns: L2 projection of (Zp, P) onto Zq. """ # Asserts that Zq has no leading dimension of size 1. if Zq.get_shape().ndims > 1: Zq = tf.squeeze(Zq, axis=0) # Extracts vmin and vmax and construct helper tensors from Zq. vmin, vmax = Zq[0], Zq[-1] d_pos = tf.concat([Zq, vmin[None]], 0)[1:] d_neg = tf.concat([vmax[None], Zq], 0)[:-1] # Clips Zp to be in new support range (vmin, vmax). clipped_zp = tf.clip_by_value(Zp, vmin, vmax)[:, None, :] clipped_zq = Zq[None, :, None] # Gets the distance between atom values in support. d_pos = (d_pos - Zq)[None, :, None] # Zq[i+1] - Zq[i] d_neg = (Zq - d_neg)[None, :, None] # Zq[i] - Zq[i-1] delta_qp = clipped_zp - clipped_zq # Zp[j] - Zq[i] d_sign = tf.cast(delta_qp >= 0., dtype=P.dtype) delta_hat = (d_sign * delta_qp / d_pos) - ( (1. - d_sign) * delta_qp / d_neg) P = P[:, None, :] return tf.reduce_sum(tf.clip_by_value(1. - delta_hat, 0., 1.) * P, 2)
def apply(self, x: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: channels_in = x.get_shape().as_list()[-1] if self._stride == 1 and channels_in == self._channels: skip_connection = x else: skip_connection = self._conv_fn(x, num_outputs=self._channels, kernel_size=self._extra_dim + (1, 1), stride=self._extra_dim+(self._stride, self._stride), scope='skip') with tf.variable_scope('c1'): x = self._conv_fn(x, num_outputs=self._channels, kernel_size=self._extra_dim+(3, 3), stride=self._extra_dim+(self._stride, self._stride), scope='c1') x = self._bn_fn(x) x = self._ln_fn(x) with tf.variable_scope('c2'): x = self._conv_fn(x, num_outputs=self._channels, kernel_size=self._extra_dim+(3, 3), stride=1, scope='c2') x = self._bn_fn(x) x = self._ln_fn(x) x += skip_connection return x
def predict(self, position_indices_t: tf.Tensor): ndiffs = position_indices_t.get_shape().as_list()[0] if ndiffs == 0: return tf.zeros(shape=[], dtype='float32') batch_rc_positions_indices = tf.gather(self._full_rc_positions_indices_t, position_indices_t) batch_obj_views_t = tf.gather(self._obj_views_all_t, batch_rc_positions_indices[:, 1]) batch_phase_modulations_t = tf.gather(self._probe_phase_modulations_all_t, batch_rc_positions_indices[:, 0]) batch_obj_views_t = batch_obj_views_t exit_waves_t = batch_obj_views_t * self.probe_cmplx_t * batch_phase_modulations_t exit_waves_proj_t = fftshift_t(tf.reduce_sum(exit_waves_t, axis=-3)) out_wavefronts_t = propFF_t(exit_waves_proj_t) amplitudes_t = tf.abs(out_wavefronts_t) if self.upsampling_factor > 1: amplitudes_t = self._downsample(amplitudes_t) return amplitudes_t
def _tensordot_axes( a: tf.Tensor, axes: AXES_TYPE) -> Tuple[AXES_ENTRY_TYPE, AXES_ENTRY_TYPE]: """Generates two sets of contraction axes for the two tensor arguments.""" a_shape = a.get_shape() if isinstance(axes, tf.compat.integral_types): if axes < 0: raise ValueError("'axes' must be at least 0.") if a_shape.ndims is not None: if axes > a_shape.ndims: raise ValueError( "'axes' must not be larger than the number of " "dimensions of tensor %s." % a) return (list(range(a_shape.ndims - axes, a_shape.ndims)), list(range(axes))) rank = tf.rank(a) return (tf.range(rank - axes, rank, dtype=tf.int32), tf.range(axes, dtype=tf.int32)) if isinstance(axes, (list, tuple)): if len(axes) != 2: raise ValueError("'axes' must be an integer or have length 2.") a_axes = axes[0] b_axes = axes[1] if isinstance(a_axes, tf.compat.integral_types) and \ isinstance(b_axes, tf.compat.integral_types): a_axes = [a_axes] b_axes = [b_axes] # NOTE: This fails if either a_axes and b_axes are Tensors. if len(a_axes) != len(b_axes): raise ValueError( "Different number of contraction axes 'a' and 'b', %s != %s." % (len(a_axes), len(b_axes))) # The contraction indices do not need to be permuted. # Sort axes to avoid unnecessary permutations of a. # NOTE: This fails if either a_axes and b_axes contain Tensors. # pylint: disable=len-as-condition if len(a_axes) > 0: a_axes, b_axes = list(zip(*sorted(zip(a_axes, b_axes)))) return a_axes, b_axes axes = tf.convert_to_tensor(axes, name="axes", dtype=tf.int32) return axes[0], axes[1]
def tensor_to_image(tensor: tf.Tensor, width: int, height: int, channels: int = 3) -> np.array: """ Convert tensor representation of an image into displayable array :param tensor: tensor with image content :param height: target image height :param width: target image width :param channels: number of channels in an image :return: ND numpy array with image content """ tensor = tensor.reshape((height, width, channels)) # Remove zero-center by mean pixel tensor[:, :, 0] += 103.939 tensor[:, :, 1] += 116.779 tensor[:, :, 2] += 123.68 tensor = tensor[:, :, ::-1] return np.clip(tensor, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
def map_colorspace(images: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ TensorFlow graph function which converts images from RGB to CIE Lab colorspace. This is essentially a wrapper for rgb_to_cielab to be usable in a graph. Args: images: 3 or 4 tensor. See rgb_to_cielab for detailed information. Returns: Converted images, see rgb_to_cielab for detailed information. """ [ images_lab, ] = tf.py_function(rgb_to_cielab, [images], [tf.float32]) # Make sure shape information is correct after py_function call images_lab.set_shape(images.get_shape()) return images_lab
def blaze_block(x: tf.Tensor, filters, mid_channels=None, stride=1, phase_train=True): # input is n,w,h,c mid_channels = mid_channels or x.get_shape()[3] assert stride in [1, 2] use_pool = stride > 1 # tensorflow way to implement pad size = 2 pad_x = tf.pad(x, [[0, 0], [2, 2], [2, 2], [0, 0]], mode='CONSTANT') conv1 = tf.layers.separable_conv2d(pad_x, filters=mid_channels, kernel_size=(5, 5), strides=stride, padding='VALID') bn1 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(conv1, training=phase_train) conv2 = tf.layers.conv2d(bn1, filters=filters, kernel_size=1, strides=1, padding='SAME') bn2 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(conv2, training=phase_train) if use_pool: shortcut = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(x, pool_size=stride, strides=stride, padding='SAME') shortcut = tf.layers.conv2d(shortcut, filters=filters, kernel_size=1, strides=1, padding='SAME') shortcut = tf.layers.batch_normalization(shortcut, training=phase_train) shortcut = tf.nn.relu(shortcut) return tf.nn.relu(bn2 + shortcut) return tf.nn.relu(bn2 + x)
def perceptron_layer(x: Tensor, out_dim, batch_norm=False, activation_fn=tf.sigmoid, name="hidden_layer"): in_dim = x.get_shape().as_list()[1] with tf.variable_scope(name) as v_scope: w = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.random_normal((in_dim, out_dim))) b = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.random_normal((out_dim,))) prod = tf.einsum('ij,jk->ik', x, w) if(batch_norm): prod, b_scope = batch_normalization(prod, out_dim, b) else: prod = prod + b total_v_coll = v_scope.global_variables() if(b_scope): total_v_coll.append(b_scope.global_variables()) if(activation_fn != None): return activation_fn(prod), total_v_coll else: return prod, total_v_coll
def perceptronLayer(x: Tensor, out_dim, batch_norm=False, activation_fn=tf.sigmoid, name="hidden_layer"): in_dim = x.get_shape().as_list()[1] with tf.variable_scope(name): w = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.random_normal((in_dim, out_dim))) b = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.random_normal((out_dim,))) prod = tf.einsum('ij,jk->ik', x, w) if(batch_norm): with tf.variable_scope('batch_norm'): mean, var = tf.nn.moments(prod, axes=0) v = tf.Variable(tf.ones([out_dim])) prod = tf.div_no_nan(prod - mean, tf.sqrt(var + 1e-3)) prod = v * prod + b else: prod = prod + b if(activation_fn != None): return activation_fn(prod) else: return prod
def build_residual_block_connection(self, block_input: tf.Tensor, block_output: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Create residual connection by applying convolution on block_input and add or concatenate it with block_output Applies convolution with kernel and stride from sampling_params Parameters ---------- block_input feature maps before convolution block block_output feature maps after convolution block Returns ------- block_res feature maps after residual connection """ filters = block_output.get_shape().as_list()[-1] layer_name = self.get_current_layer_full_name("residual") if self.sampling_type == 'encoder': residual_layer = self.add_keras_layer( tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( filters=filters, activation=self.activation, bias_initializer=self.initializer, kernel_initializer=self.initializer, name=layer_name, **self.sampling_params)) else: residual_layer = self.add_keras_layer( tf.keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose( filters=filters, activation=self.activation, bias_initializer=self.initializer, kernel_initializer=self.initializer, name=layer_name, **self.sampling_params)) res_connection = residual_layer(block_input) if self.block_residual_connection_type == 'sum': out = tf.add_n([block_output, res_connection]) else: out = tf.concat([block_output, res_connection], -1) return out
def attention(self, query: tf.Tensor, decoder_prev_state: tf.Tensor, decoder_input: tf.Tensor, loop_state: AttentionLoopState) -> Tuple[ tf.Tensor, AttentionLoopState]: self.query_state_size = query.get_shape()[-1].value y = tf.matmul(query, self.query_projection_matrix) y = y + self.projection_bias_vector y = tf.reshape(y, [-1, 1, 1, self.state_size]) energies = self.get_energies(y, loop_state.weights) if self.attention_mask is None: weights = tf.nn.softmax(energies) else: weights_all = tf.nn.softmax(energies) * self.attention_mask norm = tf.reduce_sum(weights_all, 1, keepdims=True) + 1e-8 weights = weights_all / norm # condition = tf.equal(self.attention_mask, 1) # masked_logits = tf.where( # tf.tile(condition, [tf.shape(energies)[0], 1]), # energies, -np.inf * tf.ones_like(energies)) # weights = tf.nn.softmax(masked_logits) # Now calculate the attention-weighted vector d. context = tf.reduce_sum( tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(weights, -1), -1) * self._att_states_reshaped, [1, 2]) context = tf.reshape(context, [-1, self.context_vector_size]) next_contexts = tf.concat( [loop_state.contexts, tf.expand_dims(context, 0)], 0) next_weights = tf.concat( [loop_state.weights, tf.expand_dims(weights, 0)], 0) next_loop_state = AttentionLoopState( contexts=next_contexts, weights=next_weights) return context, next_loop_state
def label_smoothing(inputs: tf.Tensor, epsilon: float=0.1): last_dim = inputs.get_shape().as_list()[-1] return ((1 - epsilon) * inputs) + (epsilon / last_dim)