コード例 #1
    # Stuff for critic (will be done several times per training iteration)
    Loss_w_grad_ = -(
        loss_w_ - gamma * loss_grad_
    )  # We take the negative of this since the critic wants to maxize it.
        "WARNING: Last bias in critic is not updated."
    )  # It's current value is %f", critic_nn.get_parameter_values()[-1])
    params_to_update_critic = critic_nn.get_upd_parameters(
      -1]  # We excluded the last bias (scalar). It is intialized to 0 so this way it is effectively not used.
    log.info("Parameters to update in critic inner training loop:")
    print params_to_update_critic
    grads_w_, vars_w_ = zip(

    def get_w_input(X1, C1):
        inputs_ = {X1_p: X1, C1_p: np.array([]), is_test_p: False}
        outputs_ = embd_A_
        return sess.run(outputs_, inputs_)

    min_op_w = optim.apply_gradients(zip(grads_w_, vars_w_))  ### M1 needed ??
    tr_outputs_w_ = [loss_w_, loss_grad_, Loss_w_grad_, min_op_w]

    def train_function_w(M1, h1, lr):
        tr_inputs_w_ = {embd_A_: M1, h1_p: h1, lr_p: lr, is_test_p: False}
        return sess.run(tr_outputs_w_, tr_inputs_w_)

    # Stuff for training "generator" and speaker classifier network
コード例 #2
    loss_c_ = loss_c_ / np.log(
        n_spk)  # Normalize with the loss of random predictions

    loss_reco_ = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(labels=reco_tgt_,

    # Stuff for training "generator",  "speaker classifiers" and feature/bottleneck predictors
    params_to_update_ = model.get_upd_parameters(
    ) + tdnn_fe_pred.get_upd_parameters() + bnorm_fe_pred.get_upd_parameters()
    params_to_update_ += [P_GB_] + [mu_GB_] + bnorm_GB.get_upd_parameters()

    Loss_1_ = class_weight * loss_c_ + mse_weight * loss_reco_
    Loss_ = Loss_1_ + loss_GB_c_
    grads_, vars_ = zip(
    min_op_ = optim.apply_gradients(zip(grads_, vars_))
    tr_outputs_ = [loss_c_, loss_reco_, Loss_1_, min_op_]
    tr_outputs_ += [loss_GB_c_]

    log.info("Parameters to update:")
    print params_to_update_

    def train_function(X1, C1, WGT_c, L_c, X2_r, P2, lr):
        if not annoying_train:
            tr_inputs_ = {
                X1_p: X1,
                C1_p: C1,
                WGT_c_p: WGT_c,
                L_c_p: L_c,
コード例 #3
    log.info("Resetting it_tr_que") # Actually this will not be sufficient to avoid assertion error beacuae batch number is 
    it_tr_que.batch_number=0        # already in the prepared batches. However, below I reinitialize it_tr_que. This mess
                                    # should be solved.
### --- Define loss, train functions etc. ------------------------------- ###
    loss_  = tf.tensordot(WGT_m_p, tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels = L_m_p, logits = C_m_ ), axes=[[0], [0]] )
    loss_  = loss_ / np.log(n_spk)                            # Normalize with the loss of random predictions 
    loss_ += model.get_l2_reg(l2_reg_b_pool, l2_reg_a_pool, l2_reg_multi)

    params_to_update_ = model.get_upd_parameters()
    grads_, vars_     = list(zip(*optim.compute_gradients(loss = loss_, var_list = params_to_update_, gate_gradients=optim.GATE_GRAPH))) 
    info_             = [ ]  # For debugging something can be added here (e.g. reg_loss, grads) will be printe each epoch

    # Apply Kaldi style gradient repairing
    # TODO: This is hardwired in some other scripts but not added here yet.
    # So far (2018-07-19) this has not improved performace though.
    min_op        = optim.apply_gradients(list(zip(grads_,vars_)))
    tr_outputs_   = [info_, loss_, min_op]

    def train_function(X1, C1, WGT_m, L_m, lr):
        if not annoying_train:
            tr_inputs_ = {X1_p: X1, C1_p: C1, WGT_m_p: WGT_m, L_m_p: L_m, lr_p: lr, is_test_p: False}