コード例 #1
 def test_soft_round_inverse_values_and_gradients_are_finite(self, alpha):
     x = tf.linspace(-.5, .5, 11)  # covers exact integers and half-integers
     with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
         y = round_ops.soft_round_inverse(x, alpha=alpha)
     dy = tape.gradient(y, x)
     self.assertAllEqual(tf.math.is_finite(y), tf.ones(x.shape, dtype=bool))
     is_finite = tf.math.is_finite(dy)
     expected_finite = tf.ones(dy.shape, dtype=bool)
     if alpha > 15:
         # We allow non-finite values at 0 for large alphas, since the function
         # simply is extremely steep there.
         expected_finite = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(
             expected_finite, [[5]], [is_finite[5]])
     self.assertAllEqual(is_finite, expected_finite)
コード例 #2
 def test_soft_round_layer_inverse_inverse_soft_rounds(self):
     alpha = 5.0
     layer = soft_round.SoftRound(alpha=alpha, inverse=True)
     x = tf.linspace(-5.0, 5.0, num=50)
     y = layer(x)
     self.assertAllClose(y, round_ops.soft_round_inverse(x, alpha=alpha))
コード例 #3
 def inverse_transform(self, y):
     return round_ops.soft_round_inverse(y, self._alpha)
コード例 #4
 def test_soft_round_inverse_large_alpha_is_ceil_minus_half(self):
     # We don't care what happens exactly near integer values:
     for offset in range(-5, 5):
         x = tf.linspace(offset + 0.001, offset + 0.999, 100)
         y = round_ops.soft_round_inverse(x, alpha=5000.0)
         self.assertAllClose(tf.math.ceil(x) - 0.5, y, atol=0.001)
コード例 #5
 def test_soft_inverse_is_actual_inverse(self):
     x = tf.constant([-1.25, -0.75, 0.75, 1.25], dtype=tf.float32)
     y = round_ops.soft_round(x, alpha=2.0)
     x2 = round_ops.soft_round_inverse(y, alpha=2.0)
     self.assertAllClose(x, x2)
コード例 #6
 def test_soft_inverse_round_small_alpha_is_identity(self):
     x = tf.linspace(-2., 2., 50)
     y = round_ops.soft_round_inverse(x, alpha=1e-13)
     self.assertAllEqual(x, y)