コード例 #1
ファイル: nets.py プロジェクト: OrangeBai/C3DLab
    def call(self, x, mask=None):

        assert (len(x) == 2)

        img = x[0]
        rois = x[1]

        outputs = []

        for roi_idx in range(self.num_rois):

            x = rois[0, roi_idx, 0]
            y = rois[0, roi_idx, 1]
            w = rois[0, roi_idx, 2]
            h = rois[0, roi_idx, 3]

            x = tf.cast(x, 'int32')
            y = tf.cast(y, 'int32')
            w = tf.cast(w, 'int32')
            h = tf.cast(h, 'int32')

            rs = tf.image.resize(img[:, y:y + h, x:x + w, :],
                                 (self.pool_size, self.pool_size))

        final_output = tf.concat(outputs, axis=0)
        final_output = tf.reshape(final_output,
                                  (1, self.num_rois, self.pool_size,
                                   self.pool_size, self.nb_channels))

        return final_output
コード例 #2
def angle(z):
    if z.dtype == tf.complex128:
        dtype = tf.float64
    elif z.dtype == tf.complex64:
        dtype = tf.float32
        raise ValueError('input z must be of type complex64 or complex128')

    x = tf.math.real(z)
    y = tf.math.imag(z)
    x_neg = tf.cast(x < 0.0, dtype)
    y_neg = tf.cast(y < 0.0, dtype)
    y_pos = tf.cast(y >= 0.0, dtype)
    offset = x_neg * (y_pos - y_neg) * np.pi
    return tf.math.atan(y / x) + offset
コード例 #3
 def call(self, image):
     image = cast(image, float32)
     image = rgb_to_grayscale(image)
     hidden_representation = self.representation_network(image)
     value = self.value_network(hidden_representation)
     policy_logits = self.policy_network(hidden_representation)
     return hidden_representation, value, policy_logits
コード例 #4
def discriminative_loss_single(prediction, correct_label, feature_dim, delta_v,
                               delta_d, param_var, param_dist, param_reg):
    ''' Discriminative loss for a single prediction/label pair.
    :param prediction: inference of network
    :param correct_label: instance label
    :feature_dim: feature dimension of prediction
    :param label_shape: shape of label
    :param delta_v: cutoff variance distance
    :param delta_d: curoff cluster distance
    :param param_var: weight for intra cluster variance
    :param param_dist: weight for inter cluster distances
    :param param_reg: weight regularization

    ### Reshape so pixels are aligned along a vector
    #correct_label = tf.reshape(correct_label, [label_shape[1] * label_shape[0]])
    reshaped_pred = tf.reshape(prediction, [-1, feature_dim])

    ### Count instances
    unique_labels, unique_id, counts = tf.unique_with_counts(correct_label)

    counts = tf.cast(counts, tf.float32)
    num_instances = tf.size(unique_labels)

    segmented_sum = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(reshaped_pred, unique_id,

    mu = tf.div(segmented_sum, tf.reshape(counts, (-1, 1)))
    mu_expand = tf.gather(mu, unique_id)

    ### Calculate l_var
    #distance = tf.norm(tf.subtract(mu_expand, reshaped_pred), axis=1)
    #tmp_distance = tf.subtract(reshaped_pred, mu_expand)
    tmp_distance = reshaped_pred - mu_expand
    distance = tf.norm(tmp_distance, ord=1, axis=1)

    distance = tf.subtract(distance, delta_v)
    distance = tf.clip_by_value(distance, 0., distance)
    distance = tf.square(distance)

    l_var = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(distance, unique_id, num_instances)
    l_var = tf.div(l_var, counts)
    l_var = tf.reduce_sum(l_var)
    l_var = tf.divide(l_var, tf.cast(num_instances, tf.float32))

    ### Calculate l_dist

    # Get distance for each pair of clusters like this:
    #   mu_1 - mu_1
    #   mu_2 - mu_1
    #   mu_3 - mu_1
    #   mu_1 - mu_2
    #   mu_2 - mu_2
    #   mu_3 - mu_2
    #   mu_1 - mu_3
    #   mu_2 - mu_3
    #   mu_3 - mu_3

    mu_interleaved_rep = tf.tile(mu, [num_instances, 1])
    mu_band_rep = tf.tile(mu, [1, num_instances])
    mu_band_rep = tf.reshape(mu_band_rep,
                             (num_instances * num_instances, feature_dim))

    mu_diff = tf.subtract(mu_band_rep, mu_interleaved_rep)

    # Filter out zeros from same cluster subtraction
    eye = tf.eye(num_instances)
    zero = tf.zeros(1, dtype=tf.float32)
    diff_cluster_mask = tf.equal(eye, zero)
    diff_cluster_mask = tf.reshape(diff_cluster_mask, [-1])
    mu_diff_bool = tf.boolean_mask(mu_diff, diff_cluster_mask)

    #intermediate_tensor = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(mu_diff),axis=1)
    #zero_vector = tf.zeros(1, dtype=tf.float32)
    #bool_mask = tf.not_equal(intermediate_tensor, zero_vector)
    #mu_diff_bool = tf.boolean_mask(mu_diff, bool_mask)

    mu_norm = tf.norm(mu_diff_bool, ord=1, axis=1)
    mu_norm = tf.subtract(2. * delta_d, mu_norm)
    mu_norm = tf.clip_by_value(mu_norm, 0., mu_norm)
    mu_norm = tf.square(mu_norm)

    l_dist = tf.reduce_mean(mu_norm)

    def rt_0():
        return 0.

    def rt_l_dist():
        return l_dist

    l_dist = tf.cond(tf.equal(1, num_instances), rt_0, rt_l_dist)

    ### Calculate l_reg
    l_reg = tf.reduce_mean(tf.norm(mu, ord=1, axis=1))

    param_scale = 1.
    l_var = param_var * l_var
    l_dist = param_dist * l_dist
    l_reg = param_reg * l_reg

    loss = param_scale * (l_var + l_dist + l_reg)

    return loss, l_var, l_dist, l_reg
コード例 #5
import tensorflow_core as tf

mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST_data', one_hot=True)

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
x = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, 784])
y_ = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, 10])
W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([784, 10]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]))
y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(x, W) + b)
# 交叉熵作为损失函数
cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(y_ * tf.log(y))
# 训练---最小化损失函数
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01).minimize(cross_entropy)
for i in range(1000):
    batch = mnist.train.next_batch(50)
    train_step.run(feed_dict={x: batch[0], y_: batch[1]})
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, "float"))
# 打印准确率
print(accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: mnist.test.images, y_: mnist.test.labels}))