コード例 #1
    def test_invoke_federated_computation_fails(self):
            computation_types.FederatedType(tf.int32, placements.SERVER, True))
        def foo(x):
            return intrinsics.federated_broadcast(x)

        context = tf_computation_context.TensorFlowComputationContext(
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError,
                                     'Expected a TensorFlow computation.'):
            context.invoke(foo, None)
コード例 #2
def serialize_py_fn_as_tf_computation(target, parameter_type, context_stack):
    """Serializes the 'target' as a TF computation with a given parameter type.

  See also `serialize_tf2_as_tf_computation` for TensorFlow 2

    target: The entity to convert into and serialize as a TF computation. This
      can currently only be a Python function. In the future, we will add here
      support for serializing the various kinds of non-eager and eager
      functions, and eventually aim at full support for and compliance with TF
      2.0. This function is currently required to declare either zero parameters
      if `parameter_type` is `None`, or exactly one parameter if it's not
      `None`.  The nested structure of this parameter must correspond to the
      structure of the 'parameter_type'. In the future, we may support targets
      with multiple args/keyword args (to be documented in the API and
      referenced from here).
    parameter_type: The parameter type specification if the target accepts a
      parameter, or `None` if the target doesn't declare any parameters. Either
      an instance of `types.Type`, or something that's convertible to it by
    context_stack: The context stack to use.

    A tuple of (`pb.Computation`, `tff.Type`), where the computation contains
    the instance with the `pb.TensorFlow` variant set, and the type is an
    instance of `tff.Type`, potentially including Python container annotations,
    for use by TensorFlow computation wrappers.

    TypeError: If the arguments are of the wrong types.
    ValueError: If the signature of the target is not compatible with the given
      parameter type.
    # TODO(b/113112108): Support a greater variety of target type signatures,
    # with keyword args or multiple args corresponding to elements of a tuple.
    # Document all accepted forms with examples in the API, and point to there
    # from here.

    py_typecheck.check_type(target, types.FunctionType)
    py_typecheck.check_type(context_stack, context_stack_base.ContextStack)
    parameter_type = computation_types.to_type(parameter_type)
    argspec = inspect.getargspec(target)  # pylint: disable=deprecated-method

    with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph:
        args = []
        if parameter_type is not None:
            if len(argspec.args) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Expected the target to declare exactly one parameter, '
                    'found {}.'.format(repr(argspec.args)))
            parameter_name = argspec.args[0]
            parameter_value, parameter_binding = graph_utils.stamp_parameter_in_graph(
                parameter_name, parameter_type, graph)
            if argspec.args:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Expected the target to declare no parameters, found {}.'.
            parameter_binding = None
        context = tf_computation_context.TensorFlowComputationContext(graph)
        with context_stack.install(context):
            result = target(*args)

            # TODO(b/122081673): This needs to change for TF 2.0. We may also
            # want to allow the person creating a tff.tf_computation to specify
            # a different initializer; e.g., if it is known that certain
            # variables will be assigned immediately to arguments of the function,
            # then it is wasteful to initialize them before this.
            # The following is a bit of a work around: the collections below may
            # contain variables more than once, hence we throw into a set. TFF needs
            # to ensure all variables are initialized, but not all variables are
            # always in the collections we expect. tff.learning._KerasModel tries to
            # pull Keras variables (that may or may not be in GLOBAL_VARIABLES) into
            # TFF_MODEL_VARIABLES for now.
            all_variables = set(
                tf.compat.v1.global_variables() +
                tf.compat.v1.local_variables() + tf.compat.v1.get_collection(
            if all_variables:
                # Use a readable but not-too-long name for the init_op.
                name = 'init_op_for_' + '_'.join(
                    [v.name.replace(':0', '') for v in all_variables])
                if len(name) > 50:
                    name = 'init_op_for_{}_variables'.format(
                with tf.control_dependencies(context.init_ops):
                    # Before running the main new init op, run any initializers for sub-
                    # computations from context.init_ops. Variables from import_graph_def
                    # will not make it into the global collections, and so will not be
                    # initialized without this code path.
                    init_op_name = tf.compat.v1.initializers.variables(
                        all_variables, name=name).name
            elif context.init_ops:
                init_op_name = tf.group(*context.init_ops,
                init_op_name = None

        result_type, result_binding = graph_utils.capture_result_from_graph(
            result, graph)

    annotated_type = computation_types.FunctionType(parameter_type,

    return pb.Computation(type=pb.Type(function=pb.FunctionType(
                              initialize_op=init_op_name)), annotated_type
コード例 #3
def serialize_py_fn_as_tf_computation(target, parameter_type, context_stack):
  """Serializes the 'target' as a TF computation with a given parameter type.

  See also `serialize_tf2_as_tf_computation` for TensorFlow 2

    target: The entity to convert into and serialize as a TF computation. This
      can currently only be a Python function. In the future, we will add here
      support for serializing the various kinds of non-eager and eager
      functions, and eventually aim at full support for and compliance with TF
      2.0. This function is currently required to declare either zero parameters
      if `parameter_type` is `None`, or exactly one parameter if it's not
      `None`.  The nested structure of this parameter must correspond to the
      structure of the 'parameter_type'. In the future, we may support targets
      with multiple args/keyword args (to be documented in the API and
      referenced from here).
    parameter_type: The parameter type specification if the target accepts a
      parameter, or `None` if the target doesn't declare any parameters. Either
      an instance of `types.Type`, or something that's convertible to it by
    context_stack: The context stack to use.

    A tuple of (`pb.Computation`, `tff.Type`), where the computation contains
    the instance with the `pb.TensorFlow` variant set, and the type is an
    instance of `tff.Type`, potentially including Python container annotations,
    for use by TensorFlow computation wrappers.

    TypeError: If the arguments are of the wrong types.
    ValueError: If the signature of the target is not compatible with the given
      parameter type.
  # TODO(b/113112108): Support a greater variety of target type signatures,
  # with keyword args or multiple args corresponding to elements of a tuple.
  # Document all accepted forms with examples in the API, and point to there
  # from here.

  py_typecheck.check_type(target, types.FunctionType)
  py_typecheck.check_type(context_stack, context_stack_base.ContextStack)
  parameter_type = computation_types.to_type(parameter_type)
  signature = function_utils.get_signature(target)

  with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph:
    if parameter_type is not None:
      if len(signature.parameters) != 1:
        raise ValueError(
            'Expected the target to declare exactly one parameter, found {!r}.'
      parameter_name = next(iter(signature.parameters))
      parameter_value, parameter_binding = tensorflow_utils.stamp_parameter_in_graph(
          parameter_name, parameter_type, graph)
      if signature.parameters:
        raise ValueError(
            'Expected the target to declare no parameters, found {!r}.'.format(
      parameter_value = None
      parameter_binding = None
    context = tf_computation_context.TensorFlowComputationContext(graph)
    with context_stack.install(context):
      with variable_utils.record_variable_creation_scope() as all_variables:
        if parameter_value is not None:
          result = target(parameter_value)
          result = target()
      initializer_ops = []
      if all_variables:
        # Use a readable but not-too-long name for the init_op.
        name = 'init_op_for_' + '_'.join(
            [v.name.replace(':0', '') for v in all_variables])
        if len(name) > 50:
          name = 'init_op_for_{}_variables'.format(len(all_variables))
            tf.compat.v1.initializers.variables(all_variables, name=name))
      if initializer_ops:
        # Before running the main new init op, run any initializers for sub-
        # computations from context.init_ops. Variables from import_graph_def
        # will not make it into the global collections, and so will not be
        # initialized without this code path.
        with tf.compat.v1.control_dependencies(context.init_ops):
          init_op_name = tf.group(
              *initializer_ops, name='grouped_initializers').name
      elif context.init_ops:
        init_op_name = tf.group(
            *context.init_ops, name='subcomputation_init_ops').name
        init_op_name = None

    result_type, result_binding = tensorflow_utils.capture_result_from_graph(
        result, graph)

  type_signature = computation_types.FunctionType(parameter_type, result_type)

  # WARNING: we do not really want to be modifying the graph here if we can
  # avoid it. This is purely to work around performance issues uncovered with
  # the non-standard usage of Tensorflow and have been discussed with the
  # Tensorflow core team before being added.
  clean_graph_def = _clean_graph_def(graph.as_graph_def())
  tensorflow = pb.TensorFlow(
  return pb.Computation(
      tensorflow=tensorflow), type_signature