コード例 #1
def calculate_reshape(original_shape, new_shape, validate=False, name=None):
    """Calculates the reshaped dimensions (replacing up to one -1 in reshape)."""
    batch_shape_static = tensorshape_util.constant_value_as_shape(new_shape)
    if tensorshape_util.is_fully_defined(batch_shape_static):
        return np.int32(batch_shape_static), batch_shape_static, []
    with tf.name_scope(name or 'calculate_reshape'):
        original_size = tf.reduce_prod(original_shape)
        implicit_dim = tf.equal(new_shape, -1)
        size_implicit_dim = (original_size //
                             tf.maximum(1, -tf.reduce_prod(new_shape)))
        expanded_new_shape = tf.where(  # Assumes exactly one `-1`.
            implicit_dim, size_implicit_dim, new_shape)
        validations = [] if not validate else [  # pylint: disable=g-long-ternary
                original_shape, 1, message='Original shape must be a vector.'),
                new_shape, 1, message='New shape must be a vector.'),
                tf.math.count_nonzero(implicit_dim, dtype=tf.int32),
                message='At most one dimension can be unknown.'),
                expanded_new_shape, message='Shape elements must be >=-1.'),
                                     message='Shape sizes do not match.'),
        return expanded_new_shape, batch_shape_static, validations
コード例 #2
 def _inverse(self, y):
     map_values = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.map_values)
     flat_y = tf.reshape(y, shape=[-1])
     # Search for the indices of map_values that are closest to flat_y.
     # Since map_values is strictly increasing, the closest is either the
     # first one that is strictly greater than flat_y, or the one before it.
     upper_candidates = tf.minimum(
         tf.size(map_values) - 1,
         tf.searchsorted(map_values, values=flat_y, side='right'))
     lower_candidates = tf.maximum(0, upper_candidates - 1)
     candidates = tf.stack([lower_candidates, upper_candidates], axis=-1)
     lower_cand_diff = tf.abs(flat_y - self._forward(lower_candidates))
     upper_cand_diff = tf.abs(flat_y - self._forward(upper_candidates))
     if self.validate_args:
         with tf.control_dependencies([
                                         message='inverse value not found')
             candidates = tf.identity(candidates)
     candidate_selector = tf.stack([
         tf.range(tf.size(flat_y), dtype=tf.int32),
         tf.argmin([lower_cand_diff, upper_cand_diff], output_type=tf.int32)
     return tf.reshape(tf.gather_nd(candidates, candidate_selector),
コード例 #3
  def _log_prob(self, x, power=None):
    # The log probability at positive integer points x is log(x^(-power) / Z)
    # where Z is the normalization constant. For x < 1 and non-integer points,
    # the log-probability is -inf.
    # However, if interpolate_nondiscrete is True, we return the natural
    # continuous relaxation for x >= 1 which agrees with the log probability at
    # positive integer points.
    # If interpolate_nondiscrete is False and validate_args is True, we check
    # that the sample point x is in the support. That is, x is equivalent to a
    # positive integer.
    power = power if power is not None else tf.convert_to_tensor(self.power)
    x = tf.cast(x, power.dtype)
    if self.validate_args and not self.interpolate_nondiscrete:
      x = distribution_util.embed_check_integer_casting_closed(
          x, target_dtype=self.dtype, assert_positive=True)
    log_normalization = tf.math.log(tf.math.zeta(power, 1.))

    safe_x = tf.maximum(x if self.interpolate_nondiscrete else tf.floor(x), 1.)
    y = -power * tf.math.log(safe_x)
    log_unnormalized_prob = tf.where(
        tf.equal(x, safe_x), y, dtype_util.as_numpy_dtype(y.dtype)(-np.inf))

    return log_unnormalized_prob - log_normalization
コード例 #4
 def _log_unnormalized_prob(self, x, log_rate):
     # The log-probability at negative points is always -inf.
     # Catch such x's and set the output value accordingly.
     safe_x = tf.maximum(x if self.interpolate_nondiscrete else tf.floor(x),
     y = safe_x * log_rate - tf.math.lgamma(1. + safe_x)
     return tf.where(tf.equal(x, safe_x), y,
コード例 #5
 def _cdf(self, x):
     # CDF is the probability that the Poisson variable is less or equal to x.
     # For fractional x, the CDF is equal to the CDF at n = floor(x).
     # For negative x, the CDF is zero, but tf.igammac gives NaNs, so we impute
     # the values and handle this case explicitly.
     safe_x = tf.maximum(x if self.interpolate_nondiscrete else tf.floor(x),
     cdf = tf.math.igammac(1. + safe_x, self._rate_parameter_no_checks())
     return tf.where(x < 0., tf.zeros_like(cdf), cdf)
コード例 #6
  def _cdf(self, x):
    # CDF(x) at positive integer x is the probability that the Zipf variable is
    # less than or equal to x; given by the formula:
    #     CDF(x) = 1 - (zeta(power, x + 1) / Z)
    # For fractional x, the CDF is equal to the CDF at n = floor(x).
    # For x < 1, the CDF is zero.

    # If interpolate_nondiscrete is True, we return a continuous relaxation
    # which agrees with the CDF at integer points.
    power = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.power)
    x = tf.cast(x, power.dtype)
    safe_x = tf.maximum(x if self.interpolate_nondiscrete else tf.floor(x), 0.)

    cdf = 1. - (
        tf.math.zeta(power, safe_x + 1.) / tf.math.zeta(power, 1.))
    return tf.where(x < 1., tf.zeros_like(cdf), cdf)
コード例 #7
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: HackerShohag/SuggestBot-bn
def log_add_exp(x, y, name=None):
    """Computes `log(exp(x) + exp(y))` in a numerically stable way.

    x: `float` `Tensor` broadcastable with `y`.
    y: `float` `Tensor` broadcastable with `x`.
    name: Python `str` name prefixed to Ops created by this function.
      Default value: `None` (i.e., `'log_add_exp'`).

    log_add_exp: `log(exp(x) + exp(y))` computed in a numerically stable way.
    with tf.name_scope(name or 'log_add_exp'):
        dtype = dtype_util.common_dtype([x, y], dtype_hint=tf.float32)
        x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, dtype=dtype, name='x')
        y = tf.convert_to_tensor(y, dtype=dtype, name='y')
        return tf.maximum(x, y) + tf.math.softplus(-abs(x - y))
コード例 #8
 def _log_prob(self, x):
   x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
   right_indices = tf.minimum(
       tf.size(self.outcomes) - 1,
               self.outcomes, values=tf.reshape(x, shape=[-1]), side='right'),
   use_right_indices = self._is_equal_or_close(
       x, tf.gather(self.outcomes, indices=right_indices))
   left_indices = tf.maximum(0, right_indices - 1)
   use_left_indices = self._is_equal_or_close(
       x, tf.gather(self.outcomes, indices=left_indices))
   log_probs = self._categorical.log_prob(
       tf.where(use_left_indices, left_indices, right_indices))
   return tf.where(
       tf.logical_not(use_left_indices | use_right_indices),
コード例 #9
    def _validate_sample_arg(self, x):
        """Helper which validates sample arg, e.g., input to `log_prob`."""
        with tf.name_scope('validate_sample_arg'):
            x_ndims = (tf.rank(x) if tensorshape_util.rank(x.shape) is None
                       else tensorshape_util.rank(x.shape))
            event_ndims = (tf.size(self.event_shape_tensor())
                           if tensorshape_util.rank(self.event_shape) is None
                           else tensorshape_util.rank(self.event_shape))
            batch_ndims = (tf.size(self._batch_shape_unexpanded)
                           if tensorshape_util.rank(self.batch_shape) is None
                           else tensorshape_util.rank(self.batch_shape))
            expected_batch_event_ndims = batch_ndims + event_ndims

            if (isinstance(x_ndims, int)
                    and isinstance(expected_batch_event_ndims, int)):
                if x_ndims < expected_batch_event_ndims:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'Broadcasting is not supported; too few batch and event dims '
                        '(expected at least {}, saw {}).'.format(
                            expected_batch_event_ndims, x_ndims))
                ndims_assertion = []
            elif self.validate_args:
                ndims_assertion = [
                        message=('Broadcasting is not supported; too few '
                                 'batch and event dims.'),

            if (tensorshape_util.is_fully_defined(self.batch_shape)
                    and tensorshape_util.is_fully_defined(self.event_shape)):
                expected_batch_event_shape = np.int32(
                expected_batch_event_shape = tf.concat([

            sample_ndims = x_ndims - expected_batch_event_ndims
            if isinstance(sample_ndims, int):
                sample_ndims = max(sample_ndims, 0)
            if (isinstance(sample_ndims, int) and
                actual_batch_event_shape = np.int32(x.shape[sample_ndims:])
                sample_ndims = tf.maximum(sample_ndims, 0)
                actual_batch_event_shape = tf.shape(x)[sample_ndims:]

            if (isinstance(expected_batch_event_shape, np.ndarray)
                    and isinstance(actual_batch_event_shape, np.ndarray)):
                if any(expected_batch_event_shape != actual_batch_event_shape):
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'Broadcasting is not supported; '
                        'unexpected batch and event shape '
                        '(expected {}, saw {}).'.format(
                # We need to set the final runtime-assertions to `ndims_assertion` since
                # its possible this assertion was created. We could add a condition to
                # only do so if `self.validate_args == True`, however this is redundant
                # as `ndims_assertion` already encodes this information.
                runtime_assertions = ndims_assertion
            elif self.validate_args:
                # We need to make the `ndims_assertion` a control dep because otherwise
                # TF itself might raise an exception owing to this assertion being
                # ill-defined, ie, one cannot even compare different rank Tensors.
                with tf.control_dependencies(ndims_assertion):
                    shape_assertion = assert_util.assert_equal(
                        message=('Broadcasting is not supported; '
                                 'unexpected batch and event shape.'),
                runtime_assertions = [shape_assertion]
                runtime_assertions = []

            return runtime_assertions
コード例 #10
  def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
    seed = SeedStream(seed, salt='vom_mises_fisher')
    # The sampling strategy relies on the fact that vMF variates are symmetric
    # about the mean direction. Accordingly, if we have a sampling strategy for
    # the away-from-mean angle, then we can uniformly sample the remaining
    # dimensions on the S^{dim-2} sphere for , and rotate these samples from a
    # (1, 0, 0, ..., 0)-mode distribution into the target orientation.
    # This is easy to imagine on the 1-sphere (S^1; in 2-D space): sample a
    # von-Mises distributed `x` value in [-1, 1], then uniformly select what
    # amounts to a "up" or "down" additional degree of freedom after unit
    # normalizing, followed by a final rotation to the desired mean direction
    # from a basis of (1, 0).
    # On S^2 (in 3-D), selecting a vMF `x` identifies a circle in `yz` on the
    # unit sphere over which the distribution is uniform, in particular the
    # circle where x = \hat{x} intersects the unit sphere. We pick a point on
    # that circle, then rotate to the desired mean direction from a basis of
    # (1, 0, 0).
    event_dim = (
        tf.compat.dimension_value(self.event_shape[0]) or

    sample_batch_shape = tf.concat([[n], self._batch_shape_tensor()], axis=0)
    dim = tf.cast(event_dim - 1, self.dtype)
    if event_dim == 3:
      samples_dim0 = self._sample_3d(n, seed=seed)
      # Wood'94 provides a rejection algorithm to sample the x coordinate.
      # Wood'94 definition of b:
      # b = (-2 * kappa + tf.sqrt(4 * kappa**2 + dim**2)) / dim
      # https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/156729 suggests:
      b = dim / (2 * self.concentration +
                 tf.sqrt(4 * self.concentration**2 + dim**2))
      # TODO(bjp): Integrate any useful numerical tricks from hyperspherical VAE
      #     https://github.com/nicola-decao/s-vae-tf/
      x = (1 - b) / (1 + b)
      c = self.concentration * x + dim * tf.math.log1p(-x**2)
      beta = beta_lib.Beta(dim / 2, dim / 2)

      def cond_fn(w, should_continue):
        del w
        return tf.reduce_any(should_continue)

      def body_fn(w, should_continue):
        z = beta.sample(sample_shape=sample_batch_shape, seed=seed())
        # set_shape needed here because of b/139013403
        w = tf.where(should_continue, (1 - (1 + b) * z) / (1 - (1 - b) * z), w)
        w = tf.debugging.check_numerics(w, 'w')
        unif = tf.random.uniform(
            sample_batch_shape, seed=seed(), dtype=self.dtype)
        # set_shape needed here because of b/139013403
        should_continue = tf.logical_and(
            self.concentration * w + dim * tf.math.log1p(-x * w) - c <
        return w, should_continue

      w = tf.zeros(sample_batch_shape, dtype=self.dtype)
      should_continue = tf.ones(sample_batch_shape, dtype=tf.bool)
      samples_dim0 = tf.while_loop(
          cond=cond_fn, body=body_fn, loop_vars=(w, should_continue))[0]
      samples_dim0 = samples_dim0[..., tf.newaxis]
    if not self._allow_nan_stats:
      # Verify samples are w/in -1, 1, with useful error output tensors (top
      # value rather than all values).
      with tf.control_dependencies([
              data=[tf.math.top_k(tf.reshape(samples_dim0, [-1]))[0]]),
              data=[-tf.math.top_k(tf.reshape(-samples_dim0, [-1]))[0]])
        samples_dim0 = tf.identity(samples_dim0)
    samples_otherdims_shape = tf.concat([sample_batch_shape, [event_dim - 1]],
    unit_otherdims = tf.math.l2_normalize(
            samples_otherdims_shape, seed=seed(), dtype=self.dtype),
    samples = tf.concat([
        samples_dim0,  # we must avoid sqrt(1 - (>1)**2)
        tf.sqrt(tf.maximum(1 - samples_dim0**2, 0.)) * unit_otherdims
    ], axis=-1)
    samples = tf.math.l2_normalize(samples, axis=-1)
    if not self._allow_nan_stats:
      samples = tf.debugging.check_numerics(samples, 'samples')

    # Runtime assert that samples are unit length.
    if not self._allow_nan_stats:
      worst, idx = tf.math.top_k(
          tf.reshape(tf.abs(1 - tf.linalg.norm(samples, axis=-1)), [-1]))
      with tf.control_dependencies([
                  worst, idx,
                  tf.gather(tf.reshape(samples, [-1, event_dim]), idx)
        samples = tf.identity(samples)
    # The samples generated are symmetric around a mode at (1, 0, 0, ...., 0).
    # Now, we move the mode to `self.mean_direction` using a rotation matrix.
    if not self._allow_nan_stats:
      # Assert that the basis vector rotates to the mean direction, as expected.
      basis = tf.cast(tf.concat([[1.], tf.zeros([event_dim - 1])], axis=0),
      with tf.control_dependencies([
                  self._rotate(basis) - self.mean_direction, axis=-1),
        return self._rotate(samples)
    return self._rotate(samples)
コード例 #11
ファイル: linalg.py プロジェクト: HackerShohag/SuggestBot-bn
def pinv(a, rcond=None, validate_args=False, name=None):
    """Compute the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of a matrix.

  Calculate the [generalized inverse of a matrix](
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore%E2%80%93Penrose_inverse) using its
  singular-value decomposition (SVD) and including all large singular values.

  The pseudo-inverse of a matrix `A`, is defined as: 'the matrix that 'solves'
  [the least-squares problem] `A @ x = b`,' i.e., if `x_hat` is a solution, then
  `A_pinv` is the matrix such that `x_hat = A_pinv @ b`. It can be shown that if
  `U @ Sigma @ V.T = A` is the singular value decomposition of `A`, then
  `A_pinv = V @ inv(Sigma) U^T`. [(Strang, 1980)][1]

  This function is analogous to [`numpy.linalg.pinv`](
  It differs only in default value of `rcond`. In `numpy.linalg.pinv`, the
  default `rcond` is `1e-15`. Here the default is
  `10. * max(num_rows, num_cols) * np.finfo(dtype).eps`.

    a: (Batch of) `float`-like matrix-shaped `Tensor`(s) which are to be
    rcond: `Tensor` of small singular value cutoffs.  Singular values smaller
      (in modulus) than `rcond` * largest_singular_value (again, in modulus) are
      set to zero. Must broadcast against `tf.shape(a)[:-2]`.
      Default value: `10. * max(num_rows, num_cols) * np.finfo(a.dtype).eps`.
    validate_args: When `True`, additional assertions might be embedded in the
      Default value: `False` (i.e., no graph assertions are added).
    name: Python `str` prefixed to ops created by this function.
      Default value: 'pinv'.

    a_pinv: The pseudo-inverse of input `a`. Has same shape as `a` except
      rightmost two dimensions are transposed.

    TypeError: if input `a` does not have `float`-like `dtype`.
    ValueError: if input `a` has fewer than 2 dimensions.

  #### Examples

  from tensorflow_probability.python.internal.backend import jax as tf
  import tensorflow_probability as tfp; tfp = tfp.experimental.substrates.jax

  a = tf.constant([[1.,  0.4,  0.5],
                   [0.4, 0.2,  0.25],
                   [0.5, 0.25, 0.35]])
  tf.matmul(tfp.math.pinv(a), a)
  # ==> array([[1., 0., 0.],
               [0., 1., 0.],
               [0., 0., 1.]], dtype=float32)

  a = tf.constant([[1.,  0.4,  0.5,  1.],
                   [0.4, 0.2,  0.25, 2.],
                   [0.5, 0.25, 0.35, 3.]])
  tf.matmul(tfp.math.pinv(a), a)
  # ==> array([[ 0.76,  0.37,  0.21, -0.02],
               [ 0.37,  0.43, -0.33,  0.02],
               [ 0.21, -0.33,  0.81,  0.01],
               [-0.02,  0.02,  0.01,  1.  ]], dtype=float32)

  #### References

  [1]: G. Strang. 'Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2nd Ed.' Academic Press,
       Inc., 1980, pp. 139-142.
    with tf.name_scope(name or 'pinv'):
        a = tf.convert_to_tensor(a, name='a')

        assertions = _maybe_validate_matrix(a, validate_args)
        if assertions:
            with tf.control_dependencies(assertions):
                a = tf.identity(a)

        dtype = dtype_util.as_numpy_dtype(a.dtype)

        if rcond is None:

            def get_dim_size(dim):
                if tf.compat.dimension_value(a.shape[dim]) is not None:
                    return tf.compat.dimension_value(a.shape[dim])
                return tf.shape(a)[dim]

            num_rows = get_dim_size(-2)
            num_cols = get_dim_size(-1)
            if isinstance(num_rows, int) and isinstance(num_cols, int):
                max_rows_cols = float(max(num_rows, num_cols))
                max_rows_cols = tf.cast(tf.maximum(num_rows, num_cols), dtype)
            rcond = 10. * max_rows_cols * np.finfo(dtype).eps

        rcond = tf.convert_to_tensor(rcond, dtype=dtype, name='rcond')

        # Calculate pseudo inverse via SVD.
        # Note: if a is symmetric then u == v. (We might observe additional
        # performance by explicitly setting `v = u` in such cases.)
            singular_values,  # Sigma
            left_singular_vectors,  # U
            right_singular_vectors,  # V
        ] = tf.linalg.svd(a, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True)

        # Saturate small singular values to inf. This has the effect of make
        # `1. / s = 0.` while not resulting in `NaN` gradients.
        cutoff = rcond * tf.reduce_max(singular_values, axis=-1)
        singular_values = tf.where(singular_values > cutoff[..., tf.newaxis],
                                   singular_values, np.array(np.inf, dtype))

        # Although `a == tf.matmul(u, s * v, transpose_b=True)` we swap
        # `u` and `v` here so that `tf.matmul(pinv(A), A) = tf.eye()`, i.e.,
        # a matrix inverse has 'transposed' semantics.
        a_pinv = tf.matmul(right_singular_vectors /
                           singular_values[..., tf.newaxis, :],

        if tensorshape_util.rank(a.shape) is not None:
                [a.shape[-1], a.shape[-2]]))

        return a_pinv
コード例 #12
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: HackerShohag/SuggestBot-bn
def soft_threshold(x, threshold, name=None):
    """Soft Thresholding operator.

  This operator is defined by the equations

                                { x[i] - gamma,  x[i] >   gamma
  SoftThreshold(x, gamma)[i] =  { 0,             x[i] ==  gamma
                                { x[i] + gamma,  x[i] <  -gamma

  In the context of proximal gradient methods, we have

  SoftThreshold(x, gamma) = prox_{gamma L1}(x)

  where `prox` is the proximity operator.  Thus the soft thresholding operator
  is used in proximal gradient descent for optimizing a smooth function with
  (non-smooth) L1 regularization, as outlined below.

  The proximity operator is defined as:

  prox_r(x) = argmin{ r(z) + 0.5 ||x - z||_2**2 : z },

  where `r` is a (weakly) convex function, not necessarily differentiable.
  Because the L2 norm is strictly convex, the above argmin is unique.

  One important application of the proximity operator is as follows.  Let `L` be
  a convex and differentiable function with Lipschitz-continuous gradient.  Let
  `R` be a convex lower semicontinuous function which is possibly
  nondifferentiable.  Let `gamma` be an arbitrary positive real.  Then

  x_star = argmin{ L(x) + R(x) : x }

  if and only if the fixed-point equation is satisfied:

  x_star = prox_{gamma R}(x_star - gamma grad L(x_star))

  Proximal gradient descent thus typically consists of choosing an initial value
  `x^{(0)}` and repeatedly applying the update

  x^{(k+1)} = prox_{gamma^{(k)} R}(x^{(k)} - gamma^{(k)} grad L(x^{(k)}))

  where `gamma` is allowed to vary from iteration to iteration.  Specializing to
  the case where `R(x) = ||x||_1`, we minimize `L(x) + ||x||_1` by repeatedly
  applying the update

  x^{(k+1)} = SoftThreshold(x - gamma grad L(x^{(k)}), gamma)

  (This idea can also be extended to second-order approximations, although the
  multivariate case does not have a known closed form like above.)

    x: `float` `Tensor` representing the input to the SoftThreshold function.
    threshold: nonnegative scalar, `float` `Tensor` representing the radius of
      the interval on which each coordinate of SoftThreshold takes the value
      zero.  Denoted `gamma` above.
    name: Python string indicating the name of the TensorFlow operation.
      Default value: `'soft_threshold'`.

    softthreshold: `float` `Tensor` with the same shape and dtype as `x`,
      representing the value of the SoftThreshold function.

  #### References

  [1]: Yu, Yao-Liang. The Proximity Operator.

  [2]: Wikipedia Contributors. Proximal gradient methods for learning.
       _Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia_, 2018.

    # https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/471339/derivation-of-soft-thresholding-operator
    with tf.name_scope(name or 'soft_threshold'):
        x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
        threshold = tf.convert_to_tensor(threshold,
        return tf.sign(x) * tf.maximum(tf.abs(x) - threshold, 0.)
コード例 #13
ファイル: wishart.py プロジェクト: HackerShohag/SuggestBot-bn
    def _log_prob(self, x):
        if self.input_output_cholesky:
            x_sqrt = x
            # Complexity: O(nbk**3)
            x_sqrt = tf.linalg.cholesky(x)

        batch_shape = self.batch_shape_tensor()
        event_shape = self.event_shape_tensor()
        x_ndims = tf.rank(x_sqrt)
        num_singleton_axes_to_prepend = (
            tf.maximum(tf.size(batch_shape) + 2, x_ndims) - x_ndims)
        x_with_prepended_singletons_shape = tf.concat([
            tf.ones([num_singleton_axes_to_prepend], dtype=tf.int32),
        ], 0)
        x_sqrt = tf.reshape(x_sqrt, x_with_prepended_singletons_shape)
        ndims = tf.rank(x_sqrt)
        # sample_ndims = ndims - batch_ndims - event_ndims
        sample_ndims = ndims - tf.size(batch_shape) - 2
        sample_shape = tf.shape(x_sqrt)[:sample_ndims]

        # We need to be able to pre-multiply each matrix by its corresponding
        # batch scale matrix. Since a Distribution Tensor supports multiple
        # samples per batch, this means we need to reshape the input matrix `x`
        # so that the first b dimensions are batch dimensions and the last two
        # are of shape [dimension, dimensions*number_of_samples]. Doing these
        # gymnastics allows us to do a batch_solve.
        # After we're done with sqrt_solve (the batch operation) we need to undo
        # this reshaping so what we're left with is a Tensor partitionable by
        # sample, batch, event dimensions.

        # Complexity: O(nbk**2) since transpose must access every element.
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = x_sqrt
        perm = tf.concat(
            [tf.range(sample_ndims, ndims),
             tf.range(0, sample_ndims)], 0)
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = tf.transpose(a=scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt,
        last_dim_size = (
            tf.cast(self.dimension, dtype=tf.int32) *
        shape = tf.concat([
            [tf.cast(self.dimension, dtype=tf.int32), last_dim_size]
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = tf.reshape(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt, shape)

        # Complexity: O(nbM*k) where M is the complexity of the operator solving a
        # vector system. For LinearOperatorLowerTriangular, each solve is O(k**2) so
        # this step has complexity O(nbk^3).
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = self.scale_operator.solve(

        # Undo make batch-op ready.
        # Complexity: O(nbk**2)
        shape = tf.concat(
            [tf.shape(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt)[:-2], event_shape, sample_shape],
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = tf.reshape(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt, shape)
        perm = tf.concat([
            tf.range(ndims - sample_ndims, ndims),
            tf.range(0, ndims - sample_ndims)
        ], 0)
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = tf.transpose(a=scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt,

        # Write V = SS', X = LL'. Then:
        # tr[inv(V) X] = tr[inv(S)' inv(S) L L']
        #              = tr[inv(S) L L' inv(S)']
        #              = tr[(inv(S) L) (inv(S) L)']
        #              = sum_{ik} (inv(S) L)_{ik}**2
        # The second equality follows from the cyclic permutation property.
        # Complexity: O(nbk**2)
        trace_scale_inv_x = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt),
                                          axis=[-2, -1])

        # Complexity: O(nbk)
        half_log_det_x = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(

        # Complexity: O(nbk**2)
        log_prob = ((self.df - self.dimension - 1.) * half_log_det_x -
                    0.5 * trace_scale_inv_x - self.log_normalization())

        # Set shape hints.
        # Try to merge what we know from the input x with what we know from the
        # parameters of this distribution.
        if tensorshape_util.rank(
                x.shape) is not None and tensorshape_util.rank(
                    self.batch_shape) is not None:
                tf.broadcast_static_shape(x.shape[:-2], self.batch_shape))

        return log_prob
コード例 #14
def log_ndtr(x, series_order=3, name="log_ndtr"):
    """Log Normal distribution function.

  For details of the Normal distribution function see `ndtr`.

  This function calculates `(log o ndtr)(x)` by either calling `log(ndtr(x))` or
  using an asymptotic series. Specifically:
  - For `x > upper_segment`, use the approximation `-ndtr(-x)` based on
    `log(1-x) ~= -x, x << 1`.
  - For `lower_segment < x <= upper_segment`, use the existing `ndtr` technique
    and take a log.
  - For `x <= lower_segment`, we use the series approximation of erf to compute
    the log CDF directly.

  The `lower_segment` is set based on the precision of the input:

  lower_segment = { -20,  x.dtype=float64
                  { -10,  x.dtype=float32
  upper_segment = {   8,  x.dtype=float64
                  {   5,  x.dtype=float32

  When `x < lower_segment`, the `ndtr` asymptotic series approximation is:

     ndtr(x) = scale * (1 + sum) + R_N
     scale   = exp(-0.5 x**2) / (-x sqrt(2 pi))
     sum     = Sum{(-1)^n (2n-1)!! / (x**2)^n, n=1:N}
     R_N     = O(exp(-0.5 x**2) (2N+1)!! / |x|^{2N+3})

  where `(2n-1)!! = (2n-1) (2n-3) (2n-5) ...  (3) (1)` is a

    x: `Tensor` of type `float32`, `float64`.
    series_order: Positive Python `integer`. Maximum depth to
      evaluate the asymptotic expansion. This is the `N` above.
    name: Python string. A name for the operation (default="log_ndtr").

    log_ndtr: `Tensor` with `dtype=x.dtype`.

    TypeError: if `x.dtype` is not handled.
    TypeError: if `series_order` is a not Python `integer.`
    ValueError:  if `series_order` is not in `[0, 30]`.
    if not isinstance(series_order, int):
        raise TypeError("series_order must be a Python integer.")
    if series_order < 0:
        raise ValueError("series_order must be non-negative.")
    if series_order > 30:
        raise ValueError("series_order must be <= 30.")

    with tf.name_scope(name):
        x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")

        if dtype_util.base_equal(x.dtype, tf.float64):
            lower_segment = LOGNDTR_FLOAT64_LOWER
            upper_segment = LOGNDTR_FLOAT64_UPPER
        elif dtype_util.base_equal(x.dtype, tf.float32):
            lower_segment = LOGNDTR_FLOAT32_LOWER
            upper_segment = LOGNDTR_FLOAT32_UPPER
            raise TypeError("x.dtype=%s is not supported." % x.dtype)

        # The basic idea here was ported from:
        #   https://root.cern.ch/doc/v608/SpecFuncCephesInv_8cxx_source.html
        # We copy the main idea, with a few changes
        # * For x >> 1, and X ~ Normal(0, 1),
        #     Log[P[X < x]] = Log[1 - P[X < -x]] approx -P[X < -x],
        #     which extends the range of validity of this function.
        # * We use one fixed series_order for all of 'x', rather than adaptive.
        # * Our docstring properly reflects that this is an asymptotic series, not a
        #   Taylor series. We also provided a correct bound on the remainder.
        # * We need to use the max/min in the _log_ndtr_lower arg to avoid nan when
        #   x=0. This happens even though the branch is unchosen because when x=0
        #   the gradient of a select involves the calculation 1*dy+0*(-inf)=nan
        #   regardless of whether dy is finite. Note that the minimum is a NOP if
        #   the branch is chosen.
        return tf.where(
            x > upper_segment,
            -_ndtr(-x),  # log(1-x) ~= -x, x << 1
                x > lower_segment,
                tf.math.log(_ndtr(tf.maximum(x, lower_segment))),
                _log_ndtr_lower(tf.minimum(x, lower_segment), series_order)))