コード例 #1
def load_celebA_dataset(path='data'):
    """Load CelebA dataset

    Return a list of image path.

    path : str
        The path that the data is downloaded to, defaults is ``data/celebA/``.

    data_dir = 'celebA'
    filename, drive_id = "img_align_celeba.zip", "0B7EVK8r0v71pZjFTYXZWM3FlRnM"
    save_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
    image_path = os.path.join(path, data_dir)
    if os.path.exists(image_path):
        logging.info('[*] {} already exists'.format(save_path))
        download_file_from_google_drive(drive_id, save_path)
        zip_dir = ''
        with zipfile.ZipFile(save_path) as zf:
            zip_dir = zf.namelist()[0]
        os.rename(os.path.join(path, zip_dir), image_path)

    data_files = load_file_list(path=image_path, regx='\\.jpg', printable=False)
    for i, _v in enumerate(data_files):
        data_files[i] = os.path.join(image_path, data_files[i])
    return data_files
コード例 #2
def load_celebA_dataset(path='data'):
    """Load CelebA dataset

    Return a list of image path.

    path : str
        The path that the data is downloaded to, defaults is ``data/celebA/``.

    data_dir = 'celebA'
    filename, drive_id = "img_align_celeba.zip", "0B7EVK8r0v71pZjFTYXZWM3FlRnM"
    save_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
    image_path = os.path.join(path, data_dir)
    if os.path.exists(image_path):
        logging.info('[*] {} already exists'.format(save_path))
        download_file_from_google_drive(drive_id, save_path)
        zip_dir = ''
        with zipfile.ZipFile(save_path) as zf:
            zip_dir = zf.namelist()[0]
        os.rename(os.path.join(path, zip_dir), image_path)

    data_files = load_file_list(path=image_path, regx='\\.jpg', printable=False)
    for i, _v in enumerate(data_files):
        data_files[i] = os.path.join(image_path, data_files[i])
    return data_files
コード例 #3
ファイル: voc_dataset.py プロジェクト: zxhx/tensorlayer
def load_voc_dataset(path='data',
    """Pascal VOC 2007/2012 Dataset.

    It has 20 objects:
    aeroplane, bicycle, bird, boat, bottle, bus, car, cat, chair, cow, diningtable, dog, horse, motorbike, person, pottedplant, sheep, sofa, train, tvmonitor
    and additional 3 classes : head, hand, foot for person.

    path : str
        The path that the data is downloaded to, defaults is ``data/VOC``.
    dataset : str
        The VOC dataset version, `2012`, `2007`, `2007test` or `2012test`. We usually train model on `2007+2012` and test it on `2007test`.
    contain_classes_in_person : boolean
        Whether include head, hand and foot annotation, default is False.

    imgs_file_list : list of str
        Full paths of all images.
    imgs_semseg_file_list : list of str
        Full paths of all maps for semantic segmentation. Note that not all images have this map!
    imgs_insseg_file_list : list of str
        Full paths of all maps for instance segmentation. Note that not all images have this map!
    imgs_ann_file_list : list of str
        Full paths of all annotations for bounding box and object class, all images have this annotations.
    classes : list of str
        Classes in order.
    classes_in_person : list of str
        Classes in person.
    classes_dict : dictionary
        Class label to integer.
    n_objs_list : list of int
        Number of objects in all images in ``imgs_file_list`` in order.
    objs_info_list : list of str
        Darknet format for the annotation of all images in ``imgs_file_list`` in order. ``[class_id x_centre y_centre width height]`` in ratio format.
    objs_info_dicts : dictionary
        The annotation of all images in ``imgs_file_list``, ``{imgs_file_list : dictionary for annotation}``,
        format from `TensorFlow/Models/object-detection <https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/object_detection/create_pascal_tf_record.py>`__.

    >>> imgs_file_list, imgs_semseg_file_list, imgs_insseg_file_list, imgs_ann_file_list,
    >>>     classes, classes_in_person, classes_dict,
    >>>     n_objs_list, objs_info_list, objs_info_dicts = tl.files.load_voc_dataset(dataset="2012", contain_classes_in_person=False)
    >>> idx = 26
    >>> print(classes)
    ... ['aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor']
    >>> print(classes_dict)
    ... {'sheep': 16, 'horse': 12, 'bicycle': 1, 'bottle': 4, 'cow': 9, 'sofa': 17, 'car': 6, 'dog': 11, 'cat': 7, 'person': 14, 'train': 18, 'diningtable': 10, 'aeroplane': 0, 'bus': 5, 'pottedplant': 15, 'tvmonitor': 19, 'chair': 8, 'bird': 2, 'boat': 3, 'motorbike': 13}
    >>> print(imgs_file_list[idx])
    ... data/VOC/VOC2012/JPEGImages/2007_000423.jpg
    >>> print(n_objs_list[idx])
    ... 2
    >>> print(imgs_ann_file_list[idx])
    ... data/VOC/VOC2012/Annotations/2007_000423.xml
    >>> print(objs_info_list[idx])
    ... 14 0.173 0.461333333333 0.142 0.496
    ... 14 0.828 0.542666666667 0.188 0.594666666667
    >>> ann = tl.prepro.parse_darknet_ann_str_to_list(objs_info_list[idx])
    >>> print(ann)
    ... [[14, 0.173, 0.461333333333, 0.142, 0.496], [14, 0.828, 0.542666666667, 0.188, 0.594666666667]]
    >>> c, b = tl.prepro.parse_darknet_ann_list_to_cls_box(ann)
    >>> print(c, b)
    ... [14, 14] [[0.173, 0.461333333333, 0.142, 0.496], [0.828, 0.542666666667, 0.188, 0.594666666667]]

    - `Pascal VOC2012 Website <https://pjreddie.com/projects/pascal-voc-dataset-mirror/>`__.
    - `Pascal VOC2007 Website <https://pjreddie.com/projects/pascal-voc-dataset-mirror/>`__.

    path = os.path.join(path, 'VOC')

    def _recursive_parse_xml_to_dict(xml):
        """Recursively parses XML contents to python dict.

        We assume that `object` tags are the only ones that can appear
        multiple times at the same level of a tree.

            xml: xml tree obtained by parsing XML file contents using lxml.etree

            Python dictionary holding XML contents.

        if xml is not None:
            return {xml.tag: xml.text}
        result = {}
        for child in xml:
            child_result = _recursive_parse_xml_to_dict(child)
            if child.tag != 'object':
                result[child.tag] = child_result[child.tag]
                if child.tag not in result:
                    result[child.tag] = []
        return {xml.tag: result}

    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

    if dataset == "2012":
        url = "http://pjreddie.com/media/files/"
        tar_filename = "VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar"
        extracted_filename = "VOC2012"  #"VOCdevkit/VOC2012"
        logging.info("    [============= VOC 2012 =============]")
    elif dataset == "2012test":
        extracted_filename = "VOC2012test"  #"VOCdevkit/VOC2012"
        logging.info("    [============= VOC 2012 Test Set =============]")
            "    \nAuthor: 2012test only have person annotation, so 2007test is highly recommended for testing !\n"
        import time
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, extracted_filename)) is False:
                "For VOC 2012 Test data - online registration required")
                " Please download VOC2012test.tar from:  \n register: http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080 \n voc2012 : http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080/eval/challenges/voc2012/ \ndownload: http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080/eval/downloads/VOC2012test.tar"
                " unzip VOC2012test.tar,rename the folder to VOC2012test and put it into %s"
                % path)
        # # http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080/eval/downloads/VOC2012test.tar
        # url = "http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080/eval/downloads/"
        # tar_filename = "VOC2012test.tar"
    elif dataset == "2007":
        url = "http://pjreddie.com/media/files/"
        tar_filename = "VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar"
        extracted_filename = "VOC2007"
        logging.info("    [============= VOC 2007 =============]")
    elif dataset == "2007test":
        # http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2007/index.html#testdata
        # http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2007/VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
        url = "http://pjreddie.com/media/files/"
        tar_filename = "VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar"
        extracted_filename = "VOC2007test"
        logging.info("    [============= VOC 2007 Test Set =============]")
        raise Exception(
            "Please set the dataset aug to 2012, 2012test or 2007.")

    # download dataset
    if dataset != "2012test":
        from sys import platform as _platform
        if folder_exists(os.path.join(path, extracted_filename)) is False:
            logging.info("[VOC] {} is nonexistent in {}".format(
                extracted_filename, path))
            maybe_download_and_extract(tar_filename, path, url, extract=True)
            del_file(os.path.join(path, tar_filename))
            if dataset == "2012":
                if _platform == "win32":
                    os.system("move {}\VOCdevkit\VOC2012 {}\VOC2012".format(
                        path, path))
                    os.system("mv {}/VOCdevkit/VOC2012 {}/VOC2012".format(
                        path, path))
            elif dataset == "2007":
                if _platform == "win32":
                    os.system("move {}\VOCdevkit\VOC2007 {}\VOC2007".format(
                        path, path))
                    os.system("mv {}/VOCdevkit/VOC2007 {}/VOC2007".format(
                        path, path))
            elif dataset == "2007test":
                if _platform == "win32":
                        "move {}\VOCdevkit\VOC2007 {}\VOC2007test".format(
                            path, path))
                    os.system("mv {}/VOCdevkit/VOC2007 {}/VOC2007test".format(
                        path, path))
            del_folder(os.path.join(path, 'VOCdevkit'))
    # object classes(labels)  NOTE: YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE THIS LIST
    classes = [
        "aeroplane", "bicycle", "bird", "boat", "bottle", "bus", "car", "cat",
        "chair", "cow", "diningtable", "dog", "horse", "motorbike", "person",
        "pottedplant", "sheep", "sofa", "train", "tvmonitor"
    if contain_classes_in_person:
        classes_in_person = ["head", "hand", "foot"]
        classes_in_person = []

    classes += classes_in_person  # use extra 3 classes for person

    classes_dict = utils.list_string_to_dict(classes)
    logging.info("[VOC] object classes {}".format(classes_dict))

    # 1. image path list
    # folder_imgs = path+"/"+extracted_filename+"/JPEGImages/"
    folder_imgs = os.path.join(path, extracted_filename, "JPEGImages")
    imgs_file_list = load_file_list(path=folder_imgs,
    logging.info("[VOC] {} images found".format(len(imgs_file_list)))

        key=lambda s: int(s.replace('.', ' ').replace('_', '').split(' ')[-2]
                          ))  # 2007_000027.jpg --> 2007000027

    imgs_file_list = [os.path.join(folder_imgs, s) for s in imgs_file_list]
    # logging.info('IM',imgs_file_list[0::3333], imgs_file_list[-1])
    if dataset != "2012test":
        ##======== 2. semantic segmentation maps path list
        # folder_semseg = path+"/"+extracted_filename+"/SegmentationClass/"
        folder_semseg = os.path.join(path, extracted_filename,
        imgs_semseg_file_list = load_file_list(path=folder_semseg,
        logging.info("[VOC] {} maps for semantic segmentation found".format(
        imgs_semseg_file_list.sort(key=lambda s: int(
            s.replace('.', ' ').replace('_', '').split(' ')[-2])
                                   )  # 2007_000032.png --> 2007000032
        imgs_semseg_file_list = [
            os.path.join(folder_semseg, s) for s in imgs_semseg_file_list
        # logging.info('Semantic Seg IM',imgs_semseg_file_list[0::333], imgs_semseg_file_list[-1])
        ##======== 3. instance segmentation maps path list
        # folder_insseg = path+"/"+extracted_filename+"/SegmentationObject/"
        folder_insseg = os.path.join(path, extracted_filename,
        imgs_insseg_file_list = load_file_list(path=folder_insseg,
        logging.info("[VOC] {} maps for instance segmentation found".format(
        imgs_insseg_file_list.sort(key=lambda s: int(
            s.replace('.', ' ').replace('_', '').split(' ')[-2])
                                   )  # 2007_000032.png --> 2007000032
        imgs_insseg_file_list = [
            os.path.join(folder_insseg, s) for s in imgs_insseg_file_list
        # logging.info('Instance Seg IM',imgs_insseg_file_list[0::333], imgs_insseg_file_list[-1])
        imgs_semseg_file_list = []
        imgs_insseg_file_list = []
    # 4. annotations for bounding box and object class
    # folder_ann = path+"/"+extracted_filename+"/Annotations/"
    folder_ann = os.path.join(path, extracted_filename, "Annotations")
    imgs_ann_file_list = load_file_list(path=folder_ann,
        "[VOC] {} XML annotation files for bounding box and object class found"
        key=lambda s: int(s.replace('.', ' ').replace('_', '').split(' ')[-2]
                          ))  # 2007_000027.xml --> 2007000027
    imgs_ann_file_list = [
        os.path.join(folder_ann, s) for s in imgs_ann_file_list
    # logging.info('ANN',imgs_ann_file_list[0::3333], imgs_ann_file_list[-1])

    if dataset == "2012test":  # remove unused images in JPEG folder
        imgs_file_list_new = []
        for ann in imgs_ann_file_list:
            ann = os.path.split(ann)[-1].split('.')[0]
            for im in imgs_file_list:
                if ann in im:
        imgs_file_list = imgs_file_list_new
        logging.info("[VOC] keep %d images" % len(imgs_file_list_new))

    # parse XML annotations
    def convert(size, box):
        dw = 1. / size[0]
        dh = 1. / size[1]
        x = (box[0] + box[1]) / 2.0
        y = (box[2] + box[3]) / 2.0
        w = box[1] - box[0]
        h = box[3] - box[2]
        x = x * dw
        w = w * dw
        y = y * dh
        h = h * dh
        return x, y, w, h

    def convert_annotation(file_name):
        """Given VOC2012 XML Annotations, returns number of objects and info."""
        in_file = open(file_name)
        out_file = ""
        tree = ET.parse(in_file)
        root = tree.getroot()
        size = root.find('size')
        w = int(size.find('width').text)
        h = int(size.find('height').text)
        n_objs = 0

        for obj in root.iter('object'):
            if dataset != "2012test":
                difficult = obj.find('difficult').text
                cls = obj.find('name').text
                if cls not in classes or int(difficult) == 1:
                cls = obj.find('name').text
                if cls not in classes:
            cls_id = classes.index(cls)
            xmlbox = obj.find('bndbox')
            b = (float(xmlbox.find('xmin').text),
            bb = convert((w, h), b)

            out_file += str(cls_id) + " " + " ".join([str(a)
                                                      for a in bb]) + '\n'
            n_objs += 1
            if cls in "person":
                for part in obj.iter('part'):
                    cls = part.find('name').text
                    if cls not in classes_in_person:
                    cls_id = classes.index(cls)
                    xmlbox = part.find('bndbox')
                    b = (float(xmlbox.find('xmin').text),
                    bb = convert((w, h), b)
                    # out_file.write(str(cls_id) + " " + " ".join([str(a) for a in bb]) + '\n')
                    out_file += str(cls_id) + " " + " ".join(
                        [str(a) for a in bb]) + '\n'
                    n_objs += 1
        return n_objs, out_file

    logging.info("[VOC] Parsing xml annotations files")
    n_objs_list = []
    objs_info_list = []  # Darknet Format list of string
    objs_info_dicts = {}
    for idx, ann_file in enumerate(imgs_ann_file_list):
        n_objs, objs_info = convert_annotation(ann_file)
        with tf.gfile.GFile(ann_file, 'r') as fid:
            xml_str = fid.read()
        xml = etree.fromstring(xml_str)
        data = _recursive_parse_xml_to_dict(xml)['annotation']
        objs_info_dicts.update({imgs_file_list[idx]: data})

    return imgs_file_list, imgs_semseg_file_list, imgs_insseg_file_list, imgs_ann_file_list, classes, classes_in_person, classes_dict, n_objs_list, objs_info_list, objs_info_dicts
コード例 #4
def load_flickr25k_dataset(tag='sky',
    """Load Flickr25K dataset.

    Returns a list of images by a given tag from Flick25k dataset,
    it will download Flickr25k from `the official website <http://press.liacs.nl/mirflickr/mirdownload.html>`__
    at the first time you use it.

    tag : str or None
        What images to return.
            - If you want to get images with tag, use string like 'dog', 'red', see `Flickr Search <https://www.flickr.com/search/>`__.
            - If you want to get all images, set to ``None``.

    path : str
        The path that the data is downloaded to, defaults is ``data/flickr25k/``.
    n_threads : int
        The number of thread to read image.
    printable : boolean
        Whether to print infomation when reading images, default is ``False``.

    Get images with tag of sky

    >>> images = tl.files.load_flickr25k_dataset(tag='sky')

    Get all images

    >>> images = tl.files.load_flickr25k_dataset(tag=None, n_threads=100, printable=True)

    path = os.path.join(path, 'flickr25k')

    filename = 'mirflickr25k.zip'
    url = 'http://press.liacs.nl/mirflickr/mirflickr25k/'

    # download dataset
    if folder_exists(os.path.join(path, "mirflickr")) is False:
        logging.info("[*] Flickr25k is nonexistent in {}".format(path))
        maybe_download_and_extract(filename, path, url, extract=True)
        del_file(os.path.join(path, filename))

    # return images by the given tag.
    # 1. image path list
    folder_imgs = os.path.join(path, "mirflickr")
    path_imgs = load_file_list(path=folder_imgs,

    # 2. tag path list
    folder_tags = os.path.join(path, "mirflickr", "meta", "tags")
    path_tags = load_file_list(path=folder_tags,

    # 3. select images
    if tag is None:
        logging.info("[Flickr25k] reading all images")
        logging.info("[Flickr25k] reading images with tag: {}".format(tag))
    images_list = []
    for idx, _v in enumerate(path_tags):
        tags = read_file(os.path.join(folder_tags, path_tags[idx])).split('\n')
        # logging.info(idx+1, tags)
        if tag is None or tag in tags:

    images = visualize.read_images(images_list,
    return images
コード例 #5
 def load_image_from_folder(path):
     path_imgs = load_file_list(path=path, regx='\\.jpg', printable=False)
     return visualize.read_images(path_imgs,
コード例 #6
def load_flickr1M_dataset(tag='sky', size=10, path="data", n_threads=50, printable=False):
    """Load Flick1M dataset.

    Returns a list of images by a given tag from Flickr1M dataset,
    it will download Flickr1M from `the official website <http://press.liacs.nl/mirflickr/mirdownload.html>`__
    at the first time you use it.

    tag : str or None
        What images to return.
            - If you want to get images with tag, use string like 'dog', 'red', see `Flickr Search <https://www.flickr.com/search/>`__.
            - If you want to get all images, set to ``None``.

    size : int
        integer between 1 to 10. 1 means 100k images ... 5 means 500k images, 10 means all 1 million images. Default is 10.
    path : str
        The path that the data is downloaded to, defaults is ``data/flickr25k/``.
    n_threads : int
        The number of thread to read image.
    printable : boolean
        Whether to print infomation when reading images, default is ``False``.

    Use 200k images

    >>> images = tl.files.load_flickr1M_dataset(tag='zebra', size=2)

    Use 1 Million images

    >>> images = tl.files.load_flickr1M_dataset(tag='zebra')

    import shutil

    path = os.path.join(path, 'flickr1M')
    logging.info("[Flickr1M] using {}% of images = {}".format(size * 10, size * 100000))
    images_zip = [
        'images0.zip', 'images1.zip', 'images2.zip', 'images3.zip', 'images4.zip', 'images5.zip', 'images6.zip',
        'images7.zip', 'images8.zip', 'images9.zip'
    tag_zip = 'tags.zip'
    url = 'http://press.liacs.nl/mirflickr/mirflickr1m/'

    # download dataset
    for image_zip in images_zip[0:size]:
        image_folder = image_zip.split(".")[0]
        # logging.info(path+"/"+image_folder)
        if folder_exists(os.path.join(path, image_folder)) is False:
            # logging.info(image_zip)
            logging.info("[Flickr1M] {} is missing in {}".format(image_folder, path))
            maybe_download_and_extract(image_zip, path, url, extract=True)
            del_file(os.path.join(path, image_zip))
            # os.system("mv {} {}".format(os.path.join(path, 'images'), os.path.join(path, image_folder)))
            shutil.move(os.path.join(path, 'images'), os.path.join(path, image_folder))
            logging.info("[Flickr1M] {} exists in {}".format(image_folder, path))

    # download tag
    if folder_exists(os.path.join(path, "tags")) is False:
        logging.info("[Flickr1M] tag files is nonexistent in {}".format(path))
        maybe_download_and_extract(tag_zip, path, url, extract=True)
        del_file(os.path.join(path, tag_zip))
        logging.info("[Flickr1M] tags exists in {}".format(path))

    # 1. image path list
    images_list = []
    images_folder_list = []
    for i in range(0, size):
        images_folder_list += load_folder_list(path=os.path.join(path, 'images%d' % i))
    images_folder_list.sort(key=lambda s: int(s.split('/')[-1]))  # folder/images/ddd

    for folder in images_folder_list[0:size * 10]:
        tmp = load_file_list(path=folder, regx='\\.jpg', printable=False)
        tmp.sort(key=lambda s: int(s.split('.')[-2]))  # ddd.jpg
        images_list.extend([os.path.join(folder, x) for x in tmp])

    # 2. tag path list
    tag_list = []
    tag_folder_list = load_folder_list(os.path.join(path, "tags"))

    # tag_folder_list.sort(key=lambda s: int(s.split("/")[-1]))  # folder/images/ddd
    tag_folder_list.sort(key=lambda s: int(os.path.basename(s)))

    for folder in tag_folder_list[0:size * 10]:
        tmp = load_file_list(path=folder, regx='\\.txt', printable=False)
        tmp.sort(key=lambda s: int(s.split('.')[-2]))  # ddd.txt
        tmp = [os.path.join(folder, s) for s in tmp]
        tag_list += tmp

    # 3. select images
    logging.info("[Flickr1M] searching tag: {}".format(tag))
    select_images_list = []
    for idx, _val in enumerate(tag_list):
        tags = read_file(tag_list[idx]).split('\n')
        if tag in tags:

    logging.info("[Flickr1M] reading images with tag: {}".format(tag))
    images = visualize.read_images(select_images_list, '', n_threads=n_threads, printable=printable)
    return images
コード例 #7
def load_mpii_pose_dataset(path='data', is_16_pos_only=False):
    """Load MPII Human Pose Dataset.

    path : str
        The path that the data is downloaded to.
    is_16_pos_only : boolean
        If True, only return the peoples contain 16 pose keypoints. (Usually be used for single person pose estimation)

    img_train_list : list of str
        The image directories of training data.
    ann_train_list : list of dict
        The annotations of training data.
    img_test_list : list of str
        The image directories of testing data.
    ann_test_list : list of dict
        The annotations of testing data.

    >>> import pprint
    >>> import tensorlayer as tl
    >>> img_train_list, ann_train_list, img_test_list, ann_test_list = tl.files.load_mpii_pose_dataset()
    >>> image = tl.vis.read_image(img_train_list[0])
    >>> tl.vis.draw_mpii_pose_to_image(image, ann_train_list[0], 'image.png')
    >>> pprint.pprint(ann_train_list[0])

    - `MPII Human Pose Dataset. CVPR 14 <http://human-pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de>`__
    - `MPII Human Pose Models. CVPR 16 <http://pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de>`__
    - `MPII Human Shape, Poselet Conditioned Pictorial Structures and etc <http://pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de/#related>`__
    - `MPII Keyponts and ID <http://human-pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de/#download>`__
    path = os.path.join(path, 'mpii_human_pose')
    logging.info("Load or Download MPII Human Pose > {}".format(path))

    # annotation
    url = "http://datasets.d2.mpi-inf.mpg.de/andriluka14cvpr/"
    tar_filename = "mpii_human_pose_v1_u12_2.zip"
    extracted_filename = "mpii_human_pose_v1_u12_2"
    if folder_exists(os.path.join(path, extracted_filename)) is False:
        logging.info("[MPII] (annotation) {} is nonexistent in {}".format(
            extracted_filename, path))
        maybe_download_and_extract(tar_filename, path, url, extract=True)
        del_file(os.path.join(path, tar_filename))

    # images
    url = "http://datasets.d2.mpi-inf.mpg.de/andriluka14cvpr/"
    tar_filename = "mpii_human_pose_v1.tar.gz"
    extracted_filename2 = "images"
    if folder_exists(os.path.join(path, extracted_filename2)) is False:
        logging.info("[MPII] (images) {} is nonexistent in {}".format(
            extracted_filename, path))
        maybe_download_and_extract(tar_filename, path, url, extract=True)
        del_file(os.path.join(path, tar_filename))

    # parse annotation, format see http://human-pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de/#download
    import scipy.io as sio
    logging.info("reading annotations from mat file ...")
    # mat = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(path, extracted_filename, "mpii_human_pose_v1_u12_1.mat"))

    # def fix_wrong_joints(joint):    # https://github.com/mitmul/deeppose/blob/master/datasets/mpii_dataset.py
    #     if '12' in joint and '13' in joint and '2' in joint and '3' in joint:
    #         if ((joint['12'][0] < joint['13'][0]) and
    #                 (joint['3'][0] < joint['2'][0])):
    #             joint['2'], joint['3'] = joint['3'], joint['2']
    #         if ((joint['12'][0] > joint['13'][0]) and
    #                 (joint['3'][0] > joint['2'][0])):
    #             joint['2'], joint['3'] = joint['3'], joint['2']
    #     return joint

    ann_train_list = []
    ann_test_list = []
    img_train_list = []
    img_test_list = []

    def save_joints():
        # joint_data_fn = os.path.join(path, 'data.json')
        # fp = open(joint_data_fn, 'w')
        mat = sio.loadmat(
            os.path.join(path, extracted_filename,

        for _, (anno, train_flag) in enumerate(  # all images
                zip(mat['RELEASE']['annolist'][0, 0][0],
                    mat['RELEASE']['img_train'][0, 0][0])):

            img_fn = anno['image']['name'][0, 0][0]
            train_flag = int(train_flag)

            # print(i, img_fn, train_flag) # DEBUG print all images

            if train_flag:

            head_rect = []
            if 'x1' in str(anno['annorect'].dtype):
                head_rect = zip([x1[0, 0] for x1 in anno['annorect']['x1'][0]],
                                [y1[0, 0] for y1 in anno['annorect']['y1'][0]],
                                [x2[0, 0] for x2 in anno['annorect']['x2'][0]],
                                [y2[0, 0] for y2 in anno['annorect']['y2'][0]])
                head_rect = []  # TODO

            if 'annopoints' in str(anno['annorect'].dtype):
                annopoints = anno['annorect']['annopoints'][0]
                head_x1s = anno['annorect']['x1'][0]
                head_y1s = anno['annorect']['y1'][0]
                head_x2s = anno['annorect']['x2'][0]
                head_y2s = anno['annorect']['y2'][0]

                for annopoint, head_x1, head_y1, head_x2, head_y2 in zip(
                        annopoints, head_x1s, head_y1s, head_x2s, head_y2s):
                    # if annopoint != []:
                    # if len(annopoint) != 0:
                    if annopoint.size:
                        head_rect = [
                            float(head_x1[0, 0]),
                            float(head_y1[0, 0]),
                            float(head_x2[0, 0]),
                            float(head_y2[0, 0])

                        # joint coordinates
                        annopoint = annopoint['point'][0, 0]
                        j_id = [str(j_i[0, 0]) for j_i in annopoint['id'][0]]
                        x = [x[0, 0] for x in annopoint['x'][0]]
                        y = [y[0, 0] for y in annopoint['y'][0]]
                        joint_pos = {}
                        for _j_id, (_x, _y) in zip(j_id, zip(x, y)):
                            joint_pos[int(_j_id)] = [float(_x), float(_y)]
                        # joint_pos = fix_wrong_joints(joint_pos)

                        # visibility list
                        if 'is_visible' in str(annopoint.dtype):
                            vis = [
                                v[0] if v.size > 0 else [0]
                                for v in annopoint['is_visible'][0]
                            vis = dict([(k, int(v[0])) if len(v) > 0 else v
                                        for k, v in zip(j_id, vis)])
                            vis = None

                        # if len(joint_pos) == 16:
                        if ((is_16_pos_only == True) and
                            (len(joint_pos) == 16)) or (is_16_pos_only
                                                        == False):
                            # only use image with 16 key points / or use all
                            data = {
                                'filename': img_fn,
                                'train': train_flag,
                                'head_rect': head_rect,
                                'is_visible': vis,
                                'joint_pos': joint_pos
                            # print(json.dumps(data), file=fp)  # py3
                            if train_flag:

    # def write_line(datum, fp):
    #     joints = sorted([[int(k), v] for k, v in datum['joint_pos'].items()])
    #     joints = np.array([j for i, j in joints]).flatten()
    #     out = [datum['filename']]
    #     out.extend(joints)
    #     out = [str(o) for o in out]
    #     out = ','.join(out)
    #     print(out, file=fp)

    # def split_train_test():
    #     # fp_test = open('data/mpii/test_joints.csv', 'w')
    #     fp_test = open(os.path.join(path, 'test_joints.csv'), 'w')
    #     # fp_train = open('data/mpii/train_joints.csv', 'w')
    #     fp_train = open(os.path.join(path, 'train_joints.csv'), 'w')
    #     # all_data = open('data/mpii/data.json').readlines()
    #     all_data = open(os.path.join(path, 'data.json')).readlines()
    #     N = len(all_data)
    #     N_test = int(N * 0.1)
    #     N_train = N - N_test
    #     print('N:{}'.format(N))
    #     print('N_train:{}'.format(N_train))
    #     print('N_test:{}'.format(N_test))
    #     np.random.seed(1701)
    #     perm = np.random.permutation(N)
    #     test_indices = perm[:N_test]
    #     train_indices = perm[N_test:]
    #     print('train_indices:{}'.format(len(train_indices)))
    #     print('test_indices:{}'.format(len(test_indices)))
    #     for i in train_indices:
    #         datum = json.loads(all_data[i].strip())
    #         write_line(datum, fp_train)
    #     for i in test_indices:
    #         datum = json.loads(all_data[i].strip())
    #         write_line(datum, fp_test)

    # split_train_test()  #

    ## read images dir
    logging.info("reading images list ...")
    img_dir = os.path.join(path, extracted_filename2)
    _img_list = load_file_list(path=os.path.join(path, extracted_filename2),
    # ann_list = json.load(open(os.path.join(path, 'data.json')))
    for i, im in enumerate(img_train_list):
        if im not in _img_list:
                'missing training image {} in {} (remove from img(ann)_train_list)'
                .format(im, img_dir))
            # img_train_list.remove(im)
            del img_train_list[i]
            del ann_train_list[i]
    for i, im in enumerate(img_test_list):
        if im not in _img_list:
                'missing testing image {} in {} (remove from img(ann)_test_list)'
                .format(im, img_dir))
            # img_test_list.remove(im)
            del img_train_list[i]
            del ann_train_list[i]

    ## check annotation and images
    n_train_images = len(img_train_list)
    n_test_images = len(img_test_list)
    n_images = n_train_images + n_test_images
    logging.info("n_images: {} n_train_images: {} n_test_images: {}".format(
        n_images, n_train_images, n_test_images))
    n_train_ann = len(ann_train_list)
    n_test_ann = len(ann_test_list)
    n_ann = n_train_ann + n_test_ann
    logging.info("n_ann: {} n_train_ann: {} n_test_ann: {}".format(
        n_ann, n_train_ann, n_test_ann))
    n_train_people = len(sum(ann_train_list, []))
    n_test_people = len(sum(ann_test_list, []))
    n_people = n_train_people + n_test_people
    logging.info("n_people: {} n_train_people: {} n_test_people: {}".format(
        n_people, n_train_people, n_test_people))
    # add path to all image file name
    for i, value in enumerate(img_train_list):
        img_train_list[i] = os.path.join(img_dir, value)
    for i, value in enumerate(img_test_list):
        img_test_list[i] = os.path.join(img_dir, value)
    return img_train_list, ann_train_list, img_test_list, ann_test_list
コード例 #8
ファイル: mpii_dataset.py プロジェクト: zsdonghao/tensorlayer
def load_mpii_pose_dataset(path='data', is_16_pos_only=False):
    """Load MPII Human Pose Dataset.

    path : str
        The path that the data is downloaded to.
    is_16_pos_only : boolean
        If True, only return the peoples contain 16 pose keypoints. (Usually be used for single person pose estimation)

    img_train_list : list of str
        The image directories of training data.
    ann_train_list : list of dict
        The annotations of training data.
    img_test_list : list of str
        The image directories of testing data.
    ann_test_list : list of dict
        The annotations of testing data.

    >>> import pprint
    >>> import tensorlayer as tl
    >>> img_train_list, ann_train_list, img_test_list, ann_test_list = tl.files.load_mpii_pose_dataset()
    >>> image = tl.vis.read_image(img_train_list[0])
    >>> tl.vis.draw_mpii_pose_to_image(image, ann_train_list[0], 'image.png')
    >>> pprint.pprint(ann_train_list[0])

    - `MPII Human Pose Dataset. CVPR 14 <http://human-pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de>`__
    - `MPII Human Pose Models. CVPR 16 <http://pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de>`__
    - `MPII Human Shape, Poselet Conditioned Pictorial Structures and etc <http://pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de/#related>`__
    - `MPII Keyponts and ID <http://human-pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de/#download>`__
    path = os.path.join(path, 'mpii_human_pose')
    logging.info("Load or Download MPII Human Pose > {}".format(path))

    # annotation
    url = "http://datasets.d2.mpi-inf.mpg.de/andriluka14cvpr/"
    tar_filename = "mpii_human_pose_v1_u12_2.zip"
    extracted_filename = "mpii_human_pose_v1_u12_2"
    if folder_exists(os.path.join(path, extracted_filename)) is False:
        logging.info("[MPII] (annotation) {} is nonexistent in {}".format(extracted_filename, path))
        maybe_download_and_extract(tar_filename, path, url, extract=True)
        del_file(os.path.join(path, tar_filename))

    # images
    url = "http://datasets.d2.mpi-inf.mpg.de/andriluka14cvpr/"
    tar_filename = "mpii_human_pose_v1.tar.gz"
    extracted_filename2 = "images"
    if folder_exists(os.path.join(path, extracted_filename2)) is False:
        logging.info("[MPII] (images) {} is nonexistent in {}".format(extracted_filename, path))
        maybe_download_and_extract(tar_filename, path, url, extract=True)
        del_file(os.path.join(path, tar_filename))

    # parse annotation, format see http://human-pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de/#download
    import scipy.io as sio
    logging.info("reading annotations from mat file ...")
    # mat = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(path, extracted_filename, "mpii_human_pose_v1_u12_1.mat"))

    # def fix_wrong_joints(joint):    # https://github.com/mitmul/deeppose/blob/master/datasets/mpii_dataset.py
    #     if '12' in joint and '13' in joint and '2' in joint and '3' in joint:
    #         if ((joint['12'][0] < joint['13'][0]) and
    #                 (joint['3'][0] < joint['2'][0])):
    #             joint['2'], joint['3'] = joint['3'], joint['2']
    #         if ((joint['12'][0] > joint['13'][0]) and
    #                 (joint['3'][0] > joint['2'][0])):
    #             joint['2'], joint['3'] = joint['3'], joint['2']
    #     return joint

    ann_train_list = []
    ann_test_list = []
    img_train_list = []
    img_test_list = []

    def save_joints():
        # joint_data_fn = os.path.join(path, 'data.json')
        # fp = open(joint_data_fn, 'w')
        mat = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(path, extracted_filename, "mpii_human_pose_v1_u12_1.mat"))

        for _, (anno, train_flag) in enumerate(  # all images
                zip(mat['RELEASE']['annolist'][0, 0][0], mat['RELEASE']['img_train'][0, 0][0])):

            img_fn = anno['image']['name'][0, 0][0]
            train_flag = int(train_flag)

            # print(i, img_fn, train_flag) # DEBUG print all images

            if train_flag:

            head_rect = []
            if 'x1' in str(anno['annorect'].dtype):
                head_rect = zip(
                    [x1[0, 0] for x1 in anno['annorect']['x1'][0]], [y1[0, 0] for y1 in anno['annorect']['y1'][0]],
                    [x2[0, 0] for x2 in anno['annorect']['x2'][0]], [y2[0, 0] for y2 in anno['annorect']['y2'][0]]
                head_rect = []  # TODO

            if 'annopoints' in str(anno['annorect'].dtype):
                annopoints = anno['annorect']['annopoints'][0]
                head_x1s = anno['annorect']['x1'][0]
                head_y1s = anno['annorect']['y1'][0]
                head_x2s = anno['annorect']['x2'][0]
                head_y2s = anno['annorect']['y2'][0]

                for annopoint, head_x1, head_y1, head_x2, head_y2 in zip(annopoints, head_x1s, head_y1s, head_x2s,
                    # if annopoint != []:
                    # if len(annopoint) != 0:
                    if annopoint.size:
                        head_rect = [
                            float(head_x1[0, 0]),
                            float(head_y1[0, 0]),
                            float(head_x2[0, 0]),
                            float(head_y2[0, 0])

                        # joint coordinates
                        annopoint = annopoint['point'][0, 0]
                        j_id = [str(j_i[0, 0]) for j_i in annopoint['id'][0]]
                        x = [x[0, 0] for x in annopoint['x'][0]]
                        y = [y[0, 0] for y in annopoint['y'][0]]
                        joint_pos = {}
                        for _j_id, (_x, _y) in zip(j_id, zip(x, y)):
                            joint_pos[int(_j_id)] = [float(_x), float(_y)]
                        # joint_pos = fix_wrong_joints(joint_pos)

                        # visibility list
                        if 'is_visible' in str(annopoint.dtype):
                            vis = [v[0] if v.size > 0 else [0] for v in annopoint['is_visible'][0]]
                            vis = dict([(k, int(v[0])) if len(v) > 0 else v for k, v in zip(j_id, vis)])
                            vis = None

                        # if len(joint_pos) == 16:
                        if ((is_16_pos_only ==True) and (len(joint_pos) == 16)) or (is_16_pos_only == False):
                            # only use image with 16 key points / or use all
                            data = {
                                'filename': img_fn,
                                'train': train_flag,
                                'head_rect': head_rect,
                                'is_visible': vis,
                                'joint_pos': joint_pos
                            # print(json.dumps(data), file=fp)  # py3
                            if train_flag:

    # def write_line(datum, fp):
    #     joints = sorted([[int(k), v] for k, v in datum['joint_pos'].items()])
    #     joints = np.array([j for i, j in joints]).flatten()
    #     out = [datum['filename']]
    #     out.extend(joints)
    #     out = [str(o) for o in out]
    #     out = ','.join(out)
    #     print(out, file=fp)

    # def split_train_test():
    #     # fp_test = open('data/mpii/test_joints.csv', 'w')
    #     fp_test = open(os.path.join(path, 'test_joints.csv'), 'w')
    #     # fp_train = open('data/mpii/train_joints.csv', 'w')
    #     fp_train = open(os.path.join(path, 'train_joints.csv'), 'w')
    #     # all_data = open('data/mpii/data.json').readlines()
    #     all_data = open(os.path.join(path, 'data.json')).readlines()
    #     N = len(all_data)
    #     N_test = int(N * 0.1)
    #     N_train = N - N_test
    #     print('N:{}'.format(N))
    #     print('N_train:{}'.format(N_train))
    #     print('N_test:{}'.format(N_test))
    #     np.random.seed(1701)
    #     perm = np.random.permutation(N)
    #     test_indices = perm[:N_test]
    #     train_indices = perm[N_test:]
    #     print('train_indices:{}'.format(len(train_indices)))
    #     print('test_indices:{}'.format(len(test_indices)))
    #     for i in train_indices:
    #         datum = json.loads(all_data[i].strip())
    #         write_line(datum, fp_train)
    #     for i in test_indices:
    #         datum = json.loads(all_data[i].strip())
    #         write_line(datum, fp_test)

    # split_train_test()  #

    ## read images dir
    logging.info("reading images list ...")
    img_dir = os.path.join(path, extracted_filename2)
    _img_list = load_file_list(path=os.path.join(path, extracted_filename2), regx='\\.jpg', printable=False)
    # ann_list = json.load(open(os.path.join(path, 'data.json')))
    for i, im in enumerate(img_train_list):
        if im not in _img_list:
            print('missing training image {} in {} (remove from img(ann)_train_list)'.format(im, img_dir))
            # img_train_list.remove(im)
            del img_train_list[i]
            del ann_train_list[i]
    for i, im in enumerate(img_test_list):
        if im not in _img_list:
            print('missing testing image {} in {} (remove from img(ann)_test_list)'.format(im, img_dir))
            # img_test_list.remove(im)
            del img_train_list[i]
            del ann_train_list[i]

    ## check annotation and images
    n_train_images = len(img_train_list)
    n_test_images = len(img_test_list)
    n_images = n_train_images + n_test_images
    logging.info("n_images: {} n_train_images: {} n_test_images: {}".format(n_images, n_train_images, n_test_images))
    n_train_ann = len(ann_train_list)
    n_test_ann = len(ann_test_list)
    n_ann = n_train_ann + n_test_ann
    logging.info("n_ann: {} n_train_ann: {} n_test_ann: {}".format(n_ann, n_train_ann, n_test_ann))
    n_train_people = len(sum(ann_train_list, []))
    n_test_people = len(sum(ann_test_list, []))
    n_people = n_train_people + n_test_people
    logging.info("n_people: {} n_train_people: {} n_test_people: {}".format(n_people, n_train_people, n_test_people))
    # add path to all image file name
    for i, value in enumerate(img_train_list):
        img_train_list[i] = os.path.join(img_dir, value)
    for i, value in enumerate(img_test_list):
        img_test_list[i] = os.path.join(img_dir, value)
    return img_train_list, ann_train_list, img_test_list, ann_test_list
コード例 #9
ファイル: voc_dataset.py プロジェクト: zsdonghao/tensorlayer
def load_voc_dataset(path='data', dataset='2012', contain_classes_in_person=False):
    """Pascal VOC 2007/2012 Dataset.

    It has 20 objects:
    aeroplane, bicycle, bird, boat, bottle, bus, car, cat, chair, cow, diningtable, dog, horse, motorbike, person, pottedplant, sheep, sofa, train, tvmonitor
    and additional 3 classes : head, hand, foot for person.

    path : str
        The path that the data is downloaded to, defaults is ``data/VOC``.
    dataset : str
        The VOC dataset version, `2012`, `2007`, `2007test` or `2012test`. We usually train model on `2007+2012` and test it on `2007test`.
    contain_classes_in_person : boolean
        Whether include head, hand and foot annotation, default is False.

    imgs_file_list : list of str
        Full paths of all images.
    imgs_semseg_file_list : list of str
        Full paths of all maps for semantic segmentation. Note that not all images have this map!
    imgs_insseg_file_list : list of str
        Full paths of all maps for instance segmentation. Note that not all images have this map!
    imgs_ann_file_list : list of str
        Full paths of all annotations for bounding box and object class, all images have this annotations.
    classes : list of str
        Classes in order.
    classes_in_person : list of str
        Classes in person.
    classes_dict : dictionary
        Class label to integer.
    n_objs_list : list of int
        Number of objects in all images in ``imgs_file_list`` in order.
    objs_info_list : list of str
        Darknet format for the annotation of all images in ``imgs_file_list`` in order. ``[class_id x_centre y_centre width height]`` in ratio format.
    objs_info_dicts : dictionary
        The annotation of all images in ``imgs_file_list``, ``{imgs_file_list : dictionary for annotation}``,
        format from `TensorFlow/Models/object-detection <https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/object_detection/create_pascal_tf_record.py>`__.

    >>> imgs_file_list, imgs_semseg_file_list, imgs_insseg_file_list, imgs_ann_file_list,
    >>>     classes, classes_in_person, classes_dict,
    >>>     n_objs_list, objs_info_list, objs_info_dicts = tl.files.load_voc_dataset(dataset="2012", contain_classes_in_person=False)
    >>> idx = 26
    >>> print(classes)
    ['aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor']
    >>> print(classes_dict)
    {'sheep': 16, 'horse': 12, 'bicycle': 1, 'bottle': 4, 'cow': 9, 'sofa': 17, 'car': 6, 'dog': 11, 'cat': 7, 'person': 14, 'train': 18, 'diningtable': 10, 'aeroplane': 0, 'bus': 5, 'pottedplant': 15, 'tvmonitor': 19, 'chair': 8, 'bird': 2, 'boat': 3, 'motorbike': 13}
    >>> print(imgs_file_list[idx])
    >>> print(n_objs_list[idx])
    >>> print(imgs_ann_file_list[idx])
    >>> print(objs_info_list[idx])
    14 0.173 0.461333333333 0.142 0.496
    14 0.828 0.542666666667 0.188 0.594666666667
    >>> ann = tl.prepro.parse_darknet_ann_str_to_list(objs_info_list[idx])
    >>> print(ann)
    [[14, 0.173, 0.461333333333, 0.142, 0.496], [14, 0.828, 0.542666666667, 0.188, 0.594666666667]]
    >>> c, b = tl.prepro.parse_darknet_ann_list_to_cls_box(ann)
    >>> print(c, b)
    [14, 14] [[0.173, 0.461333333333, 0.142, 0.496], [0.828, 0.542666666667, 0.188, 0.594666666667]]

    - `Pascal VOC2012 Website <https://pjreddie.com/projects/pascal-voc-dataset-mirror/>`__.
    - `Pascal VOC2007 Website <https://pjreddie.com/projects/pascal-voc-dataset-mirror/>`__.

        import lxml.etree as etree
    except ImportError as e:
        raise ImportError("Module lxml not found. Please install lxml via pip or other package managers.")

    path = os.path.join(path, 'VOC')

    def _recursive_parse_xml_to_dict(xml):
        """Recursively parses XML contents to python dict.

        We assume that `object` tags are the only ones that can appear
        multiple times at the same level of a tree.

            xml: xml tree obtained by parsing XML file contents using lxml.etree

            Python dictionary holding XML contents.

        if xml is not None:
            return {xml.tag: xml.text}
        result = {}
        for child in xml:
            child_result = _recursive_parse_xml_to_dict(child)
            if child.tag != 'object':
                result[child.tag] = child_result[child.tag]
                if child.tag not in result:
                    result[child.tag] = []
        return {xml.tag: result}

    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

    if dataset == "2012":
        url = "http://pjreddie.com/media/files/"
        tar_filename = "VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar"
        extracted_filename = "VOC2012"  #"VOCdevkit/VOC2012"
        logging.info("    [============= VOC 2012 =============]")
    elif dataset == "2012test":
        extracted_filename = "VOC2012test"  #"VOCdevkit/VOC2012"
        logging.info("    [============= VOC 2012 Test Set =============]")
            "    \nAuthor: 2012test only have person annotation, so 2007test is highly recommended for testing !\n"
        import time
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, extracted_filename)) is False:
            logging.info("For VOC 2012 Test data - online registration required")
                " Please download VOC2012test.tar from:  \n register: http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080 \n voc2012 : http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080/eval/challenges/voc2012/ \ndownload: http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080/eval/downloads/VOC2012test.tar"
            logging.info(" unzip VOC2012test.tar,rename the folder to VOC2012test and put it into %s" % path)
        # # http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080/eval/downloads/VOC2012test.tar
        # url = "http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080/eval/downloads/"
        # tar_filename = "VOC2012test.tar"
    elif dataset == "2007":
        url = "http://pjreddie.com/media/files/"
        tar_filename = "VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar"
        extracted_filename = "VOC2007"
        logging.info("    [============= VOC 2007 =============]")
    elif dataset == "2007test":
        # http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2007/index.html#testdata
        # http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2007/VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
        url = "http://pjreddie.com/media/files/"
        tar_filename = "VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar"
        extracted_filename = "VOC2007test"
        logging.info("    [============= VOC 2007 Test Set =============]")
        raise Exception("Please set the dataset aug to 2012, 2012test or 2007.")

    # download dataset
    if dataset != "2012test":
        from sys import platform as _platform
        if folder_exists(os.path.join(path, extracted_filename)) is False:
            logging.info("[VOC] {} is nonexistent in {}".format(extracted_filename, path))
            maybe_download_and_extract(tar_filename, path, url, extract=True)
            del_file(os.path.join(path, tar_filename))
            if dataset == "2012":
                if _platform == "win32":
                    os.system("move {}\VOCdevkit\VOC2012 {}\VOC2012".format(path, path))
                    os.system("mv {}/VOCdevkit/VOC2012 {}/VOC2012".format(path, path))
            elif dataset == "2007":
                if _platform == "win32":
                    os.system("move {}\VOCdevkit\VOC2007 {}\VOC2007".format(path, path))
                    os.system("mv {}/VOCdevkit/VOC2007 {}/VOC2007".format(path, path))
            elif dataset == "2007test":
                if _platform == "win32":
                    os.system("move {}\VOCdevkit\VOC2007 {}\VOC2007test".format(path, path))
                    os.system("mv {}/VOCdevkit/VOC2007 {}/VOC2007test".format(path, path))
            del_folder(os.path.join(path, 'VOCdevkit'))
    # object classes(labels)  NOTE: YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE THIS LIST
    classes = [
        "aeroplane", "bicycle", "bird", "boat", "bottle", "bus", "car", "cat", "chair", "cow", "diningtable", "dog",
        "horse", "motorbike", "person", "pottedplant", "sheep", "sofa", "train", "tvmonitor"
    if contain_classes_in_person:
        classes_in_person = ["head", "hand", "foot"]
        classes_in_person = []

    classes += classes_in_person  # use extra 3 classes for person

    classes_dict = utils.list_string_to_dict(classes)
    logging.info("[VOC] object classes {}".format(classes_dict))

    # 1. image path list
    # folder_imgs = path+"/"+extracted_filename+"/JPEGImages/"
    folder_imgs = os.path.join(path, extracted_filename, "JPEGImages")
    imgs_file_list = load_file_list(path=folder_imgs, regx='\\.jpg', printable=False)
    logging.info("[VOC] {} images found".format(len(imgs_file_list)))

        key=lambda s: int(s.replace('.', ' ').replace('_', '').split(' ')[-2])
    )  # 2007_000027.jpg --> 2007000027

    imgs_file_list = [os.path.join(folder_imgs, s) for s in imgs_file_list]
    # logging.info('IM',imgs_file_list[0::3333], imgs_file_list[-1])
    if dataset != "2012test":
        ##======== 2. semantic segmentation maps path list
        # folder_semseg = path+"/"+extracted_filename+"/SegmentationClass/"
        folder_semseg = os.path.join(path, extracted_filename, "SegmentationClass")
        imgs_semseg_file_list = load_file_list(path=folder_semseg, regx='\\.png', printable=False)
        logging.info("[VOC] {} maps for semantic segmentation found".format(len(imgs_semseg_file_list)))
            key=lambda s: int(s.replace('.', ' ').replace('_', '').split(' ')[-2])
        )  # 2007_000032.png --> 2007000032
        imgs_semseg_file_list = [os.path.join(folder_semseg, s) for s in imgs_semseg_file_list]
        # logging.info('Semantic Seg IM',imgs_semseg_file_list[0::333], imgs_semseg_file_list[-1])
        ##======== 3. instance segmentation maps path list
        # folder_insseg = path+"/"+extracted_filename+"/SegmentationObject/"
        folder_insseg = os.path.join(path, extracted_filename, "SegmentationObject")
        imgs_insseg_file_list = load_file_list(path=folder_insseg, regx='\\.png', printable=False)
        logging.info("[VOC] {} maps for instance segmentation found".format(len(imgs_semseg_file_list)))
            key=lambda s: int(s.replace('.', ' ').replace('_', '').split(' ')[-2])
        )  # 2007_000032.png --> 2007000032
        imgs_insseg_file_list = [os.path.join(folder_insseg, s) for s in imgs_insseg_file_list]
        # logging.info('Instance Seg IM',imgs_insseg_file_list[0::333], imgs_insseg_file_list[-1])
        imgs_semseg_file_list = []
        imgs_insseg_file_list = []
    # 4. annotations for bounding box and object class
    # folder_ann = path+"/"+extracted_filename+"/Annotations/"
    folder_ann = os.path.join(path, extracted_filename, "Annotations")
    imgs_ann_file_list = load_file_list(path=folder_ann, regx='\\.xml', printable=False)
        "[VOC] {} XML annotation files for bounding box and object class found".format(len(imgs_ann_file_list))
        key=lambda s: int(s.replace('.', ' ').replace('_', '').split(' ')[-2])
    )  # 2007_000027.xml --> 2007000027
    imgs_ann_file_list = [os.path.join(folder_ann, s) for s in imgs_ann_file_list]
    # logging.info('ANN',imgs_ann_file_list[0::3333], imgs_ann_file_list[-1])

    if dataset == "2012test":  # remove unused images in JPEG folder
        imgs_file_list_new = []
        for ann in imgs_ann_file_list:
            ann = os.path.split(ann)[-1].split('.')[0]
            for im in imgs_file_list:
                if ann in im:
        imgs_file_list = imgs_file_list_new
        logging.info("[VOC] keep %d images" % len(imgs_file_list_new))

    # parse XML annotations
    def convert(size, box):
        dw = 1. / size[0]
        dh = 1. / size[1]
        x = (box[0] + box[1]) / 2.0
        y = (box[2] + box[3]) / 2.0
        w = box[1] - box[0]
        h = box[3] - box[2]
        x = x * dw
        w = w * dw
        y = y * dh
        h = h * dh
        return x, y, w, h

    def convert_annotation(file_name):
        """Given VOC2012 XML Annotations, returns number of objects and info."""
        in_file = open(file_name)
        out_file = ""
        tree = ET.parse(in_file)
        root = tree.getroot()
        size = root.find('size')
        w = int(size.find('width').text)
        h = int(size.find('height').text)
        n_objs = 0

        for obj in root.iter('object'):
            if dataset != "2012test":
                difficult = obj.find('difficult').text
                cls = obj.find('name').text
                if cls not in classes or int(difficult) == 1:
                cls = obj.find('name').text
                if cls not in classes:
            cls_id = classes.index(cls)
            xmlbox = obj.find('bndbox')
            b = (
                float(xmlbox.find('xmin').text), float(xmlbox.find('xmax').text), float(xmlbox.find('ymin').text),
            bb = convert((w, h), b)

            out_file += str(cls_id) + " " + " ".join([str(a) for a in bb]) + '\n'
            n_objs += 1
            if cls in "person":
                for part in obj.iter('part'):
                    cls = part.find('name').text
                    if cls not in classes_in_person:
                    cls_id = classes.index(cls)
                    xmlbox = part.find('bndbox')
                    b = (
                        float(xmlbox.find('xmin').text), float(xmlbox.find('xmax').text),
                        float(xmlbox.find('ymin').text), float(xmlbox.find('ymax').text)
                    bb = convert((w, h), b)
                    # out_file.write(str(cls_id) + " " + " ".join([str(a) for a in bb]) + '\n')
                    out_file += str(cls_id) + " " + " ".join([str(a) for a in bb]) + '\n'
                    n_objs += 1
        return n_objs, out_file

    logging.info("[VOC] Parsing xml annotations files")
    n_objs_list = []
    objs_info_list = []  # Darknet Format list of string
    objs_info_dicts = {}
    for idx, ann_file in enumerate(imgs_ann_file_list):
        n_objs, objs_info = convert_annotation(ann_file)
        with tf.io.gfile.GFile(ann_file, 'r') as fid:
            xml_str = fid.read()
        xml = etree.fromstring(xml_str)
        data = _recursive_parse_xml_to_dict(xml)['annotation']
        objs_info_dicts.update({imgs_file_list[idx]: data})

    return imgs_file_list, imgs_semseg_file_list, imgs_insseg_file_list, imgs_ann_file_list, classes, classes_in_person, classes_dict, n_objs_list, objs_info_list, objs_info_dicts
コード例 #10
 def load_image_from_folder(path):
     path_imgs = load_file_list(path=path, regx='\\.jpg', printable=False)
     return visualize.read_images(path_imgs, path=path, n_threads=10, printable=False)
コード例 #11
def load_flickr25k_dataset(tag='sky', path="data", n_threads=50, printable=False):
    """Load Flickr25K dataset.

    Returns a list of images by a given tag from Flick25k dataset,
    it will download Flickr25k from `the official website <http://press.liacs.nl/mirflickr/mirdownload.html>`__
    at the first time you use it.

    tag : str or None
        What images to return.
            - If you want to get images with tag, use string like 'dog', 'red', see `Flickr Search <https://www.flickr.com/search/>`__.
            - If you want to get all images, set to ``None``.

    path : str
        The path that the data is downloaded to, defaults is ``data/flickr25k/``.
    n_threads : int
        The number of thread to read image.
    printable : boolean
        Whether to print infomation when reading images, default is ``False``.

    Get images with tag of sky

    >>> images = tl.files.load_flickr25k_dataset(tag='sky')

    Get all images

    >>> images = tl.files.load_flickr25k_dataset(tag=None, n_threads=100, printable=True)

    path = os.path.join(path, 'flickr25k')

    filename = 'mirflickr25k.zip'
    url = 'http://press.liacs.nl/mirflickr/mirflickr25k/'

    # download dataset
    if folder_exists(os.path.join(path, "mirflickr")) is False:
        logging.info("[*] Flickr25k is nonexistent in {}".format(path))
        maybe_download_and_extract(filename, path, url, extract=True)
        del_file(os.path.join(path, filename))

    # return images by the given tag.
    # 1. image path list
    folder_imgs = os.path.join(path, "mirflickr")
    path_imgs = load_file_list(path=folder_imgs, regx='\\.jpg', printable=False)

    # 2. tag path list
    folder_tags = os.path.join(path, "mirflickr", "meta", "tags")
    path_tags = load_file_list(path=folder_tags, regx='\\.txt', printable=False)

    # 3. select images
    if tag is None:
        logging.info("[Flickr25k] reading all images")
        logging.info("[Flickr25k] reading images with tag: {}".format(tag))
    images_list = []
    for idx, _v in enumerate(path_tags):
        tags = read_file(os.path.join(folder_tags, path_tags[idx])).split('\n')
        # logging.info(idx+1, tags)
        if tag is None or tag in tags:

    images = visualize.read_images(images_list, folder_imgs, n_threads=n_threads, printable=printable)
    return images