コード例 #1
ファイル: mps.py プロジェクト: ByzanTine/AutoHOOT
def dmrg_shared_exec(mpo_tensors,
    Perform DMRG iterations with shared executions.
    if sequence != "R":
        raise NotImplementedError

    num = len(mpo_tensors)
    size = mpo_tensors[0].shape[1]
    mpo_ranks = [mpo_tensors[i].shape[0] for i in range(1, len(mpo_tensors))]

    mps_tensors = copy.deepcopy(init_mps_tensors)
    mps_ranks = [mps_tensors[i].shape[0] for i in range(1, len(mps_tensors))]

    dg = DmrgGraph.create(num, mpo_ranks, mps_ranks, size)
    for i, hes in enumerate(dg.hessians):
        dg.hessians[i] = simplify(hes)
        assert isinstance(hes, ad.EinsumNode)
    dg.hessians = generate_sequential_optimal_tree(dg.hessians, dg.mps_inputs)
    executor = ad.Executor(dg.hessians)

    # sequence is R
    for iter in range(num_iter):

        mps_tensors = gauge_transform_mps(mps_tensors, right=True)
        mps_ranks = [
            mps_tensors[i].shape[0] for i in range(1, len(mps_tensors))

        for i in range(num - 1):

            dg.update_graph(num, mpo_ranks, mps_ranks, size)

            feed_dict = dict(zip(dg.mpo_inputs, mpo_tensors))
            feed_dict.update(dict(zip(dg.mps_inputs, mps_tensors)))

            hes_val, = executor.run(feed_dict=feed_dict,

            # get the smallest eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector of the hesval
            eigvec_shape = dg.intermediates[i].shape
            eig_val, eigvec = get_smallest_eigenpair(hes_val,

            # Update the two sites of mps
            mps_tensors[i], mps_tensors[i + 1] = dmrg_local_update(
                dg.intermediates[i], eigvec, max_mps_rank)

            # update the rank
            mps_ranks[i] = mps_tensors[i + 1].shape[0]

        print(f'At iteration {iter} the smallest eigenvalue is: {eig_val}')

    return mps_tensors, eig_val
コード例 #2
def test_gauge_transform_left(backendopt):
    for datatype in backendopt:

        tensors_input = rand_mps(num=4, rank=4, size=2)
        tensors = gauge_transform_mps(tensors_input, right=False)

        # make sure the transformation will not change the mps results
        mps = T.einsum('ab,acd,cef,eg->bdfg', *tensors_input)
        mps_gauge = T.einsum('ab,acd,cef,eg->bdfg', *tensors)
        assert T.norm(mps - mps_gauge) < 1e-8

        dim = len(tensors_input)

        # test all tensors except the right one's orthogonality
        inner = T.einsum("ab,cb->ac", tensors[0], tensors[0])
        assert T.norm(inner - T.identity(inner.shape[0])) < 1e-8

        for i in range(1, dim - 1):
            inner = T.einsum("abc,adc->bd", tensors[i], tensors[i])
            assert T.norm(inner - T.identity(inner.shape[0])) < 1e-8
コード例 #3
ファイル: mps.py プロジェクト: ByzanTine/AutoHOOT
def dmrg(mpo_tensors,
    Perform DMRG iterations.

    mpo_tensors: an array of mpo tensor data
    init_mps_tensors: an array of mps tensor data
    max_mps_rank: maximum mps rank in the iterations
    num_iter: total number of iterations
    sequence: str, String made of 'L' and 'R' defining the sweep sequence, e.g 'RRL'.
        The sequence will be repeated until num_iter is reached.

    if sequence != "R":
        raise NotImplementedError

    num = len(mpo_tensors)
    size = mpo_tensors[0].shape[1]
    mpo_ranks = [mpo_tensors[i].shape[0] for i in range(1, len(mpo_tensors))]

    mps_tensors = copy.deepcopy(init_mps_tensors)
    mps_ranks = [mps_tensors[i].shape[0] for i in range(1, len(mps_tensors))]

    dg = DmrgGraph.create(num, mpo_ranks, mps_ranks, size)
    executor = ad.Executor(dg.hessians)

    # sequence is R
    for iter in range(num_iter):

        mps_tensors = gauge_transform_mps(mps_tensors, right=True)
        mps_ranks = [
            mps_tensors[i].shape[0] for i in range(1, len(mps_tensors))

        for i in range(num - 1):

            dg.update_graph(num, mpo_ranks, mps_ranks, size)

            feed_dict = dict(zip(dg.mpo_inputs, mpo_tensors))
            feed_dict.update(dict(zip(dg.mps_inputs, mps_tensors)))

            hes_val, = executor.run(feed_dict=feed_dict,

            # get the smallest eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector of the hesval
            eigvec_shape = dg.intermediates[i].shape
            eig_val, eigvec = get_smallest_eigenpair(hes_val,

            # Update the two sites of mps
            mps_tensors[i], mps_tensors[i + 1] = dmrg_local_update(
                dg.intermediates[i], eigvec, max_mps_rank)

            # update the rank
            mps_ranks[i] = mps_tensors[i + 1].shape[0]

        print(f'At iteration {iter} the smallest eigenvalue is: {eig_val}')

    return mps_tensors, eig_val
コード例 #4
def dmrg_shared_exec_iterative_solve(mpo_tensors,
    Perform DMRG iterations with shared execution and iterative solve.
    if sequence != "R":
        raise NotImplementedError

    num = len(mpo_tensors)
    size = mpo_tensors[0].shape[1]
    mpo_ranks = [mpo_tensors[i].shape[0] for i in range(1, len(mpo_tensors))]

    mps_tensors = copy.deepcopy(init_mps_tensors)
    mps_ranks = [mps_tensors[i].shape[0] for i in range(1, len(mps_tensors))]

    dg = DmrgImplicitUpdateGraph.create(num, mpo_ranks, mps_ranks, size)
    for i, hvp in enumerate(dg.hvps):
        dg.hvps[i] = simplify(hvp)
        assert isinstance(hvp, ad.EinsumNode)
    dg.hvps = generate_sequential_optimal_tree(dg.hvps, dg.mps_inputs)

    executor_hvps = ad.Executor(dg.hvps)
    executor_intermediates = ad.Executor(dg.intermediates)

    # sequence is R
    for iter in range(num_iter):

        mps_tensors = gauge_transform_mps(mps_tensors, right=True)
        mps_ranks = [
            mps_tensors[i].shape[0] for i in range(1, len(mps_tensors))

        for i in range(num - 1):

            dg.update_graph(num, mpo_ranks, mps_ranks, size)

            feed_dict = dict(zip(dg.mpo_inputs, mpo_tensors))
            feed_dict.update(dict(zip(dg.mps_inputs, mps_tensors)))

            intermediate, = executor_intermediates.run(
                feed_dict=feed_dict, out_nodes=[dg.intermediates[i]])

            # Calculate the eigenvector using the implicit solver.
            # Note: This only supports NumPy datatype.
            # TODO: Add a general Lanczos solver that adapts to all the backends.
            operator = DMRGLinearOperator(dg, executor_hvps, i, feed_dict)
            # Reference: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh.html
            eig_vals, eigvecs = spla.eigsh(operator,
            eig_val, eigvec = eig_vals[0], eigvecs[:, 0]
            eigvec = T.reshape(eigvec, dg.intermediates[i].shape)

            # Update the two sites of mps
            mps_tensors[i], mps_tensors[i + 1] = dmrg_local_update(
                dg.intermediates[i], eigvec, max_mps_rank)

            # update the rank
            mps_ranks[i] = mps_tensors[i + 1].shape[0]
            print(f'At site {i}, the smallest eigenvalue is: {eig_val}')

        print(f'At iteration {iter} the smallest eigenvalue is: {eig_val}')
    return mps_tensors, eig_val