コード例 #1
ファイル: galleries_script.py プロジェクト: edmw/scripts
def galleries_list(fspath, stat=False, **args):
    term.banner("LIST OF GALLERIES")

    compact = not stat

    galleries = search_galleries(fspath)

    if compact:
        print(term.em('#    '), end='')
        print_gallery_name('Name', term.em)
        print(term.em("{1}{0}".format('Albums', SYMBOL_SEPARATOR_CLEAR)))
    for i, gallery in enumerate(galleries):
        if compact:
            print(term.p("{:<5d}".format(i)), end='')
                ', '.join(str(x) for x in gallery.albums),
            print_gallery_name(gallery.name, term.em, end='\n')
            print(term.p("{0:>20}: {1}".format('Albums', ', '.join(str(x) for x in gallery.albums))))
            nop, notp, sod = gallery_stat(gallery.path)
            print(term.p("{0:>20}: {1!s}".format("Number of pictures", nop)))
            print(term.p("{0:>20}: {1}".format("Size on disk", humanfriendly.format_size(sod))))
コード例 #2
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def deviceDetection():
    import wmi

    local_machine = wmi.WMI()
    for os in local_machine.Win32_OperatingSystem():

    #disk_watcher = local_machine.
コード例 #3
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def print_checklist_warning():
    # Print a warning reminding IT staff to properly secure the laptop in the Bios

    txt = """
}}mn| }}rbWARNING!!! }}xxEnsure that the boot from USB or boot from SD card        }}mn|
}}mn| }}xxoptions in the bios are disabled and that the admin password is    }}mn|
}}mn| }}xxset to a strong random password.                                   }}mn|

コード例 #4
def print_app_header():
    # Print a the header for the app

    txt = """
}}mn| }}ybOPE Credential App                                                 }}mn|
}}mn| }}dnThis app will add student credentials to the computer and          }}mn|
}}mn| }}dnsecure the laptop for inmate use.                                  }}mn|


コード例 #5
ファイル: win_util.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def disable_student_accounts():
    # Get a list of accounts that are in the students group

    p("}}cb-- Disabling local student accounts in " + str(STUDENTS_GROUP) +
      " group...}}xx")
        grp = accounts.local_group(STUDENTS_GROUP)
    except winsys.exc.x_not_found as ex:
        # p("}}yn" + str(STUDENTS_GROUP) + " group not found - skipping disable student accounts...}}xx")

    for user in grp:
        user_name = str(user.name)
        p("}}cn\t-" + user_name + "}}xx")
コード例 #6
ファイル: win_util.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def create_local_students_group():
    # Ensure the local students group exists
    ret = True
    # except pywintypes.error as err:
    except Exception as err:
        if err.args[2] == "The specified local group already exists.":
            # Unexpected error
            p("}}rb" + str(err) + "}}xx")
            ret = False

    return ret
コード例 #7
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def listUSB():
    import usb
    import usb.core
    import usb.util

    #busses = usb.busses()
    #for bus in busses:
    #    devices = bus.devices
    #    for dev in devices:
    #        print "Device: ", dev

    devices = usb.core.find(find_all=True)
    #n = devices.next()
    #print n
    for dev in devices:
        d_class = dev.bDeviceClass
        p("Device Found: " + str(dev.bcdDevice))
コード例 #8
ファイル: win_util.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def test_reg():

    key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software", 0,
                         winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY | winreg.KEY_READ)

    p("SUB KEYS: ")
    enum_done = False
    i = 0
        while enum_done is False:
            sub_key = winreg.EnumKey(key, i)
            p("-- SK: " + str(sub_key))
            i += 1
            # p("Ref: " + str(winreg.QueryReflectionKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)))
    except WindowsError as ex:
        # No more values
        if ex.errno == 22:
            # p("---_DONE")
            # Don't flag an error when we are out of entries
            p("-- ERR " + str(ex) + " " + str(ex.errno))
コード例 #9
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def scratch():

    # print("Installing Admin Services...")

    # print("Installing offline LMS app...")

    # print ("Applying security rules...")

    p("\tDownloading firewall rules...")
    url = api_url + "lms/get_firewall_list.json"
    p("\n\nURL: " + url)

    request = urllib3.Request(url, None, headers)
    json_str = ""
        response = urllib3.urlopen(request)
        json_str = response.read()
    except urllib3.HTTPError as ex:
        if ex.code == 403:
            p("}}rbInvalid ADMIN Password!}}xx")
            return False
            p("}}rbHTTP Error!}}xx")
            p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}xx")
            return False
    except Exception as ex:
        p("}}rbUnable to communicate with SMC tool!}}xx")
        p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}xx")
        return False

    firewall_response = None
        firewall_response = json.loads(json_str)
    except Exception as ex:
        p("}}rbUnable to interpret firewall response from SMC}}xx")
        p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}xx")
        return False

    for rule in firewall_response:
        p("}}ybApplying Firewall Rule: " + str(rule["rule_name"]))
        fw_cmd = "netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule \"" + str(
            rule["rule_name"]) + "\""
        p("\t\t}}rn" + fw_cmd)
        fw_cmd = "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"" + str(
            rule["rule_name"]) + "\""
        if rule["protocol"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " protocol=" + rule["protocol"]
        if rule["rmtusrgrp"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " rmtusrgrp=" + rule["rmtusrgrp"]
        if rule["rmtcomputergrp"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " rmtcomputergrp=" + rule["rmtcomputergrp"]
        if rule["description"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " description=\"" + rule["description"].replace(
                "\"", "") + "\""
        if rule["service"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " service=\"" + rule["service"] + "\""
        if rule["fw_action"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " action=" + rule["fw_action"]
        if rule["fw_security"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " security=" + rule["fw_security"]
        if rule["program"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " program=\"" + rule["program"].replace("\"", "") + "\""
        if rule["profile"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " profile=" + rule["profile"]
        if rule["direction"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " direction=" + rule["direction"]
        if rule["remoteip"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " remoteip=" + rule["remoteip"]
        if rule["fw_enable"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " enable=" + rule["fw_enable"]
        if rule["remoteport"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " remoteport=" + rule["remoteport"]
        if rule["localport"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " localport=" + rule["localport"]
        if rule["localip"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " localip=" + rule["localip"]
        if rule["edge"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " edge=" + rule["edge"]
        if rule["interfacetype"] != "":
            fw_cmd += " interfacetype=" + rule["interfacetype"]
        p("\t\t}}rb" + fw_cmd)

    # Turn the firewall on
    # netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on
    # Default Settings
    # netsh advfirewall reset
    # Set logging
    # netsh advfirewall set currentprofile logging filename "C:\temp\pfirewall.log"
    # Block ping
    # netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="All ICMP V4" dir=in action=block protocol=icmpv4
    # Allow ping
    # netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="All ICMP V4" dir=in action=allow protocol=icmpv4
    # Allow or deny port
    # netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open SQL Server Port 1433" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=1433
    # netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Open SQL Server Port 1433" protocol=tcp localport=1433
    # Enable program
    # netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow Messenger" dir=in action=allow program="C:\programfiles\messenger\msnmsgr.exe"
    # Enable remote manatement
    # netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote administration" new enable=yes
    # Enable remote desktop
    # netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=Yes
    # Export settings
    # netsh advfirewall export "C:\temp\WFconfiguration.wfw"

    # Get repo over test cert
    # git -c http.sslVerify=false clone https://example.com/path/to/git

    # TODO
    # Download current policy zip file
    # unzip
    # import
    # /mergedpolicy -- to combine domain/local
    cmd = "cd policy_dir; secedit /export /cfg gp.ini /log export.log"

    # netsh -- import firewall rules
    # download netsh import
    # run netsh import command


    p("}}ybPress enter when done}}xx", False)
    a = input()

    return True
コード例 #10
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def main():
    global APP_FOLDER

    if win_util.is_admin() is not True:
        p("}}rbApp must be run as Admin user with elevated (UAC) privileges!!!}}xx"
        return False

    global admin_user, admin_pass, smc_url, student_user, server_name, home_root
    canvas_access_token = ""
    canvas_url = "https://canvas.ed"

    # win_util.test_reg()

    # See if we already have a user credentialed.
    last_student_user = win_util.get_credentialed_student_name(
    last_smc_url = win_util.get_last_smc_url(default_value="https://smc.ed")
    last_admin_user = win_util.get_last_admin_user(default_value="admin")

    # p("LAST STUDENT USER: "******"}}ynEnter URL for SMC Server }}cn[enter for " + last_smc_url +
        "]:}}xx ", False)
    tmp = input()
    tmp = tmp.strip()
    if tmp == "":
        tmp = last_smc_url
    smc_url = tmp
        "}}ynPlease enter the ADMIN user name }}cn[enter for " +
        last_admin_user + "]:}}xx ", False)
    tmp = input()
    tmp = tmp.strip()
    if tmp == "":
        tmp = last_admin_user
    admin_user = tmp

    p("}}ynPlease enter ADMIN password }}cn[characters will not show]:}}xx",
    tmp = getpass.getpass(" ")
    if tmp == "":
        p("}}rbA password is required.}}xx")
        return False
    admin_pass = tmp

    tmp = ""
    last_student_user_prompt = ""
    while tmp.strip() == "":
        if last_student_user != "":
            last_student_user_prompt = " }}cn[enter for previous student " + last_student_user + "]"
            # p("}}mb\t- Found previously credentialed user: }}xx" + str(last_student_user))
            "}}ynPlease enter the username for the student" +
            last_student_user_prompt + ":}}xx ", False)
        tmp = input()
        if tmp.strip() == "":
            tmp = last_student_user
    student_user = tmp.strip()

    result = verify_ope_account_in_smc(student_user, smc_url, admin_user,
    if result is None:
        p("}}rbERR - User doesn't exist in smc??}}xx")
    laptop_admin_user, laptop_admin_password, student_full_name = result

    if laptop_admin_user == "" or laptop_admin_password == "":
        p("}}rbERR - Please set the laptop admin credentials in the SMC before continuing (Admin -> Configure App -> Laptop Admin Credentials) }}xx"

    if student_full_name == "":
        p("}}rbERR - Unable to find student user in the SMC? Make sure it is imported.}}xx"

    # Show confirm info
    txt = """
}}mn| }}ybConfirm Credential Parameters                                      }}mn|
}}mn| }}ynSMC URL:            }}cn<smc_url>}}mn|
}}mn| }}ynAdmin User:         }}cn<admin_user>}}mn|
}}mn| }}ynAdmin Password:     }}cn<admin_pass>}}mn|
}}mn| }}ynStudent Username:   }}cn<student_user>}}mn|
    txt = txt.replace("<smc_url>", smc_url.ljust(47))
    txt = txt.replace("<admin_user>", admin_user.ljust(47))
    txt = txt.replace("<admin_pass>", "******".ljust(47))
    student_text = student_user + " (" + student_full_name + ")"
    txt = txt.replace("<student_user>", student_text.ljust(47))

    p("}}ybPress Y to continue: }}xx", False)
    tmp = input()
    tmp = tmp.strip().lower()
    if tmp != "y":
        p("}}cnCanceled / Not credentialing....}}xx")
        return False

    api_url = smc_url
    if not api_url.endswith("/"):
        api_url += "/"

    key = base64.b64encode(str(admin_user + ':' +
    headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + key}

    # password_manager = urllib3.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
    # password_manager.add_password(None, api_url, admin_user, admin_pass)
    # handler = urllib3.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager)
    # opener = urllib3.build_opener(handler)
    # ssl_context = ssl._create_unverified_context()

    p("\n}}gnStarting Credential Process...}}xx\n")
    url = api_url + "lms/credential_student.json/" + student_user

        resp = requests.get(
            url, headers=headers,
            verify=False)  # urllib3.Request(url, None, headers)
    except requests.ConnectionError as error_message:
        p("}}rbConnection error trying to connect to SMC server}}xx")
        p("}}yn" + str(error_message) + "}}xx")
        return False

    if resp is None:
        # Unable to get a response?
        p("}}rbInvalid response from SMC server!}}xx")
        return False

    if resp.status_code == requests.codes.forbidden:
        p("}}rbError authenticating with SMC server - check password and try again.}}xx"
        return False

    except Exception as error_message:
        p("}}rbGeneral error trying to connect to SMC server}}xx")
        p("}}yn" + str(error_message) + "}}xx")
        return False

    smc_response = None

        smc_response = resp.json()
    except ValueError as error_message:
        p("}}rbInvalid JSON response from SMC}}xx")
        p("}}yn" + str(error_message) + "}}xx")
        return False
    except Exception as error_message:
        p("}}rbUNKNOWN ERROR}}xx")
        p("}}yn" + str(error_message) + "}}xx")
        return False

    # Interpret response from SMC
        # p("RESP: " + str(smc_response))
        msg = smc_response["msg"]
        if msg == "Invalid User!":
            p("\n}}rbInvalid User!}}xx")
            p("}}mnUser doesn't exit in system, please import this student in the SMC first!}}xx"
            return False
        if msg == "No username specified!":
            p("\n}}rbInvalid User!}}xx")
            p("}}mnNo user with this name exists, please import this student in the SMC first!}}xx"
            return False
        if "unable to connect to canvas db" in msg:
            p("\n}}rbSMC Unable to connect to Canvas DB - make sure canvas app is running and\n"
              + "the SMC tool is configured to talk to Canvas}}xx")
            p("}}yn" + str(msg) + "}}xx")
            return False
        if "Unable to find user in canvas:" in msg:
            p("\n}}rbInvalid User!}}xx")
            p("}}mnUser exists in SMC but not in Canvas, please rerun import this student in the SMC to correct the issue!}}xx"
        full_name = smc_response["full_name"]
        canvas_access_token = smc_response["key"]
        hash = smc_response["hash"]
        student_full_name = str(smc_response["full_name"])
        canvas_url = str(smc_response['canvas_url'])
    except Exception as error_message:
        p("}}rbUnable to interpret response from SMC - no msg parameter returned}}xx"
        p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}xx")
        return False


    #p("Response: " + canvas_access_token + " ---- " + str(hash))

    pw = win_util.decrypt(hash, canvas_access_token)

    p("}}gnCreating local student windows account...")
    win_util.create_local_student_account(student_user, student_full_name, pw)

    p("}}gnCreating local admin windows account...")
                                            "OPE Laptop Admin",
    except Exception as ex:
        p("}}rbError setting up OPE Laptop Admin Account " + str(ex))
    laptop_admin_password = ""

    # Store the access token in the registry where the LMS app can pick it up
    p("}}gn\nSaving canvas credentials for student...")
    # key = win_util.create_reg_key(r"HKLM\Software\OPE\OPELMS", student_user)
    # key = win_util.create_reg_key(r"HKLM\Software\OPE\OPELMS\student")
    # key.canvas_access_token = canvas_access_token
    # key.user_name = student_user
    win_util.set_registry_value('canvas_access_token', canvas_access_token)
    win_util.set_registry_value('user_name', student_user)
    win_util.set_registry_value('canvas_url', canvas_url)
    win_util.set_registry_value('smc_url', smc_url)
    win_util.set_registry_value('admin_user', admin_user)

    # p("}}gnCanvas access granted for student.}}xx")

    p("\n}}gnSetting up LMS App...}}xx")
    # Create shortcut
    lnk_path = "c:\\users\\public\\desktop\\OPE LMS.lnk"

    # Modify so that desktop shortcut point to where the app really is, not the hard coded dir
    # exe_path = "c:\\programdata\\ope\\ope_laptop_binaries\\lms\\ope_lms.exe"
    LMS_FOLDER = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(APP_FOLDER), "lms")
    exe_path = os.path.join(LMS_FOLDER, "ope_lms.exe")
    # ico_path = "c:\\programdata\\ope\\ope_laptop_binaries\\lms\\logo_icon.ico"
    ico_path = os.path.join(LMS_FOLDER, "logo_icon.ico")
    shortcut = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(shell.CLSID_ShellLink, None,
        "Offline LMS app for Open Prison Education project")
    shortcut.SetIconLocation(ico_path, 0)
    persist_file = shortcut.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IPersistFile)
    persist_file.Save(lnk_path, 0)

    # If current user is not the laptop_admin_user - ask if we should disable this account?
    me = accounts.me()
    if laptop_admin_user != me.name:
        p("}}rbYou are currently logged in as " + str(me.name) +
          " but the Laptop Admin user is " + str(laptop_admin_user) + ".")
        p("}}rb---> Please make sure to set a password and/or disable accounts that aren't needed on this laptop.}}xx"

        countdown = 8
        while countdown > 0:
            p("\r}}mb" + str(countdown) + "}}xx", end="")
            countdown -= 1
    p("\n}}gbCanvas token saved.}}xx")
    p("}}zn            -------------->                 !!!!!CONFIRM BIOS!!!!!                   <--------------                   }}xx"
    p("}}zn            --------------> VERIFY BIOS PASSWORD/SETTINGS BEFORE HANDING OUT LAPTOP! <--------------                   }}xx"

    countdown = 8
    while countdown > 0:
        p("\r}}mb" + str(countdown) + "}}xx", end="")
        countdown -= 1

    return True
コード例 #11
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def verify_ope_account_in_smc(user_name, smc_url, admin_user, admin_pw):
    # Bounce off the SMC server to see if the student account exists in SMC
    # NOTE - this one does NOT check canvas for the user

    laptop_admin_user = ""
    laptop_admin_password = ""
    student_full_name = ""

    api_url = smc_url
    if not api_url.endswith("/"):
        api_url += "/"

    # Need to use basic auth for this
    key = base64.b64encode(str(admin_user + ':' +
    headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + key}

    p("\n}}gnChecking user status in SMC tool...}}xx\n")
    url = api_url + "lms/verify_ope_account_in_smc.json/" + student_user

        resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers,
                            verify=False)  # urllib3.Get(url, None, headers)
    except requests.ConnectionError as error_message:
        p("}}rbConnection error trying to connect to SMC server}}xx")
        p("}}yn" + str(error_message) + "}}xx")
        return None

    if resp is None:
        # Unable to get a response?
        p("}}rbInvalid response from SMC server!}}xx")
        return None

    if resp.status_code == requests.codes.forbidden:
        p("}}rbError authenticating with SMC server - check password and try again.}}xx"
        return None

    except Exception as error_message:
        p("}}rbGeneral error trying to connect to SMC server}}xx")
        p("}}ybApplyingMake sure SMC is fully up to date}}xx")
        p("}}yn" + str(error_message) + "}}xx")
        return None

    smc_response = None
        smc_response = resp.json()
    except ValueError as error_message:
        p("}}rbInvalid JSON reponse from SMC}}xx")
        p("}}yn" + str(error_message) + "}}xx")
        return None
    except Exception as error_message:
        p("}}rbUNKNOWN ERROR}}xx")
        p("}}yn" + str(error_message) + "}}xx")
        return None

    # Interpret response from SMC
        msg = smc_response["msg"]
        if msg.startswith("Invalid User!"):
            p("\n}}rbInvalid User!}}xx")
            p("}}mnUser doesn't exit in system, please import this student in the SMC first!}}xx"
            return None
        if msg == "No username specified!":
            p("\n}}rbInvalid User!}}xx")
            p("}}mnNo user with this name exists, please import this student in the SMC first!}}xx"
            return None
        student_full_name = smc_response["student_full_name"]
        laptop_admin_user = smc_response["laptop_admin_user"]
        laptop_admin_password = smc_response["laptop_admin_password"]
    except Exception as error_message:
        p("}}rbUnable to interpret response from SMC - no msg parameter returned}}xx"
        p("}}mn" + str(error_message) + "}}xx")
        # p(str(smc_response))
        return None

    return (laptop_admin_user, laptop_admin_password, student_full_name)
コード例 #12
ファイル: images.py プロジェクト: edmw/scripts
def optimize(gallery_name, fspath, **args):
    gallery = get_gallery(fspath, gallery_name)

    term.banner("OPTIMIZE IMAGES (JPEG)")

    dry = args.get('dry_run')

        subprocess.call(['djpeg', '-version'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
        subprocess.call(['cjpeg', '-version'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
    except FileNotFoundError as x:
        term.banner("MOZJPEG MUST BE INSTALLED", type='INFO')
        raise GSError("OPTIMIZE: {0}".format(x))

    if dry:
        term.banner("DRY RUN", type='INFO')

    for directory in ['p', 't']:
        path = os.path.join(gallery.path, directory)
        for root, directories, files in os.walk(path):
            for filename in sorted(fnmatch.filter(files, '*.jpg')):
                path = os.path.join(root, filename)
                size = os.path.getsize(path)

                if size:
                    djpeg = subprocess.Popen(['djpeg', path],
                    cjpeg = subprocess.Popen(['cjpeg',
                            '-quality', '92',
                            '-sample', '1x1',
                        stdin=djpeg.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

                    new_size = 0
                    new_path = None

                    if dry:
                        with cjpeg:
                            for chunk in iter(lambda: cjpeg.stdout.read(4096), b''):
                                new_size = new_size + len(chunk)
                        new_path = path + ".new"
                        with cjpeg, open(new_path, 'wb') as f:
                            for chunk in iter(lambda: cjpeg.stdout.read(4096), b''):
                                new_size = new_size + len(chunk)

                    ratio = 100 / size * new_size
                    print(term.p("{0:32} {1:6.2f}% {2:8} {3:8}".format(filename, ratio, size, new_size)), end='  ')

                    if new_path:
                        if ratio < 95:
                            print("... gained {0:.2f}%".format(100 - ratio), end='  ')
                            shutil.move(new_path, path)
                            print("... skipping", end='  ')


    term.banner("DONE", type='INFO')
コード例 #13
ファイル: win_util.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def disable_guest_account():
    except Exception as ex:
        p("}}rbERROR disabling guest account " + str(ex) + "}}xx")
コード例 #14
ファイル: win_util.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def create_local_admin_account(user_name, full_name, password):
    # Create local admin account
    ret = True
    admin = None

        p("}}yn\tAdding Admin account (" + user_name + ")...}}xx")
        accounts.User.create(user_name, password)
        # p("}}yn\t\tDone.}}xx")
    # except pywintypes.error as err:
    except Exception as err:
        if err.args[2] == "The account already exists.":
            # Unexpected error
            p("}}rb" + str(err) + "}}xx")
            ret = False

    # Get the student object
    admin = accounts.user(user_name)
    # Set properties for this student
    # win32net.NetUserChangePassword(None, user_name, old_pw, password)

    user_data = dict()
    user_data['name'] = user_name
    user_data['full_name'] = full_name
    user_data['password'] = password
        'flags'] = win32netcon.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT | win32netcon.UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE | win32netcon.UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD | win32netcon.UF_SCRIPT
    user_data['priv'] = win32netcon.USER_PRIV_ADMIN
    user_data['comment'] = 'OPE Admin Account'
    # user_data['home_dir'] = home_dir
    # user_data['home_dir_drive'] = "h:"
    user_data['primary_group_id'] = ntsecuritycon.DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS
    user_data['password_expired'] = 0
    user_data['acct_expires'] = win32netcon.TIMEQ_FOREVER

    win32net.NetUserSetInfo(None, user_name, 3, user_data)

    # Add user to the required groups
    p("}}yn\tAdding user to Administrators group...}}xx")
    grp = accounts.LocalGroup(accounts.group("Administrators").sid)
    users_grp = accounts.LocalGroup(accounts.group("Users").sid)
        # Add to administrators group
    # except pywintypes.error as err:
    except Exception as err:
        if err.args[
                2] == "The specified account name is already a member of the group.":
            # Unexpected error
            p("}}rb" + str(err) + "}}xx")
            ret = False
        # Add to users group
    # except pywintypes.error as err:
    except Exception as err:
        if err.args[
                2] == "The specified account name is already a member of the group.":
            # Unexpected error
            p("}}rb" + str(err) + "}}xx")
            ret = False

    return ret
コード例 #15
ファイル: win_util.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def create_local_student_account(user_name, full_name, password):

    # Ensure the Students group exists
    ret = create_local_students_group()

    # Create local student account
    student = None
        p("}}yn\tAdding student account (" + user_name + ")...}}xx")
        accounts.User.create(user_name, password)
    # except pywintypes.error as err:
    except Exception as err:
        if err.args[2] == "The account already exists.":
            # Unexpected error
            p("}}rb" + str(err) + "}}xx")
            ret = False

    # Get the student object
    student = accounts.user(user_name)
    # Set properties for this student
    # win32net.NetUserChangePassword(None, user_name, old_pw, password)

    user_data = dict()
    user_data['name'] = user_name
    user_data['full_name'] = full_name
    user_data['password'] = password
        'flags'] = win32netcon.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT | win32netcon.UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE | win32netcon.UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD | win32netcon.UF_SCRIPT
    user_data['priv'] = win32netcon.USER_PRIV_USER
    user_data['comment'] = 'OPE Student Account'
    # user_data['home_dir'] = home_dir
    # user_data['home_dir_drive'] = "h:"
    user_data['primary_group_id'] = ntsecuritycon.DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS
    user_data['password_expired'] = 0
    user_data['acct_expires'] = win32netcon.TIMEQ_FOREVER

    win32net.NetUserSetInfo(None, user_name, 3, user_data)

    # Add student to the students group
    p("}}yn\tAdding student to students group...}}xx")
    grp = accounts.LocalGroup(accounts.group(STUDENTS_GROUP).sid)
    users_grp = accounts.LocalGroup(accounts.group("Users").sid)
        # Add to students group
    # except pywintypes.error as err:
    except Exception as err:
        if err.args[
                2] == "The specified account name is already a member of the group.":
            # Unexpected error
            p("}}rb" + str(err) + "}}xx")
            ret = False
        # Add to users group
    # except pywintypes.error as err:
    except Exception as err:
        if err.args[
                2] == "The specified account name is already a member of the group.":
            # Unexpected error
            p("}}rb" + str(err) + "}}xx")
            ret = False

    # # home_dir = "%s\\%s" % (server_name, user_name)

    return ret
コード例 #16
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
def listNics():
    system_nics = [
        "WAN Miniport (IP)",
        "WAN Miniport (IPv6)",
        "WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)",
        "WAN Miniport (PPPOE)",
        "WAN Miniport (PPTP)",
        "WAN Miniport (L2TP)",
        "WAN Miniport (IKEv2)",
        "WAN Miniport (SSTP)",
        "Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter",
        "Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface",
        "Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter",
    approved_nics = [
        "Realtek USB GbE Family Controller",

    import win32com.client
    strComputer = "."
    objWMIService = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
    objSWbemServices = objWMIService.ConnectServer(strComputer, "root\cimv2")
    colItems = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter")
    for objItem in colItems:
        if objItem.Name in approved_nics:
            p("***Device found - on approved list: ", objItem.Name,
        elif objItem.Name in system_nics:
            #p("***Device found - system nic - ignoring: ", objItem.Name)
            p("***Device found :", objItem.Name)
            dev_id = objItem.NetConnectionID
            if dev_id:
                p("     ---> !!! unauthorized !!!, disabling...", str(dev_id))
                cmd = "netsh interface set interface \"" + dev_id + "\" DISABLED"
                #print cmd
                #p("     ---> unauthorized, not plugged in...")

        p("Adapter Type: ", objItem.AdapterType)
        p("Adapter Type Id: ", objItem.AdapterTypeId)
        p("AutoSense: ", objItem.AutoSense)
        p("Availability: ", objItem.Availability)
        p("Caption: ", objItem.Caption)
        p("Config Manager Error Code: ", objItem.ConfigManagerErrorCode)
        p("Config Manager User Config: ", objItem.ConfigManagerUserConfig)
        p("Creation Class Name: ", objItem.CreationClassName)
        p("Description: ", objItem.Description)
        p("Device ID: ", objItem.DeviceID)
        #p("Error Cleared: ", objItem.ErrorCleared)
        #p("Error Description: ", objItem.ErrorDescription)
        #p("Index: ", objItem.Index)
        #p("Install Date: ", objItem.InstallDate)
        #p("Installed: ", objItem.Installed)
        #p("Last Error Code: ", objItem.LastErrorCode)
        #p("MAC Address: ", objItem.MACAddress)
        p("Manufacturer: ", objItem.Manufacturer)
        #p("Max Number Controlled: ", objItem.MaxNumberControlled)
        #p("Max Speed: ", objItem.MaxSpeed)
        p("Name: ", objItem.Name)
        p("Net Connection ID: ", objItem.NetConnectionID)
        p("Net Connection Status: ", objItem.NetConnectionStatus)
        z = objItem.NetworkAddresses
        if z is None:
            a = 1
            for x in z:
                p("Network Addresses: ", x)
        #print "Permanent Address: ", objItem.PermanentAddress
        p("PNP Device ID: ", objItem.PNPDeviceID)
        #z = objItem.PowerManagementCapabilities
        #if z is None:
        #    a = 1
        #    for x in z:
        #        p("Power Management Capabilities: ", x)
        #p("Power Management Supported: ", objItem.PowerManagementSupported)
        p("Product Name: ", objItem.ProductName)
        p("Service Name: ", objItem.ServiceName)
        #p("Speed: ", objItem.Speed)
        #p("Status: ", objItem.Status)
        #p("Status Info: ", objItem.StatusInfo)
        p("System Creation Class Name: ", objItem.SystemCreationClassName)
        p("System Name: ", objItem.SystemName)
コード例 #17
def main():
    global admin_user, admin_pass, smc_url, student_user, server_name, home_root
    canvas_access_token = ""

    # Ask for admnin user/pass and website
    tmp = raw_input(
            "}}ynEnter URL for SMC Server }}cn[enter for default " + smc_url +
            "]:}}dn "))
    tmp = tmp.strip()
    if tmp == "":
        tmp = smc_url
    smc_url = tmp

    tmp = raw_input(
            "}}ynPlease enter the ADMIN user name }}cn[enter for default " +
            admin_user + "]:}}dn "))
    tmp = tmp.strip()
    if tmp == "":
        tmp = admin_user
    admin_user = tmp

    p("}}ynPlease enter ADMIN password }}cn[characters will not show]:}}dn",
    tmp = getpass.getpass(" ")
    if tmp == "":
        p("}}rbA password is required.}}dn")
        return False
    admin_pass = tmp

    tmp = ""
    while tmp.strip() == "":
        tmp = raw_input(
                "}}ynPlease enter the username for the student:}}dn "))
    student_user = tmp.strip()

    txt = """
}}mn| }}ybCredential Computer                                                }}mn|
}}mn| }}ynSMC URL:            }}cn<smc_url>}}mn|
}}mn| }}ynAdmin User:         }}cn<admin_user>}}mn|
}}mn| }}ynAdmin Password:     }}cn<admin_pass>}}mn|
}}mn| }}ynStudent Username:   }}cn<student_user>}}mn|
    txt = txt.replace("<smc_url>", smc_url.ljust(47))
    txt = txt.replace("<admin_user>", admin_user.ljust(47))
    txt = txt.replace("<admin_pass>", "******".ljust(47))
    txt = txt.replace("<student_user>", student_user.ljust(47))

    tmp = raw_input(term.translateColorCodes("}}ybPress Y to continue: }}dn"))
    tmp = tmp.strip().lower()
    if tmp == "y":
        api_url = smc_url
        if not api_url.endswith("/"):
            api_url += "/"

        key = base64.b64encode(admin_user + ':' + admin_pass)
        headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + key}

        # password_manager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
        # password_manager.add_password(None, api_url, admin_user, admin_pass)
        # handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager)
        # opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
        # ssl_context = ssl._create_unverified_context()

        p("\n}}gnGetting Canvas Auth Key...}}dn\n")
        url = api_url + "lms/credential_student.json/" + student_user

        request = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
        json_str = ""
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
            json_str = response.read()
        except urllib2.HTTPError as ex:
            if ex.code == 403:
                p("}}rbInvalid ADMIN Password!}}dn")
                return False
                p("}}rbHTTP Error!}}dn")
                p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}dn")
                return False
        except Exception as ex:
            p("}}rbUnable to communicate with SMC tool!}}dn")
            p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}dn")
            return False

        canvas_response = None
            canvas_response = json.loads(json_str)
        except Exception as ex:
            p("}}rbUnable to interpret response from SMC}}dn")
            p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}dn")
            return False
        if "msg" in canvas_response:
            if canvas_response["msg"] == "Invalid User!":
                p("\n}}rbInvalid User!}}dn")
                p("}}mnUser doesn't exit in system, please import this student in the SMC first!}}dn"
                return False

        canvas_access_token = str(canvas_response["key"])
        hash = str(canvas_response["hash"])
        student_full_name = str(canvas_response["full_name"])

        #print("Response: " + canvas_access_token + " ---- " + hash)
        pw = win_util.decrypt(hash, canvas_access_token)

        p("}}gnCreating local windows account...")
        win_util.create_local_student_account(student_user, student_full_name,

        # Store the access token in the registry where the LMS app can pick it up
        p("}}gnSaving canvas credentials for student...")
        key = win_util.create_reg_key(r"HKLM\Software\OPE\OPELMS",
        key = win_util.create_reg_key(r"HKLM\Software\OPE\OPELMS\student")
        key.canvas_access_token = canvas_access_token

        print("Installing Admin Services...")

        print("Installing offline LMS app...")

        print("Applying security rules...")

        p("\tDownloading firewall rules...")
        url = api_url + "lms/get_firewall_list.json"
        p("\n\nURL: " + url)

        request = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
        json_str = ""
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
            json_str = response.read()
        except urllib2.HTTPError as ex:
            if ex.code == 403:
                p("}}rbInvalid ADMIN Password!}}dn")
                return False
                p("}}rbHTTP Error!}}dn")
                p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}dn")
                return False
        except Exception as ex:
            p("}}rbUnable to communicate with SMC tool!}}dn")
            p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}dn")
            return False

        firewall_response = None
            firewall_response = json.loads(json_str)
        except Exception as ex:
            p("}}rbUnable to interpret firewall response from SMC}}dn")
            p("}}mn" + str(ex) + "}}dn")
            return False

        for rule in firewall_response:
            p("}}ybApplying Firewall Rule: " + str(rule["rule_name"]))
            fw_cmd = "netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule \"" + str(
                rule["rule_name"]) + "\""
            p("\t\t}}rn" + fw_cmd)
            fw_cmd = "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"" + str(
                rule["rule_name"]) + "\""
            if rule["protocol"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " protocol=" + rule["protocol"]
            if rule["rmtusrgrp"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " rmtusrgrp=" + rule["rmtusrgrp"]
            if rule["rmtcomputergrp"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " rmtcomputergrp=" + rule["rmtcomputergrp"]
            if rule["description"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " description=\"" + rule["description"].replace(
                    "\"", "") + "\""
            if rule["service"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " service=\"" + rule["service"] + "\""
            if rule["fw_action"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " action=" + rule["fw_action"]
            if rule["fw_security"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " security=" + rule["fw_security"]
            if rule["program"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " program=\"" + rule["program"].replace("\"",
                                                                  "") + "\""
            if rule["profile"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " profile=" + rule["profile"]
            if rule["direction"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " direction=" + rule["direction"]
            if rule["remoteip"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " remoteip=" + rule["remoteip"]
            if rule["fw_enable"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " enable=" + rule["fw_enable"]
            if rule["remoteport"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " remoteport=" + rule["remoteport"]
            if rule["localport"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " localport=" + rule["localport"]
            if rule["localip"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " localip=" + rule["localip"]
            if rule["edge"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " edge=" + rule["edge"]
            if rule["interfacetype"] != "":
                fw_cmd += " interfacetype=" + rule["interfacetype"]
            p("\t\t}}rb" + fw_cmd)

        # Turn the firewall on
        # netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on
        # Default Settings
        # netsh advfirewall reset
        # Set logging
        # netsh advfirewall set currentprofile logging filename "C:\temp\pfirewall.log"
        # Block ping
        # netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="All ICMP V4" dir=in action=block protocol=icmpv4
        # Allow ping
        # netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="All ICMP V4" dir=in action=allow protocol=icmpv4
        # Allow or deny port
        # netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open SQL Server Port 1433" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=1433
        # netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Open SQL Server Port 1433" protocol=tcp localport=1433
        # Enable program
        # netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow Messenger" dir=in action=allow program="C:\programfiles\messenger\msnmsgr.exe"
        # Enable remote manatement
        # netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote administration" new enable=yes
        # Enable remote desktop
        # netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=Yes
        # Export settings
        # netsh advfirewall export "C:\temp\WFconfiguration.wfw"

        # Get repo over test cert
        # git -c http.sslVerify=false clone https://example.com/path/to/git

        # TODO
        # Download current policy zip file
        # unzip
        # import
        # /mergedpolicy -- to combine domain/local
        cmd = "cd policy_dir; secedit /export /cfg gp.ini /log export.log"

        # netsh -- import firewall rules
        # download netsh import
        # run netsh import command


        a = raw_input(
            term.translateColorCodes("}}ybPress enter when done}}dn"))