コード例 #1
def analyzeBlogs(blogList): # Analyze blog with tfidf, and other word analysis. 
    outputWordsArr  = []
    namesCount, religionCount, weaponryCount, governmentCount, wordCount = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    for i, blog in enumerate(blogList):
        scores = {}
        wordCount = 0
        print("Top words in document {}".format(i + 1))
        for word in blog.words:
            flag = True
            word = word.lower() # Everything is in lowercase. 
            for punc in terms.punctuation():
                if punc in word:
                    flag = False
            if flag:  
                scores[word] = tfidf.tfidf(word, blog, blogList) # run tfidf
                if word in terms.governmentTerms(): # increment count based on content to find word densities. 
                if word in terms.weaponsTerms():
                if word in terms.femaleNames() or word in terms.maleNames():
                if word in terms.religiousTerms():
                sorted_words = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # sort the words
        for word, score in sorted_words[0:10]:
            print("\tWord: {}, TF-IDF: {}".format(word, round(score, 5)))
            outputWordsArr.append((word, round(score, 10)))
    # Gathering the density scores of each of these defined features, and creating the returning data type
    analysisOutputs = AnalysisObject(namesCount/wordCount,religionCount/wordCount,weaponryCount/wordCount,governmentCount/wordCount,outputWordsArr)
    return analysisOutputs
コード例 #2
def analyzeNewBlog(blog, goodBlogList, badBlogList, features):
    # Get word densities of the new blog
    namesCount, religionCount, weaponryCount, governmentCount, wordCount = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    for word in tb(blog):
        wordCount += 1
        if word in terms.governmentTerms(): # increment count based on content to find word densities. 
            governmentCount += 1
        if word in terms.weaponsTerms():
            weaponryCount += 1
        if word in terms.femaleNames() or word in terms.maleNames():
            namesCount += 1
        if word in terms.religiousTerms():
            religionCount += 1
    analysisOutputs = AnalysisObject(namesCount/wordCount,religionCount/wordCount,weaponryCount/wordCount,governmentCount/wordCount, None)
   # Compare to the analyzed ones.
    scores = {"good": 0.0, "bad": 0.0}
    for upperKey in features:
        print ("\nComparing this blog to " + upperKey.upper() + " blogs:\n")
        for lowerKey in features[upperKey]:
            if lowerKey == "words":
                for word in features[upperKey][lowerKey]:
                    if word[0] not in terms.stopWords():
                        if word[0] in blog:
                            print ("Word found in " + upperKey + " blog: " + word[0])
                            scores[upperKey] += word[1] * 100 # If a word is found, update the score relative to its TFIDF score. 
            elif lowerKey == "religion": # This next section is to compare the density of a term of the new blog compared to the density of that term in the analyzed blogs. 
                scores[upperKey] -= abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.religionScore)
                print ("Religion variance: " + str(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.religionScore))
            elif lowerKey == "government":
                scores[upperKey] -= abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.governmentScore)
                print ("Government variance: " + str(abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.governmentScore)))
            elif lowerKey == "weaponry":
                scores[upperKey] -= abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.weaponryScore)
                print ("Weaponry variance: " + str(abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.weaponryScore)))
            elif lowerKey == "names":
                scores[upperKey] -= abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.namesScore)
                print ("Names variance: " + str(abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.namesScore)))
    print ("\nFinal Scores:\n" + "Bad: " + str(scores["bad"]) + "\nGood: " + str(scores["good"]) + "\n")
    if abs(scores["good"] - scores["bad"]) < .5:
        print ("This post does not trend towards 'good; or 'bad'.")
        if scores["good"] > scores["bad"]:
            print ("This post has been marked as 'good'.")
            goodBlogList.append(tb(blog)) # Add term to the blog list. If this program were running constantly, it would be included in the next baes analysis.
            print ("This post has been flagged as 'bad'.")
    print ("\n---------------------------------------")