class TextExtractor: def __init__(self, image_path, seg_mode=PSM.SPARSE_TEXT): self.api = PyTessBaseAPI() self.api.SetPageSegMode(seg_mode) self.api.SetImageFile(image_path) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def _extract(self) -> Tuple: text = self.api.GetUTF8Text() conf = self.api.MeanTextConf() return text, conf def _extract_from_rect(self, x, y, w, h) -> Tuple: self.api.SetRectangle(x, y, w, h) return self._extract() #TODO: Add support of zero values def extract(self, x=None, y=None, w=None, h=None) -> Tuple: if all([x, y, w, h]): return self._extract_from_rect(x, y, w, h) else: return self._extract() def close(self): self.api.End()
def add_ocrinfo(tree, imgfile): imgpil = (orig_width, orig_height) = (imgpil.width, imgpil.height) #root_width = tree[min(tree)]['width'] ratio = 1.0 * orig_width / config.width #imgpil = imgpil.convert("RGB").resize( # (orig_width * OCR_RATIO, orig_height * OCR_RATIO)) tesapi = PyTessBaseAPI(lang='eng') tesapi.SetImage(imgpil) tesapi.SetSourceResolution(config.ocr_resolution) for nodeid in tree: node = tree[nodeid] if node['children'] and node['text'] == '': node['ocr'] = '' continue x = max(node['x'] * ratio - 1, 0) y = max(node['y'] * ratio - 1, 0) x2 = min((node['x'] + node['width']) * ratio + 1, orig_width) y2 = min((node['y'] + node['height']) * ratio + 1, orig_height) width = int(x2 - x) height = int(y2 - y) if width > 3 and height > 3: #tesapi.SetRectangle(int(x * OCR_RATIO), int(y * OCR_RATIO), # int(width * OCR_RATIO), int(height * OCR_RATIO)) #print(int(x), int(y), int(width), int(height), orig_width, orig_height) tesapi.SetRectangle(int(x), int(y), int(width), int(height)) ocr_text = tesapi.GetUTF8Text().strip().replace('\n', ' ') if ocr_text.strip() == '': x = min(x + width * 0.05, orig_width) y = min(y + height * 0.05, orig_height) width *= 0.9 height *= 0.9 tesapi.SetRectangle(int(x), int(y), int(width), int(height)) ocr_text = tesapi.GetUTF8Text().strip().replace('\n', ' ') else: ocr_text = '' node['ocr'] = ocr_text
def preprocess_title(filename): title = '' api = PyTessBaseAPI() api.SetImageFile(filename) boxes = api.GetComponentImages(RIL.TEXTLINE, True) for i, (im, box, _, _) in enumerate(boxes): api.SetRectangle(box['x'], box['y'], box['w'], box['h']) ocrResult = api.GetUTF8Text() text = ' '.join(alpha_re.findall(ocrResult.strip())) if len(text) < 5: continue title = text break if title:"%s: %s", filename, title) return title
class TesseractOCR: #private static TESSERACT_ENGINE_MODE = TessAPI1.TessOcrEngineMode.OEM_DEFAULT # # bpp - bits per pixel, represents the bit depth of the image, with 1 for # binary bitmap, 8 for gray, and 24 for color RGB. # BBP = 8 DEFAULT_CONFIDENT_THRESHOLD = 60.0 MINIMUM_DESKEW_THRESHOLD = 0.05 def __init__(self, rgbaImage, dipCalculator, language): self.mRgbaImage = rgbaImage self.mDipCalculator = dipCalculator self.mHandle = PyTessBaseAPI() self.mOcrTextWrappers = [] self.mOcrBlockWrappers = [] self.mOcrLineWrappers = [] self.raWrappers = [] # self.mLanguage = language self.mBufferedImageRgbaImage = Image.fromarray(self.mRgbaImage) self.initOCR() def baseInit(self, iteratorLevel): width = 0 height = 0 channels = 1 if len(self.mRgbaImage.shape) == 2: height, width = self.mRgbaImage.shape else: height, width, channels = self.mRgbaImage.shape return self.baseInitIter(self.mRgbaImage, Rect(0, 0, width, height), channels, iteratorLevel) def baseInitIter(self, imageMat, rect, channels, iteratorLevel): listdata = [] parentX = rect.x parentY = rect.y # subMat = imageMat[rect.y:rect.y+rect.height, rect.x:rect.width+rect.x] # # if(channels != 1): # subMat = imageMat[rect.y:rect.y+rect.height, rect.x:rect.width+rect.x, 0:channels] #tessAPI = PyTessBaseAPI() #Convert to PIL image imgPIL = Image.fromarray(imageMat) self.mHandle.SetImage(imgPIL) boxes = self.mHandle.GetComponentImages(iteratorLevel, True) for i, (im, box, _, _) in enumerate(boxes): wrapper = OCRTextWrapper.OCRTextWrapper() self.mHandle.SetRectangle(box['x'], box['y'], box['w'], box['h']) ocrResult = self.mHandle.GetUTF8Text() wrapper.text = ocrResult conf = self.mHandle.MeanTextConf() wrapper.confidence = conf self.mHandle.Recognize() iterator = self.mHandle.GetIterator() fontAttribute = iterator.WordFontAttributes() wrapper.x = box['x'] + parentX wrapper.y = box['y'] + parentY wrapper.width = box['w'] wrapper.height = box['h'] wrapper.rect = Rect(wrapper.x, wrapper.y, wrapper.width, wrapper.height) # print(box) # if (fontAttribute != None): wrapper.fontName = fontAttribute['font_name'] wrapper.bold = fontAttribute['bold'] wrapper.italic = fontAttribute['italic'] wrapper.underlined = fontAttribute['underlined'] wrapper.monospace = fontAttribute['monospace'] wrapper.serif = fontAttribute['serif'] wrapper.smallcaps = fontAttribute['smallcaps'] wrapper.fontSize = fontAttribute['pointsize'] wrapper.fontId = fontAttribute['font_id'] listdata.append(wrapper) return listdata def getBlockWithLocation(self, rect): wrappers = [] for ocrTextWrapper in self.mOcrBlockWrappers: bound = ocrTextWrapper.rect if (RectUtil.contains(rect, bound)): wrappers.append(OCRTextWrapper.OCRTextWrapper(ocrTextWrapper)) return wrappers def getImage(self, rect): x2 = rect.x + rect.width y2 = rect.y + rect.height mat = self.mRgbaImage[rect.y:y2, rect.x:x2] return Image.fromarray(mat) def getText(self, rect): try: self.mHandle.SetImage(self.mBufferedImageRgbaImage) self.mHandle.SetRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height) text = self.mHandle.GetUTF8Text() return text except Exception as error: print('Caught this error: ' + repr(error)) return "" def getLineText(self, rect): try: self.mHandle.SetImage(self.mBufferedImageRgbaImage) self.mHandle.SetRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height) text = self.mHandle.GetUTF8Text() if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)): self.mHandle = PyTessBaseAPI(psm=PSM.SINGLE_LINE) self.mHandle.SetImage(self.mBufferedImageRgbaImage) self.mHandle.SetRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height) text = self.mHandle.GetUTF8Text() if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)): self.mHandle.SetImage(self.getImage(rect)) text = self.mHandle.GetUTF8Text() self.mHandle = PyTessBaseAPI(psm=PSM.AUTO) return text except Exception as error: print('Caught this error: ' + repr(error)) return "" def getRectWordForLowConfidence(self, ocr): try: rect = ocr.bound() self.mHandle = PyTessBaseAPI(psm=PSM.SINGLE_WORD) self.mHandle.SetImage(self.mBufferedImageRgbaImage) self.mHandle.SetRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height) ocr.text = self.mHandle.GetUTF8Text() ocr.confidence = self.mHandle.MeanTextConf() if (ocr.confidence <= Constants.TEXT_CONFIDENT_THRESHOLD): self.mHandle.SetImage(self.getImage(rect)) ocr.text = self.mHandle.GetUTF8Text() ocr.confidence = self.mHandle.MeanTextConf() if (ocr.confidence <= Constants.TEXT_CONFIDENT_THRESHOLD): return False self.mHandle.Recognize() iterator = self.mHandle.GetIterator() fontAttribute = iterator.WordFontAttributes() if (fontAttribute != None): ocr.fontName = fontAttribute['font_name'] ocr.bold = fontAttribute['bold'] ocr.italic = fontAttribute['italic'] ocr.underlined = fontAttribute['underlined'] ocr.monospace = fontAttribute['monospace'] ocr.serif = fontAttribute['serif'] ocr.smallcaps = fontAttribute['smallcaps'] ocr.fontSize = fontAttribute['pointsize'] ocr.fontId = fontAttribute['font_id'] # ocr.fontsize = self.getPreferenceFontSize(ocr) self.mHandle = PyTessBaseAPI(psm=PSM.AUTO) return True except Exception as error: print('Caught this error: ' + repr(error)) return False def getWordsIn(self, rect): wrappers = [] for ocrTextWrapper in self.mOcrTextWrappers: bound = ocrTextWrapper.bound() if (RectUtil.contains(rect, bound)): wrappers.append(OCRTextWrapper.OCRTextWrapper(ocrTextWrapper)) return wrappers def initOCR(self): # self.initText() self.initBlock() # self.initPara() self.initLine() # def initBlock(self): self.mOcrBlockWrappers = self.baseInit(RIL.BLOCK) def initLine(self): self.mOcrLineWrappers = self.baseInit(RIL.TEXTLINE) invalidLineWrappers = [] # a line cannot contain another lines for ocrLine in self.mOcrLineWrappers: for otherOcrLine in self.mOcrLineWrappers: if (ocrLine != otherOcrLine and RectUtil.contains( ocrLine.bound(), otherOcrLine.bound())): invalidLineWrappers.append(ocrLine) self.mOcrLineWrappers = [ x for x in self.mOcrLineWrappers if x not in invalidLineWrappers ] def initPara(self): self.mOcrParaWrappers = self.baseInit(RIL.PARA) def initText(self): self.mOcrTextWrappers = self.baseInit(RIL.WORD) def isOverlapText(self, rect, confident): for ocrTextWrapper in self.mOcrTextWrappers: bound = ocrTextWrapper.bound() if (ocrTextWrapper.getConfidence() >= confident and RectUtil.intersects(rect, bound)): return True return False def reset(self): self.mOcrTextWrappers = [] self.mOcrLineWrappers = [] self.initOCR() # def rotateImage(bi) : # iden = ImageDeskew(bi) # imageSkewAngle = iden.getSkewAngle() # determine skew angle # if imageSkewAngle > MINIMUM_DESKEW_THRESHOLD or imageSkewAngle < -MINIMUM_DESKEW_THRESHOLD : # bi = ImageHelper.rotateImage(bi, -imageSkewAngle) # deskew # return bi def getPreferenceFontSize(self, ocrTextWrapper, parentHeight): # TODO TODO fontName = ocrTextWrapper.fontName fontSize = ocrTextWrapper.fontSize height = ocrTextWrapper.height * Constants.TEXT_BOX_AND_TEXT_HEIGHT_RATIO # height = ocrTextWrapper.height textHeight = int( self.mDipCalculator.pxToHeightDip(min(parentHeight, height))) # font = QFont(fontName, fontSize) newFontSize = fontSize if (self.getTextHeightUsingFontMetrics(ocrTextWrapper, fontName, fontSize) == textHeight): newFontSize = fontSize elif (self.getTextHeightUsingFontMetrics(ocrTextWrapper, fontName, fontSize) < textHeight): while (self.getTextHeightUsingFontMetrics(ocrTextWrapper, fontName, fontSize) < textHeight): fontSize = fontSize + 1 newFontSize = fontSize else: while (self.getTextHeightUsingFontMetrics(ocrTextWrapper, fontName, fontSize) > textHeight): fontSize = fontSize - 1 newFontSize = fontSize return newFontSize def getTextHeightUsingFontMetrics(self, ocrTextWrapper, fontName, fontSize): # class SIZE(ctypes.Structure): # _fields_ = [("cx", ctypes.c_long), ("cy", ctypes.c_long)] # hdc = ctypes.windll.user32.GetDC(0) # hfont = ctypes.windll.gdi32.CreateFontA(-fontSize, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fontName) # hfont_old = ctypes.windll.gdi32.SelectObject(hdc, hfont) # size = SIZE(0, 0) # ctypes.windll.gdi32.GetTextExtentPoint32A(hdc, text, len(text), ctypes.byref(size)) # ctypes.windll.gdi32.SelectObject(hdc, hfont_old) # ctypes.windll.gdi32.DeleteObject(hfont) # return file = "fonts//" + fontName + ".ttf" font = ImageFont.truetype(file, fontSize) fontSize = font.getsize(ocrTextWrapper.text) return fontSize[1] def validCharacter(self, word): return self.mHandle.IsValidCharacter(word) #Don't have this method return TessAPI1.TessBaseAPIIsValidWord(mHandle, word) != 0 # return True #TODO # def getTextHeightUsingTextLayout(self,ocrTextWrapper, font) : # frc = self.mGraphics.getFontRenderContext() # loc = Point(0, 0) # layout = TextLayout(ocrTextWrapper.text, font, frc) # layout.draw(self.mGraphics, float(loc.x, loc.y)) # bounds = layout.getBounds() # height = bounds.getHeight() # return height # def isValidTextUsingConfidentAndBoundaryCheck(self, ocrTextWrapper) : # if (ocrTextWrapper.getConfidence() > Constants.TEXT_CONFIDENT_THRESHOLD + Constants.TEXT_CONFIDENT_THRESHOLD_SECONDARY_RANGE) : # return True # # elif (ocrTextWrapper.getConfidence() <= Constants.TEXT_CONFIDENT_THRESHOLD) : # return False # # return self.isValidTextUsingBoundaryCheck(ocrTextWrapper) # # def getTextDimensions(self, text, fontName, fontSize): file = "fonts//" + fontName + ".ttf" try: font = ImageFont.truetype(file, fontSize) fontSize = font.getsize(text) return fontSize except OSError: print(file) def isValidTextUsingBoundaryCheck(self, ocrTextWrapper): # confident between TextProcessor.TEXT_CONFIDENT_THRESHOLD and # TextProcessor.TEXT_CONFIDENT_THRESHOLD + # TextProcessor.TEXT_CONFIDENT_THRESHOLD_SECONDARY_RANGE if (TextUtils.isEmpty(ocrTextWrapper.text)): # We cannot calculate width of empty text return True # return True # frc = mGraphics.getFontRenderContext() # font = QFont(ocrTextWrapper.fontName,ocrTextWrapper.fontSize) # loc = Point(0, 0) # layout = TextLayout(ocrTextWrapper.text,font, frc) # layout.draw(mGraphics, loc.getX(), loc.getY()) # bound = layout.getBounds() width, height = self.getTextDimensions(ocrTextWrapper.text, ocrTextWrapper.fontName, ocrTextWrapper.fontSize) fontRatio = float(height / width) boundRatio = float(ocrTextWrapper.height / ocrTextWrapper.width) fontArea = self.mDipCalculator.dipToHeightPx( height) * self.mDipCalculator.dipToWidthPx(width) boundArea = float(ocrTextWrapper.width * ocrTextWrapper.height) # # the different between dimensions of the text should be smaller than # 10% of the max dimension. # System.out.prln(" Ratio: " + fontRatio + ", " + boundRatio + ", " # + Math.abs(boundRatio - fontRatio) # / Math.max(boundRatio, fontRatio) + "," + fontArea + ", " # + boundArea + ", " + Math.min(fontArea, boundArea) # / Math.max(fontArea, boundArea)) # It the bound is square, it less likely that this text is correct # TODO: This rule may not need it # if (float(min(ocrTextWrapper.getWidth(),ocrTextWrapper.getHeight()) / max( ocrTextWrapper.getWidth(), # ocrTextWrapper.getHeight())) > 0.95) : # # if drawing text cannot create square, sorry -> invalid # if (float(min(width, height) / max(width, height)) <= 0.95 and not validWord(ocrTextWrapper.text)) : # return False # # # # print(self.mDipCalculator.dipToWidthPx(width), self.mDipCalculator.dipToHeightPx(height)) # print( ocrTextWrapper.width, ocrTextWrapper.height) dimension = abs(boundRatio - fontRatio) / max(boundRatio, fontRatio) # print(dimension) dimensionCheck = abs(boundRatio - fontRatio) / max( boundRatio, fontRatio ) <= Constants.TEXT_CONFIDENT_ACCEPTANCE_DIMENSION_RATIO_DIFFERENCE_THRESHOLD areaCheckVal = min(fontArea, boundArea) / max(fontArea, boundArea) # print(areaCheckVal) # print(ocrTextWrapper.text) areaCheck = min(fontArea, boundArea) / max( fontArea, boundArea) >= Constants.TEXT_AREA_ACCEPTANCE_DIFFERENCE_THRESHOLD return dimensionCheck and areaCheck def destroy(self): self.mHandle.End
class ViewerWindow(Gtk.Window): def __init__(self, filenames, kind, show, ml): Gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.ptx = 0 self.pty = 0 self.focus_id = -1 self.file_idx = 0 self.kind = kind self.show_hidden = show = ml self.screen_hint = '' self.in_hint_screen = False self.colors = {} self.memory = {} self.elem_models = {} self.filenames = filenames self.tesapi = PyTessBaseAPI(lang='eng') self.tesapi.SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", WHITELIST) self.init_ui() self.load() def init_ui(self): self.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit) darea = Gtk.DrawingArea() darea.connect("draw", self.on_draw) darea.connect("motion-notify-event", self.move_over) darea.connect("button-release-event", self.click_evt) darea.connect("scroll-event", self.scroll_evt) darea.connect("key-release-event", self.key_evt) darea.set_events(Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.SCROLL_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.KEY_RELEASE_MASK) darea.set_can_focus(True) self.add(darea) self.show_all() def load(self, prev=False): if self.file_idx == len(self.filenames): Gtk.main_quit() return if prev: self.file_idx -= 2 filename = self.filenames[self.file_idx] (, self.scr) = util.get_aux_info(filename) if not in self.memory: self.memory[] = {} self.set_title(filename) self.file_idx += 1 print("Loading %s" % filename) self.pngfile = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.png' self.descname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.%s.txt' % self.kind starttime = time.time() self.tree = analyze.load_tree(filename) hidden.find_hidden_ocr(self.tree) hidden.mark_children_hidden_ocr(self.tree) util.print_tree(self.tree, show_hidden=self.show_hidden) if self.get_ml_rets() else: self.load_desc() endtime = time.time() print("Load time: %.3fs" % (endtime - starttime)) self.focus_id = -1 self.colors = {} self.ptx = self.pty = 0 self.img = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(self.pngfile) print('Image:', self.img.get_width(), self.img.get_height()) root_item_id = min(self.tree) root_node = self.tree[root_item_id] print('Root node:', root_node['width'], root_node['height']) self.scale = 1.0 * self.img.get_width() / config.width #self.scale = analyze.find_closest(self.scale, analyze.SCALE_RATIOS) print('Scale:', '%.3f' % self.scale, '->', '%.3f' % self.scale) self.resize(self.img.get_width(), self.img.get_height()) self.mark_depth(self.tree) for item_id in self.tree: color_r = random.random() / 2 color_g = random.random() / 2 color_b = random.random() / 2 self.colors[item_id] = (color_r, color_g, color_b) imgocr = self.imgwidth = imgocr.width self.imgheight = imgocr.height #imgocr2 = imgocr.convert("RGB").resize( # (imgocr.width * OCR_RATIO, imgocr.height * OCR_RATIO)) self.tesapi.SetImage(imgocr) self.tesapi.SetSourceResolution(config.ocr_resolution) self.dump_memory() def remember(self, node, desc): nodeid = node['id'] if not node['id']: return if node['id'] in self.memory[]: if desc != self.memory[][nodeid]: # multiple! self.memory[][nodeid] = 'MUL' else: self.memory[][node['id']] = desc def forget(self, node): if node['id'] in self.memory[]: del self.memory[][node['id']] def get_elem_model(self, app): elem_clas = elements.getmodel("../model/", "../guis/", app, "../guis-extra/", config.extra_element_scrs) self.elem_models[app] = elem_clas def get_ml_rets(self): if not in self.elem_models: self.get_elem_model( guess_descs = {} guess_items = {} # type: Dict[str, List[int]] guess_score = {} elem_clas = self.elem_models[] elem_clas.set_imgfile(self.pngfile) treeinfo = analyze.collect_treeinfo(self.tree) for itemid in self.tree: (guess_element, score) = elem_clas.classify(self.scr, self.tree, itemid, None, treeinfo) if guess_element != 'NONE': if tags.single(guess_element, self.scr) and guess_element in guess_items: old_item = guess_items[guess_element][0] if guess_score[old_item] < score: guess_items[guess_element] = [itemid] guess_score[itemid] = score del guess_descs[old_item] guess_descs[itemid] = guess_element else: guess_descs[itemid] = guess_element guess_score[itemid] = score guess_items[guess_element] = ( guess_items.get(guess_element, []) + [itemid]) for nodeid in guess_descs: self.tree[nodeid]['label'] = guess_descs[nodeid] def load_desc(self): if os.path.exists(self.descname): with open(self.descname) as inf: for line in'\n'): if not line: continue (item_id, desc) = line.split(' ', 1) item_id = int(item_id) found = False for nodeid in self.tree: node = self.tree[nodeid] if item_id in node['raw']: if 'label' in node: node['label'] += ' ' + desc else: node['label'] = desc print(nodeid, '(', item_id, ')', '->', desc) self.remember(node, desc) found = True break if not found: print("WARNING: %s (%s) is missing!" % (item_id, desc)) def mark_depth(self, tree): for item_id in tree: node = tree[item_id] if 'depth' in node: continue self.mark_depth_node(tree, item_id, 0) def mark_depth_node(self, tree, node_id, depth): node = tree[node_id] node['depth'] = depth node['descs'] = [] for child in node['children']: descs = self.mark_depth_node(tree, child, depth + 1) node['descs'] += descs return node['descs'] + [node_id] def get_node_info(self, node): (x, y, width, height, depth) = (node['x'], node['y'], node['width'], node['height'], node['depth']) x *= self.scale y *= self.scale width *= self.scale height *= self.scale width = min(width, self.imgwidth) height = min(height, self.imgheight) if x < 0: width += x x = 0 if y < 0: height += y y = 0 return (x, y, width, height, depth) def find_containing_widget(self, px, py): max_depth = 0 max_id = -1 for item_id in self.tree: node = self.tree[item_id] if self.ignore_node(node): continue if self.inside(node, px, py): if node['depth'] > max_depth: max_depth = node['depth'] max_id = item_id return max_id def inside(self, node, px, py): (x, y, width, height, depth) = self.get_node_info(node) return x <= px and x + width >= px and y <= py and y + height >= py def ignore_node(self, node): if node['class'].upper() == 'OPTION': return True if node.get('visible', '') == 'hidden': return True return False def on_draw(self, wid, ctx): ctx.select_font_face("Arial", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) ctx.set_source_surface(self.img, 0, 0) ctx.paint() ctx.set_font_size(20) ctx.set_line_width(5) ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) max_click_id = -1 max_click_depth = 0 max_id = self.find_containing_widget(self.ptx, self.pty) for item_id in self.tree: node = self.tree[item_id] depth = node['depth'] if max_id in node['descs'] and node['click']: if depth > max_click_depth: max_click_depth = depth max_click_id = item_id for item_id in self.tree: node = self.tree[item_id] if self.ignore_node(node): continue if item_id == max_id: region_mode = False else: region_mode = True (x, y, width, height, depth) = self.get_node_info(node) if not self.inside(node, self.ptx, self.pty): continue self.show_widget(ctx, item_id, not region_mode, not region_mode) if max_click_id != -1 and max_click_id != max_id: self.show_widget(ctx, max_click_id, False, True) if self.focus_id >= 0: self.show_widget(ctx, self.focus_id, True, True, (1, 0, 0)) for itemid in self.tree: node = self.tree[itemid] if 'label' in node: if itemid == self.focus_id: color = (0, 1, 0) else: color = (0, 0, 1) self.show_widget(ctx, itemid, True, False, (0, 0, 1)) self.show_desc(ctx, node, color) #s.write_to_png('test.png') #os.system("%s %s" % (config.picviewer_path, 'test.png')) #report_time(start_time, "displayed") def move_sibling(self, to_next): leaf_list = [] any_list = [] for itemid in self.tree: node = self.tree[itemid] if not self.inside(node, self.clickx, self.clicky): continue if len(node['children']) == 0: leaf_list.append(itemid) any_list.append(itemid) for i in range(len(leaf_list)): if leaf_list[i] == self.focus_id: if to_next: idx = (i + 1) % len(leaf_list) else: idx = (i - 1) % len(leaf_list) self.focus_id = leaf_list[idx] return if len(leaf_list) == 0: for i in range(len(any_list)): if any_list[i] == self.focus_id: if to_next: idx = (i + 1) % len(any_list) else: idx = (i - 1) % len(any_list) self.focus_id = any_list[idx] return self.focus_id = any_list[0] else: self.focus_id = leaf_list[0] def show_widget(self, ctx, item_id, fill, show_text, colors=None): node = self.tree[item_id] (x, y, width, height, depth) = self.get_node_info(node) if colors is None: color_r = self.colors[item_id][0] color_g = self.colors[item_id][1] color_b = self.colors[item_id][2] else: (color_r, color_g, color_b) = colors ctx.rectangle(x, y, width, height) if fill: ctx.set_source_rgba(color_r, color_g, color_b, 0.3) ctx.fill() else: ctx.set_source_rgba(color_r, color_g, color_b, 1) ctx.set_line_width(5) ctx.stroke() if show_text: max_char = int(width / ctx.text_extents("a")[2]) text = str(item_id) if node['click']: text = 'C' + text if node['text']: text = text + ':' + node['text'][:(max_char - 5)] elif node['id']: text += '#' + node['id'][:(max_char - 5)] self.show_text(ctx, x + width / 2, y + height / 2, text, color_r, color_g, color_b) def show_desc(self, ctx, node, color=(0, 0, 1)): desc = node['label'] (x, y, width, height, depth) = self.get_node_info(node) self.show_text(ctx, x + width / 2, y + height / 2, desc, color[0], color[1], color[2]) def show_text(self, ctx, x, y, text, color_r, color_g, color_b): x_bearing, y_bearing, text_width, text_height = ctx.text_extents( text)[:4] ctx.move_to(x - text_width / 2, y + text_height / 2) ctx.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 1) ctx.set_line_width(5) ctx.text_path(text) ctx.stroke() ctx.move_to(x - text_width / 2, y + text_height / 2) ctx.set_source_rgba(color_r, color_g, color_b, 1) ctx.text_path(text) ctx.fill() def move_over(self, widget, evt): self.ptx = evt.x self.pty = evt.y self.queue_draw() def click_evt(self, widget, evt): if self.in_hint_screen: self.process_screen_hint_click(evt) return if evt.button == 3: self.focus_id = -1 else: self.clickx = evt.x self.clicky = evt.y self.focus_id = self.find_containing_widget(evt.x, evt.y) self.queue_draw() def scroll_evt(self, widget, evt): if self.focus_id == -1: return scroll_up = evt.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.UP if scroll_up: self.focus_id = self.find_parent_widget(self.focus_id) else: self.focus_id = self.find_child_widget(self.focus_id) self.queue_draw() def find_parent_widget(self, wid): for itemid in self.tree: node = self.tree[itemid] if self.ignore_node(node): continue if wid in node['children']: return itemid return wid def find_child_widget(self, wid): for itemid in self.tree[wid]['children']: node = self.tree[itemid] if self.ignore_node(node): continue if self.inside(node, self.clickx, self.clicky): return itemid return wid def mark_direct(self): enter = self.get_text('Please enter id_label', 'format: <id> <label>') if enter is None: return if ' ' in enter: nodeid, label = enter.split(' ') else: nodeid = enter label = '' nodeid = int(nodeid) if nodeid not in self.tree: print('missing node', nodeid) return node = self.tree[nodeid] self.mark_node(node, label) def mark_focused(self): if self.focus_id < 0: return node = self.tree[self.focus_id] label = self.get_text( 'Please enter label', 'label for %s: %s (%s) #%s' % (self.focus_id, node['text'], node['desc'], node['id'])) if label is None: return if if label == '': if 'label' not in self.tree[self.focus_id]: return self.generate_negative_hint(self.tree[self.focus_id]['label']) del self.tree[self.focus_id]['label'] else: self.generate_hint_for_widget(self.focus_id, label) self.add_label(node, label) else: self.mark_node(node, label) def generate_hint_for_widget(self, nodeid, label): return self.generate_hint(label, locator.get_locator(self.tree, nodeid)) def generate_negative_hint(self, label): return self.generate_hint(label, 'notexist') def generate_hint(self, label, hint): print("@%s.%s %s" % (self.scr, label, hint)) def mark_node(self, node, label): if label == '': if 'label' in node: del node['label'] self.forget(node) else: self.add_label(node, label) self.remember(node, label) self.save_labels() def ocr_text(self): node = self.tree[self.focus_id] (x, y, width, height, _) = self.get_node_info(node) print(x, y, width, height) x = max(x - 1, 0) y = max(y - 1, 0) width = min(width + 2, self.imgwidth) height = min(height + 2, self.imgheight) #self.tesapi.SetRectangle(x * OCR_RATIO, y * OCR_RATIO, # width * OCR_RATIO, height * OCR_RATIO) self.tesapi.SetRectangle(x, y, width, height) print("OCR ret:", self.tesapi.GetUTF8Text()) x = min(x + width * 0.05, self.imgwidth) y = min(y + height * 0.05, self.imgheight) width *= 0.9 height *= 0.9 self.tesapi.SetRectangle(x, y, width, height) print("OCR ret:", self.tesapi.GetUTF8Text()) def save_region(self): if self.focus_id == -1: return node = self.tree[self.focus_id] (x, y, width, height, _) = self.get_node_info(node) x = max(x - 1, 0) y = max(y - 1, 0) width = min(width + 2, self.imgwidth) height = min(height + 2, self.imgheight) regimg = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, int(width), int(height)) ctx = cairo.Context(regimg) ctx.set_source_surface(self.img, -x, -y) ctx.paint() regimg.write_to_png("/tmp/region.png") def dump_memory(self): for _id in self.memory[]: print('MEM %s -> %s' % (_id, self.memory[][_id])) def add_label(self, node, desc): print('%s -> %s' % (util.describe_node(node, short=True), desc)) node['label'] = desc def auto_label(self): for nodeid in self.tree: node = self.tree[nodeid] if 'label' not in node and node['id'] in self.memory[]: if self.memory[][node['id']] != 'MUL': self.add_label(node, self.memory[][node['id']]) else: print('skip MUL id: %s' % node['id']) self.save_labels() def remove_all(self): for nodeid in self.tree: node = self.tree[nodeid] if 'label' in node: del node['label'] def process_screen_hint_click(self, evt): click_id = self.find_containing_widget(evt.x, evt.y) if click_id == -1: print('Invalid widget selected') return hint = locator.get_locator(self.tree, click_id) if hint is None: print('Cannot generate hint for this widget') return hint = str(hint) if evt.button == 3: # negate hint = 'not ' + hint print('Widget hint: "%s"' % hint) self.add_screen_hint(hint) def add_screen_hint(self, hint): if self.screen_hint == '': self.screen_hint = hint else: self.screen_hint += ' && ' + hint def hint_screen(self): if not self.in_hint_screen: label = self.get_text('Please enter screen name', 'screen name like "signin"') if label is None: return self.screen_hint_label = label self.in_hint_screen = True self.screen_hint = '' else: self.in_hint_screen = False print("%%%s %s" % (self.screen_hint_label, self.screen_hint)) def key_evt(self, widget, evt): if evt.keyval == Gdk.KEY_space: self.mark_focused() elif evt.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Tab: self.load() elif evt.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Left: self.move_sibling(to_next=True) elif evt.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Right: self.move_sibling(to_next=False) elif evt.keyval == Gdk.KEY_v: self.ocr_text() elif evt.keyval == Gdk.KEY_a: self.auto_label() elif evt.keyval == Gdk.KEY_p: self.load(prev=True) elif evt.keyval == Gdk.KEY_l: self.mark_direct() elif evt.keyval == Gdk.KEY_r: self.remove_all() elif evt.keyval == Gdk.KEY_s: self.save_region() elif evt.keyval == Gdk.KEY_x: self.hint_screen() self.queue_draw() def save_labels(self): with open(self.descname, 'w') as outf: for itemid in sorted(self.tree): node = self.tree[itemid] if 'label' in node: outf.write("%s %s\n" % (itemid, node['label'])) def get_text(self, title, prompt): #base this on a message dialog dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self, 0, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK_CANCEL, title) dialog.format_secondary_text(prompt) #create the text input field entry = Gtk.Entry() #allow the user to press enter to do ok entry.connect("activate", lambda entry: dialog.response(Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) #create a horizontal box to pack the entry and a label hbox = Gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(Gtk.Label("Label:"), False, 5, 5) hbox.pack_end(entry, True, 0, 0) #add it and show it dialog.vbox.pack_end(hbox, True, True, 0) dialog.show_all() #go go go response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: text = entry.get_text() else: text = None dialog.destroy() return text
class FeatureCollector(object): def __init__(self, tree, imgfile): self.tree = tree self.collect_texts() self.imgfile = imgfile self.tesapi = PyTessBaseAPI(lang='eng') self.set_tes_image() def set_tes_image(self): #imgpil = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(imgdata * 255)) imgpil = (self.imgwidth, self.imgheight) = (imgpil.width, imgpil.height) imgpil = imgpil.convert("RGB").resize( (imgpil.width * OCR_RATIO, imgpil.height * OCR_RATIO)) self.tesapi.SetImage(imgpil) def add_ctx_attr(self, ctx, data, attr_re, word_limit=1000): if ctx not in self.point: self.point[ctx] = '' words = attr_re.findall(data) if word_limit and len(words) > word_limit: return for word in words: if self.point[ctx]: self.point[ctx] += ' ' self.point[ctx] += '%s' % word.lower() def add_ctx(self, ctx, node, attrs, attr_re=anything_re, word_limit=None): for attr in attrs: self.add_ctx_attr(ctx, node[attr], attr_re, word_limit) def collect_texts(self): for nodeid in self.tree: node = self.tree[nodeid] if 'fulltext' not in node: self.collect_text(node) def collect_text(self, node): """ Collect text from node and all its children """ if 'fulltext' in node: return node['fulltext'] cls = node['class'] if cls == 'View': text = node['desc'] else: text = node['text'] for child in node['children']: text = text.strip() + ' ' + self.collect_text(self.tree[child]) node['fulltext'] = text return text def prepare_neighbour(self): node = self.tree[self.nodeid] self.point['neighbour_ctx'] = '' self.point['adj_ctx'] = '' neighbour_count = 0 for other in self.tree: if self.tree[other]['parent'] == node[ 'parent'] and other != self.nodeid: self.add_ctx_attr('neighbour_ctx', self.collect_text(self.tree[other]), text_re) self.add_ctx('neighbour_ctx', self.tree[other], ['id'], id_re) if self.tree[other]['class'] == node['class']: neighbour_count += 1 # left sibling if (self.tree[other]['parent'] == node['parent'] and other != self.nodeid and self.tree[other]['childid'] < node['childid'] and self.tree[other]['childid'] > node['childid'] - 2): self.add_ctx_attr('adj_ctx', self.collect_text(self.tree[other]), text_re) self.add_ctx('adj_ctx', self.tree[other], ['id'], id_re) self.point['neighbour_count'] = neighbour_count def ctx_append(self, ctx, kind, clz, detail): ret = ctx ret += ' ' + kind + clz regex = word_re for part in regex.findall(detail): ret += ' ' + kind + part return ret def collect_subtree_info(self, node, root): if ignore_node(node): return {'ctx': '', 'text': '', 'count': 0} ctx = '' count = 1 clz = node['class'] if clz == 'View': text = node['desc'][:30] else: text = node['text'][:30] desc = node['desc'][:30] ctx += clz + ' ' ctx += node['id'] + ' ' ctx += text + ' ' ctx += desc + ' ' ctx += gen_ngram(text) + ' ' ctx += gen_ngram(desc) + ' ' if root is not None: if node['width'] > 0.6 * config.width: ctx = self.ctx_append(ctx, "WIDE", clz, node['id']) if node['height'] > 0.6 * config.height: ctx = self.ctx_append(ctx, "TALL", clz, node['id']) if node['y'] + node['height'] < root['y'] + 0.3 * root['height']: ctx = self.ctx_append(ctx, "TOP", clz, node['id']) if node['x'] + node['width'] < root['x'] + 0.3 * root['width']: ctx = self.ctx_append(ctx, "LEFT", clz, node['id']) if node['y'] > root['y'] + 0.7 * root['height']: ctx = self.ctx_append(ctx, "BOTTOM", clz, node['id']) if node['x'] > root['x'] + 0.7 * root['width']: ctx = self.ctx_append(ctx, "RIGHT", clz, node['id']) for child in node['children']: child_info = self.collect_subtree_info( self.tree[child], root if root is not None else node) ctx = ctx.strip() + ' ' + child_info['ctx'] count += child_info['count'] text = text.strip() + ' ' + child_info['text'] return {'ctx': ctx, 'text': text, 'count': count} def prepare_children(self): node = self.tree[self.nodeid] #self.add_ctx_attr('node_subtree_text', self.collect_text(node), text_re, 10) subtree_info = self.collect_subtree_info(node, None) self.point['subtree'] = subtree_info['ctx'] self.point['node_subtree_text'] = subtree_info['text'] self.point['node_childs'] = subtree_info['count'] def prepare_ancestor(self): node = self.tree[self.nodeid] parent = node['parent'] self.point['parent_ctx'] = '' parent_click = parent_scroll = parent_manychild = False parent_depth = 0 while parent != 0 and parent != -1 and parent_depth < PARENT_DEPTH_LIMIT: self.add_ctx('parent_ctx', self.tree[parent], ['class', 'id'], id_re) parent_click |= self.tree[parent]['click'] parent_scroll |= self.tree[parent]['scroll'] parent_manychild |= len(self.tree[parent]['children']) > 1 parent = self.tree[parent]['parent'] parent_depth += 1 self.point['parent_prop'] = [ parent_click, parent_scroll, parent_manychild ] def prepare_self(self): node = self.tree[self.nodeid] # AUX info self.point['id'] = self.nodeid self.point['str'] = util.describe_node(node, None) self.add_ctx('node_text', node, ['text'], text_re, 10) self.add_ctx('node_ctx', node, ['desc'], text_re) self.add_ctx('node_ctx', node, ['id'], id_re) self.add_ctx('node_class', node, ['class'], id_re) if 'Recycler' in node['class'] or 'ListView' in node['class']: self.point['node_class'] += " ListContainer" self.point['node_x'] = node['x'] self.point['node_y'] = node['y'] self.point['node_w'] = node['width'] self.point['node_h'] = node['height'] def prepare_point(self, nodeid, app, scr, caseid, imgdata, treeinfo, path): """Convert a node in the tree into a data point for ML""" self.nodeid = nodeid self.point = {} # AUX info self.point['app'] = app self.point['scr'] = scr self.point['case'] = caseid self.prepare_self() self.prepare_neighbour() self.prepare_ancestor() self.prepare_global(path, treeinfo) self.prepare_img(imgdata) self.prepare_ocr() self.prepare_children() return self.point def prepare_global(self, path, treeinfo): node = self.tree[self.nodeid] has_dupid = False is_itemlike = False is_listlike = False for _id in node['raw']: if _id in treeinfo['dupid']: has_dupid = True break for _id in node['raw']: if _id in treeinfo['itemlike']: is_itemlike = True break for _id in node['raw']: if _id in treeinfo['listlike']: is_listlike = True break self.point['node_prop'] = [ node['click'], node['scroll'], len(node['children']) > 1, has_dupid, is_itemlike, is_listlike ] self.point['path'] = path def prepare_img(self, imgdata): node = self.tree[self.nodeid] # your widget should be inside the screenshot # not always! self.min_x = max(node['x'], 0) self.min_y = max(node['y'], 0) self.max_x = min(node['x'] + node['width'], self.imgwidth) self.max_y = min(node['y'] + node['height'], self.imgheight) self.empty = self.max_x <= self.min_x or self.max_y <= self.min_y self.point['empty'] = self.empty def prepare_ocr(self): node = self.tree[self.nodeid] if config.region_use_ocr and not self.empty: if 'ocr' in node: ocr_text = node['ocr'] else: self.tesapi.SetRectangle(self.min_x * OCR_RATIO, self.min_y * OCR_RATIO, (self.max_x - self.min_x) * OCR_RATIO, (self.max_y - self.min_y) * OCR_RATIO) try: ocr_text = self.tesapi.GetUTF8Text() except: logger.warning("tessearact fail to recognize") ocr_text = '' ocr_text = ocr_text.strip().replace('\n', ' ') else: ocr_text = 'dummy' self.point['node_ocr'] = ocr_text #if point['node_text'].strip() == '': # point['node_text'] = ocr_text logger.debug("%s VS %s" % (ocr_text, node['text'])) (missing, found, other) = (node['ocr_missing'], node['ocr_found'], node['ocr_other']) self.point['ocr_missing'] = missing self.point['ocr_found'] = found self.point['ocr_other'] = other self.point['ocr_ratio'] = (1.0 * missing / (missing + other) if missing + other > 0 else 0.0) self.point['ocr_visible'] = node['visible']
image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(skimg * 255)) #image = Image.'page0y.png') #image ='page0.png') title = '' max_h = 0 min_y = 10000 api.SetImage(image) #api.SetImageFile(filename) boxes = api.GetComponentImages(RIL.TEXTLINE, True) #print('Found {} textline image components.'.format(len(boxes))) for i, (im, box, _, _) in enumerate(boxes): # im is a PIL image object # box is a dict with x, y, w and h keys api.SetRectangle(box['x'], box['y'], box['w'], box['h']) ocrResult = api.GetUTF8Text().replace('\n', ' ').strip() conf = api.MeanTextConf() print("Box[{0}]: x={x}, y={y}, w={w}, h={h}, " "confidence: {1}, text: {2}".format(i, conf, ocrResult, **box)) text = ' '.join(alpha_re.findall(ocrResult.strip())) if len(text) < 5: continue if box['y'] <= 50: continue if box['y'] < min_y: min_y = box['y'] title = text
class GameAdaptor: def __init__(self, window_name): self._window_name = window_name self._hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, window_name) _options = dict(psm=PSM.SINGLE_LINE, oem=OEM.LSTM_ONLY) self._api = PyTessBaseAPI('tessdata', 'eng', **_options) self._image = None self._lock = Lock() self._work = 0 if self._hwnd == 0: raise Exception('Window Handle Not Found! xD') def _get_window_region(self): bl, bt, br, bb = 12, 31, 12, 20 l, t, r, b = win32gui.GetWindowRect(self._hwnd) w = r - l - br - bl h = b - t - bt - bb return l, t, w, h, bl, bt @contextmanager def _window_device_context(self): wdc = win32gui.GetWindowDC(self._hwnd) dc_obj = win32ui.CreateDCFromHandle(wdc) c_dc = dc_obj.CreateCompatibleDC() yield dc_obj, c_dc dc_obj.DeleteDC() c_dc.DeleteDC() win32gui.ReleaseDC(self._hwnd, wdc) def _capture(self): x, y, w, h, bx, by = self._get_window_region() with self._window_device_context() as (dc_obj, cdc): bmp = win32ui.CreateBitmap() bmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc_obj, w, h) cdc.SelectObject(bmp) cdc.BitBlt((0, 0), (w, h), dc_obj, (bx, by), win32con.SRCCOPY) bmp_info = bmp.GetInfo() img = np.frombuffer(bmp.GetBitmapBits(True), dtype=np.uint8) win32gui.DeleteObject(bmp.GetHandle()) return img.reshape(bmp_info['bmHeight'], bmp_info['bmWidth'], 4)[:, :, :-1] def _do_capture(self): while self._work == 1: temp_image = self._capture() self._lock.acquire() self._image = temp_image self._lock.release() sleep(0.001) self._work = -1 def start_capture(self): self._work = 1 Thread(target=self._do_capture).start() while self._image is None: sleep(0.001) def stop_capture(self): self._work = 0 while self._work != -1: sleep(0.001) self._image = None def get_image(self): self._lock.acquire() res = self._image self._lock.release() return res def send_keys(self, *keys): for k in keys: win32gui.PostMessage(self._hwnd, win32con.WM_KEYDOWN, k, 0) def get_text(self, region): temp_pil_image = Image.fromarray(self.get_image()) self._api.SetImage(temp_pil_image) while region is not None: x, y, w, h = region self._api.SetRectangle(x, y, w, h) self._api.Recognize(0) region = yield self._api.GetUTF8Text()
class OCREngine(): def __init__(self, extra_whitelist='', all_unicode=False, lang='eng'): """ Args: extra_whitelist: string of extra chars for Tesseract to consider only takes effect when all_unicode is False all_unicode: if True, Tess will consider all possible unicode characters lang: OCR language """ self.tess = PyTessBaseAPI(psm=PSM_MODE, lang=lang) self.is_closed = False if all_unicode: self.whitelist_chars = None else: self.whitelist_chars = ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "1234567890" r"~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}|[]\:;'<>?,./" '"' "©") + extra_whitelist self.tess.SetVariable('tessedit_char_whitelist', self.whitelist_chars) def check_engine(self): if self.is_closed: raise RuntimeError('OCREngine has been closed.') def recognize(self, image, min_text_size=MIN_TEXT_SIZE, max_text_size=MAX_TEXT_SIZE, uniformity_thresh=UNIFORMITY_THRESH, thin_line_thresh=THIN_LINE_THRESH, conf_thresh=CONF_THRESH, box_expand_factor=BOX_EXPAND_FACTOR, horizontal_pooling=HORIZONTAL_POOLING): """ Generator: Blob Args: input_image: can be one of the following types: - string: image file path - ndarray: numpy image - PIL.Image.Image: PIL image min_text_size: min text height/width in pixels, below which will be ignored max_text_size: max text height/width in pixels, above which will be ignored uniformity_thresh (0.0 < _ < 1.0): remove all black or all white regions ignore a region if the number of pixels neither black nor white < [thresh] thin_line_thresh (must be odd int): remove all lines thinner than [thresh] pixels. can be used to remove the thin borders of web page textboxes. conf_thresh (0 < _ < 100): ignore regions with OCR confidence < thresh. box_expand_factor (0.0 < _ < 1.0): expand the bounding box outwards in case certain chars are cutoff. horizontal_pooling: result bounding boxes will be more connected with more pooling, but large pooling might lower accuracy. """ self.check_engine() # param sanity check assert max_text_size > min_text_size > 0 assert 0.0 <= uniformity_thresh < 1.0 assert thin_line_thresh % 2 == 1 assert 0 <= conf_thresh < 100 assert 0.0 <= box_expand_factor < 1.0 assert horizontal_pooling > 0 image = get_np_img(image) img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img_bw = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_gray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 11, 5) img = img_gray # kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3)) img = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, kernel) # cut off all gray pixels < 30. # `cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU` is also good, but might overlook certain light gray areas _, img = cv2.threshold(img, 30, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # connect horizontally oriented regions kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (horizontal_pooling, 1)) img = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) # remove all thin textbox borders (e.g. web page textbox) if thin_line_thresh > 0: kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement( cv2.MORPH_RECT, (thin_line_thresh, thin_line_thresh)) img = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) # _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for contour in contours: x, y, w, h = box = Box(*cv2.boundingRect(contour)) # remove regions that are beyond size limits if (w < min_text_size or h < min_text_size or h > max_text_size): continue # remove regions that are almost uniformly white or black binary_region = crop(img_bw, box) uniformity = np.count_nonzero(binary_region) / float(w * h) if (uniformity > 1 - uniformity_thresh or uniformity < uniformity_thresh): continue # expand the borders a little bit to include cutoff chars expansion = int(min(h, w) * box_expand_factor) x = max(0, x - expansion) y = max(0, y - expansion) h, w = h + 2 * expansion, w + 2 * expansion if h > w: # further extend the long axis h += 2 * expansion elif w > h: w += 2 * expansion # image passed to Tess should be grayscale. # box = Box(x, y, w, h) img_crop = crop(img_gray, box) # make sure that crops passed in tesseract have minimum x-height # img_crop = cv2.resize(img_crop, (int(img_crop.shape[1] * CROP_RESIZE_HEIGHT / img_crop.shape[0]), CROP_RESIZE_HEIGHT)) ocr_text, conf = self.run_tess(img_crop) if conf > conf_thresh: yield Blob(ocr_text, box, conf) def _experiment_segment(self, img, min_text_size=MIN_TEXT_SIZE, max_text_size=MAX_TEXT_SIZE, uniformity_thresh=UNIFORMITY_THRESH, horizontal_pooling=HORIZONTAL_POOLING): """ PRIVATE: experiment only """ img_init = img # preserve initial image img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img_bw = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_gray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 11, 5) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # morph_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3)) img = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, morph_kernel) disp(img) # morph_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3)) # img = cv2.dilate(img, morph_kernel) # OTSU thresholding # _, img = cv2.threshold(img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) _, img = cv2.threshold(img, 30, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # img = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV,9,2) disp(img) # connect horizontally oriented regions morph_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (horizontal_pooling, 1)) img = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, morph_kernel) disp(img) if 0: morph_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS, (horizontal_pooling, 3)) img = cv2.erode(img, morph_kernel, iterations=1) disp(img) morph_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS, (6, 6)) img = cv2.dilate(img, morph_kernel, iterations=1) elif 1: morph_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (7, 7)) img = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, morph_kernel) disp(img) # _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) img_copy = np.copy(img_init) for contour in contours: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) draw_rect(img_copy, x, y, w, h) if (w < min_text_size or h < min_text_size or h > max_text_size): continue binary_region = img_bw[y:y + h, x:x + w] uniformity = np.count_nonzero(binary_region) / float(w * h) if (uniformity > 1 - uniformity_thresh or uniformity < uniformity_thresh): # ignore mostly white or black regions # print(w, h) # disp(binary_region) continue # the image must be grayscale, otherwise Tesseract will SegFault # draw_rect(img_init, x, y, w, h) disp(img_copy) disp(img_init, 0) def run_tess(self, img): """ Tesseract python API source code: Returns: (ocr_text, confidence) """ if isinstance(img, np.ndarray): img = np2PIL(img) self.tess.SetImage(img) ocr_text = self.tess.GetUTF8Text().strip() conf = self.tess.MeanTextConf() return ocr_text, conf def _deprec_run_tess(self, img): "GetComponentImages throws SegFault randomly. No way to fix. :(" if isinstance(img, np.ndarray): img = np2PIL(img) components = self.tess.GetComponentImages(RIL.TEXTLINE, True) for _, inner_box, block_id, paragraph_id in components: # box is a dict with x, y, w and h keys inner_box = Box(**inner_box) if inner_box.w < MIN_TEXT_SIZE or inner_box.h < MIN_TEXT_SIZE: continue self.tess.SetRectangle(*inner_box) ocr_text = self.tess.GetUTF8Text().strip() conf = self.tess.MeanTextConf() yield ocr_text, inner_box, conf def close(self): self.tess.End() self.is_closed = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close()