def startNighthawkGrpcService(self, service_name="traffic-generator-service"): """Start the Nighthawk gRPC service. Args: service_name (String, optional): Service type to start. Defaults to "traffic-generator-service". """ host = self.server_ip if self.ip_version == IpVersion.IPV4 else "[%s]" % self.server_ip self.grpc_service = NighthawkGrpcService(self._nighthawk_service_path, host, self.ip_version, service_name) assert (self.grpc_service.start())
class IntegrationTestBase(): """Base class for integration test fixtures. IntegrationTestBase facilitates testing against the Nighthawk test server, by determining a free port, and starting it up in a separate process in setUp(). Support for multiple test servers has been added in a way that minimizes impact to existing tests. self.test_server always points to the first test server, and methods assuming a single backend such as getTestServerRootUri were left intact. self._test_servers contains all test servers, including the first. Methods such as getTestServerRootUris that are aware of multiple test servers will also work when there is only one test server. This class will be refactored ( Attributes: ip_version: IP version that the proxy should use when listening. server_ip: string containing the server ip that will be used to listen tag: String. Supply this to get recognizeable output locations. parameters: Dictionary. Supply this to provide template parameter replacement values. grpc_service: NighthawkGrpcService instance or None. Set by startNighthawkGrpcService(). test_server: NighthawkTestServer instance, set during setUp(). nighthawk_client_path: String, path to the nighthawk_client binary. request: The pytest `request` test fixture used to determine information about the currently executing test case. """ def __init__(self, request, server_config, backend_count=1, bootstrap_version_arg=None): """Initialize the IntegrationTestBase instance. Args: ip_version: a single IP mode that this instance will test: IpVersion.IPV4 or IpVersion.IPV6 request: The pytest `request` test fixture used to determine information about the currently executing test case. server_config: path to the server configuration backend_count: number of Nighthawk Test Server backends to run, to allow testing MultiTarget mode bootstrap_version_arg: An optional int, specify a bootstrap cli argument value for the test server binary. If None is specified, no bootstrap cli argment will be passed. """ super(IntegrationTestBase, self).__init__() self.request = request self.ip_version = request.param assert self.ip_version != IpVersion.UNKNOWN self.server_ip = "::" if self.ip_version == IpVersion.IPV6 else "" self.server_ip = os.getenv("TEST_SERVER_EXTERNAL_IP", self.server_ip) self.tag = "" self.parameters = {} self.grpc_service = None self.test_server = None self.nighthawk_client_path = "nighthawk_client" self._nighthawk_test_server_path = "nighthawk_test_server" self._nighthawk_test_config_path = server_config self._nighthawk_service_path = "nighthawk_service" self._nighthawk_output_transform_path = "nighthawk_output_transform" self._socket_type = socket.AF_INET6 if self.ip_version == IpVersion.IPV6 else socket.AF_INET self._test_servers = [] self._backend_count = backend_count self._test_id = "" self._bootstrap_version_arg = bootstrap_version_arg # TODO(oschaaf): For the NH test server, add a way to let it determine a port by itself and pull that # out. def getFreeListenerPortForAddress(self, address): """Determine a free port and returns that. Theoretically it is possible that another process will steal the port before our caller is able to leverage it, but we take that chance. The upside is that we can push the port upon the server we are about to start through configuration which is compatible accross servers. """ with socket.socket(self._socket_type, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: sock.bind((address, 0)) port = sock.getsockname()[1] return port def setUp(self): """Perform sanity checks and start up the server. Upon exit the server is ready to accept connections. """ if os.getenv("NH_DOCKER_IMAGE", "") == "": assert os.path.exists( self._nighthawk_test_server_path ), "Test server binary not found: '%s'" % self._nighthawk_test_server_path assert os.path.exists( self.nighthawk_client_path ), "Nighthawk client binary not found: '%s'" % self.nighthawk_client_path self._test_id = os.environ.get('PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST').split( ':')[-1].split(' ')[0].replace("[", "_").replace("]", "").replace("/", "_")[5:] self.tag = "{timestamp}/{test_id}".format(timestamp=_TIMESTAMP, test_id=self._test_id) assert self._tryStartTestServers(), "Test server(s) failed to start" def tearDown(self, caplog): """Stop the server. Fails the test if any warnings or errors were logged. Args: caplog: The pytest `caplog` test fixture used to examine logged messages. """ if self.grpc_service is not None: assert (self.grpc_service.stop() == 0) any_failed = False for test_server in self._test_servers: if test_server.stop() != 0: any_failed = True assert (not any_failed) warnings_and_errors = [] for when in ("setup", "call", "teardown"): for record in caplog.get_records(when): if record.levelno not in (logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR): continue warnings_and_errors.append(record.message) if warnings_and_errors: "warnings or errors encountered during testing:\n{}".format( warnings_and_errors)) def _tryStartTestServers(self): for i in range(self._backend_count): test_server = NighthawkTestServer( self._nighthawk_test_server_path, self._nighthawk_test_config_path, self.server_ip, self.ip_version, self.request, parameters=self.parameters, tag=self.tag, bootstrap_version_arg=self._bootstrap_version_arg) if not test_server.start(): return False self._test_servers.append(test_server) if i == 0: self.test_server = test_server return True def getGlobalResults(self, parsed_json): """Find the global/aggregated result in the json output.""" global_result = [ x for x in parsed_json["results"] if x["name"] == "global" ] assert (len(global_result) == 1) return global_result[0] def getNighthawkCounterMapFromJson(self, parsed_json): """Get the counters from the json indexed by name.""" return { counter["name"]: int(counter["value"]) for counter in self.getGlobalResults(parsed_json)["counters"] } def getNighthawkGlobalHistogramsbyIdFromJson(self, parsed_json): """Get the global histograms from the json indexed by id.""" return { statistic["id"]: statistic for statistic in self.getGlobalResults(parsed_json)["statistics"] } def getTestServerRootUri(self, https=False): """Get the http://host:port/ that can be used to query the server we started in setUp().""" uri_host = self.server_ip if self.ip_version == IpVersion.IPV6: uri_host = "[%s]" % self.server_ip uri = "%s://%s:%s/" % ("https" if https else "http", uri_host, self.test_server.server_port) return uri def getAllTestServerRootUris(self, https=False): """Get the list of http://host:port/ that can be used to query the servers we started in setUp().""" uri_host = self.server_ip if self.ip_version == IpVersion.IPV6: uri_host = "[%s]" % self.server_ip return [ "%s://%s:%s/" % ("https" if https else "http", uri_host, test_server.server_port) for test_server in self._test_servers ] def getTestServerStatisticsJson(self): """Grab a statistics snapshot from the test server.""" return self.test_server.fetchJsonFromAdminInterface( "/stats?format=json") def getAllTestServerStatisticsJsons(self): """Grab a statistics snapshot from multiple test servers.""" return [ test_server.fetchJsonFromAdminInterface("/stats?format=json") for test_server in self._test_servers ] def getServerStatFromJson(self, server_stats_json, name): """Extract one statistic from a single json snapshot.""" counters = server_stats_json["stats"] for counter in counters: if counter["name"] == name: return int(counter["value"]) return None def runNighthawkClient(self, args, expect_failure=False, timeout=30, as_json=True): """Run Nighthawk against the test server. Returns a string containing json-formatted result plus logs. If the timeout is exceeded an exception will be raised. """ # Copy the args so our modifications to it stay local. args = args.copy() if os.getenv("NH_DOCKER_IMAGE", "") != "": args = [ "docker", "run", "--network=host", "--rm", os.getenv("NH_DOCKER_IMAGE"), self.nighthawk_client_path ] + args else: args = [self.nighthawk_client_path] + args if self.ip_version == IpVersion.IPV6: args.append("--address-family v6") if as_json: args.append("--output-format json")"Nighthawk client popen() args: [%s]" % args) client_process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = client_process.communicate() logs = stderr.decode('utf-8') output = stdout.decode('utf-8') logging.debug("Nighthawk client stdout: [%s]" % output) if logs: logging.debug("Nighthawk client stderr: [%s]" % logs) if as_json: output = json.loads(output) if expect_failure: assert (client_process.returncode != 0) else: assert (client_process.returncode == 0) return output, logs def transformNighthawkJson(self, json, format="human"): """Use to obtain one of the supported output from Nighthawk's raw json output. Arguments: json: String containing raw json output obtained via nighthawk_client --output-format=json format: String that specifies the desired output format. Must be one of [human|yaml|dotted-string|fortio]. Optional, defaults to "human". """ # TODO(oschaaf): validate format arg. args = [] if os.getenv("NH_DOCKER_IMAGE", "") != "": args = [ "docker", "run", "--rm", "-i", os.getenv("NH_DOCKER_IMAGE") ] args = args + [ self._nighthawk_output_transform_path, "--output-format", format ]"Nighthawk output transform popen() args: %s" % args) client_process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)"Nighthawk client popen() args: [%s]" % args) stdout, stderr = client_process.communicate(input=json.encode()) # We suppress declared but not used warnings below, as these may produce helpful # in test failures (via pytests introspection and logging). logs = stderr.decode('utf-8') # noqa(F841) output = stdout.decode('utf-8') # noqa(F841) assert (client_process.returncode == 0) return stdout.decode('utf-8') def startNighthawkGrpcService(self, service_name="traffic-generator-service"): """Start the Nighthawk gRPC service. Args: service_name (String, optional): Service type to start. Defaults to "traffic-generator-service". """ host = self.server_ip if self.ip_version == IpVersion.IPV4 else "[%s]" % self.server_ip self.grpc_service = NighthawkGrpcService(self._nighthawk_service_path, host, self.ip_version, service_name) assert (self.grpc_service.start())
class IntegrationTestBase(): """ IntegrationTestBase facilitates testing against the Nighthawk test server, by determining a free port, and starting it up in a separate process in setUp(). """ def __init__(self, ip_version): super(IntegrationTestBase, self).__init__() self.test_rundir = os.path.join(os.environ["TEST_SRCDIR"], os.environ["TEST_WORKSPACE"]) self.nighthawk_test_server_path = os.path.join( self.test_rundir, "nighthawk_test_server") self.nighthawk_test_config_path = None self.nighthawk_client_path = os.path.join(self.test_rundir, "nighthawk_client") assert ip_version != IpVersion.UNKNOWN self.server_ip = "::1" if ip_version == IpVersion.IPV6 else "" self.socket_type = socket.AF_INET6 if ip_version == IpVersion.IPV6 else socket.AF_INET self.test_server = None self.parameters = {} self.ip_version = ip_version self.grpc_service = None # TODO(oschaaf): For the NH test server, add a way to let it determine a port by itself and pull that # out. def getFreeListenerPortForAddress(self, address): """ Determines a free port and returns that. Theoretically it is possible that another process will steal the port before our caller is able to leverage it, but we take that chance. The upside is that we can push the port upon the server we are about to start through configuration which is compatible accross servers. """ with socket.socket(self.socket_type, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: sock.bind((address, 0)) port = sock.getsockname()[1] return port def setUp(self): """ Performs sanity checks and starts up the server. Upon exit the server is ready to accept connections. """ assert (os.path.exists(self.nighthawk_test_server_path)) assert (os.path.exists(self.nighthawk_client_path)) test_id = os.environ.get('PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST').split(':')[-1].split( ' ')[0].replace("[", "_").replace("]", "") self.parameters["test_id"] = test_id self.test_server = NighthawkTestServer(self.nighthawk_test_server_path, self.nighthawk_test_config_path, self.server_ip, self.ip_version, self.parameters) assert (self.test_server.start()) def tearDown(self): """ Stops the server. """ assert (self.test_server.stop() == 0) if not self.grpc_service is None: assert (self.grpc_service.stop() == 0) def getNighthawkCounterMapFromJson(self, parsed_json): """ Utility method to get the counters from the json indexed by name. """ global_results_index = len(parsed_json["results"]) - 1 return { counter["name"]: int(counter["value"]) for counter in parsed_json["results"][global_results_index] ["counters"] } def getNighthawkGlobalHistogramsbyIdFromJson(self, parsed_json): """ Utility method to get the global histograms from the json indexed by id. """ return { statistic["id"]: statistic for statistic in parsed_json["results"][0]["statistics"] } def getTestServerRootUri(self, https=False): """ Utility for getting the http://host:port/ that can be used to query the server we started in setUp() """ uri_host = self.server_ip if self.ip_version == IpVersion.IPV6: uri_host = "[%s]" % self.server_ip uri = "%s://%s:%s/" % ("https" if https else "http", uri_host, self.test_server.server_port) return uri def getTestServerStatisticsJson(self): """ Utility to grab a statistics snapshot from the test server. """ return self.test_server.fetchJsonFromAdminInterface( "/stats?format=json") def getServerStatFromJson(self, server_stats_json, name): counters = server_stats_json["stats"] for counter in counters: if counter["name"] == name: return int(counter["value"]) return None def runNighthawkClient(self, args, expect_failure=False, timeout=30, as_json=True): """ Runs Nighthawk against the test server, returning a json-formatted result and logs. If the timeout is exceeded an exception will be raised. """ # Copy the args so our modifications to it stay local. args = args.copy() if self.ip_version == IpVersion.IPV6: args.insert(0, "--address-family v6") if as_json: args.insert(0, "--output-format json") args.insert(0, self.nighthawk_client_path)"Nighthawk client popen() args: [%s]" % args) client_process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = client_process.communicate() logs = stderr.decode('utf-8') output = stdout.decode('utf-8')"Nighthawk client output: [%s]" % output) if as_json: output = json.loads(output) if expect_failure: assert (client_process.returncode != 0) else: assert (client_process.returncode == 0) return output, logs def assertIsSubset(self, subset, superset): self.assertLessEqual(subset.items(), superset.items()) def startNighthawkGrpcService(self): host = self.server_ip if self.ip_version == IpVersion.IPV4 else "[%s]" % self.server_ip self.grpc_service = NighthawkGrpcService( os.path.join(self.test_rundir, "nighthawk_service"), host, self.ip_version) assert (self.grpc_service.start())
def startNighthawkGrpcService(self): host = self.server_ip if self.ip_version == IpVersion.IPV4 else "[%s]" % self.server_ip self.grpc_service = NighthawkGrpcService( os.path.join(self.test_rundir, "nighthawk_service"), host, self.ip_version) assert (self.grpc_service.start())