コード例 #1
    def test_append_end(self):
        """The FileSet should be able to append a new file to its end."""
        test_files = [
            'test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        new_file = 'new_file.jpg'
        mock_isfile.return_value = True
        test_set.add_file(new_file, (3, 4))

            mock_move_range.assert_not_called, [],
            "The FileSet tries to make space for a new file even though that's unnecessary to append the file to the end."
            mock_rename.assert_called_once_with, [new_file, 'test (4).jpg'],
            "The FileSet doesn't correctly add the file to the end of the set."

            test_set.max_index, 4,
            "The add_file method has to update the max index itself when appending a file to the end and thus not calling move_range. This did not happen."
コード例 #2
    def test_collision_with_files(self):
        """THe FileSet should recognize when the moved range collides with existing files and undo its operation."""
        test_files = [
            'test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        def mock_change_index_side_effect(f, t):
            if t == 3:
                raise FileSet.IndexAssignedError(f, t, "Index assigned.")

        mock_change_index.side_effect = mock_change_index_side_effect

        with self.assertRaises(
                "The FileSet fails to recognize when a file is colliding due to the movement operation."
            test_set.move_range((1, 2), 3)

        assertion_calls = [(mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [2, 4]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [1, 3])]
            "The FileSet does not actually try to move the range.")

            mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [4, 2],
            "The FileSet does not properly undo its operations after discovering a file collision."
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_fix.py プロジェクト: FM-2018/Set-Managing-Tool
    def test_big_multi_assigned_real_world(self):
        """The FileSet should be able to correctly deal with a multi-assigned indexes of at least three files, given that change_index actively updates the file set's file list."""
        test_files = ['test (0).gif', 'test (0).jpg', 'test (0).png']
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        mock_find_flaws.return_value = ([], [(0, test_set.files[0])])

        def mock_change_index_side_effect(f, t, ft):
            """If the index is actually changed, delete the given file type from the list. I.e. update the files list with every call!"""
            if ft is None:
                del test_set.files[f]
            elif f != t:
                types_list = test_set.files[f]

        mock_change_index.side_effect = mock_change_index_side_effect


            mock_move_range.assert_not_called, [],
            "The FileSet tries to make space even though the multi-assigned index is at the end, making this unnecessary."
        assertion_calls = [(mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [0, 0, 'gif']),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [0, 1, 'jpg']),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [0, 2, 'png'])]
            "The FileSet fails to correctly expand the multi-assigned index at the front of the set if there are real world side effects."
            mock_change_index.call_count, 3,
            "The FileSet tries to change even more indexes than the multi-assigned one."
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_fix.py プロジェクト: FM-2018/Set-Managing-Tool
    def test_gap_at_front(self):
        """The FileSet should be able to gix a single gap at the front."""
        test_files = [
            'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg', 'test (4).jpg', 'test (5).jpg',
            'test (6).jpg', 'test (7).jpg', 'test (8).jpg'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        mock_find_flaws.return_value = ([(0, 1)], [])


        assertion_calls = [(mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [2, 0]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [3, 1]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [4, 2]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [5, 3]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [6, 4]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [7, 5]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [8, 6])]
            "The FileSet fails to move the files correctly to close a gap at the front."
            mock_change_index.call_count, 7,
            "The FileSet tries to deal with multi-assigned indexes, even though that's not explicitly wished for."
            mock_move_range.assert_not_called, [],
            "The FileSet tries to move ranges even though there is no reason to make any space."
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_fix.py プロジェクト: FM-2018/Set-Managing-Tool
    def test_set_enormous_max_index(self):
        """The FileSet should be able to fix itself even if it has a max index greater than 1000."""
        test_files = [
            'test (234).jpg', 'test (346).jpg', 'test (934).jpg',
            'test (1038).jpg'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        mock_find_flaws.side_effect = FileSet.TooManyFilesError()

        except FileSet.TooManyFilesError:
                "The FileSet raises a TooManyFilesError even though it could have fixed the set of only four files."

        assertion_calls = [(mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [234, 0]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [346, 1]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [934, 2]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [1038, 3])]
            "The FileSet fails to fix the gaps of a file set with a max_index above 1000."

            mock_move_range.assert_not_called, [],
            "The FileSet tries to move ranges even though there is no reason to make any space."
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_fix.py プロジェクト: FM-2018/Set-Managing-Tool
    def test_multi_assigned_index_at_front_fix(self):
        """The FileSet should be able to fix a multi-assigned index at the front of the set."""
        test_files = [
            'test (0).jpg', 'test (0).png', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg',
            'test (3).jpg', 'test (4).jpg', 'test (5).jpg'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        mock_find_flaws.return_value = ([], [(0, ['jpg', 'png'])])


            mock_move_range.assert_called_once_with, [(1, 5), 2],
            "The FileSet fails to make space for the multi-assigned index to expand if it's at the front."
        assertion_calls = [(mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [0, 0, 'jpg']),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [0, 1, 'png'])]
            "The FileSet fails to correctly expand the multi-assigned index at the front of the set."
            mock_change_index.call_count, 2,
            "The FileSet tries to change even more indexes than the multi-assigned one."
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_fix.py プロジェクト: FM-2018/Set-Managing-Tool
    def test_multi_assigned_index_at_end_fix(self):
        """The FileSet should be able to fix a multi_assigned index at the end of the set."""
        test_files = [
            'test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg',
            'test (4).jpg', 'test (5).jpg', 'test (5).png'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        mock_find_flaws.return_value = ([], [(5, ['jpg', 'png'])])


            mock_move_range.assert_not_called, [],
            "The FileSet tries to make space for the multi-assigned index to expand even though that's unnecessary at the end."
        assertion_calls = [(mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [5, 5, 'jpg']),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [5, 6, 'png'])]
            "The FileSet fails to correctly expand the multi-assigned index at the end of the set."
            mock_change_index.call_count, 2,
            "The FileSet tries to change even more indexes than the multi-assigned one."
コード例 #8
    def test_move_gap_onto_files(self):
        """The FileSet should NOT find a collision when moving a gap onto other files."""
        test_files = ['test (0).jpg', 'test (4).jpg']
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        def mock_change_index_side_effect(f, t):
            raise FileSet.IndexUnassignedError(f, t, "Index does not exist.")

        mock_change_index.side_effect = mock_change_index_side_effect

        test_set.move_range((1, 2), 4)

        assertion_calls = [(mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [2, 5]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [1, 4])]
            "The FileSet does not actually try to move the range.")

        with self.assertRaises(
                "The FileSet tries to undo its operation even though there shouldn't be a problem."
            ## This assertion should fail, since the call should NOT exist!
            mock_assert_msg(mock_change_index.assert_any_call(5, 2))
コード例 #9
 def test_end(self):
     """The FileSet should be able to append files to the end."""
     test_files = ['test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg']
     test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)
     add_files = ['add (0).add', 'add (1).add']
     add_set = FileSet(('add (', ')'), add_files)
     amount_added = test_set.add_file_set(add_set, (3, 4))
     mock_assert_msg(mock_move_range.assert_not_called, [], "The FileSet unnecessarily tries to make space when appending the files to the end.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (0).add', 'test (4).add']),
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (1).add', 'test (5).add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to physically append the files to the end.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [4, 'add']),
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [5, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically add the files.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [0, 'add']),
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [1, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically remove the files from the foreign file_set's file list.")
     self.assertEqual(amount_added, 2, "The FileSet fails to return the number of indexes that were actually added when appending to the end.")
     self.assertEqual(test_set.max_index, 5, "The FileSet fails to update the max_index when adding to the end of the set.")
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_fix.py プロジェクト: FM-2018/Set-Managing-Tool
    def test_files_with_various_gaps(self):
        """The FileSet should be able to fix multiple gaps at once."""
        test_files = [
            'test (0).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (5).jpg', 'test (6).jpg',
            'test (8).jpg'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        mock_find_flaws.return_value = ([(1, 1), (3, 4), (7, 7)], [])


        assertion_calls = [(mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [0, 0]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [2, 1]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [5, 2]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [6, 3]),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [8, 4])]
            "The FileSet fails to move the files correctly to close multiple gaps."
            mock_change_index.call_count, 5,
            "The FileSet tries to deal with multi-assigned indexes, even though that's not explicitly wished for."
            mock_move_range.assert_not_called, [],
            "The FileSet tries to move ranges even though there is no reason to make any space."
コード例 #11
    def test_remove_into_given_filled_file_set(self):
        """The FileSet should append the removed file to a given filled FileSet."""
        removed_file_set = FileSet(
            ('CustomRemoved (', ')'),
            ['CustomRemoved (0).jpg', 'CustomRemoved (3).png'])

        test_files = [
            'test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg)', 'test (3).jpg'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        test_set.remove_file(1, removed_file_set)

            mock_add_file.assert_called_once_with, ['test (1).jpg', 4],
            "The FileSet fails to properly remove and append the file into another FileSet."
            mock_move_range.assert_called_once_with, [(2, 3), 1],
            "The FileSet fails to close the resulting gap from the remove operation when removing into another FileSet."

            removed_file_set.pattern, ('CustomRemoved (', ')'),
            "The set pattern of the removed_file_set is not the same as demanded."
コード例 #12
    def test_remove_into_given_empty_file_set(self):
        """The FileSet should manage to add a removed file into a given empty file set."""
        removed_file_set = FileSet(('CustomRemoved (', ')'), [])

        test_files = [
            'test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg)', 'test (3).jpg'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        test_set.remove_file(1, removed_file_set)

            mock_add_file.assert_called_once_with, ['test (1).jpg', 0],
            "The FileSet fails to properly remove the file into another FileSet."
            mock_move_range.assert_called_once_with, [(2, 3), 1],
            "The FileSet fails to close the resulting gap from the remove operation when removing into another FileSet."

            removed_file_set.pattern, ('CustomRemoved (', ')'),
            "The default pattern of the removed_file_set is incorrect.")
コード例 #13
    def test_default_remove_set_is_active_other_set_is_given(
            self, mock_expand_pattern):
        """The CLI should be able to remove files from the default remove set if another file set to remove the files into is given."""
        test_args = ['-', '-a', 'custom*set', '1-2']
        mock_expand_range.return_value = (1, 2)
        mock_expand_pattern.return_value = ('custom', 'set')

        default_remove_set = FileSet(CLI.DEFAULT_REMOVE_PATTERN,
                                     ['RMVD1.jpg', 'RMVD2.jpg'])
        CLI.default_remove_set = default_remove_set

        custom_remove_set = FileSet(('custom', 'set'), [])
        CLI.file_set_cache = [custom_remove_set]  # set already exists

            remove(default_remove_set, test_args)
        except CLIRuntimeError:
                "The CLI fails to perform a remove operation if it's removing from the default remove set even though a range to append the removed files to is given."

            [[1, 2], custom_remove_set],
            "The CLI fails to perform a removal operation from the default remove set to a given custom remove set."
コード例 #14
 def test_gap_in_foreign_add_files_preserve_gaps(self):
     """The FileSet should be able to preserve gaps if the corresponding keyword is set to True."""
     test_files = ['test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg']
     test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)
     add_files = ['add (0).add', 'add (2).add']
     add_set = FileSet(('add (', ')'), add_files)
         amount_added = test_set.add_file_set(add_set, (1, 2), range(0, 2+1), preserve_gaps = True)
     except FileSet.IndexUnassignedError:
         self.fail("The FileSet raises an exception when encountering a gap even though preserve_gaps was set to True.")
     mock_assert_msg(mock_move_range.assert_called_once_with, [(2, 3), 5], "The FileSet fails to make space for the files and gaps when the latter are preserved.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (0).add', 'test (2).add']),
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (2).add', 'test (4).add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to physically add the files and gaps from the foreign FileSet when the gaps are preserved.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add']),
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [4, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically add the files.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [0, 'add']),
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically remove the files from the foreign file_set's file list.")
     self.assertEqual(amount_added, 3, "The FileSet fails to return the correct number of indexes (files and gaps) that were actually added when the files to be added contain gaps.")
コード例 #15
 def test_gap_in_foreign_add_all_indexes(self):
     """The FileSet should automatically ignore gaps in the foreign file set and add all files if add_indexes is set to 'ALL' (default)."""
     test_files = ['test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg']
     test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)
     add_files = ['add (0).add', 'add (2).add']
     add_set = FileSet(('add (', ')'), add_files)
         amount_added = test_set.add_file_set(add_set, (1, 2))
     except FileSet.IndexUnassignedError as e:
         raise AssertionError(e.args, "The FileSet fails to add a FileSet with gaps, even though indexes='ALL' has been used.")
     mock_assert_msg(mock_move_range.assert_called_once_with, [(2, 3), 4], msg="The FileSet fails to make the correct space for the two files with a gap.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (0).add', 'test (2).add']),
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (2).add', 'test (3).add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to physically add the files with a gap into the FileSet.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add']),
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [3, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically add the files.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [0, 'add']),
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically remove the files from the foreign file_set's file list.")
     self.assertEqual(amount_added, 2, "The FileSet fails to return the number of indexes that were actually added when the files to be added contain gaps.")
コード例 #16
 def test_wide_gap_in_foreign_add_files_strip_gaps(self):
     """The FileSet should still correctly strip all gaps in the foreign FileSet if strip_gaps is set to True, even if the gap is wider than just one."""
     test_files = ['test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg']
     test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)
     add_files = ['add (0).add', 'add (3).add']
     add_set = FileSet(('add (', ')'), add_files)
         amount_added = test_set.add_file_set(add_set, (1, 2), range(0, 3+1), strip_gaps=True)
     except FileSet.IndexUnassignedError as e:
         raise AssertionError(e.args, "The FileSet raises an exception when encountering a gap even though strip_gaps was set to True.")
     mock_assert_msg(mock_move_range.assert_called_once_with, [(2, 3), 4], "The FileSet fails to make the correct amount of space for the newly added files when the file set to be added from contains wide gaps and strip_gaps is set to True.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (0).add', 'test (2).add']),
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (3).add', 'test (3).add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to physically add the files from the foreign FileSet with gaps if strip_gaps is True.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add']),
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [3, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically add the files.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [0, 'add']),
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [3, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically remove the files from the foreign file_set's file list.")
     self.assertEqual(amount_added, 2, "The FileSet fails to return the number of indexes that were actually added when the files to be added contain gaps with strip_gaps set to True.")
コード例 #17
 def test_too_small_gap(self):
     """The FileSet should be able to fill a small gap and automatically make the necessary extra-space if the amount of files requires it."""
     test_files = ['test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (4).jpg', 'test (5).jpg']
     test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)
     add_files = ['add (0).add', 'add (1).add', 'add (2).add']
     add_set = FileSet(('add (', ')'), add_files)
     amount_added = test_set.add_file_set(add_set, (1, 2))
     mock_assert_msg(mock_move_range.assert_called_once_with, [(4, 5), 5], "The FileSet fails to make space for the added files when the gap is too small.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (0).add', 'test (2).add']),
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (1).add', 'test (3).add']),
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (2).add', 'test (4).add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to physically add the files into a gap that had to be widened.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add']),
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [3, 'add']),
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [4, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically add the files.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [0, 'add']),
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [1, 'add']),
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically remove the files from the foreign file_set's file list.")
     self.assertEqual(amount_added, 3, "The FileSet fails to return the number of indexes that were actually added when adding into a too-small gap.")
コード例 #18
 def test_add_into_empty_set(self):
     """The FileSet should be able to add files even if it is empty."""
     test_files = []
     test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)
     add_files = ['add (0).add', 'add (1).add', 'add (2).add']
     add_set = FileSet(('add (', ')'), add_files)
     amount_added = test_set.add_file_set(add_set, (-1, 0))
     mock_assert_msg(mock_move_range.assert_not_called, [], "The FileSet unnecessarily tries to make space when adding into an empty set.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (0).add', 'test (0).add']),
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (1).add', 'test (1).add']),
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (2).add', 'test (2).add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to physically add the files into a an empty FileSet.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [0, 'add']),
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [1, 'add']),
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically add the files.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [0, 'add']),
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [1, 'add']),
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically remove the files from the foreign file_set's file list.")
     self.assertEqual(amount_added, 3, "The FileSet fails to return the number of indexes that were actually added when adding into an empty set.")
     self.assertEqual(test_set.max_index, 2, "The FileSet fails to update the max_index when adding into an empty file set.")
コード例 #19
 def test_front(self):
     """The FileSet should be able to add files to the front of the set."""
     test_files = ['test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg']
     test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)
     add_files = ['add (0).add', 'add (1).add']
     add_set = FileSet(('add (', ')'), add_files)
     amount_added = test_set.add_file_set(add_set, (-1, 0))
     mock_assert_msg(mock_move_range.assert_called_once_with, [(0, 3), 2], "The FileSet fails to make space for the new files at the front.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (0).add', 'test (0).add']),
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (1).add', 'test (1).add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to physically add the files to the front.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [0, 'add']),
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [1, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically add the files.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [0, 'add']),
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [1, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically remove the files from the foreign file_set's file list.")
     self.assertEqual(amount_added, 2, "The FileSet fails to return the number of indexes that were actually added when adding to the front.")
コード例 #20
 def test_fitting_gap(self):
     """The FileSet should be able to add files into a gap, filling it up completely without having to make extra space."""
     test_files = ['test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (4).jpg', 'test (5).jpg']
     test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)
     add_files = ['add (0).add', 'add (1).add']
     add_set = FileSet(('add (', ')'), add_files)
     amount_added = test_set.add_file_set(add_set, (1, 2))
     mock_assert_msg(mock_move_range.assert_not_called, [], "The FileSet unnecessarily tries to make space when adding the files into a perfectly fitting gap.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (0).add', 'test (2).add']),
             (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['add (1).add', 'test (3).add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to physically add the files into a perfectly fitting gap.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add']),
             (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [3, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically add the files.")
     assertion_calls = [
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [0, 'add']),
             (mock_remove_logically.assert_any_call, [1, 'add'])
     mock_assert_many_msg(assertion_calls, "The FileSet fails to logically remove the files from the foreign file_set's file list.")
     self.assertEqual(amount_added, 2, "The FileSet fails to return the number of indexes that were actually added when adding into a perfectly fitting gap.")
コード例 #21
    def test_new_custom_remove_set_already_exists(self, mock_expand_pattern,
        """The CLI should recognize and raise an error when a supposedly new custom remove set already exists."""
        test_args = ['-', '-n', 'custom*set', '2-3']
        mock_expand_range.return_value = (2, 3)
        mock_expand_pattern.return_value = ('custom', 'set')
        CLI.default_remove_set = self.default_remove_set

        custom_remove_set = FileSet(('custom', 'set'), [])
        mock_files_detected.return_value = custom_remove_set
        CLI.file_set_cache = [custom_remove_set]  # set already exists

        with self.assertRaises(
                "The CLI fails to recognize when a supposedly new file set to remove files into already exists."
            remove(self.test_set, test_args)

            mock_files_detected.assert_not_called, [],
            "The CLI tries to create the new removed set even though it evidently already exists and an error was raised."
            mock_remove_files.assert_not_called, [],
            "The CLI tries to remove files even though there was an error.")
コード例 #22
    def test_add_multiple_files(self):
        """The method should be able to add multiple files at once."""
        test_files = [
            'test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        files_to_add = [
            'new_file1.add1', 'new_file2.add2', 'another_file.add3'

        mock_isfile.return_value = True
        mock_check_spot.return_value = (1, 2)

        test_set.add_files(files_to_add, (1, 2))

            mock_move_range.assert_called_once_with, [(2, 3), 5],
            "The method fails to make space for the files to be added.")
        assertion_calls = [
            (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['new_file1.add1', 'test (2).add1']),
            (mock_rename.assert_any_call, ['new_file2.add2', 'test (3).add2']),
             ['another_file.add3', 'test (4).add3'])
                             "The method fails to physically add the files.")
        assertion_calls = [(mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add1']),
                           (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [3, 'add2']),
                           (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [4, 'add3'])]
                             "The method fails to logically add the files.")
コード例 #23
    def test_non_existent_files_ignore_mode(self):
        """When ignore_unfound_files=True, the method should ignore non-existent files and add the rest flawlessly."""
        test_files = [
            'test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        files_to_add = ['new_file1.add1', 'not_existent', 'another_file.add3']

        mock_isfile.side_effect = lambda f: not (f == 'not_existent')
        mock_check_spot.return_value = (1, 2)

            test_set.add_files(files_to_add, (1, 2), ignore_unfound_files=True)
        except FileSet.FileNotFoundError:
                "The method raises a FileNotFoundError even though ignore_unfound_files was set to True."

            mock_move_range.assert_called_once_with, [(2, 3), 4],
            "The method fails to make space for the files to be added.")
        assertion_calls = [(mock_rename.assert_any_call,
                            ['new_file1.add1', 'test (2).add1']),
                            ['another_file.add3', 'test (3).add3'])]
                             "The method fails to physically add the files.")
        assertion_calls = [(mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [2, 'add1']),
                           (mock_add_logically.assert_any_call, [3, 'add3'])]
                             "The method fails to logically add the files.")
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_fix.py プロジェクト: FM-2018/Set-Managing-Tool
    def test_multi_assigned_indexes_mode_fix(self):
        """The FileSet should be able to fix a multi-assigned index in its middle if fix_multi_idx is set to True."""
        test_files = [
            'test (0).jpg', 'test (1).jpg', 'test (2).jpg', 'test (3).jpg',
            'test (3).png', 'test (4).jpg', 'test (5).jpg'
        test_set = FileSet(self.pattern, test_files)

        mock_find_flaws.return_value = ([], [(3, ['jpg', 'png'])])


            mock_move_range.assert_called_once_with, [(4, 5), 5],
            "The FileSet fails to correctly make space for the multi-assigned index to expand."
        assertion_calls = [(mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [3, 3, 'jpg']),
                           (mock_change_index.assert_any_call, [3, 4, 'png'])]
            "The FileSet fails to correctly expand the multi-assigned index.")
            mock_change_index.call_count, 2,
            "The FileSet tries to change even more indexes than the multi-assigned one."
コード例 #25
 def test_valid_arguments(self):
     """The method should correctly perform its operation if its given valid arguments."""
     test_args = ['rename', 'new*']
     mock_expand_pattern.return_value = self.new_pattern
     CLI.rename(self.test_set, test_args)
     mock_assert_msg(mock_change_pattern.assert_called_once_with, [self.new_pattern], "The method fails to perform the change_pattern operation correctly.")
コード例 #26
 def test_too_few_arguments(self):
     """The method should recognize and raise an error if it is given too few arguments."""
     test_args = ['rename']
     with self.assertRaises(CLI.ArgumentAmountError, msg="The method fails to recognize and raise an error if too few arguments are given."):
         CLI.rename(self.test_set, test_args)
     mock_assert_msg(mock_change_pattern.assert_not_called, [], "The method tries to perform an operation even though an error was raised.")
コード例 #27
    def test_default_strict_true(self):
        """The switch_files method should use allow_gaps=False by default."""
        self.test_set.switch_files(1, 2)

            [(1, 1), (2, 2), preserve_gaps(False)],
            "The method fails to pass the correct arguments along with True for mode strict as the default argument to switch_file_ranges."
コード例 #28
 def test_valid_single_file_range(self):
     """The CLI should be able to perform a movement operation given a single-file range."""
     test_args = ['3', '>', '1/2']
     mock_expand_spot.return_value = (1, 2)
     mock_expand_range.return_value = (3, 3)
     move(self.test_set, test_args)
     mock_assert_msg(mock_move_files.assert_called_once_with, [(3, 3), (1, 2)], "The CLI fails to perform a movement operation with a valid single-file range.")
コード例 #29
 def test_too_few_arguments(self):
     """The CLI should recognize and raise an error when too few arguments are given."""
     test_args = ['2-3', '>']
     mock_expand_range.return_value = (2, 3)
     with self.assertRaises(ArgumentAmountError, msg="The FileSet fails to recognize when too few arguments are given."):
         move(self.test_set, test_args)
     mock_assert_msg(mock_move_files.assert_not_called, [], "The CLI attempts to perform a switch operation even though there was an invalid number of arguments.")
コード例 #30
    def test_correct_argument_passing(self):
        """The switch_files method should pass its arguments to switch_file_ranges, since it's actually just a special use case of that method."""
        self.test_set.switch_files(1, 2, True)

            [(1, 1), (2, 2), preserve_gaps(True)],
            "The method fails to pass the correct arguments to switch_file_ranges."