コード例 #1
ファイル: ps11.py プロジェクト: bschewe/Code-Examples
sample = open('samplepost.txt').read()  #reading the dictionary from the samplepost.txt file, and storing it to the variable sample
sample_post_dict = json.loads(sample)  #this is taking the sample variable from above, taking it from JSON formatted string to a python dictionary.
p = Post(sample_post_dict)  #passing the dictionary we created into the class Post above, so we can perform operations on the dictionary so we can get information.

# use the next lines of code if you're having trouble getting the tests to pass.
# they will help you understand what a post_dict contains, and what
# your code has actually extracted from it and assigned to the comments 
# and likes instance variables.
#print pretty(sample_post_dict)
#print pretty(p.comments)
#print pretty(p.likes)

# Here are tests for instance variables
print "-----PROBLEM 1 tests"
    test.testEqual(type(p.comments), type([]))
    test.testEqual(len(p.comments), 4)
    test.testEqual(type(p.comments[0]), type({}))
    test.testEqual(type(p.likes), type([]))
    test.testEqual(len(p.likes), 4)
    test.testEqual(type(p.likes[0]), type({}))
    print "One or more of the test invocations is causing an error,\nprobably because p.comments or p.likes has no elements..."

# Here are some tests of the positive, negative, and emo_score methods.
print "-----PROBLEM 2 tests"
p.message = "adaptive acumen abuses acerbic aches for everyone" # this line is to use for the tests, do not change it
test.testEqual(p.positive(), 2)
test.testEqual(p.negative(), 3)
test.testEqual(p.emo_score(), -1)        
コード例 #2
from test import testEqual

class Point:

    def __init__(self, init_x, init_y):
        """ Create a new point at the given coordinates. """
        self.x = init_x
        self.y = init_y

    def get_x(self):
        return self.x

    def get_y(self):
        return self.y

    def distance_from_origin(self):
        return ((self.x ** 2) + (self.y ** 2)) ** 0.5

    def __repr__(self):
        return "x=" + str(self.x) + ", y=" + str(self.y)

r = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), 10, 5)
testEqual(r.contains(Point(0, 0)), True)
testEqual(r.contains(Point(3, 3)), True)
testEqual(r.contains(Point(3, 7)), False)
testEqual(r.contains(Point(3, 5)), False)
testEqual(r.contains(Point(3, 4.99999)), True)
testEqual(r.contains(Point(-3, -3)), False)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Yahtzee.py プロジェクト: rarose67/Python-practice-
    # Bonus: your code here
    count = 0
    for roll in double_list:
        if (same_roll(roll)):
            count += 1
    return count

def same_roll(throw):
    is_same = True
    val = throw[0]
    for i in range(1, len(throw)):
        if (throw[i] != val):
            is_same = False

    return is_same

# To play, yo'd do something like this
# dice = input("How many dice?")
# rolls = input("What is the number of rolls?")
# list = roll_dice(dice, rolls)
# print("Sum of roll:", sum_of_roll(list))

print("Testing sum_of_roll...")
testEqual(sum_of_roll([[4, 5, 2], [6, 2, 1], [4, 4, 4]]), [11, 9, 12])
testEqual(sum_of_roll([[3, 4, 6], [2, 6, 1], [3, 4, 3]]), [13, 9, 10])
print("Testing yahtzee...")
testEqual(yahtzee([[4, 5, 2], [6, 2, 1], [4, 4, 4]]), 1)
testEqual(yahtzee([[3, 4, 6], [2, 6, 1], [3, 4, 3]]), 0)
コード例 #4
ファイル: recursion.py プロジェクト: cnjewell/Launchcode
#         return final_r + [new_row]

# Modify recursive tree
# Fractal Mountain
# Hilbert Curve
# Koch Snowflake

# Tower of Hanoi
# Cannibal Puzzle
# Die Hard Jug Puzzle

#   base case
#   change state, move towards base case
#   call itself

testEqual(reverse("hello"), "olleh")
testEqual(reverse("l"), "l")
testEqual(reverse("follow"), "wollof")
testEqual(reverse(""), "")
testEqual(is_palindrome("hello"), False)
testEqual(is_palindrome("aibohphobia"), True)

print(alpha_only("Cage! Match!"))

s = "madam i'm adam"


alist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
コード例 #5
from test import testEqual

def is_rightangled(a, b, c):
    rightangled = False

    if a > b and a > c:
        rightangled = abs(b**2 + c**2 - a**2) < 0.001
    elif b > a and b > c:
        rightangled = abs(a**2 + c**2 - b**2) < 0.001
        rightangled = abs(a**2 + b**2 - c**2) < 0.001
    return rightangled

testEqual(is_rightangled(1.5, 2.0, 2.5), True)
testEqual(is_rightangled(4.0, 8.0, 16.0), False)
testEqual(is_rightangled(4.1, 8.2, 9.1678787077), True)
testEqual(is_rightangled(4.1, 8.2, 9.16787), True)
testEqual(is_rightangled(4.1, 8.2, 9.168), False)
testEqual(is_rightangled(0.5, 0.4, 0.64031), True)
コード例 #6
    one = [a.replace("ebook", "") for a in x]
    two = [a.replace("Novel", "") for a in one]
    three = [a.replace("book", "") for a in two]
    four = [a.replace("Book", "") for a in three]
    five = [a.lower() for a in four]
    list_novels = [a.replace("-", " ") for a in five]
    return list_novels

novellist2 = (fix_data(hardcovernonfiction_booknames))
print "Here's the best seller list of the top 10 hardcover non fiction books"
print pretty(novellist2)

print "Tests"
    test.testEqual(type(novellist2), type([]))
    test.testEqual(len(novellist2), 10)
    print "Check that you are performing the list comprehensions correctly in order to collect the names of only ten novels in an iterable list"

#Steps 11-15 repeat same process but with third list
d = {}
d['api-key'] = '678eeafb3f2b698e01865592a3de62ab:7:70254372'
d['list-name'] = 'e-book-fiction'
d['date'] = '2014-12-07'
e = urllib.urlencode(d)
param_str = e

baseurl = "http://api.nytimes.com/svc/books/v3/lists"
nyt_request = baseurl + "?" + param_str
コード例 #7
#========================INTRODUCTION TO TEST CASES==============================
def square(x):
    return x * x

import test

test.testEqual(square(10), 100)
コード例 #8
from test import testEqual

def remove_all(substr, theStr):
    occur = theStr.count(substr)
    for i in range(occur):
        theStr = theStr.replace(substr, "")
    return theStr
    # your code here

testEqual(remove_all('an', 'banana'), 'ba')
testEqual(remove_all('cyc', 'bicycle'), 'bile')
testEqual(remove_all('iss', 'Mississippi'), 'Mippi')
testEqual(remove_all('eggs', 'bicycle'), 'bicycle')
コード例 #9
Reversing a string using the Stack data structure.
O(n) running time.

from test import testEqual
from pythonds.basic.stack import Stack

# My implementation:
def revstring_mine(mystr):
    s = Stack()
    for char in mystr:
    rev_chars = [s.pop() for i in range(len(mystr))]
    return ''.join(l)

# Example given in the book:
def revstring_mine(mystr):
    s = Stack()
    for char in mystr:
    revstr = ''
    while not s.isEmpty():
        revstr += s.pop()
    return revstr

コード例 #10
ファイル: ex_6_6.py プロジェクト: wchuangnutshell/Hello-World
from test import testEqual

def findHypot(a,b):
    return hypotenuse

testEqual(findHypot(12.0, 5.0), 13.0)
testEqual(findHypot(14.0, 48.0), 50.0)
testEqual(findHypot(21.0, 72.0), 75.0)
testEqual(findHypot(1, 1.73205), 1.999999)
コード例 #11
ファイル: ex_8_5.py プロジェクト: wchuangnutshell/Hello-World
from test import testEqual

def reverse(astring):
    for i in range(s):
    return j

testEqual(reverse("happy"), "yppah")
testEqual(reverse("Python"), "nohtyP")
testEqual(reverse(""), "")
コード例 #12
ファイル: finalproj.py プロジェクト: ayeeshap/project-python
def fix_data(x):
    one = [a.replace("ebook", "") for a in x]
    two= [a.replace("Novel", "") for a in one]
    three= [a.replace("book", "") for a in two]
    four= [a.replace("Book", "") for a in three]
    five = [a.lower() for a in four]
    list_novels = [a.replace("-", " ") for a in five]
    return list_novels 
novellist2 = (fix_data(hardcovernonfiction_booknames))
print "Here's the best seller list of the top 10 hardcover non fiction books"
print pretty(novellist2)

print "Tests"
    test.testEqual(type(novellist2), type([]))
    test.testEqual(len(novellist2), 10)
    print "Check that you are performing the list comprehensions correctly in order to collect the names of only ten novels in an iterable list"
#Steps 11-15 repeat same process but with third list of fictional ebooks
d = {}
d['api-key'] = '678eeafb3f2b698e01865592a3de62ab:7:70254372'
d['list-name'] = 'e-book-fiction'
d['date'] = '2014-12-07'
e =  urllib.urlencode(d)
param_str = e

baseurl = "http://api.nytimes.com/svc/books/v3/lists"
nyt_request = baseurl + "?" + param_str
コード例 #13
ファイル: buildTree.py プロジェクト: calube/mapf
from test import testEqual

def buildTree():

ttree = buildTree()

コード例 #14
from test import testEqual

def isLeap(year):
    if year%100==0:
        if year%400==0:
            return True
            return False
        if year%4==0:
            return True
            return False    

testEqual(isLeap(1944), True)
testEqual(isLeap(2011), False)
testEqual(isLeap(1986), False)
testEqual(isLeap(1800), False)
testEqual(isLeap(1900), False)
testEqual(isLeap(2000), True)
testEqual(isLeap(2056), True)
コード例 #15
ファイル: ex_8_7.py プロジェクト: wchuangnutshell/Hello-World
from test import testEqual

def remove_letter(theLetter, theString):
    for i in theString:
        if i!=theLetter:
    return j

testEqual(remove_letter('a', 'apple'), 'pple')
testEqual(remove_letter('a', 'banana'), 'bnn')
testEqual(remove_letter('z', 'banana'), 'banana')
コード例 #16
class Point:
    def __init__(self, init_x, init_y):
        """ Create a new point at the given coordinates. """
        self.x = init_x
        self.y = init_y

    def get_x(self):
        return self.x

    def get_y(self):
        return self.y

    def distance_from_origin(self):
        return ((self.x**2) + (self.y**2))**0.5

    def __repr__(self):
        return "x=" + str(self.x) + ", y=" + str(self.y)

from test import testEqual

r = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), 10, 5)
testEqual(r.perimeter(), 30)
コード例 #17
from test import testEqual

def remove(substr,theStr):
    index = theStr.find(substr)
    if index < 0: # substr doesn't exist in theStr
        return theStr
    return_str = theStr[:index] + theStr[index+len(substr):]
    return return_str

testEqual(remove('an', 'banana'), 'bana')
testEqual(remove('cyc', 'bicycle'), 'bile')
testEqual(remove('iss', 'Mississippi'), 'Missippi')
testEqual(remove('egg', 'bicycle'), 'bicycle')
コード例 #18
def get_country_codes(prices):
    new_prices = prices.split()

    new_list = []
    for codes in new_prices:

    return (', '.join(new_list))

# don't include these tests in Vocareum
from test import testEqual

testEqual(get_country_codes("NZ$300, KR$1200, DK$5"), "NZ, KR, DK")
testEqual(get_country_codes("US$40, AU$89, JP$200"), "US, AU, JP")
testEqual(get_country_codes("AU$23, NG$900, MX$200, BG$790, ES$2"),
          "AU, NG, MX, BG, ES")
testEqual(get_country_codes("CA$40"), "CA")
コード例 #19
ファイル: practice.py プロジェクト: mgooel/106-Extra-Credit
# 	for x in list:
# 		s=x.split()
# 		first=s[0]
# 		newlist=newlist.append(first)
# 	return newlist
# words= ['Amazing', 'corny', 'zany']
# print f(words)

def interp(x, y):

	mystr = 'That is %d in a row, %s. Congratulations!' %(x,y)
	return mystr

print interp(5,'sir')
test.testEqual(interp(5, "sir"), "That is 5 in a row, sir. Congratulations!")
test.testEqual(interp(6, "your highness"), "That is 6 in a row, your highness. Congratulations!")

def h(x=1,y=3 ,z=4):

    return[x, y, z]
print h()

def enum(L):
    res = []
    n = 1
    for item in L:
        res.append((n, item))
        n = n + 1
    return res
print enum(["a", "b", "c"])
コード例 #20
from test import testEqual
import math

def findHypot(a,b):
    length = math.hypot(a,b)
    return length

#print  (findHypot (3,4)) 
testEqual(findHypot(12.0, 5.0), 13.0)
testEqual(findHypot(14.0, 48.0), 50.0)
testEqual(findHypot(21.0, 72.0), 75.0)
testEqual(findHypot(1, 1.73205), 1.999999)
コード例 #21
ファイル: ps9.py プロジェクト: bschewe/Code-Examples
# put your code here -- you just need to change what's in the param_str variable.
d = {}
d['format'] = 'json'
param_str = urllib.urlencode(d)

# (1b) Add (concatenate) the airport and the param_str to the base URL, which is:
#        http://services.faa.gov/airport/status/
#      Store the string in a variable called airport_request.
print '---------------'
baseurl = 'http://services.faa.gov/airport/status/'
airport = 'DTW'
airport_request = baseurl + airport + '?' + param_str # change this line of code so airport_request equals the whole request
# Again, simple -- we're doing this step by step.

## Testing problem 1
test.testEqual(param_str, "format=json", "testing correct output for 1(a)")
test.testEqual(airport_request,"http://services.faa.gov/airport/status/DTW?format=json", "testing correct output for 1(b)")

## Grabbing data off the web
# (2)  Use urllib2.urlopen() to retrieve data from the airport_request address.
# You did a similar thing last week -- but now we're going to move toward getting data 
# and using it.
#      Store the data, in one long string, in a variable called airport_json_str.
print '---------------'

    result = urllib2.urlopen(airport_request)
    airport_json_str = urllib2.urlopen("http://services.faa.gov/airport/status/DTW?format=json").read() # change this line of code
コード例 #22
__author__ = 'ada'

from test import testEqual
from Pythonds.basic.stack import Stack

def revstring(original_string):

    myStack = Stack()
    for each_char in original_string:
        myStack.push(each_char) #=> creeaza a stack with the letters in the original original_string
    # create the reversed string by taking the element from the top of the stack(last inserted, first taken) and insering it into the string

    reversed_string = ""
    while not myStack.isEmpty():
        reversed_string += myStack.pop()

    return reversed_string

testEqual(revstring("caracao"), "oacarac")

コード例 #23
# input format: a: [[start1,end1,val1],[start2,end2,val2]...]
# first break the input into two parts
def interval_max(a):
    pair = []
    one = []
    length = len(a)
    for i in range(length):
        one = []
        one = []
    max_sum = 0
    cur = pair[0][1]
    for i in range(2*length):
        max_sum = max_sum+pair[i][1]
        if (max_sum > cur):
            cur = max_sum 
    return cur              


コード例 #24
#    percent = num_e / num_char
#    percent = str(percent)
#    percent = str("num_e" + "percent")

#    print("The text contains" + num_char " alphabetic characters, of which " 105 (43.75%)" + " are 'e'.")

# Don't copy these tests into Vocareum!
# Note that depending on whether you use str.format or string concatenation
# your code will pass different tests. As long as your code passes either
# tests 1-3 OR tests 4-6, it should pass in Vocareum. See below for more details.
from test import testEqual

# Tests 1-3: solutions using string concatenation should pass these
text1 = "Eeeee"
answer1 = "The text contains 5 alphabetic characters, of which 5 (100.0%) are 'e'."
testEqual(analyze_text(text1), answer1)

text2 = "Blueberries are tasteee!"
answer2 = "The text contains 21 alphabetic characters, of which 7 (33.3333333333%) are 'e'."
testEqual(analyze_text(text2), answer2)

text3 = "Wright's book, Gadsby, contains a total of 0 of that most common symbol ;)"
answer3 = "The text contains 55 alphabetic characters, of which 0 (0.0%) are 'e'."
testEqual(analyze_text(text3), answer3)

# Tests 4-6: solutions using str.format should pass these
text4 = "Eeeee"
answer4 = "The text contains 5 alphabetic characters, of which 5 (100%) are 'e'."
testEqual(analyze_text(text4), answer4)

text5 = "Blueberries are tasteee!"
コード例 #25
from test import testEqual

def is_even(n):
    return n % 2 == 0
testEqual(is_even(10), True)
testEqual(is_even(5), False)
testEqual(is_even(1), False)
testEqual(is_even(0), True)
コード例 #26
'''import math

def calculate_area(radius):
    return math.pi * radius ** 2
'''import math
def area_of_circle(radius):
    return math.pi*radius**2
    print (area_of_circle(1))
''''(GRADED) Write a function areaOfCircle(r) which returns the area of a circle of radius r.
 Make sure you use the math module in your solution.'''

from test import testEqual
import math

# TODO: use def to define a function called areaOfCircle which takes an argument called r
# TODO implment your function to return the area of a circle whose radius is r
def areaOfCircle(r):
    return math.pi * r**2

t = areaOfCircle(0)
testEqual(t, 0)
t = areaOfCircle(1)
testEqual(t, math.pi)
t = areaOfCircle(100)
testEqual(t, 31415.926535897932)
コード例 #27
ファイル: Ch9. Ex.py プロジェクト: rarose67/Python-practice-
    while i < len(original_string):
        #print("At the start of the loop, i is:", i, "and the string is:", new_str)
        if (original_string[i:i+len(substr)] == substr) and (found == False):
            i += len(substr)
            found = True
            new_str += original_string[i]
            i += 1
        #print("At the end of the loop, i is:", i, "and the string is:", new_str)
    return new_str

testEqual(remove('an', 'banana'), 'bana')
testEqual(remove('cyc', 'bicycle'), 'bile')
testEqual(remove('iss', 'Mississippi'), 'Missippi')
testEqual(remove('egg', 'bicycle'), 'bicycle')
testEqual(remove('oo', 'Yahoohoo'), 'Yahhoo')

#4. Write a function reverse that receives a string argument, and returns a reversed version of the string.
from test import testEqual

def reverse(text):
    # your code here
    new_str = ""
    for char in text:
        new_str = char + new_str
コード例 #28
            return True
    print('\tTest Failed: expected {} but got {}'.format(expected, actual))
    return False

print("\n------Begin Unit Testing------")
import test

def square(x):
    '''raise x to the second power'''
    return x * x

print('testing square function')
test.testEqual(square(10), 100)

def power_of_3(x):
    # To the third power
    return x * x * x

print('\ntesting cube function')
test.testEqual(power_of_3(2), 8)

def doubling(x):
    return x * 2

コード例 #29
    You are the bouncer outside the door of a seniors only bar.
     People must be 70 or older, otherwise they are not allowed in.
     When a group of friends arrives, your job is to determine whether to accept or reject the group.
     The function below, check_group, is supposed to return a boolean indicating whether or not the group is allowed inside.
     But it’s not working!


# return True if every member of the group is at least 70, otherwise return False
def check_group(ages):
    for age in ages:
        if age < 70:
            return False
    return True

from test import testEqual

# this group should not be allowed inside the bar
group = [78, 71, 25, 84]
testEqual(check_group(group), False)

# this group should also not be allowed inside the bar
group2 = [2, 99]
testEqual(check_group(group2), False)

# this loner is allowed
group3 = [99]
testEqual(check_group(group3), True)
コード例 #30
ファイル: ex4.py プロジェクト: lcantillo00/python-exercises
# def remove(substr,theStr):
#     # your code here
#     strIndex=theStr.find(substr)
#     if strIndex<0:
#         return theStr
#     else:
#         newstring=theStr[:strIndex]+theStr[strIndex+len(substr):]
#         return newstring
# testEqual(remove('an', 'banana'), 'bana')
# testEqual(remove('cyc', 'bicycle'), 'bile')
# testEqual(remove('iss', 'Mississippi'), 'Missippi')
# testEqual(remove('egg', 'bicycle'), 'bicycle')
# testEqual(remove('oo', 'Yahoohoo'), 'Yahhoo')
# ///////////////////////////////////////
from test import testEqual

def reverse(text):
    w = ''
    for x in text:
        w = x + w
    return w

testEqual(reverse("happy"), "yppah")
testEqual(reverse("Python"), "nohtyP")
testEqual(reverse(""), "")
コード例 #31
ファイル: Ch6. Ex.py プロジェクト: rarose67/Python-practice-

if __name__ == "__main__":

"""5. Write a function called is_even(n) that takes an integer as an argument and returns True if the argument is an even number and False if it is odd. Note that instead of printing out the results we are using test statements. The goal is to pass all the tests that are listed underneath the function you will write. You do not need to add a main function to this code to run it."""
from test import testEqual

def is_even(n):
    # your code here
    if (n % 2) == 0:
        return True
        return False

testEqual(is_even(10), True)
testEqual(is_even(5), False)
testEqual(is_even(1), False)
testEqual(is_even(0), True)

#6. Now write the function is_odd(n) that returns True when n is odd and False otherwise.
from test import testEqual

def is_odd(n):
    # Your code here
     # your code here
    if (n % 2) != 0:
        return True
        return False
コード例 #32
from test import testEqual

def reverse(s):
    y = ""
    w = len(s)
    for x in range(len(s)):
        y += s[w - 1]
        w -= 1
    return y

testEqual(reverse("hello"), "olleh")
testEqual(reverse("l"), "l")
testEqual(reverse("follow"), "wollof")
testEqual(reverse(""), "")
コード例 #33
# TODO: use def to define a function called areaOfCircle which takes an argument called r
import math

# TODO implement your function to return the area of a circle whose radius is r
def areaOfCircle(r):
    a = r**2 * math.pi
    return a

# Below are some tests which can give you an indication that your code seems to be correct.
# IMPORTANT: You should NOT include this part when you submit in Vocareum.
# When you submit, only include the function above.
from test import testEqual

t = areaOfCircle(0)
testEqual(t, 0)
t = areaOfCircle(1)
testEqual(t, math.pi)
t = areaOfCircle(100)
testEqual(t, 31415.926535897932)
t = areaOfCircle(-1)
testEqual(t, math.pi)
t = areaOfCircle(-5)
testEqual(t, 25 * math.pi)
t = areaOfCircle(2.3)
testEqual(t, 16.61902513749)
コード例 #34
ファイル: finalproject.py プロジェクト: mzervas/portfolio
		return self.time
	def militaryto12(self):
		time1 = self.time[11:]
		time2 = int(time1[:2])
		if time2 > 12:
			return str(time2-12)+':'+time1[3:]+' PM'
newdlist = []
for x in dlist:
	one = DateTime(str(x))
	print one

test.testEqual(one.militaryto12(), '6:30:00 PM')	

strlist = []
for x in biglist:
	date2 = x['datetime_local']
	address = x['venue']['address']
	location2 = x['venue']['display_location']
	venue = x['venue']['name']
#	for d in newdlist:
		#date1 = d
	date3 = DateTime(str(date2))
	for y in x['performers']:
		name = y['name']
		if name in blist:
			strings = "%s is coming to %s on %s at %s at %s at %s." % (name, location2, date2[:10], date3.militaryto12(), venue, address)
コード例 #35
		return self.time

	def militaryto12(self):
		time1 = self.time[11:]
		time2 = int(time1[:2])
		if time2 > 12:
			return str(time2-12)+':'+time1[3:]+' PM'

newdlist = []
for x in dlist:
	one = DateTime(str(x))

test.testEqual(one.militaryto12(), '6:30:00 PM')

strlist = []
for x in biglist:
	date2 = x['datetime_local']
	address = x['venue']['address']
	location2 = x['venue']['display_location']
	venue = x['venue']['name']
#	for d in newdlist:
		#date1 = d
	date3 = DateTime(str(date2))
	for y in x['performers']:
		name = y['name']
		if name in blist:
			strings = "%s is coming to %s on %s at %s at %s at %s." % (name, location2, date2[:10], date3.militaryto12(), venue, address)
コード例 #36
    """ Point class for representing and manipulating x,y coordinates. """
    def __init__(self, initX, initY):

        self.x = initX
        self.y = initY

    def distanceFromOrigin(self):
        return ((self.x**2) + (self.y**2))**0.5

    def move(self, dx, dy):
        self.x = self.x + dx
        self.y = self.y + dy

import test

#testing instance variables x and y
p = Point(3, 4)
test.testEqual(p.y, 4)
test.testEqual(p.x, 3)

#testing the distance method
p = Point(3, 4)
test.testEqual(p.distanceFromOrigin(), 5.0)

#testing the move method
p = Point(3, 4)
p.move(-2, 3)
test.testEqual(p.x, 1)
test.testEqual(p.y, 7)
コード例 #37
from test import testEqual

testEqual('Python'[1], 'y')
testEqual('Strings are sequences of characters.'[5], 'g')
testEqual(len('wonderful'), 9)
testEqual('Mystery'[:4], 'Myst')
testEqual('p' in 'Pineapple', True)
testEqual('apple' in 'Pineapple', True)
testEqual('pear' not in 'Pineapple', True)
testEqual('apple' > 'pineapple', False)
testEqual('pineapple' < 'Peach', False)

def num_digits(n):
    n_str = str(n)
    return len(n_str)

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

from test import testEqual
コード例 #38

    return sorted_contact_list

#if __name__ == "__main__":
#    main()

# The code below is just for your testing purposes. Make sure you pass all the tests.
# In Vocareum, only put code for the sort_contacts function above
from test import testEqual

        "Horney, Karen": ("1-541-656-3010", "*****@*****.**"),
        "Welles, Orson": ("1-312-720-8888", "*****@*****.**"),
        "Freud, Anna": ("1-541-754-3010", "*****@*****.**")
    }), [('Freud, Anna', '1-541-754-3010', '*****@*****.**'),
         ('Horney, Karen', '1-541-656-3010', '*****@*****.**'),
         ('Welles, Orson', '1-312-720-8888', '*****@*****.**')])
#testEqual(sort_contacts({"Summitt, Pat": ("1-865-355-4320", "*****@*****.**"),
#    "Rudolph, Wilma": ("1-410-5313-584", "*****@*****.**")}),
#    [('Rudolph, Wilma', '1-410-5313-584', '*****@*****.**'),
#    ('Summitt, Pat', '1-865-355-4320', '*****@*****.**')])
#testEqual(sort_contacts({"Dinesen, Isak": ("1-718-939-2548", "*****@*****.**")}),
#    [('Dinesen, Isak', '1-718-939-2548', '*****@*****.**')])
#testEqual(sort_contacts({"Rimbaud, Arthur": ("1-636-555-5555", "*****@*****.**"),
#    "Swinton, Tilda": ("1-917-222-2222", "*****@*****.**"),
#    "Almodovar, Pedro": ("1-990-622-3892", "*****@*****.**"), "Kandinsky, Wassily":
#    ("1-333-555-9999", "*****@*****.**")}), [('Almodovar, Pedro', '1-990-622-3892',
#    '*****@*****.**'), ('Kandinsky, Wassily', '1-333-555-9999', '*****@*****.**'),
#    ('Rimbaud, Arthur', '1-636-555-5555', '*****@*****.**'), ('Swinton, Tilda',
コード例 #39
    # Your code here
    count = 0
    i = 0
    d = {}
    while i < len(l):
        first = l[i]
        j = i + 1
        while j < len(l):
            second = l[j]
            if second % first == 0:
                mid_count = d.get((j, second), -1)
                if mid_count == -1:
                    mid_count = 0
                    k = j + 1
                    while k < len(l):
                        third = l[k]
                        if third % second == 0:
                            mid_count += 1
                        k += 1
                    d[(j, second)] = mid_count
                count += mid_count
            j += 1
        i += 1
    return count

test.testEqual(solution([1, 1, 1]), 1)
test.testEqual(solution([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), 3)
test.testEqual(solution([1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 5, 10, 15]), 13)

コード例 #40
from test import testEqual

def removeWhite(s):
    s.replace(" ", "")
    s.replace("‘", "")
    return s

def isPal(s):
    if len(s) == 1 or len(s) == 0:
        return True

    for i in range(len(s) // 2):
        if s[i] == s[-1 - i]:
            return True
            return False

testEqual(isPal(removeWhite("x")), True)
testEqual(isPal(removeWhite("radar")), True)
testEqual(isPal(removeWhite("hello")), False)
testEqual(isPal(removeWhite("")), True)
testEqual(isPal(removeWhite("hannah")), True)
testEqual(isPal(removeWhite("madam i'm adam")), True)
コード例 #41
ファイル: ex6.py プロジェクト: lcantillo00/python-exercises
# from test import testEqual
# import math
# def findHypot(a,b):
#     return math.sqrt( (a**2) + (b**2) )
# testEqual(findHypot(12.0, 5.0), 13.0)
# testEqual(findHypot(14.0, 48.0), 50.0)
# testEqual(findHypot(21.0, 72.0), 75.0)
# testEqual(findHypot(1, 1.73205), 1.999999)
from test import testEqual

def is_odd(n):
    # Your code here
    if n%2 !=0:
        return True
        return False

testEqual(is_odd(10), False)
testEqual(is_odd(5), True)
testEqual(is_odd(1), True)
testEqual(is_odd(0), False)
コード例 #42
def sum_all(nums):
    # your code here
    found_first = False
    total = 0

    for n in nums:
        if not found_first and n % 2 == 0:
            found_first = True

        total += n

    return total

print(sum_all([1, 2, 3, 4]))

from test import testEqual

testEqual(sum_of_initial_odds([1, 3, 1, 4, 3, 8]), 5)
testEqual(sum_of_initial_odds([6, 1, 3, 5, 7]), 0)
testEqual(sum_of_initial_odds([1, -7, 10, 23]), -6)
testEqual(sum_of_initial_odds(range(1, 555, 2)), 76729)
コード例 #43
import test

test.testEqual(sorted([1, 7, 4]), [1, 4, 7])
test.testEqual(sorted([1, 7, 4], reverse=True), [7, 4, 1])
コード例 #44


def bubble_sort(alist):
    exchanges = True
    passnum = len(alist) - 1
    while passnum > 0 and exchanges:
        exchanges = False
        for i in range(passnum):
            if alist[i] > alist[i + 1]:
                exchanges = True
                temp = alist[i]
                alist[i] = alist[i + 1]
                alist[i + 1] = temp
        passnum = passnum - 1
    return alist

from test import testEqual

testEqual(bubble_sort([0]), [0])  # Sorts a single element, returns same list
testEqual(bubble_sort([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
          [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])  # Sorted list is the same
testEqual(bubble_sort([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
testEqual(bubble_sort([4, 5, 3, 1, 2]), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
コード例 #45
ファイル: ex_6_8.py プロジェクト: wchuangnutshell/Hello-World
from test import testEqual

def is_odd(n):
    if n%2!=0:
        return True
        return False

testEqual(is_odd(10), False)
testEqual(is_odd(5), True)
testEqual(is_odd(1), True)
testEqual(is_odd(0), False)