def RL_MLP ( self, TopN, maxiter, ep_decay, paralistRL, Symbol, NetworkType, PorPV, TRCost, Tau_w, Tau_s ): ### GET TRAINING, VALIDATION, and TEST DATA pathsTRVL, pathsTEST = self.getData ( NetworkType, PorPV ) # length of input vector if PorPV == 'VP': W = 32 elif PorPV == 'VPV': W = 64 H = 1 ### START TRAINING ### ################################################################################# for f in range ( len ( pathsTRVL ) ): XTr,YTr, XVal,YVal = self.DRead.setData_TRVL ( pathsTRVL[f] ) trm = TR.trainModel ( 1.0, 0.1, ep_decay, self.num_actions, 0.99, maxiter ) trm.set_Data( XTr, YTr, XVal, YVal ) # MLP Net = oM.constructDense ( self.num_actions, W ) Net_T = oM.constructDense ( self.num_actions, W ) state = tf.random_uniform ( [1,W], 0, 1 ) # copy weights Net ( state, False ) Net_T ( state, False ) Net.save_weights ( './para/Network' ) Net_T.load_weights ( './para/Network' ) # start training trm.start_training( Symbol, Net, Net_T, W, H, f, paralistRL, TopN ) ### START TESTING ### ################################################################################## tsm = TS.testModel( self.num_actions ) WtList = tsm.get_foldername_list ( './'+ Symbol + '/weights/' ) initAsset = 1.0 for f in range ( len (pathsTEST ) ): XVal, XTest,YTest,WTest = self.DRead.setData_Test ( pathsTEST[f] ) tsm = TS.testModel ( self.num_actions ) tsm.set_Data ( XVal, XTest, YTest, WTest ) Net = oM.constructDense ( self.num_actions, W ) initAsset = tsm.start_testing ( Symbol, Net, W, H, f, WtList[f], Tau_w, Tau_s, initAsset, (TRCost / 2.0) )
def main(): startTime = train_data, train_labels, bestN, bestK = trainModel() print('finished training the model', - startTime) carList = testModel(train_data, train_labels, bestN, bestK) print('finished', - startTime) print(carList) return carList
def main(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-p", "--testpath", dest="test_path", help="provide the test root path") parser.add_option("--resultpath", dest="result_path", help="provide the result path") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() test_path = options.test_path result_path = options.result_path train_start = time.time() trainModel() train_end = time.time() elasped_time = train_end-train_start print(humanTime(elasped_time)) test_start = time.time() testModel(test_path,result_path) test_end = time.time() elasped_time = test_end-test_start print(humanTime(elasped_time))
def SL_MLP(self, TopN, maxiter, paralistSL, Symbol, NetworkType, PorPV, TRCost, Tau_w, Tau_s): ### GET TRAINING, VALIDATION, and TEST DATA pathsTRVL, pathsTEST = self.getData(NetworkType, PorPV) # length of input vector if PorPV == 'VP': W = 32 elif PorPV == 'VPV': W = 64 H = 1 ### START TRAINING ### ################################################################################# for f in range(len(pathsTRVL)): XTr, YTr, XVal, YVal = self.DRead.setData_TRVL(pathsTRVL[f]) trm = TR.trainModel(self.num_actions, maxiter) trm.set_Data(XTr, YTr, XVal, YVal) # MLP Net = oM.constructDense(self.num_actions, W) # start training trm.start_training(Symbol, Net, W, H, f, paralistSL, TopN) ### START TESTING ### ################################################################################## tsm = TS.testModel(self.num_actions) WtList = tsm.get_foldername_list('./' + Symbol + '/weights/') initAsset = 1.0 for f in range(len(pathsTEST)): XVal, XTest, YTest, WTest = self.DRead.setData_Test(pathsTEST[f]) tsm = TS.testModel(self.num_actions) tsm.set_Data(XVal, XTest, YTest, WTest) Net = oM.constructDense(self.num_actions, W) initAsset = tsm.start_testing(Symbol, Net, W, H, f, WtList[f], Tau_w, Tau_s, initAsset, (TRCost / 2.0))
print('training ') step = 77064 BAcc = 0 for i in range(config.START_EPOCH, config.TOTAL_EPOCHS ): AvgLoss = 0 for batch_idx, (img, label) in enumerate(ds_train): step += 1 lr = lr_schedule.__call__(step) optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=lr, beta_1=0.9) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: output = vision_transformer(img, training=True) loss = loss_fn(label, output) AvgLoss += loss gradients = tape.gradient(loss, vision_transformer.trainable_weights) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, vision_transformer.trainable_weights)) # show loss if batch_idx % config.LOG_LOSS == 0: AvgLoss = AvgLoss / float(config.LOG_LOSS) print(f'[epoch: %4d/ ' % i + 'EPOCHS: %4d]\t' % config.TOTAL_EPOCHS + '[step: %6d/ ' % step + 'STEPS: %6d]\t' % config.TOTAL_STEPS + '[loss:%.4f]' % AvgLoss + ' [learning rate: %.6f]' % lr) AvgLoss = 0 if i % config.LOG_EPOCH == 0: acc = testModel(vision_transformer) if acc > BAcc: vision_transformer.save_weights(config.SAVE_PATH) BAcc = acc print(f'saved path: {config.SAVE_PATH}') print(f'test ---> [epoch: %4d/ ' % (i+config.START_EPOCH) + 'EPOCHS:%4d]\t' % config.TOTAL_EPOCHS + '[acc:%.4f' % acc + ', BAcc:%.4f]' % BAcc)
import argparse from train import trainModel from test import testModel def parseArguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-t', '--train', action='store_true', help='train the model', dest='train') return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': args = parseArguments() if args.train: trainModel() else: testModel()
import train import test import torch import numpy as np if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--config',dest="config", default="config.yaml") #config = load(open(parser.parse_args().config)) with open("config.yaml", 'r') as stream: try: config = yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) if config['train']: model, lossHist = train.trainModel(config), config['modelLoc'] + config['runName'] + "Weights.pth") #Saves only weights (need to create model object and load this), config['modelLoc'] + config['runName'] + "Full.pth") #Saves entire Model (not advised, can break lot of ways due to directory issue) if config['test']: confMatrix, metrics = test.testModel(config)['modelLoc'] + config['runName'] + "Confusion.npy",confMatrix) f = open(config['modelLoc'] + config['runName'] + "Metrics.txt",'w+') f.write(metrics) f.close()
from sys import argv print(argv) if len(argv) > 2: raise Exception("A maximum of 1 argument can be called at a time. " + \ "You have called %d arguments : %s" % (len(argv) - 1, str(argv[1:]))) if "-on" in argv or "--online" in argv: import online elif "-tr" in argv or "--train" in argv: import train train.trainModel() elif "-te" in argv or "--test" in argv: import test test.testModel()
torch.cuda.manual_seed(1) net = ConvNet(4) if haveCuda: net = net.cuda() criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(),, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True, weight_decay=1e-4) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, numEpoch, eta_min=1e-2) for epoch in range(numEpoch): loss, acc = train(epoch, train_loader) train_accs.append(acc) train_losses.append(loss) loss, acc = val(epoch, test_loader) val_accs.append(acc) val_losses.append(loss) scheduler.step() if acc > best_acc: print("Best Model, Saving") best_acc = acc, model_dir) # Results plotResults(numEpoch, train_accs, train_losses, val_accs, val_losses) testModel(targets, train_loader, batch_size, model_dir)
for node in nodeMap.itervalues(): f.write(unicode(node.outputAlphaVector()) + u'\n') if distribution: outputAllNodeDistributions() if partitions: outputAllFactorPartitions() if alphas: outputAllAlphaVectors() if __name__ == "__main__": alltuples = [] with'tuples.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: def _converter(line): kanji, furigana = line.split() return (kanji, furigana) alltuples = map(_converter, f.readlines()) print ' ** Training set contains %d tuples.' % (len(alltuples)) TOTAL_TRIAL = 3 for trial in range(TOTAL_TRIAL): learn(trial, alltuples) adjustParameters() outputResult(trial) print ' ** Start testing:' testModel(nodeMap) print ' ** All done. Output written to files.'