コード例 #1
def load_tests_from_map(tests, debugs = []):
  Loads tests from tests/tests.xml configuration file

  \param tests {} : Test by serial. { str: [ Test ] }
  \return True if loaded successfully and all tests validated
  # Load test directory
  tests_xml_path = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, 'tests.xml')
    doc = minidom.parse(tests_xml_path)
  except IOError:
    print >> sys.stderr, "Could not load tests description from '%s'. IOError, file may be invalid."%(tests_xml_path)
    return False  
  except Exception:
    print >> sys.stderr, "Could not load tests description from '%s'. Unknown exception."%(tests_xml_path)
    import traceback
    return False  
  # Loads tests by serial number of part
  test_elements = doc.getElementsByTagName('test')
  for tst in test_elements:
    if not tst.attributes.has_key('serial'):
      print >> sys.stderr, "Tst XML element does not have attribute \"serial\". Unable to load. XML: %s" % str(tst)
      return False
    serial = tst.attributes['serial'].value
    if not len(serial) == 7: 
      print >> sys.stderr, "Serial number is invalid: %s" % serial
      return False

    if not tst.attributes.has_key('file'):
      print >> sys.stderr, "Test XML element does not have attribute \"file\". Unable to load. XML: %s" % str(tst)
      return False
    test_file = tst.attributes['file'].value

    if not tst.attributes.has_key('descrip'):
      print >> sys.stderr, "Test XML element does not have attribute \"descrip\". Unable to load. XML: %s" % str(tst)
      return False
    descrip = tst.attributes['descrip'].value

    # Mark as debug test, which allows us to run outside debug mode
    debug_test = tst.attributes.has_key('debug') and tst.attributes['debug'].value.lower() == "true"
    if debug_test:

    test_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, test_file))
    test_dir = os.path.dirname(test_path)
    test_str = open(test_path).read()

    my_test = Test(descrip, serial[3:7])
      if not my_test.load(test_str, test_dir):
        print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to load test %s" % descrip
        return False
    except Exception, e:
      print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to load test %s" % descrip
      import traceback
      return False

    my_test.debug_ok = debug_test

    tests.setdefault(serial, []).append(my_test)
コード例 #2
def load_configs_from_map(config_files):
  Loads configuration scripts from config/configs.xml configuration file

  \param tests {} : Configs by serial. { str: [ Test ] }
  \return True if loaded successfully and all tests validated
  # Load part configuration scripts
  config_xml_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'configs.xml')
    doc = minidom.parse(config_xml_path)
  except IOError:
    print >> sys.stderr, "Could not load configuation scripts from '%s'. IOError, file may be invalid."%(config_xml_path)
    return False
  except Exception:
    print >> sys.stderr, "Could not load tests description from '%s'. Unknown exception."%(tests_xml_path)
    import traceback
    return False  
  config_elements = doc.getElementsByTagName('config')
  for conf in config_elements:
    if not conf.attributes.has_key('serial'):
      print >> sys.stderr, "Test XML element does not have attribute \"serial\". Unable to load. XML: %s" % str(conf)
      return False
    serial = conf.attributes['serial'].value
    if not len(serial) == 7: 
      print >> sys.stderr, "Serial number is invalid: %s" % serial
      return False

    if not conf.attributes.has_key('file'):
      print >> sys.stderr, "Test XML element does not have attribute \"file\". Unable to load. XML: %s" % str(conf)
      return False
    test_file = conf.attributes['file'].value

    if not conf.attributes.has_key('descrip'):
      print >> sys.stderr, "Test XML element does not have attribute \"descrip\". Unable to load. XML: %s" % str(conf)
      return False
    descrip = conf.attributes['descrip'].value
    powerboard = True
    if conf.attributes.has_key('powerboard'):
      powerboard = conf.attributes['powerboard'].value.lower() == "true"
    timeout = 600
    if conf.attributes.has_key('timeout'):
      timeout = int(conf.attributes['timeout'].value)

    # Generate test XML. If we need power board, add prestartup/shutdown
    # to turn on/off power
    tst = ['<test name="%s" id="%s" >' % (descrip, serial)]
    if powerboard:
      tst.append('<pre_startup name="Power On" timeout="30">scripts/power_cycle.launch</pre_startup>')
    tst.append('<pre_startup name="%s" timeout="%d">config/%s</pre_startup>' % (descrip, timeout, test_file))
    tst.append('<subtest name="%s Test" timeout="30">config/subtest_conf.launch</subtest>' % (descrip))
    if powerboard:
      tst.append('<shutdown name="Shutdown" timeout="30">scripts/power_board_disable.launch</shutdown>')

    test_str = '\n'.join(tst)

    my_conf = Test(descrip, serial[3:7])
    if not my_conf.load(test_str, QUAL_DIR):
      print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to load test %s" % descrip
      print >> sys.stderr, "Test XML: %s" % tst
      return False
    my_conf.debug_ok = conf.attributes.has_key('debug') and conf.attributes['debug'].value.lower() == "true"
    config_files.setdefault(serial, []).append(my_conf)

  return True