def getLogFilesInDirectory(directory=None): testLogs.INFO( "FUNCTION : Getting Log files in directory : {}".format(directory)) if directory == None: testLogs.ERROR("Kindly provide the directory to get log files") exit(1) try: files = os.listdir(directory) except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR( "Could not get files from the directory : {}".format(directory)) testLogs.ERROR(E) exit(1) filesDict = {} for file in files: if '_' not in file: continue angle = file.split('.')[0].split("_")[-1] try: angle = int(angle) filesDict[angle] = file except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR( "This file is not is expected format : {}".format(file)) #for ele in filesDict: # print ("{} : {}".format(ele, filesDict[ele])) return filesDict
def getAggregateValue(): try: return data[-1].split(',')[aggregateColumn] except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR("Could not get AGGREGATE value") testLogs.ERROR(E) exit(1)
def writeXlFileColums(xlFile=None, data=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], rowStart=wifiConfig.xlRowStart, colStart=wifiConfig.xlColStart): if xlFile == None: testLogs.ERROR("Please provide XL file to parse") exit(1) testLogs.INFO( "FUNCTION : Writing colum data in XL file : {}".format(xlFile)) fileExist = os.path.exists(xlFile) if fileExist != True: try: wb = openpyxl.Workbook() wb.create_sheet("sheet1", 0) = 0 except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR("Could not create XL file : {}".format(xlFile)) testLogs.ERROR(E) else: wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(xlFile.strip(), data_only=True) currentSheet = rowEnd = rowStart + len(data) for index, row in enumerate(range(rowStart, rowEnd)): cellToModify = currentSheet.cell(row=row, column=colStart) cellToModify.value = data[index]
def readXlFileRows(xlFile=None, rowStart=wifiConfig.xlRowStart, colStart=wifiConfig.xlColStart, numberOfCols=wifiConfig.xlTotalCols): if xlFile == None: testLogs.ERROR("Please provide XL file to parse") exit(1) testLogs.INFO("FUNCTION : Reading row data in XL file : {}".format(xlFile)) try: wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(xlFile.strip(), data_only=True) = 0 except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR("Could not open XL file : {}".format(xlFile)) testLogs.ERROR(E) currentSheet = colEnd = colStart + numberOfCols # Read row values from XL file values = [] for col in range(colStart, colEnd): testLogs.INFO("Row Col : {} {}".format(rowStart, col)) cellToRead = currentSheet.cell(row=rowStart, column=col) testLogs.INFO(cellToRead.value) values.append(cellToRead.value) testLogs.INFO("Values of Row No {} is : {}".format(rowStart, values)) return values
def insertXlImage(xlFile=None, xlImage=None, row=1, col=1): if xlFile == None: testLogs.ERROR("Please provide XL file to parse") exit(1) if xlImage == None: testLogs.ERROR("Please provide Image file to insert") exit(1) testLogs.INFO("FUNCTION : Inser a Image {} file into XL file : {}".format( xlImage, xlFile)) fileExist = os.path.exists(xlFile) if fileExist != True: try: wb = openpyxl.Workbook() wb.create_sheet("sheet1", 0) = 0 except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR("Could not create XL file : {}".format(xlFile)) testLogs.ERROR(E) else: testLogs.INFO(xlFile) testLogs.INFO(xlFile.strip()) wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(xlFile, data_only=True) ws = img = openpyxl.drawing.image.Image(xlImage) ws.add_image(img, '{}{}'.format(chr(col + 64), row))
def getValues(row, col): try: return data[row].split(',')[col] except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR("Could not get value from ROW : {}, COL : {}".format( row, col)) testLogs.ERROR(E) exit(1)
def createDirectory(directory=None): if directory == None: testLogs.ERROR("Please provide a directory name to create") exit(1) testLogs.INFO("Directory is about to create in : {}".format(directory)) try: if os.path.exists(directory) == False: os.mkdir(directory) testLogs.SUCCESS("Directory created") except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR(E) exit(1)
def writeIntoTtSerialPort(data=None): if data == None: testLogs.ERROR( "Please provide data to write into Turn Table's serial port") exit(1) try: ser = serial.Serial(wifiConfig.ttPort, wifiConfig.ttBaudrate) ser.write(data) ser.close() except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR("Could not write into Turn Table's serial port") testLogs.ERROR(E) exit(1)
def readDataFromFile(file=None): if file == None: testLogs.ERROR("Kindly provide a file to read") exit(1) global data try: fd = open(file, 'r') data = fd.readlines() fd.close() except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR("Could not open and read from file : {}".format(file)) testLogs.ERROR(E) exit(1)
def getTpInLogFiles(filesDict=None, logFolder=None): testLogs.INFO("FUNCTION : Reading Throughput from many files") if filesDict == None: testLogs.ERROR("Kindly provide data to parse...") exit(1) if logFolder != None: logDirectory = logFolder testLogs.INFO("----LOG FOLDER : {}".format(logDirectory)) testLogs.INFO("----FILES : {}".format(filesDict)) tpts = [] # testLogs.INFO("File : {}".format(filesDict)) for ang in range(10, 361, 10): file = logDirectory + filesDict[ang] fd = open(file, 'r') lines = fd.readlines() # prints.INFO("LINES : {}".format(lines)) tp = int(float(lines[-1].split(' ')[-2])) fd.close() tpts.append(tp) return tpts
def killLocalIperf(): """ To terminate all the iperf tasks running in backbone PC Arguments : None Returns : True, On successful termination of iperf tasks False, On failure of terminating iperf tasks """ testLogs.INFO("FUNCTION : Terminating Local Iperf tasks") # Windows command to get all the running task ps = os.popen('wmic process get description').read() if wifiConfig.iperf in ps: # Windows command to kill all the running iperf task s = os.system("taskkill /f /im {}".format(wifiConfig.iperf)) if s != 0: testLogs.ERROR("Could Not kill {}".format(wifiConfig.iperf)) return False testLogs.SUCCESS("Terminated the process : {}".format( wifiConfig.iperf)) else: testLogs.STATUS("Process {} Not found".format(wifiConfig.iperf)) return True
def generateIndividualTestReport(): testLogs.INFO("FUNCTION : Generating individual test reports") if wifiConfig.test == 0 or wifiConfig.test == 1: log = "{}_{}_{}_{}".format(wifiConfig.streams[], wifiConfig.bands[], wifiConfig.protocols[wifiConfig.protocol], wifiConfig.links[]) elif wifiConfig.test == 2 or wifiConfig.test == 3: log = "{}_{}_{}".format(wifiConfig.streams[], wifiConfig.protocols[wifiConfig.protocol], wifiConfig.links[]) #### Generating report files from throughput files files = logParser.getLogFilesInDirectory(wifiConfig.iperfLogDirectory) throughputs = logParser.getTpInLogFiles(files, wifiConfig.iperfLogDirectory) logFile = wifiConfig.iperfLogDirectory + "throughputs.txt" testLogs.INFO("Log file is : {}".format(logFile)) try: fd = open(logFile, 'w+') fd.write(' '.join([str(tp) for tp in throughputs])) fd.close() except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR("Could not write throughputs in throughputs.txt file") testLogs.ERROR(E) exit(1) testLogs.INFO("Throughputs : {}".format(throughputs)) graphName = wifiConfig.iperfLogDirectory + log graphs.createSingleRadarGraph(throughputs, graphName) throughputs = throughputs[:-1] graphs.createSingleBarGraph(throughputs, graphName) xlFileName = graphName + '.xlsx' createXlFile(xlFileName, throughputs) xlParser.insertXlImage(xlFileName, graphName + '_RADAR.png', 3, 5) xlParser.insertXlImage(xlFileName, graphName + '_BAR.png', 3, 15) return 0
def runLocalIperfClient(): """ Running iperf client in backbone PC which is connected with AP Arguments : None Returns : True, On successful start of iperf client False, On failure in starting iperf client """ testLogs.INFO("FUNCTION : Running Local Iperf Client") command = "{} -c {} -i 1 -f m -w {} -p {} -t {} ".format( wifiConfig.iperf, wifiConfig.remoteIP, wifiConfig.windowSize, wifiConfig.listeningPort, wifiConfig.executionTime) if == 1: command += "-P {}".format(wifiConfig.numberOfStream) testLogs.INFO(command) try: p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() out = str(out) err = str(err) if err == "b''": return out testLogs.ERROR(err) return False except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR("Could not start the {} client...".format( wifiConfig.iperf)) testLogs.ERROR(E) return False
def runLocalIperfServer(): """ Running iperf server in backbone PC which is connected with AP Arguments : None Returns : True, On successful start of iperf server False, On failure in starting iperf server """ testLogs.INFO("FUNCTION : Running Local Iperf Server") command = wifiConfig.iperfServer testLogs.INFO(command) try: p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return True except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR("Could not start the {} server...".format( wifiConfig.iperf)) testLogs.ERROR(E) return False
def getTpInLogFile(file=None): testLogs.INFO( "FUNCTION : Reading Throughput in from single file : {}".format(file)) if file == None: testLogs.ERROR("Kindly provide file to parse...") exit(1) tpts = [] try: fd = open(file, 'r') lines = fd.readlines() for line in lines: if "Mbits/sec" in line: # print (line) tp = int(float(line.split(' ')[-2])) fd.close() tpts.append(tp) except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR("Could not open given log file to parse") exit(1) return tpts
def runTest(): testLogs.INFO("FUNCTION : Run the AVM test") if wifiConfig.test == 0 or wifiConfig.test == 1: log = "{}_{}_{}_{}".format(wifiConfig.streams[], wifiConfig.bands[], wifiConfig.protocols[wifiConfig.protocol], wifiConfig.links[]) elif wifiConfig.test == 2 or wifiConfig.test == 3: log = "{}_{}_{}".format(wifiConfig.streams[], wifiConfig.protocols[wifiConfig.protocol], wifiConfig.links[]) if True: #### Terminate the iperf process which is running already in local PC status = iperf.killLocalIperf() testLogs.STATUS("Kill iperf in local PC status is : {}".format(status)) #### Terminate the iperf process which is running already in remote Station status = iperf.killRemoteIperf(wifiConfig.remoteIP, wifiConfig.remoteUsername, wifiConfig.remotePassword) testLogs.STATUS( "Kill iperf in remote Station status is : {}".format(status)) #### Start the iperf server if iperf.runIperfServer() == False: testLogs.ERROR("Could not start iperf server") exit(1) #### Calculating number of times to rotate the Turn table based on the degree per rotation steps = int(360 / wifiConfig.ttRotateAngle) #### Executing a loop for the given number of steps for step in range(1, steps + 1): testLogs.INFO("=============== RUNNING TEST IS : {}".format(log)) #### Deriving log file name from the parameters testLogs.INFO("Rotate to angle : {}".format( step * wifiConfig.ttRotateAngle)) iperfLogFile = wifiConfig.iperfLogDirectory + log + '_' + str( step * wifiConfig.ttRotateAngle) + ".txt" testLogs.INFO("Iperf Log File : {}".format(iperfLogFile)) #### Rotate turn table to decided angle and wait for turn table to setteld in the position if turnTable.rotateTurnTable(wifiConfig.ttRotateAngle) == False: exit(1) time.sleep((wifiConfig.ttTimePerStep * wifiConfig.ttStepsPerAngle * wifiConfig.ttRotateAngle) + .1) #### Run iperf client in local or remote station based on the command line argument status = iperf.runIperfClient() testLogs.STATUS(status) #### Write iperf client output into log file if status != False: try: fd = open(iperfLogFile, 'w+') fd.close() fd = open(iperfLogFile, 'a') fd.write(status) fd.close() except Exception as E: testLogs.ERROR(E) exit(1) else: testLogs.ERROR("Could Not get output from iperf client") exit(1)