コード例 #1
ファイル: rest.py プロジェクト: securedolphin/namecoin-core
    def run_test(self):
        url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.nodes[0].url)
        self.log.info("Mining blocks...")


        assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50)

        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

                     Decimal("0.1"))  #balance now should be 0.1 on node 1

        # load the latest 0.1 tx over the REST API
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/tx/' + txid + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        vintx = json_obj['vin'][0][
            'txid']  # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
        # get n of 0.1 outpoint
        n = 0
        for vout in json_obj['vout']:
            if vout['value'] == 0.1:
                n = vout['n']

        # GETUTXOS: query an unspent outpoint #
        json_request = '/checkmempool/' + txid + '-' + str(n)
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + json_request + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)

        #check chainTip response
        assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)

        #make sure there is one utxo
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
        assert_equal(json_obj['utxos'][0]['value'], 0.1)

        # GETUTXOS: now query an already spent outpoint #
        json_request = '/checkmempool/' + vintx + '-0'
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + json_request + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)

        #check chainTip response
        assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)

        #make sure there is no utox in the response because this oupoint has been spent
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0)

        #check bitmap
        assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "0")

        # GETUTXOS: now check both with the same request #
        json_request = '/checkmempool/' + txid + '-' + str(
            n) + '/' + vintx + '-0'
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + json_request + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
        assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "10")

        #test binary response
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        binaryRequest = b'\x01\x02'
        binaryRequest += hex_str_to_bytes(txid)
        binaryRequest += pack("i", n)
        binaryRequest += hex_str_to_bytes(vintx)
        binaryRequest += pack("i", 0)

        bin_response = http_post_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'bin', binaryRequest)
        output = BytesIO()
        chainHeight = unpack("i", output.read(4))[0]
        hashFromBinResponse = hex(deser_uint256(output))[2:].zfill(64)

            bb_hash, hashFromBinResponse
        )  #check if getutxo's chaintip during calculation was fine
        assert_equal(chainHeight, 102)  #chain height must be 102

        # GETUTXOS: mempool checks #

        # do a tx and don't sync
        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/tx/' + txid + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        vintx = json_obj['vin'][0][
            'txid']  # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
        # get n of 0.1 outpoint
        n = 0
        for vout in json_obj['vout']:
            if vout['value'] == 0.1:
                n = vout['n']

        json_request = '/' + txid + '-' + str(n)
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + json_request + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
            len(json_obj['utxos']), 0
        )  #there should be an outpoint because it has just added to the mempool

        json_request = '/checkmempool/' + txid + '-' + str(n)
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + json_request + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
            len(json_obj['utxos']), 1
        )  #there should be an outpoint because it has just added to the mempool

        #do some invalid requests
        json_request = '{"checkmempool'
        response = http_post_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json', json_request,
            400)  #must be a 400 because we send an invalid json request

        json_request = '{"checkmempool'
        response = http_post_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'bin', json_request,
            400)  #must be a 400 because we send an invalid bin request

        response = http_post_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos/checkmempool' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'bin', '',
            400)  #must be a 400 because we send an invalid bin request

        #test limits
        json_request = '/checkmempool/'
        for x in range(0, 20):
            json_request += txid + '-' + str(n) + '/'
        json_request = json_request.rstrip("/")
        response = http_post_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + json_request + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json',
            '', True)
                     400)  #must be a 400 because we exceeding the limits

        json_request = '/checkmempool/'
        for x in range(0, 15):
            json_request += txid + '-' + str(n) + '/'
        json_request = json_request.rstrip("/")
        response = http_post_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + json_request + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json',
            '', True)
                     200)  #must be a 200 because we are within the limits

        # Generate a block to not affect upcoming tests.
        auxpow.mineAuxpowBlock(self.nodes[0])  #generate
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        # /rest/block/ #

        # check binary format
        response = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/block/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "bin", True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 80)
        response_str = response.read()

        # compare with block header
        response_header = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/headers/1/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "bin", True)
        assert_equal(response_header.status, 200)
        headerLen = int(response_header.getheader('content-length'))
        assert_greater_than(headerLen, 80)
        response_header_str = response_header.read()
        assert_equal(response_str[0:headerLen], response_header_str)

        # check block hex format
        response_hex = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/block/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "hex", True)
        assert_equal(response_hex.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
        response_hex_str = response_hex.read().strip()
        assert_equal(encode(response_str, "hex_codec"), response_hex_str)

        # compare with hex block header
        response_header_hex = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/headers/1/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "hex", True)
        assert_equal(response_header_hex.status, 200)
            int(response_header_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
        response_header_hex_str = response_header_hex.read().strip()
        headerLen = len(response_header_hex_str)
        assert_equal(response_hex_str[0:headerLen], response_header_hex_str)
        assert_equal(encode(response_header_str, "hex_codec"),

        # check json format
        block_json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/block/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        block_json_obj = json.loads(block_json_string)
        assert_equal(block_json_obj['hash'], bb_hash)

        # compare with json block header
        response_header_json = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/headers/1/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "json",
        assert_equal(response_header_json.status, 200)
        response_header_json_str = response_header_json.read().decode('utf-8')
        json_obj = json.loads(response_header_json_str, parse_float=Decimal)
                     1)  #ensure that there is one header in the json response
                     bb_hash)  #request/response hash should be the same

        #compare with normal RPC block response
        rpc_block_json = self.nodes[0].getblock(bb_hash)
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['hash'], rpc_block_json['hash'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['height'], rpc_block_json['height'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['version'], rpc_block_json['version'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['merkleroot'], rpc_block_json['merkleroot'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['time'], rpc_block_json['time'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['nonce'], rpc_block_json['nonce'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['bits'], rpc_block_json['bits'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['difficulty'], rpc_block_json['difficulty'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['chainwork'], rpc_block_json['chainwork'])

        #see if we can get 5 headers in one response
        response_header_json = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/headers/5/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "json",
        assert_equal(response_header_json.status, 200)
        response_header_json_str = response_header_json.read().decode('utf-8')
        json_obj = json.loads(response_header_json_str)
        assert_equal(len(json_obj), 5)  #now we should have 5 header objects

        # do tx test
        tx_hash = block_json_obj['tx'][0]['txid']
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/tx/' + tx_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['txid'], tx_hash)

        # check hex format response
        hex_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/tx/' + tx_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "hex", True)
        assert_equal(hex_string.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 10)

        # check block tx details
        # let's make 3 tx and mine them on node 1
        txs = []

        # check that there are exactly 3 transactions in the TX memory pool before generating the block
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/mempool/info' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['size'], 3)
        # the size of the memory pool should be greater than 3x ~100 bytes
        assert_greater_than(json_obj['bytes'], 300)

        # check that there are our submitted transactions in the TX memory pool
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/mempool/contents' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        for tx in txs:
            assert_equal(tx in json_obj, True)

        # now mine the transactions
        newblockhash = self.nodes[1].generate(1)

        #check if the 3 tx show up in the new block
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/block/' + newblockhash[0] + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        for tx in json_obj['tx']:
            if not 'coinbase' in tx['vin'][0]:  #exclude coinbase
                assert_equal(tx['txid'] in txs, True)

        #check the same but without tx details
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/notxdetails/' +
            newblockhash[0] + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        for tx in txs:
            assert_equal(tx in json_obj['tx'], True)

        #test rest bestblock
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port,
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['bestblockhash'], bb_hash)

        # Test name handling.
コード例 #2
  def run_test (self):
    BitcoinTestFramework.run_test (self)

    # Generate a block so that we are not "downloading blocks".
    self.nodes[0].generate (1)

    # Compare basic data of getauxblock to getblocktemplate.
    auxblock = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    blocktemplate = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate ()
    assert_equal (auxblock['coinbasevalue'], blocktemplate['coinbasevalue'])
    assert_equal (auxblock['bits'], blocktemplate['bits'])
    assert_equal (auxblock['height'], blocktemplate['height'])
    assert_equal (auxblock['previousblockhash'], blocktemplate['previousblockhash'])

    # Compare target and take byte order into account.
    target = auxblock['_target']
    reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex (target)
    assert_equal (reversedTarget, blocktemplate['target'])

    # Verify data that can be found in another way.
    assert_equal (auxblock['chainid'], 1)
    assert_equal (auxblock['height'], self.nodes[0].getblockcount () + 1)
    assert_equal (auxblock['previousblockhash'], self.nodes[0].getblockhash (auxblock['height'] - 1))

    # Calling again should give the same block.
    auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    assert_equal (auxblock2, auxblock)

    # If we receive a new block, the old hash will be replaced.
    self.sync_all ()
    self.nodes[1].generate (1)
    self.sync_all ()
    auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    assert auxblock['hash'] != auxblock2['hash']
      self.nodes[0].getauxblock (auxblock['hash'], "x")
      raise AssertionError ("invalid block hash accepted")
    except JSONRPCException as exc:
      assert_equal (exc.error['code'], -8)

    # Invalid format for auxpow.
      self.nodes[0].getauxblock (auxblock2['hash'], "x")
      raise AssertionError ("malformed auxpow accepted")
    except JSONRPCException as exc:
      assert_equal (exc.error['code'], -1)

    # Invalidate the block again, send a transaction and query for the
    # auxblock to solve that contains the transaction.
    self.nodes[0].generate (1)
    addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress ()
    txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress (addr, 1)
    self.sync_all ()
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getrawmempool (), [txid])
    auxblock = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    blocktemplate = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate ()
    target = blocktemplate['target']

    # Compute invalid auxpow.
    apow = auxpow.computeAuxpow (auxblock['hash'], target, False)
    res = self.nodes[0].getauxblock (auxblock['hash'], apow)
    assert not res

    # Compute and submit valid auxpow.
    apow = auxpow.computeAuxpow (auxblock['hash'], target, True)
    res = self.nodes[0].getauxblock (auxblock['hash'], apow)
    assert res

    # Make sure that the block is indeed accepted.
    self.sync_all ()
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getrawmempool (), [])
    height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount ()
    assert_equal (height, auxblock['height'])
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getblockhash (height), auxblock['hash'])

    # Call getblock and verify the auxpow field.
    data = self.nodes[1].getblock (auxblock['hash'])
    assert 'auxpow' in data
    auxJson = data['auxpow']
    assert_equal (auxJson['index'], 0)
    assert_equal (auxJson['parentblock'], apow[-160:])

    # Check that previous blocks don't have 'auxpow' in their getblock JSON.
    oldHash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash (100)
    data = self.nodes[1].getblock (oldHash)
    assert 'auxpow' not in data

    # Check that it paid correctly to the first node.
    t = self.nodes[0].listtransactions ("", 1)
    assert_equal (len (t), 1)
    t = t[0]
    assert_equal (t['category'], "immature")
    assert_equal (t['blockhash'], auxblock['hash'])
    assert t['generated']
    assert t['amount'] >= Decimal ("25")
    assert_equal (t['confirmations'], 1)

    # Verify the coinbase script.  Ensure that it includes the block height
    # to make the coinbase tx unique.  The expected block height is around
    # 200, so that the serialisation of the CScriptNum ends in an extra 00.
    # The vector has length 2, which makes up for 02XX00 as the serialised
    # height.  Check this.
    blk = self.nodes[1].getblock (auxblock['hash'])
    tx = self.nodes[1].getrawtransaction (blk['tx'][0], 1)
    coinbase = tx['vin'][0]['coinbase']
    assert_equal ("02%02x00" % auxblock['height'], coinbase[0 : 6])

    # Ensure that the payout address is changed from one block to the next.
    addr1 = self.getCoinbaseAddr (auxblock['hash'])
    newHash = auxpow.mineAuxpowBlock (self.nodes[0])
    self.sync_all ()
    addr2 = self.getCoinbaseAddr (newHash)
    assert addr1 != addr2
    valid = self.nodes[0].validateaddress (addr1)
    assert valid['ismine']
    valid = self.nodes[0].validateaddress (addr2)
    assert valid['ismine']
コード例 #3
    def run_test(self):
        url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.nodes[0].url)
        self.log.info("Mining blocks...")


        assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50)

        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), Decimal("0.1")) #balance now should be 0.1 on node 1

        # load the latest 0.1 tx over the REST API
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+txid+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        vintx = json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'] # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
        # get n of 0.1 outpoint
        n = 0
        for vout in json_obj['vout']:
            if vout['value'] == 0.1:
                n = vout['n']

        # GETUTXOS: query an unspent outpoint #
        json_request = '/checkmempool/'+txid+'-'+str(n)
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)

        #check chainTip response
        assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)

        #make sure there is one utxo
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
        assert_equal(json_obj['utxos'][0]['value'], 0.1)

        # GETUTXOS: now query an already spent outpoint #
        json_request = '/checkmempool/'+vintx+'-0'
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)

        #check chainTip response
        assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)

        #make sure there is no utox in the response because this oupoint has been spent
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0)

        #check bitmap
        assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "0")

        # GETUTXOS: now check both with the same request #
        json_request = '/checkmempool/'+txid+'-'+str(n)+'/'+vintx+'-0'
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
        assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "10")

        #test binary response
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        binaryRequest = b'\x01\x02'
        binaryRequest += hex_str_to_bytes(txid)
        binaryRequest += pack("i", n)
        binaryRequest += hex_str_to_bytes(vintx)
        binaryRequest += pack("i", 0)

        bin_response = http_post_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'bin', binaryRequest)
        output = BytesIO()
        chainHeight = unpack("i", output.read(4))[0]
        hashFromBinResponse = hex(deser_uint256(output))[2:].zfill(64)

        assert_equal(bb_hash, hashFromBinResponse) #check if getutxo's chaintip during calculation was fine
        assert_equal(chainHeight, 102) #chain height must be 102

        # GETUTXOS: mempool checks #

        # do a tx and don't sync
        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+txid+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        vintx = json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'] # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
        # get n of 0.1 outpoint
        n = 0
        for vout in json_obj['vout']:
            if vout['value'] == 0.1:
                n = vout['n']

        json_request = '/'+txid+'-'+str(n)
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0) #there should be an outpoint because it has just added to the mempool

        json_request = '/checkmempool/'+txid+'-'+str(n)
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) #there should be an outpoint because it has just added to the mempool

        #do some invalid requests
        json_request = '{"checkmempool'
        response = http_post_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request, True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 400) #must be a 400 because we send an invalid json request

        json_request = '{"checkmempool'
        response = http_post_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'bin', json_request, True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 400) #must be a 400 because we send an invalid bin request

        response = http_post_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos/checkmempool'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'bin', '', True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 400) #must be a 400 because we send an invalid bin request

        #test limits
        json_request = '/checkmempool/'
        for x in range(0, 20):
            json_request += txid+'-'+str(n)+'/'
        json_request = json_request.rstrip("/")
        response = http_post_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', '', True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 400) #must be a 400 because we exceeding the limits

        json_request = '/checkmempool/'
        for x in range(0, 15):
            json_request += txid+'-'+str(n)+'/'
        json_request = json_request.rstrip("/")
        response = http_post_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', '', True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 200) #must be a 200 because we are within the limits

        # Generate a block to not affect upcoming tests.
        auxpow.mineAuxpowBlock(self.nodes[0]) #generate
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        # /rest/block/ #

        # check binary format
        response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"bin", True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 80)
        response_str = response.read()

        # compare with block header
        response_header = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/headers/1/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"bin", True)
        assert_equal(response_header.status, 200)
        headerLen = int(response_header.getheader('content-length'))
        assert_greater_than(headerLen, 80)
        response_header_str = response_header.read()
        assert_equal(response_str[0:headerLen], response_header_str)

        # check block hex format
        response_hex = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"hex", True)
        assert_equal(response_hex.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
        response_hex_str = response_hex.read().strip()
        assert_equal(encode(response_str, "hex_codec"), response_hex_str)

        # compare with hex block header
        response_header_hex = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/headers/1/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"hex", True)
        assert_equal(response_header_hex.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response_header_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
        response_header_hex_str = response_header_hex.read().strip()
        headerLen = len (response_header_hex_str)
        assert_equal(response_hex_str[0:headerLen], response_header_hex_str)
        assert_equal(encode(response_header_str, "hex_codec"), response_header_hex_str)

        # check json format
        block_json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        block_json_obj = json.loads(block_json_string)
        assert_equal(block_json_obj['hash'], bb_hash)

        # compare with json block header
        response_header_json = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/headers/1/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json", True)
        assert_equal(response_header_json.status, 200)
        response_header_json_str = response_header_json.read().decode('utf-8')
        json_obj = json.loads(response_header_json_str, parse_float=Decimal)
        assert_equal(len(json_obj), 1) #ensure that there is one header in the json response
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['hash'], bb_hash) #request/response hash should be the same

        #compare with normal RPC block response
        rpc_block_json = self.nodes[0].getblock(bb_hash)
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['hash'],               rpc_block_json['hash'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['confirmations'],      rpc_block_json['confirmations'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['height'],             rpc_block_json['height'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['version'],            rpc_block_json['version'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['merkleroot'],         rpc_block_json['merkleroot'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['time'],               rpc_block_json['time'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['nonce'],              rpc_block_json['nonce'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['bits'],               rpc_block_json['bits'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['difficulty'],         rpc_block_json['difficulty'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['chainwork'],          rpc_block_json['chainwork'])
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['previousblockhash'],  rpc_block_json['previousblockhash'])

        #see if we can get 5 headers in one response
        response_header_json = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/headers/5/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json", True)
        assert_equal(response_header_json.status, 200)
        response_header_json_str = response_header_json.read().decode('utf-8')
        json_obj = json.loads(response_header_json_str)
        assert_equal(len(json_obj), 5) #now we should have 5 header objects

        # do tx test
        tx_hash = block_json_obj['tx'][0]['txid']
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+tx_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['txid'], tx_hash)

        # check hex format response
        hex_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+tx_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"hex", True)
        assert_equal(hex_string.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 10)

        # check block tx details
        # let's make 3 tx and mine them on node 1
        txs = []
        txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11))
        txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11))
        txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11))

        # check that there are exactly 3 transactions in the TX memory pool before generating the block
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/mempool/info'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['size'], 3)
        # the size of the memory pool should be greater than 3x ~100 bytes
        assert_greater_than(json_obj['bytes'], 300)

        # check that there are our submitted transactions in the TX memory pool
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/mempool/contents'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        for tx in txs:
            assert_equal(tx in json_obj, True)

        # now mine the transactions
        newblockhash = self.nodes[1].generate(1)

        #check if the 3 tx show up in the new block
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+newblockhash[0]+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        for tx in json_obj['tx']:
            if not 'coinbase' in tx['vin'][0]: #exclude coinbase
                assert_equal(tx['txid'] in txs, True)

        #check the same but without tx details
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/notxdetails/'+newblockhash[0]+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        for tx in txs:
            assert_equal(tx in json_obj['tx'], True)

        #test rest bestblock
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/chaininfo.json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['bestblockhash'], bb_hash)

        # Test name handling.
コード例 #4
  def run_test (self):
    # Generate a block so that we are not "downloading blocks".
    self.nodes[0].generate (1)

    # We used to compare to getblocktemplate, but this call is gone
    # now completely for merge-mining.

    # Verify data that can be found in another way.
    auxblock = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    assert_equal (auxblock['chainid'], 1)
    assert_equal (auxblock['height'], self.nodes[0].getblockcount () + 1)
    assert_equal (auxblock['previousblockhash'], self.nodes[0].getblockhash (auxblock['height'] - 1))

    # Calling again should give the same block.
    auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    assert_equal (auxblock2, auxblock)

    # If we receive a new block, the old hash will be replaced.
    self.sync_all ()
    self.nodes[1].generate (1)
    self.sync_all ()
    auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    assert auxblock['hash'] != auxblock2['hash']
    assert_raises_jsonrpc(-8, 'block hash unknown', self.nodes[0].getauxblock,
                          auxblock['hash'], "x")

    # Invalid format for auxpow.
    assert_raises_jsonrpc(-1, None, self.nodes[0].getauxblock,
                          auxblock2['hash'], "x")

    # Invalidate the block again, send a transaction and query for the
    # auxblock to solve that contains the transaction.
    self.nodes[0].generate (1)
    addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress ()
    txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress (addr, 1)
    self.sync_all ()
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getrawmempool (), [txid])
    auxblock = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    target = auxpow.reverseHex (auxblock['_target'])

    # Compute invalid auxpow.
    apow = auxpow.computeAuxpow (auxblock['hash'], target, False)
    res = self.nodes[0].getauxblock (auxblock['hash'], apow)
    assert not res

    # Compute and submit valid auxpow.
    apow = auxpow.computeAuxpow (auxblock['hash'], target, True)
    res = self.nodes[0].getauxblock (auxblock['hash'], apow)
    assert res

    # Make sure that the block is indeed accepted.
    self.sync_all ()
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getrawmempool (), [])
    height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount ()
    assert_equal (height, auxblock['height'])
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getblockhash (height), auxblock['hash'])

    # Call getblock and verify the auxpow field.
    data = self.nodes[1].getblock (auxblock['hash'])
    assert 'auxpow' in data
    auxJson = data['auxpow']
    assert_equal (auxJson['index'], 0)
    assert_equal (auxJson['chainindex'], 0)
    assert_equal (auxJson['merklebranch'], [])
    assert_equal (auxJson['chainmerklebranch'], [])
    assert_equal (auxJson['parentblock'], apow[-160:])

    # Also previous blocks should have 'auxpow', since all blocks (also
    # those generated by "generate") are merge-mined.
    oldHash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash (100)
    data = self.nodes[1].getblock (oldHash)
    assert 'auxpow' in data

    # Check that it paid correctly to the first node.
    t = self.nodes[0].listtransactions ("", 1)
    assert_equal (len (t), 1)
    t = t[0]
    assert_equal (t['category'], "immature")
    assert_equal (t['blockhash'], auxblock['hash'])
    assert t['generated']
    assert t['amount'] >= Decimal ("25")
    assert_equal (t['confirmations'], 1)

    # Verify the coinbase script.  Ensure that it includes the block height
    # to make the coinbase tx unique.  The expected block height is around
    # 200, so that the serialisation of the CScriptNum ends in an extra 00.
    # The vector has length 2, which makes up for 02XX00 as the serialised
    # height.  Check this.
    blk = self.nodes[1].getblock (auxblock['hash'])
    tx = self.nodes[1].getrawtransaction (blk['tx'][0], 1)
    coinbase = tx['vin'][0]['coinbase']
    assert_equal ("02%02x00" % auxblock['height'], coinbase[0 : 6])

    # Ensure that the payout address is changed from one block to the next.
    addr1 = self.getCoinbaseAddr (auxblock['hash'])
    newHash = auxpow.mineAuxpowBlock (self.nodes[0])
    self.sync_all ()
    addr2 = self.getCoinbaseAddr (newHash)
    assert addr1 != addr2
    valid = self.nodes[0].validateaddress (addr1)
    assert valid['ismine']
    valid = self.nodes[0].validateaddress (addr2)
    assert valid['ismine']
コード例 #5
    def run_test(self):
        url = urlparse.urlparse(self.nodes[0].url)
        print "Mining blocks..."


        assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50)

        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

                     Decimal("0.1"))  #balance now should be 0.1 on node 1

        # load the latest 0.1 tx over the REST API
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/tx/' + txid + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        vintx = json_obj['vin'][0][
            'txid']  # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
        # get n of 0.1 outpoint
        n = 0
        for vout in json_obj['vout']:
            if vout['value'] == 0.1:
                n = vout['n']

        # GETUTXOS: query a unspent outpoint #
        json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"' + txid + '","n":' + str(
            n) + '}]}'
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json', json_request)
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)

        #check chainTip response
        assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)

        #make sure there is one utxo
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
        assert_equal(json_obj['utxos'][0]['value'], 0.1)

        # GETUTXOS: now query a already spent outpoint #
        json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"' + vintx + '","n":0}]}'
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json', json_request)
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)

        #check chainTip response
        assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)

        #make sure there is no utox in the response because this oupoint has been spent
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0)

        #check bitmap
        assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "0")

        # GETUTXOS: now check both with the same request #
        json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"' + txid + '","n":' + str(
            n) + '},{"txid":"' + vintx + '","n":0}]}'
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json', json_request)
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
        assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "10")

        #test binary response
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        binaryRequest = b'\x01\x02'
        binaryRequest += binascii.unhexlify(txid)
        binaryRequest += pack("i", n)
        binaryRequest += binascii.unhexlify(vintx)
        binaryRequest += pack("i", 0)

        bin_response = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'bin', binaryRequest)

        output = StringIO.StringIO()
        chainHeight = unpack("i", output.read(4))[0]
        hashFromBinResponse = hex(

            bb_hash, hashFromBinResponse
        )  #check if getutxo's chaintip during calculation was fine
        assert_equal(chainHeight, 102)  #chain height must be 102

        # GETUTXOS: mempool checks #

        # do a tx and don't sync
        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/tx/' + txid + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        vintx = json_obj['vin'][0][
            'txid']  # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
        # get n of 0.1 outpoint
        n = 0
        for vout in json_obj['vout']:
            if vout['value'] == 0.1:
                n = vout['n']

        json_request = '{"checkmempool":false,"outpoints":[{"txid":"' + txid + '","n":' + str(
            n) + '}]}'
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json', json_request)
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
            len(json_obj['utxos']), 0
        )  #there should be a outpoint because it has just added to the mempool

        json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"' + txid + '","n":' + str(
            n) + '}]}'
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json', json_request)
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
            len(json_obj['utxos']), 1
        )  #there should be a outpoint because it has just added to the mempool

        #do some invalid requests
        json_request = '{"checkmempool'
        response = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json', json_request,
            500)  #must be a 500 because we send a invalid json request

        json_request = '{"checkmempool'
        response = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'bin', json_request,
                     500)  #must be a 500 because we send a invalid bin request

        #test limits
        json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":['
        for x in range(0, 200):
            json_request += '{"txid":"' + txid + '","n":' + str(n) + '},'
        json_request = json_request.rstrip(",")
        json_request += "]}"
        response = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json', json_request,
                     500)  #must be a 500 because we exceeding the limits

        json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":['
        for x in range(0, 90):
            json_request += '{"txid":"' + txid + '","n":' + str(n) + '},'
        json_request = json_request.rstrip(",")
        json_request += "]}"
        response = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/getutxos' + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json', json_request,
                     200)  #must be a 500 because we exceeding the limits

        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        # /rest/block/ #

        # check binary format
        response = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/block/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "bin", "", True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 80)
        response_str = response.read()

        # compare with block header
        response_header = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/headers/1/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "bin", "",
        assert_equal(response_header.status, 200)
        headerLen = int(response_header.getheader('content-length'))
        assert_greater_than(headerLen, 80)
        response_header_str = response_header.read()
        assert_equal(response_str[0:headerLen], response_header_str)

        # check block hex format
        response_hex = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/block/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "hex", "", True)
        assert_equal(response_hex.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
        response_hex_str = response_hex.read().strip()
        assert_equal(response_str.encode("hex"), response_hex_str)

        # compare with hex block header
        response_header_hex = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/headers/1/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "hex", "",
        assert_equal(response_header_hex.status, 200)
            int(response_header_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
        response_header_hex_str = response_header_hex.read().strip()
        headerLen = len(response_header_hex_str)
        assert_equal(response_hex_str[0:headerLen], response_header_hex_str)

        # check json format
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/block/' + bb_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['hash'], bb_hash)

        # do tx test
        tx_hash = json_obj['tx'][0]['txid']
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/tx/' + tx_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['txid'], tx_hash)

        # check hex format response
        hex_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/tx/' + tx_hash + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + "hex", "", True)
        assert_equal(hex_string.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 10)

        # check block tx details
        # let's make 3 tx and mine them on node 1
        txs = []

        # now mine the transactions
        newblockhash = self.nodes[1].generate(1)

        #check if the 3 tx show up in the new block
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port,
            '/rest/block/' + newblockhash[0] + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        for tx in json_obj['tx']:
            if not 'coinbase' in tx['vin'][0]:  #exclude coinbase
                assert_equal(tx['txid'] in txs, True)

        #check the same but without tx details
        json_string = http_get_call(
            url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/notxdetails/' +
            newblockhash[0] + self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR + 'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        for tx in txs:
            assert_equal(tx in json_obj['tx'], True)

        #test rest bestblock
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port,
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['bestblockhash'], bb_hash)

        # Test name handling.
コード例 #6
    def run_test(self):

        # Generate a block so that we are not "downloading blocks".

        # Compare basic data of getauxblock to getblocktemplate.
        auxblock = self.nodes[0].getauxblock()
        blocktemplate = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate()
        assert_equal(auxblock['coinbasevalue'], blocktemplate['coinbasevalue'])
        assert_equal(auxblock['bits'], blocktemplate['bits'])
        assert_equal(auxblock['height'], blocktemplate['height'])

        # Compare target and take byte order into account.
        target = auxblock['_target']
        reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(target)
        assert_equal(reversedTarget, blocktemplate['target'])

        # Verify data that can be found in another way.
        assert_equal(auxblock['chainid'], 1)
        assert_equal(auxblock['height'], self.nodes[0].getblockcount() + 1)
                     self.nodes[0].getblockhash(auxblock['height'] - 1))

        # Calling again should give the same block.
        auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].getauxblock()
        assert_equal(auxblock2, auxblock)

        # If we receive a new block, the old hash will be replaced.
        auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].getauxblock()
        assert auxblock['hash'] != auxblock2['hash']
            self.nodes[0].getauxblock(auxblock['hash'], "x")
            raise AssertionError("invalid block hash accepted")
        except JSONRPCException as exc:
            assert_equal(exc.error['code'], -8)

        # Invalid format for auxpow.
            self.nodes[0].getauxblock(auxblock2['hash'], "x")
            raise AssertionError("malformed auxpow accepted")
        except JSONRPCException as exc:
            assert_equal(exc.error['code'], -1)

        # Invalidate the block again, send a transaction and query for the
        # auxblock to solve that contains the transaction.
        addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 1)
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(), [txid])
        auxblock = self.nodes[0].getauxblock()
        blocktemplate = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate()
        target = blocktemplate['target']

        # Compute invalid auxpow.
        apow = auxpow.computeAuxpow(auxblock['hash'], target, False)
        res = self.nodes[0].getauxblock(auxblock['hash'], apow)
        assert not res

        # Compute and submit valid auxpow.
        apow = auxpow.computeAuxpow(auxblock['hash'], target, True)
        res = self.nodes[0].getauxblock(auxblock['hash'], apow)
        assert res

        # Make sure that the block is indeed accepted.
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(), [])
        height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
        assert_equal(height, auxblock['height'])
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockhash(height), auxblock['hash'])

        # Call getblock and verify the auxpow field.
        data = self.nodes[1].getblock(auxblock['hash'])
        assert 'auxpow' in data
        auxJson = data['auxpow']
        assert_equal(auxJson['index'], 0)
        assert_equal(auxJson['chainindex'], 0)
        assert_equal(auxJson['merklebranch'], [])
        assert_equal(auxJson['chainmerklebranch'], [])
        assert_equal(auxJson['parentblock'], apow[-160:])

        # Check that previous blocks don't have 'auxpow' in their getblock JSON.
        oldHash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(100)
        data = self.nodes[1].getblock(oldHash)
        assert 'auxpow' not in data

        # Check that it paid correctly to the first node.
        t = self.nodes[0].listtransactions("", 1)
        assert_equal(len(t), 1)
        t = t[0]
        assert_equal(t['category'], "immature")
        assert_equal(t['blockhash'], auxblock['hash'])
        assert t['generated']
        assert t['amount'] >= Decimal("25")
        assert_equal(t['confirmations'], 1)

        # Verify the coinbase script.  Ensure that it includes the block height
        # to make the coinbase tx unique.  The expected block height is around
        # 200, so that the serialisation of the CScriptNum ends in an extra 00.
        # The vector has length 2, which makes up for 02XX00 as the serialised
        # height.  Check this.
        blk = self.nodes[1].getblock(auxblock['hash'])
        tx = self.nodes[1].getrawtransaction(blk['tx'][0], 1)
        coinbase = tx['vin'][0]['coinbase']
        assert_equal("02%02x00" % auxblock['height'], coinbase[0:6])

        # Ensure that the payout address is changed from one block to the next.
        addr1 = self.getCoinbaseAddr(auxblock['hash'])
        newHash = auxpow.mineAuxpowBlock(self.nodes[0])
        addr2 = self.getCoinbaseAddr(newHash)
        assert addr1 != addr2
        valid = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(addr1)
        assert valid['ismine']
        valid = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(addr2)
        assert valid['ismine']
コード例 #7
ファイル: rest.py プロジェクト: IXCoin-Dev/ixcore
    def run_test(self):
        url = urlparse.urlparse(self.nodes[0].url)
        print "Mining blocks..."


        assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50)

        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), Decimal("0.1")) #balance now should be 0.1 on node 1

        # load the latest 0.1 tx over the REST API
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+txid+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        vintx = json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'] # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
        # get n of 0.1 outpoint
        n = 0
        for vout in json_obj['vout']:
            if vout['value'] == 0.1:
                n = vout['n']

        # GETUTXOS: query a unspent outpoint #
        json_request = '/checkmempool/'+txid+'-'+str(n)
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)

        #check chainTip response
        assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)

        #make sure there is one utxo
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
        assert_equal(json_obj['utxos'][0]['value'], 0.1)

        # GETUTXOS: now query a already spent outpoint #
        json_request = '/checkmempool/'+vintx+'-0'
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)

        #check chainTip response
        assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)

        #make sure there is no utox in the response because this oupoint has been spent
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0)

        #check bitmap
        assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "0")

        # GETUTXOS: now check both with the same request #
        json_request = '/checkmempool/'+txid+'-'+str(n)+'/'+vintx+'-0'
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
        assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "10")

        #test binary response
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        binaryRequest = b'\x01\x02'
        binaryRequest += binascii.unhexlify(txid)
        binaryRequest += pack("i", n);
        binaryRequest += binascii.unhexlify(vintx);
        binaryRequest += pack("i", 0);

        bin_response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'bin', binaryRequest)
        output = StringIO.StringIO()
        chainHeight = unpack("i", output.read(4))[0]
        hashFromBinResponse = hex(deser_uint256(output))[2:].zfill(65).rstrip("L")

        assert_equal(bb_hash, hashFromBinResponse) #check if getutxo's chaintip during calculation was fine
        assert_equal(chainHeight, 102) #chain height must be 102

        # GETUTXOS: mempool checks #

        # do a tx and don't sync
        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+txid+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        vintx = json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'] # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
        # get n of 0.1 outpoint
        n = 0
        for vout in json_obj['vout']:
            if vout['value'] == 0.1:
                n = vout['n']

        json_request = '/'+txid+'-'+str(n)
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0) #there should be a outpoint because it has just added to the mempool

        json_request = '/checkmempool/'+txid+'-'+str(n)
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) #there should be a outpoint because it has just added to the mempool

        #do some invalid requests
        json_request = '{"checkmempool'
        response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request, True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 500) #must be a 500 because we send a invalid json request

        json_request = '{"checkmempool'
        response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'bin', json_request, True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 500) #must be a 500 because we send a invalid bin request

        response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos/checkmempool'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'bin', '', True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 500) #must be a 500 because we send a invalid bin request

        #test limits
        json_request = '/checkmempool/'
        for x in range(0, 20):
            json_request += txid+'-'+str(n)+'/'
        json_request = json_request.rstrip("/")
        response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', '', True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 500) #must be a 500 because we exceeding the limits

        json_request = '/checkmempool/'
        for x in range(0, 15):
            json_request += txid+'-'+str(n)+'/'
        json_request = json_request.rstrip("/");
        response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', '', True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 200) #must be a 500 because we exceeding the limits

        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        # /rest/block/ #

        # check binary format
        response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"bin", "", True)
        assert_equal(response.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 80)
        response_str = response.read()

        # compare with block header
        response_header = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/headers/1/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"bin", "", True)
        assert_equal(response_header.status, 200)
        headerLen = int(response_header.getheader('content-length'))
        assert_greater_than(headerLen, 80)
        response_header_str = response_header.read()
        assert_equal(response_str[0:headerLen], response_header_str)

        # check block hex format
        response_hex = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"hex", "", True)
        assert_equal(response_hex.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
        response_hex_str = response_hex.read().strip()
        assert_equal(response_str.encode("hex"), response_hex_str)

        # compare with hex block header
        response_header_hex = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/headers/1/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"hex", "", True)
        assert_equal(response_header_hex.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response_header_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
        response_header_hex_str = response_header_hex.read().strip()
        headerLen = len (response_header_hex_str)
        assert_equal(response_hex_str[0:headerLen], response_header_hex_str)
        assert_equal(response_header_str.encode("hex"), response_header_hex_str)

        # check json format
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['hash'], bb_hash)

        # do tx test
        tx_hash = json_obj['tx'][0]['txid'];
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+tx_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json")
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['txid'], tx_hash)

        # check hex format response
        hex_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+tx_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"hex", "", True)
        assert_equal(hex_string.status, 200)
        assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 10)

        # check block tx details
        # let's make 3 tx and mine them on node 1
        txs = []
        txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11))
        txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11))
        txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11))

        # now mine the transactions
        newblockhash = self.nodes[1].generate(1)

        #check if the 3 tx show up in the new block
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+newblockhash[0]+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        for tx in json_obj['tx']:
            if not 'coinbase' in tx['vin'][0]: #exclude coinbase
                assert_equal(tx['txid'] in txs, True)

        #check the same but without tx details
        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/notxdetails/'+newblockhash[0]+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        for tx in txs:
            assert_equal(tx in json_obj['tx'], True)

        #test rest bestblock
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/chaininfo.json')
        json_obj = json.loads(json_string)
        assert_equal(json_obj['bestblockhash'], bb_hash)

        # Test name handling.
コード例 #8
    def run_test(self):
        self.url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.nodes[0].url)
        self.log.info("Mine blocks and send Bitcoin to node 1")

        # Random address so node1's balance doesn't increase
        not_related_address = "2MxqoHEdNQTyYeX1mHcbrrpzgojbosTpCvJ"

        self.nodes[1].generatetoaddress(100, not_related_address)

        assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50)

        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
        self.nodes[1].generatetoaddress(1, not_related_address)
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), Decimal("0.1"))

        self.log.info("Load the transaction using the /tx URI")

        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/tx/{}".format(txid))
        spent = (json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'], json_obj['vin'][0]['vout'])  # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
        # get n of 0.1 outpoint
        n, = filter_output_indices_by_value(json_obj['vout'], Decimal('0.1'))
        spending = (txid, n)

        self.log.info("Query an unspent TXO using the /getutxos URI")

        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/{}-{}".format(*spending))

        # Check chainTip response
        assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)

        # Make sure there is one utxo
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
        assert_equal(json_obj['utxos'][0]['value'], Decimal('0.1'))

        self.log.info("Query a spent TXO using the /getutxos URI")

        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/{}-{}".format(*spent))

        # Check chainTip response
        assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash)

        # Make sure there is no utxo in the response because this outpoint has been spent
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0)

        # Check bitmap
        assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "0")

        self.log.info("Query two TXOs using the /getutxos URI")

        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/{}-{}/{}-{}".format(*(spending + spent)))

        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)
        assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "10")

        self.log.info("Query the TXOs using the /getutxos URI with a binary response")

        bin_request = b'\x01\x02'
        for txid, n in [spending, spent]:
            bin_request += hex_str_to_bytes(txid)
            bin_request += pack("i", n)

        bin_response = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos", http_method='POST', req_type=ReqType.BIN, body=bin_request, ret_type=RetType.BYTES)
        output = BytesIO(bin_response)
        chain_height, = unpack("i", output.read(4))
        response_hash = binascii.hexlify(output.read(32)[::-1]).decode('ascii')

        assert_equal(bb_hash, response_hash)  # check if getutxo's chaintip during calculation was fine
        assert_equal(chain_height, 102)  # chain height must be 102

        self.log.info("Test the /getutxos URI with and without /checkmempool")
        # Create a transaction, check that it's found with /checkmempool, but
        # not found without. Then confirm the transaction and check that it's
        # found with or without /checkmempool.

        # do a tx and don't sync
        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1)
        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/tx/{}".format(txid))
        # get the spent output to later check for utxo (should be spent by then)
        spent = (json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'], json_obj['vin'][0]['vout'])
        # get n of 0.1 outpoint
        n, = filter_output_indices_by_value(json_obj['vout'], Decimal('0.1'))
        spending = (txid, n)

        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/{}-{}".format(*spending))
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0)

        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/checkmempool/{}-{}".format(*spending))
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)

        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/{}-{}".format(*spent))
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)

        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/checkmempool/{}-{}".format(*spent))
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0)


        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/{}-{}".format(*spending))
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)

        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/checkmempool/{}-{}".format(*spending))
        assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1)

        # Do some invalid requests
        self.test_rest_request("/getutxos", http_method='POST', req_type=ReqType.JSON, body='{"checkmempool', status=400, ret_type=RetType.OBJ)
        self.test_rest_request("/getutxos", http_method='POST', req_type=ReqType.BIN, body='{"checkmempool', status=400, ret_type=RetType.OBJ)
        self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/checkmempool", http_method='POST', req_type=ReqType.JSON, status=400, ret_type=RetType.OBJ)

        # Test limits
        long_uri = '/'.join(["{}-{}".format(txid, n_) for n_ in range(20)])
        self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/checkmempool/{}".format(long_uri), http_method='POST', status=400, ret_type=RetType.OBJ)

        long_uri = '/'.join(['{}-{}'.format(txid, n_) for n_ in range(15)])
        self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/checkmempool/{}".format(long_uri), http_method='POST', status=200)

        auxpow.mineAuxpowBlock(self.nodes[0])  # generate block to not affect upcoming tests
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        self.log.info("Test the /block and /headers URIs")
        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        # Check binary format
        response = self.test_rest_request("/block/{}".format(bb_hash), req_type=ReqType.BIN, ret_type=RetType.OBJ)
        assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 80)
        response_bytes = response.read()

        # Compare with block header
        response_header = self.test_rest_request("/headers/1/{}".format(bb_hash), req_type=ReqType.BIN, ret_type=RetType.OBJ)
        headerLen = int(response_header.getheader('content-length'))
        assert_greater_than(headerLen, 80)
        response_header_bytes = response_header.read()
        assert_equal(response_bytes[:headerLen], response_header_bytes)

        # Check block hex format
        response_hex = self.test_rest_request("/block/{}".format(bb_hash), req_type=ReqType.HEX, ret_type=RetType.OBJ)
        assert_greater_than(int(response_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
        response_hex_bytes = response_hex.read().strip(b'\n')
        assert_equal(binascii.hexlify(response_bytes), response_hex_bytes)

        # Compare with hex block header
        response_header_hex = self.test_rest_request("/headers/1/{}".format(bb_hash), req_type=ReqType.HEX, ret_type=RetType.OBJ)
        assert_greater_than(int(response_header_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160)
        response_header_hex_bytes = response_header_hex.read().strip()
        headerLen = len (response_header_hex_bytes) // 2
        assert_equal(binascii.hexlify(response_bytes[:headerLen]), response_header_hex_bytes)

        # Check json format
        block_json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/block/{}".format(bb_hash))
        assert_equal(block_json_obj['hash'], bb_hash)

        # Compare with json block header
        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/headers/1/{}".format(bb_hash))
        assert_equal(len(json_obj), 1)  # ensure that there is one header in the json response
        assert_equal(json_obj[0]['hash'], bb_hash)  # request/response hash should be the same

        # Compare with normal RPC block response
        rpc_block_json = self.nodes[0].getblock(bb_hash)
        for key in ['hash', 'confirmations', 'height', 'version', 'merkleroot', 'time', 'nonce', 'bits', 'difficulty', 'chainwork', 'previousblockhash']:
            assert_equal(json_obj[0][key], rpc_block_json[key])

        # See if we can get 5 headers in one response
        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/headers/5/{}".format(bb_hash))
        assert_equal(len(json_obj), 5)  # now we should have 5 header objects

        self.log.info("Test the /tx URI")

        tx_hash = block_json_obj['tx'][0]['txid']
        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/tx/{}".format(tx_hash))
        assert_equal(json_obj['txid'], tx_hash)

        # Check hex format response
        hex_response = self.test_rest_request("/tx/{}".format(tx_hash), req_type=ReqType.HEX, ret_type=RetType.OBJ)

        self.log.info("Test tx inclusion in the /mempool and /block URIs")

        # Make 3 tx and mine them on node 1
        txs = []
        txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(not_related_address, 11))
        txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(not_related_address, 11))
        txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(not_related_address, 11))

        # Check that there are exactly 3 transactions in the TX memory pool before generating the block
        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/mempool/info")
        assert_equal(json_obj['size'], 3)
        # the size of the memory pool should be greater than 3x ~100 bytes
        assert_greater_than(json_obj['bytes'], 300)

        # Check that there are our submitted transactions in the TX memory pool
        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/mempool/contents")
        for i, tx in enumerate(txs):
            assert tx in json_obj
            assert_equal(json_obj[tx]['spentby'], txs[i + 1:i + 2])
            assert_equal(json_obj[tx]['depends'], txs[i - 1:i])

        # Now mine the transactions
        newblockhash = self.nodes[1].generate(1)

        # Check if the 3 tx show up in the new block
        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/block/{}".format(newblockhash[0]))
        non_coinbase_txs = {tx['txid'] for tx in json_obj['tx']
                            if 'coinbase' not in tx['vin'][0]}
        assert_equal(non_coinbase_txs, set(txs))

        # Check the same but without tx details
        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/block/notxdetails/{}".format(newblockhash[0]))
        for tx in txs:
            assert tx in json_obj['tx']

        self.log.info("Test the /chaininfo URI")

        bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()

        json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/chaininfo")
        assert_equal(json_obj['bestblockhash'], bb_hash)

        # Test name handling.
        self.log.info("Test the /name URI")