コード例 #1
def createGenesisCoinbase(signblockpubkey):
    genesis_coinbase = CTransaction()
    coinbaseinput = CTxIn(outpoint=COutPoint(0, 0), nSequence=0xffffffff)
    coinbaseoutput = CTxOut()
    coinbaseoutput.nValue = 50 * COIN
    coinbaseoutput.scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, hex_str_to_bytes(signblockpubkey),OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])
    return genesis_coinbase
コード例 #2
def create_var_transaction(spendfrom, custom_script, size_bytes, fee_sats):
    # Fund and sign a transaction to a given output, padding it to exactly
    # size = size_bytes and providing the given fee.
    # spendfrom should be a CTransaction with first output to OP_TRUE.

    customout = CTxOut(0, custom_script)
    # set output amount to required dust
    customout.nValue = (len(customout.serialize()) + 148) * 3

    ctx = CTransaction()
    ctx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(spendfrom.sha256, 0), b''))
        CTxOut(spendfrom.vout[0].nValue - customout.nValue - fee_sats,
    # two padding outputs
    ctx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, b''))
    ctx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, b''))

    size_without_padding = len(ctx.serialize())
    padding_needed = size_bytes - size_without_padding
    assert padding_needed >= 0, (size_bytes, size_without_padding)

    # Now insert padding. We need to be careful due to the flexible
    # var_int size.
    if padding_needed > 0xFFFF + 4:
        # We can fit all padding in one script.
        # 4 extra bytes will be used for var_int
        ctx.vout[2].scriptPubKey = bytes([OP_RETURN]) * (padding_needed - 4)
        padding_needed = 0
    elif padding_needed >= 0xFD + 2:
        # We can pad most (probably all) using a script that is between
        # 253 and 65535 in length. Probably fit everything in one script.
        # 2 extra bytes will be used for var_int
        scriptsize = min(padding_needed - 2, 0xFFFF)
        ctx.vout[2].scriptPubKey = bytes([OP_RETURN]) * scriptsize
        padding_needed -= scriptsize + 2
    elif padding_needed >= 0xFD:
        # 0xFD or 0xFD+1. We can't pad with just one script, so just
        # take off some.
        ctx.vout[2].scriptPubKey = bytes([OP_RETURN]) * 50
        padding_needed -= 50

    # extra padding on another output is needed if original padding_needed
    # was <= 0xfd+1, or was 0xffff+3 or 0xffff+4 .
    assert padding_needed < 0xfd
    ctx.vout[3].scriptPubKey = bytes([OP_RETURN]) * padding_needed

    assert_equal(len(ctx.serialize()), size_bytes)
    return ctx
コード例 #3
def create_transaction(spendfrom, custom_script, amount=None):
    # Fund and sign a transaction to a given output.
    # spendfrom should be a CTransaction with first output to OP_TRUE.

    # custom output will go on position 1, after position 0 which will be
    # OP_TRUE (so it can be reused).
    customout = CTxOut(0, bytes(custom_script))
    # set output amount to required dust if not given
    customout.nValue = amount or (len(customout.serialize()) + 148) * 3

    ctx = CTransaction()
    ctx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(spendfrom.sha256, 0), b''))
    ctx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, bytes([OP_TRUE])))

    fee = len(ctx.serialize())
    ctx.vout[0].nValue = spendfrom.vout[0].nValue - customout.nValue - fee

    return ctx