def check_anonymous_bind(): # Use anonymous bind to try and get uid & matrNr, then only matrNr cmd = "ldapsearch -H {0} -b \"{1}\" -x uid=root1 uid{2}" out1 = get_process_output(cmd.format(ldap_host, ldap_base_dn, ", matrNr")) out2 = get_process_output(cmd.format(ldap_host, ldap_base_dn, '')) # The 2nd command should have worked and the 1st not return "uid: root1" in out2 and not "matrNr: 1938351754" in out1
def check_login(password="******", tls=True): # If tls=False use ldap:// instead of ldap_host host = ldap_host if tls else ldap_host.replace('ldaps', 'ldap') # Use a ldapwhoami to check whether login w/ given pw possible (use timeout) cmd = "ldapwhoami -H {0} -D {1} -o nettimeout=5 -w \"{2}\"" cmd = cmd.format(host, ldap_binddn, password) return ldap_binddn in get_process_output(cmd)
def check_fileserver_size_mount(): # Get output of df -h and extract fileserver-pool line df = get_process_output("df -h").splitlines() lines = [l for l in df if l.startswith("fileserver-pool 12G")] # Check whether df -h contains fileserver-pool line print_log("Checking df -h combined size") print_check(len(lines) > 0) # Check whether fileserver-pool line mentions a mount at /mnt/fileserver-pool print_log("Checking pool mounted") print_crit_check( len(lines) > 0 and lines[0].endswith('/mnt/fileserver-pool'))
def check_organizational_units(): # Get all the organizational units from the LDAP server cmd = ldap_search_base + \ "-b \"{0}\" -LLL objectClass=organizationalUnit | grep dn: | cut -d ' ' -f2" ous = get_process_output(cmd.format(ldap_base_dn)).split('\n') # Check that both the 'Praktikum' and 'Students' organizational units exist if ((not any(ou for ou in ous if ou.startswith('ou=Praktikum'))) or (not any(ou for ou in ous if ou.startswith('ou=Students')))): return False # Check that the team sub-organizational units exist for i in range(1, 12): if not any(ou for ou in ous if ou.startswith('ou=Team{},ou=Praktikum'.format(i))): return False # If we're here, all required organizational units exist return True
def check_hdds_size(): def get_block_device_size(dev): # Get block device size in bytes out = get_process_output("lsblk -brno SIZE /dev/{}".format(dev)) # Convert from bytes to GiB return int(out.splitlines()[0]) / (2**30) # Get all block devices in fileserver-pool out = get_process_output("zpool status -L fileserver-pool") out = out[out.find('config:'):out.find('errors:')] devs = [l[5:8] for l in out.splitlines() if l.startswith('\t ')] # Check whether we have the right number of them print_log("Checking correct number of block devices") print_check(len(devs) == 7) # Check whether no block device is larger than 2GiB print_log("Checking block devices sizes") print_check(all(map(lambda x: x <= 2, map(get_block_device_size, devs))))
def check_csv_certificate(): # Extract certificate from LDAP cert = get_user_attributes(['userCertificate']) if len(cert) < 2: return False # Remove "userCertificate;binary: " and add start/end delimiters start = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" cert = '\n'.join([cert[0][25:]] + cert[1:]) end = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" # Write the certificate to a temporary file with open('test.der', 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join([start, cert, end]) + '\n') # Get certificate content using openssl cmd = "openssl x509 -noout -text -in test.der" openssl_out = get_process_output(cmd) # Delete the temporary file os.remove('test.der') # Check whether the subject is set correctly test_string = "Subject: C = DE, ST = Bavaria, L = Munich, O = PSA Team 10, OU = Students, CN = Olga Root, emailAddress = [email protected]" return test_string in openssl_out
main_key = 'PSA-T10-1' cgi_key = "Hello world from user rech!" cname_key = 'PSA-T10-2' alt_ip_key = 'PSA-T10-3' # Logging access_log_path = '/var/log/nginx/' access_log_name = 'access.log' error_log_path = '/var/log/nginx/' error_log_name = 'error.log' # Check whether DNS resolves to specified IPs log_msg = "Checking DNS for {0}" cmd = "host {0}" print_log(log_msg.format("the main hostname")) out = get_process_output(cmd.format(main_hostname)) print_crit_check(main_ip in out) print_log(log_msg.format("the cname hostname")) out = get_process_output(cmd.format(cname_hostname)) print_check(main_ip in out) print_log(log_msg.format("the alt. hostname")) out = get_process_output(cmd.format(alt_ip_hostname)) print_check(alt_ip in out) print_log("Checking resolving to different IPs") cond = (get_process_output(cmd.format(main_hostname)) != get_process_output( cmd.format(alt_ip_hostname))) print_check(cond) # Check whether different hostnames return the correct keys log_msg = "Checking hostname honored ({0})" print_log(log_msg.format("main"))
vm1_dns, vm1_ip = '', '' team_dns, team_ip = '', '' team_one_dns, team_one_ip = '', '' tum_proxy_dns, tum_proxy_ip = '', '' # First, check whether bind9 is even active if same VM if get_vm_name() == 'vm02': print_log("Checking bind9 active") cmd = "systemctl is-active --quiet bind9.service" print_crit_check(get_process_returncode(cmd) == 0) cmd = "host {0} " + server_ip # Do tests for team domain names print_log("Checking dns A record") print_check(server_ip in get_process_output(cmd.format(server_dns))) print_log("Checking team A record") print_check(team_ip in get_process_output(cmd.format(team_dns))) print_log("Checking vm1 A record") print_check(vm1_ip in get_process_output(cmd.format(vm1_dns))) # Do tests for other team's domain names print_log("Checking other team's records") print_check(team_one_ip in get_process_output(cmd.format(team_one_dns))) # Do tests for non-PSA domain names print_log("Checking real-world A records") print_check(tum_proxy_ip in get_process_output(cmd.format(tum_proxy_dns))) # Test reverse lookup print_log("Checking reverse lookup")
def get_block_device_size(dev): # Get block device size in bytes out = get_process_output("lsblk -brno SIZE /dev/{}".format(dev)) # Convert from bytes to GiB return int(out.splitlines()[0]) / (2**30)
import sys sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + '/../99_helpers/') from test_helpers import get_process_output, exists_mount # noqa # pylint: disable=import-error from test_helpers import set_log_length, print_log, print_check # noqa # pylint: disable=import-error from test_helpers import print_test_summary # noqa # pylint: disable=import-error print_log("Checking accessing a file on fileserver") secret = get_process_output("su -c \"cat /home/rech/.fileserver_test\" rech") print_check('my_secret' in secret) print_log("Checking (auto)mount entry in df") src = '' dst = '/home/rech' print_check(exists_mount(src, dst)) print_test_summary()
def get_user_attributes(attributes): # Get given attributes of the root1 user using ldapsearch cmd = ldap_search_base + \ "-b \"{0}\" -LLL {1}".format(ldap_binddn, ' '.join(attributes)) return get_process_output(cmd).splitlines()[1:-1]
def get_uids(in_oud): # Get all the uids, limit output to actual uids, then return them as tuple cmd = ldap_search_base + \ "-b \"ou={0},{1}\" uid=* uid ".format(in_oud, ldap_base_dn) + \ "| grep -a \"uid: \" | cut -d ' ' -f 2" return get_process_output(cmd).splitlines()
def change_pw(old_password, new_password): # Execute passwd as test1 user cmd = "runuser -l root1 -c \"echo \\\"{0}\\n{1}\\n{1}\\\" | passwd\" 2>&1" out = get_process_output(cmd.format(old_password, new_password)) return "password updated successfully" in out
import sys import json from subprocess import run from itertools import compress sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + '/../99_helpers/') from test_helpers import get_vm_name, Cursor, WriteCursor # noqa # pylint: disable=import-error from test_helpers import print_log, print_check, get_process_output, set_log_length # noqa # pylint: disable=import-error # Constants python_version = 'python3.7' # Hostname is vmXX where XX are the digits at the end of the Linux hostname hostname = get_vm_name() # Get full path to sysadmin-scripts folder dir = get_process_output('cd .. && pwd')[:-1] + '/' # Between tests we want to ask the user whether they want to continue and # clean the screen test_seperator = ("\nprintf \"\\n\\nPress a key to continue to next test\"" "&& read -n 1 -s && printf \"\\n\\n\"\n") # Read in the configuration file for which tests and helpers to install with open('tests_config.json', 'r') as config_file: config = json.load(config_file) # Set log length to 50 set_log_length(50) def get_files_to_install(week, category): """
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7 import sys sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + '/../99_helpers/') from test_helpers import print_log, print_check, print_crit_check # noqa # pylint: disable=import-error from test_helpers import print_test_summary # noqa # pylint: disable=import-error from test_helpers import get_process_output # noqa # pylint: disable=import-error print_log("Checking netplan dhcp") with open('/etc/netplan/psa.yaml', 'r') as f: netplan = print_crit_check('dhcp4: true' in netplan) print_log("Checking IP address assigned") ip = get_process_output("ip -o -f inet addr show dev enp0s8 dynamic") print_crit_check("inet 192.168.10." in ip) print_log("Checking subnet mask specified") print_check("/24 brd" in ip) print_log("Checking routes specified") routes = get_process_output("ip route list proto dhcp dev enp0s8") print_check(" via" in routes) print_test_summary()