コード例 #1
ファイル: conv_ad_v2_run.py プロジェクト: zhuyawen/akg
def gen_data(fm_shape, w_shape, pad, stride, dilation, strided=-1):
    IN, IC, IH, IW = fm_shape
    C0 = 16
    IC = ((IC + C0 - 1) // C0) * C0

    WN, WC, WH, WW = w_shape
    WN = ((WN + C0 - 1) // C0) * C0
    WC = ((WC + C0 - 1) // C0) * C0

    ON = IN
    OC = WN
    WHD = (WH - 1) * dilation + 1
    WWD = (WW - 1) * dilation + 1
    OH = (IH + 2 * pad - WHD) // stride + 1
    OW = (IW + 2 * pad - WWD) // stride + 1

    if (strided <= 1):
        x = random_gaussian((IN, IC, IH, IW), miu=1,
        x_tmp = random_gaussian(
            (IN, IC, (IH // strided + 1), (IW // strided + 1)),
        x = np.full((IN, IC, IH, IW), 0, dtype=np.float16)
        for i0 in range(x_tmp.shape[0]):
            for i1 in range(x_tmp.shape[1]):
                for i2 in range(x_tmp.shape[2]):
                    for i3 in range(x_tmp.shape[3]):
                        x[i0, i1, i2 * strided, i3 * strided] = x_tmp[i0, i1,
                                                                      i2, i3]

    w = random_gaussian((WN, WC, WH, WW), miu=0.5,

    conv_param = {'stride': stride, 'pad': pad, 'dilation': dilation}
    out = conv_forward_naive(x, w, None, conv_param)

    # transpose to 5D - NC1HWC0
    feature = x.reshape(IN, IC // C0, C0, IH, IW).transpose(0, 1, 3, 4,
    # transpose to 5D - C1HWNC0
    filter = w.reshape(WN, WC // C0, C0, WH, WW).transpose(1, 3, 4, 0,
    # transpose to 5D - NC1HWC0
    output = out.reshape(ON, OC // C0, C0, OH, OW).transpose(0, 1, 3, 4,

    return feature, filter, output
コード例 #2
ファイル: add_a_conv_run.py プロジェクト: zhuyawen/akg
def gen_data(fm_shape, w_shape, pad, stride, dilation, bias):
    IN, IC, IH, IW = fm_shape
    C0 = 16
    IC = ((IC + C0 - 1) // C0) * C0

    WN, WC, WH, WW = w_shape
    WN = ((WN + C0 - 1) // C0) * C0
    WC = ((WC + C0 - 1) // C0) * C0

    ON = IN
    OC = WN
    WHD = (WH - 1) * dilation + 1
    WWD = (WW - 1) * dilation + 1
    OH = (IH + 2 * pad - WHD) // stride + 1
    OW = (IW + 2 * pad - WWD) // stride + 1

    x = random_gaussian((IN, IC, IH, IW), miu=1, sigma=0.1).astype(np.float16)
    w = random_gaussian((WN, WC, WH, WW), miu=0.5,
    x_add = x + 1.0

    if bias:
        b = np.random.rand(WN).astype(np.float16, copy=False)
        b = (np.array(np.zeros(WN))).astype(np.float16, copy=False)

    conv_param = {'stride': stride, 'pad': pad, 'dilation': dilation}
    out = conv_forward_naive(x_add, w, b, conv_param)
    ''' transpose to 5D - NC1HWC0 '''
    feature = x.reshape(IN, IC // C0, C0, IH, IW).transpose(0, 1, 3, 4,
    ''' transpose to 5D - C1HWNC0 '''
    filter = w.reshape(WN, WC // C0, C0, WH, WW).transpose(1, 3, 4, 0,
    ''' transpose to 5D - NC1HWC0 '''
    output = out.reshape(ON, OC // C0, C0, OH, OW).transpose(0, 1, 3, 4,

    return feature, filter, b, output
コード例 #3
ファイル: fused_mul_conv_run.py プロジェクト: zhuyawen/akg
def gen_data(fm_shape, w_shape, pad, stride, dilation, bias):

    if isinstance(stride, int):
        stride = [stride] * 2
    elif isinstance(stride, (list, tuple)) and 1 == len(stride):
        stride = list(stride) * 2
    elif isinstance(stride, (list, tuple)) and 2 == len(stride):
        raise RuntimeError('stride para illegal !!!')

    if isinstance(pad, int):
        pad = [pad] * 4
    elif isinstance(pad, (list, tuple)) and 1 == len(pad):
        pad = list(pad) * 4
    elif isinstance(pad, (list, tuple)) and 4 == len(pad):
        raise RuntimeError('pad para illegal !!!')

    if isinstance(dilation, int):
        dilation = [dilation] * 2
    elif isinstance(dilation, (list, tuple)) and 1 == len(dilation):
        dilation = list(dilation) * 2
    elif isinstance(dilation, (list, tuple)) and 2 == len(dilation):
        raise RuntimeError('dilation para illegal !!!')

    S_h, S_w = stride
    P_top, P_bottom, P_left, P_right = pad
    D_h, D_w = dilation

    IN, IC, IH, IW = fm_shape
    C0 = 16
    IC = ((IC + C0 - 1) // C0) * C0

    WN, WC, WH, WW = w_shape
    WN = ((WN + C0 - 1) // C0) * C0
    WC = ((WC + C0 - 1) // C0) * C0

    ON = IN
    OC = WN
    WHD = (WH - 1) * D_h + 1
    WWD = (WW - 1) * D_w + 1
    OH = (IH + P_top + P_bottom - WHD) // S_h + 1
    OW = (IW + P_left + P_right - WWD) // S_w + 1

    x1 = random_gaussian((IN, IC, IH, IW), miu=1, sigma=0.1).astype(np.float16)
    x2 = random_gaussian((IN, IC, IH, IW), miu=1, sigma=0.1).astype(np.float16)
    x = fmap_data = np.multiply(x1, x2)
    w = random_gaussian((WN, WC, WH, WW), miu=0.5,

    if bias:
        b = np.random.rand(WN).astype(np.float16, copy=False)
        b = (np.array(np.zeros(WN))).astype(np.float16, copy=False)

    conv_param = {'stride': stride, 'pad': pad, 'dilation': dilation}
    out = conv_forward_naive(x, w, b, conv_param)
    ''' transpose to 5D - NC1HWC0 '''
    feature1 = x1.reshape(IN, IC // C0, C0, IH, IW).transpose(0, 1, 3, 4,
    feature2 = x2.reshape(IN, IC // C0, C0, IH, IW).transpose(0, 1, 3, 4,
    ''' transpose to 5D - C1HWNC0 '''
    filter = w.reshape(WN, WC // C0, C0, WH, WW).transpose(1, 3, 4, 0,
    filter = filter.reshape(WC // C0 * WH * WW, WN // 16, 16, C0)

    bb = b.reshape(1, WN // 16, 1, 1, 16)
    ''' transpose to 5D - NC1HWC0 '''
    output = out.reshape(ON, OC // C0, C0, OH, OW).transpose(0, 1, 3, 4,

    return feature1, feature2, filter, bb, output
コード例 #4
def gen_data(dtype, shape):
    x = random_gaussian(shape).astype(dtype)
    expect = np.divide(x, np.abs(x) + 1).astype(dtype)
    output = np.full(shape, np.nan, dtype)
    return expect, x, output