コード例 #1
class QtTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        Initialize our QApplication
        :return: None

        # We need to be able to test our code without a real device. So we setup
        # our Mock server here. Then we connect our client to that mock server.
        self.server = MockServer(('localhost', 0), MockHandler)
        self.listen_ip, self.listen_port = self.server.server_address
        self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever)
        self.server_thread.daemon = False

        self.app = QApplication.instance()
        if self.app is None:
            self.app = QApplication([])

        self.main_window = MainWindow(None)

    def tearDown(self):

    def testNames(self):
        self.cnt = 0

        def _watch(msg):
            self.cnt += 1

        # We know our mock server should emit 3 messages to the message_signal. So
        # we can use this as a way to count that all 3 have been sent before trying
        # to verify that our names list was updated correctly.

        # This is how we normally would start the connection. Just now we are pointing
        # to our mock server.
        self.main_window.start_api(self.listen_ip, self.listen_port)

        # We know our mock server is going to send 3 names. So keep processing
        # until all 3 have been sent.
        while self.cnt < 3:
            if self.app.hasPendingEvents():

        # Finally, assert that our end goal has been met.
        assert self.main_window.names_list.count() == 3