コード例 #1
ファイル: root.py プロジェクト: rajcze/testdays_frontend
    def save_result(self, event_id, testcase_id, username, hwname, smolt, result, bugs, comment):
        """Saves the validated data to ResultsDB."""

        if hwname is not None:
            hwname = hwname.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
        if result is not None:
            result = result.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
        filled = self.__update_profile_cookies(username, smolt, hwname)
        # This cookie is used for showing the "DONE" status message in the testcase
        # grid on the Event page
        if testcase_id not in filled:
            filled[testcase_id] = result
        response.set_cookie("filled", json.dumps(filled))

        q = DBSession.query(db.Testcase)
        q = q.filter(db.Testcase.id == testcase_id)
        tc = q.one()

        # Prepares the data for ResultsDB storage
        q = DBSession.query(db.Event)
        q = q.filter(db.Event.id == event_id)
        event = q.one()

        job_id = event.resultsdb_job

        # normalize the empty smolt url to empty string

        if smolt is None or smolt.strip() == "":
            smolt = ""

        # Preparing the data for ResultsDB

        # Set "extra data" (from the ResultsDB's POW)
        # The result is stored here, so we can easily work with the result, without needing
        # to distinguish between the "tc" and "txt" type in the results view.
        keyval_pairs = dict(username=username, hwname=hwname, smolt=smolt, result=result, tctype = tc.type.name)

        # Some ResultsDB fields, reasonably used, so we don't need to create that much extra-data fields
        if comment is not None:
            summary = comment.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
            summary = comment
        highlights = bugs

        # For the txt testcase, we set the ResultsDB result to PASSED
        # tc type testcase already has a subset of ResultsDB valid results.
        if tc.type.name == 'txt':
            result = "PASSED"

        # Store the data into ResultsDB
        tr_id = self.rdb.start_testrun(tc.url, job_id)
        retval = self.rdb.end_testrun(tr_id, result, tc.url, keyval_pairs, summary = summary, highlights = highlights)
        if retval == 0:
            flash("Result for '%s' sucessfully saved" % tc.name)
            flash("Result for '%s' could not be saved (ResultsDB error)" % tc.name, 'error')

        #FIXME: change model, so the event-category is one-to-many instead of many-to-many
        redirect(url('show_event', dict(event_id = event.id)))
コード例 #2
ファイル: bootstrap.py プロジェクト: rajcze/testdays_frontend
def bootstrap(command, conf, vars):
    """Place any commands to setup testdays here"""

    # <websetup.bootstrap.before.auth

    # <websetup.bootstrap.after.auth>
#    event = db.Event('Power Management Testday', 'http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2012-10-11_Power_Management')
#    c1 = db.Category('pm')
#    c2 = db.Category('tuned')
#    c3 = db.Category('other')
    t1 = db.Type('tc')
    t2 = db.Type('txt')
#    DBSession.add(event)
#    DBSession.add(c1)
#    DBSession.add(c2)
#    DBSession.add(c3)
#    event.categories = [c1, c2, c3]
#    tc1 = db.Testcase('pm-suspendr', 'http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Power_Management_pm_suspend', t1, c1)
#    tc2 = db.Testcase('pm-hibernate', 'http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Power_Management_pm_hibernate', t1, c1)
#    tc3 = db.Testcase('pm-suspend-hybrid', 'http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Power_Management_pm_suspend_hybrid', t1, c1)
#    tc4 = db.Testcase('pm-bugreport', 'http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Power_Management_pm_bugreport', t1, c1)
#    tc5 = db.Testcase('pm-powersave', 'http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Power_Management_pm_powersave', t1, c1)
#    tc6 = db.Testcase('Tuned', 'http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Power_Management_tuned_basic', t1, c2)
#    tc7 = db.Testcase('Tuned disabled idle', 'http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Power_Management_tuned_off_idle', t2, c2)
#    tc8 = db.Testcase('Tuned powersave idle', 'http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Power_Management_tuned_powersave_idle', t2, c2)
#    tc9 = db.Testcase('Lid close', 'http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Power_Management_Lid_Close', t1, c3)
#    tc10 = db.Testcase('Backlight control', 'http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Power_Management_Backlight_Control', t1, c3)
#    DBSession.add(tc1)
#    DBSession.add(tc2)
#    DBSession.add(tc3)
#    DBSession.add(tc4)
#    DBSession.add(tc5)
#    DBSession.add(tc6)
#    DBSession.add(tc7)
#    DBSession.add(tc8)
#    DBSession.add(tc9)
#    DBSession.add(tc10)
コード例 #3
ファイル: root.py プロジェクト: rajcze/testdays_frontend
 def all_events(self):
     """Handle the front-page."""
     q = DBSession.query(db.Event)
     #FIXME: change "created" to "takes-place" or something like that
     #FIXME: add some constraints (e.g. pagination)
     q = q.order_by(desc(db.Event.created))
     events = q.all()
     return dict(events = events)
コード例 #4
ファイル: root.py プロジェクト: rajcze/testdays_frontend
 def fill_testcase(self, testcase_id, event_id, **kwargs):
     """Selects appropriate testcase from database and shows form for filling the results.
     If the 'type' is 'tc' (TestCase), then we want the user to select result from PASSED/FAILED/INFO.
     If the type is txt (TeXT), then the user should enter some arbitrary text as a result."""
     q = DBSession.query(db.Testcase)
     q = q.filter(db.Testcase.id == testcase_id)
     tc = q.one()
     if tc.type.name == 'tc':
         tmpl_context.form = create_testcase_form
     elif tc.type.name == 'txt':
         tmpl_context.form = create_textinfo_form
     return dict(testcase = tc, event_id = event_id)
コード例 #5
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: rajcze/testdays_frontend
 def setUp(self):
     """Prepare model test fixture."""
         new_attrs = {}
         self.obj = self.klass(**new_attrs)
         return self.obj
コード例 #6
ファイル: root.py プロジェクト: rajcze/testdays_frontend
    def show_event(self, event_id = None):

        if event_id is None:

        q = DBSession.query(db.Event)
        q = q.filter(db.Event.id == event_id).order_by(db.Event.id)
        event = q.one()

        # As ResultsDB is probably the biggest bottle-neck loading/preparsing data
        # is cached.
        # The current caching implementation can not call methods with arguments
        # so we need to prepare a partial function, with the parameters pre-filled.
        cached_func = partial(rdb_preparse.show_event, self.rdb, event)
        mycache = cache.get_cache('show_event_resultsdb')
        cachedvalue = mycache.get_value(
                        key="event_id_%s" % event_id,
                        createfunc= cached_func,
                        expiretime=10) #FIXME: make the expiretime configurable

        filled = json.loads(request.cookies.get("filled", "{}"))
        return dict(event=event, filled = filled, results = cachedvalue)
コード例 #7
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: rajcze/testdays_frontend
 def test_query_obj(self):
     """Model objects can be queried"""
     obj = DBSession.query(self.klass).one()
     for key, value in self.attrs.iteritems():
         assert_equals(getattr(obj, key), value)
コード例 #8
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: rajcze/testdays_frontend
 def tearDown(self):
     """Finish model test fixture."""
コード例 #9
ファイル: root.py プロジェクト: rajcze/testdays_frontend
    def process_update_testday(self, **kwargs):

        result, data = self._parse_wiki(kwargs['wikipage'])

        if result == False:
            redirect('update_testday', dict(msg = data))

        # load testcase types from DB
        tc_types = {}
        q = DBSession.query(db.Type)
        q = q.filter(db.Type.name == 'txt')
        tc_types['txt'] = q.one()
        q = DBSession.query(db.Type)
        q = q.filter(db.Type.name == 'tc')
        tc_types['tc'] = q.one()

        # check whether the event already exists based on the event url
        q = DBSession.query(db.Event)
        q = q.filter(db.Event.url == data['url'])
            event = q.one()
            event.name = data['name']
            event.config = kwargs['wikipage']
            e_action = "updated" # status just for the output message
        except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: # event with such url does not exist
            job_id = self.rdb.start_job(name = data['name'])
            if job_id < 1:
                redirect('update_testday', dict(msg = "Error during ResultsDB start_job"))

            event = db.Event(data['name'], data['url'])
            event.resultsdb_job = job_id
            event.created = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            event.config = kwargs['wikipage']
            e_action = "created"

        # clear the old categories/testcases in DB
        for c in event.categories:
            for t in c.testcases:

        # create new categories/testcases in DB
        categories = []
        for cat in data['categories']:
            c = db.Category(cat['name'])
            for tc in cat['testcases']:
                t = db.Testcase(tc['name'], tc['url'], tc_types[tc['type']], c)

        event.categories = categories
        eid = event.id

                    msg = 'Event with id %s %s correctly.' % (eid, e_action),
                    event_link = url('/show_event', params = {"event_id": eid}),
コード例 #10
ファイル: root.py プロジェクト: rajcze/testdays_frontend
    def process_export_testday(self, wikipage):
        result, w_data = self._parse_wiki(wikipage, "TestdayApp Metadata")

        if result == False:
            redirect('export_event', dict(msg = w_data))

        q = DBSession.query(db.Event)
        q = q.filter(db.Event.url == w_data['url'])
            event = q.one()
        except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: # event with such url does not exist
            redirect('export_event', dict(msg = "Event with url '%s' does not exist" % w_data['url']))

        # creates list of testcase url's for each category
        # the list of url's specifies the 'order' of testcases for wiki matrix
        order = []
        headers = []
        for c in w_data['categories']:
            for tc in c['testcases']:
               headers[-1].append((tc['name'], tc['url']))

        data = rdb_preparse._by_user(self.rdb, event)

        text_all = ""
        for grp_index, tc_group in enumerate(order):
            # Create table Header
            text_all += "=== %s ===\n\n" % headers[grp_index][0]
            text_all += "{|\n"
            text_all += "! User\n"
            text_all += "! Hardware\n"
            for name, url in headers[grp_index][1:]:
                text_all += "! [%s %s]\n" % (url, name)
            text_all += "! References\n"

            # Fill results
            for user in data:
               for smolt, hwname in data[user]:
                    # if at least one result is set for user in group, set hit to true
                    hit = False
                    text = "|-\n"
                    text += "| [[User:%s|%s]]\n" % (user, user)
                    if smolt != "":
                            text += "| [%s %s]\n" % (smolt, hwname)
                            text += "| %s\n" % hwname
                    for tc_url in tc_group:
                            results = data[user][(smolt, hwname)][tc_url]
                            hit = True
                        except KeyError:
                            text += "| \n"

                        text += "| "
                        dirty = False
                        for result in results:
                            if dirty:
                                text += "<br />"
                                dirty = False

                            rtext = result['result']
                            if result['result'] in ['PASSED', 'FAILED']:
                                rtext = "{{result|%s}} " % result['result'].lower()[:-2]
                            elif result['result'] == 'INFO':
                                rtext = "{{result|warn}} "
                            else: # result is plaintext
                                dirty = True
                            text += "%s "% rtext

                            for bug in result['bugs']:
                                text += "<ref>{{bz|%s}}</ref>" % bug

                            if result['comment']:
                                text += "<ref>%s</ref>" % result['comment']

                        text += "\n"
                    text += "| <references/>\n"

                    # if at least one result was filled for the user+hw in the group,
                    # add the text to the export
                    if hit:
                        text_all += text
            text_all += "|-\n"
            text_all += "|}\n"
            text_all += "\n\n"

        return dict(data = text_all)