コード例 #1
def test_full_integral_image_correctness():
	''' Test generated full integral image correctness,
	    note that this relies on the corectness of interpreter and reference.py '''

	block_size = (20, 20)
	size = tuple(x*3 for x in block_size)

	# generate random test image
	test_image = [[float(random.randint(0, 255)) for i in xrange(size[0])] for j in xrange(size[1])]

	# reference implementation
	integral_ref = reference.gen_integral_image(test_image)
	sq_integral_ref = reference.gen_integral_squared_image(test_image)

	# pointer config
	buffer_size = block_size[0]*block_size[1]
	src_ptr = 0
	integral_ptr = buffer_size
	sq_integral_ptr = 2*buffer_size

	# set up interpreter for integral image calculation
	pe_dim = [s//b for s, b in zip(size, block_size)]
	def code_gen(code, block_size, args):
		return gen_code.gen_full_integral_image(code, src_ptr, integral_ptr, sq_integral_ptr, pe_dim, block_size)
	code = Code()
	code.set_generator(optimiser_wrapper(code_gen), block_size)

	sim = Interpreter(code, test_image, block_size)

	# get result of simulator with scaling, truncation turned off and float output
	integral_test = sim.gen_output_image(1, False, False, True)
	sq_integral_test = sim.gen_output_image(2, False, False, True)

	# comparison of reference with blip sim
	integral_err = compare_images(integral_ref, integral_test)
	sq_integral_err = compare_images(sq_integral_ref, sq_integral_test)

	err_eps = 0.001
	if not ((integral_err < err_eps) and (sq_integral_err < err_eps)):
		print 'integral comp:', integral_err
		print 'squared integral comp:', sq_integral_err
		print 'rendering instruction stream to file, can take a while'
			f = open('unoptimised_full_integral_image_trace.txt', 'w')
			def tag_str(instr): return ', '.join(instr.tag) if hasattr(instr, 'tag') else ''
			f.write('\n'.join(str(x).ljust(40) + ' tags: ' + tag_str(x) for x in code_gen(Code())))

			optim_gen = optimiser_wrapper(code_gen, block_size, {})
			f = open('bad_full_integral_image_trace.txt', 'w')
			def tag_str(instr): return ', '.join(instr.tag) if hasattr(instr, 'tag') else ''
			f.write('\n'.join(str(x).ljust(40) + ' tags: ' + tag_str(x) for x in optim_gen(Code())))
		except Exception, e:
			print 'could render instruction stream to file'
			print 'err: ' + str(e)
		assert False
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_skeletons.py プロジェクト: visionsystems/BLIP
def test_map_pixel_to_pixel():
	def pixel_op(code, pixel_in, pixel_out, args, block_size):
		th = args['th']
		with scoped_alloc(code, 3) as (th_r, v, const_255):
			yield Imm(th_r, th)
			yield Cmp(pixel_in, th_r)
			yield Imm(const_255, 255)
			yield Mov(pixel_out, const_255, cond='GT')
			yield Xor(pixel_out, pixel_out, pixel_out, cond='LE')

	def run_test(image, th):
		code = Code()
		block_size = (16, 16)
		in_ptr = 0
		out_ptr = block_size[0]*block_size[1]
		args = {'th': th}
		def codegen(code, block_size, args): 
			return map_pixel_to_pixel(code,  in_ptr, out_ptr, pixel_op, args, block_size)
		code.set_generator(codegen, block_size, args)
		sim = Interpreter(code, image, block_size)
		return sim.gen_output_image(1)
	def run_ref(image, th):
		return [[255 if x > th else 0 for x in y] for y in image]

	th = 100
	image = [[random.randint(0, 255) for x in xrange(16)] for y in xrange(16)]
	res_test = run_test(image, th)
	res_ref  = run_test(image, th)

	assert compare_images(res_test, res_ref) < 0.01
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_blipcode.py プロジェクト: visionsystems/BLIP
def _test_image_function_single_pe(codegen, args, ref_implementation):
    # setttings
    width, height = 9, 9 # size only effects execution speed so keep it small
    block_size = (width, height)

    def run_test(image, args, block_size):
        im_size = len(image[0]), len(image)
        bwidth, bheight = block_size
        assert(im_size == block_size) # only one pe

        code = Code()
        code.set_generator(codegen, block_size, args)

        sim = Interpreter(code, image, block_size)
        output = sim.gen_output_image(1, False)
        return output

    image = [[random.randint(0, 255) for x in xrange(width)] for y in xrange(height)]
    ref_output = ref_implementation(image, args) 
    test_output = run_test(image, args, block_size)

    if not (compare_images(ref_output, test_output) < 0.01):
	print 'ref'
        print '\n'.join(str(y) for y in ref_output)
	print 'test'
        print '\n'.join(str(y) for y in test_output)
        return False
    return True
コード例 #4
def test_get2D_func():
	''' Test if get2D codegen is correct. '''
	import random
	block_size = (5, 5)
	out_ptr = block_size[0]*block_size[1]

	im_size = tuple(x*3 for x in block_size) # only single block, this code doesn't account for interblock comm
	src_image = [[random.randint(0, 255) for _ in xrange(im_size[0])] for _ in xrange(im_size[1])]

	src = '''
def main(in_ptr, out_ptr):
	y = get_local_id(0)
	x = get_local_id(1)
	index = %(bwidth)i*y
	out_ptr[index+x] = get2D(in_ptr, x-1, y-1, %(bwidth)i, %(bheight)i)
'''%{'bwidth':block_size[0], 'bheight':block_size[1]}

	test_out = run_kernel(src, src_image, block_size, {'in_ptr':0, 'out_ptr':out_ptr}, 32)
	ref_out = [[0 for x in y] for y in src_image]
	for i, src_row in enumerate(src_image):
		for j, src_px in enumerate(src_row):
				x = j-1
				y = i-1
				if x >= 0 and x < im_size[0] and y >= 0 and y < im_size[1]:
					ref_out[i][j] = src_image[y][x]
	assert compare_images(test_out, ref_out) < 0.001
コード例 #5
def gen_integral_image_correctness():
	''' test if generated integral image is correct, 
	    note that this relies on the corectness of interpreter and reference.py '''

#		size = (120, 80)
#		block_size = (40, 40)
	size = (80, 80)
	block_size = size 

	# generate random test image
	test_image = [[float(random.randint(0, 255)) for i in xrange(size[0])] for j in xrange(size[1])]

	# reference implementation
	integral_ref = reference.gen_integral_image(test_image)
	sq_integral_ref = reference.gen_integral_squared_image(test_image)
	# pointer config
	buffer_size = block_size[0]*block_size[1]
	src_ptr = 0
	integral_ptr = buffer_size
	sq_integral_ptr = 2*buffer_size

	# set up interpreter for integral image calculation
	def code_gen(code, block_size, args):
		return gen_code.gen_integral_image(code, src_ptr, integral_ptr, sq_integral_ptr, block_size)
	code = Code()
	code.set_generator(optimiser_wrapper(code_gen), block_size)

	sim = Interpreter(code, test_image, block_size)

	# get result of simulator with scaling, truncation turned off and float output
	integral_test = sim.gen_output_image(1, False, False, True)
	sq_integral_test = sim.gen_output_image(2, False, False, True)

	# comparison of reference with blip sim
	integral_err = compare_images(integral_ref, integral_test)
	sq_integral_err = compare_images(sq_integral_ref, sq_integral_test)

	err_eps = 0.001
	if not ((integral_err < err_eps) and (sq_integral_err < err_eps)):
		print 'integral comp:', integral_err
		print 'squared integral comp:', sq_integral_err 
		assert False
コード例 #6
def test_full_integral_image_correctness():
	''' Test generated full integral image correctness,
	    note that this relies on the correctness of interpreter and reference.py '''

	block_size = (20, 20)
	size = tuple(x*3 for x in block_size)

	# generate random test image
	test_image = [[float(random.randint(0, 255)) for i in xrange(size[0])] for j in xrange(size[1])]

	# reference implementation
	integral_ref = reference.gen_integral_image(test_image)
	sq_integral_ref = reference.gen_integral_squared_image(test_image)

	# pointer config
	buffer_size = block_size[0]*block_size[1]
	src_ptr = 0
	integral_ptr = buffer_size
	sq_integral_ptr = 2*buffer_size

	# set up interpreter for integral image calculation
	pe_dim = [s//b for s, b in zip(size, block_size)]
	code = Code()
	def code_gen(code, block_size, args): 
		return gen_code.gen_full_integral_image(code, src_ptr, integral_ptr, sq_integral_ptr, pe_dim, block_size)
	code.set_generator(code_gen, block_size)

	sim = Interpreter(code, test_image, block_size)

	# get result of simulator with scaling, truncation turned off and float output
	integral_test = sim.gen_output_image(1, False, False, True)
	sq_integral_test = sim.gen_output_image(2, False, False, True)

	# comparison of reference with blip sim
	integral_err = compare_images(integral_ref, integral_test)
	sq_integral_err = compare_images(sq_integral_ref, sq_integral_test)

	err_eps = 0.001
	assert (integral_err < err_eps) and (sq_integral_err < err_eps)
コード例 #7
def test_conv_3x3_multiple_block():
	''' Simple 2 dimensional convolution test with multiple blocks.
	import random
	block_size = (8, 8)
	out_ptr = block_size[0]*block_size[1]

	im_size = tuple(x*2 for x in block_size) # only single block, this code doesn't account for interblock comm
	src_image = [[random.randint(0, 255) for _ in xrange(im_size[0])] for _ in xrange(im_size[1])]

	src = '''
def main(in_ptr, out_ptr):
	coeff = [[-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1]]
	y = get_local_id(0)
	x = get_local_id(1)
	index = %(bwidth)i*y+x
	acc = 0
	current_y = y - 1
	for i in range(3):
		current_x = x - 1
		for j in xrange(3):
			current_coeff = coeff[i][j]
			in_v = get2D(in_ptr, current_x, current_y, %(bwidth)i, %(bheight)i)
			v = current_coeff * in_v
			acc += v
			current_x += 1
		current_y += 1
	out_ptr[index] = acc
'''%{'bwidth':block_size[0], 'bheight':block_size[1]}

	test_out = run_kernel(src, src_image, block_size, {'in_ptr':0, 'out_ptr':out_ptr}, 32)
	ref_out = [[0 for x in y] for y in src_image]
	coeffs = [[-1, 0, 1]]*3
	for i, src_row in enumerate(src_image):
		for j, src_px in enumerate(src_row):
			acc = 0
			for k, coeff_row in enumerate(coeffs):
				y = i + k - 1
				for l, coeff in enumerate(coeff_row):
					x = j + l -1
					if x >= 0 and x < len(src_row) and y >= 0 and y < len(src_image):
						acc += coeff * src_image[y][x]
			ref_out[i][j] = acc

	assert compare_images(test_out, ref_out) < 0.001
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_skeletons.py プロジェクト: visionsystems/BLIP
def test_map_image_to_pixel():
	def pixel_op(code, pos, in_ptr, out_ptr, args, block_size):
		''' Simple image shift implementation. '''
		offset = args['offset']
		x, y = pos
		width, height = block_size
		c_in_ptr = in_ptr + width*y + (x + offset)
		c_out_ptr = out_ptr + width*y + x
		with scoped_alloc(code, 1) as v:
			for instr in load_mem_value(code, c_in_ptr, pos, v, block_size):
				yield instr
			yield MemWImm(c_out_ptr, v)

	def run_test(image, offset):
		code = Code()
		block_size = (16, 16)
		in_ptr = 0
		out_ptr = block_size[0]*block_size[1]
		args = {'offset' : offset}
		def codegen(code, block_size, args):
			return map_image_to_pixel(code, in_ptr, out_ptr, pixel_op, args, block_size)
		code.set_generator(codegen, block_size, args)
		sim = Interpreter(code, image, block_size)
		return sim.gen_output_image(1)
	def run_ref(image, offset):
		iwidth, iheight = len(image[0]), len(image)
		res = [[0 for x in xrange(iwidth)] for y in xrange(iheight)]
		def in_image(j, i):
			return  i >= 0 and i < iheight and j >= 0 and j < iwidth
		for i, row in enumerate(image):
			for j, _ in enumerate(row):
				x, y = j + offset, i
				res = image[y][x] if in_image(x, y) else 0
		return res

	offset = 2
	image = [[random.randint(0, 255) for x in xrange(32)] for y in xrange(32)]
	res_test = run_test(image, offset)
	res_ref  = run_test(image, offset)

	assert compare_images(res_test, res_ref) < 0.00001
コード例 #9
def test_gray():
	''' Basic test, generate a gray image. '''
	block_size = (8, 8)

	im_size = tuple(x*2 for x in block_size)
	src_image = [[0 for _ in xrange(im_size[0])] for _ in xrange(im_size[1])]

	src = '''
def main():
	y = get_local_id(0)
	x = get_local_id(1)
	index = y*%(bwidth)i + x
	out_ptr = %(bwidth)i * %(bheight)i
	out_ptr[index] = 128
'''%{'bwidth':block_size[0], 'bheight':block_size[1]}

	test_out = run_kernel(src, src_image, block_size, {}, 16)
	ref_out = [[128. for _ in xrange(im_size[0])] for _ in xrange(im_size[1])]
	assert compare_images(test_out, ref_out) < 0.001
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_skeletons.py プロジェクト: visionsystems/BLIP
def test_map_neighborhood_to_pixel():
	def pixel_op(code, mask_val, image_val, acc, args, block_size):
		''' Simple convolution implementation. '''
		with scoped_alloc(code, 2) as (v, mask_val_r):
			yield Imm(mask_val_r, mask_val)
			yield Mul(v, mask_val_r, image_val)
			yield Add(acc, acc, v)

	def run_test(image, coeff):
		code = Code()
		block_size = (16, 16)
		in_ptr = 0
		out_ptr = block_size[0]*block_size[1]
		args = {}
		def codegen(code, block_size, args):
			return map_neighborhood_to_pixel(code, in_ptr, out_ptr, coeff, pixel_op, args, block_size)
		code.set_generator(codegen, block_size, args)
		sim = Interpreter(code, image, block_size)
		return sim.gen_output_image(1)
	def run_ref(image, coeff):
		iwidth, iheight = len(image[0]), len(image)
		res = [[0 for x in xrange(iwidth)] for y in xrange(iheight)]
		for i, row in enumerate(image):
			for j, v in enumerate(row):
				acc = 0
				for ii, c_row in enumerate(coeff):
					if ii >= 0 and ii < iheight:
						for jj, c in enumerate(c_row):
							if jj >= 0 and jj < iwidth:
								acc += c*image[ii][jj]
				res[j][i] = acc
		return res

	coeff = [[-1, 0, 1]]*3
	image = [[random.randint(0, 255) for x in xrange(32)] for y in xrange(32)]
	res_test = run_test(image, coeff)
	res_ref  = run_test(image, coeff)

	assert compare_images(res_test, res_ref) < 0.00001
コード例 #11
def test_conv_3x1():
	''' Simple 1 dimensional convolution test. '''
	import random
	block_size = (8, 8)
	out_ptr = block_size[0]*block_size[1]

	im_size = tuple(x*1 for x in block_size) # only single block, this code doesn't account for interblock comm
	src_image = [[random.randint(0, 255) for _ in xrange(im_size[0])] for _ in xrange(im_size[1])]

	src = '''
def main(in_ptr, out_ptr):
	coeff = [-1, 0, 1]
	y = get_local_id(0)
	x = get_local_id(1)
	index = %(bwidth)i*y
	acc = 0
	current_x = x - 1
	for i in range(3):
		in_v = in_ptr[index+current_x]
		acc += (coeff[i] * in_v if current_x < %(bwidth)i else 0) if current_x >= 0 else 0
		current_x += 1
	out_ptr[index+x] = acc

	test_out = run_kernel(src, src_image, block_size, {'in_ptr':0, 'out_ptr':out_ptr}, 16)
	ref_out = [[0 for x in y] for y in src_image]
	coeffs = [-1, 0, 1]
	for i, src_row in enumerate(src_image):
		for j, src_px in enumerate(src_row):
			acc = 0
			for k, coeff in enumerate(coeffs):
				x = j + k -1
				if x >= 0 and x < len(src_row):
					acc += coeff * src_row[x]
			ref_out[i][j] = acc

	assert compare_images(test_out, ref_out) < 0.001
コード例 #12
def test_treshold():
	import random
	block_size = (8, 8)
	th = 100
	out_ptr = block_size[0]*block_size[1]

	im_size = tuple(x*2 for x in block_size)
	src_image = [[random.randint(0, 255) for _ in xrange(im_size[0])] for _ in xrange(im_size[1])]

	src = '''
def main(in_ptr, out_ptr, th):
	y = get_local_id(0)
	x = get_local_id(1)
	index = %(bwidth)i*y + x
	in_v = in_ptr[index]
	out_v = 255 if in_v > th else 0
	out_ptr[index] = out_v

	test_out = run_kernel(src, src_image, block_size, {'in_ptr':0, 'out_ptr':out_ptr, 'th':th}, 16)
	ref_out = [[255 if x > th else 0 for x in y] for y in src_image]
	assert compare_images(test_out, ref_out) < 0.001