print(sys.version) from config import Config class ContextFilter(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record): if 'GET /' in str( record) or 'POST /' in str(record): return False else: return True if Config.TEST_MODE: from testing import Test gogog = Test() gogog.start() if __name__ == "__main__": from app import app from app.logconfig import handler logmehere = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') logmehere.addFilter(ContextFilter()) logmehere.addHandler(handler) logging.getLogger('socketio').setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger('engineio').setLevel(logging.ERROR) app.logger.error('bollocks') app.debug = True'', port=Config.PORT,
def print_commands(self, runpath='.'): test = Test(self.ymlfile, self.settings) test.print_commands(runpath)
def main(): my_test = Test("sampleGraph1.txt") my_test.do_everything()
torch.cuda.empty_cache() device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') print('device: {}'.format(device)) train = Train(device) train.train_model(is_resume, epoch, file) if args.t: # testing if args.f: file = args.f else: file = config.best_model torch.cuda.empty_cache() device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') print('device: {}'.format(device)) test = Test(device) test.test_model(file) if args.e: # rouge evaluation s_file = args.sf r_file = args.rf torch.cuda.empty_cache() device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') print('device: {}'.format(device)) test = Evaluate(device) # files to be pass here final = test.evaluate_summaries(config.s_summaries) # this gives size in kbs -- have to convert in bytes usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss * 1024 memory = get_size(usage)
from testing import Test from process_item_based import main_class from process_profiles_item_based import processing users_prefix = 'users/' objects_prefix = 'objects/' tmp = open(users_prefix + 'all.txt', 'r').read().split('\n') tmp.remove('') num_users = len(tmp) tmp = open(objects_prefix + 'all.txt', 'r').read().split('\n') tmp.remove('') num_objects = len(tmp) #use = Test(main_class(num_users, num_objects, 'generated_matrix.txt')) use = Test(processing()) use.test_object.init_all_profiles() for obj in use.test_object.objects: use.test_object.init_sims(obj) max_sim = -500. for i in use.test_object.sims: for j in use.test_object.sims[i]: if j > max_sim: max_sim = j print(use.test_on_all())
def startexe(self, name, args, libs = None): path = self.project_path + "/" + name st_args = (["-o", self.project_path + "/" + name +".strace"] + [path] + args) print st_args return Test.startexe(self, "strace", st_args, libs, path="strace")
def print_commands(self, runpath="."): test = Test(self.ymlfile, self.settings) test.print_commands(runpath)
ouedknissSelectors = selectorsJson.get('ouedkniss') jumiaSelectors = selectorsJson.get('jumia') hanoutDzSelectors = selectorsJson.get('hanoutDz') item.containerSelector = ouedknissSelectors['containerSelector'] item.titleSelector = ouedknissSelectors['titleSelector'] item.detailsLink = ouedknissSelectors['detailsLink'] item.descriptionSelector = ouedknissSelectors['descriptionSelector'] item.priceSelector = ouedknissSelectors['priceSelector'] item.imageSelector = ouedknissSelectors['imageSelector'] urls = [ "", "" ] test = Test(website, page, ouedKniss, item) data = test.start_consecutive(1, 3) #data = test.start_non_consecutive([1,3,4]) #data = test.start_to_end(10) #data = test.start_with_urls(urls,ouedKniss) save = Save(data) save.to_json() save.to_csv() ''' # jumia test website = WebSite('jumia','','e-commerce web site') page = Page("") jumia = Jumia() item = Items() item.containerSelector = jumiaSelectors['containerSelector']
from testing import Test from process import main_class users_prefix = 'users/' objects_prefix = 'objects/' tmp = open(users_prefix + 'all.txt', 'r').read().split('\n') tmp.remove('') num_users = len(tmp) #print (num_users) tmp = open(objects_prefix + 'all.txt', 'r').read().split('\n') tmp.remove('') num_objects = len(tmp) #print (num_objects) #use = main_class(num_users, num_objects, 'generated_matrix.txt') use = Test(main_class(num_users, num_objects, 'generated_matrix.txt')) print(use.test_on_all())
def print_commands(self, working_directory ='.', no_paths = False): test = Test(self.ymlfile, self.settings) test.print_commands(working_directory, no_paths)