コード例 #1
def run_test_set(encoder, testRef, testSet, quality, blockSizes, testRuns,
    Execute all tests in the test set.

        encoder (EncoderBase): The encoder to use.
        testRef (ResultSet): The test reference results.
        testSet (TestSet): The test set.
        quality (str): The quality level to execute the test against.
        blockSizes (list(str)): The block sizes to execute each test against.
        testRuns (int): The number of test repeats to run for each image test.
        keepOutput (bool): Should the test preserve output images? This is
            only a hint and discarding output may be ignored if the encoder
            version used can't do it natively.

        ResultSet: The test results.
    resultSet = trs.ResultSet(testSet.name)

    curCount = 0
    maxCount = count_test_set(testSet, blockSizes)

    dat = (testSet.name, encoder.name, quality)
    title = "Test Set: %s / Encoder: %s -%s" % dat
    print("=" * len(title))

    for blkSz in blockSizes:
        for image in testSet.tests:
            # 3D block sizes require 3D images
            if is_3d(blkSz) != image.is3D:

            curCount += 1

            dat = (curCount, maxCount, blkSz, image.testFile)
            print("Running %u/%u %s %s ... " % dat, end='', flush=True)
            res = encoder.run_test(image, blkSz, "-%s" % quality, testRuns,
            res = trs.Record(blkSz, image.testFile, res[0], res[1], res[2],

            if testRef:
                refResult = testRef.get_matching_record(res)
                res.set_status(determine_result(image, refResult, res))

                res.tTimeRel = refResult.tTime / res.tTime
                res.cTimeRel = refResult.cTime / res.cTime
                res.psnrRel = res.psnr - refResult.psnr

                res = format_result(image, refResult, res)
                res = format_solo_result(image, res)

            print("\r[%3u] %s" % (curCount, res))

    return resultSet
コード例 #2
def main():
    The main function.

        int: The process return code.
    # Parse command lines
    args = parse_command_line()

    testSetCount = 0
    worstResult = trs.Result.NOTRUN

    for quality in args.testQual:
        for imageSet in args.testSets:
            for encoderName in args.encoders:
                (encoder, name, outDir, refName) = \
                    get_encoder_params(encoderName, args.reference, imageSet)

                testDir = "Test/Images/%s" % imageSet
                testRes = "%s/astc_%s_%s_results.csv" % (outDir, name, quality)

                testRef = None
                if refName:
                    dat = (testDir, refName, quality)
                    testRefPath = "%s/astc_%s_%s_results.csv" % dat
                    testRef = trs.ResultSet(imageSet)

                testSetCount += 1
                testSet = tts.TestSet(imageSet, testDir, args.profiles,
                                      args.formats, args.testImage)

                # The fast and fastest presets are now sufficiently fast that
                # the results are noisy without more repeats
                testRepeats = args.testRepeats
                if quality == "fast" and testRepeats > 1:
                    testRepeats *= 2
                elif quality == "fastest" and testRepeats > 1:
                    testRepeats *= 4

                resultSet = run_test_set(encoder, testRef, testSet, quality,
                                         args.blockSizes, testRepeats,


                if refName:
                    summary = resultSet.get_results_summary()
                    worstResult = max(summary.get_worst_result(), worstResult)

        if (testSetCount > 1) and (worstResult != trs.Result.NOTRUN):
            print("OVERALL STATUS: %s" % worstResult.name)

    if worstResult == trs.Result.FAIL:
        return 1

    return 0
コード例 #3
def main():
    The main function.

        int: The process return code.
    # Parse command lines
    args = parse_command_line()

    testSetCount = 0
    worstResult = trs.Result.NOTRUN

    for imageSet in args.testSets:
        for encoderName in args.encoders:
            (encoder, name, outDir, refName) = \
                get_encoder_params(encoderName, imageSet)

            testDir = "Test/Images/%s" % imageSet
            testRes = "%s/astc_%s_results.csv" % (outDir, name)

            testRef = None
            if refName:
                testRefPath = "%s/astc_%s_results.csv" % (testDir, refName)
                testRef = trs.ResultSet(imageSet)

            testSetCount += 1
            testSet = tts.TestSet(imageSet, testDir, args.profiles,

            resultSet = run_test_set(encoder, testRef, testSet,
                                     args.blockSizes, args.testRepeats)


            if refName:
                summary = resultSet.get_results_summary()
                worstResult = max(summary.get_worst_result(), worstResult)

    if (testSetCount > 1) and (worstResult != trs.Result.NOTRUN):
        print("OVERALL STATUS: %s" % worstResult.name)

    if worstResult == trs.Result.FAIL:
        return 1

    return 0
コード例 #4
def run_test_set(encoder, testRef, testSet, blockSizes, testRuns):
    Execute all tests in the test set.

        encoder (EncoderBase): The encoder to use.
        testRef (ResultSet): The test reference results.
        testSet (TestSet): The test set.
        blockSizes (list(str)): The block sizes to execute each test against.
        testRuns (int): The number of test repeats to run for each image test.

        ResultSet: The test results.
    resultSet = trs.ResultSet(testSet.name)

    curCount = 0
    maxCount = count_test_set(testSet, blockSizes)

    title = "Test Set: %s / Encoder: %s" % (testSet.name, encoder.name)
    print("=" * len(title))

    for blkSz in blockSizes:
        for image in testSet.tests:
            # 3D block sizes require 3D images
            if is_3d(blkSz) != image.is3D:

            curCount += 1

            dat = (curCount, maxCount, blkSz, image.testFile)
            print("Running %u/%u %s %s ... " % dat, end='', flush=True)
            res = encoder.run_test(image, blkSz, "-thorough", testRuns)
            res = trs.Record(blkSz, image.testFile, res[0], res[1], res[2])

            if testRef:
                refResult = testRef.get_matching_record(res)
                res.set_status(determine_result(image, refResult, res))
                res = format_result(image, refResult, res)
                res = format_solo_result(image, res)

            print("\r[%3u] %s" % (curCount, res))

    return resultSet
コード例 #5
def find_reference_results():
    Scrape the Test/Images directory for result CSV files and return an
    mapping of the result sets.

        Returns a three deep tree of dictionaries, with the final dict
        pointing at a `ResultSet` object. The hierarchy is:

            imageSet => quality => encoder => result
    scriptDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    imageDir = os.path.join(scriptDir, "Images")

    # Pattern for extracting useful data from the CSV file name
    filePat = re.compile(r"astc_reference-(.+)_(.+)_results\.csv")

    # Build a three level dictionary we can write into
    results = ddict(lambda: ddict(lambda: ddict()))

    # Final all CSVs, load them and store them in the dict tree
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(imageDir):
        for name in files:
            match = filePat.match(name)
            if match:
                fullPath = os.path.join(root, name)

                encoder = match.group(1)
                quality = match.group(2)
                imageSet = os.path.basename(root)

                if imageSet == "Small":

                if imageSet == "Frymire":

                testRef = trs.ResultSet(imageSet)

                results[imageSet][quality]["ref-%s" % encoder] = testRef

    return results
コード例 #6
def find_reference_results():
    Scrape the Test/Images directory for result CSV files and return an
    mapping of the result sets.

        Returns a three deep tree of dictionaries, with the final dict
        pointing at a `ResultSet` object. The hierarchy is:

            imageSet => quality => encoder => result
    scriptDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    imageDir = os.path.join(scriptDir, "Images")

    # Pattern for extracting useful data from the CSV file name
    filePat = re.compile(r"astc_reference-(.+)_(.+)_results\.csv")

    # Build a three level dictionary we can write into
    results = ddict(lambda: ddict(lambda: ddict()))

    # Final all CSVs, load them and store them in the dict tree
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(imageDir):
        for name in files:
            match = filePat.match(name)
            if match:

                # Skip results set in the filter
                skip = [1 for filt in CONFIG_FILTER if filt.match(name)]
                if skip:

                fullPath = os.path.join(root, name)

                encoder = match.group(1)
                quality = match.group(2)
                imageSet = os.path.basename(root)

                # Skip results set in the filter
                skip = [1 for filt in TESTSET_FILTER if filt.match(imageSet)]
                if skip:

                # Skip results set in the filter
                skip = [1 for filt in QUALITY_FILTER if filt.match(quality)]
                if skip:

                testRef = trs.ResultSet(imageSet)

                patchedRef = trs.ResultSet(imageSet)

                for result in testRef.records:
                    skip = [
                        1 for filt in BLOCKSIZE_FILTER
                        if filt.match(result.blkSz)
                    if not skip:

                results[imageSet][quality]["ref-%s" % encoder] = patchedRef

    return results