コード例 #1
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: CoRfr/testman4trac
    def post_insert(self, db):
        If only some test cases must be in the plan, then create the
        corresponding TestCaseInPlan objects and relate them to this plan.

        self.env.log.debug(">>> post_insert")

        if not self.values['contains_all']:
            # Create a TestCaseInPlan for each test case specified by the User
            from testmanager.api import TestManagerSystem
            default_status = TestManagerSystem(

            author = self.values['author']

            for tc_page_name in self.selected_tcs:
                if tc_page_name != '':
                    tc_id = tc_page_name.rpartition('TC')[2]
                    tcip = TestCaseInPlan(self.env, tc_id, self.values['id'])
                    if not tcip.exists:
                        tc = TestCase(self.env, tc_id)
                        tcip['page_name'] = tc['page_name']
                        if self.values['freeze_tc_versions']:
                            # Set the wiki page version to the current latest version
                            tcip['page_version'] = tc.wikipage.version
                        tcip.set_status(default_status, author)

        elif self.values['freeze_tc_versions']:
            # Create a TestCaseInPlan for each test case in the catalog, and
            # set the wiki page version to the current latest version
            self.env.log.debug(" - 1 -")

            tcat = TestCatalog(self.env, self.values['catid'],

            from testmanager.api import TestManagerSystem
            default_status = TestManagerSystem(

            author = self.values['author']

            for tc in tcat.list_testcases(deep=True):
                self.env.log.debug(" - 2 -")
                tcip = TestCaseInPlan(self.env, tc.values['id'],
                if not tcip.exists:
                    tcip['page_name'] = tc['page_name']
                    tcip['page_version'] = tc.wikipage.version
                    tcip.set_status(default_status, author)

                    self.env.log.debug(" - 3 - %s %s", tcip['id'],


        self.env.log.debug("<<< post_insert")
コード例 #2
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: CoRfr/testman4trac
    def list_testcases(self, plan_id=None, deep=False, db=None):
        Returns a list of the test cases in this catalog.
        If plan_id is provided, returns a list of TestCaseInPlan objects,
        otherwise, of TestCase objects.
        :deep: if True indicates to return all TCs in the catalog and 
               recursively in all the contained sub-catalogs.
        self.env.log.debug('>>> list_testcases')

        if plan_id is not None:
            from testmanager.api import TestManagerSystem
            default_status = TestManagerSystem(

        tc_search = TestCase(self.env)
        tc_search['page_name'] = self.values['page_name'] + ('_TC%',

        for tc in tc_search.list_matching_objects(exact_match=False, db=db):
            self.env.log.debug('    ---> Found testcase %s' % tc['id'])
            if plan_id is None:
                yield tc
                tcip = TestCaseInPlan(self.env, tc['id'], plan_id)
                if not tcip.exists:
                    tcip['status'] = default_status

                yield tcip

        self.env.log.debug('<<< list_testcases')
コード例 #3
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: CoRfr/testman4trac
    def process_request(self, req):
        testmanagersystem = TestManagerSystem(self.env)
        tc_statuses = testmanagersystem.get_tc_statuses_by_color()

        if 'testmanager' in self.config:
            self.default_days_back = self.config.getint(
                'testmanager', 'default_days_back',
            self.default_interval = self.config.getint(
                'testmanager', 'default_interval',

        req_content = req.args.get('content')
        testplan = None
        catpath = None
        testplan_contains_all = True

        self.env.log.debug("Test Stats - process_request: %s" % req_content)

        grab_testplan = req.args.get('testplan')
        if grab_testplan and not grab_testplan == "__all":
            testplan = grab_testplan.partition('|')[0]
            catpath = grab_testplan.partition('|')[2]

            tp = TestPlan(self.env, testplan, catpath)
            testplan_contains_all = tp['contains_all']

        today = datetime.today()
        today = today.replace(tzinfo=req.tz) + timedelta(2)
        # Stats start from two years back
        beginning = today - timedelta(720)

        if (not req_content == None) and (req_content == "piechartdata"):
            num_successful = 0
            for tc_outcome in tc_statuses['green']:
                num_successful += self._get_num_tcs_by_status(
                    beginning, today, tc_outcome, testplan, req)

            num_failed = 0
            for tc_outcome in tc_statuses['red']:
                num_failed += self._get_num_tcs_by_status(
                    beginning, today, tc_outcome, testplan, req)

            num_to_be_tested = 0
            if testplan_contains_all:
                num_to_be_tested = self._get_num_testcases(
                    beginning, today, catpath,
                    req) - num_successful - num_failed
                for tc_outcome in tc_statuses['yellow']:
                    num_to_be_tested += self._get_num_tcs_by_status(
                        beginning, today, tc_outcome, testplan, req)

            jsdstr = """
                {"response": "%s", "count": %s},
                {"response": "%s", "count": %s},
                {"response": "%s", "count": %s}
            """ % (_("Successful"), num_successful, _("Failed"), num_failed,
                   _("To be tested"), num_to_be_tested)

            jsdstr = jsdstr.strip()

            if isinstance(jsdstr, unicode):
                jsdstr = jsdstr.encode('utf-8')

            req.send_header("Content-Length", len(jsdstr))

        if not None in [
            # form submit
            grab_at_date = req.args.get('end_date')
            grab_from_date = req.args.get('start_date')
            grab_resolution = req.args.get('resolution')

            # validate inputs
            if None in [grab_at_date, grab_from_date]:
                raise TracError('Please specify a valid range.')

            if None in [grab_resolution]:
                raise TracError('Please specify the graph interval.')

            if 0 in [
                raise TracError(
                    'Please ensure that all fields have been filled in.')

            if not grab_resolution.isdigit():
                raise TracError(
                    'The graph interval field must be an integer, days.')

            at_date = parse_date(grab_at_date, req.tz) + timedelta(2)
            from_date = parse_date(grab_from_date, req.tz)

            graph_res = int(grab_resolution)

            # default data
            todays_date = datetime.today()
            at_date = todays_date  #+ timedelta(1) # datetime.combine(todays_date,time(23,59,59,0,req.tz))
            at_date = at_date.replace(tzinfo=req.tz) + timedelta(2)
            from_date = at_date - timedelta(self.default_days_back)
            graph_res = self.default_interval

        count = []

        # Calculate 0th point
        last_date = from_date - timedelta(graph_res)

        # Calculate remaining points
        for cur_date in daterange(from_date, at_date, graph_res):
            datestr = format_date(cur_date)
            if graph_res != 1:
                datestr = "%s thru %s" % (format_date(last_date), datestr)

            if (not req_content == None) and (req_content
                                              == "ticketchartdata"):
                num_total = self._get_num_tickets_total(
                    beginning, cur_date, testplan, req)
                num_closed = self._get_num_tickets_by_status(
                    beginning, cur_date, 'closed', testplan, req)
                num_active = num_total - num_closed

                    'from_date': format_date(last_date),
                    'to_date': datestr,
                    'date': datestr,
                    'active_tickets': num_active,
                    'closed_tickets': num_closed,
                    'tot_tickets': num_total

                # Handling custom test case outcomes here
                num_new = self._get_num_testcases(last_date, cur_date, catpath,

                num_successful = 0
                for tc_outcome in tc_statuses['green']:
                    num_successful += self._get_num_tcs_by_status(
                        last_date, cur_date, tc_outcome, testplan, req)

                num_failed = 0
                for tc_outcome in tc_statuses['red']:
                    num_failed += self._get_num_tcs_by_status(
                        last_date, cur_date, tc_outcome, testplan, req)

                num_all_successful = 0
                for tc_outcome in tc_statuses['green']:
                    num_all_successful += self._get_num_tcs_by_status(
                        from_date, cur_date, tc_outcome, testplan, req)

                num_all_failed = 0
                for tc_outcome in tc_statuses['red']:
                    num_all_failed += self._get_num_tcs_by_status(
                        from_date, cur_date, tc_outcome, testplan, req)

                num_all = 0
                num_all_untested = 0
                if testplan_contains_all:
                    num_all = self._get_num_testcases(None, cur_date, catpath,
                    num_all_untested = num_all - num_all_successful - num_all_failed
                    for tc_outcome in tc_statuses['yellow']:
                        num_all_untested += self._get_num_tcs_by_status(
                            from_date, cur_date, tc_outcome, testplan, req)
                    num_all = num_all_untested + num_all_successful + num_all_failed

                    'from_date': format_date(last_date),
                    'to_date': datestr,
                    'date': datestr,
                    'new_tcs': num_new,
                    'successful': num_successful,
                    'failed': num_failed,
                    'all_tcs': num_all,
                    'all_successful': num_all_successful,
                    'all_untested': num_all_untested,
                    'all_failed': num_all_failed

            last_date = cur_date

        # if chartdata is requested, raw text is returned rather than data object
        # for templating
        if (not req_content == None) and (req_content == "chartdata"):
            jsdstr = '{"chartdata": [\n'

            for x in count:
                jsdstr += '{"date": "%s",' % x['date']
                jsdstr += ' "new_tcs": %s,' % x['new_tcs']
                jsdstr += ' "successful": %s,' % x['successful']
                jsdstr += ' "failed": %s,' % x['failed']
                jsdstr += ' "all_tcs": %s,' % x['all_tcs']
                jsdstr += ' "all_successful": %s,' % x['all_successful']
                jsdstr += ' "all_untested": %s,' % x['all_untested']
                jsdstr += ' "all_failed": %s},\n' % x['all_failed']
            jsdstr = jsdstr[:-2] + '\n]}'

            if isinstance(jsdstr, unicode):
                jsdstr = jsdstr.encode('utf-8')

            req.send_header("Content-Length", len(jsdstr))

        elif (not req_content == None) and (req_content == "downloadcsv"):
            csvstr = "Date from;Date to;New Test Cases;Successful;Failed;Total Test Cases;Total Successful;Total Untested;Total Failed\r\n"
            for x in count:
                csvstr += '%s;' % x['from_date']
                csvstr += '%s;' % x['to_date']
                csvstr += '%s;' % x['new_tcs']
                csvstr += '%s;' % x['successful']
                csvstr += '%s;' % x['failed']
                csvstr += '%s;' % x['all_tcs']
                csvstr += '%s;' % x['all_successful']
                csvstr += '%s;' % x['all_untested']
                csvstr += '%s\r\n' % x['all_failed']

            if isinstance(csvstr, unicode):
                csvstr = csvstr.encode('utf-8')

            req.send_header("Content-Length", len(csvstr))

        elif (not req_content == None) and (req_content == "ticketchartdata"):
            jsdstr = '{"ticketchartdata": [\n'

            for x in count:
                jsdstr += '{"date": "%s",' % x['date']
                jsdstr += ' "tot_tickets": %s,' % x['tot_tickets']
                jsdstr += ' "active_tickets": %s,' % x['active_tickets']
                jsdstr += ' "closed_tickets": %s},\n' % x['closed_tickets']
            jsdstr = jsdstr[:-2] + '\n]}'

            if isinstance(jsdstr, unicode):
                jsdstr = jsdstr.encode('utf-8')

            req.send_header("Content-Length", len(jsdstr))

            # Normal rendering of first chart
            db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
            showall = req.args.get('show') == 'all'

            testplan_list = []
            for planid, catid, catpath, name, author, ts_str in testmanagersystem.list_all_testplans(
                    'planid': planid,
                    'catpath': catpath,
                    'name': name

            data = {}
            data['testcase_data'] = count
            data['start_date'] = format_date(from_date)
            data['end_date'] = format_date(at_date)
            data['resolution'] = str(graph_res)
            data['baseurl'] = req.base_url
            data['testplans'] = testplan_list
            data['ctestplan'] = testplan
            return 'testmanagerstats.html', data, None
コード例 #4
ファイル: rpcsupport.py プロジェクト: CoRfr/testman4trac
 def __init__(self):
     self.testmanagersys = TestManagerSystem(self.env)