コード例 #1
def test_TestUnstratifiable1():
    program = [
        p() <= ~q(),
        q() <= ~p(),
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations(program, None, None)
コード例 #2
def test_testMultiLayeredNegation():
    program = [
        p() <= ~q(),
        q() <= ~r(),
        r() <= ~s(),
    assert match_relations(program, p(), [p()])
コード例 #3
def test_queryZeroAryPredicates():
    program = [p() <= q(), r() <= [p(), s()], q(), s()]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(q(), [q()])
    assert ans(p(), [p()])
    assert ans(s(), [s()])
    assert ans(r(), [r()])
コード例 #4
def test_queryNonRecursiveIDBPredicate():
    db = facts([p("a", "b"), p("b", "c"), p("c", "d")])

    rules = [q(X, Y) <= [p(X, Z), p(Z, Y)]]
    ans = match3(db, rules)
    ans(q(X, Y), [(a, c), (b, d)])
    ans(q(X, c), [(a, )])
    ans(q("x", b), [])
コード例 #5
def test_queryEDBPredicate():
    a_q1 = q("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")
    a_q2 = q("e", "d", "c", "b", "a")
    db = [p(), a_q1, a_q2]
    assert match_relations(db, p(), [p()])

    ans = match3(facts(db), [])
    ans(q(V, W, X, Y, Z), [(a, b, c, d, e), (e, d, c, b, a)])
    ans(q(W, "b", X, Y, Z), [(a, c, d, e)])
    ans(q(W, X, "d", Y, Z), [])
コード例 #6
def test_queryNonLinearlyRecursiveIDBPredicate():
    db = facts([
        p("a", "b"),
        p("b", "c"),
        p("c", "d"),
    rules = [
        q(X, Y) <= p(X, Y),
        q(X, Y) <= [q(X, Z), q(Z, Y)],

    ans = match3(db, rules)
    ans(q(X, Y), [(a, b), (a, c), (a, d), (b, c), (b, d), (c, d)])
    ans(q(a, X), [(b, ), (c, ), (d, )])
コード例 #7
def test_queryLinearlyRecursiveIDBPredicate():
    # 		// Acyclic transitive closure.
    db = facts([
        p("a", "b"),
        p("b", "c"),
        p("c", "d"),
    rules = [
        q(X, Y) <= p(X, Y),
        q(X, Y) <= [p(X, Z), q(Z, Y)],
    ans = match3(db, rules)

    ans(q(X, Y), [(a, b), (a, c), (a, d), (b, c), (b, d), (c, d)])
    ans(q("a", X), [(b, ), (c, ), (d, )])
コード例 #8
def test_testRulesWithTrue():
    a = "a"
    true = relation("true")
    false = relation("false")

    assert match_relations([false()], true(), [])
    assert match_relations([p(X) <= q(X), q(a)], true(), [])
コード例 #9
def test_testRulesWithLongBodies():
    a = relation("a")
    b = relation("b")
    c = relation("c")
    d = relation("d")
    e = relation("e")
    f = relation("f")
    g = relation("g")
    A, B, C, D, E, F, G = variables("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G")
    X = variables(*["X" + str(r) for r in range(1, 23)])

    program = [
        p(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) <=
        [a(A), b(B), c(C), d(D), e(E),
         f(F), g(G)],

    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(A, B, C, D, E, F, G),
               [p(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
                p(1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1)])

    foo1 = "foo1"
    foo2 = "foo2"
    foo3 = "foo3"
    foo4 = "foo4"
    foo5 = "foo5"
    bar = "bar"
    program = [
        p(A, B, C, D, E) <= [
            a(A, X[1], X[2], X[3], X[5]),
            b(X[6], B, X[7], X[8], X[9]),
            c(X[10], X[11], C, X[12], X[13]),
            d(X[14], X[15], X[16], D, X[17]),
            e(X[18], X[19], X[20], X[21], E),
        a(foo1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
        b(6, foo2, 8, 9, 10),
        c(11, 12, foo3, 14, 15),
        d(16, 17, 18, foo4, 20),
        e(21, 22, 23, 24, foo5),
        c(foo1, foo2, bar, foo4, foo5),
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(
        p(A, B, C, D, E),
        [p(foo1, foo2, foo3, foo4, foo5),
         p(foo1, foo2, bar, foo4, foo5)],
コード例 #10
def test_queryNonLinearlyRecursiveIDBPredicate_withCycle():
    #     // Transitive closure with a cycle.
    db = facts([
        p("a", "b"),
        p("b", "c"),
        p("c", "d"),
        p("d", "c"),
    rules = [
        q(X, Y) <= p(X, Y),
        q(X, Y) <= [q(X, Z), q(Z, Y)],
    ans = match3(db, rules)
        q(X, Y),
        [(a, b), (a, c), (a, d), (b, c), (b, d), (c, c), (c, d), (d, c),
         (d, d)],
コード例 #11
def test_testBinaryDisunificationFail2():
    program = [p(X) <= [q(X), not_eq(Y, _)], q(a)]
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations(program, p(X), [])

# def test_gt():
#     age = relation("age")
#     senior = relation("senior")
#     program = [
#         age("John", 28),
#         age("Mary", 40),
#         age("Dad", 60),
#         age("Mom", 70),
#         senior(X, Y) <= [age(X, Y), gt(Y, 59)]
#     ]
#     ans = match_relations(program)
#     assert ans(senior(X, Y), [age("Dad", 60), age("Mom", 70)])
コード例 #12
def testRulesWithAnonymousVariables():
    or_ = relation("or")
    on = relation("on")
    L, L1 = variables("L", "L1")
    a = "a"
    b = "b"
    c = "c"
    d = "d"
    program = [
        on(L) <= [or_(L, L1, _), on(L1)],
        on(L) <= [or_(L, _, L1), on(L1)],
        or_(a, b, c),
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(on(a), [on(a)])
    assert ans(on(_), [on(a), on(b)])
    program = [p() <= [q(_, _), r(_, _)], q(a, b), r(c, d)]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(), [p()])
コード例 #13
def test_testRulesWithNoVariables():
    program = [p() <= q("a", "b"), q("a", "b")]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(), [p()])

    program = [p() <= [q("a", "b"), r("c", "d")], q("a", "b"), r("c", "d")]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(), [p()])
コード例 #14
def test_testRulesWithRepeatedVariablesInAnAtom():
    program = [
        p(X) <= q(X, X),
        q("a", "a"),
        q("a", "b"),
        q("b", "b"),
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(X), [p("a"), p("b")])
    program = [
        p(X, Y) <= q(Y, X, Y, X),
        q("a", "a", "a", "a"),
        q("a", "a", "a", "b"),
        q("a", "a", "b", "b"),
        q("a", "b", "b", "b"),
        q("b", "b", "b", "b"),

    ans = match_relations(program)

    assert ans(p(X, Y), [p("a", "a"), p("b", "b")])
コード例 #15
def test_transitive_closure_with_a_cycle():
    # 		// Transitive closure with a cycle.

    db = facts([
        p("a", "b"),
        p("b", "c"),
        p("c", "d"),
        p("d", "c"),
    rules = [q(X, Y) <= p(X, Y), q(X, Y) <= [p(X, Z), q(Z, Y)]]
    ans = match3(db, rules)
        q(X, Y),
        [(a, b), (a, c), (a, d), (b, c), (b, d), (c, c), (c, d), (d, c),
         (d, d)],
コード例 #16
def test_testNegatedUnboundVariable3():
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations([p() <= [~q(X, a), ~r(X)]], p(), [])
コード例 #17
def test_testImpossibleBinaryUnification2():
    assert match_relations([p() <= [eq(
        Z, b), eq(X, Y), eq(a, X), eq(Z, Y)]], p(), [])
コード例 #18
def testImpossibleBinaryUnification1():
    assert match_relations([p() <= eq(a, b)], p(), [])
コード例 #19
def testUselessBinaryUnification():
    program = [p(X) <= [q(X), eq(X, Y)], q(a), p(b) <= eq(X, _)]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        ans(p(X), [])
コード例 #20
def test_testBinaryUnificationNoAtom():
    program = [
        p(X, b) <= eq(X, a),
        p(b, Y) <= eq(Y, a),
        p(X, Y) <= [eq(X, c), eq(Y, d)],
        p(X, X) <= eq(X, c),
        p(X, Y) <= [eq(X, d), eq(Y, X)],
        p(X, Y) <= [eq(X, Y), eq(X, e)],

    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(X, Y), [p(a, b), p(b, a), p(c, d), p(c, c), p(d, d), p(e, e)])
    program = program + [q(X, Y) <= p(X, Y)]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(q(X, Y), [q(a, b), q(b, a), q(c, d), q(c, c), q(d, d), q(e, e)])
コード例 #21
def test_testBinaryDisunificationFail1():
    program = [p() <= [~q(a, b), not_eq(X, _)]]
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations(program, p(), [])
コード例 #22
def test_testImpossibleBinaryDisunification3():
    program = [p() <= [q(X), eq(X, X)]]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(), [])
コード例 #23
def test_testExplicitUnification2():
    program = [p() <= [~q(X, b), not_eq(X, a)]]
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations(program, p(), [])
コード例 #24
def test_testUnboundVariable1():
    a = "a"
    b = "b"
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations([p(X, b)], p(X, Y), [])
        match_relations([q(X, Y) <= p(X, b), p(a, b)], q(X, Y), [])
コード例 #25
def test_testExplicitUnification1():
    program = [p() <= [~q(X, b), eq(X, a)]]
    assert match_relations(program, p(), [p()])
コード例 #26
def test_testBinaryDisunificationNoAtom():
    program = [p() <= not_eq(a, b), q() <= [not_eq(X, Y), eq(X, a), eq(Y, b)]]
    ans = match_relations(program)
    assert ans(p(), [p()])
    assert ans(q(), [q()])
コード例 #27
def test_testNegatedNoPositiveAtom():
    program = [p(a) <= ~q(a), p(b) <= [~q(X), eq(X, b)]]
    assert match_relations(program, p(X), [p(a), p(b)])
コード例 #28
def test_testImpossibleBinaryDisunification1():
    assert match_relations([p() <= not_eq(a, a)], p(), [])
コード例 #29
def test_TestUnstratifiable2():
    edb = relation("edb")
    program = [p(X) <= [~q(X), edb(X)], q(X) <= [~p(X), edb(X)], edb(a)]
    with pytest.raises(DatalogValidationException):
        match_relations(program, None, None)
コード例 #30
def test_testImpossibleBinaryDisunification2():
    program = [p() <= [eq(Z, a), not_eq(X, Y), eq(a, X), eq(Z, Y)]]
    assert match_relations(program, p(), [])