コード例 #1
    def setUp(self):
        """Set up required for the slot allocation tests.

        entities = []

        for i in range(5):
            entity = TestModel(key_name='test/%d' % i, value=i)

        self.logic = TestModelLogic()
        self.entities = entities
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_base.py プロジェクト: SRabbelier/Melange
  def setUp(self):
    """Set up required for the slot allocation tests.

    entities = []

    for i in range(5):
      entity = TestModel(key_name='test/%d' % i, value=i)

    self.logic = TestModelLogic()
    self.entities = entities
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_base.py プロジェクト: praveen97uma/Melange
    def __init__(self):

        rights = access.Checker(None)
        rights['unspecified'] = ['deny']
        rights['any_access'] = ['allow']
        rights['show'] = ['allow']

        params = {}
        params['name'] = "Test"
        params['logic'] = TestModelLogic()
        params['rights'] = rights

        super(TestView, self).__init__(params=params)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_base.py プロジェクト: SRabbelier/Melange
class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
  """Tests related to base logic.

  def setUp(self):
    """Set up required for the slot allocation tests.

    entities = []

    for i in range(5):
      entity = TestModel(key_name='test/%d' % i, value=i)

    self.logic = TestModelLogic()
    self.entities = entities

  def testGetForFields(self):
    """Test that all entries were retrieved.

    expected = set(range(5))
    actual = set([i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields()])
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsFiltered(self):
    """Test that only the entry that matches the filter is retrieved.

    fields = {'value': 1}

    expected = [1]
    actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(fields)]

    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsWithOperator(self):
    """Test that all entries matching the filter with operator are retrieved.

    fields = {'value <': 3}

    expected = set(range(3))
    actual = set([i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(fields)])

    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsNonMatching(self):
    """Test that non matching returns an empty list.

    fields = {'value': 1337}

    expected = []
    actual = self.logic.getForFields(fields)
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsUnique(self):
    """Test that matching unique returns an entry instead of a list.

    fields = {'value': 1}

    actual = self.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(actual, TestModel))

  def testGetForFieldsUniqueEmpty(self):
    """Test that non matching unique returns None instead of a list.

    fields = {'value': 1337}

    expected = None
    actual = self.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsMultiFilter(self):
    """Test that all entries matching an 'IN' filter are returned.

    fields = {'value': [1, 2]}

    expected = 2
    actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(fields))
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsOrdered(self):
    """Test that fields can be ordered.

    order = ['value']

    expected = range(5)
    actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(order=order)]
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsReverseOrdered(self):
    """Test that fields can be ordered in reverse.

    order = ['-value']

    expected = range(5)
    actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(order=order)]
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsFilteredOrdered(self):
    """Test that fields can be filtered and ordered.

    order = ['-value']

    fields = {'value': [1, 2, 3, 4]}

    expected = [4, 3, 2, 1]
    actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(fields, order=order)]
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsWithLimit(self):
    """Test that only the limit number of entries are retrieved.

    n = len(self.entities)
    expected = limit = n-1 if n >= 1 else 0
    actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(limit=limit))
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsWithLimitZero(self):
    """Test that an empty list is returned if the limit is equal to 0.

    limit = 0
    expected = []
    actual = self.logic.getForFields(limit=limit)
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsWithLimitMoreThanActual(self):
    """Test that a large limit parameter does not affect the result.

    If it is bigger than the length of the result.

    n = len(self.entities)
    limit = n+1
    expected = n
    actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(limit=limit))
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsFilteredWithLimit(self):
    """Test that fields can be filtered and limited.

    fields = {'value': [1, 2, 3]}

    expected = limit = 1
    actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(fields, limit=limit))
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsSortedWithLimit(self):
    """Test that fields can be sorted and limited.

    order = ['value']
    expected = range(3)
    limit = 3
    actual = actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(order=order,
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsFilteredSortedWithLimit(self):
    """Test that fields can be filtered, sorted and limited.

    fields = {'value <=': 4}
    order = ['-value']
    expected = [4, 3, 2]
    limit = 3
    actual = actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(
        fields, order=order, limit=limit)]
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsOffset(self):
    """Test that only the number of entries minus offset are retrieved.

    n = len(self.entities)
    offset = 3
    expected = n-offset if n > offset else 0
    actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(offset=offset))
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsOffsetEqualToActual(self):
    """Test that an empty list is returned.

    If the offset is equal to the number of retrieved entries.

    offset = len(self.entities)
    expected = []
    actual = self.logic.getForFields(offset=offset)
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsOffsetMoreThanActual(self):
    """Test that an empty list is returned.

    If the offset is more than the number of retrieved entries.

    offset = len(self.entities) + 5
    expected = []
    actual = self.logic.getForFields(offset=offset)
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsFilteredOffset(self):
    """Test that only the filtered and offset entries are retrieved.

    fields = {'value >=': 1}
    offset = 1
    expected = 3
    actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(filter=fields, offset=offset))
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsOrderedOffset(self):
    """Test that only the ordered and offset entries are retrieved.

    order = ['value']
    offset = 2
    expected = range(2, 5)
    actual = [i.value for i in (self.logic.getForFields(order=order,
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsOffsetWithLimit(self):
    """Test that only the limit number of the offset entities are retrieved.

    offset = 2
    expected = limit = 3
    actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(limit=limit, offset=offset))
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsFilteredOrderedOffset(self):
    """Test that only the filtered, ordered and offset entries are retrieved.

    fields = {'value >': 0}
    order = ['-value']
    offset = 2
    expected = [2, 1]
    actual = [i.value for i in (self.logic.getForFields(filter=fields,
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsFilteredOffsetWithLimit(self):
    """Test that only the limit number of filtered and offset entries retrieved.

    fields = {'value >': 0}
    offset = 1
    expected = limit = 2
    actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(filter=fields,
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsOrderedOffsetWithLimit(self):
    """Test that only the limit number of ordered and offset entries retrieved.

    limit = 2
    offset = 2
    order = ['-value']
    expected = [2, 1]
    actual = [i.value for i in (self.logic.getForFields(order=order,
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsFilteredOrderedOffsetWithLimit(self):
    """Test the limit, filter, order and offset parameters of getForFields.

    Only the limit number of the filtered, ordered and offset entries
    are retrieved.

    fields = {'value >': 0}
    order = ['-value']
    limit = 1
    offset = 2
    expected = [2]
    actual = [i.value for i in (self.logic.getForFields(filter=fields,
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetFromKeyName(self):
    """Test that the correct entry is returned.

    expected = 3
    key_name = "test/%d" % expected
    actual = self.logic.getFromKeyName(key_name=key_name).value
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetFromKeyNameNonMatching(self):
    """Test that non matching returns None.

    key_name = "test/%d" % len(self.entities)
    expected = None
    actual = self.logic.getFromKeyName(key_name=key_name)
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetFromKeyNameOr404NonMatching(self):
    """Test that an error is raised when there is no match.

    from soc.logic.exceptions import NotFound
    key_name = "test/%d" % len(self.entities)

  def testGetFromKeyFields(self):
    """Test that the correct entry is returned.

    expected = 3
    fields = {'scope_path': 'test', 'link_id': str(expected)}
    actual = self.logic.getFromKeyFields(fields=fields).value
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetFromKeyFieldsNonMatching(self):
    """Test that non matching returns None.

    expected = None
    fields = {'scope_path': 'test', 'link_id': str(len(self.entities))}
    actual = self.logic.getFromKeyFields(fields=fields)
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetFromKeyFieldsInvalidKeyFields(self):
    """Test that InvalidArgumentError is raised if invalid fields are given.

    from soc.logic.models.base import InvalidArgumentError
    expected = 3
    fields = {'invalid_scope_path': 'test', 'invalid_link_id': str(expected)}

  def testGetFromKeyFieldsOr404NonMatching(self):
    """Test that an error is raised when there is no match.

    from soc.logic.exceptions import NotFound
    fields = {'scope_path': 'test', 'link_id': str(len(self.entities))}

  def testUpdateOrCreateFromFieldsUpdate(self):
    """Test that the entry can be updated.

    fields = {'scope_path': 'test', 'link_id': '4'}
    properties = fields.copy()
    properties.update({'value': 5})
    expected = 5
    actual = self.logic.getFromKeyFields(fields=fields).value
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testUpdateOrCreateFromFieldsCreate(self):
    """Test that the entry can be created.

    fields = {'scope_path': 'test', 'link_id': '6'}
    properties = fields.copy()
    properties.update({'value': 6})
    expected = 6
    actual = self.logic.getFromKeyFields(fields=fields).value
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testDelete(self):
    """Test that entry can be deleted.

    entity = self.entities[0]
    query = TestModel.all()
    query.filter('value =', 0)
    expected = None
    actual = query.get()
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testDeleteNotExisted(self):
    """Test that deleting a not existed entry does not affects the data store.

    entity = TestModel(key_name='test/%d' % 5, value=5)
    query = TestModel.all()
    expected = len(self.entities)
    actual = len(query.fetch(expected))
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetAll(self):
    """Test that all entries are retrieved.

    Note: an error will be raised if there are more than 1k entries
    in the current implementation.

    query = TestModel.all()
    expected = set(range(5))
    actual = set([i.value for i in self.logic.getAll(query = query)])
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetAllNonMatchingNoEntities(self):
    """Test that non matching returns an empty list.

    query = TestModel.all()
    query.filter('value >', 5)
    expected = []
    actual = self.logic.getAll(query = query)
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetAllNoEntities(self):
    """Test that it returns an empty list when there is no entity in datastore.

    for entity in self.entities:
      entity .delete()
    query = TestModel.all()
    expected = []
    actual = self.logic.getAll(query = query)
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #5
class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests related to base logic.
    def setUp(self):
        """Set up required for the slot allocation tests.

        entities = []

        for i in range(5):
            entity = TestModel(key_name='test/%d' % i, value=i)

        self.logic = TestModelLogic()
        self.entities = entities

    def testGetForFields(self):
        """Test that all entries were retrieved.

        expected = set(range(5))
        actual = set([i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields()])
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsFiltered(self):
        """Test that only the entry that matches the filter is retrieved.

        fields = {'value': 1}

        expected = [1]
        actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(fields)]

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsWithOperator(self):
        """Test that all entries matching the filter with operator are retrieved.

        fields = {'value <': 3}

        expected = set(range(3))
        actual = set([i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(fields)])

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsNonMatching(self):
        """Test that non matching returns an empty list.

        fields = {'value': 1337}

        expected = []
        actual = self.logic.getForFields(fields)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsUnique(self):
        """Test that matching unique returns an entry instead of a list.

        fields = {'value': 1}

        actual = self.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(actual, TestModel))

    def testGetForFieldsUniqueEmpty(self):
        """Test that non matching unique returns None instead of a list.

        fields = {'value': 1337}

        expected = None
        actual = self.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsMultiFilter(self):
        """Test that all entries matching an 'IN' filter are returned.

        fields = {'value': [1, 2]}

        expected = 2
        actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(fields))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsOrdered(self):
        """Test that fields can be ordered.

        order = ['value']

        expected = range(5)
        actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(order=order)]
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsReverseOrdered(self):
        """Test that fields can be ordered in reverse.

        order = ['-value']

        expected = range(5)
        actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(order=order)]
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsFilteredOrdered(self):
        """Test that fields can be filtered and ordered.

        order = ['-value']

        fields = {'value': [1, 2, 3, 4]}

        expected = [4, 3, 2, 1]
        actual = [
            i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(fields, order=order)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsWithLimit(self):
        """Test that only the limit number of entries are retrieved.

        n = len(self.entities)
        expected = limit = n - 1 if n >= 1 else 0
        actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(limit=limit))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsWithLimitZero(self):
        """Test that an empty list is returned if the limit is equal to 0.

        limit = 0
        expected = []
        actual = self.logic.getForFields(limit=limit)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsWithLimitMoreThanActual(self):
        """Test that a large limit parameter does not affect the result.

    If it is bigger than the length of the result.

        n = len(self.entities)
        limit = n + 1
        expected = n
        actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(limit=limit))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsFilteredWithLimit(self):
        """Test that fields can be filtered and limited.

        fields = {'value': [1, 2, 3]}

        expected = limit = 1
        actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(fields, limit=limit))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsSortedWithLimit(self):
        """Test that fields can be sorted and limited.

        order = ['value']
        expected = range(3)
        limit = 3
        actual = actual = [
            i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(order=order, limit=limit)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsFilteredSortedWithLimit(self):
        """Test that fields can be filtered, sorted and limited.

        fields = {'value <=': 4}
        order = ['-value']
        expected = [4, 3, 2]
        limit = 3
        actual = actual = [
            for i in self.logic.getForFields(fields, order=order, limit=limit)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsOffset(self):
        """Test that only the number of entries minus offset are retrieved.

        n = len(self.entities)
        offset = 3
        expected = n - offset if n > offset else 0
        actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(offset=offset))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsOffsetEqualToActual(self):
        """Test that an empty list is returned.

    If the offset is equal to the number of retrieved entries.

        offset = len(self.entities)
        expected = []
        actual = self.logic.getForFields(offset=offset)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsOffsetMoreThanActual(self):
        """Test that an empty list is returned.

    If the offset is more than the number of retrieved entries.

        offset = len(self.entities) + 5
        expected = []
        actual = self.logic.getForFields(offset=offset)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsFilteredOffset(self):
        """Test that only the filtered and offset entries are retrieved.

        fields = {'value >=': 1}
        offset = 1
        expected = 3
        actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(filter=fields, offset=offset))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsOrderedOffset(self):
        """Test that only the ordered and offset entries are retrieved.

        order = ['value']
        offset = 2
        expected = range(2, 5)
        actual = [
            for i in (self.logic.getForFields(order=order, offset=offset))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsOffsetWithLimit(self):
        """Test that only the limit number of the offset entities are retrieved.

        offset = 2
        expected = limit = 3
        actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(limit=limit, offset=offset))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsFilteredOrderedOffset(self):
        """Test that only the filtered, ordered and offset entries are retrieved.

        fields = {'value >': 0}
        order = ['-value']
        offset = 2
        expected = [2, 1]
        actual = [
            i.value for i in (self.logic.getForFields(
                filter=fields, order=order, offset=offset))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsFilteredOffsetWithLimit(self):
        """Test that only the limit number of filtered and offset entries retrieved.

        fields = {'value >': 0}
        offset = 1
        expected = limit = 2
        actual = len(
            self.logic.getForFields(filter=fields, limit=limit, offset=offset))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsOrderedOffsetWithLimit(self):
        """Test that only the limit number of ordered and offset entries retrieved.

        limit = 2
        offset = 2
        order = ['-value']
        expected = [2, 1]
        actual = [
            i.value for i in (self.logic.getForFields(
                order=order, limit=limit, offset=offset))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetForFieldsFilteredOrderedOffsetWithLimit(self):
        """Test the limit, filter, order and offset parameters of getForFields.

    Only the limit number of the filtered, ordered and offset entries
    are retrieved.

        fields = {'value >': 0}
        order = ['-value']
        limit = 1
        offset = 2
        expected = [2]
        actual = [
            i.value for i in (self.logic.getForFields(
                filter=fields, order=order, limit=limit, offset=offset))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetFromKeyName(self):
        """Test that the correct entry is returned.

        expected = 3
        key_name = "test/%d" % expected
        actual = self.logic.getFromKeyName(key_name=key_name).value
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetFromKeyNameNonMatching(self):
        """Test that non matching returns None.

        key_name = "test/%d" % len(self.entities)
        expected = None
        actual = self.logic.getFromKeyName(key_name=key_name)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetFromKeyNameOr404NonMatching(self):
        """Test that an error is raised when there is no match.

        from soc.logic.exceptions import NotFound
        key_name = "test/%d" % len(self.entities)

    def testGetFromKeyFields(self):
        """Test that the correct entry is returned.

        expected = 3
        fields = {'scope_path': 'test', 'link_id': str(expected)}
        actual = self.logic.getFromKeyFields(fields=fields).value
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetFromKeyFieldsNonMatching(self):
        """Test that non matching returns None.

        expected = None
        fields = {'scope_path': 'test', 'link_id': str(len(self.entities))}
        actual = self.logic.getFromKeyFields(fields=fields)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetFromKeyFieldsInvalidKeyFields(self):
        """Test that InvalidArgumentError is raised if invalid fields are given.

        from soc.logic.models.base import InvalidArgumentError
        expected = 3
        fields = {
            'invalid_scope_path': 'test',
            'invalid_link_id': str(expected)

    def testGetFromKeyFieldsOr404NonMatching(self):
        """Test that an error is raised when there is no match.

        from soc.logic.exceptions import NotFound
        fields = {'scope_path': 'test', 'link_id': str(len(self.entities))}

    def testUpdateOrCreateFromFieldsUpdate(self):
        """Test that the entry can be updated.

        fields = {'scope_path': 'test', 'link_id': '4'}
        properties = fields.copy()
        properties.update({'value': 5})
        expected = 5
        actual = self.logic.getFromKeyFields(fields=fields).value
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testUpdateOrCreateFromFieldsCreate(self):
        """Test that the entry can be created.

        fields = {'scope_path': 'test', 'link_id': '6'}
        properties = fields.copy()
        properties.update({'value': 6})
        expected = 6
        actual = self.logic.getFromKeyFields(fields=fields).value
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testDelete(self):
        """Test that entry can be deleted.

        entity = self.entities[0]
        query = TestModel.all()
        query.filter('value =', 0)
        expected = None
        actual = query.get()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testDeleteNotExisted(self):
        """Test that deleting a not existed entry does not affects the data store.

        entity = TestModel(key_name='test/%d' % 5, value=5)
        query = TestModel.all()
        expected = len(self.entities)
        actual = len(query.fetch(expected))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetAll(self):
        """Test that all entries are retrieved.

    Note: an error will be raised if there are more than 1k entries
    in the current implementation.

        query = TestModel.all()
        expected = set(range(5))
        actual = set([i.value for i in self.logic.getAll(query=query)])
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetAllNonMatchingNoEntities(self):
        """Test that non matching returns an empty list.

        query = TestModel.all()
        query.filter('value >', 5)
        expected = []
        actual = self.logic.getAll(query=query)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def testGetAllNoEntities(self):
        """Test that it returns an empty list when there is no entity in datastore.

        for entity in self.entities:
        query = TestModel.all()
        expected = []
        actual = self.logic.getAll(query=query)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_base.py プロジェクト: ajaksu/Melange
class UserTest(unittest.TestCase):
  """Tests related to user logic.

  def setUp(self):
    """Set up required for the slot allocation tests.

    entities = []

    for i in range(5):
      entity = TestModel(key_name='test_%d' % i, value=i)

    self.logic = TestModelLogic()
    self.entities = entities

  def testGetForFields(self):
    """Test that all entries were retrieved.

    expected = set(range(5))
    actual = set([i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields()])
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsFiltered(self):
    """Test that only the entry that matches the filter is retrieved.

    fields = {'value': 1}

    expected = [1]
    actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(fields)]

    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsWithOperator(self):
    """Test that all entries matching the filter are retrieved.

    fields = {'value <': 3}

    expected = set(range(3))
    actual = set([i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(fields)])

    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsNonMatching(self):
    """Test that unique returns None instead of a list.

    fields = {'value': 1337}

    expected = []
    actual = self.logic.getForFields(fields)
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsUnique(self):
    """Test that unique returns an entry instead of a list.

    fields = {'value': 1}

    actual = self.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(actual, TestModel))

  def testGetForFieldsUniqueEmpty(self):
    """Test that unique returns None instead of a list.

    fields = {'value': 1337}

    expected = None
    actual = self.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetForFieldsMultiFilter(self):
    """Test that all entries matching an 'IN' filter are returned.

    fields = {'value': [1, 2]}

    expected = 2
    actual = len(self.logic.getForFields(fields))
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetFieldsOrdened(self):
    """Test that fields can be ordened.

    order = ['value']

    expected = range(5)
    actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(order=order)]
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetFieldsReverseOrdened(self):
    """Test that fields can be ordened in reverse.

    order = ['-value']

    expected = range(5)
    actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(order=order)]
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

  def testGetFieldsFilteredOrdened(self):
    """Test that fields can be filtered and ordened.

    order = ['-value']

    fields = {'value': [1,2, 3, 4]}

    expected = [4, 3, 2, 1]
    actual = [i.value for i in self.logic.getForFields(fields, order=order)]
    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)