def test_get_all_card_sets(client, init_database): """ GIVEN a Flask application, logged in admin and a card set created WHEN '/api/get/card_set/all' is requested with a valid access token (GET) THEN check response is valid, and content is correct. """ with client.application.test_request_context(): admin = create_admin(client) access_token = api_login(client) card_set_1 = create_card_set(client, creator=admin) card_set_2 = create_card_set(client, creator=admin) response = client.get( url_for("api.get_all_card_sets"), headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token["access_token"]) }, ) assert response.status_code == 200 json = response.json assert len(json) == 2 assert json[0]["id"] == assert json[0]["name"] == assert json[0]["measure"] == card_set_1.measure assert json[1]["id"] == assert json[1]["name"] == assert json[1]["measure"] == card_set_2.measure
def test_get_all_studies(client, init_database): """ GIVEN a Flask application, logged in admin and a study created WHEN '/api/get/study/all' is requested with a valid access token (GET) THEN check response is valid, and content is correct. """ with client.application.test_request_context(): admin = create_admin(client) access_token = api_login(client) p1 = create_participant(client, username="******") p2 = create_participant(client, username="******") ug1 = create_user_group(client, participants=[p1], creator=admin) ug2 = create_user_group(client, participants=[p2], creator=admin) study_1 = create_study(client, creator=admin, user_group=ug1) study_2 = create_study(client, creator=admin, user_group=ug2) response = client.get( url_for("api.get_all_studies"), headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token["access_token"]) }, ) json = response.json assert response.status_code == 200 assert len(json) == 2
def test_get_individual_cards(client, init_database): """ GIVEN a Flask application, logged in admin and a card set created WHEN '/api/get/card/1' is requested with a valid access token (GET) THEN check response is valid, and content is correct. """ with client.application.test_request_context(): admin = create_admin(client) access_token = api_login(client) card = create_card(client, creator=admin) response = client.get( url_for("api.get_card", id=1), headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token["access_token"]) }, ) assert response.status_code == 200 json = response.json assert json["id"] == assert json["name"] == assert json["description"] == card.description assert json["image"] == card.image
def test_get_individual_study(client, init_database): """ GIVEN a Flask application, logged in admin and a study created WHEN '/api/get/study/1' is requested with a valid access token (GET) THEN check response is valid, and content is correct. """ with client.application.test_request_context(): admin = create_admin(client) access_token = api_login(client) study = create_study(client, creator=admin) response = client.get( url_for("api.get_study", id=1), headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token["access_token"]) }, ) json = response.json assert response.status_code == 200 assert json["id"] == assert json["name"] == assert json["description"] == study.description assert json["image"] == study.image assert json["card_set_x"] == create_card_set_json(study.card_set_x) assert json["card_set_y"] == create_card_set_json(study.card_set_y) assert json["data_value_labels"] == [ create_data_value_label_json(data_value_label) for data_value_label in study.data_value_labels ] assert json["number_of_columns"] == study.number_of_columns assert json["number_of_rows"] == study.number_of_rows assert json["user_group_id"] ==
def test_get_all_data_value_label(client, init_database): """ GIVEN a Flask application, logged in admin and a data value label created WHEN '/api/get/data_value_label/all' is requested with a valid access token (GET) THEN check response is valid, and content is correct. """ with client.application.test_request_context(): admin = create_admin(client) access_token = api_login(client) data_value_label_1 = create_data_value_label(client, creator=admin) data_value_label_2 = create_data_value_label(client, creator=admin) response = client.get( url_for("api.get_all_data_value_labels"), headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token["access_token"]) }, ) json = response.json assert response.status_code == 200 assert json[0]["id"] == assert json[0]["label"] == data_value_label_1.label assert json[1]["id"] == assert json[1]["label"] == data_value_label_2.label
def test_get_all_user_groups(client, init_database): """ GIVEN a Flask application and a logged in admin WHEN '/api/get/user_group/all' is requested with a valid access token (GET) THEN check response code and content """ with client.application.test_request_context(): admin = create_admin(client) access_token = api_login(client) participant_1 = create_participant(client, username="******") participant_2 = create_participant(client, username="******") user_group = create_user_group( client, creator=admin, participants=[participant_1, participant_2]) participant_1 = create_participant(client, username="******") participant_2 = create_participant(client, username="******") user_group = create_user_group( client, creator=admin, participants=[participant_1, participant_2]) response = client.get( url_for("api.get_all_user_groups"), headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token["access_token"]) }, ) json = response.json assert response.status_code == 200 assert len(json) == 2
def test_get_individual_participant(client, init_database): """ GIVEN a Flask application and a logged in admin WHEN '/api/get/participant/1' is requested with valid access token (GET) THEN check response code, and content """ with client.application.test_request_context(): admin = create_admin(client) access_token = api_login(client) participant = create_participant(client) user_group = create_user_group(client, creator=admin, participants=[participant]) response = client.get( url_for("api.get_participant", id=2), headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token["access_token"]) }, ) json = response.json assert response.status_code == 200 assert json["id"] == assert json["username"] == participant.username assert json["type"] == participant.type
def test_get_all_responses(client, init_database): """ GIVEN a Flask application and logged in user WHEN '/api/get/response/all' is requested with valid access token (GET) THEN check status code and response content and length """ with client.application.test_request_context(): admin = create_admin(client) access_token = api_login(client) participant_1 = create_participant(client, username="******") participant_2 = create_participant(client, username="******") user_group = create_user_group( client, participants=[participant_1, participant_2], creator=admin) study = create_study(client, creator=admin, user_group=user_group) study_response_1 = create_response(client, creator=admin, participant=participant_1, study=study) study_response_2 = create_response(client, creator=admin, participant=participant_2, study=study) response = client.get( url_for("api.get_all_responses"), headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token["access_token"]) }, ) assert response.status_code == 200 assert len(response.json) == 2
def test_get_individual_response(client, init_database): """ GIVEN a Flask application and a logged in admin WHEN '/api/get/response/1' is requested with valid access token (GET) THEN check response code, and content """ with client.application.test_request_context(): admin = create_admin(client) access_token = api_login(client) study = create_study(client, creator=admin) study_response = create_response(client, creator=admin, study=study, participant=study.user_group.users[0]) response = client.get( url_for("api.get_response", id=1), headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token["access_token"]) }, ) assert response.status_code == 200 json = response.json assert json["id"] == assert json["study_id"] == study_response.study_id assert json["participant_id"] == study_response.participant_id assert json["card_positions"] == [ create_card_position_json(card_position) for card_position in study_response.card_positions ] assert json["data_values"] == [ create_data_value_json(data_value) for data_value in study_response.data_values ]