コード例 #1
def _print_phantomjs_output(result):
    errors = result['errors']
    messages = result['messages']
    resources = result['resources']

    for message in messages:
        msg = message['msg']
        line = message.get('line')
        source = message.get('source')

        if source and line:
            msg = "%s:%s: %s" % (source, line, msg)

        info(msg, label="JS")

    for resource in resources:
        fail(resource['errorString'], label="JS")

    for error in errors:
        fail(error['msg'], label="JS")
        for item in error['trace']:
            file = item['file']
            line = item['line']

            if file and line:
                fail("  %s: %d" % (file, line), label="JS")
コード例 #2
def test_file_examples(file_example, example, report):
    if example.is_skip:
        pytest.skip("skipping %s" % example.relpath)

    (status, duration, out, err) = _run_example(example)
    info("Example run in %s" % white("%.3fs" % duration))

    for line in out.split("\n"):
        if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith("Wrote "):
        info(line, label="PY")

    for line in err.split("\n"):
        if len(line) == 0:
        warn(line, label="PY")

    assert status != "timeout", "%s timed out" % example.relpath
    assert status == 0, "%s failed to run (exit code %s)" % (example.relpath,

    if example.no_js:
        if not pytest.config.option.no_js:
            warn("skipping bokehjs for %s" % example.relpath)
        _assert_snapshot(example, "file://%s.html" % example.path_no_ext,

        if example.no_diff:
            warn("skipping image diff for %s" % example.relpath)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_examples.py プロジェクト: bgyarfas/bokeh
def _assert_snapshot(example, url, example_type):
    screenshot_path = example.img_path

    height = 2000 if example_type == 'notebook' else 1000
    wait = 30000

    start = time.time()
    result = get_phantomjs_screenshot(url, screenshot_path, 1000, wait, 1000, height)
    end = time.time()

    info("Example rendered in %s" % white("%.3fs" % (end - start)))

    success = result['success']
    timeout = result['timeout']
    errors = result['errors']
    resources = result['resources']

    no_errors = len(errors) == 0
    no_resources = len(resources) == 0

    if timeout:
        warn("%s: %s" % (red("TIMEOUT: "), "bokehjs did not finish in %s ms" % wait))

    if pytest.config.option.verbose:

    assert success, "%s failed to load" % example.relpath
    assert no_resources, "%s failed with %d missing resources" % (example.relpath, len(resources))
    assert no_errors, "%s failed with %d errors" % (example.relpath, len(errors))
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_examples.py プロジェクト: bgyarfas/bokeh
def test_file_examples(file_example, example, report):
    if example.is_skip:
        pytest.skip("skipping %s" % example.relpath)

    (status, duration, out, err) = _run_example(example)
    info("Example run in %s" % white("%.3fs" % duration))

    for line in out.split("\n"):
        if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith("Wrote "):
        info(line, label="PY")

    for line in err.split("\n"):
        if len(line) == 0:
        warn(line, label="PY")

    assert status != "timeout", "%s timed out" % example.relpath
    assert status == 0, "%s failed to run (exit code %s)" % (example.relpath, status)

    if example.no_js:
        if not pytest.config.option.no_js:
            warn("skipping bokehjs for %s" % example.relpath)
        _assert_snapshot(example, "file://%s.html" % example.path_no_ext, 'file')

        if example.no_diff:
            warn("skipping image diff for %s" % example.relpath)
コード例 #5
def _assert_snapshot(example, url, example_type):
    screenshot_path = example.img_path

    height = 2000 if example_type == 'notebook' else 1000
    wait = 30000

    start = time.time()
    result = get_phantomjs_screenshot(url, screenshot_path, 1000, wait, 1000,
    end = time.time()

    info("Example rendered in %s" % white("%.3fs" % (end - start)))

    success = result['success']
    timeout = result['timeout']
    errors = result['errors']
    resources = result['resources']

    no_errors = len(errors) == 0
    no_resources = len(resources) == 0

    if timeout:
        warn("%s: %s" %
             (red("TIMEOUT: "), "bokehjs did not finish in %s ms" % wait))

    if pytest.config.option.verbose:

    assert success, "%s failed to load" % example.relpath
    assert no_resources, "%s failed with %d missing resources" % (
        example.relpath, len(resources))
    assert no_errors, "%s failed with %d errors" % (example.relpath,
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_examples.py プロジェクト: bgyarfas/bokeh
def _print_phantomjs_output(result):
    errors = result['errors']
    messages = result['messages']
    resources = result['resources']

    for message in messages:
        msg = message['msg']
        line = message.get('line')
        source = message.get('source')

        if source and line:
            msg = "%s:%s: %s" % (source, line, msg)

        info(msg, label="JS")

    for resource in resources:
        fail(resource['errorString'], label="JS")

    for error in errors:
        fail(error['msg'], label="JS")
        for item in error['trace']:
            file = item['file']
            line = item['line']

            if file and line:
                fail("  %s: %d" % (file, line), label="JS")
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_examples.py プロジェクト: gully/bokeh
def _assert_snapshot(example, url, example_type):
    screenshot_path = example.img_path

    width = 1000
    height = 2000 if example_type == 'notebook' else 1000

    local_wait = 100
    global_wait = 15000

    start = time.time()
    result = get_screenshot(url, screenshot_path, local_wait, global_wait, width, height)
    end = time.time()

    info("Example rendered in %s" % white("%.3fs" % (end - start)))

    success = result['success']
    timeout = result['timeout']
    errors = result['errors']

    no_errors = len(errors) == 0

    if timeout:
        warn("%s %s" % (red("TIMEOUT:"), "bokehjs did not finish in %s ms" % global_wait))

    if pytest.config.option.verbose:

    assert success, "%s failed to load" % example.relpath
    assert no_errors, "%s failed with %d errors" % (example.relpath, len(errors))
コード例 #8
def _assert_snapshot(example, url, example_type):
    screenshot_path = example.img_path

    width = 1000
    height = 2000 if example_type == 'notebook' else 1000

    local_wait = 100
    global_wait = 15000

    start = time.time()
    result = get_screenshot(url, screenshot_path, local_wait, global_wait, width, height)
    end = time.time()

    info("Example rendered in %s" % white("%.3fs" % (end - start)))

    success = result['success']
    timeout = result['timeout']
    errors = result['errors']

    no_errors = len(errors) == 0

    if timeout:
        warn("%s %s" % (red("TIMEOUT:"), "bokehjs did not finish in %s ms" % global_wait))

    if pytest.config.option.verbose:

    assert success, "%s failed to load" % example.relpath
    assert no_errors, "%s failed with %d errors" % (example.relpath, len(errors))
コード例 #9
def _print_phantomjs_output(result):
    errors = result['errors']
    messages = result['messages']
    resources = result['resources']

    for message in messages:
        msg = message['msg']
        line = message.get('line')
        source = message.get('source')

        if source and line:
            msg = "%s:%s: %s" % (source, line, msg)

        info(msg, label="JS")

    # Process resources
    for resource in resources:
        url = resource['url']
        if url.endswith(".png"):
            ok("%s: %s (%s)" %
               (url, yellow(resource['status']), resource['statusText']))
            fail("Resource error:: %s: %s (%s)" %
                 (url, red(resource['status']), resource['statusText']),

    # You can have a successful test, and still have errors reported, so not failing here.
    for error in errors:
        fail(error['msg'], label="JS")
        for item in error['trace']:
            file = item['file']
            line = item['line']

            if file and line:
                fail("  %s: %d" % (file, line), label="JS")
コード例 #10
def _get_reference_image_from_s3(example, diff):
    example_path = relpath(splitext(example)[0], example_dir)
    ref_loc = join(diff, example_path + ".png")
    ref_url = join(S3_URL, ref_loc)
    response = requests.get(ref_url)

    if not response.ok:
        info("reference image %s doesn't exist" % ref_url)
        return None
    return response.content
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_examples.py プロジェクト: gully/bokeh
def _print_webengine_output(result):
    errors = result['errors']
    messages = result['messages']

    for message in messages:
        level = message['level']
        text = message['text']
        url = message['url']
        line = message['line']
        col = message['col']

        msg = "{%s} %s:%s:%s %s" % (level, url, line, col, text)
        info(msg, label="JS")

    for error in errors:
        for line in error['text'].split("\n"):
            fail(line, label="JS")
コード例 #12
def _print_webengine_output(result):
    errors = result['errors']
    messages = result['messages']

    for message in messages:
        level = message['level']
        text = message['text']
        url = message['url']
        line = message['line']
        col = message['col']

        msg = "{%s} %s:%s:%s %s" % (level, url, line, col, text)
        info(msg, label="JS")

    for error in errors:
        for line in error['text'].split("\n"):
            fail(line, label="JS")
コード例 #13
def _get_pdiff(example, diff):
    test_png, ref_png, diff_png = get_example_pngs(example, diff)
    info("generated image: " + test_png)

    retrieved_reference_image = _get_reference_image_from_s3(example, diff)

    if retrieved_reference_image:
        ref_png_path = dirname(ref_png)
        if not exists(ref_png_path):

        with open(ref_png, "wb") as f:

        info("saved reference: " + ref_png)

        code = process_image_diff(diff_png, test_png, ref_png)
        if code != 0:
            warn("generated and reference images differ")
            warn("diff: " + diff_png)
            ok("generated and reference images match")