コード例 #1
    def test_exec_function_with_error(self):
        Attempts to executet a function that raises an error during its
        execution. Ensures that an error is returned to the user.
        e_msg = 'This is a broken_function!'

        def func(_, x):
            raise ValueError(e_msg)

        fname = 'func'
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname)

        # Put the functin into the KVS and create a function call.
        call = self._create_function_call(fname, [''], NORMAL)

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {}, {})

        # Retrieve the result from the KVS and ensure that it is the correct
        # lattice type.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), LWWPairLattice)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)

        # Check the type and values of the error.
        self.assertEqual(type(result), tuple)
        self.assertTrue(e_msg in result[0])

        # Unpack the GenericResponse and check its values.
        response = GenericResponse()
        self.assertEqual(response.success, False)
        self.assertEqual(response.error, EXECUTION_ERROR)
コード例 #2
    def test_succesful_pin(self):
        This test executes a pin operation that is supposed to be successful,
        and it checks to make sure that that the correct metadata for execution
        and reporting is generated.
        # Create a new function in the KVS.
        fname = 'incr'

        def func(_, x):
            return x + 1

        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname)

        # Create a pin message and put it into the socket.
        msg = self.ip + ':' + fname

        # Execute the pin operation.
        pin(self.socket, self.pusher_cache, self.kvs_client, self.status,
            self.pinned_functions, self.runtimes, self.exec_counts,

        # Check that the correct messages were sent and the correct metadata
        # created.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.pusher_cache.socket.outbox), 1)
        response = GenericResponse()

        self.assertEqual(func('', 1), self.pinned_functions[fname]('', 1))
        self.assertTrue(fname in self.pinned_functions)
        self.assertTrue(fname in self.runtimes)
        self.assertTrue(fname in self.exec_counts)
        self.assertTrue(fname in self.status.functions)
コード例 #3
    def test_exec_function_causal(self):
        Tests creating and executing a function in causal mode, ensuring that
        no messages are sent outside of the system and that the serialized
        result is as expected.

        # Create the function and serialize it into a lattice.
        def func(_, x):
            return x * x

        fname = 'square'
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname, SingleKeyCausalLattice)
        arg = 2

        # Put the function into the KVS and create a function call.
        call = self._create_function_call(fname, [arg], MULTI)

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {}, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a MultiKeyCausalLattice, then
        # deserialize it. Also check to make sure we have an empty vector clock
        # because this request populated no dependencies.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), MultiKeyCausalLattice)
        self.assertEqual(result.vector_clock, DEFAULT_VC)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)[0]

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, func('', arg))
コード例 #4
    def test_exec_function_normal(self):
        Tests creating and executing a function in normal mode, ensuring that
        no messages are sent outside of the system and that the serialized
        result is as expected.

        # Create the function and put it into the KVS.
        def func(_, x):
            return x * x

        fname = 'square'
        arg = 2

        # Put the function into the KVS and create a function call.
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname)
        call = self._create_function_call(fname, [arg], NORMAL)

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {}, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a LWWPairLattice, then deserialize
        # it.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), LWWPairLattice)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, func('', arg))
コード例 #5
    def test_exec_with_ordered_set(self):
        Tests a single function execution with an ordered set input as an
        argument to validate that ordered sets are correctly handled.
        def func(_, x):
            return len(x) >= 2 and x[0] < x[1]

        fname = 'set_order'
        arg_value = [2, 3]
        arg_name = 'set'

        self.kvs_client.put(arg_name, serializer.dump_lattice(arg_value))

        # Put the function into the KVS and create a function call.
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname)
        call = self._create_function_call(
            fname, [CloudburstReference(arg_name, True)], NORMAL)

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {}, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a LWWPairLattice, then deserialize
        # it.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), LWWPairLattice)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, func('', arg_value))
コード例 #6
    def test_exec_func_with_causal_ref(self):
        Tests a function execution where the argument is a reference to the
        KVS in causal mode. Ensures that the result has the correct causal
        dependencies and metadata.

        # Create the function and serialize it into a lattice.
        def func(_, x):
            return x * x

        fname = 'square'
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname, SingleKeyCausalLattice)

        # Put an argument value into the KVS.
        arg_value = 2
        arg_name = 'key'
            arg_name, serializer.dump_lattice(arg_value,

        # Create and serialize the function call.
        call = self._create_function_call(fname,
                                          [DropletReference(arg_name, True)],

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a MultiKeyCausalLattice, then
        # deserialize it.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), MultiKeyCausalLattice)
        self.assertEqual(result.vector_clock, DEFAULT_VC)
        self.assertEqual(len(result.dependencies.reveal()), 1)
        self.assertTrue(arg_name in result.dependencies.reveal())
        self.assertEqual(result.dependencies.reveal()[arg_name], DEFAULT_VC)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)[0]

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, func('', arg_value))
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_pin.py プロジェクト: wisc-landherr/cloudburst
    def test_occupied_pin(self):
        This test attempts to pin a function onto a node where another function
        is already pinned. We currently only allow one pinned node per machine,
        so this operation should fail.
        # Create a new function in the KVS.
        fname = 'incr'

        def func(_, x):
            return x + 1

        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname)

        # Create a pin message and put it into the socket.
        msg = PinFunction(name=fname, response_address=self.ip)

        # Add an already pinned_function, so that we reject the request.
        self.pinned_functions['square'] = lambda _, x: x * x
        self.runtimes['square'] = []
        self.exec_counts['square'] = []

        # Execute the pin operation.
        pin(self.socket, self.pusher_cache, self.kvs_client, self.status,
            self.pinned_functions, self.runtimes, self.exec_counts,
            self.user_library, False, False)

        # Check that the correct messages were sent and the correct metadata
        # created.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.pusher_cache.socket.outbox), 1)
        response = GenericResponse()

        # Make sure that none of the metadata was corrupted with this failed
        # pin attempt
        self.assertTrue(fname not in self.pinned_functions)
        self.assertTrue(fname not in self.runtimes)
        self.assertTrue(fname not in self.exec_counts)
        self.assertTrue(fname not in self.status.functions)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_call.py プロジェクト: yiranjia/cloudburst
    def test_exec_class_function(self):
        Tests creating and executing a class method in normal mode, ensuring
        that no messages are sent outside of the system and that the serialized
        result is as expected.

        # Create the function and put it into the KVS.
        class Test:
            def __init__(self, cloudburst, num):
                self.num = num

            def run(self, cloudburst, inp):
                return inp + self.num

        fname = 'class'
        init_arg = 3
        arg = 2

        # Put the function into the KVS and create a function call.
        create_function((Test, (init_arg, )), self.kvs_client, fname)
        call = self._create_function_call(fname, [arg], NORMAL)

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {}, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a LWWPairLattice, then deserialize
        # it.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), LWWPairLattice)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, Test(None, init_arg).run('', arg))
コード例 #9
    def test_exec_func_with_ref(self):
        Tests a function execution where the argument is a reference to the
        KVS in normal mode.

        # Create the function and serialize it into a lattice.
        def func(_, x):
            return x * x

        fname = 'square'
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname)

        # Put an argument value into the KVS.
        arg_value = 2
        arg_name = 'key'
        self.kvs_client.put(arg_name, serializer.dump_lattice(arg_value))

        # Create and serialize the function call.
        call = self._create_function_call(fname,
                                          [DropletReference(arg_name, True)],

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a LWWPairLattice, then deserialize
        # it.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), LWWPairLattice)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, func('', arg_value))