コード例 #1
def test_get_characters_omits_error_nodes():
    with open(get_test_path(os.path.join("mathml",
                                         "x_plus_error.xml"))) as mathml_file:
        mathml = mathml_file.read()
        characters = get_characters(mathml)
        assert len(characters) == 1
        assert Character("x", 0, 0, 1) in characters
コード例 #2
def test_parse_equation():
    with open(
        get_test_path(os.path.join("mathml", "x_sub_t_sub_i.xml"))
    ) as mathml_file:
        mathml = mathml_file.read()
        symbols = parse_equation(mathml)

    assert len(symbols) == 5
    x_sub_t_sub_i = list(
        filter(lambda s: "msub" in str(s.element) and "x" in str(s.element), symbols)
    t_sub_i = list(
        filter(lambda s: "msub" in str(s.element) and s is not x_sub_t_sub_i, symbols)
    x = list(filter(lambda s: str(s.element) == "<mi>x</mi>", symbols))[0]
    t = list(filter(lambda s: str(s.element) == "<mi>t</mi>", symbols))[0]
    i = list(filter(lambda s: str(s.element) == "<mi>i</mi>", symbols))[0]

    assert len(x_sub_t_sub_i.children) == 2
    assert x in x_sub_t_sub_i.children
    assert t_sub_i in x_sub_t_sub_i.children

    assert len(t_sub_i.children) == 2
    assert t in t_sub_i.children
    assert i in t_sub_i.children
コード例 #3
def test_get_characters():
    with open(get_test_path(os.path.join("mathml",
                                         "x_plus_y.xml"))) as mathml_file:
        mathml = mathml_file.read()
        characters = get_characters(mathml)
        assert len(characters) == 2
        assert Character("x", 0, 0, 1) in characters
        assert Character("y", 2, 4, 5) in characters
コード例 #4
def load_fragment_tag(filename: str) -> Tag:
    " Read a MathML fragment from file and return a BeautifulSoup tag for it. "

    with open(get_test_path(os.path.join("mathml-fragments", filename))) as file_:
        mathml = file_.read()

        # 'body.next' is used as the parser adds in 'html' and 'body' tags; this return just the child
        # node of the body (the original node we were parsing)
        return BeautifulSoup(mathml, "lxml").body.next
コード例 #5
def test_find_bounding_box():
    image = cv2.imread(
        get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "rectangle_hue_40.png")))
    boxes = find_boxes_with_color(image, (40 / 360.0))
    assert len(boxes) == 1
    assert boxes[0].left == 10
    assert boxes[0].top == 10
    assert boxes[0].width == 10
    assert boxes[0].height == 10
コード例 #6
def test_get_symbols_omits_error_nodes():
    with open(get_test_path(os.path.join("mathml",
                                         "x_plus_error.xml"))) as mathml_file:
        mathml = mathml_file.read()
        symbols = get_symbols(mathml)

    assert len(symbols) == 1

    x = list(filter(lambda s: s.characters == [0], symbols))[0]
    assert x.mathml.strip() == "<mi>x</mi>"
コード例 #7
def test_parse_consecutive_mi():
    with open(get_test_path(os.path.join("mathml",
                                         "relu.xml"))) as mathml_file:
        mathml = mathml_file.read()
        symbols = get_symbols(mathml)

    assert len(symbols) == 1

    relu = symbols[0]
    assert len(relu.children) == 0
    assert len(relu.characters) == 4
    assert relu.mathml == "<mi>ReLU</mi>"
コード例 #8
def test_get_symbols_for_subscript():
    with open(get_test_path(os.path.join("mathml",
                                         "x_sub_i.xml"))) as mathml_file:
        mathml = mathml_file.read()
        symbols = get_symbols(mathml)

    assert len(symbols) == 3
    x_sub_i = list(filter(lambda s: "msub" in s.mathml, symbols))[0]
    assert re.search(r"<msub>\s*<mi>x</mi>\s*<mi>i</mi>\s*</msub>",
    assert len(x_sub_i.characters) == 2
    assert 0 in x_sub_i.characters
    assert 1 in x_sub_i.characters
コード例 #9
def test_get_symbols_for_characters():
    with open(get_test_path(os.path.join("mathml",
                                         "x_plus_y.xml"))) as mathml_file:
        mathml = mathml_file.read()
        symbols = get_symbols(mathml)

    assert len(symbols) == 2

    x = list(filter(lambda s: s.characters == [0], symbols))[0]
    assert x.mathml.strip() == "<mi>x</mi>"

    y = list(filter(lambda s: s.characters == [2], symbols))[0]
    assert y.mathml.strip() == "<mi>y</mi>"
コード例 #10
def test_get_symbol_sub_super_with_numeric_child():
    with open(get_test_path(os.path.join(
            "mathml", "x_sub_four_sub_three.xml"))) as mathml_file:
        mathml = mathml_file.read()
        symbols = get_symbols(mathml)

    assert len(symbols) == 3
    x_sub_four_sub_three = list(
        filter(lambda s: "msub" in s.mathml and "x" in s.mathml, symbols))[0]
    x = list(filter(lambda s: s.mathml == "<mi>x</mi>", symbols))[0]
    four_sub_three = list(
        filter(lambda s: s.mathml == "<msub>\n<mn>4</mn>\n<mn>3</mn>\n</msub>",

    assert len(x_sub_four_sub_three.children) == 2
    assert x in x_sub_four_sub_three.children
    assert four_sub_three in x_sub_four_sub_three.children
コード例 #11
def test_split_into_lines():
    image = cv2.imread(
        get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "two_lines_hue_40.png")))
    boxes = find_boxes_with_color(image, (40 / 360.0))
    assert len(boxes) == 2

    # The two boxes that are horizontally aligned but separated get merged.
    assert boxes[0].left == 5
    assert boxes[0].top == 10
    assert boxes[0].width == 30
    assert boxes[0].height == 10

    # The box at a different vertical location doesn't get merged.
    assert boxes[1].left == 5
    assert boxes[1].top == 21
    assert boxes[1].width == 10
    assert boxes[1].height == 10
コード例 #12
def test_find_boxes_within_masks():
    image = cv2.imread(
        get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "two_lines_hue_40.png")))
    boxes = find_boxes_with_color(
        (40 / 360.0),
            Rectangle(left=5, top=10, width=10, height=10),
            Rectangle(left=25, top=10, width=10, height=10),
    # The masks will split up two colorized regions that would normally be merged.
    assert len(boxes) == 2

    assert boxes[0].left == 5
    assert boxes[0].top == 10
    assert boxes[0].width == 10
    assert boxes[0].height == 10

    assert boxes[1].left == 25
    assert boxes[1].top == 10
    assert boxes[1].width == 10
    assert boxes[1].height == 10
コード例 #13
def test_detect_black_pixels():
    image = cv2.imread(
        get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "black_letter_40.png")))
    assert contains_black_pixels(image)
コード例 #14
def test_no_detect_saturated_pixels_as_black():
    image = cv2.imread(
        get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "yellow_letter_40.png")))
    assert not contains_black_pixels(image)
コード例 #15
def test_no_detect_black_pixels_in_blank_image():
    image = cv2.imread(get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "blank_40.png")))
    assert not contains_black_pixels(image)
コード例 #16
def test_no_detect_shift_for_other_hue():
    black = cv2.imread(get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "black_letter_40.png")))
    pink_shifted = cv2.imread(
        get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "pink_letter_40_shifted.png"))
    assert not has_hue_shifted(black, pink_shifted, YELLOW_HUE)
コード例 #17
def test_detect_shift():
    black = cv2.imread(get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "black_letter_40.png")))
    yellow_shifted = cv2.imread(
        get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "yellow_letter_40_shifted.png"))
    assert has_hue_shifted(black, yellow_shifted, YELLOW_HUE)
コード例 #18
def test_no_detect_shift_when_pixels_aligned():
    black = cv2.imread(get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "black_letter_40.png")))
    yellow = cv2.imread(get_test_path(os.path.join("images", "yellow_letter_40.png")))
    assert not has_hue_shifted(black, yellow, YELLOW_HUE)