コード例 #1
ファイル: test_max_age.py プロジェクト: damirkrstanovic/fence
def test_reauthenticate_end_user(client, oauth_client):
    data = {'max_age': 0}

    # TODO

    response = oauth2.post_authorize(client,
コード例 #2
def test_ui_locale_no_errors(client, oauth_client):
    Test the very basic requirement that including the ``ui_locales`` parameter
    does not cause any errors.
    data = {'ui_locales': 'fr-CA fr en'}
    auth_response = oauth2.post_authorize(client,
    assert auth_response.status_code == 302
    assert 'Location' in auth_response.headers
    assert oauth2.code_from_authorize_response(auth_response)
コード例 #3
def test_id_token_hint_empty(client, oauth_client):
    Test ``id_token_hint`` parameter when it's empty.

    "If the End-User identified by the ID Token is logged in or is logged in
    by the request, then the Authorization Server returns a positive response;
    otherwise, it SHOULD return an error"

    No end user in hint, so return an error
    data = {"id_token_hint": ""}

    auth_response = oauth2.post_authorize(client, oauth_client, data=data, confirm=True)
    assert auth_response.status_code == 302
    assert "Location" in auth_response.headers
    query_params = parse_qs(urlparse(auth_response.headers["Location"]).query)
    assert "error" in query_params
    assert query_params["error"][0] == "access_denied"
コード例 #4
def test_id_token_hint_not_logged_in(app, client, oauth_client, monkeypatch):
    Test ``id_token_hint`` parameter when hinted user is not logged in.
    TODO: This should attempt to log the user in
    # test user is logged in right now
    token_response = oauth2.get_token_response(client, oauth_client).json
    id_token = validate_jwt(token_response["id_token"], {"openid"})

    # don't mock auth so there isn't a logged in user any more
    monkeypatch.setitem(config, "MOCK_AUTH", False)

    # Now use that id_token as a hint to the authorize endpoint
    data = {"id_token_hint": str(id_token)}

    auth_response = oauth2.post_authorize(client, oauth_client, data=data, confirm=True)
    assert auth_response.status_code == 302
    assert "Location" in auth_response.headers
    query_params = parse_qs(urlparse(auth_response.headers["Location"]).query)
    assert "error" in query_params
    assert query_params["error"][0] == "access_denied"