コード例 #1
ファイル: test_serviceitem.py プロジェクト: ipic/projecao
    def test_service_item_load_image_from_local_service(
            self, mocked_get_section_data_path, mocked_exists):
        Test the Service Item - adding an image from a saved local service
        # GIVEN: A new service item and a mocked add icon function
        mocked_get_section_data_path.return_value = Path('/path')
        mocked_exists.return_value = True
        image_name1 = 'image_1.jpg'
        image_name2 = 'image_2.jpg'
        test_file1 = os.path.join('/home', 'openlp', image_name1)
        test_file2 = os.path.join('/home', 'openlp', image_name2)
        frame_array1 = {'path': test_file1, 'title': image_name1}
        frame_array2 = {'path': test_file2, 'title': image_name2}
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item.add_icon = MagicMock()
        service_item2 = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item2.add_icon = MagicMock()

        # WHEN: adding an image from a saved Service and mocked exists
        line = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem_image_2.osj')
        line2 = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem_image_2.osj',

        # THEN: We should get back a valid service item
        assert service_item.is_valid is True, 'The first service item should be valid'
        assert service_item2.is_valid is True, 'The second service item should be valid'
        # These test will fail on windows due to the difference in folder seperators
        if os.name != 'nt':
            assert test_file1 == service_item.get_rendered_frame(0), \
                'The first frame should match the path to the image'
            assert test_file2 == service_item2.get_rendered_frame(0), \
                'The Second frame should match the path to the image'
            assert frame_array1 == service_item.get_frames(
            )[0], 'The return should match the frame array1'
            assert frame_array2 == service_item2.get_frames(
            )[0], 'The return should match the frame array2'
            assert test_file1 == str(service_item.get_frame_path(0)), \
                'The frame path should match the full path to the image'
            assert test_file2 == str(service_item2.get_frame_path(0)), \
                'The frame path should match the full path to the image'
        assert image_name1 == service_item.get_frame_title(
            0), 'The 1st frame title should match the image name'
        assert image_name2 == service_item2.get_frame_title(
            0), 'The 2nd frame title should match the image name'
        assert service_item.name == service_item.title.lower(), \
            'The plugin name should match the display title, as there are > 1 Images'
        assert service_item.is_image(
        ) is True, 'This service item should be of an "image" type'
        assert service_item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.CanMaintain) is True, \
            'This service item should be able to be Maintained'
        assert service_item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.CanPreview) is True, \
            'This service item should be able to be be Previewed'
        assert service_item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.CanLoop) is True, \
            'This service item should be able to be run in a can be made to Loop'
        assert service_item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.CanAppend) is True, \
            'This service item should be able to have new items added to it'
コード例 #2
    def service_item_load_custom_from_service_test(self):
        Test the Service Item - adding a custom slide from a saved service
        # GIVEN: A new service item and a mocked add icon function
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item.add_icon = MagicMock()

        # WHEN: We add a custom from a saved service
        line = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem_custom_1.osj')

        # THEN: We should get back a valid service item
        self.assertTrue(service_item.is_valid, 'The new service item should be valid')
        assert_length(0, service_item._display_frames, 'The service item should have no display frames')
        assert_length(5, service_item.capabilities, 'There should be 5 default custom item capabilities')

        # WHEN: We render the frames of the service item

        # THEN: The frames should also be valid
        self.assertEqual('Test Custom', service_item.get_display_title(), 'The title should be "Test Custom"')
        self.assertEqual(VERSE[:-1], service_item.get_frames()[0]['text'],
                         'The returned text matches the input, except the last line feed')
        self.assertEqual(VERSE.split('\n', 1)[0], service_item.get_rendered_frame(1),
                         'The first line has been returned')
        self.assertEqual('Slide 1', service_item.get_frame_title(0), '"Slide 1" has been returned as the title')
        self.assertEqual('Slide 2', service_item.get_frame_title(1), '"Slide 2" has been returned as the title')
        self.assertEqual('', service_item.get_frame_title(2), 'Blank has been returned as the title of slide 3')
コード例 #3
    def service_item_load_song_and_audio_from_service_test(self):
        Test the Service Item - adding a song slide from a saved service
        # GIVEN: A new service item and a mocked add icon function
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item.add_icon = MagicMock()

        # WHEN: We add a custom from a saved service
        line = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem-song-linked-audio.osj')
        service_item.set_from_service(line, '/test/')

        # THEN: We should get back a valid service item
        self.assertTrue(service_item.is_valid, 'The new service item should be valid')
        assert_length(0, service_item._display_frames, 'The service item should have no display frames')
        assert_length(7, service_item.capabilities, 'There should be 7 default custom item capabilities')

        # WHEN: We render the frames of the service item

        # THEN: The frames should also be valid
        self.assertEqual('Amazing Grace', service_item.get_display_title(), 'The title should be "Amazing Grace"')
        self.assertEqual(VERSE[:-1], service_item.get_frames()[0]['text'],
                         'The returned text matches the input, except the last line feed')
        self.assertEqual(VERSE.split('\n', 1)[0], service_item.get_rendered_frame(1),
                         'The first line has been returned')
        self.assertEqual('Amazing Grace! how sweet the s', service_item.get_frame_title(0),
                         '"Amazing Grace! how sweet the s" has been returned as the title')
        self.assertEqual('’Twas grace that taught my hea', service_item.get_frame_title(1),
                         '"’Twas grace that taught my hea" has been returned as the title')
        self.assertEqual('/test/amazing_grace.mp3', service_item.background_audio[0],
                         '"/test/amazing_grace.mp3" should be in the background_audio list')
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_serviceitem.py プロジェクト: ipic/projecao
    def test_service_item_load_song_and_audio_from_service(self):
        Test the Service Item - adding a song slide from a saved service
        # GIVEN: A new service item and a mocked add icon function
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item.add_icon = MagicMock()

        # WHEN: We add a custom from a saved service
        line = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH,
        service_item.set_from_service(line, Path('/test/'))

        # THEN: We should get back a valid service item
        assert service_item.is_valid is True, 'The new service item should be valid'
        assert len(service_item.display_slides
                   ) == 6, 'The service item should have 6 display slides'
        assert len(service_item.capabilities
                   ) == 7, 'There should be 7 default custom item capabilities'
        assert 'Amazing Grace' == service_item.get_display_title(
        ), 'The title should be "Amazing Grace"'
        assert CLEANED_VERSE[:-1] == service_item.get_frames()[0]['text'], \
            'The returned text matches the input, except the last line feed'
        assert 'Amazing Grace! how sweet the s' == service_item.get_frame_title(0), \
            '"Amazing Grace! how sweet the s" has been returned as the title'
        assert '’Twas grace that taught my hea' == service_item.get_frame_title(1), \
            '"’Twas grace that taught my hea" has been returned as the title'
        assert Path('/test/amazing_grace.mp3') == service_item.background_audio[0], \
            '"/test/amazing_grace.mp3" should be in the background_audio list'
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_serviceitem.py プロジェクト: ipic/projecao
    def test_service_item_load_custom_from_service(self):
        Test the Service Item - adding a custom slide from a saved service
        # GIVEN: A new service item and a mocked add icon function
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item.add_icon = MagicMock()

        # WHEN: We add a custom from a saved serviceand set the media state
        line = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem_custom_1.osj')
        State().add_service("media", 0)
        State().update_pre_conditions("media", True)

        # THEN: We should get back a valid service item
        assert service_item.is_valid is True, 'The new service item should be valid'
        assert len(service_item.get_frames()
                   ) == 2, 'The service item should have 2 display frames'
        assert len(service_item.capabilities
                   ) == 5, 'There should be 5 default custom item capabilities'

        # THEN: The frames should also be valid
        assert 'Test Custom' == service_item.get_display_title(
        ), 'The title should be "Test Custom"'
        assert 'Slide 1' == service_item.get_frames()[0]['text']
        assert 'Slide 2' == service_item.get_rendered_frame(1)
        assert 'Slide 1' == service_item.get_frame_title(
            0), '"Slide 1" has been returned as the title'
        assert 'Slide 2' == service_item.get_frame_title(
            1), '"Slide 2" has been returned as the title'
        assert '' == service_item.get_frame_title(
            2), 'Blank has been returned as the title of slide 3'
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_controller.py プロジェクト: simhnna/openlp
 def test_controller_text(self):
     Remote API Tests : test the controller text method can be called with a real service item
     # GIVEN: A mocked service with a dummy service item
     line = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem_custom_1.osj')
     self.mocked_live_controller.service_item = ServiceItem(None)
     # WHEN: I trigger the method
     ret = controller_text("SomeText")
     # THEN: I get a basic set of results
     results = ret['results']
     assert isinstance(ret, dict)
     assert len(results['slides']) == 2
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_serviceitem.py プロジェクト: simhnna/openlp
    def test_service_item_load_image_from_service(self):
        Test the Service Item - adding an image from a saved service
        # GIVEN: A new service item and a mocked add icon function
        image_name = 'image_1.jpg'
        test_file = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, image_name)
        frame_array = {'path': test_file, 'title': image_name}

        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item.add_icon = MagicMock()

        # WHEN: adding an image from a saved Service and mocked exists
        line = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem_image_1.osj')
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.servicemanager.os.path.exists') as mocked_exists,\
                patch('openlp.core.lib.serviceitem.AppLocation.get_section_data_path') as \
            mocked_exists.return_value = True
            mocked_get_section_data_path.return_value = os.path.normpath(
            service_item.set_from_service(line, TEST_PATH)

        # THEN: We should get back a valid service item
        assert service_item.is_valid is True, 'The new service item should be valid'
        assert os.path.normpath(test_file) == os.path.normpath(service_item.get_rendered_frame(0)), \
            'The first frame should match the path to the image'
        assert frame_array == service_item.get_frames(
        )[0], 'The return should match frame array1'
        assert test_file == service_item.get_frame_path(
            0), 'The frame path should match the full path to the image'
        assert image_name == service_item.get_frame_title(
            0), 'The frame title should match the image name'
        assert image_name == service_item.get_display_title(
        ), 'The display title should match the first image name'
        assert service_item.is_image(
        ) is True, 'This service item should be of an "image" type'
        assert service_item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.CanMaintain) is True, \
            'This service item should be able to be Maintained'
        assert service_item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.CanPreview) is True, \
            'This service item should be able to be be Previewed'
        assert service_item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.CanLoop) is True, \
            'This service item should be able to be run in a can be made to Loop'
        assert service_item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.CanAppend) is True, \
            'This service item should be able to have new items added to it'
コード例 #8
    def service_item_load_image_from_service_test(self):
        Test the Service Item - adding an image from a saved service
        # GIVEN: A new service item and a mocked add icon function
        image_name = 'image_1.jpg'
        test_file = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, image_name)
        frame_array = {'path': test_file, 'title': image_name}

        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item.add_icon = MagicMock()

        # WHEN: adding an image from a saved Service and mocked exists
        line = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem_image_1.osj')
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.servicemanager.os.path.exists') as mocked_exists,\
                patch('openlp.core.lib.serviceitem.create_thumb') as mocked_create_thumb,\
                patch('openlp.core.lib.serviceitem.AppLocation.get_section_data_path') as \
            mocked_exists.return_value = True
            mocked_get_section_data_path.return_value = os.path.normpath('/path/')
            service_item.set_from_service(line, TEST_PATH)

        # THEN: We should get back a valid service item
        self.assertTrue(service_item.is_valid, 'The new service item should be valid')
        self.assertEqual(os.path.normpath(test_file), os.path.normpath(service_item.get_rendered_frame(0)),
                         'The first frame should match the path to the image')
        self.assertEqual(frame_array, service_item.get_frames()[0],
                         'The return should match frame array1')
        self.assertEqual(test_file, service_item.get_frame_path(0),
                         'The frame path should match the full path to the image')
        self.assertEqual(image_name, service_item.get_frame_title(0),
                         'The frame title should match the image name')
        self.assertEqual(image_name, service_item.get_display_title(),
                         'The display title should match the first image name')
        self.assertTrue(service_item.is_image(), 'This service item should be of an "image" type')
                        'This service item should be able to be Maintained')
                        'This service item should be able to be be Previewed')
                        'This service item should be able to be run in a can be made to Loop')
                        'This service item should be able to have new items added to it')
コード例 #9
    def service_item_load_optical_media_from_service_test(self):
        Test the Service Item - load an optical media item
        # GIVEN: A new service item and a mocked add icon function
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item.add_icon = MagicMock()

        # WHEN: We load a serviceitem with optical media
        line = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem-dvd.osj')
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.servicemanager.os.path.exists') as mocked_exists:
            mocked_exists.return_value = True

        # THEN: We should get back a valid service item with optical media info
        self.assertTrue(service_item.is_valid, 'The service item should be valid')
        self.assertTrue(service_item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.IsOptical), 'The item should be Optical')
        self.assertEqual(service_item.start_time, 654.375, 'Start time should be 654.375')
        self.assertEqual(service_item.end_time, 672.069, 'End time should be 672.069')
        self.assertEqual(service_item.media_length, 17.694, 'Media length should be 17.694')
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_controller.py プロジェクト: ipic/projecao
    def test_controller_text(self):
        Remote API Tests : test the controller text method can be called with a real service item
        # GIVEN: A mocked service with a dummy service item
        line = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem_custom_1.osj')
        self.mocked_live_controller.service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        State().add_service("media", 0)
        State().update_pre_conditions("media", True)
        # WHEN: I trigger the method
        ret = controller_text("SomeText")

        # THEN: I get a basic set of results
        results = ret['results']
        assert isinstance(ret, dict)
        assert len(results['slides']) == 2
コード例 #11
    def service_item_load_image_from_local_service_test(self):
        Test the Service Item - adding an image from a saved local service
        # GIVEN: A new service item and a mocked add icon function
        image_name1 = 'image_1.jpg'
        image_name2 = 'image_2.jpg'
        test_file1 = os.path.normpath(os.path.join('/home/openlp', image_name1))
        test_file2 = os.path.normpath(os.path.join('/home/openlp', image_name2))
        frame_array1 = {'path': test_file1, 'title': image_name1}
        frame_array2 = {'path': test_file2, 'title': image_name2}

        service_item = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item.add_icon = MagicMock()

        service_item2 = ServiceItem(None)
        service_item2.add_icon = MagicMock()

        # WHEN: adding an image from a saved Service and mocked exists
        line = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem_image_2.osj')
        line2 = convert_file_service_item(TEST_PATH, 'serviceitem_image_2.osj', 1)

        with patch('openlp.core.ui.servicemanager.os.path.exists') as mocked_exists, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.serviceitem.create_thumb') as mocked_create_thumb, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.serviceitem.AppLocation.get_section_data_path') as \
            mocked_exists.return_value = True
            mocked_get_section_data_path.return_value = os.path.normpath('/path/')

        # THEN: We should get back a valid service item

        # This test is copied from service_item.py, but is changed since to conform to
        # new layout of service item. The layout use in serviceitem_image_2.osd is actually invalid now.
        self.assertTrue(service_item.is_valid, 'The first service item should be valid')
        self.assertTrue(service_item2.is_valid, 'The second service item should be valid')
        # These test will fail on windows due to the difference in folder seperators
        if os.name != 'nt':
            self.assertEqual(test_file1, service_item.get_rendered_frame(0),
                             'The first frame should match the path to the image')
            self.assertEqual(test_file2, service_item2.get_rendered_frame(0),
                             'The Second frame should match the path to the image')
            self.assertEqual(frame_array1, service_item.get_frames()[0], 'The return should match the frame array1')
            self.assertEqual(frame_array2, service_item2.get_frames()[0], 'The return should match the frame array2')
            self.assertEqual(test_file1, service_item.get_frame_path(0),
                             'The frame path should match the full path to the image')
            self.assertEqual(test_file2, service_item2.get_frame_path(0),
                             'The frame path should match the full path to the image')
        self.assertEqual(image_name1, service_item.get_frame_title(0),
                         'The 1st frame title should match the image name')
        self.assertEqual(image_name2, service_item2.get_frame_title(0),
                         'The 2nd frame title should match the image name')
        self.assertEqual(service_item.name, service_item.title.lower(),
                         'The plugin name should match the display title, as there are > 1 Images')
        self.assertTrue(service_item.is_image(), 'This service item should be of an "image" type')
                        'This service item should be able to be Maintained')
                        'This service item should be able to be be Previewed')
                        'This service item should be able to be run in a can be made to Loop')
                        'This service item should be able to have new items added to it')