def test_does_nothing_for_not_found_words(self): tree = Tree(2)['alpha', 'blue', 'charlie', 'charlie', 'delta']) self.assertEqual([], tree.candidates) unchanged_records = ['alpha blue', 'blue charlie', 'charlie charlie', 'charlie delta', 'delta'] self.assertEqual(unchanged_records, tree.records) tree.update_words(0, ['back']) self.assertEqual([], tree.candidates) self.assertEqual(unchanged_records, tree.records) tree.update_words(1, ['back']) self.assertEqual([], tree.candidates) self.assertEqual(unchanged_records, tree.records) tree.update_words(0, ['alpha blue']) self.assertEqual([], tree.candidates) self.assertEqual(unchanged_records, tree.records) tree.update_words(1, ['alpha blue']) self.assertEqual([], tree.candidates) self.assertEqual(unchanged_records, tree.records)
def test_restricts_candidates_with_further_values_of_word_position(self): tree = Tree(3)['alpha', 'blue', 'charlie', 'charlie', 'delta']) # records = [ # 0 'alpha blue charlie', # 1 'blue charlie charlie', # 2 'charlie charlie delta' # 3 'charlie delta', # 4 'delta' # ] tree.update_words(0, ['charlie']) self.assertEqual([(2, 4)], tree.candidates) tree.update_words(1, ['charlie']) self.assertEqual([(2, 3)], tree.candidates) tree.update_words(2, ['charlie']) self.assertEqual([], tree.candidates)
def test_clears_candidates_if_words_do_not_extend_candidates(self): tree = Tree(2)['alpha', 'blue', 'charlie', 'charlie', 'delta']) # records = [ # 0 'alpha blue', # 1 'blue charlie', # 2 'charlie charlie' # 3 'charlie delta', # 4 'delta' # ] tree.update_words(0, ['alpha back']) self.assertEqual([], tree.candidates) tree.update_words(0, ['alpha alpha']) self.assertEqual([], tree.candidates) tree.update_words(1, ['alpha back']) self.assertEqual([], tree.candidates)
def test_adds_candidates_for_words_between_others(self): tree = Tree(2)['alpha', 'blue', 'charlie', 'charlie', 'delta']) # records = [ # 0 'alpha blue', # 1 'blue charlie', # 2 'charlie charlie' # 3 'charlie delta', # 4 'delta' # ] tree.update_words(0, ['alpha']) self.assertEqual([(0, 1)], tree.candidates) tree.update_words(0, ['blue']) self.assertEqual([(1, 2)], tree.candidates) tree.update_words(0, ['charlie']) self.assertEqual([(2, 4)], tree.candidates)
tree = Tree(4) words = [] with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as entail: for line in entail: words.extend(line.strip().split()) print(tree.records) print("Saving Tree to \"Tree\"") with open("Tree", 'wb') as outfile: pickle.dump(tree, outfile) print("Saving Tree done") tree.update_words(0, ["today", "Are", "Earth", "hit", "a"]) tree.update_words(1, ["meteor,", "Earth,"]) print(tree.get_words(2)) print(tree.is_contain("meteor, ")) print(tree.is_contain("a ")) print(tree.is_contain("a, ")) print(tree.calc_frequency("meteor, ")) print(tree.calc_frequency("a ")) print(tree.calc_frequency("a, ")) print("yes yes yes yes", tree.calc_frequency("yes yes yes yes")) if __name__ == "__main__": entailData = "data/entailData.txt" # entailData to make tree gloveModel = "data/glove_model.txt" # glove model which is converted with
class TextGenerator(object): def __init__(self, window=4, verify=2, ofTranslates=2, ofMatches=1, ofOriginalsNearNextWord=0, CommasPerSentence=2, WordsPerCommaOrPeriod=(4, 7), commonWordCoefficient=(1, 100, 0.0011), contextualCoefficient=(1, 0.000001, 0.0002)): self.Tree = None self.w2vModel = None self.window = window self.verify = verify self.ofMatches = ofMatches self.ofTranslates = ofTranslates self.ofOriginalsNearNextWord = ofOriginalsNearNextWord self.CommasPerSentence = CommasPerSentence self.WordsPerCommaOrPeriod = WordsPerCommaOrPeriod self.commonWordCoefficient = commonWordCoefficient self.contextualCoefficient = contextualCoefficient self.TreeSaveName = "Tree" self.treeScanwindow = max(window + 1, verify) self.translatesBucket = { } # translatesbucket to contain all translates of words up to now. self.pickfromTranslatesBucket = 1 # how many words we should pick from a bucket for softmax. self.addToTranslatesBucket = 30 # how many gloves of a word we should insert to translatesBucket. self.nofFrequencyCheckCandidates = 8 # how many last candidates we should check for frequency. self.lenFrequencyCheckWindow = 2 # length of frequency check window. self.fakeCommaChoiceBucket = [] self.seed_word_list = [] self.wordTransScore = {} def load_Model(self, model_file): print("Loading w2v model from \"{}\"...".format(model_file)) self.w2vModel = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format( model_file, binary=False) # GloVe Model print("Loading w2v model done") def save_Tree(self): print("Saving Tree to \"{}\"".format(self.TreeSaveName)) with open(self.TreeSaveName, 'wb') as outfile: pickle.dump(self.Tree, outfile) print("Saving Tree done") def load_Tree(self): print("Loading Tree from \"{}\"...".format(self.TreeSaveName)) with open(self.TreeSaveName, 'rb') as infile: self.Tree = pickle.load(infile) print("Loading Tree done") def init_Tree(self, entailData: str): """ Function to construct tree from entailData """ self.Tree = Tree(self.treeScanwindow) words = [] with smart_open.smart_open(entailData, 'r') as entail: for line in entail: words.extend(line.strip().split()) self.save_Tree() # if DEBUG: # print(self.Tree.records) def load_CommonWord(self, wordFile: str): self.wordTransScore = {} cnt = 1 with smart_open.smart_open(wordFile, encoding='utf8') as f: for line in f: splited_line = line.strip().split() word = splited_line[0].lower() if len(splited_line) == 1 and word[0] != '#': if not word in self.wordTransScore: self.wordTransScore[word] = cnt cnt = cnt + 1 """ we are using following function for exponential curve according to word list. y = k * exp(-a * x) + b this curve will pass 2 points (1, M1) & (L, M2) a will be the incline prameter. """ M1 = self.commonWordCoefficient[1] M2 = self.commonWordCoefficient[0] a = self.commonWordCoefficient[2] L = len(self.wordTransScore) k = (M1 - M2) / (math.exp(-a) - math.exp(-a * L)) b = (M2 * math.exp(-a) - M1 * math.exp(-a * L)) / (math.exp(-a) - math.exp(-a * L)) for word in self.wordTransScore: self.wordTransScore[word] = M1 + M2 - ( k * math.exp(-a * (self.wordTransScore[word])) + b) # if DEBUG: # print(word, self.wordTransScore[word]) def calc_Transscore(self, word: str): if word in self.wordTransScore: return self.wordTransScore[word] else: return self.commonWordCoefficient[1] def makeGlove(self, word, ofTranslates): if word[-1] == "," or word[-1] == ".": suffix = word[-1] word = word[:-1] else: suffix = '' word_list = [word + suffix] try: for tup in self.w2vModel.similar_by_word(word, ofTranslates): word_list.append(tup[0] + suffix) except: pass return word_list def insertToTranslatesBucket(self, insert_word, seed_word): insert_score = self.calc_Transscore(seed_word) if insert_word in self.translatesBucket: self.translatesBucket[insert_word] += insert_score else: self.translatesBucket[insert_word] = insert_score def pickNextword(self, hypolist): # predictedHypoList = [] IndexesofPredictedHypo = {} for idx, hp in enumerate(hypolist): word, cnt = hp[0][-1], hp[1] if not (word in predictedHypoList): predictedHypoList.append(word) IndexesofPredictedHypo[word] = [idx] else: IndexesofPredictedHypo[word].append(idx) def dist(hp, orig): L = len(hp) - 1 ret = 0 for i in range(0, L): if hp[-2 - i] == orig[-1 - i]: ret += 1 return ret if DEBUG: print("Scores of each word") print("{:<20}: {:<10}: {:<10}, {:<10}, {:<10}, {:<10}".format( "word", "score", "TransScore", "LenScore", "Contextual", "Originals")) relatedTranslatesBucket = [] M1 = self.contextualCoefficient[1] M2 = self.contextualCoefficient[0] a = self.contextualCoefficient[2] L = self.window + 1 k = (M2 - M1) / (math.exp(L * a) - math.exp(a)) b = (M1 * math.exp(L * a) - M2 * math.exp(a)) / (math.exp(L * a) - math.exp(a)) for word in predictedHypoList: maxLen = 0 contextualFrequency = 0 originals = 0 for idx in IndexesofPredictedHypo[word]: curLen = len(hypolist[idx][0]) maxLen = max(maxLen, curLen) exponentialCoeff = (k * math.exp(a * curLen) + b) * hypolist[idx][1] contextualFrequency += exponentialCoeff originals += exponentialCoeff * dist(hypolist[idx][0], self.seed_word_list) if word in self.translatesBucket: transScore = self.translatesBucket[word] else: transScore = 0 score = transScore + maxLen + contextualFrequency + originals if DEBUG: print( "{:<20}: {:10.4f}: {:10.4f}, {:10.4f}, {:10.4f}, {:10.4f}". format(word, score, transScore, maxLen, contextualFrequency, originals)) relatedTranslatesBucket.append((score, word)) ntopCandidates = min(self.pickfromTranslatesBucket, len(predictedHypoList)) topCandidates = heapq.nlargest(ntopCandidates, relatedTranslatesBucket) predictedHypoList = [] softMaxVals = [] for (score, word) in topCandidates: softMaxVals.append(score) predictedHypoList.append(word) return random.choices(predictedHypoList, weights=softMaxVals)[0] def predict(self, input_seed: list) -> str: """ Function to predict next word of a sentence. """ self.seed_word_list = [] for word in input_seed: self.seed_word_list.append(word.lower()) verified_hypo_list = [] total_verified = 0 windowLen = min(len(input_seed), self.window) while windowLen > 0: ofOriginalsNearNextWord = min(windowLen, self.ofOriginalsNearNextWord) verifyLen = min(self.verify, windowLen + 1) ## get window list from seed word list windowlist = self.seed_word_list[-windowLen:] ## make listoflists listoflists = [] idx = -1 for i, word in enumerate(windowlist): if word[-1] == ',' or word[-1] == '.': idx = i for i, word in enumerate(windowlist): if i == idx: listoflists.append(self.makeGlove(word, self.ofTranslates)) else: listoflists.append( self.makeGlove(self.stem_Word(word), self.ofTranslates)) if DEBUG: print("Lists of %d word window =" % windowLen, listoflists) ## do vanilla search idx = 0 for word_list in listoflists: self.Tree.update_words(idx, word_list) idx = idx + 1 ## get all hypothesis of next word hypo_list = self.Tree.get_words(idx) if DEBUG: print("hypo_list = ", hypo_list) def is_ofOriginalsNearNextWord(a, b, L): """ check if last L words of a[:-1] are same as b[-L:] """ for i in range(L): if a[-i - 2] != b[-i - 1]: return False return True ## get ofOriginalNearNextWord list ofOs_hypo_list = [] for hp in hypo_list: if is_ofOriginalsNearNextWord(hp, windowlist, ofOriginalsNearNextWord) == True: ofOs_hypo_list.append(hp) if DEBUG: print("ofOs_hypo_list = ", ofOs_hypo_list) def add_to_verified_HypoList(hp): kLen = 0 # sum of length that contain this hp in verified hypo list. jdx = -1 # index fo current hp in verified hypo list. lenVerified = len(verified_hypo_list) for idx in range(0, lenVerified): prev = verified_hypo_list[idx][0] L = len(hp) isContained = True for i in range(L): if hp[-i - 1] != prev[-i - 1]: isContained = False break if isContained == True: if len(prev) == L: jdx = idx else: kLen += verified_hypo_list[idx][1] ret = 1 if jdx == -1: if kLen == 0: verified_hypo_list.append((hp, 1)) else: verified_hypo_list.append((hp, 1 - kLen)) ret -= kLen else: verified_hypo_list[jdx] = (verified_hypo_list[jdx][0], verified_hypo_list[jdx][1] + 1) return ret ## do verification prefix = ' '.join(windowlist[-verifyLen + 1:]) for hp in ofOs_hypo_list: search_str = prefix + " " + hp[-1] + " " search_str_comma = prefix + " " + hp[-1] + ", " search_str_stop = prefix + " " + hp[-1] + ". " if self.Tree.is_contain( search_str) == True or self.Tree.is_contain( search_str_comma) == True or self.Tree.is_contain( search_str_stop) == True: # verified total_verified += add_to_verified_HypoList(hp) if DEBUG: print("verified_hypo_list = ", verified_hypo_list) if total_verified >= self.ofMatches: break else: windowLen = windowLen - 1 if total_verified == 0: print("Matches =", []) return None def dist(hp, orig): L = len(hp) - 1 LO = len(orig) nSame = 0 pattern = 0 for i in range(0, L): if hp[-2 - i] == orig[-1 - i]: nSame = nSame + 1 pattern = pattern + (1 << (LO - i)) return (nSame, pattern) windowlist = self.seed_word_list[-self.window:] L = len(verified_hypo_list) ofMatches = min(total_verified, self.ofMatches) for i in range(0, L): for j in range(i + 1, L): if dist(verified_hypo_list[i][0], windowlist) < dist( verified_hypo_list[j][0], windowlist): verified_hypo_list[i], verified_hypo_list[ j] = verified_hypo_list[j], verified_hypo_list[i] curMatches = 0 for i in range(0, L): curMatches += verified_hypo_list[i][1] if curMatches >= ofMatches: verified_hypo_list[i] = (verified_hypo_list[i][0], verified_hypo_list[i][1] - (curMatches - ofMatches)) verified_hypo_list = verified_hypo_list[:i + 1] break matcheStr = [] for hp in verified_hypo_list: matcheStr.append((' '.join(hp[0]), hp[1])) print("Matches =", matcheStr) return self.pickNextword(verified_hypo_list) def calcCommaLen(self, words): L = len(words) for i in range(L): if words[-i - 1][-1] == '.' or words[-i - 1][-1] == ',': return i return L def stem_Word(self, word): res = word.lower() if res[-1] == '.' or res[-1] == ',': res = res[:-1] return res def make_FirstWord(self, word): res = word[0].upper() + word[1:] return res def isLastCandidateMostFrequent(self, words): """ check if the last candidates is most frequent in entailData if we add comma/stop. """ if DEBUG: print("Checking if last word is most frequent for hypo -> ", ' '.join(words)) L = len(words) last_frequency = 0 most_frequency = 0 for i in range(self.nofFrequencyCheckCandidates): if L - self.lenFrequencyCheckWindow - i < 0: break candy = [] for j in range(self.lenFrequencyCheckWindow): candy.append( self.stem_Word(words[L - self.lenFrequencyCheckWindow - i + j])) comma_cnt = self.Tree.calc_frequency(' '.join(candy) + ', ') stop_cnt = self.Tree.calc_frequency(' '.join(candy) + '. ') total_cnt = self.Tree.calc_frequency(' '.join(candy) + ' ') + comma_cnt + stop_cnt # next_word, next_cnt = self.Tree.calc_most_frequent_next_word(' '.join(candy)+' ') # if next_cnt == 0: if total_cnt == 0: freq = 0 else: # freq = (comma_cnt + stop_cnt)/next_cnt freq = (comma_cnt + stop_cnt) / total_cnt if DEBUG: # print("\"{}\": {},\t\"{}\": {},\tMost freq next word: ({}, {}),\tFreq: {}".format(' '.join(candy)+",", comma_cnt, ' '.join(candy)+".", stop_cnt, next_word, next_cnt, freq)) print("\"{}\": {},\t\"{}\": {},\tTotal : {},\tFreq: {}".format( ' '.join(candy) + ",", comma_cnt, ' '.join(candy) + ".", stop_cnt, total_cnt, freq)) if i == 0: last_frequency = freq else: most_frequency = max(most_frequency, freq) if last_frequency > most_frequency: return True else: return False def addNextWord(self, words, next_word): if words[-1][-1] == '.': words.append(self.make_FirstWord(next_word)) else: words.append(next_word) for glove_next_word in self.makeGlove(next_word, self.addToTranslatesBucket): self.insertToTranslatesBucket(glove_next_word, next_word) if self.isLastCandidateMostFrequent( words) == False: # we couldn't add any comma/stop if DEBUG: print("we can't add comma due to last word frequency rule.") return words commaLen = self.calcCommaLen(words) bshouldAddComma = False if commaLen >= self.WordsPerCommaOrPeriod[0]: if commaLen >= self.WordsPerCommaOrPeriod[1]: bshouldAddComma = True else: if random.choice([True, False]) == True: bshouldAddComma = True L = len(words) if bshouldAddComma == True: # we should add real comma/stop numCommas = 0 # calc number of commas in current sentence. for i in range(L): if words[-i - 1][-1] == ',': numCommas = numCommas + 1 if words[-i - 1][-1] == '.': break """ we have to add addCharacter(./,) after last word now. """ if DEBUG: print("add real comma/stop") if numCommas >= self.CommasPerSentence: # we have to add stop words[-1] = words[-1] + '.' else: # we have to add comma words[-1] = words[-1] + ',' else: if DEBUG: print("we can't add comma due to WordsPerCommaOrPeriod rule.") return words def morph_seed(self, seed: str, length): self.translatesBucket = {} words = seed.strip().split() for word in words: for glove_word in self.makeGlove(self.stem_Word(word), self.addToTranslatesBucket): self.insertToTranslatesBucket(glove_word, self.stem_Word(word)) for i in range(length): print("Seed=" + " ".join(words)) word = self.predict(words) if word == None: print("can't predict next word and end morphing.") return #if keyboard.is_pressed('q'): # return words = self.addNextWord(words, word) print("Seed=" + " ".join(words))