コード例 #1
 def _printer(self, what, columns=-1):
     """Print WHAT in an appropriate way, wrapping to the specified number of
     COLUMNS. Override this function to change its behavior.
     if columns == 0:  # Wrapping is totally disabled. Print exactly as generated.
         log_it("INFO: COLUMNS is zero; not wrapping text at all", 2)
         if columns == -1:  # Wrap to best guess for terminal width
                 "INFO: COLUMNS is -1; wrapping text to best-guess column width",
             padding = 0
         else:  # Wrap to specified width (unless current terminal width is odd, in which case we're off by 1. Oh well.)
             padding = max((th.terminal_width() - columns) // 2, 0)
                 "INFO: COLUMNS is %s; padding text with %s spaces on each side"
                 % (columns, padding), 2)
             log_it("NOTE: terminal width is %s" % th.terminal_width(), 2)
         what = th.multi_replace(what, [
             ['\n\n', '\n'],
         ])  # Last chance to postprocess text is right here
         for the_paragraph in what.split('\n'):
             if the_paragraph:  # Skip any empty paragraphs that may pop up
                 th.print_indented(the_paragraph, each_side=padding)
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, name="default logger", logfile_paths=None):
     """Set up the logger object. If LOGFILE_PATHS is specified, a log file is opened
     and kept at each location in the list.
     self.width = text_handling.terminal_width()
     self.name = name
     self.output_destinations = [sys.stdout]
     if logfile_paths is None:
         self.logfile_paths = [][:]
     elif isinstance(logfile_paths, (list, tuple)):
         self.logfile_paths = logfile_paths
         self.logfile_paths = [logfile_paths]
     for logfile_path in self.logfile_paths:
         new_log_file = open(logfile_path, mode='wt', buffering=1)
         self.output_destinations += [new_log_file]
             'Hello, traveler. This is the beginning of a log file called: "%s".\n'
             % self.name)
             'Some basic system info about the host machine: %s\n' %
             'This log was begun %s\n\n\n\n' %
             datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%A, %d %B %Y at %H:%M'))
         self.width = -1
コード例 #3
def menu_choice(choice_menu, prompt):
    """Takes a menu description, passed in as CHOICE_MENU (see below for format),
     and asks the user to make a choice between the options. It then passes back
     the user's choice to the caller.

    :param choice_menu: an OrderedDict that maps a list of options to be typed
                        (short strings, each of which is ideally a single
                        letter) to a full description of what that option means
                        (a longer string). For example:

                                     ('a', 'always capitalize'),
                                     ('y', 'yes'),
                                     ('n', 'never')

                        as a special case, if both parts of an entry in the
                        OrderedDict are two hyphens, that entry is not a valid menu
                        choice; it is printed as-is, as a visual separator, but is
                        not a selectable option.
    :param prompt:      a direct request for input; printed after all of the
                        menu options have been displayed.
    :return:            a string: the response the user typed that was
                        validated as an allowed choice.
    max_menu_item_width = max(len(x) for x in choice_menu)
    menu_column_width = max_menu_item_width + len("  [ ") + len(" ]")
    spacing_column_width = 3
    options_column_width = text_handling.terminal_width() - (menu_column_width + spacing_column_width + 1)

    # OK, let's print this menu.
    for option, text in choice_menu.items():
        if (option == '--') and (text == '--'):
            current_line = '  --  ' + ' ' * (max_menu_item_width - len('--')) + ' ' * spacing_column_width + '-----'
            current_line = '[ %s ]%s%s' % (option, ' ' * (max_menu_item_width - len(option)), ' ' * spacing_column_width)
            text_lines = text_handling._get_wrapped_lines(text, enclosing_width=options_column_width)
            if len(text_lines) == 1:
                current_line = current_line + text_lines[0]
                current_line = current_line + text_lines.pop(0)     # Finish the line with the first line of the description
                left_padding = '\n' + (' ' * (menu_column_width + spacing_column_width))
                current_line = current_line + left_padding + left_padding.join(text_lines)     # Add in the rest of the lines
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: menu laid out in %d lines." % len(current_line.split('\n')), 2)
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: menu contents are: %s" % current_line, 4)

    # Now, get the user's choice
    choice = 'not a legal option'
    legal_options = [ k.lower() for k, v in choice_menu.items() if ((k != '--') or (v != '--')) ]
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: Legal options for this menu are %s" % legal_options, 2)
    tried_yet = False
    while choice.lower() not in legal_options:
        if tried_yet:           # If the user has got it wrong at least once...
            prompt = prompt.strip() + " [ %s ] " % ('/'.join(legal_options))
        choice = input(prompt.strip() + " ").strip()
        tried_yet = True
    return choice
コード例 #4
def menu_choice(choice_menu, prompt):
    """Takes a menu description, passed in as CHOICE_MENU (see below for format),
     and asks the user to make a choice between the options. It then passes back
     the user's choice to the caller.

    :param choice_menu: an OrderedDict that maps a list of options to be typed
                        (short strings, each of which is ideally a single
                        letter) to a full description of what that option means
                        (a longer string). For example:

                                     ('a', 'always capitalize'),
                                     ('y', 'yes'),
                                     ('n', 'never')
    :param prompt:      a direct request for input printed after all of the
                        menu options have been displayed.
    :return:            a string: the response the user typed that was
                        validated as an allowed choice.
    max_menu_item_width = max(len(x) for x in choice_menu)
    menu_column_width = max_menu_item_width + len("  [ ") + len(" ]")
    spacing_column_width = 3
    options_column_width = text_handling.terminal_width() - (menu_column_width + spacing_column_width + 1)

    # OK, let's print this menu.
    for option, text in choice_menu.items():
        current_line = '[ %s ]%s%s' % (option, ' ' * (max_menu_item_width - len(option)), ' ' * spacing_column_width)
        text_lines = text_handling._get_wrapped_lines(text, enclosing_width=options_column_width)
        if len(text_lines) == 1:
            current_line = current_line + text_lines[0]
            current_line = current_line + text_lines.pop(0)     # Finish the line with the first line of the description
            left_padding = '\n' + (' ' * (menu_column_width + spacing_column_width))
            current_line = current_line + left_padding.join(text_lines)     # Add in the rest of the description lines
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: menu laid out in %d lines." % len(current_line.split('\n')), 2)
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: menu contents are: %s" % current_line, 4)

    # Now, get the user's choice
    choice = 'not a legal option'
    legal_options = [ l.lower() for l in choice_menu ]
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: Legal options for this menu are %s" % legal_options, 2)
    tried_yet = False
    while choice.lower() not in legal_options:
        if tried_yet:           # If the user has got it wrong at least once.
            prompt = prompt.strip() + " [ %s ] " % ('/'.join(choice_menu))
        choice = input(prompt.strip() + " ").strip()
        tried_yet = True
    return choice
コード例 #5
                current_line = current_line + left_padding + left_padding.join(text_lines)     # Add in the rest of the lines
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: menu laid out in %d lines." % len(current_line.split('\n')), 2)
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: menu contents are: %s" % current_line, 4)

    # Now, get the user's choice
    choice = 'not a legal option'
    legal_options = [ k.lower() for k, v in choice_menu.items() if ((k != '--') or (v != '--')) ]
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: Legal options for this menu are %s" % legal_options, 2)
    tried_yet = False
    while choice.lower() not in legal_options:
        if tried_yet:           # If the user has got it wrong at least once...
            prompt = prompt.strip() + " [ %s ] " % ('/'.join(legal_options))
        choice = input(prompt.strip() + " ").strip()
        tried_yet = True
    return choice

if __name__ == "__main__":
    patrick_logger.verbosity_level = 3
    print("INFO: Terminal width is %d.\n" % text_handling.terminal_width())
    response = "N"
    the_menu = OrderedDict([
                            ('Y', 'Yes, I do'),
                            ('N', 'No, not yet')
    while response.lower() == "n":
        response = menu_choice(the_menu, "You do understand that this is not a program itself, but rather a utility for other programs to use, don't you?")
        print("\nYou chose '%s'." % response)
コード例 #6
            current_line = current_line + left_padding.join(text_lines)     # Add in the rest of the description lines
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: menu laid out in %d lines." % len(current_line.split('\n')), 2)
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: menu contents are: %s" % current_line, 4)

    # Now, get the user's choice
    choice = 'not a legal option'
    legal_options = [ l.lower() for l in choice_menu ]
    patrick_logger.log_it("INFO: multi_choice_menu.py: Legal options for this menu are %s" % legal_options, 2)
    tried_yet = False
    while choice.lower() not in legal_options:
        if tried_yet:           # If the user has got it wrong at least once.
            prompt = prompt.strip() + " [ %s ] " % ('/'.join(choice_menu))
        choice = input(prompt.strip() + " ").strip()
        tried_yet = True
    return choice

if __name__ == "__main__":
    patrick_logger.verbosity_level = 3
    print("INFO: Terminal width is %d.\n" % text_handling.terminal_width())
    response = "N"
    the_menu = OrderedDict([
                            ('Y', 'Yes, I do'),
                            ('N', 'No, not yet')
    while response.lower() == "n":
        response = menu_choice(the_menu, "You do understand that this is not a program itself, but rather a utility for other programs to use, don't you?")
        print("\nYou chose '%s'." % response)