def flushPending(self, context): # Make sure a non-plaintext document starts with at least one blank line depth = context.getDepth() if self.nFlushes == 0 and not self.plaintextDoc: gap = 1 else: gap = 0 self.nFlushes += 1 # Start from the topmost node with text and work down. There should be # no remaining cached text, gaps, headings or borders when done. for level in range(depth-1, -1, -1): gapCur = context.takeCache('gapBefore', default = 0, level = level) if gapCur > gap: gap = gapCur indent = context.getCache('indent', '', level = level, inherit = True) indentInside = context.getCache('indentInside', '', level = level, inherit = True) # Heading? heading = context.takeCache('heading', level = level) if heading: hdLevel = len(context.getPropsStack('heading', level = level + 1)) frame = framesHeading[min(hdLevel, len(framesHeading) - 1)] if frame.t and gap < 2: gap = 2 elif gap < 1: gap = 1 self._writeln(context, gap, indent, gap = 1 # Top border? borderTop = context.takeCache('borderTop', level = level) if borderTop: self._writeln(context, gap, indent, borderTop) gap = 0 # Text? indent += indentInside text = context.takeCache('text', default = '', level = level) if text: if (context.getProp('form', level = level, inherit = True) == 'plaintext' or context.getCache('plaintext')): for line in text_utility.textFormatPlain(text, indent): self._writeln(context, gap, '', line) gap = 0 self.setGapBefore(context, 1, level = level, inherit = True) else: prefix = context.getCache('prefix', default = '', level = level, inherit = True) for line in text_utility.textFormatWrapped(text, indent, prefix, maxWidth): self._writeln(context, gap, '', line) gap = 0
def nodeBegin(self, context): form = context.getProp('form', default = '') heading = context.getProp('heading') tocid = context.getProp('tocid') if tocid: self.write(context, '<span id="%s">\n' % tocid) if heading: heading = cgi.escape(heading) self.hdLevel += 1 if tocid and self.hdLevel <= 2: self.write(context, '<table class="h%dbar"><tr>' % self.hdLevel) self.write(context, '<td><h%d class="h%dbarheading">%s</h%d></td>' % (self.hdLevel, self.hdLevel, heading, self.hdLevel)) self.write(context, '<td class="h%dbartopcell">' % self.hdLevel) self.write(context, '<a href="#toc" class="h%dbartoplink">Top</a>' % self.hdLevel) self.write(context, '</td>') self.write(context, '</tr></table>\n') else: self.write(context, '<h%d class="heading%d">%s</h%d>\n' % (self.hdLevel, self.hdLevel, heading, self.hdLevel)) context.cacheProp('text') context.setCache('newLine', True) if form == 'table': self.tableBegin(context) elif form == 'list': self.listBegin(context) elif form == 'item': self.itemBegin(context) elif form == 'row': self.rowBegin(context) elif form == 'cell': self.cellBegin(context) elif form == 'plaintext': self.plaintextBegin(context) elif form == 'link': self.linkBegin(context) elif form == 'block': self.blockBegin(context) elif form[:3] == 'toc': assert len(form) > 3 self.tocBegin(context, int(form[3:])) if context.hasCache('text'): text = cgi.escape(context.getCache('text')) if self.plaintext > 0: context.write('\n<pre>') #indent = ' ' * self.depth indent = '' for line in text_utility.textFormatPlain(text, indent, 80): context.write('\n') context.write(line) context.write('</pre>\n') else: if context.getCache('newLine', default = True): indent = ' ' * self.depth for line in text_utility.textFormatWrapped(text, indent, '', 80): context.write('\n') context.write(line) else: context.write(text) context.flush() self.depth += 1 if heading and self.pendingTOC: self.pendingTOC = False context.feedTOC(self)