コード例 #1
def test_filter_wrapper():
    # Make a game for testing purposes.
    num_nodes = 3
    num_items = 10
    options = textworld.GameOptions()
    options.seeds = 1234
    options.nb_rooms = num_nodes
    options.nb_objects = num_items
    options.quest_length = 3
    options.grammar.theme = "house"
    options.grammar.include_adj = True
    game = textworld.generator.make_game(options)

    game_name = "test_filter_wrapper"
    with make_temp_directory(prefix=game_name) as tmpdir:
        options.path = tmpdir
        game_file = compile_game(game, options)

        env = textworld.start(game_file)
        env_options = EnvInfos()
        for attr in env_options.__slots__:
            if attr == "extras":
                continue  # Skip since it's not a boolean attribute.

            setattr(env_options, attr, True)

        assert len(env_options) == len(env_options.__slots__) - 1
        assert len(env_options) == len(env_options.basics)

        env = Filter(env, env_options)
        _, infos = env.reset()

        for attr in env_options.basics:
            assert attr in infos
コード例 #2
def _make_env(request_infos, max_episode_steps=None):
    env = GenericEnvironment(request_infos)
    if max_episode_steps:
        env = Limit(env, max_episode_steps=max_episode_steps)

    env = Filter(env)
    return env
コード例 #3
    def reset(self) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
        """ Resets the text-based environment.

        Resetting this environment means starting the next game in the pool.

            A tuple (observation, info) where

            * observation: text observed in the initial state;
            * infos: additional information as requested.
        if self.textworld_env is not None:

        self.current_gamefile = next(self._gamefiles_iterator)
        env = textworld.start(self.current_gamefile)
        self.textworld_env = Filter(self.request_infos)(env)

        self.ob, infos = self.textworld_env.reset()
        return self.ob, infos
コード例 #4
class TextworldGamesEnv(gym.Env):
    metadata = {'render.modes': ['human', 'ansi', 'text']}

    def __init__(self,
                 game_files: List[str],
                 request_infos: Optional[EnvInfos] = None,
                 action_space: Optional[gym.Space] = None,
                 observation_space: Optional[gym.Space] = None) -> None:
        """ Environment for playing text-based games.

        Each time `TextworldGamesEnv.reset()` is called, a new game from the
        pool starts. Each game of the pool is guaranteed to be played exactly
        once before a same game is played for a second time.

                Paths of every game composing the pool (`*.ulx` + `*.json`, `*.z[1-8]`).
                For customizing the information returned by this environment
                :py:class:`textworld.EnvInfos <textworld.envs.wrappers.filter.EnvInfos>`
                for the list of available information).

                .. warning:: This is only supported for `*.ulx` games generated with TextWorld.
                The action space of this TextWorld environment. By default, a
                :py:class:`textworld.gym.spaces.Word <textworld.gym.spaces.text_spaces.Word>`
                instance is used with a `max_length` of 8 and a vocabulary
                extracted from the TextWorld game.
                The observation space of this TextWorld environment. By default, a
                :py:class:`textworld.gym.spaces.Word <textworld.gym.spaces.text_spaces.Word>`
                instance is used with a `max_length` of 200 and a vocabulary
                extracted from the TextWorld game.
        self.gamefiles = game_files
        self.request_infos = request_infos or EnvInfos()
        self.ob = None
        self.last_command = None
        self.textworld_env = None
        self.current_gamefile = None

        if action_space is None or observation_space is None:
            # Extract vocabulary from all games.
            vocab = sorted(

        self.action_space = action_space or text_spaces.Word(max_length=8,
        self.observation_space = observation_space or text_spaces.Word(
            max_length=200, vocab=vocab)

    def seed(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> List[int]:
        """ Set the seed for this environment's random generator(s).

        This environment use a random generator to shuffle the order in which
        the games are played.

            seed: Number that will be used to seed the random generators.

            All the seeds used to set this environment's random generator(s).
        # We shuffle the order in which the game will be seen.
        rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
        gamefiles = list(
            self.gamefiles)  # Soft copy to avoid shuffling original list.

        # Prepare iterator used for looping through the games.
        self._gamefiles_iterator = shuffled_cycle(gamefiles, rng=rng)
        return [seed]

    def reset(self) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
        """ Resets the text-based environment.

        Resetting this environment means starting the next game in the pool.

            A tuple (observation, info) where

            * observation: text observed in the initial state;
            * infos: additional information as requested.
        self.current_gamefile = next(self._gamefiles_iterator)

        if self.textworld_env is None:
            env = textworld.start(self.current_gamefile, self.request_infos)
            self.textworld_env = Filter(env)

        self.ob, infos = self.textworld_env.reset()
        return self.ob, infos

    def skip(self, nb_games: int = 1) -> None:
        """ Skip games.

            nb_games: Number of games to skip.
        for _ in range(nb_games):

    def step(self, command) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
        """ Runs a command in the text-based environment.

            command: Text command to send to the game interpreter.

            A tuple (observation, score, done, info) where

            * observation: text observed in the new state;
            * score: total number of points accumulated so far;
            * done: whether the game is finished or not;
            * infos: additional information as requested.
        self.last_command = command
        self.ob, score, done, infos = self.textworld_env.step(
        return self.ob, score, done, infos

    def close(self) -> None:
        """ Close this environment. """

        if self.textworld_env is not None:

        self.textworld_env = None

    def render(self, mode: str = 'human') -> Optional[Union[StringIO, str]]:
        """ Renders the current state of this environment.

        The rendering is composed of the previous text command (if there's one) and
        the text describing the current observation.

                Controls where and how the text is rendered. Supported modes are:

                    * human: Display text to the current display or terminal and
                      return nothing.
                    * ansi: Return a `StringIO` containing a terminal-style
                      text representation. The text can include newlines and ANSI
                      escape sequences (e.g. for colors).
                    * text: Return a string (`str`) containing the text without
                      any ANSI escape sequences.

            Depending on the `mode`, this method returns either nothing, a
            string, or a `StringIO` object.
        outfile = StringIO() if mode in ['ansi', "text"] else sys.stdout

        msg = self.ob.rstrip() + "\n"
        if self.last_command is not None:
            command = "> " + self.last_command
            if mode in ["ansi", "human"]:
                command = colorize(command, "yellow", highlight=False)

            msg = command + "\n" + msg

        if mode == "human":
            # Wrap each paragraph at 80 characters.
            paragraphs = msg.split("\n")
            paragraphs = [
                "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph, width=80))
                for paragraph in paragraphs
            msg = "\n".join(paragraphs)

        outfile.write(msg + "\n")

        if mode == "text":
            return outfile.read()

        if mode == 'ansi':
            return outfile
コード例 #5
 def _make_env():
     env = GenericEnvironment(self.request_infos)
     env = Filter(env)
     return env