コード例 #1
 def uuid(self) -> str:
     # TODO: generate uuid from chaining options?
     uuid = "tw-game-{specs}-{grammar}-{seeds}"
     uuid = uuid.format(specs=encode_seeds((self.nb_rooms, self.nb_objects, self.quest_length, self.quest_breadth)),
                        seeds=encode_seeds([self.seeds[k] for k in sorted(self._seeds)]))
     return uuid
コード例 #2
def make_game(mode: str, options: GameOptions) -> textworld.Game:
    """ Make a Coin Collector game.

        mode: Mode for the game where

              * `'simple'`: the distractor rooms are only placed orthogonaly
                to the chain. This means moving off the optimal path leads
                immediately to a dead end.
              * `'random'`: the distractor rooms are randomly place along the
                chain. This means a player can wander for a while before
                reaching a dead end.
            For customizing the game generation (see
            :py:class:`textworld.GameOptions <textworld.generator.game.GameOptions>`
            for the list of available options).

        Generated game.
    if mode == "simple" and float(options.nb_rooms) / options.quest_length > 4:
        msg = ("Total number of rooms must be less than 4 * `quest_length` "
               "when distractor mode is 'simple'.")
        raise ValueError(msg)

    metadata = {}  # Collect infos for reproducibility.
    metadata["desc"] = "Coin Collector"
    metadata["mode"] = mode
    metadata["seeds"] = options.seeds
    metadata["world_size"] = options.nb_rooms
    metadata["quest_length"] = options.quest_length

    rngs = options.rngs
    rng_map = rngs['map']
    rng_grammar = rngs['grammar']

    # Generate map.
    M = textworld.GameMaker()
    M.grammar = textworld.generator.make_grammar(options.grammar, rng=rng_grammar)

    rooms = []
    walkthrough = []
    for i in range(options.quest_length):
        r = M.new_room()
        if i >= 1:
            # Connect it to the previous rooms.
            free_exits = [k for k, v in rooms[-1].exits.items() if v.dest is None]
            src_exit = rng_map.choice(free_exits)
            dest_exit = reverse_direction(src_exit)
            M.connect(rooms[-1].exits[src_exit], r.exits[dest_exit])
            walkthrough.append("go {}".format(src_exit))



    # Add object the player has to pick up.
    obj = M.new(type="o", name="coin")

    # Add distractor rooms, if needed.
    chain_of_rooms = list(rooms)
    while len(rooms) < options.nb_rooms:
        if mode == "random":
            src = rng_map.choice(rooms)
            # Add one distractor room per room along the chain.
            src = chain_of_rooms[len(rooms) % len(chain_of_rooms)]

        free_exits = [k for k, v in src.exits.items() if v.dest is None]
        if len(free_exits) == 0:

        dest = M.new_room()
        src_exit = rng_map.choice(free_exits)
        dest_exit = reverse_direction(src_exit)
        M.connect(src.exits[src_exit], dest.exits[dest_exit])

    # Generate the quest thats by collecting the coin.
    walkthrough.append("take coin")
    # TODO: avoid compiling the game at all (i.e. use the inference engine).

    game = M.build()
    game.metadata = metadata
    mode_choice = 0 if mode == "simple" else 1
    uuid = "tw-coin_collector-{specs}-{grammar}-{seeds}"
    uuid = uuid.format(specs=encode_seeds((mode_choice, options.nb_rooms, options.quest_length)),
                       seeds=encode_seeds([options.seeds[k] for k in sorted(options.seeds)]))
    game.metadata["uuid"] = uuid
    return game
コード例 #3
def make_game(
        mode: str,
        n_rooms: int,
        quest_length: int,
        grammar_flags: Mapping = {},
        seeds: Optional[Union[int, Dict[str, int]]] = None) -> textworld.Game:
    """ Make a Coin Collector game.

        mode: Mode for the game where

              * `'simple'`: the distractor rooms are only placed orthogonaly
                to the chain. This means moving off the optimal path leads
                immediately to a dead end.
              * `'random'`: the distractor rooms are randomly place along the
                chain. This means a player can wander for a while before
                reaching a dead end.
        n_rooms: Number of rooms in the game.
        quest_length: Number of rooms in the chain. This also represents the
                      number of commands for the optimal policy.
        grammar_flags: Options for the grammar controlling the text generation
        seeds: Seeds for the different generation processes.

               * If `None`, seeds will be sampled from
                 :py:data:`textworld.g_rng <textworld.utils.g_rng>`.
               * If `int`, it acts as a seed for a random generator that will be
                 used to sample the other seeds.
               * If dict, the following keys can be set:

                 * `'seed_map'`: control the map generation;
                 * `'seed_objects'`: control the type of objects and their
                 * `'seed_quest'`: control the quest generation;
                 * `'seed_grammar'`: control the text generation.

                 For any key missing, a random number gets assigned (sampled
                 from :py:data:`textworld.g_rng <textworld.utils.g_rng>`).

        Generated game.
    if mode == "simple" and float(n_rooms) / quest_length > 4:
        msg = ("Total number of rooms must be less than 4 * `quest_length` "
               "when distractor mode is 'simple'.")
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Deal with any missing random seeds.
    seeds = get_seeds_for_game_generation(seeds)

    metadata = {}  # Collect infos for reproducibility.
    metadata["desc"] = "Coin Collector"
    metadata["mode"] = mode
    metadata["seeds"] = seeds
    metadata["world_size"] = n_rooms
    metadata["quest_length"] = quest_length
    metadata["grammar_flags"] = grammar_flags

    rng_map = np.random.RandomState(seeds['seed_map'])
    rng_grammar = np.random.RandomState(seeds['seed_grammar'])

    # Generate map.
    M = textworld.GameMaker()
    M.grammar = textworld.generator.make_grammar(flags=grammar_flags,

    rooms = []
    walkthrough = []
    for i in range(quest_length):
        r = M.new_room()
        if i >= 1:
            # Connect it to the previous rooms.
            free_exits = [
                k for k, v in rooms[-1].exits.items() if v.dest is None
            src_exit = rng_map.choice(free_exits)
            dest_exit = reverse_direction(src_exit)
            M.connect(rooms[-1].exits[src_exit], r.exits[dest_exit])
            walkthrough.append("go {}".format(src_exit))



    # Add object the player has to pick up.
    obj = M.new(type="o", name="coin")

    # Add distractor rooms, if needed.
    chain_of_rooms = list(rooms)
    while len(rooms) < n_rooms:
        if mode == "random":
            src = rng_map.choice(rooms)
            # Add one distractor room per room along the chain.
            src = chain_of_rooms[len(rooms) % len(chain_of_rooms)]

        free_exits = [k for k, v in src.exits.items() if v.dest is None]
        if len(free_exits) == 0:

        dest = M.new_room()
        src_exit = rng_map.choice(free_exits)
        dest_exit = reverse_direction(src_exit)
        M.connect(src.exits[src_exit], dest.exits[dest_exit])

    # Generate the quest thats by collecting the coin.
    walkthrough.append("take coin")
    # TODO: avoid compiling the game at all (i.e. use the inference engine).

    game = M.build()
    game.metadata = metadata
    mode_choice = 0 if mode == "simple" else 1
    uuid = "tw-coin_collector-{specs}-{flags}-{seeds}"
    uuid = uuid.format(specs=encode_seeds(
        (mode_choice, n_rooms, quest_length)),
                       seeds=encode_seeds([seeds[k] for k in sorted(seeds)]))
    game.metadata["uuid"] = uuid
    return game
コード例 #4
ファイル: simple.py プロジェクト: krispymelody/TextWorld
def make_game(settings: Mapping[str, str],
              options: Optional[GameOptions] = None) -> textworld.Game:
    """ Make a simple game.

        settings: Difficulty settings (see notes).
            For customizing the game generation (see
            :py:class:`textworld.GameOptions <textworld.generator.game.GameOptions>`
            for the list of available options).

        Generated game.

        The settings that can be provided are:

        * rewards : The reward frequency: dense, balanced, or sparse.
        * goal : The description of the game's objective shown at the
          beginning of the game: detailed, bried, or none.
        * test : Whether this game should be drawn from the test
          distributions of games.
    metadata = {}  # Collect infos for reproducibility.
    metadata["desc"] = "Simple game"
    metadata["seeds"] = options.seeds
    metadata["world_size"] = 6
    metadata["quest_length"] = None  # TBD

    rngs = options.rngs
    rng_map = rngs['map']
    rng_objects = rngs['objects']
    rng_grammar = rngs['grammar']
    rng_quest = rngs['quest']

    # Make the generation process reproducible.

    M = textworld.GameMaker()
    M.grammar = textworld.generator.make_grammar(options.grammar,

    # Start by building the layout of the world.
    bedroom = M.new_room("bedroom")
    kitchen = M.new_room("kitchen")
    livingroom = M.new_room("living room")
    bathroom = M.new_room("bathroom")
    backyard = M.new_room("backyard")
    garden = M.new_room("garden")

    # Connect rooms together.
    bedroom_kitchen = M.connect(bedroom.east, kitchen.west)
    kitchen_bathroom = M.connect(kitchen.north, bathroom.south)
    kitchen_livingroom = M.connect(kitchen.south, livingroom.north)
    kitchen_backyard = M.connect(kitchen.east, backyard.west)
    backyard_garden = M.connect(backyard.south, garden.north)

    # Add doors.
    bedroom_kitchen.door = M.new(type='d', name='wooden door')
    kitchen_backyard.door = M.new(type='d', name='screen door')


    # Design the bedroom.
    drawer = M.new(type='c', name='chest drawer')
    trunk = M.new(type='c', name='antique trunk')
    bed = M.new(type='s', name='king-size bed')
    bedroom.add(drawer, trunk, bed)

    # Close the trunk and drawer.

    # - The bedroom's door is locked

    # Design the kitchen.
    counter = M.new(type='s', name='counter')
    stove = M.new(type='s', name='stove')
    kitchen_island = M.new(type='s', name='kitchen island')
    refrigerator = M.new(type='c', name='refrigerator')
    kitchen.add(counter, stove, kitchen_island, refrigerator)

    # - Add some food in the refrigerator.
    apple = M.new(type='f', name='apple')
    milk = M.new(type='f', name='milk')
    refrigerator.add(apple, milk)

    # Design the bathroom.
    toilet = M.new(type='c', name='toilet')
    sink = M.new(type='s', name='sink')
    bath = M.new(type='c', name='bath')
    bathroom.add(toilet, sink, bath)

    toothbrush = M.new(type='o', name='toothbrush')
    soap_bar = M.new(type='o', name='soap bar')

    # Design the living room.
    couch = M.new(type='s', name='couch')
    low_table = M.new(type='s', name='low table')
    tv = M.new(type='s', name='tv')
    livingroom.add(couch, low_table, tv)

    remote = M.new(type='o', name='remote')
    bag_of_chips = M.new(type='f', name='half of a bag of chips')

    # Design backyard.
    bbq = M.new(type='s', name='bbq')
    patio_table = M.new(type='s', name='patio table')
    chairs = M.new(type='s', name='set of chairs')
    backyard.add(bbq, patio_table, chairs)

    # Design garden.
    shovel = M.new(type='o', name='shovel')
    tomato = M.new(type='f', name='tomato plant')
    pepper = M.new(type='f', name='bell pepper')
    lettuce = M.new(type='f', name='lettuce')
    garden.add(shovel, tomato, pepper, lettuce)

    # Close all containers
    for container in M.findall(type='c'):

    # Set uncooked property for to all food items.
    foods = M.findall(type='f')
    for food in foods:

    food_names = [food.name for food in foods]

    # Shuffle the position of the food items.

    for food, name in zip(foods, food_names):
        food.orig_name = food.name
        food.name = name

    # The player starts in the bedroom.

    # Quest
    walkthrough = []

    # Part I - Escaping the room.
    # Generate the key that unlocks the bedroom door.
    bedroom_key = M.new(type='k', name='old key')
    M.add_fact("match", bedroom_key, bedroom_kitchen.door)

    # Decide where to hide the key.
    if rng_quest.rand() > 0.5:
        walkthrough.append("open chest drawer")
        walkthrough.append("take old key from chest drawer")
        bedroom_key_holder = drawer
        walkthrough.append("open antique trunk")
        walkthrough.append("take old key from antique trunk")
        bedroom_key_holder = trunk

    # Unlock the door, open it and leave the room.
    walkthrough.append("unlock wooden door with old key")
    walkthrough.append("open wooden door")
    walkthrough.append("go east")

    # Part II - Find food item.
    # 1. Randomly pick a food item to cook.
    food = rng_quest.choice(foods)

    if settings["test"]:
        TEST_FOODS = ["garlic", "kiwi", "carrot"]
        food.name = rng_quest.choice(TEST_FOODS)

    # Retrieve the food item and get back in the kitchen.
    # HACK: handcrafting the walkthrough.
    if food.orig_name in ["apple", "milk"]:
        rooms_to_visit = []
        doors_to_open = []
        walkthrough.append("open refrigerator")
        walkthrough.append("take {} from refrigerator".format(food.name))
    elif food.orig_name == "half of a bag of chips":
        rooms_to_visit = [livingroom]
        doors_to_open = []
        walkthrough.append("go south")
        walkthrough.append("take {} from couch".format(food.name))
        walkthrough.append("go north")
    elif food.orig_name in ["bell pepper", "lettuce", "tomato plant"]:
        rooms_to_visit = [backyard, garden]
        doors_to_open = [kitchen_backyard.door]
        walkthrough.append("open screen door")
        walkthrough.append("go east")
        walkthrough.append("go south")
        walkthrough.append("take {}".format(food.name))
        walkthrough.append("go north")
        walkthrough.append("go west")

    # Part II - Cooking the food item.
    walkthrough.append("put {} on stove".format(food.name))
    # walkthrough.append("cook {}".format(food.name))
    # walkthrough.append("eat {}".format(food.name))

    # 2. Determine the winning condition(s) of the subgoals.
    quests = []

    if settings["rewards"] == "dense":
        # Finding the bedroom key and opening the bedroom door.
        # 1. Opening the container.
                Event(conditions={M.new_fact("open", bedroom_key_holder)})

        # 2. Getting the key.
                Event(conditions={M.new_fact("in", bedroom_key, M.inventory)})

        # 3. Unlocking the bedroom door.
                Event(conditions={M.new_fact("closed", bedroom_kitchen.door)})

        # 4. Opening the bedroom door.
                Event(conditions={M.new_fact("open", bedroom_kitchen.door)})

    if settings["rewards"] in ["dense", "balanced"]:
        # Escaping out of the bedroom.
                Event(conditions={M.new_fact("at", M.player, kitchen)})

    if settings["rewards"] in ["dense", "balanced"]:
        # Opening doors.
        for door in doors_to_open:
                    win_events=[Event(conditions={M.new_fact("open", door)})]))

    if settings["rewards"] == "dense":
        # Moving through places.
        for room in rooms_to_visit:
                    Event(conditions={M.new_fact("at", M.player, room)})

    if settings["rewards"] in ["dense", "balanced"]:
        # Retrieving the food item.
                Event(conditions={M.new_fact("in", food, M.inventory)})

    if settings["rewards"] in ["dense", "balanced"]:
        # Retrieving the food item.
                Event(conditions={M.new_fact("in", food, M.inventory)})

    if settings["rewards"] in ["dense", "balanced", "sparse"]:
        # Putting the food on the stove.
                    conditions={M.new_fact("on", food, stove)})]))

    # 3. Determine the losing condition(s) of the game.
        Quest(fail_events=[Event(conditions={M.new_fact("eaten", food)})]))

    # Set the subquest(s).
    M.quests = quests

    # - Add a hint of what needs to be done in this game.
    objective = "The dinner is almost ready! It's only missing a grilled {}."
    objective = objective.format(food.name)
    note = M.new(type='o', name='note', desc=objective)

    game = M.build()
    game.main_quest = M.new_quest_using_commands(walkthrough)

    if settings["goal"] == "detailed":
        # Use the detailed version of the objective.
    elif settings["goal"] == "brief":
        # Use a very high-level description of the objective.
        game.objective = objective
    elif settings["goal"] == "none":
        # No description of the objective.
        game.objective = ""

    game.metadata = metadata
    uuid = "tw-simple-r{rewards}+g{goal}+{dataset}-{flags}-{seeds}"
    uuid = uuid.format(rewards=str.title(settings["rewards"]),
                       dataset="test" if settings["test"] else "train",
                           [options.seeds[k] for k in sorted(options.seeds)]))
    game.metadata["uuid"] = uuid
    return game
コード例 #5
def make_game(mode: str, options: GameOptions) -> textworld.Game:
    """ Make a Treasure Hunter game.

        mode: Mode for the game where

              * `'easy'`: rooms are all empty except where the two objects are
                placed. Also, connections between rooms have no door.
              * `'medium'`: adding closed doors and containers that might need
                to be open in order to find the object.
              * `'hard'`: adding locked doors and containers (necessary keys
                will in the inventory) that might need to be unlocked (and open)
                in order to find the object.
            For customizing the game generation (see
            :py:class:`textworld.GameOptions <textworld.generator.game.GameOptions>`
            for the list of available options).

        Generated game.
    kb = KnowledgeBase.default()

    metadata = {}  # Collect infos for reproducibility.
    metadata["desc"] = "Treasure Hunter"
    metadata["mode"] = mode
    metadata["seeds"] = options.seeds
    metadata["world_size"] = options.nb_rooms
    metadata["quest_length"] = options.quest_length

    rngs = options.rngs
    rng_map = rngs['map']
    rng_objects = rngs['objects']
    rng_quest = rngs['quest']
    rng_grammar = rngs['grammar']

    modes = ["easy", "medium", "hard"]
    if mode == "easy":
        door_states = None
        n_distractors = 0
    elif mode == "medium":
        door_states = ["open", "closed"]
        n_distractors = 10
    elif mode == "hard":
        door_states = ["open", "closed", "locked"]
        n_distractors = 20

    # Generate map.
    map_ = textworld.generator.make_map(n_rooms=options.nb_rooms,
    assert len(map_.nodes()) == options.nb_rooms

    world = World.from_map(map_)

    # Randomly place the player.
    starting_room = None
    if len(world.rooms) > 1:
        starting_room = rng_map.choice(world.rooms)

    # Add object the player has to pick up.
    types_counts = kb.types.count(world.state)
    obj_type = kb.types.sample(parent_type='o',
    var_id = get_new(obj_type, types_counts)
    right_obj = Variable(var_id, obj_type)
    world.add_fact(Proposition("in", [right_obj, world.inventory]))

    # Add containers and supporters to the world.
    types_counts = kb.types.count(world.state)
    objects = []
    distractor_types = uniquify(['c', 's'] + kb.types.descendants('c') +
    for i in range(n_distractors):
        obj_type = rng_objects.choice(distractor_types)
        var_id = get_new(obj_type,
                         types_counts)  # This update the types_counts.
        objects.append(Variable(var_id, obj_type))

    world.populate_with(objects, rng=rng_objects)

    # Add object the player should not pick up.
    types_counts = kb.types.count(world.state)
    obj_type = kb.types.sample(parent_type='o',
    var_id = get_new(obj_type, types_counts)
    wrong_obj = Variable(var_id, obj_type)
    # Place it anywhere in the world.
    world.populate_with([wrong_obj], rng=rng_objects)

    # Generate a quest that finishes by taking something (i.e. the right
    #  object since it's the only one in the inventory).
    options.chaining.rules_per_depth = [kb.rules.get_matching("take.*")]
    options.chaining.backward = True
    options.chaining.rng = rng_quest
    #options.chaining.restricted_types = exceptions
    #exceptions = ["r", "c", "s", "d"] if mode == "easy" else ["r"]
    chain = textworld.generator.sample_quest(world.state, options.chaining)

    # Add objects needed for the quest.
    world.state = chain.initial_state
    event = Event(chain.actions)
    quest = Quest(
            Event(conditions={Proposition("in", [wrong_obj, world.inventory])})

    grammar = textworld.generator.make_grammar(options.grammar,
    game = textworld.generator.make_game_with(world, [quest], grammar)
    game.metadata = metadata
    mode_choice = modes.index(mode)
    uuid = "tw-treasure_hunter-{specs}-{grammar}-{seeds}"
    uuid = uuid.format(specs=encode_seeds(
        (mode_choice, options.nb_rooms, options.quest_length)),
                           [options.seeds[k] for k in sorted(options.seeds)]))
    game.metadata["uuid"] = uuid
    return game
コード例 #6
def generate_uuid(maker):
    uuid = "tw-iqa-cleanup-{specs}-{seeds}"
    seeds = maker.options.seeds
    uuid = uuid.format(specs=prettify_config(),
                       seeds=encode_seeds([seeds[k] for k in sorted(seeds)]))
    return uuid
コード例 #7
 def generate_uuid(self):
     uuid = "tw-iqa-cleanup-{specs}-{seeds}"
     seeds = self.maker.options.seeds
     uuid = uuid.format(specs=prettify_config(self.config),
                        seeds=encode_seeds([seeds[k] + self.num_games for k in sorted(seeds)]))
     return uuid
コード例 #8
ファイル: cooking.py プロジェクト: bibidang/CS4033ShortRL
def make(settings: Mapping[str, str], options: Optional[GameOptions] = None) -> textworld.Game:
    """ Make a Cooking game.

        settings: Difficulty settings (see notes).
            For customizing the game generation (see
            :py:class:`textworld.GameOptions <textworld.generator.game.GameOptions>`
            for the list of available options).

        Generated game.

        The settings that can be provided are:

        * recipe : Number of ingredients in the recipe.
        * take : Number of ingredients to fetch. It must be less
          or equal to the value of the `recipe` skill.
        * open : Whether containers/doors need to be opened.
        * cook : Whether some ingredients need to be cooked.
        * cut : Whether some ingredients need to be cut.
        * drop : Whether the player's inventory has limited capacity.
        * go : Number of locations in the game (1, 6, 9, or 12).
    options = options or GameOptions()

    # Load knowledge base specific to this challenge.
    options.kb = KnowledgeBase.load(KB_PATH)

    rngs = options.rngs
    rng_map = rngs['map']
    rng_objects = rngs['objects']
    rng_grammar = rngs['grammar']
    rng_quest = rngs['quest']
    rng_recipe = np.random.RandomState(settings["recipe_seed"])

    allowed_foods = list(FOODS)
    allowed_food_preparations = get_food_preparations(list(FOODS))
    if settings["split"] == "train":
        allowed_foods = list(FOODS_SPLITS['train'])
        allowed_food_preparations = dict(FOOD_PREPARATIONS_SPLITS['train'])
    elif settings["split"] == "valid":
        allowed_foods = list(FOODS_SPLITS['valid'])
        allowed_food_preparations = get_food_preparations(FOODS_SPLITS['valid'])
        # Also add food from the training set but with different preparations.
        allowed_foods += [f for f in FOODS if f in FOODS_SPLITS['train']]
    elif settings["split"] == "test":
        allowed_foods = list(FOODS_SPLITS['test'])
        allowed_food_preparations = get_food_preparations(FOODS_SPLITS['test'])
        # Also add food from the training set but with different preparations.
        allowed_foods += [f for f in FOODS if f in FOODS_SPLITS['train']]

    if settings.get("cut"):
        # If "cut" skill is specified, remove all "uncut" preparations.
        for food, preparations in allowed_food_preparations.items():
            allowed_food_preparations[food] = [preparation for preparation in preparations if "uncut" not in preparation]

    if settings.get("cook"):
        # If "cook" skill is specified, remove all "raw" preparations.
        for food, preparations in list(allowed_food_preparations.items()):
            allowed_food_preparations[food] = [preparation for preparation in preparations if "raw" not in preparation]
            if len(allowed_food_preparations[food]) == 0:
                del allowed_food_preparations[food]

    M = textworld.GameMaker(options)

    recipe = M.new(type='RECIPE', name='')
    meal = M.new(type='meal', name='meal')
    M.add_fact("out", meal, recipe)
    M.nowhere.append(recipe)  # Out of play object.
    M.nowhere.append(meal)  # Out of play object.

    options.nb_rooms = settings.get("go", 1)
    if options.nb_rooms == 1:
        rooms_to_place = ROOMS[:1]
    elif options.nb_rooms == 6:
        rooms_to_place = ROOMS[:2]
    elif options.nb_rooms == 9:
        rooms_to_place = ROOMS[:3]
    elif options.nb_rooms == 12:
        rooms_to_place = ROOMS[:4]
        raise ValueError("Cooking games can only have {1, 6, 9, 12} rooms.")

    G = make_graph_world(rng_map, rooms_to_place, NEIGHBORS, size=(5, 5))
    rooms = M.import_graph(G)

    # Add doors
    for infos in DOORS:
        room1 = M.find_by_name(infos["path"][0])
        room2 = M.find_by_name(infos["path"][1])
        if room1 is None or room2 is None:
            continue  # This door doesn't exist in this world.

        path = M.find_path(room1, room2)
        if path:
            assert path.door is None
            name = pick_name(M, infos["names"], rng_objects)
            door = M.new_door(path, name)

    # Find kitchen.
    kitchen = M.find_by_name("kitchen")

    # The following predicates will be used to force the "prepare meal"
    # command to happen in the kitchen.
    M.add_fact("cooking_location", kitchen, recipe)

    # Place some default furnitures.
    place_entities(M, ["table", "stove", "oven", "counter", "fridge", "BBQ", "shelf", "showcase"], rng_objects)

    # Place some random furnitures.
    nb_furnitures = rng_objects.randint(len(rooms), len(ENTITIES) + 1)
    place_random_furnitures(M, nb_furnitures, rng_objects)

    # Place the cookbook and knife somewhere.
    cookbook = place_entity(M, "cookbook", rng_objects)
    cookbook.infos.synonyms = ["recipe"]
    if rng_objects.rand() > 0.5 or settings.get("cut"):
        knife = place_entity(M, "knife", rng_objects)

    start_room = rng_map.choice(M.rooms)

    M.grammar = textworld.generator.make_grammar(options.grammar, rng=rng_grammar)

    # Remove every food preparation with grilled, if there is no BBQ.
    if M.find_by_name("BBQ") is None:
        for name, food_preparations in allowed_food_preparations.items():
            allowed_food_preparations[name] = [food_preparation for food_preparation in food_preparations
                                               if "grilled" not in food_preparation]

        # Disallow food with an empty preparation list.
        allowed_foods = [name for name in allowed_foods if allowed_food_preparations[name]]

    # Decide which ingredients are needed.
    nb_ingredients = settings.get("recipe", 1)
    assert nb_ingredients > 0 and nb_ingredients <= 5, "recipe must have {1,2,3,4,5} ingredients."
    ingredient_foods = place_random_foods(M, nb_ingredients, rng_quest, allowed_foods)

    # Sort by name (to help differentiate unique recipes).
    ingredient_foods = sorted(ingredient_foods, key=lambda f: f.name)

    # Decide on how the ingredients should be processed.
    ingredients = []
    for i, food in enumerate(ingredient_foods):
        food_preparations = allowed_food_preparations[food.name]
        idx = rng_quest.randint(0, len(food_preparations))
        type_of_cooking, type_of_cutting = food_preparations[idx]
        ingredients.append((food, type_of_cooking, type_of_cutting))

        # ingredient = M.new(type="ingredient", name="")
        # food.add_property("ingredient_{}".format(i + 1))
        # M.add_fact("base", food, ingredient)
        # M.add_fact(type_of_cutting, ingredient)
        # M.add_fact(type_of_cooking, ingredient)
        # M.add_fact("in", ingredient, recipe)
        # M.nowhere.append(ingredient)

    # Move ingredients in the player's inventory according to the `take` skill.
    nb_ingredients_already_in_inventory = nb_ingredients - settings.get("take", 0)
    shuffled_ingredients = list(ingredient_foods)
    for ingredient in shuffled_ingredients[:nb_ingredients_already_in_inventory]:
        M.move(ingredient, M.inventory)

    # Compute inventory capacity.
    inventory_limit = 10  # More than enough.
    if settings.get("drop"):
        inventory_limit = nb_ingredients
        if nb_ingredients == 1 and settings.get("cut"):
            inventory_limit += 1  # So we can hold the knife along with the ingredient.

    # Add distractors for each ingredient.
    def _place_one_distractor(candidates, ingredient):
        for food_name in candidates:
            distractor = M.find_by_name(food_name)
            if distractor:
                if distractor.parent == ingredient.parent:
                    break  # That object already exists and is considered as a distractor.

                continue  # That object already exists. Can't used it as distractor.

            # Place the distractor in the same "container" as the ingredient.
            distractor = place_food(M, food_name, rng_objects, place_it=False)

    for ingredient in ingredient_foods:
        if ingredient.parent == M.inventory and nb_ingredients_already_in_inventory >= inventory_limit:
            # If ingredient is in the inventory but inventory is full, do not add distractors.

        splits = ingredient.name.split()
        if len(splits) == 1:
            continue  # No distractors.

        prefix, suffix = splits[0], splits[-1]
        same_prefix_list = [f for f in allowed_foods if f.startswith(prefix) if f != ingredient.name]
        same_suffix_list = [f for f in allowed_foods if f.endswith(suffix) if f != ingredient.name]

        if same_prefix_list:
            _place_one_distractor(same_prefix_list, ingredient)

        if same_suffix_list:
            _place_one_distractor(same_suffix_list, ingredient)

    # Add distractors foods. The amount is drawn from N(nb_ingredients, 3).
    nb_distractors = abs(int(rng_objects.randn(1) * 3 + nb_ingredients))
    distractors = place_random_foods(M, nb_distractors, rng_objects, allowed_foods)

    # If recipe_seed is positive, a new recipe is sampled.
    if settings["recipe_seed"] > 0:
        assert settings.get("take", 0), "Shuffle recipe requires the 'take' skill."
        potential_ingredients = ingredient_foods + distractors
        ingredient_foods = potential_ingredients[:nb_ingredients]

        # Decide on how the ingredients of the new recipe should be processed.
        ingredients = []
        for i, food in enumerate(ingredient_foods):
            food_preparations = allowed_food_preparations[food.name]
            idx = rng_recipe.randint(0, len(food_preparations))
            type_of_cooking, type_of_cutting = food_preparations[idx]
            ingredients.append((food, type_of_cooking, type_of_cutting))

    # Add necessary facts about the recipe.
    for food, type_of_cooking, type_of_cutting in ingredients:
        ingredient = M.new(type="ingredient", name="")
        food.add_property("ingredient_{}".format(i + 1))
        M.add_fact("base", food, ingredient)
        M.add_fact(type_of_cutting, ingredient)
        M.add_fact(type_of_cooking, ingredient)
        M.add_fact("in", ingredient, recipe)

    # Depending on the skills and how the ingredient should be processed
    # we change the predicates of the food objects accordingly.
    for food, type_of_cooking, type_of_cutting in ingredients:
        if not settings.get("cook"):  # Food should already be cooked accordingly.
            if food.has_property("inedible"):
            if food.has_property("raw"):
            if food.has_property("needs_cooking"):

        if not settings.get("cut"):  # Food should already be cut accordingly.

    if not settings.get("open"):
        for entity in M._entities.values():
            if entity.has_property("closed"):

    walkthrough = []
    # Build TextWorld quests.
    quests = []
    consumed_ingredient_events = []
    for i, ingredient in enumerate(ingredients):
        ingredient_consumed = Event(conditions={M.new_fact("consumed", ingredient[0])})
        ingredient_burned = Event(conditions={M.new_fact("burned", ingredient[0])})
        quests.append(Quest(win_events=[], fail_events=[ingredient_burned]))

        if ingredient[0] not in M.inventory:
            holding_ingredient = Event(conditions={M.new_fact("in", ingredient[0], M.inventory)})

        win_events = []
        if ingredient[1] != TYPES_OF_COOKING[0] and not ingredient[0].has_property(ingredient[1]):
            win_events += [Event(conditions={M.new_fact(ingredient[1], ingredient[0])})]

        fail_events = [Event(conditions={M.new_fact(t, ingredient[0])})
                       for t in set(TYPES_OF_COOKING[1:]) - {ingredient[1]}]  # Wrong cooking.

        quests.append(Quest(win_events=win_events, fail_events=[ingredient_consumed] + fail_events))

        win_events = []
        if ingredient[2] != TYPES_OF_CUTTING[0] and not ingredient[0].has_property(ingredient[2]):
            win_events += [Event(conditions={M.new_fact(ingredient[2], ingredient[0])})]

        fail_events = [Event(conditions={M.new_fact(t, ingredient[0])})
                       for t in set(TYPES_OF_CUTTING[1:]) - {ingredient[2]}]  # Wrong cutting.

        quests.append(Quest(win_events=win_events, fail_events=[ingredient_consumed] + fail_events))

    holding_meal = Event(conditions={M.new_fact("in", meal, M.inventory)})
    quests.append(Quest(win_events=[holding_meal], fail_events=consumed_ingredient_events))

    meal_burned = Event(conditions={M.new_fact("burned", meal)})
    meal_consumed = Event(conditions={M.new_fact("consumed", meal)})
    quests.append(Quest(win_events=[meal_consumed], fail_events=[meal_burned]))

    M.quests = quests

    G = compute_graph(M)  # Needed by the move(...) function called below.

    # Build walkthrough.
    current_room = start_room
    walkthrough = []

    # Start by checking the inventory.

    # 0. Find the kitchen and read the cookbook.
    walkthrough += move(M, G, current_room, kitchen)
    current_room = kitchen
    walkthrough.append("examine cookbook")

    # 1. Drop unneeded objects.
    for entity in M.inventory.content:
        if entity not in ingredient_foods:
            walkthrough.append("drop {}".format(entity.name))

    # 2. Collect the ingredients.
    for food, type_of_cooking, type_of_cutting in ingredients:
        if food.parent == M.inventory:

        food_room = food.parent.parent if food.parent.parent else food.parent
        walkthrough += move(M, G, current_room, food_room)

        if food.parent.has_property("closed"):
            walkthrough.append("open {}".format(food.parent.name))

        if food.parent == food_room:
            walkthrough.append("take {}".format(food.name))
            walkthrough.append("take {} from {}".format(food.name, food.parent.name))

        current_room = food_room

    # 3. Go back to the kitchen.
    walkthrough += move(M, G, current_room, kitchen)

    # 4. Process ingredients (cook).
    if settings.get("cook"):
        for food, type_of_cooking, _ in ingredients:
            if type_of_cooking == "fried":
                stove = M.find_by_name("stove")
                walkthrough.append("cook {} with {}".format(food.name, stove.name))
            elif type_of_cooking == "roasted":
                oven = M.find_by_name("oven")
                walkthrough.append("cook {} with {}".format(food.name, oven.name))
            elif type_of_cooking == "grilled":
                toaster = M.find_by_name("BBQ")
                # 3.a move to the backyard.
                walkthrough += move(M, G, kitchen, toaster.parent)
                # 3.b grill the food.
                walkthrough.append("cook {} with {}".format(food.name, toaster.name))
                # 3.c move back to the kitchen.
                walkthrough += move(M, G, toaster.parent, kitchen)

    # 5. Process ingredients (cut).
    if settings.get("cut"):
        free_up_space = settings.get("drop") and not len(ingredients) == 1
        knife = M.find_by_name("knife")
        if knife:
            knife_location = knife.parent.name
            knife_on_the_floor = knife_location == "kitchen"
            for i, (food, _, type_of_cutting) in enumerate(ingredients):
                if type_of_cutting == "uncut":

                if free_up_space:
                    ingredient_to_drop = ingredients[(i + 1) % len(ingredients)][0]
                    walkthrough.append("drop {}".format(ingredient_to_drop.name))

                # Assume knife is reachable.
                if knife_on_the_floor:
                    walkthrough.append("take {}".format(knife.name))
                    walkthrough.append("take {} from {}".format(knife.name, knife_location))

                if type_of_cutting == "chopped":
                    walkthrough.append("chop {} with {}".format(food.name, knife.name))
                elif type_of_cutting == "sliced":
                    walkthrough.append("slice {} with {}".format(food.name, knife.name))
                elif type_of_cutting == "diced":
                    walkthrough.append("dice {} with {}".format(food.name, knife.name))

                walkthrough.append("drop {}".format(knife.name))
                knife_on_the_floor = True
                if free_up_space:
                    walkthrough.append("take {}".format(ingredient_to_drop.name))

    # 6. Prepare and eat meal.
    walkthrough.append("prepare meal")
    walkthrough.append("eat meal")

    cookbook_desc = "You open the copy of 'Cooking: A Modern Approach (3rd Ed.)' and start reading:\n"
    recipe = textwrap.dedent(
        Recipe #1
        Gather all following ingredients and follow the directions to prepare this tasty meal.


    recipe_ingredients = "\n  ".join(ingredient[0].name for ingredient in ingredients)

    recipe_directions = []
    for ingredient in ingredients:
        cutting_verb = TYPES_OF_CUTTING_VERBS.get(ingredient[2])
        if cutting_verb:
            recipe_directions.append(cutting_verb + " the " + ingredient[0].name)

        cooking_verb = TYPES_OF_COOKING_VERBS.get(ingredient[1])
        if cooking_verb:
            recipe_directions.append(cooking_verb + " the " + ingredient[0].name)

    recipe_directions.append("prepare meal")
    recipe_directions = "\n  ".join(recipe_directions)
    recipe = recipe.format(ingredients=recipe_ingredients, directions=recipe_directions)
    cookbook.infos.desc = cookbook_desc + recipe

    # Limit capacity of the inventory.
    for i in range(inventory_limit):
        slot = M.new(type="slot", name="")
        if i < len(M.inventory.content):


    # Sanity checks:
    for entity in M._entities.values():
        if entity.type in ["c", "d"]:
            if not (entity.has_property("closed")
                    or entity.has_property("open")
                    or entity.has_property("locked")):
                raise ValueError("Forgot to add closed/locked/open property for '{}'.".format(entity.name))

    # M.set_walkthrough(walkthrough)  # BUG: having several "slots" causes issues with dependency tree.
    game = M.build()

    # Collect infos about this game.
    metadata = {
        "seeds": options.seeds,
        "goal": cookbook.infos.desc,
        "recipe": recipe,
        "ingredients": [(food.name, cooking, cutting) for food, cooking, cutting in ingredients],
        "settings": settings,
        "entities": [e.name for e in M._entities.values() if e.name],
        "nb_distractors": nb_distractors,
        "walkthrough": walkthrough,
        "max_score": sum(quest.reward for quest in game.quests),

    objective = ("You are hungry! Let's cook a delicious meal. Check the cookbook"
                 " in the kitchen for the recipe. Once done, enjoy your meal!")
    game.objective = objective

    game.metadata = metadata
    skills_uuid = "+".join("{}{}".format(k, "" if settings[k] is True else settings[k])
                           for k in SKILLS if k in settings and settings[k])
    uuid = "tw-cooking{split}-{specs}-{seeds}"
    uuid = uuid.format(split="-{}".format(settings["split"]) if settings.get("split") else "",
                       seeds=encode_seeds([options.seeds[k] for k in sorted(options.seeds)]))
    game.metadata["uuid"] = uuid
    return game
コード例 #9
def make_game(mode: str, n_rooms: int, quest_length: int,
              grammar_flags: Mapping = {},
              seeds: Optional[Union[int, Dict[str, int]]] = None
              ) -> textworld.Game:
    """ Make a Treasure Hunter game.

        mode: Mode for the game where

              * `'easy'`: rooms are all empty except where the two objects are
                placed. Also, connections between rooms have no door.
              * `'medium'`: adding closed doors and containers that might need
                to be open in order to find the object.
              * `'hard'`: adding locked doors and containers (necessary keys
                will in the inventory) that might need to be unlocked (and open)
                in order to find the object.
        n_rooms: Number of rooms in the game.
        quest_length: How far from the player the object to find should ideally
                      be placed.
        grammar_flags: Options for the grammar controlling the text generation
        seeds: Seeds for the different generation processes.

               * If `None`, seeds will be sampled from
                 :py:data:`textworld.g_rng <textworld.utils.g_rng>`.
               * If `int`, it acts as a seed for a random generator that will be
                 used to sample the other seeds.
               * If dict, the following keys can be set:

                 * `'seed_map'`: control the map generation;
                 * `'seed_objects'`: control the type of objects and their
                 * `'seed_quest'`: control the quest generation;
                 * `'seed_grammar'`: control the text generation.

                 For any key missing, a random number gets assigned (sampled
                 from :py:data:`textworld.g_rng <textworld.utils.g_rng>`).

        Generated game.
    # Deal with any missing random seeds.
    seeds = get_seeds_for_game_generation(seeds)

    metadata = {}  # Collect infos for reproducibility.
    metadata["desc"] = "Treasure Hunter"
    metadata["mode"] = mode
    metadata["seeds"] = seeds
    metadata["world_size"] = n_rooms
    metadata["quest_length"] = quest_length
    metadata["grammar_flags"] = grammar_flags

    rng_map = np.random.RandomState(seeds['seed_map'])
    rng_objects = np.random.RandomState(seeds['seed_objects'])
    rng_quest = np.random.RandomState(seeds['seed_quest'])
    rng_grammar = np.random.RandomState(seeds['seed_grammar'])

    modes = ["easy", "medium", "hard"]
    if mode == "easy":
        door_states = None
        n_distractors = 0
    elif mode == "medium":
        door_states = ["open", "closed"]
        n_distractors = 10
    elif mode == "hard":
        door_states = ["open", "closed", "locked"]
        n_distractors = 20

    # Generate map.
    map_ = textworld.generator.make_map(n_rooms=n_rooms, rng=rng_map,
    assert len(map_.nodes()) == n_rooms

    world = World.from_map(map_)

    # Randomly place the player.
    starting_room = None
    if len(world.rooms) > 1:
        starting_room = rng_map.choice(world.rooms)


    # Add object the player has to pick up.
    types_counts = data.get_types().count(world.state)
    obj_type = data.get_types().sample(parent_type='o', rng=rng_objects,
    var_id = get_new(obj_type, types_counts)
    right_obj = Variable(var_id, obj_type)
    world.add_fact(Proposition("in", [right_obj, world.inventory]))

    # Add containers and supporters to the world.
    types_counts = data.get_types().count(world.state)
    objects = []
    distractor_types = uniquify(['c', 's'] +
                                data.get_types().descendants('c') +
    for i in range(n_distractors):
        obj_type = rng_objects.choice(distractor_types)
        var_id = get_new(obj_type, types_counts)  # This update the types_counts.
        objects.append(Variable(var_id, obj_type))

    world.populate_with(objects, rng=rng_objects)

    # Add object the player should not pick up.
    types_counts = data.get_types().count(world.state)
    obj_type = data.get_types().sample(parent_type='o', rng=rng_objects,
    var_id = get_new(obj_type, types_counts)
    wrong_obj = Variable(var_id, obj_type)
    # Place it anywhere in the world.
    world.populate_with([wrong_obj], rng=rng_objects)

    # Generate a quest that finishes by taking something (i.e. the right
    #  object since it's the only one in the inventory).
    rules_per_depth = {0: data.get_rules().get_matching("take.*")}
    exceptions = ["r", "c", "s", "d"] if mode == "easy" else ["r"]
    chain = textworld.generator.sample_quest(world.state, rng_quest,

    # Add objects needed for the quest.
    world.state = chain[0].state
    quest = Quest([c.action for c in chain])
    quest.set_failing_conditions([Proposition("in", [wrong_obj, world.inventory])])

    grammar = textworld.generator.make_grammar(flags=grammar_flags,
    game = textworld.generator.make_game_with(world, [quest], grammar)
    game.metadata = metadata
    mode_choice = modes.index(mode)
    uuid = "tw-treasure_hunter-{specs}-{flags}-{seeds}"
    uuid = uuid.format(specs=encode_seeds((mode_choice, n_rooms, quest_length)),
                       seeds=encode_seeds([seeds[k] for k in sorted(seeds)]))
    game.metadata["uuid"] = uuid
    return game