def predictSinglePose(self, armName, curPose, prevPose, dt=1.0): if dt <= 0: print 'Error: Illegal timestamp' return None # Convert pose to numpy matrix curTrans = tft.translation_matrix([curPose.position.x, curPose.position.y, curPose.position.z]) curRot = tft.quaternion_matrix([curPose.orientation.x, curPose.orientation.y ,curPose.orientation.z, curPose.orientation.w]) curPoseMatrix =, curRot) prevTrans = tft.translation_matrix([prevPose.position.x, prevPose.position.y, prevPose.position.z]) prevRot = tft.quaternion_matrix([prevPose.orientation.x, prevPose.orientation.y ,prevPose.orientation.z, prevPose.orientation.w]) prevPoseMatrix =, prevRot) deltaPoseMatrix = np.linalg.inv(prevPoseMatrix).dot(curPoseMatrix) deltaAngles = euler_from_matrix(deltaPoseMatrix[:3,:3]) deltaPos = deltaPoseMatrix[:3,3] #deltaAngles = np.array([a / dt for a in deltaAngles]) deltaPos = deltaPos / dt #deltaPoseMatrix = euler_matrix(deltaAngles[0], deltaAngles[1], deltaAngles[2]) deltaPoseMatrix[:3,3] = deltaPos gpList, sysList = self.predict(armName, [curPoseMatrix], [deltaPoseMatrix]) return tfx.pose(gpList[0], frame=curPose.frame, stamp=curPose.stamp), tfx.pose(sysList[0], frame=curPose.frame, stamp=curPose.stamp)
def publish_state(self, t): state_msg = TransformStamped() t_ned_imu = tft.translation_matrix(self.model.get_position()) R_ned_imu = tft.quaternion_matrix(self.model.get_orientation()) T_ned_imu = tft.concatenate_matrices(t_ned_imu, R_ned_imu) #rospy.loginfo("T_ned_imu = \n" + str(T_ned_imu)) if self.T_imu_vicon is None: # grab the static transform from imu to vicon frame from param server: frames = rospy.get_param("frames", None) ypr = frames['vicon_to_imu']['rotation'] q_vicon_imu = tft.quaternion_from_euler(*[radians(x) for x in ypr], axes='rzyx') # xyzw R_vicon_imu = tft.quaternion_matrix(q_vicon_imu) t_vicon_imu = tft.translation_matrix(frames['vicon_to_imu']['translation']) # rospy.loginfo(str(R_vicon_imu)) # rospy.loginfo(str(t_vicon_imu)) self.T_vicon_imu = tft.concatenate_matrices(t_vicon_imu, R_vicon_imu) self.T_imu_vicon = tft.inverse_matrix(self.T_vicon_imu) self.T_enu_ned = tft.euler_matrix(radians(90), 0, radians(180), 'rzyx') rospy.loginfo(str(self.T_enu_ned)) rospy.loginfo(str(self.T_imu_vicon)) #rospy.loginfo(str(T_vicon_imu)) # we have /ned -> /imu, need to output /enu -> /vicon: T_enu_vicon = tft.concatenate_matrices(self.T_enu_ned, T_ned_imu, self.T_imu_vicon ) state_msg.header.stamp = t state_msg.header.frame_id = "/enu" state_msg.child_frame_id = "/simflyer1/flyer_vicon" stt = state_msg.transform.translation stt.x, stt.y, stt.z = T_enu_vicon[:3,3] stro = state_msg.transform.rotation stro.x, stro.y, stro.z, stro.w = tft.quaternion_from_matrix(T_enu_vicon) self.pub_state.publish(state_msg)
def Update(self, timeout=10): marker_message = rospy.wait_for_message(self.marker_topic, MarkerArray, timeout=timeout) added_kinbodies = [] updated_kinbodies = [] for marker in marker_message.markers: if marker.ns in self.marker_data: kinbody_file, kinbody_offset = self.marker_data[marker.ns] kinbody_offset = numpy.array(kinbody_offset) marker_pose = numpy.array(quaternion_matrix([ marker.pose.orientation.x, marker.pose.orientation.y, marker.pose.orientation.z, marker.pose.orientation.w])) marker_pose[0,3] = marker.pose.position.x marker_pose[1,3] = marker.pose.position.y marker_pose[2,3] = marker.pose.position.z self.listener.waitForTransform( self.detection_frame, self.destination_frame, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(timeout)) frame_trans, frame_rot = self.listener.lookupTransform( # self.detection_frame, self.destination_frame, self.detection_frame, rospy.Time(0)) frame_offset = numpy.matrix(quaternion_matrix(frame_rot)) frame_offset[0,3] = frame_trans[0] frame_offset[1,3] = frame_trans[1] frame_offset[2,3] = frame_trans[2] kinbody_pose = numpy.array(,marker_pose), kinbody_offset)) kinbody_name = kinbody_file.replace('.kinbody.xml', '') kinbody_name = kinbody_name + str( # load the object if it does not exist if self.env.GetKinBody(kinbody_name) is None: new_body = prpy.rave.add_object( self.env, kinbody_name, os.path.join(self.kinbody_directory, kinbody_file)) added_kinbodies.append(new_body) self.generated_bodies.append(new_body) body = self.env.GetKinBody(kinbody_name) body.SetTransform(kinbody_pose) updated_kinbodies.append(body) return added_kinbodies, updated_kinbodies
def object_pose_callback(self,msg): print 'object pose cb' (tf_trans,tf_rot) = self.pr2.tf_listener.lookupTransform(msg.header.frame_id,self.base_frame,rospy.Time(0)) msg_tf = numpy.mat(,tft.quaternion_matrix(tf_rot))) q = numpy.array([msg.pose.orientation.x,msg.pose.orientation.y,msg.pose.orientation.z,msg.pose.orientation.w]) p = numpy.array([msg.pose.position.x,msg.pose.position.y,msg.pose.position.z]) rot = numpy.mat(tft.quaternion_matrix(q)) trans = numpy.mat(tft.translation_matrix(p)) self.object_pose = msg_tf * trans * rot
def update(self, dt, desired, current): ((desired_p, desired_o), (desired_p_dot, desired_o_dot), (desired_p_dotdot, desired_o_dotdot)), ((p, o), (p_dot, o_dot)) = desired, current world_from_body = transformations.quaternion_matrix(o)[:3, :3] x_dot = numpy.concatenate([,, ]) world_from_desiredbody = transformations.quaternion_matrix(desired_o)[:3, :3] desired_x_dot = numpy.concatenate([,, ]) desired_x_dotdot = numpy.concatenate([,, ]) error_position_world = numpy.concatenate([ desired_p - p, quat_to_rotvec(transformations.quaternion_multiply( desired_o, transformations.quaternion_inverse(o), )), ]) world_from_body2 = numpy.zeros((6, 6)) world_from_body2[:3, :3] = world_from_body2[3:, 3:] = world_from_body body_gain = lambda x: error_velocity_world = (desired_x_dot + body_gain(numpy.diag(self.config['k'])).dot(error_position_world)) - x_dot pd_output = body_gain(numpy.diag(self.config['ks'])).dot(error_velocity_world) output = pd_output if self.config['use_rise']: rise_term_int = body_gain(numpy.diag(self.config['ks'] * self.config['alpha'])).dot(error_velocity_world) + \ body_gain(numpy.diag(self.config['beta'])).dot(numpy.sign(error_velocity_world)) self._rise_term = self._rise_term + dt/2*(rise_term_int + self._rise_term_int_prev) self._rise_term_int_prev = rise_term_int output = output + self._rise_term else: # zero rise term so it doesn't wind up over time self._rise_term = numpy.zeros(6) self._rise_term_int_prev = numpy.zeros(6) output = output + body_gain(numpy.diag(self.config['accel_feedforward'])).dot(desired_x_dotdot) output = output + body_gain(numpy.diag(self.config['vel_feedforward'])).dot(desired_x_dot) wrench_from_vec = lambda output: ([0:3]),[3:6])) return wrench_from_vec(pd_output), wrench_from_vec(output)
def recalculate_transform(self, currentTime): """ Creates updated transform from /odom to /map given recent odometry and laser data. :Args: | currentTime (rospy.Time()): Time stamp for this update """ transform = Transform() T_est = transformations.quaternion_matrix([self.estimatedpose.pose.pose.orientation.x, self.estimatedpose.pose.pose.orientation.y, self.estimatedpose.pose.pose.orientation.z, self.estimatedpose.pose.pose.orientation.w]) T_est[0, 3] = self.estimatedpose.pose.pose.position.x T_est[1, 3] = self.estimatedpose.pose.pose.position.y T_est[2, 3] = self.estimatedpose.pose.pose.position.z T_odom = transformations.quaternion_matrix([self.last_odom_pose.pose.pose.orientation.x, self.last_odom_pose.pose.pose.orientation.y, self.last_odom_pose.pose.pose.orientation.z, self.last_odom_pose.pose.pose.orientation.w]) T_odom[0, 3] = self.last_odom_pose.pose.pose.position.x T_odom[1, 3] = self.last_odom_pose.pose.pose.position.y T_odom[2, 3] = self.last_odom_pose.pose.pose.position.z T =, np.linalg.inv(T_odom)) q = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(T) #[:3, :3]) transform.translation.x = T[0, 3] transform.translation.y = T[1, 3] transform.translation.z = T[2, 3] transform.rotation.x = q[0] transform.rotation.y = q[1] transform.rotation.z = q[2] transform.rotation.w = q[3] # Insert new Transform into a TransformStamped object and add to the # tf tree new_tfstamped = TransformStamped() new_tfstamped.child_frame_id = "/odom" new_tfstamped.header.frame_id = "/map" new_tfstamped.header.stamp = currentTime new_tfstamped.transform = transform # Add the transform to the list of all transforms self.tf_message = tfMessage(transforms=[new_tfstamped])
def process_wrench(self, msg): cur_wrench = np.mat([msg.wrench.force.x, msg.wrench.force.y, msg.wrench.force.z, msg.wrench.torque.x, msg.wrench.torque.y, msg.wrench.torque.z]).T try: (ft_pos, ft_quat) = self.tf_list.lookupTransform(self.gravity_frame, self.netft_frame, rospy.Time(0)) except: return rot_mat = np.mat(tf_trans.quaternion_matrix(ft_quat))[:3,:3] z_grav = self.react_mult * rot_mat.T * np.mat([0, 0, -1.]).T force_grav = np.mat(np.zeros((6, 1))) force_grav[:3, 0] = self.mass * g * z_grav torque_grav = np.mat(np.zeros((6, 1))) torque_grav[3:, 0] = np.mat(np.cross(self.com_pos.T.A[0], force_grav[:3, 0].T.A[0])).T zeroing_wrench = force_grav + torque_grav + self.wrench_zero zeroed_wrench = self.react_mult * (cur_wrench - zeroing_wrench) if not self.got_zero: self.wrench_zero = (cur_wrench - (force_grav + torque_grav)) self.got_zero = True tf_zeroed_wrench = self.transform_wrench(zeroed_wrench) if tf_zeroed_wrench is None: return zero_msg = WrenchStamped(msg.header, Wrench(Vector3(*tf_zeroed_wrench[:3,0]), Vector3(*tf_zeroed_wrench[3:,0]))) self.zero_pub.publish(zero_msg) self.visualize_wrench(tf_zeroed_wrench)
def localCb(self, data): self.localPose.setPoseStamped(data) if(not (self.enuTickPose.isNone() or self.offset is None)): t = self.localPose.getTranslation() q = self.enuTickPose.getQuaternion() q = quaternion_matrix(q) t = translation_matrix(t) self.localEnuPose.setMatrix(,t)) t = self.localEnuPose.getTranslation() t[0] -= self.offset[0] t[1] -= self.offset[1] t[2] -= self.offset[2] q = self.localEnuPose.getQuaternion() self.localEnuPose.setTranslationQuaternion(t, q) p = PointStamped() p.point.x = self.offset[0] p.point.y = self.offset[1] p.point.z = self.offset[2] p.header = Header(0, rospy.rostime.get_rostime(), "world") self.offsetPub.publish(p) self.localEnuPub.publish(self.localEnuPose.getPoseStamped())
def getSkeletonTransformation(user_id, tf, tf_name, world_name, last_updated): """ Return the rototranslation matrix between tf_name and world_name and the time stamp @param user_id id of the human @param tf @param tf_name name of the element in the tf tree @param world_name name of the world in the tf tree @param last_update time stamp of the last time the tf tree was updated """ tf_name_full = getFullTfName(user_id, tf_name) if tf.frameExists(tf_name_full) and tf.frameExists(world_name): try: time = tf.getLatestCommonTime(tf_name_full, world_name) pos, quat = tf.lookupTransform(world_name, tf_name_full, time) except: return last_updated, None last_updated = time.secs if last_updated <= time.secs else last_updated r = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quat) skel_trans = transformations.identity_matrix() skel_trans[0:4,0:4] = r skel_trans[0:3, 3] = pos return last_updated, skel_trans else: return last_updated, None
def filterPointCloud(bin_num, pts, source_pc2_kinect_header, height=None, width=None, retPointCloud=True): # input height/width if you need filtered uv with Timer('b1'): global tfListener source_pc_kinect = PointCloud() source_pc_kinect.header = source_pc2_kinect_header with Timer('b2'): source_pc_kinect.points = pts # transform point cloud from kinect frmae to shelf frame with Timer('b3'): import tf.transformations as tfm import numpy as np (pos, ori) = tfListener.lookupTransform('/shelf', source_pc_kinect.header.frame_id, source_pc_kinect.header.stamp) points = [] T = , tfm.quaternion_matrix(ori) ) for pt in pts: #tmp =, np.array(pt+[1])).tolist() points.append(, np.array(pt+[1])).tolist() ) pts = [] cnt = 0 with Timer('b4'): if height and width: filtered_uvs = [] filtered_uvs_mask = [False for i in xrange(height*width)] for point in points: # change source to source_pc_kinect if ~math.isnan(point[0]) and inside_bin(point, bin_num): pts.append(point) # can be removed becuase we only need mask filtered_uvs_mask[cnt] = True filtered_uvs.append([cnt//width, cnt%width]) cnt += 1 else: for point in points: # change source to source_pc_kinect if inside_bin(point, bin_num): pts.append(point) if retPointCloud: with Timer('b5'): filtered_pc_shelf = PointCloud() filtered_pc_shelf.header = source_pc2_kinect_header filtered_pc_shelf.header.frame_id = '/shelf' filtered_pc_shelf.points = [Point32(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) for pt in pts] # render filtered point cloud filtered_pc_map = tfListener.transformPointCloud('/map', filtered_pc_shelf) createPointsMarker(filtered_pc_map.points, marker_id=2, frame_id='/map', rgba=(0,1,0,1)) #points are in Point32 with Timer('b6'): if height and width: if retPointCloud: return (filtered_pc_map, filtered_uvs, filtered_uvs_mask) else: return filtered_uvs_mask else: return filtered_pc_map
def on_image(self, img): if is None: return self.camera_model.fromCameraInfo( # self.camera_model.rectifyImage(img, img)'ardrone/odom', 'ardrone/ardrone_base_frontcam', rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(3)) trans, rot ='ardrone/odom', 'ardrone/ardrone_base_frontcam', rospy.Time(0)) rot_matrix = np.array(quaternion_matrix(rot)) for a in range(0, 360, 30): vector = np.array(np.array([0.1 * math.cos(a * math.pi / 180), 0.1 * math.sin(a * math.pi / 180), 0, 0])) point = x, y = self.camera_model.project3dToPixel(point), (int(x), int(y)), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1) return img
def orientation_error(self, q_a, q_b): '''Error from q_a to q_b ''' M_a = transformations.quaternion_matrix(q_a)[:3, :3] M_b = transformations.quaternion_matrix(q_b)[:3, :3] error_matrix = try: lie_alg_error = np.real(linalg.logm(error_matrix)) except Exception: # We get an Exception("Internal Inconsistency") when the error is zero # No error! return np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) angle_axis = sub8_utils.deskew(lie_alg_error) assert np.linalg.norm(angle_axis) < (2 * np.pi) + 0.01, "uh-oh, unnormalized {}".format(angle_axis) return angle_axis
def cb(data): # rospy.loginfo("{0}".format(data)) stamp = data.header.stamp tf_listener.waitForTransform(world_frame, link_frame, stamp, rospy.Duration(4.0)) source_frame = world_frame target_frame = link_frame tf_link = tf_listener.lookupTransform(source_frame, target_frame, stamp) T_link = transformations.quaternion_matrix(tf_link[1]) T_link[:3, 3] = tf_link[0] pose_chessboard = data.pose T_chessboard = pose_matrix(pose_chessboard) # T_chessboard = numpy.linalg.inv(T_chessboard) yaml_data.append({"T_chessboard": sum(T_chessboard.tolist(), []), "T_link": sum(T_link.tolist(), [])}) yf = open(out_fn, "w") yaml.dump(yaml_data, yf) print len(yaml_data) print stamp print T_chessboard print T_link print "---" yf.close()
def detect(self, timeout=10): marker_message = rospy.wait_for_message(self.marker_topic, MarkerArray, timeout=timeout) camera_message = rospy.wait_for_message(self.camera_topic, CameraInfo, timeout=timeout) camera_matrix = np.array([0]) for marker in marker_message.markers: if == self.marker_number: marker_pose = np.array( quaternion_matrix( [ marker.pose.orientation.x, marker.pose.orientation.y, marker.pose.orientation.z, marker.pose.orientation.w, ] ) ) marker_pose[0, 3] = marker.pose.position.x marker_pose[1, 3] = marker.pose.position.y marker_pose[2, 3] = marker.pose.position.z marker_pose = np.delete(marker_pose, 3, 0) camera_intrinsics = np.array(camera_message.K).reshape(3, 3) print camera_intrinsics print marker_pose camera_matrix =, marker_pose) print camera_matrix return camera_matrix
def odometry_callback(self, msg): """Handle updated measured velocity callback.""" if not bool(self.config): return p = msg.pose.pose.position q = msg.pose.pose.orientation p = numpy.array([p.x, p.y, p.z]) q = numpy.array([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w]) if not self.initialized: # If this is the first callback: Store and hold latest pose. self.pos_des = p self.quat_des = q self.initialized = True # Compute control output: t = msg.header.stamp.to_sec() # Position error wrt. body frame e_pos = trans.quaternion_matrix(q).transpose()[0:3,0:3].dot(self.pos_des - p) vz = self.pid_depth.regulate(e_pos[2], t) vx = self.pid_forward.regulate(numpy.linalg.norm(e_pos[0:2]), t) wx = self.pid_heading.regulate(numpy.arctan2(), t) v_linear = numpy.array([vx, 0, vz]) v_angular = numpy.array([0, 0, wz]) # Convert and publish vel. command: cmd_vel = geometry_msgs.Twist() cmd_vel.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*v_linear) cmd_vel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*v_angular) self.pub_cmd_vel.publish(cmd_vel)
def box_array_cb(box_array): polygon_array = PolygonArray() model_coefficients_array = ModelCoefficientsArray() for box in box_array.boxes: polygon_stamped = PolygonStamped() coefficients = ModelCoefficients() quaternion = np.array([box.pose.orientation.x, box.pose.orientation.y, box.pose.orientation.z, box.pose.orientation.w]) rotation_matrix = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quaternion) ux = numpy.array([rotation_matrix[0][0], rotation_matrix[1][0], rotation_matrix[2][0]]) uy = numpy.array([rotation_matrix[0][1], rotation_matrix[1][1], rotation_matrix[2][1]]) uz = numpy.array([rotation_matrix[0][2], rotation_matrix[1][2], rotation_matrix[2][2]]) dim_x = box.dimensions.x/2 dim_y = box.dimensions.y/2 dim_z = box.dimensions.z/2 point = box.pose.position for x, y in [[-dim_x, -dim_y], [dim_x, -dim_y], [dim_x, dim_y], [-dim_x, dim_y]]: polygon_stamped.polygon.points.append(Point32(x*ux[0]+y*uy[0]-dim_z*uz[0]+point.x,x*ux[1]+y*uy[1]-dim_z*uz[1]+point.y,x*ux[2]+y*uy[2]-dim_z*uz[2]+point.z)) polygon_stamped.header = box.header polygon_array.polygons.append(polygon_stamped) coefficients.values = [-uz[0], -uz[1], -uz[2], ((point.x-dim_z*uz[1])*uz[0]+(point.y-dim_z*uz[1])*uz[1]+(point.z-dim_z*uz[2])*uz[2])] coefficients.header = box.header model_coefficients_array.coefficients.append(coefficients) polygon_array.header = box_array.header PArrayPub.publish(polygon_array) model_coefficients_array.header = box_array.header MArrayPub.publish(model_coefficients_array)
def transformFt2Global(ftlist): global listener # transform ft data to global frame (pos_trasform, ori_trasform) = lookupTransform('base_link', 'link_ft', listener) rotmat = tfm.quaternion_matrix(ori_trasform) ft_global =, ftlist + [1.0]) return ft_global[0:3].tolist()
def getpose(): pub_joint_cmd=rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/right/joint_command',JointCommand) command_msg=JointCommand() command_msg.names=['right_s0', 'right_s1', 'right_e0', 'right_e1', 'right_w0', 'right_w1', 'right_w2'] command_msg.mode=JointCommand.POSITION_MODE control_rate = rospy.Rate(100) start = rospy.get_time() joint_positions=rospy.wait_for_message("/robot/joint_states",JointState) qc = (joint_positions.position[9:16]) angles = [qc[2],qc[3],qc[0],qc[1],qc[4],qc[5],qc[6]] pub_joint_cmd=rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/right/joint_command',JointCommand) command_msg=JointCommand() command_msg.names=['right_e1'] command_msg.command=[0] command_msg.mode=JointCommand.POSITION_MODE control_rate = rospy.Rate(100) start = rospy.get_time() exit = 0 listener2=tf.TransformListener() #the transformations now=rospy.Time() listener2.waitForTransform("/torso","/right_hand",now,rospy.Duration(1.0)) (trans08,rot08)=listener2.lookupTransform("/torso","/right_hand",now) # Get 4*4 rotational matrix from quaternion ( 4th colume is [0][0][0][1]) R08 = transformations.quaternion_matrix(rot08) T08 = numpy.vstack((numpy.column_stack((R08[0:3,0:3], numpy.transpose(numpy.array(trans08)))),[0,0,0,1])) return (angles, T08)
def get_tag_obj_transforms(input_markers): output_markers = MarkerArray() tag_detections = {} for marker in input_markers.markers: tag_id = position_data = marker.pose.position orientation_data = marker.pose.orientation tag_pose = numpy.matrix(quaternion_matrix([orientation_data.x, orientation_data.y, orientation_data.z, orientation_data.w])) tag_pose[0,3] = position_data.x tag_pose[1,3] = position_data.y tag_pose[2,3] = position_data.z tag_detections[tag_id] = tag_pose #Setup the data structure to dump into config file # config_file_data = {} # config_file_data['objects'] = {} # config_file_data['objects'][OBJECT_TO_ENTER] = {} # config_file_data['objects'][OBJECT_TO_ENTER]['tags'] = {} if TAG_AT_CENTRE in tag_detections: transform = tag_detections[TAG_AT_CENTRE] tag_transforms = {} for tag in tag_detections: tag_transforms[tag] = numpy.linalg.inv(tag_detections[tag])*transform print (tag_transforms)
def computePlaceToBaseMatrix(self, place): place_quaternion = place[3:] rotation_matrix = quaternion_matrix(place_quaternion) translation = place[0:3] rotation_matrix[[0, 1, 2], 3] = translation place_to_base_matrix = rotation_matrix return place_to_base_matrix
def planCallback(self, msg): # get the goal pose_stamped = msg.poses[-1] pose = pose_stamped.pose # look ahead one meter R = quaternion_matrix([pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w]) point = [1, 0, 0, 1] M = R*point p = PointStamped() p.header.frame_id = pose_stamped.header.frame_id p.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) p.point.x += pose_stamped.pose.position.x + M[0,0] p.point.y += pose_stamped.pose.position.y + M[1,0] p.point.z += pose_stamped.pose.position.z + M[2,0] # transform to base_link p = self.listener.transformPoint("base_link", p) # update with self.mutex: if p.point.x < 0.65: self.x = 0.65 else: self.x = p.point.x if p.point.y > 0.5: self.y = 0.5 elif p.point.y < -0.5: self.y = -0.5 else: self.y = p.point.y
def execute(self, userdata): userdata.marker_pose.header.stamp = pose ='/base_link', userdata.marker_pose) p = [pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y, pose.pose.position.z] q = [pose.pose.orientation.x, pose.pose.orientation.y, pose.pose.orientation.z, pose.pose.orientation.w] rm = tfs.quaternion_matrix(q) # assemble a new coordinate frame that has z-axis aligned with # the vertical direction and x-axis facing the z-axis of the # original frame z = rm[:3, 2] z[2] = 0 axis_x = tfs.unit_vector(z) axis_z = tfs.unit_vector([0, 0, 1]) axis_y = np.cross(axis_x, axis_z) rm = np.vstack((axis_x, axis_y, axis_z)).transpose() # shift the pose along the x-axis p +=, [self.DISTANCE, 0, 0])[:3] userdata.goal_pose = pose userdata.goal_pose.pose.position.x = p[0] userdata.goal_pose.pose.position.y = p[1] userdata.goal_pose.pose.position.z = p[2] yaw = tfs.euler_from_matrix(rm)[2] q = tfs.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw - math.pi) userdata.goal_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] userdata.goal_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] userdata.goal_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] userdata.goal_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] return 'succeeded'
def aim_pose_to(ps, pts, point_dir=(1,0,0)): if not (ps.header.frame_id.lstrip('/') == pts.header.frame_id.lstrip('/')): rospy.logerr("[Pose_Utils.aim_pose_to]:"+ "Pose and point must be in same frame: %s, %s" %(ps.header.frame_id, pt2.header.frame_id)) target_pt = np.array((pts.point.x, pts.point.y, pts.point.z)) base_pt = np.array((ps.pose.position.x, ps.pose.position.y, ps.pose.position.z)) base_quat = np.array((ps.pose.orientation.x, ps.pose.orientation.y, ps.pose.orientation.z, ps.pose.orientation.w)) b_to_t_vec = np.array((target_pt[0]-base_pt[0], target_pt[1]-base_pt[1], target_pt[2]-base_pt[2])) b_to_t_norm = np.divide(b_to_t_vec, np.linalg.norm(b_to_t_vec)) point_dir_hom = (point_dir[0], point_dir[1], point_dir[2], 1) base_rot_mat = tft.quaternion_matrix(base_quat) point_dir_hom =, base_rot_mat.T) point_dir = np.array((point_dir_hom[0]/point_dir_hom[3], point_dir_hom[1]/point_dir_hom[3], point_dir_hom[2]/point_dir_hom[3])) point_dir_norm = np.divide(point_dir, np.linalg.norm(point_dir)) axis = np.cross(point_dir_norm, b_to_t_norm) angle = np.arccos(np.vdot(point_dir_norm, b_to_t_norm)) quat = tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle, axis) new_quat = tft.quaternion_multiply(quat, base_quat) ps.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*new_quat)
def __init__(self, index, topic, pos, orientation, axis=DEFAULT_AXIS): """Thruster class constructor. Parameters ---------- index: int Thruster's index. topic: str Name of the thruster's command topic. pos: numpy.array 3D position of the thruster with relation to the reference frame. orientation: numpy.array Quaternion with the orientation of the thruster with relation to the reference frame. """ self._index = index self._topic = topic self._pos = None self._orientation = None self._force_dist = None if pos is not None and orientation is not None: self._pos = pos self._orientation = orientation # compute contribution to configuration matrix of this thruster thrust_body = trans.quaternion_matrix(orientation).dot( axis.transpose())[0:3] torque_body = numpy.cross(pos, thrust_body) self._force_dist = numpy.hstack(( thrust_body, torque_body)).transpose() self._command = 0 self._thrust = 0 self._command_pub = rospy.Publisher(self._topic, FloatStamped, queue_size=10) print 'Thruster #%d - %s - %s' % (self._index, self.LABEL, self._topic)
def test_LArmIK(self): # /WAIST /LARM_JOINT5_Link # - Translation: [0.325, 0.182, 0.074] # - Rotation: in Quaternion [-0.000, -0.707, 0.000, 0.707] # in RPY [-1.694, -1.571, 1.693] for torso_angle in ([0, -10, 10]): torso_goal = self.goal_Torso() torso_goal = self.setup_Positions(torso_goal, [[torso_angle]]) self.torso.send_goal_and_wait(torso_goal) for p in [[ 0.325, 0.182, 0.074], # initial [ 0.3, -0.2, 0.074], [ 0.3, -0.1, 0.074], [ 0.3, 0.0, 0.074], [ 0.3, 0.1, 0.074], [ 0.3, 0.2, 0.074], [ 0.3, 0.3, 0.074], [ 0.4, -0.1, 0.074], [ 0.4, -0.0, 0.074], [ 0.4, 0.1, 0.074], [ 0.4, 0.2, 0.074], [ 0.4, 0.3, 0.074], [ 0.4, 0.4, 0.074], ] : print "solve ik at p = ", p ret = self.set_target_pose('LARM', p, [-1.694,-1.571, 1.693], 1.0) self.assertTrue(ret.operation_return, "ik failed") ret = self.wait_interpolation_of_group('LARM') self.assertTrue(ret.operation_return, "wait interpolation failed") rospy.sleep(1) now = self.listener.waitForTransform("WAIST", "LARM_JOINT5_Link", now, rospy.Duration(1.0)) (trans, rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform("WAIST", "LARM_JOINT5_Link", now) numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(trans, p, decimal=1) print "current position p = ", trans print " rot = ", rot print " = ", quaternion_matrix(rot)[0:3,0:3]
def odometry_callback(self, msg): """Handle updated measured velocity callback.""" if not bool(self.config): return linear = msg.twist.twist.linear angular = msg.twist.twist.angular v_linear = numpy.array([linear.x, linear.y, linear.z]) v_angular = numpy.array([angular.x, angular.y, angular.z]) if self.config['odom_vel_in_world']: # This is a temp. workaround for gazebo's pos3d plugin not behaving properly: # Twist should be provided wrt child_frame, gazebo provides it wrt world frame # see xyzw_array = lambda o: numpy.array([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w]) q_wb = xyzw_array(msg.pose.pose.orientation) R_bw = trans.quaternion_matrix(q_wb)[0:3, 0:3].transpose() v_linear = v_angular = # Compute compute control output: t = msg.header.stamp.to_sec() e_v_linear = (self.v_linear_des - v_linear) e_v_angular = (self.v_angular_des - v_angular) a_linear = self.pid_linear.regulate(e_v_linear, t) a_angular = self.pid_angular.regulate(e_v_angular, t) # Convert and publish accel. command: cmd_accel = geometry_msgs.Accel() cmd_accel.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*a_linear) cmd_accel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*a_angular) self.pub_cmd_accel.publish(cmd_accel)
def predictSinglePose(self, pose, arm_side): # Convert pose to numpy matrix p = tft.translation_matrix([pose.position.x,pose.position.y,pose.position.z]) rot = tft.quaternion_matrix([pose.orientation.x,pose.orientation.y,pose.orientation.z,pose.orientation.w]) input_pose =,rot) gpList, sysList = self.predict([input_pose], arm_side) return tfx.pose(gpList[0], frame=pose.frame, stamp=pose.stamp), tfx.pose(sysList[0], frame=pose.frame, stamp=pose.stamp)
def matrix_from_StampedTransform(msg): T = msg.transform trans = [T.translation.x, T.translation.y, T.translation.z] quat = [T.rotation.x, T.rotation.y, T.rotation.z, T.rotation.w] return tfs.concatenate_matrices( tfs.translation_matrix(trans), tfs.quaternion_matrix(quat))
def transform_in_frame(self, pos, quat, off_point): pos = make_column(pos) quat = make_list(quat) invquatmat = np.mat(tftrans.quaternion_matrix(quat)) invquatmat[0:3,3] = pos trans = np.matrix([off_point[0],off_point[1],off_point[2],1.]).T transpos = invquatmat * trans return np.resize(transpos, (3, 1))
def flipOrbToNDT (orbPose): qOrb = [orbPose.qx, orbPose.qy, orbPose.qz, orbPose.qw] orbFlip = trafo.concatenate_matrices( trafo.quaternion_matrix(qOrb), trafo.rotation_matrix(np.pi/2, (1,0,0)), trafo.rotation_matrix(np.pi/2, (0,0,1)) ) return trafo.quaternion_from_matrix(orbFlip)
queue_size=10) group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("left_arm") group.set_planning_time(20) group.allow_replanning(True) tf_listener = tf.TransformListener(rospy.Duration(1)) id_num = raw_input("Input Grasp ID: ") tf_listener.waitForTransform('base', "sample_grasp_" + str(id_num), rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(2.0)) t, q = tf_listener.lookupTransform("base", "sample_grasp_" + str(id_num), rospy.Time()) matrix = quaternion_matrix(q) new_matrix = matrix offset = -0.3 t_pre = t + new_matrix[0:3, 2] * offset q = quaternion_from_matrix(new_matrix) tf_listener.waitForTransform('base', "sample_grasp_" + str(id_num), rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(2.0)) t, q = tf_listener.lookupTransform("base", "sample_grasp_" + str(id_num), rospy.Time()) group.clear_pose_targets() matrix = quaternion_matrix(q) new_matrix = np.eye(4) new_matrix[:, 0] = matrix[:, 2]
def fromTransformToMatrix(transform): matrix = quaternion_matrix(transform[1]) matrix[0][3] = transform[0][0] matrix[1][3] = transform[0][1] matrix[2][3] = transform[0][2] return matrix
def test_trace(self, q): m = quaternion_matrix(q) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( w.compile_and_execute(w.trace, [m]), np.trace(m))
#print cam_rotation_matrix() DCM = T*cam_rotation_matrix() print "Transform %s to %s (with rotated coordinate frame):"%(space_to_str(space),chainName) print np_mat_to_str(DCM) stamp = rospy.Time() frame1 = 'Torso_link' frame2 = 'CameraTop_frame' try: listener.waitForTransform(frame1,frame2,stamp,rospy.Duration(1.0)) (trans,rot) = listener.lookupTransform(frame1,frame2,stamp) except tf.Exception as e: print "ERROR using TF" print "%s"%(e) sys.exit(-1) m = transformations.quaternion_matrix(rot) for i in range(0,3): m[i,3] = trans[i] print "[tf] Transform %s to %s:"%(frame1,frame2) print np_mat_to_str(m) e = np.linalg.norm(DCM - m) print "Error is: ",e if e > 1e-5: print "ERROR: Something is wrong with your TF transformations. Transforms do not match!" else: print "Test ok. Done"
def _depth_img_callback(self, msg): # Doing a rospy.wait_for_message is super slow, compared to just subscribing and keeping the newest one. self.curr_img_time = time.time() self.last_image_pose = tfh.current_robot_pose(self.base_frame, self.camera_frame) if not self.last_image_pose: return self.curr_depth_img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg) depth = self.curr_depth_img.copy() camera_pose = self.last_image_pose cam_p = camera_pose.position camera_rot = tft.quaternion_matrix(tfh.quaternion_to_list(camera_pose.orientation))[0:3, 0:3] # Do grasp prediction depth_crop, depth_nan_mask = process_depth_image(depth, self.img_crop_size, 300, return_mask=True, crop_y_offset=self.img_crop_y_offset) points, angle, width_img, _ = predict(depth_crop, self.model, process_depth=False, depth_nan_mask=depth_nan_mask, filters=(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)) invalid_mask = np.zeros((300, 300)).astype("bool") if self.gripper == "robotiq": invalid_mask[:100, :] = True points[invalid_mask] = 0 # Mask Points Here angle -= np.arcsin(camera_rot[0, 1]) # Correct for the rotation of the camera angle = (angle + np.pi/2) % np.pi - np.pi/2 # Wrap [-np.pi/2, np.pi/2] # Convert to 3D positions. imh, imw = depth.shape x = ((np.vstack((np.linspace((imw - self.img_crop_size) // 2, (imw - self.img_crop_size) // 2 + self.img_crop_size, depth_crop.shape[1], np.float), )*depth_crop.shape[0]) - self.cam_K[0, 2])/self.cam_K[0, 0] * depth_crop).flatten() y = ((np.vstack((np.linspace((imh - self.img_crop_size) // 2 - self.img_crop_y_offset, (imh - self.img_crop_size) // 2 + self.img_crop_size - self.img_crop_y_offset, depth_crop.shape[0], np.float), )*depth_crop.shape[1]).T - self.cam_K[1,2])/self.cam_K[1, 1] * depth_crop).flatten() pos =, np.stack((x, y, depth_crop.flatten()))).T + np.array([[cam_p.x, cam_p.y, cam_p.z]]) width_m = width_img / 300.0 * 2.0 * depth_crop * np.tan(self.cam_fov * self.img_crop_size/depth.shape[0] / 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi) maxes = peak_local_max(points, min_distance=10, threshold_abs=0.1, num_peaks=3) if maxes.shape[0] == 0: rospy.logerr("No Local Maxes") return if self.prev_mp is None: best_g_unr = maxes[np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(maxes, axis=1))] self.prev_mp = best_g_unr else: best_g_unr = maxes[np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(maxes - self.prev_mp, axis=1))] self.prev_mp = (best_g_unr * 0.25 + self.prev_mp * 0.75).astype( best_g = np.ravel_multi_index(((best_g_unr[0]), (best_g_unr[1])), points.shape) best_g_unr = np.unravel_index(best_g, points.shape) g = Grasp() g.pose.position.x = pos[best_g, 0] g.pose.position.y = pos[best_g, 1] g.pose.position.z = pos[best_g, 2] g.pose.orientation = tfh.list_to_quaternion(tft.quaternion_from_euler(np.pi, 0, ((angle[best_g_unr]%np.pi) - np.pi/2))) g.width = width_m[best_g_unr] g.quality = points[best_g_unr] grasp_img = cv2.applyColorMap((points * 255).astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLORMAP_JET) rr, cc = circle(self.prev_mp[0], self.prev_mp[1], 5) grasp_img[rr, cc, 0] = 0 grasp_img[rr, cc, 1] = 255 grasp_img[rr, cc, 2] = 0 show = gridshow('Display', [depth_crop, grasp_img], [(0.30, 0.55), None, (-np.pi/2, np.pi/2)], [cv2.COLORMAP_BONE, cv2.COLORMAP_JET, cv2.COLORMAP_BONE], 3, False) self.img_pub.publish(bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(show)) self.cmd_pub.publish(g)
def setRwb (self, _Rwb = PoseArray()): self.Rwb[i] = tf.quaternion_matrix([_Rwb.poses.orientation.x, _Rwb.poses.orientation.y, _Rwb.poses.orientation.z, _Rwb.poses.orientation.w])
def _x_axis_from_quaternion(q): m = tft.quaternion_matrix([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w]) return m[:3, 0] # First column
def quat_to_rod(q): # q = [qx, qy, qz, qw] rot = tfm.quaternion_matrix(q)[0:3][:, 0:3] dst, jacobian = cv2.Rodrigues(rot) return dst.T.tolist()[0]
print 'P: ', [self.x0_int[0], 0.0, self.x0_int[2], 0.0, 0.0, self.x0_int[1], self.x0_int[3], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] #print res_1 return res_1.x if __name__ == '__main__': color1 = (0,255,255) color2 = (0,0,255) color3 = (255,0,255) # x0_ext_old = [1.08592196e-01, -5.96469288e-01, 6.09164354e-01] + # [9.05378371e-01, 3.06042346e-02, -5.82887034e-02, -4.19470873e-01]) # viewer x0_ext_old = [7.16834068e-01, -7.68849430e-02, 3.78838750e-01] + [6.89344221e-01, 6.44350485e-01, -2.20748124e-01, -2.46753445e-01] # observer transform = tfm.concatenate_matrices(tfm.translation_matrix(x0_ext_old[0:3]), tfm.quaternion_matrix(x0_ext_old[3:7])) inversed_transform = tfm.inverse_matrix(transform) translation = tfm.translation_from_matrix(inversed_transform) quaternion = tfm.quaternion_from_matrix(inversed_transform) x0_ext = translation.tolist() + quat_to_rod(quaternion.tolist()) if sys.argv[1] == 'observer': if sys.argv[3] == '640': x0_int = [617.605, 617.605, 305.776, 238.914, 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] # observer elif sys.argv[3] == '1080': x0_int = [1389.61, 1389.61, 927.997, 537.558, 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] # observer else: if sys.argv[3] == '640': x0_int = [618.337, 618.337, 310.987, 236.15, 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] # viewer elif sys.argv[3] == '1080':
def _yaw_from_quaternion(q): m = tft.quaternion_matrix([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w]) return math.atan2(m[1, 0], m[0, 0])
def xyzw_to_mat44(ori): return transformations.quaternion_matrix((ori.x, ori.y, ori.z, ori.w))
print("EXCEPTION:", e) #if something goes wrong with this just go to bed for a second or so and wake up hopefully refreshed. delay.sleep() continue #*************************************** #*** Print current robot pose #*************************************** #Print out the x,y coordinates of the transform print("Robot is believed to be at (x,y): (", translation[0], ",", translation[1], ")") #Convert the quaternion-based orientation of the latest message to Euler representation in order to get z axis rotation r_xorient, r_yorient, r_zorient = transformations.euler_from_matrix( transformations.quaternion_matrix(orientation)) robot_theta = r_zorient # only need the z axis print("Robot is believed to have orientation (theta): (", robot_theta, ")\n") #*************************************** #*** Print current destination #*************************************** # the waypoint variable is filled in in the waypoint_callback function above, which comes from incoming messages # subscribed to in the .Subscriber call above. #Print out the x,y coordinates of the latest message print("Current waypoint (x,y): (", waypoint.translation.x, ",", waypoint.translation.y, ")")
def perspectiveTransformation(self, orig_point=Point()): if self._ros_active and self._using_ros: try: # Create TF message for point point_robot = PointStamped() point_robot.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) point_robot.header.frame_id = '/base_link' point_robot.point.x = orig_point.x point_robot.point.y = orig_point.y point_robot.point.z = orig_point.z # Transform point from robot space to user space using TFs point_world = self._tf_listener.transformPoint( '/map', point_robot) point_user_tf = self._tf_listener.transformPoint( '/' + str(self._user_id), point_world) # Apply 2D perspective transformation point_user = np.array([ point_user_tf.point.x, point_user_tf.point.y, point_user_tf.point.z ]) user_point_perspective = point_user) return user_point_perspective except (ValueError, rospy.ROSSerializationException, tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: rospy.logerr('[PERSPECTIVE TRANSFORMATION]: Caught Error: %s' % e) return None else: # Get robot and user orientation transformations under Euler Angles if self._rotation_type.find('euler') != -1: user_euler = T.euler_from_quaternion( (self._user_pose.orientation.x, self._user_pose.orientation.y, self._user_pose.orientation.z, self._user_pose.orientation.w)) robot_euler = T.euler_from_quaternion( (self._robot_pose.orientation.x, self._robot_pose.orientation.y, self._robot_pose.orientation.z, self._robot_pose.orientation.w)) user_transformation = T.euler_matrix(user_euler[0], user_euler[1], user_euler[2]) robot_transformation = T.euler_matrix(robot_euler[0], robot_euler[1], robot_euler[2]) # Get robot and user orientation transformations under Quaternions elif self._rotation_type.find('quaternion') != -1: user_transformation = T.quaternion_matrix( (self._user_pose.orientation.x, self._user_pose.orientation.y, self._user_pose.orientation.z, self._user_pose.orientation.w)) robot_transformation = T.quaternion_matrix( (self._robot_pose.orientation.x, self._robot_pose.orientation.y, self._robot_pose.orientation.z, self._robot_pose.orientation.w)) else: print('Invalid rotation type, impossible to transform points') return None # Add translation of user and robot to transformation matrix robot_transformation[0, 3] = self._robot_pose.position.x robot_transformation[1, 3] = self._robot_pose.position.y robot_transformation[2, 3] = self._robot_pose.position.z user_transformation[0, 3] = self._user_pose.position.x user_transformation[1, 3] = self._user_pose.position.y user_transformation[2, 3] = self._user_pose.position.z # Transform point from robot space to user space robot_transformation = np.linalg.inv(robot_transformation) point_robot = np.array([[orig_point.x], [orig_point.y], [orig_point.z], [1]]) point_world = # Apply 2D perspective transformation point_user = user_point_perspective = return user_point_perspective
def rot_matrix(self): return quaternion_matrix(self._rot)[0:3, 0:3]
def rosRGBDCallBack(rgb_data, depth_data): draw_contours = True detect_shape = False calculate_size = False try: cv_image = cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb_data, "bgr8") cv_depthimage = cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth_data, "32FC1") cv_depthimage2 = np.array(cv_depthimage, dtype=np.float32) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) contours_blue, mask_image_blue = HSVObjectDetection(cv_image, toPrint=False) for cnt in contours_blue: if not draw_contours: xp, yp, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) cv2.rectangle(cv_image, (xp, yp), (xp + w, yp + h), [0, 255, 255], 2), (int(xp + w / 2), int(yp + h / 2)), 5, (55, 255, 155), 4) if not math.isnan( cv_depthimage2[int(yp + h / 2)][int(xp + w / 2)]): zc = cv_depthimage2[int(yp + h / 2)][int(xp + w / 2)] X1 = getXYZ(xp + w / 2, yp + h / 2, zc, fx, fy, cx, cy) print "x:", X1[0], "y:", X1[1], "z:", X1[2] else: continue else: #################Draw contours##################################### # In task1, you need to call the function "cv2.drawContours" to show # object contour in RVIZ # # cv2.drawContours(cv_image, contours_blue, -1, (130, 25, 60), -1) #x_str_blue, y_str_blue = cnt[0][0][:] #font_blue = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX #cv2.putText(cv_image, "Blue", (x_str_blue, y_str_blue), font_blue, 1, (0, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) M_blue = cv2.moments(cnt) cX_blue = int(M_blue["m10"] / M_blue["m00"]) cY_blue = int(M_blue["m01"] / M_blue["m00"]), (cX_blue, cY_blue), 10, (1, 227, 254), -1) c = max(contours_blue, key=cv2.contourArea) extRight = tuple(c[c[:, :, 0].argmax()][0]), extRight, 5, (0, 255, 0), -1) if (len(cnt) >= 5): ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(cnt) cv2.ellipse(cv_image, ellipse, (0, 255, 0), 2) (x, y), (MA, ma), angle = cv2.fitEllipse(cnt) angle_pre = angle if (angle >= 90) and (angle <= 180): angle = angle - 90 ell_x = int(x + 100 * math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925)) ell_y = int(y + 100 * math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925)) ell_x_short = int(x + 100 * math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925)) ell_y_short = int(y - 100 * math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925)) else: ell_x = int(x + 100 * math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925)) ell_y = int(y - 100 * math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925)) ell_x_short = int(x - 100 * math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925)) ell_y_short = int(y - 100 * math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925)) cv2.line(cv_image, (cX_blue, cY_blue), (ell_x, ell_y), (0, 255, 0), 3) # x-axis cv2.line(cv_image, (cX_blue, cY_blue), (cX_blue, cY_blue - 100), (255, 0, 0), 3) # z-axis cv2.line(cv_image, (cX_blue, cY_blue), (ell_x_short, ell_y_short), (0, 0, 255), 3) # y-axix if (cX_blue < len(depth) and cY_blue < len(depth[0])): cZ_blue = depth[cX_blue][cY_blue] xyz_blue = getXYZ(cX_blue, cY_blue, cZ_blue / 1000, fx, fy, cx, cy) # rosrun tf tf_echo /arm_base_link /head_tilt_link matrix = quaternion_matrix([0.937, 0.001, 0.349, -0.004]) matrix[0][3] = -0.117 matrix[1][3] = 0.000 matrix[2][3] = 0.488 # rosrun tf tf_echo /base_link /head_tilt_link #matrix = quaternion_matrix([0.937, 0.001, 0.349, -0.004]) #matrix[0][3] = -0.02 #matrix[1][3] = 0.000 #matrix[2][3] = 0.585 xyz = np.array( [xyz_blue[2], -xyz_blue[0], -xyz_blue[1], 1]) final_xyz = #matrix_rot_x = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) #final_xyz_rot_x = global haveGrasp global counter leftOrRight = False if (final_xyz[0] <= 0.45): final_xyz_re = np.array( [final_xyz[0] + 0.1, -final_xyz[1] + 0.02, 0.05]) if (final_xyz_re[1] >= 0.03): final_xyz_re2 = np.array( [final_xyz_re[0] - 0.1, final_xyz_re[1], 0.05]) leftOrRight = True print(final_xyz_re2) else: leftOrRight = False print(final_xyz_re) if (angle_pre <= 90): orien = np.array( [0.2705981, 0.6532815, -0.2705981, 0.6532815]) else: orien = np.array( [-0.2705981, 0.6532815, 0.2705981, 0.6532815]) counter = counter + 1 if (counter >= 100 and haveGrasp == False): haveGrasp = True if (leftOrRight == False): grasping(final_xyz_re[0], final_xyz_re[1], final_xyz_re[2], orien[0], orien[1], orien[2], orien[3]) else: grasping(final_xyz_re2[0], final_xyz_re2[1], final_xyz_re2[2], orien[0], orien[1], orien[2], orien[3]) if (counter >= 1000): counter = 0 command = Pose() command.position.x = xyz_blue[0] command.position.y = xyz_blue[1] command.position.z = xyz_blue[2] command.orientation.x = 0 command.orientation.y = 0.707 command.orientation.z = 0 command.orientation.w = 0.707 #print(command) robot_command_pub.publish(command) ################################################################### if detect_shape: peri = cv2.arcLength(cnt, True) obj_num = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.04 * peri, True) if len(obj_num) == 3: obj_shape = "triangle" elif len(obj_num) == 4: obj_shape = "square" else: obj_shape = "circle" if len(cnt) < 1: continue x_str, y_str = cnt[0][0][:] font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX if obj_shape == "triangle": cv2.putText(cv_image, "Triangle", (x_str, y_str), font, 1, (0, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) elif obj_shape == "square": cv2.putText(cv_image, "Square", (x_str, y_str), font, 1, (0, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) elif obj_shape == "circle": cv2.putText(cv_image, "Circle", (x_str, y_str), font, 1, (0, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) if calculate_size: ################################################## # In task3, we offer the methods to calculate area. # If you want to use the method TA offers, you will need to # assign vertex list of single object to "vtx_list" and finish # functions "get_side_length", "get_radius". # You can also write your own code to calculate # area. if so, please ignore and comment the line 193 - 218, # and write your code there. # # # vtx_list = ?? #hint: vtx_list is similar to cnt ################################################## vtx_list_tri = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.2 * peri, True) vtx_list_squ = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.1 * peri, True) vtx_list_cir = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.2 * peri, True) #print(vtx_list) if obj_shape == "triangle": tri_side_len = get_side_length(vtx_list_tri, cv_depthimage2) if tri_side_len is None: continue tri_area = tri_side_len**2 * math.sqrt(3) / 4 string = "%.3e" % tri_area cv2.putText(cv_image, string, (x_str, y_str + 30), font, 1, (0, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) elif obj_shape == "square": squ_side_len = get_side_length(vtx_list_squ, cv_depthimage2) if squ_side_len is None: continue squ_area = squ_side_len**2 string = "%.3e" % squ_area cv2.putText(cv_image, string, (x_str, y_str + 30), font, 1, (0, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) elif obj_shape == "circle": circle_radius = get_radius(vtx_list_cir, cv_depthimage2) if circle_radius is None: continue circle_area = circle_radius**2 * math.pi string = "%.3e" % circle_area cv2.putText(cv_image, string, (x_str, y_str + 30), font, 1, (0, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) img_result_pub.publish( cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image, encoding="passthrough"))
def init_pose(self): T = np.array([[self.origin.position.x], [self.origin.position.y]]) R = quaternion_matrix((self.origin.orientation.x, self.origin.orientation.y, self.origin.orientation.z, self.origin.orientation.w))[0:2, 0:2] =, +, np.ones((1,[1])))
msg = rospy.wait_for_message("baxter_available_picking_pose", AlvarMarkers) # listen once robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(0.3) group.set_max_acceleration_scaling_factor(0.3) group.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) group.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.01) for marker in msg.markers: pos = marker.pose.pose.position ori = marker.pose.pose.orientation base_to_marker_mat = translation_matrix((pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)), quaternion_matrix((ori.x, ori.y, ori.z, ori.w))) rospy.loginfo('Press Enter to move to pre-pick pose of marker %s' % raw_input() if rospy.is_shutdown(): break goal = copy.deepcopy(marker.pose.pose) goal.position.x -= hover_height * base_to_marker_mat[0, 2] goal.position.y -= hover_height * base_to_marker_mat[1, 2] goal.position.z -= hover_height * base_to_marker_mat[2, 2] group.set_start_state_to_current_state() group.set_pose_target(goal) plan = group.plan() group.execute(plan, wait=True)
try: transed_pose = listener.transformPose("BODY", pose_msg) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException), e: print "tf error: %s" % e return trans.header = transed_pose.header trans.child_frame_id = "handle" trans.transform.translation.x = transed_pose.pose.position.x trans.transform.translation.y = transed_pose.pose.position.y trans.transform.translation.z = transed_pose.pose.position.z trans_qua = numpy.array([ transed_pose.pose.orientation.x, transed_pose.pose.orientation.y, transed_pose.pose.orientation.z, transed_pose.pose.orientation.w ]) trans_matrix = transformations.quaternion_matrix(trans_qua) uz = numpy.array( [trans_matrix[0][2], trans_matrix[1][2], trans_matrix[2][2]]) ux = numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) uy = numpy.cross(uz, ux) / numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(uz, ux)) ux = numpy.cross(uy, uz) trans_qua = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix( get_4x4_mat(numpy.array([ux, uy, uz]).T)) trans.transform.rotation.x = trans_qua[0] trans.transform.rotation.y = trans_qua[1] trans.transform.rotation.z = trans_qua[2] trans.transform.rotation.w = trans_qua[3] set_tf(10, trans) # handle trans_handle_mat = get_4x4_mat(numpy.array([ux, uy, uz]).T) trans_handle_mat[0][3] = transed_pose.pose.position.x trans_handle_mat[1][3] = transed_pose.pose.position.y
def take_sample(): rospy.init_node('Take_sample', anonymous=True) # rospy.Subscriber('/tf', TFMessage, PoseCallback) # rospy.Subscriber('/camera/depth/image_rect_raw', Image, ImgCallback) right_arm = Limb('right') left_arm = Limb('left') cnt = 0 flag_cap = 0 print('start') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # # show video stream # Wait for a coherent pair of frames: color frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames() color_frame = frames.get_color_frame() if not color_frame: continue # Convert images to numpy arrays color_image = np.asanyarray(color_frame.get_data()) # # Stack both images horizontally # images = np.hstack(color_image) # Show images cv2.namedWindow('RealSense', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) cv2.imshow('RealSense', color_image) if flag_cap: # # Take samle # 1. Image cnt = cnt + 1 cv2.imwrite('Img_marker' + str(cnt) + '.jpg', color_image) # 2. End effector Pose ee_pose = left_arm.endpoint_pose() ee_position = ee_pose['position'] ee_orientation = ee_pose['orientation'] quat = [ ee_orientation.x, ee_orientation.y, ee_orientation.z, ee_orientation.w ] T_matrix = quaternion_matrix( quat) # order need to be checked, here is xyzw transl = np.array([ee_position.x, ee_position.y, ee_position.z]) T_matrix[0:3, 3] = transl.T print('id', cnt, 'EE_pose', T_matrix) T_matrix = np.array(T_matrix) f_name = str('EE_pose' + str(cnt) + '.txt') np.savetxt(f_name, T_matrix, fmt='%.6f', delimiter=',') # fo = open('EE_pose' + str(cnt) + '.txt', 'w') # fo.close flag_cap = 0 # reset flag key = cv2.waitKey(50) if key & 0xFF == ord('t'): flag_cap = 1 # set flag elif key & 0xFF == ord('q'): break
class Vehicle(object): """Vehicle interface to be used by model-based controllers. It receives the parameters necessary to compute the vehicle's motion according to Fossen's. """ INSTANCE = None def __init__(self, inertial_frame_id='world'): """Class constructor.""" assert inertial_frame_id in ['world', 'world_ned'] # Reading current namespace self._namespace = rospy.get_namespace() self._inertial_frame_id = inertial_frame_id self._body_frame_id = None if self._inertial_frame_id == 'world': self._body_frame_id = 'base_link' else: self._body_frame_id = 'base_link_ned' tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tf_buffer) tf_trans_ned_to_enu = None try: tf_trans_ned_to_enu = tf_buffer.lookup_transform( 'world', 'world_ned', rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1)) except Exception, e: self._logger.error('No transform found between world and the ' 'world_ned ' + self.namespace) self._logger.error(str(e)) self.transform_ned_to_enu = None if tf_trans_ned_to_enu is not None: self.transform_ned_to_enu = quaternion_matrix( (tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.x, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.y, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.z, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.w))[0:3, 0:3] print('Transform world_ned (NED) to world (ENU)=\n' + str(self.transform_ned_to_enu)) self._mass = 0 if rospy.has_param('~mass'): self._mass = rospy.get_param('~mass') if self._mass <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Mass has to be positive') self._inertial = dict(ixx=0, iyy=0, izz=0, ixy=0, ixz=0, iyz=0) if rospy.has_param('~inertial'): print 'has inertial' inertial = rospy.get_param('~inertial') for key in self._inertial: if key not in inertial: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid moments of inertia') self._inertial = inertial self._cog = [0, 0, 0] if rospy.has_param('~cog'): self._cog = rospy.get_param('~cog') if len(self._cog) != 3: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid center of gravity vector') self._cob = [0, 0, 0] if rospy.has_param('~cog'): self._cob = rospy.get_param('~cob') if len(self._cob) != 3: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid center of buoyancy vector') self._body_frame = 'base_link' if rospy.has_param('~base_link'): self._body_frame = rospy.get_param('~base_link') self._volume = 0.0 if rospy.has_param('~volume'): self._volume = rospy.get_param('~volume') if self._volume <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid volume') # Fluid density self._density = 1028.0 if rospy.has_param('~density'): self._density = rospy.get_param('~density') if self._density <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid fluid density') # Bounding box self._height = 0.0 self._length = 0.0 self._width = 0.0 if rospy.has_param('~height'): self._height = rospy.get_param('~height') if self._height <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid height') if rospy.has_param('~length'): self._length = rospy.get_param('~length') if self._length <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid length') if rospy.has_param('~width'): self._width = rospy.get_param('~width') if self._width <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid width') # Calculating the rigid-body mass matrix self._M = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6), dtype=float) self._M[0:3, 0:3] = self._mass * np.eye(3) self._M[0:3, 3:6] = - self._mass * \ cross_product_operator(self._cog) self._M[3:6, 0:3] = self._mass * \ cross_product_operator(self._cog) self._M[3:6, 3:6] = self._calc_inertial_tensor() # Loading the added-mass matrix self._Ma = np.zeros((6, 6)) if rospy.has_param('~Ma'): self._Ma = np.array(rospy.get_param('~Ma')) if self._Ma.shape != (6, 6): raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid added mass matrix') # Sum rigid-body and added-mass matrices self._Mtotal = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6)) self._calc_mass_matrix() # Acceleration of gravity self._gravity = 9.81 # Initialize the Coriolis and centripetal matrix self._C = np.zeros((6, 6)) # Vector of restoring forces self._g = np.zeros(6) # Loading the linear damping coefficients self._linear_damping = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6)) if rospy.has_param('~linear_damping'): self._linear_damping = np.array(rospy.get_param('~linear_damping')) if self._linear_damping.shape == (6,): self._linear_damping = np.diag(self._linear_damping) if self._linear_damping.shape != (6, 6): raise rospy.ROSException('Linear damping must be given as a 6x6 matrix or the diagonal coefficients') # Loading the nonlinear damping coefficients self._quad_damping = np.zeros(shape=(6,)) if rospy.has_param('~quad_damping'): self._quad_damping = np.array(rospy.get_param('~quad_damping')) if self._quad_damping.shape != (6,): raise rospy.ROSException('Quadratic damping must be given defined with 6 coefficients') # Loading the linear damping coefficients proportional to the forward speed self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6)) if rospy.has_param('~linear_damping_forward_speed'): self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.array(rospy.get_param('~linear_damping_forward_speed')) if self._linear_damping_forward_speed.shape == (6,): self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.diag(self._linear_damping_forward_speed) if self._linear_damping_forward_speed.shape != (6, 6): raise rospy.ROSException('Linear damping proportional to the forward speed must be given as a 6x6 ' 'matrix or the diagonal coefficients') # Initialize damping matrix self._D = np.zeros((6, 6)) # Vehicle states self._pose = dict(pos=np.zeros(3), rot=quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0)) # Velocity in the body frame self._vel = np.zeros(6) # Acceleration in the body frame self._acc = np.zeros(6) # Generalized forces self._gen_forces = np.zeros(6)
def estimate(self, t, q, camera_info, target_position=None, occlusion_treshold=0.01, output_viz=True): perspective_timer = cv2.getTickCount() visible_detections = [] rot = quaternion_matrix(q) trans = translation_matrix(t) if target_position is None: target = translation_matrix([0.0, 0.0, 1000.0]) target_position = translation_from_matrix(, rot), target)) view_matrix = p.computeViewMatrix(t, target_position, [0, 0, 1]) width = HumanVisualModel.WIDTH height = HumanVisualModel.HEIGHT projection_matrix = p.computeProjectionMatrixFOV( HumanVisualModel.FOV, HumanVisualModel.ASPECT, HumanVisualModel.CLIPNEAR, HumanVisualModel.CLIPFAR) rendered_width = int(width / 3.0) rendered_height = int(height / 3.0) width_ratio = width / rendered_width height_ratio = height / rendered_height camera_image = p.getCameraImage(rendered_width, rendered_height, viewMatrix=view_matrix, renderer=p.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL, projectionMatrix=projection_matrix) rgb_image = cv2.resize(np.array(camera_image[2]), (width, height)) depth_image = np.array(camera_image[3], np.float32).reshape( (rendered_height, rendered_width)) far = HumanVisualModel.CLIPFAR near = HumanVisualModel.CLIPNEAR real_depth_image = far * near / (far - (far - near) * depth_image) if self.use_saliency is not False: saliency_map, saliency_heatmap = self.saliency_estimator.estimate( camera_image[2], real_depth_image) saliency_heatmap_resized = cv2.resize(saliency_heatmap, (width, height)) mask_image = camera_image[4] unique, counts = np.unique(np.array(mask_image).flatten(), return_counts=True) for sim_id, count in zip(unique, counts): if sim_id > 0: cv_mask = np.array(mask_image.copy()) cv_mask[cv_mask != sim_id] = 0 cv_mask[cv_mask == sim_id] = 255 xmin, ymin, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cv_mask.astype(np.uint8)) visible_area = w * h + 1 screen_area = rendered_width * rendered_height + 1 if screen_area - visible_area == 0: confidence = 1.0 else: confidence = visible_area / float(screen_area - visible_area) #TODO compute occlusion score as a ratio between visible 2d bbox and projected 2d bbox areas depth = real_depth_image[int(ymin + h / 2.0)][int(xmin + w / 2.0)] xmin = int(xmin * width_ratio) ymin = int(ymin * height_ratio) w = int(w * width_ratio) h = int(h * height_ratio) id = self.simulator.reverse_entity_id_map[sim_id] if confidence > occlusion_treshold: det = Detection(int(xmin), int(ymin), int(xmin + w), int(ymin + h), id, confidence, depth=depth) visible_detections.append(det) # for subject_detection in visible_detections: # for object_detection in visible_detections: # if subject_detection != object_detection: # pass #TODO create inference batch for egocentric relation detection perspective_fps = cv2.getTickFrequency() / (cv2.getTickCount() - perspective_timer) if output_viz is True: viz_frame = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) if self.use_saliency is not False: viz_frame = cv2.addWeighted(saliency_heatmap_resized, 0.4, viz_frame, 0.7, 0) cv2.rectangle(viz_frame, (0, 0), (250, 40), (200, 200, 200), -1) perspective_fps_str = "Perspective taking fps: {:0.1f}hz".format( perspective_fps) cv2.putText(viz_frame, "Nb detections: {}".format(len(visible_detections)), (5, 15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 1) cv2.putText(viz_frame, perspective_fps_str, (5, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 1) for detection in visible_detections: detection.draw(viz_frame, (0, 200, 0)) return rgb_image, real_depth_image, visible_detections, viz_frame else: return rgb_image, real_depth_image, visible_detections
def main(): alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols( 'alpha0:7') a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7') # distance along x-1 d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols( 'd1:8') # offset (along z axis or y-axis or both?) q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8') # rotation along new z axis # # # Create Modified DH parameters # s = { alpha0: 0, a0: 0, d1: 0.75, alpha1: -pi / 2, a1: 0.35, d2: 0, q2: q2 - pi / 2, alpha2: 0, a2: 1.25, d3: 0, alpha3: -pi / 2, a3: -0.054, d4: 1.50, alpha4: pi / 2, a4: 0, d5: 0, alpha5: -pi / 2, a5: 0, d6: 0, alpha6: 0, a6: 0, d7: .303, q7: 0, } # # Define Modified DH Transformation matrix # # if 0: T0_1 = Matrix([[cos(q1), -sin(q1), 0, a0], [ sin(q1) * cos(alpha0), cos(q1) * cos(alpha0), -sin(alpha0), -sin(alpha0) * d1 ], [ sin(q1) * sin(alpha0), cos(q1) * sin(alpha0), cos(alpha0), cos(alpha0) * d1 ], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) T0_1 = get_mat(alpha0, a0, d1, q1) T0_1 = T0_1.subs(s) T1_2 = get_mat(alpha1, a1, d2, q2) T1_2 = T1_2.subs(s) T2_3 = get_mat(alpha2, a2, d3, q3) T2_3 = T2_3.subs(s) T3_4 = get_mat(alpha3, a3, d4, q4) T3_4 = T3_4.subs(s) T4_5 = get_mat(alpha4, a4, d5, q5) T4_5 = T4_5.subs(s) T5_6 = get_mat(alpha5, a5, d6, q6) T5_6 = T5_6.subs(s) T6_G = get_mat(alpha6, a6, d7, q7) T6_G = T6_G.subs(s) # composition of homogenous transforms do_simple = False fn_apply = simplify if do_simple == True else lambda (x): x T0_2 = fn_apply(T0_1 * T1_2) T0_3 = fn_apply(T0_2 * T2_3) T0_4 = fn_apply(T0_3 * T3_4) T0_5 = fn_apply(T0_4 * T4_5) T0_6 = fn_apply(T0_5 * T5_6) T0_G = fn_apply(T0_6 * T6_G) ang1 = pi ang2 = -pi / 2 R_G_corrected_3x3 = simplify(rot_z(ang1) * rot_y(ang2)) R_G_corrected = R_G_corrected_3x3.row_join(Matrix([[0], [0], [0]])) R_G_corrected = R_G_corrected.col_join(Matrix([[0, 0, 0, 1]])) # Numerically evaluate transforms print("T0_1 = ", T0_1.evalf(subs={ q1: 0, q2: 0, q3: 0, q4: 0, q5: 0, q6: 0 })) print("T0_2 = ", T0_2.evalf(subs={ q1: 0, q2: 0, q3: 0, q4: 0, q5: 0, q6: 0 })) print("T0_3 = ", T0_3.evalf(subs={ q1: 0, q2: 0, q3: 0, q4: 0, q5: 0, q6: 0 })) print("T0_4 = ", T0_4.evalf(subs={ q1: 0, q2: 0, q3: 0, q4: 0, q5: 0, q6: 0 })) print("T0_5 = ", T0_5.evalf(subs={ q1: 0, q2: 0, q3: 0, q4: 0, q5: 0, q6: 0 })) print("T0_6 = ", T0_6.evalf(subs={ q1: 0, q2: 0, q3: 0, q4: 0, q5: 0, q6: 0 })) print("T0_G = ", T0_G.evalf(subs={ q1: 0, q2: 0, q3: 0, q4: 0, q5: 0, q6: 0 })) T_total = T0_G * R_G_corrected T_total_val = T_total.evalf(subs={ q1: 0, q2: 0, q3: 0, q4: 0, q5: 0, q6: 0 }) print("T0_total = ", T_total_val) gt_gripper_position = [2.51286, 0, 1.94653] gt_gripper_orientation_quaternion = [0, -0.00014835, 0, 1] forward_transforms = { 'T0_1': T0_1, 'T1_2': T1_2, 'T2_3': T2_3, 'q_symbols': (q1, q2, q3) } # ground truth position for the gripper using rviz gt_rot_mat = transformations.quaternion_matrix( gt_gripper_orientation_quaternion) print("ground truth poisiton: {} rot_mat:{} = ".format( gt_gripper_position, gt_rot_mat)) thetas = inverse_kinematics(gt_gripper_position, gt_gripper_orientation_quaternion, forward_transforms) #print ("wrist centers: wx:{} wy:{} wz:{}".format(wx,wy,wz))268 return T_total, T0_G
def test_rotation3_quaternion(self, q): np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( w.compile_and_execute(w.rotation_matrix_from_quaternion, q), quaternion_matrix(q))
if __name__ == '__main__': camera = KinovaCamera() hard_code = [0.51597311, 0.53908436, 0.45265119, 0.48812571] random_qs = [0.594, 0.219, 0.347, 0.692] qs2 = [-0.228, 0.605, -0.679, 0.348] no_transfrom = [-0.64293832 , 0.30220321, -0.34661193, 0.61250609] y_trans = [-0.32846894, 0.6292586, 0.64589147, -0.28100886] temp = [-0.34455515, 0.61269349, 0.6253454, -0.33886807] # subScribe() rospy.init_node('kinova_cameras', anonymous = True) kinova = Kinova() rotm =, inverse_matrix(quaternion_matrix(random_qs))) print rotm new_qs =, quaternion_matrix(kinova.getOri())) # kinova.cartesian_pose_client(kinova.getPos(), camera.getOri()) print quaternion_matrix(hard_code) while 1: depth = camera.getDepthImg() img = camera.getImg() cv2.imshow('Body Recognition', depth[164:300, 323:443]) cv2.imshow('Body Recognition2', img[323:443, 164:300, :]) print depth[164:330, 323:443] cv2.waitKey(0) print break sys.exit(1)
def tf_from_odom(odom): P = odom.pose.position O = odom.pose.orientation H = quaternion_matrix((O.x, O.y, O.z, O.w)) H[:3, 3] = P.x, P.y, P.z return H
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): """Construct tb_angles from angles or from another rotation format. The class can be created with angles (in degrees by default) or with a quaternion, matrix, or ROS message. Examples of creating with angles: tb_angles(90,45,-90) tb_angles(pi/2,pi/4,-pi/2,rad=True) tb_angles({'y': pi/2, 'p': pi/4},rad=True) tb_angles(yaw=90,pitch=45) #Note roll will be 0 tb_angles(y=90,p=45) #Note roll will be 0 tb_angles can be created with the following rotation formats: Quaternion as numpy array, list or tuple. Rotation matrix as 3x3 or 4x4 (translation ignored) numpy array. Axis-angle, with axis as numpy array, list or tuple, and angle in radians. The order does not matter. geometry_msgs/Quaternion or any geometry_msgs message with a Quaternion field. """ self._matrix = None self._quaternion = None deg = _get_deg(kwargs) if deg: conv = 1. else: conv = 180. / pi def set_direct(yaw,pitch,roll): self._yaw = yaw * conv self._pitch = pitch * conv self._roll = roll * conv if not args: _copy_ypr(kwargs) set_direct(kwargs.get('yaw',0.),kwargs.get('pitch',0.),kwargs.get('roll',0.)) return elif len(args) == 3: set_direct(args[0],args[1],args[2]) return elif len(args) == 0 and isinstance(args[0],tb_angles): self._yaw = args[0]._yaw self._pitch = args[0]._pitch self._roll = args[0]._roll return R = None if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0],tb_angles): R = args[0].matrix if len(args) == 2 or (len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0],collections.Sequence) and len(args[0]) == 2): if len(args) == 2: val1 = args[0] val2 = args[1] else: val1 = args[0][0] val2 = args[0][1] if isinstance(val1,numbers.Number) and isinstance(val2,collections.Sequence) and len(val2) == 3: axis,angle = (np.array(val2),val1) elif isinstance(val2,numbers.Number) and isinstance(val1,collections.Sequence) and len(val1) == 3: axis,angle = (np.array(val1),val2) elif isinstance(val1,numbers.Number) and isinstance(val2,np.ndarray) and val2.size == 3: axis,angle = (val2.reshape((3,)),val1) elif isinstance(val2,numbers.Number) and isinstance(val1,np.ndarray) and val1.size == 3: axis,angle = (val1.reshape((3,)),val2) else: raise ValueError("Unknown data for tb_angles: (%s, %s)" % args) R = tft.quaternion_matrix(tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle, axis))[0:3,0:3] elif len(args) > 1: raise ValueError("Unknown data for tb_angles: %s" % str(args)) else: data = args[0] if isinstance(data,dict): _copy_ypr(data) set_direct(data.get('yaw',0.),data.get('pitch',0.),data.get('roll',0.)) return if _ROS and _ismsginstance(data,geometry_msgs.msg.QuaternionStamped): data = data.quaternion elif _ROS and _ismsginstance(data,geometry_msgs.msg.Pose): data = data.orientation elif _ROS and _ismsginstance(data,geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped): data = data.pose.orientation elif _ROS and _ismsginstance(data,geometry_msgs.msg.Transform): data = data.rotation elif _ROS and _ismsginstance(data,geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped): data = data.transform.rotation if _ROS and _ismsginstance(data,geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion): R = tft.quaternion_matrix([data.x,data.y,data.z,data.w])[0:3,0:3] elif isinstance(data,np.ndarray) and data.size == 4: R = tft.quaternion_matrix(data)[0:3,0:3] elif isinstance(data,np.ndarray) and (data.shape == (3,3) or data.shape == (4,4)): R = np.mat(np.empty((3,3))) R[:,:] = data[0:3,0:3] elif isinstance(data,collections.Sequence): if (len(data) == 3 and all([isinstance(d, collections.Sequence) and len(d) == 3 for d in data])) \ or (len(data) == 4 and all([isinstance(d, collections.Sequence) and len(d) == 4 for d in data])): R = np.matrix(data)[0:3,0:3] elif len(data) == 4 and all([isinstance(d, numbers.Number) for d in data]): R = tft.quaternion_matrix(data)[0:3,0:3] if R is None: raise ValueError("Unknown data for tb_angles: %s" % data) yaw = 0; pitch = 0; roll = 0; skip = False if fabs(R[0,1]-R[1,0]) < _FLOAT_CLOSE_ENOUGH and fabs(R[0,2]-R[2,0]) < _FLOAT_CLOSE_ENOUGH and fabs(R[1,2]-R[2,1]) < _FLOAT_CLOSE_ENOUGH: #matrix is symmetric if fabs(R[0,1]+R[1,0]) < _FLOAT_CLOSE_ENOUGH and fabs(R[0,2]+R[2,0]) < _FLOAT_CLOSE_ENOUGH and fabs(R[1,2]+R[2,1]) < _FLOAT_CLOSE_ENOUGH: #diagonal if R[0,0] > -_FLOAT_CLOSE_ENOUGH: if R[1,1] > -_FLOAT_CLOSE_ENOUGH: skip = True else: roll = pi; elif R[1,1] > -_FLOAT_CLOSE_ENOUGH: pitch = pi; else: yaw = pi; skip=True if not skip: vx = R[0:3,0:3] * np.matrix([1,0,0]).transpose(); vy = R[0:3,0:3] * np.matrix([0,1,0]).transpose(); yaw = atan2(vx[1,0],vx[0,0]); pitch = atan2(-vx[2,0], sqrt(vx[0,0]*vx[0,0] + vx[1,0]*vx[1,0])); Ryaw = np.matrix( [[cos(yaw), -sin(yaw), 0], [sin(yaw), cos(yaw), 0], [0, 0, 1]]); Rpitch = np.matrix( [[cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch)]]); vyp = Ryaw * Rpitch * np.matrix([0,1,0]).transpose(); vzp = Ryaw * Rpitch * np.matrix([0,0,1]).transpose(); if vzp.transpose() * vy >= 0: coeff = 1 else: coeff = -1 val = vyp.transpose() * vy if val > 1: val = 1 elif val < -1: val = -1 roll = coeff * acos(val); self._yaw = yaw * 180. / pi; self._pitch = pitch * 180. / pi; self._roll = roll * 180. / pi;
def quaternion2matrix(q): R = quaternion_matrix(q) return R[:3, :3]
def callback(self, target_oe, chaser_oe): # calculate baseline osc_O_t = rospace_lib.KepOrbElem() osc_O_c = rospace_lib.KepOrbElem() osc_O_t.from_message(target_oe.position) osc_O_c.from_message(chaser_oe.position) # convert to TEME S_t = rospace_lib.CartesianTEME() S_c = rospace_lib.CartesianTEME() S_t.from_keporb(osc_O_t) S_c.from_keporb(osc_O_c) # vector from chaser to target in chaser body frame in [m] # get current rotation of body R_J2K_CB = transformations.quaternion_matrix([ chaser_oe.orientation.x, chaser_oe.orientation.y, chaser_oe.orientation.z, chaser_oe.orientation.w ]) r_J2K = (S_t.R - S_c.R) * 1000 r_CB =[0:3, 0:3].T, r_J2K) # publish observation as marker for visualization msg = Marker() msg.header.frame_id = "chaser_1" msg.type = Marker.ARROW msg.action = Marker.ADD msg.points.append(Point(0, 0, 0)) msg.points.append(Point(r_CB[0], r_CB[1], r_CB[2])) msg.scale.x = 100 msg.scale.y = 200 msg.color.a = 1.0 msg.color.r = 0.9 msg.color.g = 0.5 msg.color.b = 0.1 self.pub_m.publish(msg) # check if visible and augment sensor value visible, value = sensor_obj.get_measurement(r_CB) msg = AzimutElevationRangeStamped() msg.header.stamp = target_oe.header.stamp # throttle publishing to maximum rate if not (target_oe.header.stamp - self.last_publish_time).to_sec() > 1.0 / self.rate: return # if target is visible, publish message if visible: # these measurements already have noise added msg.value.azimut = value[0] msg.value.elevation = value[1] msg.valid = True # if range measurement is activated if len( == 3: msg.value.range = np.linalg.norm(r_CB) + np.asscalar( np.random.normal([2], sensor_obj.sigma[2], 1)) else: msg.valid = False self.last_publish_time = target_oe.header.stamp
odom_tf = tf_buffer.lookup_transform("cf1/odom", "map",, rospy.Duration(0.5)) except: pass # Keep old transform odom_trans = (odom_tf.transform.translation.x, odom_tf.transform.translation.y, odom_tf.transform.translation.z) odom_quat = (odom_tf.transform.rotation.x, odom_tf.transform.rotation.y, odom_tf.transform.rotation.z, odom_tf.transform.rotation.w) tmat_odom = translation_matrix(odom_trans) qmat_odom = quaternion_matrix(odom_quat) odom_matrix =, qmat_odom) height = goal.z # Store/maintain given height # Goal in map coords tmat_goal = translation_matrix((goal.x, goal.y, goal.z)) qmat_goal = quaternion_matrix( quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, math.radians(goal.yaw))) goal_matrix =, qmat_goal) # Goal in odom coords final_mat =, goal_matrix) trans = translation_from_matrix(final_mat) goal.x = trans[0] goal.y = trans[1] goal.z = height
def lecture_des_normales(self, _bag_mires): self.rotation_mires = [ ] # Rotation observée entre la mire horizontale et la verticale self.translation_mires = [ ] # Translation observée entre la mire horizontale et la verticale self.mires = [ ] # Transformation observée entre la mire horizontale et la verticale #Lecture de la normale depuis le fichier texte # with open("/home/denis/catkin_ws/src/autocalibration/src/data.txt", "r") as f: # for line in f.readlines(): # if 'Nw' in line: # line= line.strip('\n') # y,z = line.split(':') # z = z.split(',') # z1 = [float(i) for i in z] # Nw_lect = np.array(z1) #Mise en mémoire des détection des transformations cible caméra for (topic, msg, t) in _bag_mires.read_messages(topics='tag_detections'): self.mires.append([ msg.detections[0].pose.pose.pose, msg.detections[1].pose.pose.pose ]) a = 0 #Transformation des données de rotation de quaternions en matrices et calcul des matrices de rotation sol-capteur et capteur-mur R_17_c = np.array( tf.quaternion_matrix([ self.mires[a][0].orientation.x, self.mires[a][0].orientation.y, self.mires[a][0].orientation.z, self.mires[a][0].orientation.w ])) R_c_21 = np.transpose( tf.quaternion_matrix([ self.mires[a][1].orientation.x, self.mires[a][1].orientation.y, self.mires[a][1].orientation.z, self.mires[a][1].orientation.w ])) #Réduction des matrices de rotation à 3 dimensions R_17_c = R_17_c[:3, :3] R_c_21 = R_c_21[:3, :3] #Calcul des translations sol-capteur et capteur-mur t_17_c = np.array([ self.mires[0][0].position.x, self.mires[0][0].position.y, self.mires[0][0].position.z ]) t_21_c = np.array([ self.mires[0][1].position.x, self.mires[0][1].position.y, self.mires[0][1].position.z ]) t_c_21 =, t_21_c) #Calcul de rotation totale entre le sol et le mur self.rotation_mires =, R_17_c) #Addition des deux translations self.translation_mires = np.add(t_17_c, -t_21_c) # print t_17_c # print t_c_21 print self.translation_mires return self.translation_mires, self.rotation_mires